St. Mark’s Catholic Community Penance and Abstinence from Meat During Lent? Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast* on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. In addition, all Catholics 24 years of age and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent. *Fasting, as explained by the U.S. Bishop means partaking of only one full meal. Some food, not equaling a full meal is permitted one or two additional times during a day. February 22, 2015 Pastor ~ Rev. Ben Uhlenkott Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Bruno Mgaya Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday~ Tuesday~ Wednesday~ Thursday~ Friday~ Saturday ~ 8 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 8:30 am 8 am Sunday Liturgy Schedule Saturday ~ 5 pm Sunday~8:30 am, 11 am, 5 pm Anointing of Sick/ End of Life Sacraments Baptism~ Class held on the second Saturday of each month at 10 am Reconciliation~ Saturday~ 3:00 pm Marriage~ Arrangements must be made four months in advance 914-3472 St. Mark’s Catholic Community 7960 Northview Boise, ID 83704 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm Sunday 9: 30 am -11 am, 12 pm - 1 pm Parish Schools St. Mark’s Elementary 375-6654 7503 Northview, Boise, 83704 Mark Hopkins, Principal— Phone: 375-6651 Bishop Kelly High School Office 375-6010 Mike Caldwell, Principal— Fax: 375-3211 Anointing of Sick/ End of Life 914-3472 Rosary Devotions Rosary for Peace and Evening with Mary Monday at 7 pm (Adoration Chapel) Prayer Chain St. Mark’s has a prayer chain that prays for the needs of all and would like to pray for you. If you need prayer for any reason please call Janet Clark at 377-4789, or the parish office at 375-6651, or email [email protected] Parish Office Staff Business Coordinator Facilities Maintenance Finance Administrator Development Director Pastoral Associate—Ministries Office Manager Chuck Nelson Sergio Gonzalez Matt Lee Deb Miller Amy Wong-Little Phyllis Sawyer Marisela Baca Faith Formation Directors Sean Forrest Thomas Bailey Wendy Sleisher Debbie Campbell Catherine Calovich 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Kathy Webster Coordinator 853-5888 Youth Ministry Jr. High Youth Ministry Youth Sacramental Preparation 3-5th Grade Faith Formation Pre–School Faith Formation E-mail Addresses Parish Staff -first initial last name Music Director and Wedding Coordinator Katie Pape [email protected] Bulletin Items Bulletin items are due on Friday, 9 days before the Sunday in which they appear. Please email announcements to Chuck at: [email protected]. Liturgical Ministries Outreach Extraordinary Ministers Dcn. Mike Lowe—559~3752, [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Barry & Jeanne Fitzgerald—376-2624, [email protected] Lectors Judy Ditter—376-1056 Ushers Pat Lind—377-4368, [email protected] Greeters Christine Haener —861-7359, [email protected] Altar Servers Mary Pasker—376-9122, [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Scheduler Gayle O’Donnell—939-0871, [email protected] Food Bank Development Message All registered parishioners should have received a letter this week from the Bishop with a brochure and pledge form inviting participation in support of this year’s Idaho Catholic Appeal. Please complete your pledge form and bring it to Mass to place in the offertory basket next weekend or you may mail it directly to the diocese. Your generosity will allow our Catholic community to continue the many vital programs and services that touch the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ who need your assistance. Teresa Taylor Raoul Johnson 327-0345 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Council of Catholic Women Mary Glenn—345-2723, [email protected] Funeral Information Dcn Mike Lowe—559~3752, [email protected] Megan Heying Page 1 Young Adult Ministry [email protected] The St. Mark’s Story Eucharistic Outreach Ministers “To be able to bring the Body of Christ to another person is a humbling and overwhelming experience and one that can’t truly be described; it must be lived. “ —Audrey Weiss Audrey and other St. Mark’s extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion literally carry Jesus to those who are not able to travel to the church to attend Mass. Ministers are provided a brief training with Deacon Mike Lowe and are then given the beautiful opportunity to bring the Eucharist to an individual or multiple recipients in a care facility. The experiences shared by several Eucharistic ministers are moving and honest. I became an Outreach Minister at a local retirement center because I wanted to serve God's people and the Church … a Communion service once a month started out as a way that I could serve, I learned very early that I was getting way more out of this than the people that I was serving! The people at the retirement center are so grateful to have someone come to bring them Holy Communion and for the fellowship the service provides. I wanted to do something in service for people and have gotten far more from them than I could possibly bring to them. It has been such a rewarding experience to bring Jesus to people that can't get to church on a regular basis. —Judy Ditter I became an Outreach Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion because I saw a need for it posted in the bulletin for several weeks (maybe