A: 72 Winton Street East P: PO Box 766, DALBY Q 4405 T: 07 4662 4934 F: 07 4662 5611 E: [email protected] www.ausplantnursery.com.au MID Feb 2015 *Trading Hours: Our Nursery is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 12.00pm Friday and at other times by appointment. *Minimum order: 4 per variety (140mm) 3 trays or cartons (36 x 140mm = 3 cartons) *Cartons charged at cost: Standard 600mm - $3.00 ea. $3.55 ea for wetpacked cartons during summer. *Plastic trays $1.60 – refundable $1 on return *As trays and cartons must be completely full to avoid damage in transit, the following may assist: 12 x 140mm per tray or carton 6 x 200mm per carton 5 x 200mm per tray We reserve the right to fill with plants of our choice if order is uneven. You may wish to give “filler” numbers at the end of your order. *We ensure that stock leaving our nursery is in good condition. We accept no responsibility for stock damaged or lost after delivery to the nominated depot or to your nursery. Any claims should by made against the relevant carriers and any queries about our stock should be reported to us within 24 hours of delivery *C.O.D. applies to all non account orders. Account application forms will be sent on request. Interest will be charged on overdue accounts. *Easy ordering: Plants on our list are numbered for your convenience. For easy ordering quote quantity x plant number (e.g. 6 x 30) *Debt collection costs will be added to any overdue invoices. Notes 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 200mm 200mm 200mm 200mm 200mm 200mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Brachychiton populeum....(Kurrajong-med to tall spreading-cream shaped flowers flecked with red) Cupaniopsis anacardioides....(Tuckeroo - fast growing shade tree - birds love the orange berries - fragrant greenish-white flowers) Eucalyptus argophloia....(Qld. White Gum-tall straight-white bark) Eucalyptus viridis 'Winter Light'....(Smooth clean truck tree with cream flowers. 5-7m) Eucalyptus wimmerensis 'Honey Pots'....(small tree to 4.5m - creamy white fluffy flowers) Ulmus parvifolium....(syn. Ulmus chinensis) Chinese Elm - semi evergreen or deciduous small to med graceful tree) Eucalyptus Baby Orange GRAFTED....(4m x 3m growing grafted Eucalyptus with vibrant orange flowers.) Eucalyptus Baby Scarlet GRAFTED....(3m x 3m growing grafted Eucalyptus with masses of red flowers.) Eucalyptus Calypso GRAFTED....(small tree with a profusion of watemelon pink flowers in summer. 6m x 3m) Eucalyptus Mini Red GRAFTED....(2.5m x 2m grafted Eucalyptus with fire engine red flowers.) Eucalyptus Wild Sunset GRAFTED....(5m x 4m grafted Eucalyptus with vibrant orange flowers.) Ficus microcarpa 'Flash'....(medium tree great for shade/street tree - also excellent container plant) 16/02/2015 | Page 1 of 7 Notes 100mm (....) 100mm 100mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) 140mm (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Buxus harlandii 'Mystque'....(Green leaf shrub with creamy yellow, sweetly perfumed flowers. 1-1.5m x 1-1.5m Great for hedging.) Buxus microphylla faulkner....(Glossy bright emerald green leaves, ideal for topiary and low hedges. 50 cm high x 1m wide.) Buxus microphylla japonica....(Japanese Box - small dark green foliage - can be hedged or topiary - fertile well drained soils) Agastache Salmon Pink....(Long flowering with masses of salmon/pink flowers. 1m x 1m) Agastache Summercrush Chiffon....(Lilac flowers, long flowering. Foliage has a sweet citrus aroma. Tolerates hot dry & hot wet summers.) Agastache Summercrush Deluxe Carmine Red....(Carmine flowers, long flowering. Foliage has a sweet citrus aroma. Tolerates hot dry & hot wet summers.) Agastache Sweet Lili....(Masses of rose/pink flowers over the warmer months with a lovely sweet mint smell. 