Meet our experienced professional development team: 2015 2016 Jason Hillman Gay Su Pinnell Professor Emerita at The Ohio State University, Reading Recovery & Literacy Collaborative trainer, author of many research articles & books, and recipient of the Dana Foundation award for pioneering achievement in health & education. Patricia Scharer Professor of early literacy & children’s literature at Ohio State, published in many professional journals and is co-editor of Guiding K–3 Writers to Independence: The New Essentials. Jenny McFerin Literacy Collaborative trainer for primary coaches, with 13 years of experience teaching in grades K-2 & Reading Recovery. Marsha Levering Literacy Collaborative primary trainer & former Intermediate trainer, with extensive experience in classroom teaching grades 1-5, Reading Recovery, & administration. Lisa Patrick Literacy Collaborative primary trainer with a Ph.D. in Literature for Children & Young Adults from The Ohio State University and several years of teaching experience in the intermediate grades and at the college level. 2/23/15 Director of the Ohio State Kinnear Literacy Projects, award winning principal from Sheridan, WY, and a recognized expert in professional learning communities & school improvement. Sherry Kinzel Literacy Collaborative trainer for intermediate/middle School coaches, and provides professional development for principals, coaches, and literacy teams in implementing & monitoring best practice in schools. Wendy Sheets Interm./middle school Literacy Collaborative trainer with several years of classroom experience, along with Reading Recovery, National Writing Project, and National Board Certification. Nikki Woodruff Literacy Collaborative primary trainer with 8 years teaching experience, including primary classroom, Reading Recovery, and Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI). Literacy & Learning Center K–8 Professional Development Offerings to Raise Achievement in Reading & Writing A dministrators, coaches, and teachers learn to implement researchbased practices and develop collaborative learning communities. Topics include: Developing comprehension strategies K–8 Teaching struggling readers Building literacy leadership K–8 Raising achievement of subgroups Carla Steele Literacy Collaborative primary trainer with experience teaching grades 1-3, Reading Recovery, administration in curriculum/assessment, & held National Board Certification. Visit our website at or contact us for additional information. Rauline Morris Intermediate Literacy Collaborative trainer at The Ohio State University, experienced primary & intermediate classroom teacher, & school literacy coach. Design your own series of professional development Literacy Collaborative (LC) K–8 Literacy Professional Development A comprehensive school reform project designed to improve reading, writing, and language skills of K–8 children. School-based literacy coaches participate in 35 days of training to learn to become staff developers and coaches. To learn more about LC Ohio State, visit or our national web site at Team Planning and Principals’ Academies are additional opportunities to learn about LC. Reading Recovery ( is strongly recommended in all LC schools for at-risk first grade readers. LC also highly recommends Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), a small group intervention that aligns most closely with classroom instruction, be made available for students at-risk in grades 3-8. Principals’ Academy I Fee: $800 Designed for administrators, superintendents and curriculum leaders in LC schools or those considering joining the LC network. Study the key role of the principal with a strong emphasis on school culture. Identify phases of teacher growth and discuss characteristics of quality teaching. Study how children learn to read and write, ways to support the literacy coach, and how to increase student achievement. Dates: Oct. 14-15, 2015 & Nov. 19-20, 2015 Time: 9:00am-3:30pm Comprehensive Literacy Framework Intensive study to prepare educators to improve K-6 reading & writing achievement. Instructional contexts include: Interactive Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop, & Writing About Reading. School/District administrators are encouraged to attend with their literacy team. Upon registration, (Jun. class only) participants choose session based on interest: Primary (K-2nd) or Intermediate (3rd-6th). Dates: Jun. 17-19, 2015 Fee: $400 Designed for principals, administrators, superintendents & curriculum leaders in LC schools who have completed Principals’ Academy I. Learn to use evaluation tools that help monitor progress in teaching & learning while supporting LC. Dates:Mar. 23-24, 2015 or Mar. 24-25, 2016 Academy for Literacy Coaches Time: 9am-3:30pm Fee: $2,000 Prepares individuals to coach K–6 teachers in reading & writing. Learn how to work with teachers to help them become more effective in their classroom practice. Dates: Sept. 2-4, Oct. 19-21, & Nov. 5-6, 2015 Times: 9am-4pm Materials: Teaching for Comprehending & Fluency, The Effective Literacy Coach, and The Continuum of Literacy Learning PreK–8. Team Planning Get an overview of a literacy framework created for Middle Schoolers with the requirements of the Common Core State Standards in mind. Participants will actively participate in a genre study. Increase the rigor in literacy instruction for Middle Schoolers by engaging them in the reading & writing processes through a workshop approach designed just for them. Readers delve into the study of fiction & nonfiction texts through an inquiry approach. Then they will use the information and understandings gained through genre study to write their own effective, compelling pieces of narrative, expository, and persuasive text. Times: 9am-4:00pm Bring Required Text: Genre Study: Teaching Fiction & Nonfiction Books Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Fee: $2,500 Learn to accelerate achievement for low-achieving students. Participants will learn to use the Fountas and Pinnell’s LLI materials and will focus on Fountas & Pinnell’s, When Readers Struggle: Teaching that Works. LLI K–3—Learn to use levels A to N. Dates:Sept. 9-10, 2015 & Oct. 28-30, 2015 Times: Days 1-2, 9am-3:30pm; Day 3, 8am-noon Materials: Heinemann LLI Systems ( will be used throughout training, and participants must have access to a System. Registrants must bring When Readers Struggle: Teaching that Works. LLI 3–6—Learn to use levels L to T, and how to extend learning for older students. Dates: Sept. 14-16, 2015 & Oct. 12-14, 2015 Times: Days 1-2, 9am-3:30pm; Day 3, 8am-noon Fee: $1,000/Person The team is comprised of six (min.) to eight (max.) representatives including the school principal and other faculty who represent the range of grade levels and programs offered in the school. For example, primary team members may include K, 1st, & 2nd grade teachers in addition to the school administrator, the Reading Recovery teacher, special education teacher, Title 1 teacher, ESL teacher, bilingual teacher, and future literacy coach (LC), if already selected. Primary & Intermediate Dates: Sept. 17-18, 2015 & Jan. 27-28, 2016 *****All fees subject to change***** Times: 9am-3:30pm Developing Middle School Readers & Writers—Two Day Fee: $475 Dates: Oct. 29-30, 2015 Principals’ Academy II Fee: $825 Materials: Heinemann LLI Red & Gold Systems ( will be used throughout training, and participants must have access to a System. Registrants must bring When Readers Struggle: Teaching that Works. Note: Registration fee includes required Benchmark Assessment Kit 1 for LLI K–3 & Kit 2 for LLI 3–6. For on-site professional development in your district, contact: Jason Hillman ([email protected] or 614-688-4977). *****All fees subject to change*****
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