AFFCO BOBBY CALF REGISTRATION/STATUS DECLARATION 2015 Freephone: 0800 722 422 Freefax: 0800 329 225 Please note: Each property calves are being collected from must have a separate registration form. Please check all details and mark any required changes. MAIN SUPPLIER (HERD OWNER) AFFCO supplier no:______________________________________________ Dairy supply no:____________________________________ Trading Name: __________________________________________________ Farm address:______________________________________ Mailing address: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone no:______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________Fax: ______________________________________________ Tag delivery address: ____________________________________________Email:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ AFFCO buyer:______________________________________ Name of person in charge:_______________________________________ Payment percentage: (100%, 50% etc):__________________ Phone:________________________________________________________ Preferred method of receiving payment advices: Mail Fax Email Bank acc: GST:_______________________________________ Please attach Bank Branch Account Suffix deposit slip Please attach verification JOINT SUPPLIER AFFCO supplier no:______________________________________________ Telephone no:______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________________________Fax:_______________________________________________ Mailing address:________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Payment percentage: (100%, 50% etc): _________________ Preferred method of receiving payment advices: GST:______________________________________________ Bank acc: Please attach deposit slip Mail Fax Email_ Please attach verification Bank Branch Account Suffix TAG INFORMATION AFFCO PREVIOUS SEASON TAGS CAN BE USED, however please discard all ‘DAIRY MEAT’ ear tags as these are no longer valid Herd size_____________________ Number of tags required for 2015___________________ AFFCO flag required? Yes Calving dates / /15 To / No /15 The property from which the bobby calves are uplifted is under TB movement control? Yes No If yes, I/we agree to use only YELLOW IDENTIFICATION tags for these calves. (See note 6 on reverse) Suspended Infected (Tick appropriate status and add index number if stock have “infected” or “clear” (eg C6 or I2 Clear P C6 ) BOBBY CALF STATUS DECLARATION I will ensure that any Bobby Calf I send for slaughter is not within the meat withholding period of any animal remedy or treatment: • Administered to that calf (see note 1 reverse) • Given to the dam before the birth (see note 2 reverse) • Given to any cow that has been used to supply milk to the calf (see note 3 reverse) STATUS OF HERD: Are any of the animals in the herd under residue movement control (see note 4 reverse) Yes No Have any of the animals in the herd been vaccinated against Johne’s disease in their lifetime (see note 5 reverse) Yes No As part of this agreement I undertake to ensure that all who work with these animals are instructed to the need to comply with these requirements. If I become aware that any calf has been inadvertently sent for slaughter while not meeting any of these conditions, I shall immediately inform AFFCO New Zealand Ltd. DECLARATION: I declare that as the supplier of calves intended for human food, this Bobby Calf Status Declaration is true and accurate, and that I have read, understood and agree that I must abide by the requirements set out in both sides of this form. Unless I advise AFFCO New Zealand Ltd of any change prior to 30 November 2015, this declaration will remain valid until that date. I agree to supply AFFCO with 100% of my calves in 2015 to receive $2.00 per calf supplied in 2014 Yes No SUPPLIER SIGNATURE:____________________________________________________________ DATE:____________ Nominated School or Volunteer Fire Service: ________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Complete TB status of my/our herd is: Clear Bobby Calf Status Declaration • I/We agree to abide strictly by the “Code of Recommendations and minimum standards of the Welfare of Bobby Calves” as required by the Ministry for Primary Industries. Calves Fit For Transport - must be more than four days old; • Be fed at least half of their daily ration of colostrum or milk not more than two hours before transport. Stomach must not be concave (sunken). • Be healthy - no visible disease (e.g scours), deformity, injury, blindness or disability. • Be alert eyes bright - not dull or shrunken. • Strong - able to bear weight on all four limbs - not slow and unsteady. Able to rise from a lying position and move freely around the pen. • Hooves are firm and worn flat - not rounded with unworn, soft tissue. • Navel - dry and withered - not pink/red, raw or fleshy. I/We acknowledge these tags remain the property of AFFCO New Zealand Ltd and will only be used for the identifications of bobby calves for supply to AFFCO New Zealand Ltd. The information on this declaration must be accurate. If any calf is sent to slaughter while not meeting any of these conditions, I shall immediately inform AFFCO New Zealand Ltd. NOTE 1: Calves treated directly with any antimicrobial agent (e.g. antibiotic or sulpha drugs) must not be submitted for slaughter. Treatment with an approved electrolytic which is labelled to indicate that there is not withholding period is permitted. NOTE 2: Where a pregnant cow has been treated with any animal remedy and calves before the meat withholding period of the product has elapsed, then the calf may not be submitted for slaughter until the cow becomes eligible for slaughter. NOTE 3: Calves may be indirectly exposed to chemical residues if they are fed milk from a treated cow. If calves are exposed to chemical residues via cow’s milk, they are not fit for slaughter until after the expiry of the meat withholding period of the cow providing