Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya dowiana var. aurea 'Kationé' Quantity by size * Natural clone with shiny yellow in the lip. W USD 400 Cattleya dowiana var. aurea 'Kationé' X self Little seedlings, the expectation is flowers with strong yellow areas on the lip. Cattleya mendelii (‘Rosita’ x self) GA-236 Some seedlings have bloomed with similar features of the parent, petals and sepals almost white and good shape, the others W USD 50 Cattleya mendelii var. aurea ‘Fuego amarillo’ I USD 75 Dark colored flower, specially in the egg yolk like yellow in the throat of the lip. Natural clone. I USD 400 1 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya mendelii var. pincelada 'OKF6802' Quantity by size * Dark colored flower, with well defined and constant splash. Natural clone. I USD 600 Cattleya mendelii (var. pincelada GA x PV) Cattleya mendelii var. cuasiconcolor ‘OKF11999' Seedlings near blooming size. Grex not bloomed yet. The expectations are flowers with splash in the petals. I USD 50 Softly colored flower with good shape and excellent spike disposition. Natural clone. I USD 800 Cattleya mendelii var. concolor ‘OKF12148' Dark colored flower with luminous yellow in the lip. Natural clone. I USD 800 2 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya mendelii var. concolor ‘OK 5472’ Quantity by size * Softly colored flower with good shape and excellent spike disposition. Natural clone. I USD 800 Cattleya mendelii ('Thules' x self) var. cuasialba Seedlings, most of them with flowers with a pale touch of rose in all segments. I USD 75 Cattleya mendelii var. dark semi alba ‘OKF6806' Large pure white petals and sepals, rare into the species, with wide petals and crispy lip. Natural clone. I USD 800 Cattleya mendelii var. alba ‘Cristóbal’ OKF4562 Large pure white flower with wide petals and crispy lip. Natural clone. I USD 800 3 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya mendelii var. alba ‘OKF8220’ Quantity by size * White flower with good spike disposition. Natural clone. I USD 800 Cattleya mendelii var. alba ‘OK 5332’ White flower with nice shape. Natural clone. I USD 600 Cattleya mendelii var. alba ‘OK 5331’ Natural clone with big and colorful lip. I USD 500 Cattleya mendelii var. semialba coerulea dark OKF10340 Rare color variation of this species, pure white petals with a dark cerulean on the lip. Natural clone. I USD 600 4 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya mendelii var. semialba coerulea light Quantity by size * Natural clone with very nice color variation, almost white petals and light cerulean lip. I USD 400 Cattleya quadricolor var. semialba light ‘OF11668’ Flower with colored and scented. Natural clone. W USD 400 Cattleya quadricolor var. semialba light ‘OK 6745’ Flower with nice colors and scented. Natural clone. W USD 200 Cattleya quadricolor var. semialba coerulea ‘OK 8980’ Unusual color variety, white with cerulean tip of the lip. Natural clone. W USD 600 5 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae ‘OKF9368’ Quantity by size * Excellent size, shape and color of the flower, a little splash in the petals. Natural clone. W USD 1.000 Cattleya trianae ‘Jaramillo’ Natural clone with excellent shaped flower, few flowers by spike. W USD 800 Cattleya trianae ‘Valle del Suaza’ Big flowers with heavy substance and strong color. Natural clone. W USD 300 Cattleya trianae ‘OKF10060’ (GA-136) Plant form seed, flowers with good shape, substance and size. W USD 400 6 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae 'OKF9449' (GA-118) Quantity by size * Plant from seed, flowers with very good shape W USD 400 Cattleya trianae ‘OKF5591’ (GA-136) Plant form seed, flowers with good substance and size. W USD 100 Cattleya trianae (GA-171) Grex not bloomed yet, the expectation is flowers similar than the parent ones. W USD 75 Cattleya trianae 'OKF12519' (GA-412) Plant from seed, flower with rich color and good shape. W USD 75 7 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae ‘OKF3812’ (GA-135) Quantity by size * Plant from seed, flowers with good substance and rich color. W USD 50 Cattleya trianae var. OKF12001 (GA-266) pelórica Plant from seed, flower with an interesting color pattern, similar than the lip, on the petals W USD 150 Cattleya trianae OKF9292 (GA-266) var. pelórica First blooming seedling with strong purple colorations on the petals and lip. W USD 150 Cattleya trianae OKF9439 (GA-266) var. pelórica Flower with an strong purple on the petals and lip, flower closed, first blooming seedling. W USD 100 8 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae var. sangretoro Quantity by size * Flowers with dark lavender petals and sepals with a red lip. W USD 75 Cattleya trianae var. cuasiconcolor 'Guerreritos' Flower with a very nice colored lip. Natural clone. W USD 100 Cattleya trianae 'OKF7354' var. concolor Flower with all segments pink. Seedlings. W USD 200 Cattleya trianae var. semialba dark ‘OKF107389’ Good shaped semialba flower with strong red purple on the lip. Natural clone. W USD 500 9 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae var. semialba dark ‘El Agrado’ Quantity by size * Flower with pure white petals and a big purple lip surrounded witha white contrasting border. Natural clone. W USD 300 Cattleya trianae var. semialba dark ‘OKF424’ Natural clone.with semialba flower with brilliant red purple on the lip. W USD 300 Cattleya trianae var. semialba dark 'Hermila' Nice middle sized flowers. Natural