even months) in a row. It wasn’t something I looked forward to doing. But, to provoke my spiritual awareness and growth, I decided to volunteer and make it one of my “sacrifices”. It has evolved into anything but a sacrifice. I look forward to my Sunday at Morningstar every month. I enjoy being able to share commentary on the Scripture readings and enjoy the time spent with my outreach partner. Mostly though – I enjoy the people I have the privilege of serving. They show and genuinely feel gratitude unlike anything else I have witnessed. —Audrey Weiss My role in offering Holy Communion to patients and their families at St Al's Hospital is both a highly emotional and a very rewarding experience. I leave the hospital with an inner peace and thank God for the opportunity to help do his work. I sometimes wonder if I'm there for me or for the patients. During my almost three years tenure in that capacity I have been thanked, kissed, hugged. Smiles are abundant. As are tears of joy and gratitude. I am frequently called Sister. Though unworthy of the title, I accept it -hopefully graciously -- with a smile. I have been followed out of patient rooms by family members who whispered to me how much they appreciate the comfort I have just given to their father or mother or sister or brother or child. I've been chased down the halls by doctors and nurses on Ash Wednesdays asking if I have the ashes. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share God's love in such a small way. Pat Rodriguez To read more stories from St. Mark’s Eucharistic Outreach ministers, visit our website,, Ministries Tab / More / Eucharistic Outreach. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Outreach Minister, contact Deacon Mike Lowe, [email protected], or 208 559 3572. Page 2 Parish Calendar and Upcoming Events Parish Weekly Calendar Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:30 AM Sunday Mass 8:30 am RCIA Rite of Sending 9:30 am Photography for Directory 9:30 am Wellness Fair 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Sunday Mass 11:00 am RCIA Dismissal 12:30 pm St. Vincent d'Paul 2:30 pm Youth Ministry 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Monday, February 23, 2015 6:00 am Monday Morning Men's Prayer Group 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Quilters 10:00 am Daniel Plan 10:00 am Library Ministry 1:45 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 6:00 pm Evangelization Music Practice 6:00 pm Pneuma Dancers 6:30 pm Walking Towards Eternity - Bible Study 7:00 pm Evangelization Retreat meeting Tuesday, February 24, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Revelation Bible Study 9:30 am Genesis to Jesus 1:45 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 6:00 pm Cursillo 4th Day Group 6:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Legion of Mary 7:00 pm Stewardship Council 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, February 25, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Centering Prayer 9:00 am Rosary Makers 10:00 am Jesus With Us Prayer Group 1:00 pm Foot Clinic 1:45 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 6:30 pm Photography for Pictorial Directory 7:00 pm 8:30 am Choir Rehearsal Thursday, February 26, 2015 6:00 am Reel Men 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Cursillo - 4th Day Women 9:02 am St. Mark's Playgroup 1:45 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 5:30 pm Yoga 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm Jake's Music Ministry 7:00 pm Great Adventure Bible Study 7:00 pm Reel Men Friday, February 27, 2015 8:30 am St. Mark's School Mass 9:00 am Creed Sacramental Bible Study 11:00 am Library Ministry 1:45 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 8:30 am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 9:30 am CCW Meetings 4:00 pm Sat. Eve. Choir Rehearsal 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Upcoming Events WELLNESS FAIR Sunday, February 9:30 AM – 1 PM THURSDAY NOON PRAYER REFLECTIONS ON THE CROSS Thursday, February 26 12 noon STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, February 27 9:30 AM and 6:30 PM THURSDAY NOON PRAYER REFLECTIONS ON THE CROSS Thursday, March 5 12 noon STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 6 9:30 AM and 6:30 PM THURSDAY NOON PRAYER REFLECTIONS ON THE CROSS Thursday, March 12 12 noon STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 13 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM We want to see your smiling face! There will be a final opportunity to have your family photographed for the pictorial directory. Parishioner and photographer, Bart Cepek has generously volunteered his time to take a photo of any families not yet photographed for the directory. February 22nd from 9:30 am-2 pm, February 25 from 6:30-8 pm. th Lifetouch will charge a $10 fee for submission of the photo, which will also cover the cost for you to receive a directory. Please call Amy in the parish office to schedule your appointment. 