A Cultural Publication for Puerto Ricans

A Cultural Publication for Puerto Ricans
From the editor . . .
Below is the first Puerto Rican flag, the flag of El Grito de Lares .
. . the first and only cry for independence (from Spain) for our
tiny Nation Island.
We are still as dependent today as ever, but now to the United
States, which has brought a certain level of peace, quiet,
prosperity and wealth if you compare Puerto Rico to the rest of
Latin America.
Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend!
Siempre Boricua, Ivonne Figueroa
El Grito de Lares
La Taverna Lúpulo/Trivia, Refranes
Taínos - Calendar -
Diego el Tavernero/ Poemas Riqueños
Food Blogs – Velez/Jaime in the Kitchen
Nuestra Cocina Criolla
More recipes
Book Review - Cookbook
Music Reviews by: Alberto González
El "Grito de Lares" is Puerto Rico's first and only cry for
On September 23, 1868 between 600 to 1000 men, mostly Puerto Rican
born and from the west of the Island, revolted for Independence from
Spain. Of the arrested most were innocent jíbaros their only guilt was
being passive victims of the political regime. The citizens of the Capital
as well as the wealthy were indifferent to the independence movement.
The men were poorly armed without aid, protection or training. The
revolt which was planned for September 29th began instead on the 23rd
as a result of betrayal.
On the evening of the 23rd the most daring met at the farm of Manuel
Rojas in Pezuelas, Lares. Led by Manuel Rojas this group of men
marched towards Lares. Second in command was Matías Brugman,
other leaders were Joaquín Parrilla, Eusebio Ibarra, Manuel Cebollero,
Juan Terreforte, Andrés Pol y Gambino Plumey. This group was able to
"take" Lares without any resistance before the Spaniards became aware
if the revolt. The group proceeded to form a provisional government
declaring an independent Puerto Rico Republic. The new President was
Francisco Ramírez, Aurelio Méndez was the Government Minister,
Clemente Millán was the Justice Minister, Federico Valencia was the
Minister of the Treasury, Manuel Ramírez was the Secretary of State,
Bernabé Pol was the Secretary. The following day they marched to San
Sebastián where the Spanish militia awaited them and the rest is
Within 24 hours the revolt, which was twelve years in the planning,
was defeated by the Spanish government. Of the participants 20
escaped, 8 died in action, 7 were tried by the War Council. Four months
later Spain declared a general amnesty. No one was executed or kept in
jail over 4 months. However 80 died in jail from yellow fever. The
majority of the insurgents were Puerto Ricans and represented diverse
socio-economic and racial levels. Of the 551 that were ultimately
charged, 93% were born in west Puerto Rico and only 17 in the
northeast. Mayagüez and Pepino produced one third of the suspects. 27
towns contributed men with only 10 town supplying 85% of the
insurgents. Only 7% were foreign born. Dr. Betances was allowed to go
to France in exile.
The insurrection had several leaders the most prominent being; Ramón
Emeterio Betances (1827-1898), leading the movement from exile in
Santo Domingo and Segundo Ruiz Belvis (1829-1867) co-leader with
Betances. Ana María (Mariana) Bracetti Cuevas (1825-1903), wife of
one of the members of the insurrection, sewed the revolutionary flag
designed by Betances. The reason for the insurrection were:
POVERTY, SLAVERY, taxation, lack of opportunity, and military
EL BORICUA is a monthly cultural publication,
established in 1995, that is Puerto Rican owned and
operated. We are NOT sponsored by any club or
organization. Our goal is to present and promote our
"treasure" which is our Cultural Identity - “the Puerto
Rican experience.” EL BORICUA is presented in
English and is dedicated to the descendants of Puerto
Ricans wherever they may be.
All articles and photos are the property of
of the writer or photographer.
Ivonne Figueroa
Executive Editor & Gen. Mgr.
