February is Men’s Month Genesis 1:27 & Ephesians 4:24 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FEATURING THE REV. DR. FREDERICK D. HAYNES III, SENIOR PASTOR FRIENDSHIP WEST BAPTIST CHURCH, DALLAS, TX FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT MEN’S DAY Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Minister of Pastoral Care Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Minister of General Ministry Tom Worford 100 Black Men Monday—02/23/2015 Warren Evans Wayne County Executive Tuesday—02/24/15 Benny Napoleon Wayne County Sherriff Wednesday—02/25/15 Dr. John Trotter II Physician Thursday—02/26/15 Omari Sankofa Poet / Activist Friday—02/27/15 Website: hmbcdetroit.org Streaming Live at 11:00 AM Church Building WIFI Access Code: hartford Sunday’s Broadcast will be aired at 7:00 PM on 1340 AM Gospel Radio 18700 James Couzens Highway— Detroit, Michigan 48235 — 313-861-1300/Church —313-861-1285/Office F rederick Douglass Haynes, III, is a prophetic pastor, passionate leader, social activist, and eloquent orator and educator engaged in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, fighting against racial injustice; committed to economic justice and empowerment in under-served communities and touching and transforming the lives of the disenfranchised. For 31 years, Dr. Haynes has served as a visionary and innovative senior pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Under his servant leadership, the ministry and membership have grown from less than 100 members in 1983 to over 12,000. Dr. Haynes was born in Dallas, TX and grew up in San Francisco, California. He is the grandson and son of socially conscious and active pastors. He attended public schools in the Bay Area and was one of three valedictory speakers when he graduated from Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco. Haynes graduated, with honors, from Bishop College in 1982 with a B.A. degree in Religion and English. He earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2005, he earned a Doctorate in Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation where he was afforded the opportunity to study at Christ Church, Oxford University in Oxford England. His dissertation reflects his commitment to faith based social activism: To Turn The World Upside Down: Church Growth In A Church Committed to Social Justice. Dr. Haynes is committed to education and has led Friendship-West to donate over a million dollars to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and over 2 million dollars in scholarship aid to students who are members of the church and community. The community outreach of Dr. Haynes has created opportunities for him to address large audiences via radio. He hosted Freddy Haynes Unscripted; the tag line was "edutainment for community empowerment" on Radio One's 94.5, KSOUL, a local radio show in Dallas. The show debuted at number one in its time slot in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. He gave the "Inspirational Vitamin" as the concluding voice on K104’s Skip Murphy Morning Show for over 7 years and for 10 years has given the message on the Praise Break for the nationally syndicated Rickey Smiley Morning Show, reaching over 70 cities. It should be noted that both of these shows have a hip hop radio format, but because of the ability of Haynes to reach young people, he was asked to give inspirational messages during these shows. Dr. Haynes has received numerous awards and honors for his ministry and activism. Ebony Magazine named him to its' Power 100 list of most influential African Americans in 2012. He has been inducted into the National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame. Dr. Haynes was honored to give remarks at the Memorial service of one of the most respected world leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries, President Nelson Mandela. This privilege was even more special because it took place in the same sanctuary that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his very last sermon, the Washington National Cathedral. The Congressional Black Caucus honored Haynes by having him serve as the featured speaker at its' Annual Prayer Breakfast in 2011, a prestigious honor. These are just a few of the significant honors, which are in the hundreds, bestowed upon Haynes for his servant leadership. Dr. Haynes is the author of "Healing Our Broken Village," which seeks to address the issues that have contributed to broken communities and lives. He also authored "Soul Fitness," an inspirational and motivational daily devotional. Dr. Haynes is married to Debra Peek-Haynes, founder and President of Quorum Commercial, a commercial real estate firm. They are the proud parents of Abeni Jewel Haynes. 