February 22, 2015 AM - Calvin Christian Reformed Church

Growing in Discipleship …
…Transformed for Ministry
February 22, 2015
Sunday Worship 10:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Sunday Church School Classes 11:30 AM-12:15 PM
Welcome to Calvin Church
In Worship:
 Our worship proceeds unannounced and follows the printed liturgy.
 The black dominating our Lenten banner symbolizes the death of our Lord.
The red expresses Christ’s suffering; the branch is a symbol of His crown of
thorns. These symbols are not meant to be concerned only with death and
suffering; the thorny branch is white and flowering to indicate that from
suffering triumph will come, and the red orb symbolizes Christ’s victory.
Just as the sun illumines, quickens and comforts, so Christ as the “Son of
Righteousness” gives new life to His own.
 Large print resources are available at the information desk.
 Our facility is equipped with the Loop hearing system.
For Children:
 Ages 0-2: Infant and toddler nurseries are available.
 Preschool: The Little Children (TLC) gathers downstairs prior to the morning
 K-2nd: After the Children’s Message the Children’s Worship ministry meets
downstairs until the conclusion of worship. Parents meet their children there
following the service.
 Children’s Bulletins are in the holder in the narthex.
Fellowship and Information:
 Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments following the
morning service.
 An introductory church DVD is available at the Information Desk.
 All of our ministries are described in the colorful folders at the Information
Desk near the nurseries.
Church office hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday—Thursday
Bulletin deadline: Wednesday Noon
616-451-8467 [email protected] www.CalvinCRC.org
"My grace is sufficient for you." II Cor. 12:9
First Sunday of Lent
Ten o’clock
Prelude: “By Water Brooks of Babylon”
February 22, 2015
J. Pachelbel, F. Zachau, J. Walther
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship: “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty”
Joachim Neander
Open now thy gate of beauty; Zion, let me enter there,
Where my soul in joyful duty waits on him who answers prayer;
O how blessed is this place, filled with solace, light, and grace.
Speak, O God, and I will hear thee; let thy will be done indeed;
May I undisturbed draw near thee, while thou dost thy people feed
Here of life and fountain flows; here is balm for all our woes.
* Opening Hymn: "We Praise You, O God"
* God’s Greeting
Litany of Confession
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love you with all our heart and not give our
allegiance to any other gods.
People: Almighty God, forgive us for wavering in our loyalty to you.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love you with all our soul and not make any
false images for our worship.
People: Majestic God, forgive us for limiting your greatness with our own
selfish notions.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love you with all our mind and not misuse
your name in any form.
People: Merciful God, forgive us for dishonoring your name in word and
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love you with all our strength and to keep holy
the day of rest that you have given us.
People: Patient God, forgive us for treating your gift of a special day with
indifference or for our own purposes.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love one another by honoring our fathers and
People: Covenant God, forgive us for neglecting or ruining family
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love even our enemies and to never resort to
People: Loving God, forgive us for harboring hatred and wicked thought in
our hearts.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love one another in such a way that our
relationships are never marred by adultery.
People: Creative God, forgive us for our lusting the forbidden and reaching
out for that which is unholy.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to love our neighbor by respecting their property
and never resort to stealing in any form.
People: Sacred God, forgive us for trampling on the rights of others.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to show our love for one another by never
bearing false witness against anyone.
People: Truthful God, forgive us for trampling on the rights of others.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to show our love for one another by never
bearing false witness against anyone.
People: Truthful God, forgive us for gossiping and failing to speak the
truth in all situations.
Leader: Holy God, you call us to demonstrate our love for one another by
refraining from coveting that which belongs to others.
People: Gracious God, forgive us for our jealousy and any forms of greed
that we harbor in our hearts.
Prayer of Confession
Hymn of Confession: "For the Glory of God's Grace"
Assurance of Pardon
* Song of Response: "By Grace We Have Been Saved"
(Kindergarten—4th grade children may come forward during the singing of this song.)
Message for Children
Anthem: “All the Way My Savior Leads Me”
John Carter
All the way my Savior leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who through life has been my Guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whatever befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
All the way my Savior leads me, cheers each winding path I tread,
Gives me grace for every trial, feeds me with the living bread.
Though my weary steps may falter, and my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the rock before me, Lo! A spring of joy I see.
All the way my Savior leads me; Oh, the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised in my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal, wings its flight to realms of day,
This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
* Hymn of Preparation: "Amazing Grace"
Presentation of Offerings and Passing of Friendship Pads
Offertory Prayer: Jesse Keegstra
Offering for Inner City Christian Federation
Offertory: “Through Adam’s Fall”
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 12:1-13
Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God!
page 943
Sermon: God's Sufficient Grace
Prayer of Application
* Hymn of Response: "Marvelous Grace"
* Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
front cover of Hymnal
* Benediction
* Doxology: "My Friends, May you Grow in Grace"
My friends, may you grow in grace
And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
My friends, may you grow in grace
And in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
To God be the glory, now and forever, now and forever, amen.