1m x 50cm) Alyogne hakeifolia 'Elle Marie'....(soft fine foliage - large apricot tulip-shaped flowers - dry sunny position - light pruning) Alyogne hakeifolia 'Melissa Anne'....(soft fine foliage - large pink tulip shaped flowers- dry sunny spot) Anisodontea Slightly Strawberry....(Compact shrub with soft pink flowers with a raspberry eye. 60cm x 60cm) Banksia integrifolia 'Sentinel'....(Medium, upright bush with dense dark foliage with lemon brushes 15 cm. Great for screening or hedging. 2.5m x 1.5m) Bracteantha Strawray....(SCARECROW STRAWFLOWER - Yellow/Orange flowers.) Buddleia davidii Black Knight....(Butterfly Bush - very dark violet purple flowers - perfumed) Buddleia davidii 'Joan'....(Butterfly Bush - fast growing large shrub with long mauve fragrant flowers) Buddleia davidii Pink Delight....(Butterfly Bush - very vigorous - heads of pink scented flowers - prune after flowering) Buddleia davidii royal red....(quick growing med shrub with long dark purple fragrant flowers - best kept pruned) Buddleia Nanho Blue....(Popular arching shrub with fragrant butterfly attracting mauve - blue flowers) Buddleia Spring Promise....(Quick growing shrub covered in spikes of pure white flowers.) Callistemon Burgundy Jack....(extremely hardy small to madium shrub with burgundy-violet bottlebrush flowers) Callistemon captain cook....(small to med - red brushes attracts birds & butterflies) Callistemon Great Balls of Fire....(An outstanding form of the easliy grown salignus, displays brilliant flushes) Callistemon Kings Park Special....(large shrub - bunches of long red brushes - very hardy - responds well to pruning) Callistemon Mary Mackillop....(dense lightly weeping shrub 2.5m x 1-2m - large cardinal red brushes) Callistemon salignus....(Large shrub with cream flowers) Callistemon Sugar Candy....(medium shrub with silvery foliage and candy pink flowers. 2.5 - 3m) Callistemon viminalis 'Slim'....(A unique slimline narrow growth habit bottlebrush with classic red Callistemon flowers. 3m tall x 1.3 wide) 16/02/2015 | Page 2 of 7 Notes 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Callistemon viminalus....(tall shrub which can be shaped into small tree - red brush flowers) Cytisus racemosus nana....(Dwarf Genista - med shrub - mass of bright yellow pea flowers) Cytisus scoparius 'Snow Queen'....(small to med - white pea flowers in spring - most soils - frost hardy) Cytisus x dellimorei 'Volcano'....(Small, compact growing shrub to 1m flowering ruby red and yellow.) Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'....(Long lasting daisy like flowers in many colours ranging from white to scarlet) Echinacea 'PowWow Wild Berry'....(compact habit - features magenta-pink petals surrounding an orange-brown central cone) Eremophila Beryl's Blue....(A hardy, silver leafed small shrub with lilac flowers. 1.2m x 1.2m) Eremophila bignoniiflora Xpolyclada....(evergreen tall shrub - large tubular white flowers tinged with mauve - hardy) Eriostemon 'Winter Rouge'....(small growing native to 80cm with pink star flowers turning to white in winter.) Euryops pectinatus 'Little Sunray'....(More compact than the original 1m x1m with bright yellow daisy-like flowers.) Gardenia radicans O So Fine....(Shorter and denser ground cover form.) Gaura lindheimeri 'May Farm'....(Dwarf Butterfly Bush - compact shrub to 50cm with pure white flowers) Grevillea 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'....(Compact, low maintenance shrub to 60cm with waxy red & gold flowers) Grevillea Fireworks (PBR)....(A small to med shrub approx 1m tall with bright red and yellow flowers) Grevillea Hidden Gem....((stenomera prostrate) med shrub to 1.5m - very hardy - long flowerer - red spider flower) Grevillea juniperina pink lady....(low growing shrub with cascading habit - very hardy - pale pink spider flowers) Grevillea Lady O (PBR)....