clone. W USD 200 Cattleya trianae var. semialba light OKF4410 Interesting dark pink in the lip. Natural clone. W USD 200 10 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae var. semialba light Quantity by size * Flowers with soft pink on the lip. Divisions of natural clones. W USD 200 Cattleya trianae var. semialba light ‘Aurita’ Big and well shaped flower with a strong substance that helps it´s display W USD 800 Cattleya trianae var. alba 'El Antojo' Naturla clone nicely shaped and displayed alba flowers. W USD 500 Cattleya trianae var. alba 'Ángel del Huilao' Strong alba flower. Natural clone. W USD 500 11 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘Ave María’ OK 6221 Quantity by size * Natural clone with amazing and rare cerulean color in the flower and good shape. W USD 1.000 Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘Mágica’ OKF5828' Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘Mágica’ OKF6313 Flower with a light cerulean color in the petals and sepals and very dark in the lip. Natural good shaped clone. W USD 1.000 Flower with a dark cerulean color. Natural clone. W USD 800 Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘OKF8801’ Flower with a beautiful cerulean color. Natural clone. W USD 300 12 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘OK 3015’ GA-88 Quantity by size * Seedling with a strong flower that carries the bluish color. W USD 150 Cattleya trianae var. coerulea ‘OK 3015’ GA-88 Seedling with a strong bluish color. First flowering seedling. W USD 150 Cattleya warscewiczii ‘Paisa’ AM/AOS Natural clone, well shaped and big flower. W USD 1.000 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10437' W USD 100 13 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii 'OKF0784' Quantity by size * Natural clone with big flower. W USD 60 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10607' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 60 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK6566' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 60 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10439' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 60 14 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10449' Quantity by size * Natural clone with big flower. W USD 60 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10602' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 40 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10611' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 40 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10600' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 30 15 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK6565' Quantity by size * Natural clone with big flower. W USD 30 Cattleya warscewiczii 'OK10605' Natural clone with big flower. W USD 30 Cattleya warscewiczii ('Peña Blanca' x self) GA-324 Selfings of one of the better shaped natural clone. W USD 250 Cattleya warscewiczii 'Druma' x 'Peña Blanca') GA-336 Grex not bloomed yet, the expectation is big and well shaped flowers. W USD 250 16 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Quantity by size S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species * Cattleya warscewiczii ('Orquifollajes' x self) GA-203 Some seedlings have bloomed, all of those showing good shaped flowers. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (blind) ‘Santa Rita’ var. cegata Flower with very little yellow eyes and profuse purple lip. Natural clone. W USD 500 Cattleya warscewiczii var. dark 'Purea' OK 7556 Natural clone, one of the darker of the species. W USD 600 Cattleya warscewiczii ‘Purea’ x ‘Peña Blanca’) GA-360 (var. dark Grex not bloomed yet, I expect dark well shaped flowers. W USD 100 17 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) var. S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii ‘OKF11919’ (GA-040) Quantity by size * dark Dark flowering seedling. W USD 75 Cattleya warscewiczii var. oculata dark ‘Palo Blanco' Middle sized flower with dark color. Natural clone. W USD 150 Cattleya warscewiczii var. oculata (one eye) ‘OKF6791’ Natural clone with big ‘eye’ on the lip surrounded by white. W USD 150 Cattleya warscewiczii var. oculata (one eye) 'OK6562' Big flower with nice color pattern on the lip. Natural clone. W USD 150 18 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Quantity by size S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species * Cattleya warscewiczii var. oculata (one eye) marginata (pink margin in the lip) teselata (darker lines on the petals) ’Nutibara’ Natural clon with three different color variations mixed, the only clone known with tessellation. Cattleya warscewiczii var. concolor ‘Aurora’ Natural clon with a rare variation within this species, a pale pink in tepals, a little darker in the lip and big and well shaped flowers. W USD 800 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. concolor ‘Cañas Gordas’ x ‘JIA’) GA-348 W USD 1.200 Grex not bloomed yet between ttwo rare clones, pastel colored. W USD 50 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba dark 'Katía' My favorite clone of the species, very impressive color pattern on the lip. Natural clone. W USD 800 19 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii (var. semialba dark 'Cañasgordas' x 'Bedford') GA338 Quantity by size S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) * Seedlings expected to be white and red. