ELGIN ENERGY Broad Quay House, Prince St., Bristol BS1 4DJ Tel: +44 (0) 117 223 2034 www.elgin-energy.com Proposed Kells Solar PV Farm Overview of the Project 4.0 BENEFITS OF SOLAR PV? 4.1 Clean Energy Solar farms are naturally clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive and emit zero carbon emissions. 4.2 Enhancement of local wildlife will be set out in the Biodiversity Management Plan, through the introduction of wide ecological corridors, bird boxes, raptor perches to name but a few. Furthermore, grass and wildflower mix will be introduced between the rows of panels to encourage further biodiversity enhancements. The land will continue to be in agricultural use in the form of sheep grazing. Existing field boundaries, hedgerows are retained will all be retained. Trequite Solar Farm, Liskeard, Cornwall “Solar farms typically take up less than 5% of the ground they occupy leaving huge scope for Biodiversity enhancements in a protected space”(BRE National Solar Centre Biodiversity Best Practice Guidelines 2014) 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Elgin Energy EsCo Ltd are seeking to develop a ground mounted solar PV farm in Kells, Ballymena, Northern Ireland. The proposed Kells Solar PV Project is at the preplanning stage and been developed to stage that allows us to meet and consult with all stakeholders. 2.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proposed project is located on lands to the east and west of the Whappstown Road and to the northwest of the Doagh Road. screwed or pushed into the ground and an aluminium support frame which is bolted together. System is requires no concrete foundations (aside from substation bases) and designed to be ‘reversible’ leaving only small holes to be backfilled when removed upon completion of the project. 3.3 3.4 Substation An electricity substation comprising of a small prefabricated building around the size of a portakabin is proposed. Cabling from the panels/inverters will be routed to the substation via a network of shallow trenches which will be backfilled. 3.5 3.0 PHYSICAL ELEMENTS OF A SOLAR PV FARM? 3.1 Photovoltaic Panels Proposed panels will be approximately 2m x 1m. 3.2 Mounting System 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 FURTHER INFORMATION 5.1 Installation Works will commence upon gaining the necessary planning grid connection approvals. Installation will take approximately 4 months. Site preparation will involve construction of some access tracks and a temporary storage compound area to accommodate storage of equipment and pre-fabricated site offices. 5.2 As there is no mass concrete surface and the solar farm remains grassland, the solar farm infrastructure does not effect run-off volumes. Construction Access & Traffic All construction traffic is proposed to access the site via the dedicated existing site access on the Whappstown Road. A Traffic Management Plan is proposed to minimise disruption to the local road network. Decommissioning Flooding Lighting There will be no permanent lighting from the completed development Glint/Glare At the end of the project lifetime, the project can be decommissioned in a matter of weeks. 4.6 4.7 Screening It will not be possible to screen the site from every viewpoint but planting of ‘standard’ and ‘heavy standard’ trees and hedgerows will be planted to screen or break up views. These plans will be outlined in the proposed Landscape Management Plan. There are no glint/glare effects from the PV panels as they are designed to absorb the sunlight, this is evidenced by the use of PV modules adjacent to the Gatwick airport runways. Inverters Inverters are required to convert the direct current generated by the photovoltaic modules to grid compatible alternating (AC). Biodiversity 5.3 Local Contractors Local contractors and businesses will be used as far as possible in the installation stage. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved Further information is available on the Kells Solar PV Project website which can be viewed at www.kellssolarpvproject.com Fencing A rural ‘timber & post’ fence (or ‘deer fence) along with a selection of CCTV are proposed for insurance and security reasons. The fencing will be between 2.0m and 2.4m in height and the CCTV will have a height of 3m. 3.6 CCTV A series of CCTV cameras are proposed for the project. The cameras will be 3m high and located inside the field boundary and will point inwards. The mounting system comprises of two separate elements. Upright galvanised steel posts which are Trewidland Solar Farm, Liskeard, Cornwall ELGIN ENERGY Broad Quay House, Prince St., Bristol BS1 4DJ Tel: +44 (0) 117 223 2034 www.elgin-energy.com Planning & Technical Info COMMUNITY CONSULTATION PROCESS PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES The applicant - Elgin Energy - together with the appointed consultant team are undertaking comprehensive and structured consultation as part of the pre-planning application process. This process seeks to: The DoE formal Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) determination identifies the key potential environmental effects that it considers is necessary for the planning application to address. Elgin Energy has reviewed this information and proposes that the EIA will provide a detailed assessment