Javier Figueroa
Anna María Vélez de Blas, Chef
Recipe Tester and Writer
Jaime Garibay Rivera, PhD
Jaime in the Kitchen, Food Blog
Guillermo ‘Don Guillo’ Andares, PhD
Gardening Tips for Puerto Ricans
Alberto González
Music Reviews
Elena Cintrón Colón
Primos Editor
Diego Matos Dupree
Joe Román Santos
Travel Editor
Lisa Santiago Brochu, Chef
Restaurant Reviews
Luisa Yaliz Alaniz Cintrón, MD
Guest Writer
Support Staff
Fernando Alemán Jr - Web Consultant
José Rubén de Castro -Photo Editor
María Yisel Mateo Ortiz -Development
Special Thanks to . . .
Tayna Miranda Zayas of MarkNetGroup.com
There are three Puerto Rico's you need to learn
about; the old, the new and the natural. Learn about
our little terruño. Subscribe to EL BORICUA, a
monthly cultural publication for Puerto Ricans.
Island Restaurants . . . .
People from San Juan are known as
La Taberna Lúpulo
Speaking Puerto Rican . . .
151 Calle de San Sebastian
Old San Juan
phone: (787) 721-3772
Mi madre me enseño sobre LOGICA 1
- '¿Cómo que por qué? Porque Sí!!!!'
Refrán . . .
Lisa Santiago Brochu
Restaurant Reviews
Hubby and I stumbled upon this old fashioned beer joint in Viejo San Juan
when there was a big street close down due to an accident. After waiting in
the cab for 20 hot minutes the driver directed us up the street and said to go
get a beer there and he would come for us. Well, I never expected to find
such a huge selection of beers, something like 50 different brands. I was
It wasn’t even past 7pm and the place was overflowing this patrons. We
had to actually sneak by a few people to get inside. Once we found a place
to sit, we were overwhelmed with the variety of the beer selection and the
bartender gave us a few good suggestions. He said we might as well order
something to eat and share just in case. So we ordered two different beers
and one Tripleta – you can’t go wrong with a Tripleta. The beer came and
hubby just chuckled his down and promptly order a different beer. The
Tripleta came sliced in half and we ate it in between sips of deliciously
cold beer.
Now let me tell you there was a lot of shoving and laughter and just tons of
noise. There must have been ten different patrons trying to place orders at
the same time. Not sure how the bartenders and waiters were able to tell
what everyone asked for. Really it was a great deal of unexpected fun.
Hijo eres, padre serás, según lo
hicistes, así lo verás.
The San Sebastián Street Festival (Fiestas
de la Calle San Sebastián ) in Old San Juan
is held every January for about 4 days.
This is the place to be if you want to
experience a true Puerto Rican Carnival
Atmosphere; this is Puerto Rico’s Mardis
Parades, music, dancing, artisans from
around the island, food and drink and the
potential for around 500,000 visitors to the
festival; all add up to 4 days of colorful
(and loud) celebrations in the streets of Old
San Juan.
I heard they offer live entertainment, but I guess we were too early.
The menu was nothing fancy, just a bunch of tapas like dishes, such as our
delicious Tripleta, burgers, pork sandwich, nachos, puffy fries, fried
cheese, even a pesto chicken wrap, and stuff like that. People did not come
in for the food, just the beer. Our Tripleta was just perfect, just the right
combination of ingredients and it was finger licking good.
This hole in the wall was one of those rare finds that keep you going there
all the time. I don’t think it even has a sign outside the doors – something
about a sign permit being too expensive. This place is full of locals and
apparently always full to the max – and so you know that’s a good sign.
The Taverna opens later in the day around six or so and stays open to 2am.
* Lisa Santiago Brochu, is a trained professional Chef and a former restaurant
owner in New York. She travels to Puerto Rico on business often. Her island roots
are in Caguas.
is a powerful word.
It is our history,
it is our cultural affirmation,
it is a declaration,
it is a term of endearment,
it is poetic . . .
it is us.
Sept 1,
Raised staple crops of cassava and sweet potatoes, and to a lesser
extent corn and other starchy plants, sometimes using extensive
fields with soil heaped in mounds for planting.
Amassed quantities of storable meats by methods such as
smoking and drying fish, iguanas, or saltwater crocodiles.
Wore no real clothing except a below-the-waist apron worn by
married women.
Designed their skin with dyes, pierced their ears and noses for
ornaments, flattened their foreheads by binding babies' heads.
Made pottery vessels decorated with lines cut into the clay or
with elaborate human-like or animal-like forms built up with
attached bits or strips of clay.
