St. Andrew Catholic Church 2100 SE Cove Rd., Stuart, FL 34997 772-781-4415 819-1 February 22, 2015 The First Sunday of Lent PARISH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY To contact any of the coordinators of the various parish organizations, please call the general parish telephone number (772)781-4415 and enter the specific telephone extension number. Pastor: Rev. Jack Barrow..................................... Ext. 201 Baptisms: ………………………………. ………… Ext. 201 Bulletins: Jan Banasiewicz…….………………..... Ext. 204 Annulments: John Ginnetti……………………… Ext.205 Development: Joan Tonra……………………....... Ext. 206 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.): Christine Michaelian. Ext. 201 Religious Education: Donna Hernandez.…… Ext.214 St. Vincent de Paul Society ................................... 286-4411 Servants of the Eucharist..Kathleen Sullivan..........Ext.201 Altar Servers. Lynn Schiavi.....................................Ext.205 Director Adoration Chapel; George Mekulsia ...286-7724 Parish Financial Statement available in church office Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 20 21 22 22 22 23 24 25 26 Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs 7:30am 4:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. 27 28 1 1 1 Fri. 7:30am Sat. 4:00pm Sun. 7:30am Sun. 9:00am Sun.10:30am Vincent Boccino + Lauren Rose Petrus + Alfred Ceraulo + Mary J. Herbert + Firefighters Mass Leo Stanley + Nicholas Paucci + Robert Jones Yvonne & Gerry Timlin & Family Gregory Cotton + Ralph Rowe + Frances Ramey + William Cucco + Confirmation Class I will establish my covenant with you. ( Genesis 9:11) The story of Noah and the Great Flood assures us that destruction is never God’s final word. Whatever “death” we experience– whatever “death” he brings into our lives– is always followed by the promise of new life. Or as many motivational speakers would tell us, there’s always a rainbow after every storm. This is a good thing to keep in mind as we celebrate the first Sunday in Lent. It’s helpful to recall that the culmination of these forty days is not good Friday; its Easter. Yes, God asks us to die to ourselves and resist temptation. But he is asking this so that we can clear out more space in our hearts for him and for his grace. The discipline and self-sacrifice we take up during Lent are not ends in themselves. They are not here so that we can prove our strength or increase our skills. Rather, we take them on so that we can become more fully alive in Christ, more able to reveal his love to the people around us. Are you still trying to decide what to give up for Lent? Try answering that question by looking at this season as a journey of love. What is hindering you from loving more fully? Perhaps gossip, overwork, dwelling on resentments, or self-isolation? Find a way to give them up, or at least reduce their influence. Try to find life-giving substitutes for them. Take a walk with a friend. Stop in and visit the Blessed Sacrament between errands. Make it a point to find something upbuilding to say in every conversation. Whatever you choose, ask the Holy Spirit to work creatively with you. This Lent, keep your eyes on the prize: new life in Christ. It’s a life that begins right now, every time you receive or give love. It’s a life that springs up from every kind of death to self you embrace. It’s a life that will lead you to the final prize: eternal life with Jesus. “Here I am , Lord. I’m ready to journey with you toward Easter.” 0819—St. Andrew 2 WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS A Time for Prayer 1. The Sanctuary Candles are burning for Virginia and Dormaw Wallace. 2. The Candles to Our Lady of Perpetual Help are burning for the protection of the unborn. 3. The Firefighter Memorial Mass is this Sunday at 10:30am. 4. The second collection this weekend is for the support of Deaconate Education. 5. The candle in the Adoration Chapel of the Two Hearts is burning for Monsignor Gintoli. “Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6) Dear Lord Jesus, During this season of Lent, we pray that our brothers and sisters in prison would be able to rebuild lives of dignity. May you also bless any spouses who are separated. May they find support and truly be welcomed within the Christian community. The first element in our Lenten spiritual journey is prayer. Prayer is the strength of the Christian and of every person who believes. In the weakness and frailty of our lives, we can turn to God with the confidence of children and enter into communion with him. In the face of so many wounds that hurt us and could harden our hearts, we are called to dive into the sea of prayer, which is the sea of God’s boundless love, to taste his tenderness. Lent is a time of prayer, of more intense prayer, more prolonged, more assiduous, more able to take on the needs of the brethren; intercessor y prayer, to intercede before God for the many situations of poverty and suffering. ~ Pope Francis~ Jesus, help me commit myself to more daily prayer with you. Knights of Columbus COUNCIL 6241 TERRIFIC TUESDAYS 5:00-7:00pm Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 24 3 10 17 24 31 World Famous Lasagna Chicken Cordon Bleu Fried Fish Platter Corned Beef & Cabbage World Famous Lasagna Open Face Roast Beefr Dinners include salad, coffee & dessert $12.00 per person Call for Reservations: 286-7507 Sunday, March 1, 2015 SLAM BREAKFAST!! Eggs cooked to order, pancakes, French toast, sausage, ham, grits, juice and coffee. After the Monday– Friday 7:30am daily Mass and Every Friday evening during Lent at 6:30pm in the Church. 