Clare Baptist Church Mission Statement - “To follow and worship Jesus and make Him known” 22nd February 2015 Secretary: Mr Mike Cumber Tel: (01787) 277008 Treasurer: Mr Colin Barrable Tel: (01787) 278373 Website – A WARM WELCOME TO YOU We are very pleased to welcome everyone here today. If this is your first visit, please make yourself known to the Stewards on duty, we do have a welcome card you can fill in if you wish. If you have been before, then welcome back. Please come and join us in the back hall for a cup of tea or coffee after the morning service. NOTES What’s on this week SUNDAY 10:30am 6:30pm Morning Service conducted by Alexander Love Evening Service conducted by John Sargeant 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm Housegroup at "Brookfield", Bridewell Street, Clare Housegroup at 15 Alston Crescent, Stanstead Housegroup at 38 Mill Hill, Haverhill Church Without Walls at “Penrhyn”, Bridewell Street, Clare MONDAY TUESDAY 10:00am - 11:30am 5:30pm - 8:30pm "Allsorts" Toddler Group in the Hall - for the under 4's. Bumps and babies welcome Rainbows & Brownies meet in the Hall WEDNESDAY 8:00pm Housegroup at 28 March Place, Clare 2:15pm 7:30pm Ladies Fellowship in the Hall Ladies Crafty Evening in the Hall THURSDAY FRIDAY 2:00pm – 3:00pm 6:00pm - 7:00pm 7:15pm - 8:15pm 8:30pm - 9:30pm Rehearsal for Women’s World Day of Prayer in the Church Junior Club (Years 1 - 3) Senior Club (Years 4 - 6) Youth Club (Years 7+) SATURDAY 9:00am - 12:30pm C.L.A.S.P. table sale in Clare Town Hall SUNDAY 10:30am 6:30pm Morning Service including communion conducted by Wilf Stanbury Prayer & Praise led by Janet Baillie PLEASE PRAY FOR Members of our Church ministering in other churches: Today Vivien Sargeant is at Cavendish U.R.C. Next Week John Sargeant is at Cavendish U.R.C. FOR PRAYER The Suffolk Prayer Letter - Whepstead B.C. They were very encouraged in September when one of the youngsters in their congregation requested Baptism, Billy has had a tough few years with anxiety and depression issues, and the major change in him is remarkable as he forges forward in his Christian witness. He has entered membership with them and again that is encouraging as they bade farewell to two very influential members recently when they moved away. They ask for prayers that they may see a committed approach of support throughout the church as they seek to follow our Lord’s path and spread the Gospel. Please pray for Peggy, Sue Laws (hip replacement), for the members of our fellowship, for those at home and not able to join with us, and for any who are sick or troubled in any way at all Please continue to pray for the Deacons. Praying For Clare In Clare - Cavendish Road, Highfield, Stour Valley Community School. In Cavendish - Stour Street, Poole Street, High Street, Lower Street and Parish Church, C of E Primary School. Linton and Ridgewell. Farms, Businesses and Community activities in these areas. EVENTS TO COME Tue 3rd Mar Deacon's Prayer Meeting at 7:30pm Wed 4th Mar “Praying for Clare/Prayer Walk” at the Baptist Church at 7:00pm Thu 5th Mar Flower Club in the Hall at 7:30pm Fri 6th Mar Women’s world day of prayer in the Church from 1:00pm – 4:00pm Sat 7th Mar Prayer Meeting at the Church from 8:30am - 9:30am Sat 7th Mar Men’s breakfast with speaker John Dyson from 8:30am – 10:00am EASTER As you will all know from the magazine we are hoping to be giving out Easter Eggs again this year on Saturday 28th March and giving out flyers inviting people to the Easter services. If you are able to donate some Cadbury’s Crème Eggs for this it would be wonderful. Please could you let Jenny have them. Thank you for your help, this is a great opportunity to witness to the people of Clare and the surrounding villages and we are looking forward to a great morning. We will need people to give out the eggs and chat to people and also people to pray for us that morning. Again if you are able to help with that please see Jenny or one of the outreach team. Thank you. MEN’S BREAKFAST The Men’s breakfast is on the 7th March from 8:30am - 10:00am in the Hall (note change in time), John Dyson will be the speaker. If you wish to attend can you let either Helen Stanbury or Les Day know by NEXT Sunday please SUNDAY CLUB ATTENTION YOGHURT EATERS – Junior Friday Club needs your help – and your yoghurt pots. On 13th March, Junior Friday Club are making Mothering Sunday gifts. We would like yoghurt, or other dessert pots, which are see-through with no writing on. Please give them to Sue Cumber or any other Junior Friday Club helper. Thank you. HAVERHILL FOOD BANK Food shortages - Sugar, sponge puddings Starter Pack - Single and Double duvets covers, good quality cutlery sets PRAYER CHAIN If you have a particular urgent prayer need then you can call Wilf Stanbury (01787 279262) who will pass your need along the prayer chain. This means that about a dozen people will pray into that need for you. This is a confidential service open to anyone, whether connected with the church or not. PASTORAL CARE Please contact Elsa Day on 01787 277210 AIDS FOR YOU TO USE Large Print copies of Mission Praise and Bibles are available at the back of the church, please ask a Steward if you would like one. The Church is equipped with a loop system for the hard of hearing who use hearing aids. A Digital recording is made of each service. If you would like to borrow a CD, please ask at the P.A. desk. NOTICES Items for the next Notice Sheet should be advised to Stephen Freestone by lunchtime next Thursday at the latest. Email: [email protected] SUNDAY CLUB Sunday Club are looking to split back out into two groups - to be able to do this they need extra help. Could you help with Sunday Club (even once a month)? If so please see Janet Strellis GUIDES Due to lack of numbers the Guides will not be meeting on a Tuesday until at least September. Rainbows and Brownies will continue to meet as normal 40 DAYS OF HOME MISSION Thank you for all that you are able to give to Home Mission to help make Jesus known around our nation. Recipients of this funding have been using it in some creative and inspiring ways, and we’d love to tell you about some of them on 40 days in the lead-up to Easter. Every Baptist church member is being encouraged to set aside some time to discover these stories, and lift up the situations to God in prayer. Each of the stories will appear on - starting on Tuesday 17 February. Look out for the regular links to each story via Twitter and Facebook, or look on the rear notice board for a ‘Fact File’ for each story. If you would like to make a donation to Home Mission please speak to John Sargeant or Colin Barrable.
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