Sculpted stone, shell, and bone into elaborate forms representing
components of the spirit world.
Fashioned woven articles, feather adornments, gold-alloy
jewelry, and other elaborate ornaments used by high ranking
Slept in cotton hammocks.
Constructed plazas and ball courts outlined with stones, which
were sometimes decorated with petroglyphs, played a ball game
using a rubber ball.
Established several "ceremonial centers" of multiple ball courts
(in Puerto Rico), suggesting various chiefdoms.
Entrusted specialized knowledge of the sacred domain to select
individuals (the shaman or behique).
Operated within a hierarchical system of chiefs, who were
invested with power largely through their genealogical
relationships and who could command labor and wealth from
their "subjects".
Traveled and traded extensively in huge dugout canoes.
Spoke a language we label "Taíno", in the Arawakan language
family; little of their language was ever recorded.
Hola! I’m Spot and I am not a street puppy anymore thanks to
my new Mom Aida. I share a room with her pup Luis and I
get to sleep with him on his bed and also share his toys. When
it’s stormy we both crawl into mommy’s bed. Can you
believe nobody wanted me?
I have other friends in PR that also need to find a home.
Sept 9
Sept 11,
Sept 12,
Arturo Somohano Portela, ambassador of Puerto
Rican music throughout the world. He was a
famous pianist, composer, and was best known
as one of the leading orchestra directors of his
time. He founded the Orquesta Sinfónica de
Puerto Rico and was named Honorary Director of
the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid.b
Carlos Ortíz - boxing champion.
Miguel Algarín, poet, playwright, writer and owner
of Nuyorican Poets Café in NY.b
Don Pedro Albizu Campos, born in Ponce,
became Puerto Rico's strongest nationalistic
leader. He ended up in prison for his activities
and later died in 1965. b
Sept 13, Antonia Pantoja is an educator, community
leader and activist in NY and the winner of many
awards including the Presidential Medal of
Freedom in 1994.b
Sept 14, Lola Rodríguez de Tió, poet and nationalistic
leader is born in San Germán
Sept 14 Sister Isolina M. Ferré was a humanitarian and
community leader whose work in NY and in PR
brought her recognition and awards including the
Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999. She died
in 2000.
Sept 18,
Orlando Cepeda - Major League Baseball Star. b
Sept 22, NYS Assemblyman Roberto Ramírez is elected
the first Puerto Rican to chair the Bronx
Democratic Committee.
Sept 23, "EL GRITO DE LARES", Puerto Rico's one and
only call for independence. After the victory in
Lares the rebels declared a free República de
Puerto Rico and appointed government officials.
However, the insurrection was promptly defeated
in just a few days by the Spanish forces.
Sept 23 On this day we remember Mariana Bracetti,
"Brazo de Oro", and the woman who sewed the
Lares flag for El Grito. Mariana was born in
Mayagüez in 1825, the exact date is unknown.
She was married to, Miguel Rojas, one of the
leaders of the Lares revolt. Mariana suffered the
penalty of prison where she gave birth to a still
born child. She died in 1903 in Añasco a
forgotten heroine and in the poorest conditions
Sept 30 Piri Thomas (NY) gifted poet and novelist. Author
of ''Down These Mean Streets'', an
autobiographical novel published in 1967. This
best-selling book tells the story of Thomas's life
in the ghettoes of East Harlem.
Nace, vive y adelanta
por la senda de la vida,
y al recibir una herida
la citara toma y canta;
Y la turba se divierte
con el que, fija en el cielo
La mirada, por el suelo
do lleva el paso no advierte.
El se queja, y mientras tanto
se le escucha sonriendo,
quizás a veces creyendo
que son ardides del canto.
Y en su profunda aflicción,
de sus canciones benditas,
¡cuántas, cuántas van escritas
con sangre del corazón!
Aunque el genio el canto exhale
canta al par dolor y gloria
que el laurel de la victoria
cuesta más de lo que vale.
Piña Colada
Y al esparcir gloria y luz
del mundo en el escenario,
encuentra en él su calvario
y su martirio en su cruz.