(Oh what a grevillea! Lady O is a medium spreading shrub - bright red flowers, year round flowering) Grevillea superb....(med shrub covered with beautiful large reddish-orange flowers all year - well drained position) Grevillea Winter Delight....(Beautiful low shrub with soft grey foliage and profuse red-pink flowers) Hibiscus 'Aussie Delight'....(Australian Native Hibiscus - contrasting pink flowers with green foliage and brown stems. 2m) Hibiscus 'Aussie Pink'....(Australian Native Hibiscus - Large Pink flowers to 12cm. 2m High) Hibiscus tiliaceus rubra nana....(Deep purple soft heart shaped leaves, yellow flowering, small spreading tree. 6m x 6m.) Lagerstroemia Yuma....(Mildew resistant hybrid crepe myrtle - large shrub to 4m - magnificent pale bi-coloured flowers) Leptospermum laevigatum 'Shore Tuff'....(This variety ticks all the boxes required for success in a low maintenance lansdcape - frost and lime hardy, dry tolerant, a low water user and easy to grow.) Leptospermum petersonii 'Lemon Hedge'....(Lemon Hedge is a superior selection of the popular native lemon scented tea tree) Leptospermum Starry Night....(Soft purple foliage with large snowy white flowers - height to 2.5m) Melaleuca armillaris pink....(an excellent screen or windbreak-slender when small- large dense adult shrub) Melaleuca quinquenervia 'Mini Quin'....(Low growing compact shrub with delicate fragrant white/cream flowers. 1m x 1m) Melaleuca Revolution Green....(large shrub with light green foliage - white flowers - ideal screen/windbreak) Murraya paniculata dwarf 'Min-a-Min'....(Dwarf Mock Orange - to 1m - perfumed white flowers) Nandina domestica nana 'Flirt'....(Dwarf shrub with red new growth for most of the year. 30-40cm high x 20-40cm wide.) Nerium dwarf apricot....(Oleander - Dwarf Oleander - brilliant long flowering shrub to 1m) Nerium oleander Souvenir d'August Roger....(Oleander -med to tall hardy shrub - very pale pink flowers) Nerium punctatum single pink....(Oleander - Pink - an abundance of single pink flowers - grows happily in most sites) 16/02/2015 | Page 3 of 7 Notes 140mm 140mm (....) (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Nerium splendens variegata....(Oleander -large rounded shrub - highly variegated foliage - pink flowers) Nerium 'Sunshine'....(Oleander - Rich creamy/yellow, semi-double flowers with a delicate perfume. Smaller growing - 1.5m - 2m tall. Drought hardy shrub that flowers brilliantly.) Ozothamnus 'Cosmic'....(Rice flower with prolific displays of lemon coloured flowers) Ozothamnus 'Strawberry Cream'....(Hardy Australian native with dark pink buds opening to pink and fading to cream.) Photinia 'Pink Marble'....(NEW!! Elegant foliage starts out as pink changing to green with a white variegation. High 3.5m) Prostanthera Minty....(The Natural Air Freashener - soft dense highly perfumed shrub with violet flowers.) Rose mini Mary Marshall....(deep coral pink with yellow base) Rose mini Midget....(small growing - deep crimson flowers) Rose mini Rise ' n Shine....(rich yellow double fragrant flowers - bushy upright - free flowering - excellent for cutting) Rosmarinus officinalis Tuscan Blue....(popular & attractive small shrub - profusion of rich blue flowers - aromatic foliage) Salvia 'Navajo Bright Red'....( produces a brilliant display of scented, brilliant red flowers from late spring through to early autumn) Salvia 'Neon'....(Salvia Neon has large, luminous, velvet open-mouthed flowers on green foliage) Salvia Playa Rosa....(Wonderful light pink flowers to 50cm x 50cm) Syzygium australe Elite....(large shrub - dense foliage - many stamened white flowers) Syzygium australe 'Hinterland Gold'....(quick growing large shrub, small tree, or hedge -white flowers - purplish edible berries) Syzygium australe 'Select'....(a compact form of lilly pilly to 3m) Teucrium fruticans....