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. semialba dark 'Nacarada' x 'FMB') GA-080 Seedlings expected to be white and red. W USD 75 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. semialba dark 'Indigo' x var. semialba light ‘Imandau’) (GA-323) Cattleya warscewiczii (var. semialba dark 'Katía' x var. semialba light ‘Imandau’) (GA-152) A cross between two different color variations, no different color than type but big and well shaped flowers is expected. W USD 100 A cross between two different color variations, no different color than type is expected, big flowers most probably. W USD 75 20 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Violeta’ Quantity by size * Natural clone with beautifully colored lip, not common for the species. W USD 700 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Dabeiba’ Natural clone, a very strong plant, big flowers and cold tolerant plant. W USD 600 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘San José’ Big flowered and very floriferous plant. Natural clone. W USD 600 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Borikía’ Natural clone with well shaped flower. W USD 400 21 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Adela’ Quantity by size * Nice flower. Natural clone. W USD 400 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Frontino’ Nice colored flower. Natural clone. W USD 400 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light 'OKF4181' Natural clone with middle sized flower with a pale pink lip. W USD 400 Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light 'Amagaceña' Middle sized flowe with a pale pink lip. W USD 250 22 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Quantity by size S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species * Cattleya warscewiczii var. semialba light ‘Uramita’ Flower with big rose lip. W USD 250 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. semialba light 'Frontino' x 'La Nube’) GA-315 Grex not bloomed yet. The expectative is flowers like the the ones of parents. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii var. alba 'El Rosario' Natural clone with small sized flower. W USD 200 Cattleya warscewiczii ‘OKF12158' var. alba Plant from seed. All white flower from two cerulean parents, photo of the first flower. W USD 200 23 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) var. S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii (‘Porce x self) Quantity by size * alba Expectations for all white flowers. Plantlets from seed. W USD 150 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Ituango’ Plant from the wild, dark coerulean color in the lip, middle sized flower. W USD 1.000 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Anita’ Very defined blue color, nice lip. Rare natural clone. W USD 1.000 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Sanderiana’ Big flower, the only known coerulea of the sanderiana form. W USD 1.000 24 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Kara’ Quantity by size * Well defined cerulean color. Natural clone. W USD 800 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Brumosa’ Vigorous plant from the wild, soft bluish color W USD 500 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘Godó' Plant from the wild, soft violet colored. W USD 400 Cattleya warscewiczii var coerulea (GA-7) All the plants that had bloomed of this grex had good cerulean flowers. W USD 250 25 of 28 USD 350 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘OKF10495’ (GA-13) Quantity by size * Plant from seed, dark blue colored flowers, first bloom. W USD 300 Cattleya warscewiczii var. coerulea ‘OK 8802’ GA-34 Red bluish colored flowers. Plant from seed. Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulea La Floresta x self) GA-054 All the plants of this grex bloomed coerulea, similar to the parent, with slight variations in the color of the petalsgoing from white to W USD 300 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulea ‘Ituango’ x ‘Hatillo’) GA-358 W USD 75 Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 150 26 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulea 'Pabarapuma' x 'Anita') GA-212 Quantity by size S A Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) plants) * Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (var, coerulea 'Pabarapuma' x self) GA-220 Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (var .coerulea 'Pabarapuma' x 'Dabeiba') GA-326 Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulea 'Pabarapuma' x 'Hatillo') GA-347 Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 100 27 of 28 Price (only preorders, doesn't apply preorder discount) Photograph My brief commeS (individual A (divisions nts plantlets, of 3 to 5 about more than 4 frontal inches high, the pseudobulbs, some near mature clones. blooming size) Quantity by size S A plants) Cattleya species Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulescens 'Celeste' x coerulea 'Pabarapuma') GA-351 Temperature (Warm, Intermediate) * Grex not bloomed yet. The expectatives are cerulean flowers. W USD 100 Cattleya warscewiczii (var. coerulea ‘La Floresta’ x var. semialba light ‘Imándau’) GA-158 In this grex, is expected type colors with big flowers. USD 75 * Subtotal (It does’t apply preorder discount) Discount for order over US$500 - 2,5% Discount for order over US$1000 - 2,5% applied to the amount over 1,000 Subtotal Plus internal shipping (if it applies) Total 28 of 28
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