Si Jesús en su suplicio
llegando al último instante,
desencajado el semblante,
consumado el sacrificio,
oz rum
oz Coco Lopez® cream of coconut
oz pineapple juice
cup crushed ice
Pour rum, cream of coconut and pineapple juice into a
blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth,
and pour into a glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and
a maraschino cherry, and serve.
Entre el ronco vocerío
del pueblo que le insultaba
con dulce amor exclamaba:
"¡Perdonadlos, Padre mío!"
Si su frente desgarrada
por la sangrienta corona
al suelo inclina y abona
la clemencia su mirada,
También el bardo, al sentir
que se acerca su partida
sintiendo luchar la vida
con las ansias del morir,
Venciendo su mal profundo
de su lecho se levanta,
su citara toma, y canta
como el cisne moribundo.
Siendo aquél su último cante
de su eterna despedida,
pura esencia de su vida
y perfume de su llanto,
Que cuando la frente inclina
al peso de su corona,
¡también bendice y perdona
al mundo que le asesina!
José Gautier Benítez
* Diego Matos Dupree, born in Bayamón, is a bartender
(tavernero) for a popular cruise line. He lives on board
most of the year and gets to travel the world.
Our PRIMOS section journeys through Latin America celebrating our cousins.
Mexican Lime Chicken
The secret to fancying up a whole cut-up, budget-friendly chicken is in the marinade.
This mouth watering, Mexican style marinade is packed with fresh ingredients like
lime, garlic, olive oil and cilantro. The result is a moist and flavorful Mexican Lime
Serves: 4
Chilling Time: 20 min
Cooking Time: 1 hr 10 min
2/3 cup lime juice (juice of 4 to 5 limes)
1/3 cup dry white wine
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 garlic head, cloves separated, peeled and chopped
1 (3-to 3 ½-pound) chicken, cut into 8 pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Coat a 9- x 13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, combine lime juice, wine, oil, cilantro, and garlic. Sprinkle chicken
with salt and pepper and place in prepared baking dish. Pour lime mixture over top of
chicken, cover, and marinate 20 to 30 minutes in refrigerator.
Bake uncovered in a preheated 375 degree F oven 60 to 70 minutes, or until no pink
remains and juices run clear.
Serve with Mexican Style rice, refried beans, Pico de Gallo and warm flour tortillas.
Elena Cintrón Colón
Primos Editor
* Elena, born and raised in Puerto
Rico to Brazilian and Peruvian
parents, lives in Buenos Aires
most of the year. She works for a
large South American firm and
travels throughout Latin America.
She comes home to San Juan.
In 1810 on September 16th, Father
Miguel Hidalgo, sounded "El Grito," or
The Cry of Independence in Dolores, in
the State of Guanajuato.
"El Grito" called for independence and
sovereignty for Mexico. Father Hidalgo
inspired the people of Mexico with a fiery
cry: "Long live religion! Long live Our
Lady of Guadalupe! Long live the
Americas and death to the corrupt
The 16th of September is the biggest
holiday in Mexico. So, today, the
Mexican community celebrates the
anniversary of this heroic cry for freedom
with fiestas, decorations and a
remembrance of the importance of
Jaime in the Kitchen
A Food Blog
Cocina Criolla – Cooking Hints
By: Anna María Vélez de Blas
Now that football season is in, my son RJ and I will
be enjoying leisurely Sunday afternoons in front of
the TV while eating our favorite dishes.
One of our favorites is carne frita. So easy and just
have to have tostones on the side and plenty of cold
beer. Women are not invited. What an afternoon!
green plantains
oil for frying
garlic powder
For appetizers slice the plantains into 1” rounds (they turn out nice and
round as in the photo). For a side dish slice diagonal as we always do at
home. One plantain makes about 8 small appetizer tostones or 6
diagonally sliced.
Slice the peeled plantains diagonally into 1" slices. Fry the slices over
medium heat until they soften and turn golden. Remove from oil and
drain on paper towels.
Using a tostonera (a press), slightly mash each piece to about half an inch
in thickness. If a tostonera is not available insert the pieces between a
folded piece of brown-paper sack and press down using a saucer. It is
best to press all the pieces first before going on the next step.
Carne frita
I always go with the easiest recipe. Just get about 3
lbs pork meat, chopped into not so big chunks,
season with plenty of garlicky adobo. I usually
season the meat the night before and refrigerate
until Sunday, that makes it taste better.