1 MINISTRIES TO REPORT DURING WINTER REVIVAL (If your ministry was omitted, you may report on Friday, February 27) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Deacons Ministry Deaconess Ministry The January Birth Month Ministry The February Birth Month Ministry The March Birth Month Ministry Hartford Nurses Ministry Trustees Ministry Hartford Men United Ministry Hartford Business Association Ministry Hartford Maintenance & Improvement Ministry Senior Usher Board #1 Ministry The Male Chorus Ministry T.R.U.T.H. Ministry Representatives Acolytes Ministry Athletic Ministry Cheer Team Ministry Charles G. Adams Drama Ministry Church Nursery Ministry Junior Nurses’ Ministry Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts Ministry Girl Scouts Ministry Youth Usher Ministry Cherubic Choir Ministry God’s Gifted Host Choir Ministry TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Consolation Choir Ministry The April Birth Month Ministry The May Birth Month Ministry The June Birth Month Ministry Harambee Ministry College Christian Fellowship Ministry All States Ministry Married Couples’ Ministry Media Ministry Sunday Church School Ministry Lions Club Ministry Adult Usher Board #2 Ministry WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Ladies Aid Society Ministry The July Birth Month Ministry The August Birth Month Ministry The September Birth Month Ministry R.E.A.C.H. Ministry Bus Transportation Ministry Ambassadors for Christ for Praying and Fasting Ministry Hartford Progressive Society Ministry Hartford Greeters Ministry Hartford Health Ministry Liturgical Dance Ministry Agape House Ministry Quilting Sisters Ministry Senior Usher Board #2 Ministry The Women’s Day Chorus Ministry THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 The Hartford Optimist Ministry Missionary Society Ministry Pastor’s Courtesy Guild Ministry Mothers’ Board Ministry Tutorial Program Ministry Hartford Women United Ministry Scholarship Committee Ministry Stephen Ministry Izandela Deaf Ministry Hartford Biblical Institute Adult Usher Board #1 Ministry Cathedral Choir Ministry FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 The October Birth Month Ministry The November Birth Month Ministry The December Birth Month Ministry Special Needs Ministry Social Justice Ministry Transitional Ministry Ministers’ Ministry Combined Usher Boards’ Ministry Hartford Office Staff Ministry Jubilee Chorus Ministry 2015 MEN’S DAY FINANCIAL CAPTAINS Pastor Charles G Adams Presiding Pastor Charles C Adams Vincent Ball Ken Brandon Edmund Carmichael Anthony Crooks Dexter Fields Michael Fleming Cliff Hampton Ernest Harris Leon Johnson Jethro Joseph Eugene Kelley II Curtis Kilpatrick Ronald McCutcheon L. Kevin Miller Wesley Norris Washington Porter 14 Paul Sanders Ronald Spears Jeffrey Steel Frank Taylor Kevin Taylor Norris Turner Richard Vaughn Vonzie Whitlow Thomas Williams SANCTUARY CELEBRATION FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT — MEN’S DAY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 — 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ORDER OF SERVICE BEREAVEMENT NOTICES Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names: DECEASED RELATIVES LOCATION DATE TIME Trustee Joann DrakeHMBC Tuesday FH-10:00 AM Beatrice Drake Gambrell 02/17/2015 Svc-11:00 AM Deacon John Gambrell Deacon Carolyn Drake Evelyn Johnson HMBC Tuesday FH-1:00 PM James Edward Johnson Angeline Mitchell 02/17/2015 Svc-2:00 PM Reginald Johnson Deacon Annette Refreshing Word Saturday Ranya Robinson Robinson Ministry 02/21/2015 Detroit, MI Horizon Sanctuary Saturday Svc-11:00 AM Rev. Dr. Joseph Lawrence Friend of Hartford -Historic 02/21/2015 Roberts Jr. Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, GA Rev. Shaun Turner HMBC-Chapel Monday FH-11:00 AM Sebastian Cash Mack Jennifer Rebecca Mack 02/23/2015 Svc-11:30 AM William Mack IV For additional information on these names and others, please see the notices as posted on the bulletin board in the north corridor, or call the Church Office. Following the loss of a loved one can be a very difficult time. You may experience all kinds of difficult and surprising emotions, such as shock, anger and guilt. A Bereavement Support Counseling Group is being held each 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, in Room 307 at 6:00 PM. Through a setting that embraces confidentiality, participants may: gain insight from others regarding coping strategies to begin to "live again"; share experiences and feelings that keep memories alive; restore relationships when forgiveness is needed; gain wisdom regarding lifestyle changes; and strengthen our spiritual well-being. Please contact the Church Office to register at 313-861-1285 x 429, and begin the journey to healing. IN THE HOSPITAL/REHABILITATION CENTERS OAKWOOD HERITAGE HOSPITAL, TAYLOR, MI Neil Haney KARMANOS CANCER INSTITUTE, DETROIT, MI Glen Myrick NOTTING HILL HEALTH CARE FACILITY, WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI Ms. Johnnie Pearl Horton Deacon Lawrence Brown HARTFORD NURSING CENTER, DETROIT, MI Charlie Anderson Ledora Holmes WEST BLOOMFIELD NURSING CENTER, W. BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI Deacon Bernard Parker REGENT AT BLUFFS PARK NURSING HOME, ANN ARBOR, MI Min. Tommie Latimer 13 Devotional & Pastoral Advisements Choral Introit “Festival March on Lift Every Voice and Sing and Battle Hymn of Republic” - Burkhart “Let There Be Joy” - J. Wes Lewis Opening Praise Sentences Rev. Charles C. Adams Processional Hymn #395 “Stand Up for Jesus” Prayer of Invocation Rev. Charles C. Adams Prelude Glory Be To The Father #541 Organ Interlude “Were You There?” - Charles Callahan Anthem “I Am That Man” - Mark Hayes Men’s Liturgical Dance Ministry Prayer of Intercession & Song of Inspiration Welcome To The Visitors “There’s A Story Behind My Praise” - R. Covington Rev. Charles C. Adams The Tithes & Offertory Period Offertory Sentences Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap. People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. “I Still Remember” - E. Robinson Offertory Selection The Prayer of Dedication Rev. Charles C. Adams Hymn of Preparation #279 “Standing on the Promises” The Written Word Preached Word Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, Senior Pastor Friendship West Baptist Church, Dallas TX Invitation To Christian Discipleship Hymn of Invitation #227 “I Surrender All” Prayer of Thanksgiving The Right Hand of Fellowship Recessional #494 “I Am on the Battlefield for My Lord” Choral Benediction “As You Go, Tell the World” - Foster/Vails Postlude “A Mighty Fortress is our God” - Gordon Young 2 LOOKING AHEAD SERMON NOTES In times of suffering or stress, we may feel that GOD is against us or doesn’t care. Yet GOD hears our cries and acts to restore wholeness, not only to individuals, but to the whole community and beyond. When discipleship includes suffering and rejection, GOD is faithful and does not hide. GOD keeps promises; we respond in faith and thanksgiving. Our focus scriptures for next week are Psalm 22:23-31; Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Romans 4:13-25; and Mark 8:31-38. Psalm 22 is the prayer of one who is afflicted. It begins with lament, “My GOD, my GOD, why have you forsaken me?” GOD has cared for the people of Israel over centuries. Why does it seem that GOD has abandoned the psalmist now? This psalm is frequently read during worship on Good Friday, as Jesus spoke these opening words for the cross (see Mark 15:34). Lament psalms, though they express human pain and suffering, usually end by expressing thanks that GOD delivers from trouble. The portion of Psalm 22 we read today is just such a hymn of praise. With exuberance that may seem surprising—given the depth of despair described in the earlier verses—the psalmist proclaims that GOD does not despise those who are afflicted. GOD is always close and is with those who are in distress. This psalm reminds us that, though we are in an individual relationship with GOD, we