375 6651 ext 102 Page 3 Parish News and Information Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Thank you for your response! Only one hour remains open. Please call Kathy at 853-5888 if you can fill the Holy Hour of Tuesday midnight – 1 am or if you can join another Adorer who is now praying alone. See the full schedule at http// "The best, the surest and the most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament." —St. Pope John Paul II Lenten Gathering Rite Beginning this weekend, and for the next 4 weekends, we will be singing a "Lenten Gathering Rite" instead of an opening hymn. The congregational parts echo the cantor. The words are: "Gather us in mercy Lord" and "From the depths we cry to you". The rite concludes with the Kyrie Eleison which is a slightly different melody. Follow the cantor. Renewal… Recommitment… On-going Conversion… ST. MARK’S EVANGELIZATION RETREAT MARCH 20, 21, 22 Registrations are now being accepted. Call Val Allen at 938-3594 or the Parish Office Thursday 12:00 Noon Lenten Reflections with Father Ray Donaldson Plan to join us in the church at 12:00 noon on all Thursdays of Lent for Ignatian Contemplation of a Gospel passage describing Jesus' passion and death; bible study of the passage. Call Phyllis in the parish office if you have questions, 375-6651. Page 4 Fasting and Prayer On Friday Please join us this Wednesday for fasting and prayer for end of abortion. (fasting = one full meal and two snacks) (prayer= Mass, Adoration, Rosary, etc) Readings for March 1, 2015, 2nd Sunday of Lent 1st Rd.: Gn 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 R. Ps: Ps 116:10, 15-19 2nd Rd. Rom 8:31b-34 Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 Christian Persecution Sunday evening, March 1st, we will be having an evening discussion about Christian Persecution. The outline for the evening will be a short history of Christian Persecution from the time of Christ, and then two short presentations; one by Sr. Pamela, who works in China with single mothers and Awfeed, whose family recently moved from Iraq because of persecutions. We'll end the evening with questions and answers for the presenters from the audience. The evening begins immediately following the Sunday 5 pm Mass. All are invited, with our youth. Faith Formation Pray, Fast, Give Be conformed to the image of Christ. Junior High Youth MANY THANKS to all of our youth and parents who participated in our Mystery Service: Food Bank Night. Rice, beans and oats were bagged, labeled and sealed at record speed. We filled three times more than what we had initially planned for our brothers and sisters in need! Please join us this Wed, Feb 25th from 6:30-8 pm in Donoghue Hall for a Mystery Game Social. We are looking forward to seeing you and pray that your Lent is a time of growing closer to Jesus! On the Ride Home It is the first Sunday in Lent and already we have had almost a week to work on deepening our faith in God and becoming transformed into His true children! We look to Jesus and attempt to be more like Him. Talk with your family about what they know about Jesus and discuss ways in which they can grow to be more like Him. The Gospel reading from Mark recounts the time when Jesus is driven by the Holy Spirit into the desert for forty days. After this time, Jesus goes to Galilee proclaiming “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Like Jesus, we have forty days to become better subjects of God’s Kingdom. The first reading from Genesis recounts the covenant God makes with Noah. God promises never again to devastate the earth with a flood. Who can remember what the sign of this covenant is? It is the rainbow! We are reminded of this whenever we see the rainbow. When the Flood happened the Earth was washed clean of the sinfulness which had filled the Earth. By the waters of Baptism our sins are washed away. Page 5 St. Mark’s Ministries Council of Catholic Women March 2 - Next CCW meeting. Soup dinner provided by the board. 6:30 social, 7:00 meeting and dinner. SAVE the DATE - April 11th - CCW's 35th Annual Fashion Show, the "No Fashion, Fashion Show - Wear Your Best Western" - Ticket sales will start February 15. Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner Spend an evening at St. Mark’s on Friday, March 13th, starting with a delicious fish dinner prepared by the Knights of Columbus from 5:00 to 6:30 followed by a Stations of the Cross presentation by St. Mark’s School at 6:30. The cost of the Fish Dinner is $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children (12 and under), or $10.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from the Parish Office, St. Mark’s School Office, after coffee hour on March 1st, or by calling Ray Forshey at 863-0050. Beer and wine will be available. Morning of Reflection at Nazareth April 29 Please join the Interfaith Centering Prayer Ministry for a Morning of Reflection on the life of Saint Catherine of Siena at Nazareth Retreat Center. The event will be held on Wednesday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to noon. RSVP Ann Marie by Wednesday, April 22 at 323-9251 or email [email protected]. Annulment Advocate Training Knights of Columbus This is a most rewarding experience for those interested in working with other Catholics seeking an annulment of a former marriage. To register, contact Mark Raper at the Office of Canonical Affairs at 344-1344. Council Meetings † Next Business Meeting: Mar 12th, St. Mark’s @ 7 pm. † Next Social: Feb. 26th, Pinnacle Grill. Upcoming Degree Ceremonies Upcoming Events † Annual Knight’s of Columbus Fish Dinner on Friday, March 13 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Knights’ Medical Equipment Call Dale at 888-3782 Wanted: Lectors Are you interested in becoming a lector? If you are please contact Judy Ditter at 376-1056 or email me at [email protected] Story Link Prison Ministry Needs Your Help The Story Link Prison Ministry is in need of SPIRITUAL BOOKS for the prisoners to read to their children. We can always use Dr. Seuss books. Books can be new or gently used and for children ages 2-10 years. Please place the books in the BOX that is on the table in the hall near the church office. Thank You and God Bless. For more information contact: Kathy McGinley [email protected] or Mary Ann Kojis [email protected] Page 6 Parish News and Information Northview READY! Spring parent class! April 18--Saturday morning--9:30 to 11:00 at St. Mark's Church ALL NEW: reading and language experiences math activities emotional development targets classes for ages 0 to 1 or 1 to 2 child care provided cost--$25 Give your child the head start needed for success! Sign up today at [email protected] or call the church office--375-6651. Students and Schools NOTES FROM THE COUNSELOR—2nd Internet safety rule: "Supervise use of all internet enabled devices" Keep your child's computer in an open area of your home. Monitor other points of internet access including your child's cell phone, portable music device, gaming device, and PDA. The Girl Scouts have the rule that "If you would not do that or go there with your mom looking over your shoulder at it; don't go there or don't do that." It is a good basic guideline to keep your kids safe and healthy on line. If you want more information you can call Phyllis at St. Mark's Church and get the entire rules and tools book for $5. Call 3756651. Or you can get the full program, book, DVD from "Enough is Enough" at or —Joe Lipetzky Psy.D. St. Mark’s School Calendar March 20 (Fri.) March 23-27 (Mon.-Fri.) April 3 (Fri.) April 6 (Mon.) April 24 (Fri.) May 25 (Mon.) End of Third Quarter - (12:00 dismissal) Spring Break - No School Good Friday – No School Easter Monday – No School Progress Reports – Full Day of School Memorial Day - No School Bishop Kelly High School Calendar Mar. 5 (Thu) Mar. 6 (Fri) Mar 12 (Thu) Mar. 13 (Fri) End of Third Quarter Service Learning Day Noon Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conf. 4-6, 6:30-8:00 No School – Faculty Retreat Page 7 MT. 9:9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. 2015 serving those most in need. As we begin the 2015 Idaho Catholic Appeal, prayerfully consider the Lord’s call to Follow Me, participate, and make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Now, more than ever, your support is critical to more than 20 centralized diocesan ministries and programs that serve our parishes and schools throughout Idaho. Imagine what we can accomplish if everyone gives – imagine what we can accomplish if YOU give! Imagine what we can accomplish if everyone gives. Imagine what we can accomplish if YOU give! Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise 1501 S. Federal Way, Suite 400 Boise, Idaho 83705 208-342-1311 For more information or to donate online, go to Around the Valley Sacred Heart Parish Mission Pope Francis is shaking and waking up the Catholic Church from top to bottom. He is calling us back to that original simplicity, joy, boldness, passion and compassion that marked the first followers of Jesus. Join us on March 2, 3, & 4 at 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart (811 S. Latah St.) in Faith Hall as Thomas Smith presents an exploration of The Joy of the Gospel. All Treasure Valley parishes are welcome to attend. Jesuit Speaker Series On Monday, February 23 at 7 pm, Fr. Gary Smith, S.J. the author of Street Journal, Radical Compassion and They Come Back Singing and currently working on the streets of Portland, Oregon, will be leading a discussion titled "Walking With the Poor." It will be held at St. Paul's Catholic Student Center at Boise State University. Free and all are welcome. Reception to follow. For more information call 343-2128 or email [email protected]. Monthly All Abilities Mass Msgr. Andy Schumacher’s People with Special Abilities Mass. It is time again for our monthly all abilities Mass with MSGR Schumacher. The Mass will be on Sunday March 1, 2015, at 1:00 pm at St. Paul’s BSU Newman Center (1915 University Drive). If you have any questions please feel free to contact Debbie Snodgrass at (208) 867-4130 or email at [email protected]. St. Patrick’s Day Dinner You are invited to the 58th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on Sunday, March 15th, 2015 at Our Lady of Good Counsel Hall, Mountain Home from 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Join us for fellowship, entertainment and raffles. Dinner and raffle tickets will be available at the door. For more information please contact Helen Lindsey at 208-598-1317. Hope to see you there! BK Irish Dinner Theater Bishop Kelly High School music department is putting on an Irish Dinner Theater. Feb. 28th at 6:30 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary. Win a trip to Paris. Pre-sale tickets are $10 / Adults and $5 / Kids. At the door $12 / Adults and $7 / Kids. For questions email Lisa Cooper at [email protected] Advertiser of the week James P. Kaufman 342-4591 Page 9
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