(bush germander-delightful silver foliage-pale mauve flowers-med shrub- very hardy) Viburnum odoratissimum....(med to tall shrub - large leathery glossy green leaves - clusters of fragrant white flowers - fast & hardy) Viburnum tinus....(Laurustinus - dense med to tall - dark glossy leaves - pink budded, white flowers) Westringia Allyn Double Wonder....(compact shrub with semi-double light pink 'rosemary' flowers most of the year - 70cm H) Westringia fruticosa 'Grey Box'....(Grey Box is a great native alternative to exotic box hedge plants. Small white flowers) Westringia fruticosa Zena....(Dwarf Native Rosemary - small shrub - white flowers) 200mm (....) Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin'....(Buddha’s Belly) 300mm 300mm (....) (....) Acacia baileyana prostrate STANDARD....(Amazing native weeping standard!!!!) Acacia dealbata 'Silver Falls' STANDARD....(Attractive weeping acacia with greyish green fern-like foliage.) 16/02/2015 | Page 4 of 7 Notes 300mm (....) 300mm (....) 300mm 300mm (....) (....) 140mm (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Agapanthus 'Silver Baby'....(Dainty flowers with a white throat and palest blue outer petals on long stems 30cm high. On mass the flowers look steely silver.) Dianella Petite Marie....(A small dense tufting plant with sky blue flowers. 35cm x 40cm) Dianella Silver Streak....(Grey green leaves with contrasting white stripes makes it a wonderful addition to the garden) Dietes iridioides 'White Tiger'....(green & cream variegation - white iris flower with yellow throat markings - very frost & drought tolerant) Hemerocallis 'Stella Bella'....(Daylilly - golden yellow flowers are produced in great quantities on 50cm long stems.) Liriope Emerald Cascade....(Dramatic arching form, can even be grown inside.) Liriope muscari 'Just Right'....(Compact and dense green leaf form growing to 50cm.) Lomandra Crackerjack....(fine blue/green leaves to 45cm - frost tolerant and hardy) Lomandra Fine n Dandy....(Very hardy fine leaved tufting plant with yellow flowers and very low water needs) Lomandra fluviatilis 'Shara'....(Shara is a fine leaf Lomandra with blue grey tones - very hardy to 400mm high) Lomandra glauca 'Blue Ridge'....(distinctive powder blue leaves - hardy - drought tolerant) Lomandra 'Lime Tuff'....(One of the Best !! Compact plant with lime green leaves and fragrant small yellow flowers.) Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum'....(Purple Fountain Grass - sterile hybrid) Pennisetum macrostachyum rubrum compacta....(Dwarf Fountain Grass - compact hardy clump of burgundy foliage) Pennisetum Ruby Magic....(Dwarf form with dark maroon, almost black foliage. 45cm x 45cm) Tulbaghia violacea 'Galaxy'....(A very hardy long flowering form - ideal for low water use gardens - to 40cm) Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'....(A very hardy variegated foliage form - ideal for low water use gardens - 25cm high) Zephyranthus carinata Pink....(Storm Crocus - pink summer flowers - bulbous) 140mm (....) Banksia integrifolia prostrate 'Roller Coaster'....(low mounding with attractive foliage - 1.5m to 2.5m spread - bright lemon brush flowers) Acacia saligna Springtime Cascade STANDARD....(Graceful spreading habit, with blue/green leaves, with a spread of up to 3m. BIRD ATTRACTING.) Banksia Roller Coaster STANDARD....(Attractive foliage - 1.5m to 2.5m spread - bright lemon brush flowers -300mm pot 1.5-1.8m graft 250mm pot 1-1.2m graft) Casuarina glauca 'Cousin It' STANDARD....(The leafless stems create a very trendy and fashionable style standard.) Casuarina glauca 'Freefall' STANDARD....(Amazing green water fall -300mm pot 1.5-1.8m graft) 16/02/2015 | Page 5 of 7 Notes 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Convolvulus mauritanicus....