milk. NOTE 4: Residue Movement Control: When animals at slaughter are found to exceed the permissible limit for any animal remedy, pesticide or other contaminant, MPI will place the risk source farm under movement control. This prevents the movement of animals off the farm without MPI permit. In cases where a farm is placed under movement control after the supplier has supplied a seasonal declaration to the slaughter facility and submit a new seasonal declaration. NOTE 5: Johne’s Vaccination: If you do not know the Johne’s disease vaccination status of any animal you must circle ‘YES’. NOTE 6: AFFCO will also require suppliers to use yellow tags if they appear on the MPI TB Suspect/ Blackleg list. TB Status: C= Clear Status Suspended = if TB suspect or herd not yet tested. I = infected (confirmed TB). PLEASE SIGN THIS FORM AND RETURN IN THE POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE ENCLOSED, OR FAX TO US AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE Office use only Date received: GST verification: Direct credit verification: Zone: Date tags issued: Freephone: Freefax: Email: Mail: 0800 722 422 0800 329 225 [email protected] AFFCO NZ Ltd, Livestock Division, Private Bag 3301, Hamilton 3240 BOBBY CALF UPDATE 2015 Dear AFFCO Bobby Calf Supplier AFFCO has some great news for you! While the dairy payout is clearly not where you would like it to be we have had a successful season processing and marketing your bobby calves. Even more pick ups this season - we will be collecting calves up to six days a week in most areas during peak season. *Spring calves only The AFFCO team would love to share this success with you, and will pay you an for every calf you supplied for the 2014 season.* extra $2 /Calf *To qualify for this payment you are required to: AFFCO will once again donate 40 cents from every Bobby Calf you supply to your local rural primary school through our Cash for Schools programme or Volunteer Fire Service of your choice. Simply nominate your rural school or volunteer fire service at the bottom of the Bobby Calf Registration/Status Declaration 2015 and we’ll do the rest. Please Note: This is a donation by AFFCO and does not come out of your schedule payments. COMPETITIVE PRICES I TOP SERVICE I PREMIUM MARKETS 1. egister with AFFCO your Bobby Calf supply for the R 2015 season before the 1st of May 2. Supply 100% of your calves for the 2015 season The payment will be made to your account on confirmation of the completed registration form. We believe this is a market leading offer and would like to thank you for your ongoing loyalty and support. As always AFFCO aims to be your processor of choice and we look forward to dealing with you in the months ahead. We wish you success for the remainder of the season. Best regards Tom Young National Livestock Manager I 0800 722 422 Local P eople Local L ivestock How to get ready for your first collection Important: We cannot accept and process any bobby calves from your property until this form is completed 1. Fully complete the AFFCO Bobby Calf Registration/Status Declaration form for each of your properties, checking we have all the correct details. Especially your bank and GST numbers (if they have changed please attach a bank deposit slip and verification of your GST number). 2. Return it to AFFCO New Zealand Ltd in the freepost envelope provided. CALF PENS (continued) EAR TAG ORDER Complete the section of the Bobby Calf Registration/ Status Declaration form with your seasonal ear tag requirements. Should you require additional tags throughout the season, please contact us. • Calf pens are to be placed in the tanker loop in a position that is accessible by stock trucks and trailers. The maximum distance to carry a calf from pen to truck should be no more than five metres over a firm surface. • Provide a container or clip attached to the calf pen where the carrier can leave a docket. Please note: • AFFCO ear tags are hand applied and do not require additional tools. • Please check your ear tag delivery bag for your collection schedule. • Previous season tags can be used if they have not come from another property. • • Please discard all ‘Dairy Meat’ ear tags as they are no longer used. AFFCO will be paying within 7 days, inclusive of kill date. • Payment notifications are available electronically via e-mail or fax. Please ensure you include these details on the Bobby Calf Registration/Status Declaration form. PAYMENT AFFCO FLAG • Use your AFFCO Flag at the gate front to indicate to the carrier that you have calves to collect. • Remove your flag if you no longer have calves for collection. COLLECTION • Collection schedule’s for your region will be advised before the season begins and will be inside your bag of ear tags. CALF PENS CALVES • Calves Fit For Transport - must be more than four days old; • Be fed at least half of their daily ration of colostrum or milk not more than two hours before transport. Stomach must not be concave (sunken). • Be healthy - no visible disease (e.g scours), deformity, injury, blindness or disability. • Be alert eyes bright - not dull or shrunken. • Strong - able to bear weight on all four limbs - not slow and unsteady. Able to rise from a lying position and move freely around the pen. • Hooves are firm and worn flat - not rounded with unworn, soft tissue. • Navel - dry and withered - not pink/red, raw or fleshy. On behalf of the contracted carriers we ask: • Calf pens are in a clean condition. • Calves are closely confined within an area of no more than one square metre per calf. • Ensure that your Dairy Company Farm Supply number is clearly legible on your calf pen. Should you require additional registration forms for each of your properties you can download these from: Or contact us: Freephone: 0800 722 422 Freefax: 0800 329 225 Email: [email protected] Mail: AFFCO NZ Ltd, Livestock Division, Private Bag 3301, Hamilton 3240
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