of all the key potential environmental issues, namely: ÿ To ensure meaningful engagement takes place with the appropriate stakeholders including the elected representatives, appropriate statutory authorities and the public to help inform the planning and design process; ÿ To ensure all stakeholders are fully aware of the proposal and to address concerns, answer queries and seek feedback; and ÿ To enhance the quality of the scheme and thereby improve the content and quality of the planning application. Partaking in this process does not affect your statutory rights to make representations to the DoE in respect of the planning application when submitted. When the planning application is submitted it will be advertised by DoE and neighbours surrounding the site will be notified in accordance with internal DoE procedures. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Planning permission will be sought for the construction of a Solar Farm at the above location. ÿ The proposal will generate approximately 49,000,000kwh of electricity every year or approximately 1,225,000,000kwh over the 25 year life of the project. ÿ The proposal will generate enough low carbon electricity to power 15,000 houses every year. ÿ The proposal offers a saving of 1,075,000 tonnes of CO2 over the 25 year lifespan of the project; ÿ The site area is circa 112 hectares; ÿ Solar panels will be arranged within existing field boundaries in arrays of 24-48 panels all aligned to face southwards; ÿ Panels will be mounted on two levels in frame tables at an inclination no greater than 25 degrees. ÿ The frame tables will be supported on steel posts/frames that will be driven or screwed into the ground at depths of up to circa 1.5m. No concrete foundations are required to support these arrays. ÿ The overall panel height from ground level will typically be in the range from 2.4m to 3m; ÿ The arrays will be given a separation distance from each other of approximately no greater than 6m; ÿ There will be one primary sub-station on the site; ÿ There will be in the region of 40 inverter stations distributed throughout the site; ÿ A number of 3.5m wide permeable stone pathways will help to facilitate access to the panels. These will be located along field boundaries. ÿ 3m high pole mounted CCTV cameras will be provided at the site boundary. The full extent of development will also be enclosed by a 2.4m high post and wire (deer) fence; ÿ Landscape & Visual Impact A Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment is being undertaken to establish the impact on critical viewpoints from local roads and residential properties. ÿ Ecology & Ornithology Detailed surveys of the existing flora (plants and trees etc.), fauna (mammals, birds etc.) are being completed and potential impacts predicted. ÿ Flood Risk Consideration of how the proposal will contribute to the risk of flooding will form part of the EIA process. ÿ Archaeology & Cultural Heritage The EIA will include an assessment of potential impacts on the archaeological, built, industrial and cultural heritage interests of the site and the surrounding area. ÿ Soils, Geology & Hydrogeology The EIA will examine the geological profile of the area and consider the impacts of the proposal on this. This will include consideration of hydrogeology. ÿ Noise Impacts A Noise Impact Assessment will be undertaken using baseline noise surveys to establish the current noise levels and followed by a prediction of potential noise impacts in respect of the proposal ÿ Traffic & Transport An assessment of all potential traffic and transport impacts during construction and operation will be undertaken. All final proposals will be to the satisfaction of Transport NI. ÿ Hydrology & Surface Waters A water quality impact assessment will inform on the impacts of the proposal on the hydrological regime within and surrounding the site. ÿ Water Quality & Hydrogeology Analysis will be undertaken of local surface water and groundwater regime and the potential impact of the project on water quality to ensure that the development proceeds in accordance with best practice as established by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s published pollution prevention guidance. ÿ Air Quality An Air Quality assessment will be undertaken to identify any potential air quality impacts from the development on the local community. ÿ Archaeology & Cultural Heritage The EIA will include an assessment of potential impacts on the archaeological, built, industrial and cultural heritage interests of the site and the surrounding area. The final scheme design submitted for planning approval will take account of the conclusions of the above assessments and reflect any measures identified as being required to mitigate potentially significant environmental impacts to the satisfaction of the relevant statutory authorities. What Next? Elgin Energy is seeking your views on these proposals. 1. You are invited to submit all comments on the feedback questionnaire form, using the stamped addressed envelope provided or online via www.kellssolarpvproject.com 2. As per the attached letter you are invited to return the enclosed booking form to attend one of our open days and discuss the project directly with members of our team.
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