I add un chispito de aceite to the bottom of the
caldero and put any skin down first because that
takes longer to cook. The caldero is stirred now and
then until the meat is tender and crispy. You will
end up with tons of tasty greasy as the fat breaks
down in the meat. Drain on paper towels and
sprinkle with adobo again.
Hasta la proxima!
Dip each piece in warm salted water and fry again until crispy. Remove
from the oil and drain on paper towels. Salt them. Tostones may be
served with ketchup (kid's favorite) or with garlic sauce.
*Anna is a Recipe Tester for EL BORICUA and is also a professional Chef, she
lives in California with her husband, Joe and their three children.
* Jaime Garibay Rivera, Ph.D. is a retired college
professor (Aerophysics), now living in Miami. He has
three children and his family roots are in Mayagüez.
Nuestra Cocina Criolla
Palitos de Bacalao
8 oz bacalao, processed for use and separated
1 large potato, peeled and diced
2 garlic cloves, mashed in pilon
1 tbp flour
¼ cup Piñones
2 tbsp fresh recao, diced
Pique to taste (hot sauce)
1 egg
Extra Virgin olive oil
Process the bacalao by rinsing in warm water,
bringing to a boil twice using fresh water each time.
Drain. Let it cool then break into tiny pieces with
fingers. Next, mince the bacalao as well as you can.
Peel and boil the potato in remaining bacalao water
until soft.
Drain potato and mash with garlic until it is a paste.
Add flour, recao, pique, and Piñones and mix well.
Form palitos or sticks with the dough.
Once all the sticks are formed, heat the oil to high.
Now beat the egg and dip each stick in the egg and
then fry until crispy. Drain on paper towels.
Costillas Guisadas
Puerto Rican Style Short Ribs
This recipe serves 2.
1-1/2 lbs. beef short ribs
1/4 cup Naranja Agria (Bitter Orange)*
1/4 cup olive oil
juice of 1 lime
3 cloves garlic minced
dry seasonings to taste salt, pepper, cumin, packet Sazon or
1 tsp oregano
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup red wine
1 tsp capers
1 tbl Spanish olives (pimento stuffed green)
1 bell pepper sliced thin
1 capful apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup dried plums (prunes)
1/4 cup yellow raisins
4 baby potatoes
Salt and pepper beef well.
Marinate beef in bitter orange, olive oil, dry seasonings, lime
juice and garlic.
Sear meat in heavy pan.
Add remainder of ingredients, including marinade, and bring
to a boil. But not potatoes.
Lower heat, cover and simmer for about 1 hour or until meat
is tender and falls-off-the-bone.
Add potatoes about halfway through the process and cook till
fork tender.
Finishing Touch: A few sprigs of cilantro.
How about a Bacalao Pizza?
Nuestra Cocina Criolla
Arroz Blanco
2 cups short grain rice
6 cups boiling water
1½ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon vegetable oil
A ‘mixta’ is a place that includes habichuelas
guisadas, arroz blanco y carne guisada. It is a
traditional combination served at café’s all over the
Carne Guisada
3 lbs beef cut into 1 inch cubes
½ cup sofrito
2 teaspoons of vinegar
8 oz. can tomato sauce – 2 cans water
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 carrots peeled and cut into ½ inch pieces
1 green pepper (bell pepper will do), sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
1 small onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic
3 potatoes peeled and cut in cubes
24 Spanish olives with pimentos*
4 tablespoons of capers*
2 laurel leaves
½ cup frozen peas
Salt and pepper to taste
Slice onions and crush the 3 cloves of garlic. In a medium
caldero heat the olive oil and add onions, garlic then the
meat. Brown the meat, add the sofrito, laurel leaves, vinegar,
tomato sauce and water. Cover and at medium flame cook for
about 1-1/2 hours. During this time you can check and stir
meat a few times.
Bring water to a boil
Rinse the rice and drain.
In a medium caldero heat the oil.
Add the rice and stir around a couple of minutes or
5. Add enough boiling water to cover the rise 1” above
rice line.
6. Add salt and stir.
7. Cook on high until water evaporates.
8. Stir once or twice ONLY (too much stirring will
make the rice sticky or amogollao.