* Postlude: “Toccata”
Liturgist: Rev. Bob Koornneef
Preaching Pastor: Rev. Lester Van Essen
Children’s Message: Julie DeKoster
Organist and Choir Director: Kenneth Bos
Ministry of Music: Sanctuary Choir
Accompanist: Lisa Meyer
Scripture Reader: Donna Houskamp
Eugene Butler
Calvin CRC Announcements for February 22, 2015
WORSHIP Today, 10 AM and 5 PM
Morning worship: Our Sanctuary Choir leads us in ministry of music. We
welcome Rev. Lester Van Essen, who preaches from 2 Corinthians 2:1-13,
"God's Sufficient Grace." Rev. Van Essen served as a missionary and pastor in
Nigeria and Illinois. Our offering is for Inner City Christian Federation.
Evening worship: Rev. Van Essen preaches from Joshua 6:12-21 and 1 John
5:1-5, "Faith is the Victory." Our offering is for Family Promise.
WORSHIP Next Sunday, March 1
Morning worship: We will celebrate the Lord's Supper and hear the Professions
of Faith of Hannah Overbeek, Kate Poortenga, and Sam Poortenga. Rev.
Rebecca Jordan Heys will preach from Mark 8:31-38. Our offering will be for
Holland Home.
Evening worship: We will have a congregational hymn sing, and we will
welcome Andrea Baas who will be preaching on Genesis 3:1-10. She is a recent
graduate of Princeton theological seminary, preparing for ministry in the
Christian Reformed Church. Our offering will be for A.C.C.E.S.S.
In addition to its normal committee, staff and treasurer reports, council was
pleased to hear encouraging reports about attendance at the new Wednesday
Night Community dinners and the Community Living Project, a group of young
adults meeting in our church. Council also had a wide ranging conversation
about ways to provide a more contemporary worship experience at Calvin.
Numerous alternatives were discussed including a separate simultaneous
contemporary service in the fellowship hall (like Cascade CRC), as well as a
sanctuary worship schedule that alternated between contemporary and traditional
worship styles (like Sherman Street). More modest changes such as the inclusion
of more contemporary music were also part of the conversation. No decisions
were made. Council members were tasked to seek feedback on these ideas from
multiple people representing both youthful and experienced members of the
congregation. We look forward to grappling with these challenging matters
again soon. Your prayers for the leading of the Holy Spirit in these
conversations are appreciated.
Staff notes: Pastor Rebecca is on vacation from February 20 - 26.
With praise and thanksgiving, the following birthdays will be celebrated
during the month of March:
03/01 Loren Rupke (85) and Eleanor Zwier (86)
03/04 Marian Beltman (95)
03/07 Don Pruis
03/09 Dave Tuuk (89)
03/14 Bob Daining (88)
Mark & Bernie Ritzema (District #7) have taken up residence in American
House of Kentwood. They are in room 11 of the unit named Cobblestone. The
address is 5980 Eastern SE, Kentwood, MI 49508. Their phone number remains
the same. Milly Hoekstra (District #5) spent a few days in the hospital due to
falling. She is now recuperating at Heather Hills Car Center. Jack VanZytveld’s
(District #12) surgical procedure went well on Wednesday, February 18. John
Joling (District #12) is recovering from knee surgery. He anticipated being home
by this weekend. It was confirmed that Vonnie Poortenga (District #10) has
cancer. The good news is that it is treatable. She remains in the hospital to build
up strength.
2/22 Graham deJonge (7!)
2/27 Henry TerBeek (10!)
2/28 Natalie Poortenga (9!)
2 & 3 year-olds “Ten Men Who Were Very Sick”
Merri and Carolyn
4 & 5 year-olds “Love One Another”
Aubrey and Olivia
“Jesus and the Children”
1st & 2nd grade “The Most Important Commandment”
Worship Center children are encouraged to continue their giving for missions and
to bring their offerings for Family Assistance each Sunday. Next Sunday:
2 & 3 year-olds “Simon’s Fishing Days are Over”
Merri and Carolyn
4 & 5 year-olds “Ten Men Who Were Very Sick”
Aubrey and Olivia
“Jesus and Bartimaeus”
1st & 2nd grade “A Woman Anoints Jesus for Burial”
CYG MEETING: Please join us tonight, February 22, for CYG from 6:30 to 9
PM. Thanks to the Ezingas, Swets, and Koemans for providing supper. Katie
VerHulst and Claire Brouwer have volunteered to share devotions, and Sam
Poortenga will provide a birthday snack.
CYG VOLUNTEERS: The Soup Supper fundraiser is this Wednesday night,
February 25. Youth volunteers are needed at 3:30 PM for set up, so please
contact Char if you can start at that time. We will finish with clean up about 8
PM. Thanks for volunteering. It will be a great night to work together!
PANCAKE BRUNCH: Thanks to all for participating in last week’s pancake
brunch fundraiser. The proceeds donated for the youth group SERVE trip to
Crown Point, IN totaled $506, after expenses.
