F, r\\ MADHUARORA GM(Restg./ws&I) 8O4,Bharat SancharBhawan Janpath, New Delhi Tel. No.23V34343 Fax No. 2S765Lgt No. 4-2I 2OL4-Restg.(Vol.III) sTrGwf|-iFtqq|frFrg qRi qf6R ( Sl VT*q) LIMITED NIGAM $ANCHAR B}IARAT (AGovl.oiindiaEnleplise) Dated Feb.,2015 To The cGM (T), Haryana, HP, Uttrakhand, Bihar, West Bengal, J&K, Assam, NE-I & NE-II BSNL. Sub:- Consolidation of SSASinto Business Areas' Sir, Please find enclosed instructions with regard to consolidation of ssAs into businessArea in uP(E), UP(W), M.P., chattisgarh,orissa & Jharkhandcircles.The exerciseis aimed at improvingoperationalefficienciesby centralizingfunctionssuch as Planning,Procurement,HR and Financeof small SSASat businessarea level. The prime responsibilityof consolidatedssA will be network o&M, sales & customer service. The businessprocessesalignedwith the new structureand redefinedroles of businessareas/SSAsare put in placeat the time of ERPimplementation' in respectof your circlefor consolidation to sendthe proposal Z. you are requested of SSAskeepingin view importantaspectssuch as net work size,customerbase, potentialetc. of SSAS.The and business requirements geographical & administrative proposalmay pleasebe arrangedto be sentto this officeby 28.O2.2O15so that it issuedaftertakingapprovalof instructions can be examinedand furtherappropriate authority. the competent (Ma GM(Corp.Restg./WS&I) Copyto:1. 2. 3. 4. CMDfor kind informationplease. Director(HR) for kind informationplease' ED(CA)for informationplease. Sr.GM(CIT)and GM ( ERP) 7vl . t * MADHUARORA GM(Restg./wsaD 804, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan Janpath, New Delhi Tef. No.23734343 Fax No. 23765L9L No. 4-2/ 20 L4-Restg.(vol'I{, .*4 lIIl?T{ilRHIfqffi " " 'rqrmmqnqltcfiq) ffil w LlMlTEo NIGAltt SANcHAR BHARAT (Aco\rtol IndlaEnteQriso) mF t" * Dated [h Feb.,2o15 To The CGM (T)' M'P' Ud(w)/chattissarh/orissa/Jharkhand/ u;it BSNL. Areas' Sub:' Consolidation of SSAsinto Business Sir, P | e a s e f i n d e n c l o s e d i n s t r u c t i o n s w i t h r e g a r d tof oconsolidationofSSAs Roie.definition businessareas into businessArea in t"tplti oi your circte' would be as specifiedin the and SSAs forming part of businessarea operationalefficiencies'The enclosure.The exerclseis aimLOat improving ihcorporateda part of ERP :ritaOiy revisedbusine* pro."rr'J.";;-;i""; in Yourcircle' implementation of the Competent These instructionsare issued with the approval AuthoritY. to sentto maypleasebe arranged to the aboveinstructions Compliance this of'ficebY 28'02'2015. *W. \ ) , (MadhuArora) GM(Corp.Restg./WS&I) Copyto:1. CMDfor kind information Please' please. 2. Director (HR) for kind information "\' d\ (u1 ,5n I ,- Er. cloqr.'^o-t 1'-'l %Y- f-41trdr) Areas Consolidationof ssAs into Business (i) Areas (BA)' The term Field units under the Circle will be renar.nSd1:-?.:=in"tt point of is also significantfrom the view emohasizesbusinessorlentationand .*if (ii) "v"" aswell' & sensitization awareness circles would be as follows' While resiective the in -tutu areas Business of Names will SSAs' some of the businessareas ut u'" ur"ua business some ""'"nt have more than one SSA under their control' Nameof Circle-UP(East) Area Nameof the Business Area be consolidatedin the Business 6ai6 MAU, JAUNPUR GONDA,BARABANKI Hnnqq.l -nnHnHaNeun, BANDA,HAMIRPUR HPu R.9lAl NAo, FATE [N r-N gnHnntcu 5rtepun, PRATAPGARH GHAZIPUR Area Nameof the Business ETAWAH& MAINPURI BADAUN& PILIBHIT RAMPUR Nameof Circle-Odisha Area Nameof the Business 1 BALSORE BERHAMPUR 3 5 o 7 8 9 BHUBANESWAR CUTTACK DHENKANAL KEONJHAR KORAPUT ROURKELA SAMBALPUR 'Name Headedby Area in the Business sSAsto be consolidated GM GM Phulbani GM GM Baripada GM GM GM GM GM Balan Name of Circle-Jharkhand Area of the Buslness Headedby SSASto be consolldated in the BusinessArea DHANBAD GM DUMKA 2 H'MARIBAGH GM GM GM DALTONGANJ 1 3 JAMSHEDPUR MNCHI Nameof Area Nameof the Business Headedby 1 BILASPUR GM DURG qM z 3 RAIPUR GM Atea SSAS to be consolidatedin the Business SARGUJA RAIGARH BASTAR Nameof Circle-M.P. SSASto be consolidated in the BusinessArea Bhopal lndore DHARI DEWAS,JHABUA,SHAJAPUR VIDISHA, .DAMOH,CHHAINDWARA, TARPUR, RATLAM- SIDHI PANNA.SEONI,BALAGHAT, in caseof.M.P.circle)will be overallresponsible Areas/Zones( (iii) GM of Business and profitability. includingrevenuegrowthdcrossall businesses for the business 'He for sales, marketing,customerservices, will have overall responsibility networkexpansion,upgradationand maintenanceetc. of the completebusiness areainclusiveof mergedSSAs' =1,(v) . processflow for functionsrelatedto Planning,Procurement,HR & Financeafter wouldbe detailedin ERProll out' of Restructuring .implementation ,i.e., it will continue (vi) Transferliabilityof SSAcadrestaffwill remainunchanged of ssAs into businessareas. as is existingnow, even after consolidation (vii) Reportingofficerof TDM/TDEsof mergedSSAswill be respectiveGM(Business) and CGMwill be the reviewingauthority. . (viii) TDM/TDEsof merged SSA shall be responsiblefor network O&M, customer' servicesand sales. (ix) . of mergedsSAs will be limitedto Financialpowersfor TDMs/TDEs O&M,customcjrservicesand salesrelatedrolesonly' network (x)Staffrenderedspareafterredistributionoffunctionsasabove,sha||b redeployedfor implementingsales,.Quality of service (QoS), customer satisfactionand other impoftant asiebts to boost overall performanceof '' Areas. SsA/Business
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