are also part of a community of faith. The psalmist comes to the faith community, praising GOD “in the great congregation.” GOD’s people are not meant to undergo suffering alone, but to find strength through shared story and experience of GOD’s saving presence. Verse 23 is an example of the parallelism so characteristic of Hebrew poetry: “All you offspring of Jacob, Rachel and Leah, glorify GOD; stand in awe of GOD, all you offspring of Israel!” (NRSV Inclusive Language Version). The people to whom GOD gave the name “Israel” are called to praise GOD, who has acted through their history and will continue to act to bring wholeness and salvation. More than that, “all the families of the nations” will worship GOD. GOD’s rule extends to the entire world. Past, present and future—”those who sleep in the earth” and “people yet unborn” —all generations praise GOD. Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 also speaks to trust in GOD’s promises. Abram and Sarai are childless; yet GOD makes a covenant, promising Abram he will be the ancestor of many nations. Through Sarai’s son, GOD’s everlasting promise will extend to a multitude. The new names, Abraham and Sarah, signify their new status as GOD’s covenant people. Romans 4:13-25 recalls GOD’s covenant with Abraham. Abraham responded to GOD’s promise in faith and trust, “hoping against hope” that GOD’s promise was true. Like the psalmist, Abraham’s hope was in GOD’s trustworthy goodness. Paul exhorts readers to have such faith in GOD’s saving love through Christ. In Mark 8:31-38, Jesus and his disciples are near Caesarea Philippi. For the first time Jesus teaches that he will suffer and die. Peter cannot believe this; This is not what was expected of GOD’s messiah. Jesus rebukes Peter and challenges the entire crowd to consider what it means to follow Jesus and trust in GOD’s saving love. Following this account is the story of the Transfiguration ((Mark 9:2-9). Peter, James and John accompany Jesus up the mountain after Jesus’ teaching about his pending suffering and death. They are terrified as GOD confirms Jesus’ identity as GOD’s Son, and tell them to listen to Jesus. Love ya, C.G.A. 3 12 BLACK HISTORY MONTH / MEN’S MONTH QUIZ Bring your completed quiz to the Resource Center, and if you answer 7 or more correctly, claim your prize If you correctly answer ALL QUESTIONS receive a special prize. 1. Who wrote the famous Gospel song “Take My Hand, Precious Lord”? _______________________________ 4. Who ws the first African American on Forbes’ 400 wealthiest American’s List [1992]? _______________________________ 2. Dr. George Washington Carver taught farmers what two concepts to increase their crops? 5. Name three films directed by Spike Lee 1) ________________________ _______________________________ 2) ________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 3. Robert Johnson, former owner of BET, became the first African American — a. Millionaire b. Billionaire c. Publisher 6. What year was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Please take the time to join a Lenten Cell Group near you during this season. We will be studying from the book, The Will of God, by Leslie D. Weatherhead, which is available in the Spears-Watson Bookstore. Lenten Cell Groups will begin the week of March 1, 2015. If you would like to host a Lenten Cell, please call the Church Office at 313-861-1285 x417. 7. Who was the first African American doctor to perform heart surgery? GROUP NAME _______________________________ 8. In what years was Colin Powell Secretary of State? _______________________________ BONUS: What year was Dr. Charles G. Adams invited to speak before the United Nations? _______________________________ 48201 48221 48223 Women's Bible Study HOST Rev. Natalie Cherry Bernie Beaumont Debra Beckon Rev. Cecilia Holliday ADDRESS 3963 Miracles Blvd 20437 Renfrew 15751 Kentfield HMBC - Room 106 Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Detroit, MI ZIP 48201 48221 48223 48235 DAY Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays TIME 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 6:00 PM-7:30 PM TELEPHONE 313-833-3710 313-727-6477 313-244-4554 313-861-1285 INSTRUCTOR Rev. N. Cherry Rev. Lionel Scott Rev. LaVerne Bostic Rev. C. Holliday