9. Cover and lower heat to lowest
10. Cook another 15 minutes
11. Stir once from the bottom up
12. Cover and cook another 15-20 minutes and it’s
Habichuelas Rapiditas
2 slices bacon, diced
½ cup ready made sofrito
3 - 15oz. cans beans (pink beans preferred or pinto)
1 - 15oz can diced or sliced potatoes, drained
1 - 8 oz can tomatoe sauce
¼ cup sliced olives with pimentos
1 tbsp. cappers
8 oz water, appx.
Cook diced bacon until done - don't drain.
Add the sofrito and cook this for about 5 minutes
over low heat. Add the rest of the ingredients, bring
to a boil, lower heat and simmer for approximately
5-10 minutes or so. It should not be too thick. Of
course you can make this same recipe using any
type bean.
Add carrots, peppers, olives, capers and simmer for another
hour. Check the meat. By this time it should be fork tender.
At this time add the potatoes . Once potatoes have cooked
you can add the peas and let rest.
This actually took about 3 hours. You can use the crockpot
to cook the meat or a pressure cooker. Just adjust the steps
Always served with tostones
Nuestra Música
Quique Domenech
Junto a la Orq. Filarmónica de P.R.
“30 Años Pa’ Mi Gente” - En Vivo
The city of Santurce, a historically important contributor within the
beloved Plena music world, engendered a special son who almost right
away started to play Cuatro. His passion for the national instrument and
all the Puerto Rican culture made him an important exponent at a young
age. The also composer and arranger, Quique Domenech, has been
involved in many live and studio productions with many renowned local
artists like Haciendo Punto en Otro Son, Chucho Avellanet, Danny
Rivera, Andy Montañez, Tony Croatto and more. He was part
responsible for an astonishing Cuatro dual performance, along with the
great Prodigio Claudio, in Tito Henríquez’ immortal “Bello Amanecer”,
from the production “P.R. Jazz Jam” (resembled here in a previous
edition-Oct, 2011), and he has also participated in cultural TV Specials.
Fully illustrated,
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Running Press; 2nd edition (9/26/2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1568582447
ISBN-13: 978-1568582443
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 9 inches
Rivera, a novelist and a Nuyorican (the term refers to
a Puerto Rican raised in New York City), has
compiled a wide-ranging collection of homestyle
Puerto Rican recipes, both traditional dishes and
those adapted or inspired by mainland cuisine. Many
of them come from Rivera's extended family, and his
readable headnotes and introductions include lots of
family anecdotes as well as background on Puerto
Rican culture and cuisines. Thoughtful wine
suggestions accompany most dishes.
Easy to follow recipes with photos and illustrations,
including hints and everything you need to get going
in your own kitchen.
Very well written.
Ivonne Figueroa
Among his varied activities, either as part of a team work or through his
solo productions, Quique is a cultural icon, promoting “El Cuatro”, “La
Trova”, National Composers, Christmas music and anything about the
Island’s traditions and culture.
His September 2012 concert at Coliseo Rubén Rodríguez in Bayamón,
P.R, in which he celebrated his 30 years in music, can be enjoyed in this
double CD production “30 Años Pa’ Mi Gente”; 18 tunes of great music
with great guest artists. Starting by mentioning Rafael Hernández’ “Los
carreteros” and “Capullo de alhelí”. “Defensa al jíbaro” with special
guest “El eterno niño trovador” Luis Daniel Colón who many years ago,
while being a kid and after being discovered by the giant songwriter Tite
Curet, became a sensation recording albums and appearing in music
videos with Borinquen’s adoptive son and “jíbaro” music icon Tony
Croatto. “Creo en Dios”, with singer/comedian Dagmar, known in the
‘80s for her participation in local TV programs. “Medley Tony
Croatto”, a tribute to the late star Tony with the talented guest Tito
Auger, lead singer/guitarist of “Fiel a la Vega”. “Improvisaciones”,
with brothers Eduardo and Ricardo Villanueva improvising “décimas
campesinas”. And many more!
-Alberto González lives in South Florida, works in Spanish & ESL
education and provides translation services. Graduated from the Inter
American University of Puerto Rico and attended the Music
Conservatory of Puerto Rico-