8am-11:30am $6.00 0819—St. Andrew 3 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00pm Saturday Confessions: 2:30pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, & 10:30am Daily Masses: Monday-Friday 7:30am Holy Day Vigil: Holy Day Mass: 4:00pm 7:30am & 6:00pm Adoration Chapel of the Two Hearts Is open for daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Monday– Friday) 8:00am –8:00pm) Saturday: 8:00am-2:00pm Please come and spend a Holy Hour with Our Lord. Church Office Hours: Mon. Wed. & Fri. 9:00am-12:00noon The Season of Lent Christ lights our darkness– We may be surprised to hear that the Church’s liturgy reminds us that Lent is meant to be a “joyful season”. For by your gracious gift each year your faithful await the sacred paschal feasts with the joy of minds made pure... ~preface 1 of Lent~ The season of Lent finds its meaning and origin in Easter, the annual celebration of our Lord’s resurrection and our salvation. As the Church’s time to prepare for the high point of the Christian year, it is the most appropriate time for persons to enter into Christ’s new life through baptism. How can it now be a time of joy? Over the centuries, Lent has become a special time for fasting, abstinence, communal and private prayer, self-discipline, serving others, study, reflection, and penance. With the whole Church we re-examine our priorities, leaving sin and self behind and intensifying our love and service of God and our neighbors. If we use these forty days of Lent for honest Examination and careful “pruning” of our lives, we will be ready to celebrate the great feast of Easter with our risen Lord and to be joyful witnesses of the power of his resurrection in our world so broken by sin. Our Lady’s February 2, 2015 message to Mirjana: Class Schedule: Grades 1-6, Sunday morning; 9:00am-10:15am. Grades 7-9, Wednesday evening; 6:30pm-7:45pm February 28; Saturday 9:30am Confirmation practice with sponsors and confession. March 1, 2015 10:30 Mass: Confirmation “Dear children! I am here among you. I am looking at you and I love you in the way that only a mother can. Through the Holy Spirit who comes through my purity, I see your hearts and I offer them to my Son. Already for a long time I have been asking of you to be my apostles, to pray for those who have not come to know god’s love. I am asking for prayer said out of love, prayer which carries out works and sacrifices. Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles. The Heavenly Father will judge everyone; and you, love Him and listen to Him. I know that all of this confuses you, even my very stay among you, but accept it with joy and pray that you may comprehend that you are worthy to work for Heaven. My love is upon you. Pray that my love may win in all hearts, because that is the love which forgives, gives and never stops. Thank you.” 0819-St Andrew 4 6th Annual Catholic Women of Faith Conference March 7, 2015 At the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola Under the umbrella of Catholic Women of Faith~ Women of Action, the theme for the day is Bless Me~ Heal Me~ Saint Me. The featured speaker will be noted author and TV personality Colleen Carroll Campbell, known by many from EWTN. Building upon Pope St. John Paul II’s writings about “the feminine genius” and drawing from the rich writings and examples of six extraordinary women saints, Ms. Campbell will discuss the uniqueness of the makeup and vocation of women and will reveal the relevance of the saints to the lives of today’s Christians. PLEASE SAVE THAT DATE!! To all parishioners, Firefighters and Retired Firefighters; 2015 Lenten Schedule Lenten Weekday Masses 7:30am Monday through Friday Followed by Stations of the Cross Lenten Reconciliation Service Wednesday, March 26, 2015 6:00pm Confessions during Holy Week will take place after the 7:30am morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Palm Sunday Masses Vigil Mass: 4:00pm March 31st Sunday, April 1st: 7:30, 9:00, & 10:30am Holy Thursday No Morning Mass. Annual Firefighter’s Memorial Mass February 22,2015 10:30am Please join the Firefighter/Paramedics of Martin County for this Mass. 10:30am Family Mass Presentation of the Gifts February March 22 8 Ruth Martucci Wintercorn Family 6:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper the Holy Eucharist will be transferred from the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel of the Two Hearts into the main church at 6:00pm Holy Thursday night. Adoration will then take place following the 6:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper until 8:00pm The Eucharistic Chapel of the Two Hearts will be CLOSED all day Good Friday. Good Friday (April 3, 2015) 7:30am & 6:00pm Communion service and Stations of the Cross 3:00pm Stations of the Cross The Divine Mercy Novena Should begin on Good Friday. Holy Saturday 7:45pm Solemn Easter Vigil Mass NO 4:00pm Vigil Mass and NO confessions on Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday Masses: 7:30. 9:00, & 10:30am For the month of February the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be asking for donations of toilet issue , paper towels and laundry detergent to fill the needs of area families. Please drop off these items in the basket in the lobby of the church before Mass or during the week. April 12 Divine Mercy Sunday Thank you in advance for your support St. Andrew 819-5
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