GROUP NAME Men's Bible Study Mission Married Couples Ministry TRUTH Teen Cell Deacon Justine Lofton Rev. Robyn Moore CITY ST _______________________________ HMBC—Room 304 HMBC - Room 106 Deacon Leon & Deaconess Rhonda Johnson HMBC Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Oak Park, MI ZIP 48235 48235 48235 48237 DAY Tuesdays Wednesdays Tuesdays Sundays TIME 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM-8:30PM 2:00 PM TELEPHONE 313-861-1285 313-934-1427 313-861-1285 248-252-7678 INSTRUCTOR Rev. C. Adams Deacon Justine Lofton Rev Kevin N. Taylor Rev. Robyn Moore GROUP NAME Joshua Ministry Revelation Thursday Bible Class Mrs. Kamil Williams Rev. Dr. Urias Beverly Sis Rosalind Wiley HMBC - Room 106 HMBC - Library Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Detroit, MI ZIP 48235 48235 48235 DAY Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays TIME 6:00 PM-8:00 PM 6:00 PM-7:30 PM 11:00 AM TELEPHONE 313-861-1285 313-861-1285 313-861-1285 INSTRUCTOR Rev. Reggie White Rev. Dr. Urias Beverly Sis. R. Wiley HOST Rev. C. Christian Adams STEPHEN MINISTRY “Christ Caring For People through People” STEPHEN MINISTERS CARE FOR PEOPLE FACING TOUGH TIMES and are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual help needed with crisis that include: Loss of a loved one Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness Divorce or Separation Unemployment/Job Crisis Loneliness/ Discouragement …and more STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to provide you with one-on-one care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-2302 COULD YOU BE A STEPHEN MINISTER??? Are you a believer interested in helping others by being a spiritual partner for someone going through a personal crisis? Stephen Ministers are trained to meet this need. The Stephen Ministry is looking for candidates for the April, 2015 training class. Contact Rev. Lurecie Stokes or Min. Curtis Kilpatrick for more information @ 313-861-1285. Applications are available in the Church Office and at hmbcdetroit.org under the Stephen Minister category. 11 ADDRESS CITY ST HOST ADDRESS HMBC—Vincent Room CITY ST 4 21310 Parklawn MEN’S DAY CONTRIBUTIONS IN LOVING MEMORY AND HONOR OF LOVED ONES BY FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS CONTRIBUTOR Deaconess Clara Austin Huey Ball Arneda Ball Trustee Vincent L. Ball Thelma Bates Jessie Brad Angeline Brown Deacon Annie Bush Deacon Janice Bush Rhunette Cabil Deacon Edmon C. Carmichael Gwen Carmichael Trustee Flo Clark Ruthie M. Davis Askew/Denning Families Paul A. Dillard Deacon Mildred E. Dixon B. Elam Jacqueline M. Elam Deacon Huey Ferguson Michael O. Foster Michael Gilliam Glenda Vicks Givens Ronald Goldsberry R. Griffin Elmer Harris Dr. & Mrs. E. Harrison W. Rollin Henderson Jr. Dr. Tony Ingram Arthur Jefferson Candice L. Jenkins Sarah Keith Alice Kelley-Booker Shirley Kelley IN MEMORY OF Styan Austin, Husband Barbara Ball Irving Allison, Father Irene Ball, Mother Lionel Jerome Ball, Brother Marcellus Ball, Father Ronald Bates IN HONOR OF Vincent Ball, Husband Arneda Ball, Wife Earl Collins Jesse Nash Ramona Brown, Daughter Deacon Isaiah Johnson Deacon Coleman Thornton, Father Postell Bush, Grandfather Oliver Williams Delois A. Carmichael-Branch Ethel Lee Shephard James A. Clark, Father Yolanda Davis, Daughter Melvin L. Askew Sr. Rev. Paul A. Dillard Jr. Lillian O. Smith, Mother Sloanie Mae White Lucille E. Moore Maurice Ferguson Ollie Foster Sidney Franklin Johnetta Trammell John Givens Sr. Constance Jones Andre Barnes Rosie B. Harris Laura Mae Harrison, Mother Bernice S. Henderson Hilery Ferguson Lucille Barnes Men’s Day Sarah Jefferson Major Rev. James Willard Jenkins, Father Jimmie Ruth Strugs Eugene Kelley II Gertrude Roberson, Mother 5 10 SERVING TODAY MALE CHORUS Dr. Joanne Clark Minister of Pipe Organ Dr. Stanley Waldon Director Alvin Waddles Hammond Organ/Pianist Joseph Hayden Bassist Matthew Lemons Percussionist DEACONESSES: Angeline Brown, On Duty Dorothy Welch, Team Leader Linda Hathorne, 1st Asst. Daisy Bryant Aaron, 2nd Asst. Kathryn Cotton Marjorie Dickson Jackie Lurry Dorothy Marbury Rochelle Mitchell Lurine Moncrease Gwen Moore Paulette Turner Dorothy J. Ward Carol Williams Shirley Woods TRUSTEES: Jacqueline Shelton, Capt. Kathy