Tuesday: Matthew 16-18, Wednesday: Matthew 19-21, Thursday: Matthew 2224, Friday: Matthew 25-26, Saturday: Matthew 27-28.
Today—ADULT EDUCATION: How do the accounts of creation in the Old
Testament compare to creation stories from surrounding cultures in the ancient
Near East? Ancient creation stories are meant to address ultimate questions
about the divine, humanity, and the presence of evil in the world. Rev. Sarah
Schreiber, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary,
compares the biblical text to stories from other cultures, so we can appreciate the
good news of creation in a fresh way.
Next Sunday—ADULT EDUCATION: Young children often say cute and
funny things about God that sometimes differ from what they are taught. What
do children really think God is like? How does that understanding change with
age? What kind of mind do children bring to the task of spiritual development?
In this talk, Melanie Nyhof, Postdoctoral Researcher, Indiana University, South
Bend, will present research on children’s developing God concepts and the
implications for religious education.
BUTTER BRAID FUNDRAISER: Last chance to order Butter Braids is
tomorrow, February 23. Braids will be available to pick up on March 8. The
frozen braids sell for $13 each, and serve 6 to 8 persons. The youth group earns
$5.50 for each Butter Braid sold. You may place an order at the table in the
SEEKING SOUP MAKERS: If you still are interested in contributing a soup
to the Soup Supper fundraiser this Wednesday night, you may contact Char. If
there is extra soup at the close of the fundraiser, some will be put in containers
and available for a donation, and some will be placed in the freezer ministry of
our church.
DELICIOUS SOUPS THIS WEDNESDAY: Please join us for our annual
youth group Soup Supper fundraiser this Wednesday evening, February 25. We
will serve soups prepared by many members from our congregation from 5 to
6:30 PM. The Soup Supper will be combined with our annual Cadet and GEMS
Pinewood Derby races. Please plan to join us for a wonderful night of fun,
fellowship, and delicious soups!
INTERGENERATIONAL EVENT: The congregation is warmly invited to
attend a youth lead fundraiser March 14, from 1 to 4 PM, for “40 for Haiti” or for
CYG SERVE. Forty for Haiti is a Habitat for Humanity Kent County project
which raises funds to train Haitians construction skills which enable them to
build roads, houses or other needed things. The event will take place at the 3
MILE Project, a converted and beautifully redone warehouse that provides
opportunities for all sorts of playing, spectating, and other activity. Congregation
members: please invite friends to join you for this wonderful afternoon of fun
and fellowship together! Cost of event is donation only, which you may choose
to go to either cause, “40 for Haiti” or CYG’s SERVE trip.
FAMILY ASSISTANCE needs a few pieces of artwork for the new
building. If you have something you would like to donate we would be very
grateful. Thank you.
PROMOTIONS: Are you creative? Do you have experience in marketing?
Do you have some knowledge in web based advertising or site design? Do you
wish to let others know about all of the good things going on here at Calvin
Church? If you answered yes to any of these questions than we would love to
have you join our Promotions Committee here at Calvin. If you are interested in
joining us, please let Gary Burghgraef know. Thanks.
Today, Sunday, February 22, the First Sunday of Lent
Prayer Time (Prayer Room)
Atrium Greeters: Jason & Julie Wigboldy
East Greeters: David & Sarah Williamson
Nursery Supervisors: Rachel Rayburn and Kim Wierenga
Nursery Helpers: Mark & Sue Hoekstra
Ben Kuiper and Katie Brouwer
Parking Attendant: Dirk Bulthuis
Library Volunteer: Lois Huisman
Coffee Servers: Crothers and Buettner
Church School
Adult Education: Creation Stories
Presenter: Rev. Sarah Schreiber
Parking Attendant: Mark Vanderhill
Monday, February 23
Co-ed Volleyball
Tuesday, February 24
Family Assistance
Living Waters Church basketball
Wednesday, February 25
Soup Supper Fund Raiser
Junior Bells
Cherub Choir and Covenant Choir (Kuiper)
Allegro Ringers
GEMS and Cadets Derby car races
Thursday, February 26
Take Charge meeting
Family Assistance
Eastown Basketball
Sanctuary Choir rehearsal
Calvin Basketball
Saturday, February 28
New Member Brunch in the atrium
Next Sunday, March 1, the Second Sunday of Lent
Prayer Time (Prayer Room)
Atrium Greeters: Dan & Melanie Yff
East Greeters: Dave & Becky Baker
Nursery Supervisors: Yvonne Triezenberg and Christine Coulter
Nursery Helpers: Gary, Melanie, chase, & Morgan Burghgraef
Parking Attendant: Kyle Heys
Library Volunteer: Chris Ekdom
Coffee Servers: Bulthuis and DeKoster
Church School
Adult Education: God’s Shape Is Like the Sky: Children’s Developing Ideas
About God
Presenter: Melanie Nyhof
Parking Attendant: Mark DeKoster