Hemingway, Co-Capt. Shirley Myrick, Co-Capt. Madge Anderson Janice Ashford Vincent Ball Linda Clark Dorothy Cocroft Nora Sharpley Ferguson Dexter Fields Joann Drake Gambrell LaRue Jones Hennie Major Creflo Mims Candice T. Howard Dr. Ronald Turner Kenneth Watts Andrea Whitfield USHERS: DEACONS: Combined Men Usher Ministry Thomas Williams, Chairman Lawrence T. Mathews, On IZANDLA Duty INTERPRETERS: Richard T. Moncrease, Capt. Reichelle Tucker ** John Bradley, Co-Capt. John Harvey Lawrence Brown Nina White Lawrence Carter ** Interpreting Sermon Keith Davis John H. Eley Jr. MINISTERS ANOINTING Huey Ferguson TEAM: John T. Gambrell Billie Beverly, Capt. Lee Jamal Helm Laverne Bostic Harold M. Holmes L. Delores Brandon Johnnie Carl Lurry Penny Godboldo Richard Moncrease Peter Hart Bernard Parker Arthur Stewart Lawrence M. Poole Brandee S. Pruitt George Taylor NURSES: Sheryl Brown Gloria Howard Betty Mapp Janice McCrary Regina Thomas CHURCH CLERKS Ruby Newbold, Vice Clerk Deborah Boatner Cynthia Bonds Stephanie Brown Cynthia Harris Carrie Thomas Johnson Andra Teasley Linda Tinsley ANNOUNCEMENT CLERKS 7:30 AM Jessie M. Brad 11:00 AM Quentin L. McDonald RESOURCE CENTER Cherokee Cole Dolores Spencer Andrea Whitfield Virgil Young GREETERS 7 Julia Baldwin Shelvie Brice Laytha Danley Bruce Perry Lamar Reed Virginia Tate 11:00 AM Elaine Carter Ada Grant Ozella Henry Katie Lindsey Patricia Perry Cynthia Trusclair Oneita Whitfield CHURCH OFFICE—HARTFORD INSTITUTE BUILDING 18900 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 Administrative Offices—9:00 AM—5:00 PM Monday thru Friday 313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 — Fax 313-861-0265 RESOURCE CENTER & BOOKSTORE Open Sunday after 7:30 AM Service until 11:00 AM, immediately after 11:00 AM Service and Wednesdays 11:30 AM - 6:30 PM. Bookstore’s direct line —313-864-3404 HARTFORD AGAPE HOUSE 18700 James Couzens Highway—Detroit, Michigan 48235 313-861-1200 — Fax 313-861-7896 Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission….. 313-861-1202 The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters 313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 — Email: [email protected] 9 MEN’S DAY CONTRIBUTIONS IN LOVING MEMORY AND HONOR OF LOVED ONES BY FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS CONTRIBUTOR Geraline D. King Essie Knox Marcus Latimer Sidney Lowery Deacon Connie McCoy Blondean McDonald Eunice Moore Ula Murphy Margaret Neal Cheryl Neason Deacon Johnny Northern James & Rhonda Orr Margaret Patterson Edwards Peoples Mack A. Peoples Vivian Pope Silvia Puckett Allie Rucker Paula Sanders Deaconess Darlene Spivey Smith Earline W. Springer Clarissa H. Stone Luther Taylor Jr. Patricia A. Taylor Deacon Norris Turner Phyllis Turner Richard E. Vaughn Beatrice Williams Claudia Williams Samuel Williams Louis Wilson Thomas Worford Jacqueline Worthy Virgil Young IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF Andy King Billie Wiseman, Sister Tommie Latimer Sr., Father Timothy Wynn Deacon Richard Evans Annie Andrews David J. Clark Estella Bryant James Neal, Father Benjamin Turner, Grandfather Joseph Waters James L. Orr Sr. Jesse Bailey Leroy Peoples Sam Peoples, Brother Howard Thomas, Uncle Charles T. Puckett III, Son Albert & Thelma Likely William Earl Smith, Husband Albert G. Springer Atty. Horace E. Stone, Husband Luther Taylor Sr. Mrs. Mildred Martin, Mother Deacon Edward Turner Susie Glover Maevella McCreary, Mother Tommy Williams, Brother Mr. & Mrs. Howard L Sanders, Parents James Rooselvelt Lee Mother Sarah Haygood Ruth Wilson Golden Worford Theodore McFeders Barnell Worthy Edna E. Young 6 Rev. Thomas Barnes Victor E. Green, Brother Paul W. Sanders B. B. Smith, Son Robin Weathersby, Niece Isaiah Williams Jr. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Get that Midweek Boost! J oin us for “Hour of Power ” Ser vice each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Be connected! The Detroit Musicians Association presents the Nathaniel Dett Chorale in Concert here at Hartford, Sunday, March 8, 2015, at 5:00 PM. The Nathaniel Dett Chorale is a Canadian Choral ensemble that specializes in Afrocentric music of all style including classical, spirituals, gospel, jazz and blues. Donation: $20. Discounts available for seniors and students. Hartford Membership Photographers will be taking individual pictur es in Fellowship Hall Stage area behind the screen on the Third and Fourth Sundays after the 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Services. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and not be included in our membership publication. Stop by and ask for Delisa. The Joshua Ministry (for adults 18-40) welcomes you to our weekly Thursday Bible Study at 6:15 PM in the Vincent Room. Join us as Reverend Kevin Taylor leads us in Bible study and discussion. Please contact Kamil Williams at [email protected] so that we can get a headcount for dinner. The Hartford Singles Ministry Meeting Scheduled for Feb. 23rd has been cancelled due to Revival Week. Ministry Leader Deacon Jeffrey Steele encourages all Singles Ministry Members, and their friends and family members, to attend the Revival Services each night. Did you know that the Members Orientation Class is not just for new members? If it’s been years since you last attended, never attended or did not complete the series, you are invited to come and learn more about you Baptist heritage. After which you will be awarded your certificate of completing. Classes meet in the Chapel at 9:30 AM on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays. The February meeting of the Pastor's Courtesy Guild Ministry will be on Saturday February 28, 2015. Please join us at 11:00 AM in Room 108. Exciting events are being planned. We look forward to seeing former, present and new members. Deacon Artelia Griggs, President. Earline Philips is sponsoring a bus trip to New Orleans, LA for 7 days and 6 nights. The bus will be leaving May 17, 2015 and will return May 23, 2015. The trip includes bus fare, lodging, tours, and some meals. The donation is $629 per person, double occupancy (an additional $210 charge for a single room). To make reservations or ask additional questions, Ms. Philips will be in the Fellowship Hall after each Service. She can also be reached at 313-835-3729. The Greeters will meet TODAY immediately after the 11:00 AM Service in Room #308. All are welcome to join us. Lenten Season Gleaners are available in the Church Office and Bookstore. The Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring its 2015 Black College Tour, Friday, April 3 thru April 12, 2015. They will tour colleges in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. The donation is $600, and includes transportation and lodging. For applications and additional information, please contact Ms. Georgia Daniel at 313-861-1150 or the Church Office. Keith Gamble-Woodwind Music Lessons is offering music lessons for saxophone, flute and clarinet for a nominal fee. You may reach him at 313-330-0346, or email at [email protected]. Also, Deborah Scales, a retired DPS band and orchestra teacher is available to assist in beginning strings, snare drum, trumpet and trombone. There is no fee for her lessons. Arrangements and times can be made by calling Ms. Scales at 248-939-7358 or [email protected]. Student must own an instrument. Give the gift of a life time. Teen Connect Bible Study has star ted. Lear n the Wor d of God studying topics suggested by teens that directly impact their daily living. Studies are 5:30 to 6:30 PM every Tuesday and include guest speakers, projects, prizes and more. For additional info, contact Rev. Robyn Moore at 248-252-7678. It’s Girl Scouts Cookies time! Gir l Scouts will be selling cookies in the Resour ce Center and Fellowship Hall each Sunday, starting Feb 8th through March 15th. All current and former Hartford Young Adults between the ages of 22-28 are invited to participate in a discussion and focus group. The theme is “Speak Your Mind: The Church Wants to Know!” The discussion and focus group will take place Monday, February 23 thru Thursday, February 26, 2015 (5:30 PM – 7:00 PM) at Hartford in Room 108. For additional information, please contact Rev. Connie Jackson at 586-663-7989 or email her at [email protected]. Hartford Members and Friends: You can set up recurring donations to the Church. Contact the Accounting Office at 313-861-1285 x411 to learn how it can be done. 7 8
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