(Blue Saucer Creeper - flat cover with showy blue saucer flowers - full sun or semi shade - baskets) Dichondra 'Silver Falls'....(Silver Falls is an easy to grow trailing plant with beautiful silver foliage) Eremophila Belalla Gold....(low prostrate groundcover with green foliage and yellow flowers) Grevillea 'Jelly baby'....(Dense ground cover with masses of jelly-pink flowers and soft grey foliage) Grevillea juniperina molongolo....(low spreading shrub - apricot flowers) Grevillea Mt Tamboritha....(low cover - showy pink & cream spider flowers - very popular) Juniperus conferta....(Shore Juniper - vigorous ground cover of light green foliage - hardy - rock garden) Myoporum parvifolium....(flat cover - tiny white flowers - hardy) Myoporum parvifolium pink....(flat cover - pale pink flowers) Rose red cascade....(dark red flowers - can be used as hanging basket) Scaevola Flat Mat....(Prolific purple blue flowering vigorous groundcover.) Scaevola Pink Minx....(Dense habit with candy pink fan flowers, very low water needs) Sedum 'Chocolate Blob'....(Cushion-like mound forming ground cover - chocolate & green coloured leaves) Sedum 'Pure Joy'....(Tight clump forming succulent with grey/green foliage in rosettes.) Sedum sieboldii 'Dragon'....(Pink starry flowers appear on top of the foliage during summer and autumn) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Jasminium polyanthum....(vigorous - large clusters of pink buds opening to sweetly scented white star flowers -) Lonicera japonica halliana....(hardy creeper with white and cream fragrant flowers) Pandorea Lady Di....(large pure white bell flowers) Pandorea pandorana golden showers....(vigorous climber with shiny green foliage and spectacular sprays of flowers in early spring) Pandorea pandorana Ruby Belle....(vigorous creeper - ruby red flowers with cream throat) Pandorea pandorana Snowbells....(Spectacular sprays of flowers in early Spring) Rose banksia lutea....(Yellow Banksia Rose - vigorous grower can be trained onto trellis - yellow mini rose flowers) Rose Bloomfield Courage....(dark red single flowers with black centre - striking) Rose Dorothy Perkins....(Small pale pink flowers) Rose Renae....(was sold as China Doll in the past) large clusters of rose pink, slightly fragrant flowers - almost thornless) Solanum jasminoides....(Potato Vine-very vigorous-showy white flowers) 16/02/2015 | Page 6 of 7 Notes 140mm (....) 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 180mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) 180mm (....) 180mm (....) 180mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 200mm 200mm (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) (....) Blueberry Sunshine Blue....(blueberry that grows to about one metre high. It has attractive small leaves and a very attractive pink flower. The fruit is small to medium, dark, and of great flavour) Carica papapya Bi-sexual Yellow....(Bi-sexual tree bearing lusciouse yellow fruit. DOES NOT REQUIRE CROSS POLLINATION) Feijoa sellowiana....(medium to tall shrub-dark grey foliage-beautiful edible fruit-flowers red and white) Olive Helena....(An exceptional looking tree, drought tolerant. Suitable for home gardening) Passionfruit Panama Gold....(hardy, vigorous vine - extra large sweet passionfruit) Passionfruit Panama Red....(hardy vigorous evergreen vine - large sweet fruit) Rubus Boysenberry....(Vigorous semi-thornless variety. Produces heavy yields of medium to large berries.) Rubus Loganberry....(Large, aromatic,red-purple berries.) Citrus × limonia 'Mandarin Lime'....(A hardy citrus that bears deep red-orange fruit that looks like a mandarin but the flavor of a lime. Great for Pots !) Citrus australasica 'Crystal'....(FINGER LIME - exceptional pop of the green Crystal vesicles gives an extra dimension to the texture of any salad.) Citrus australasica 'Pink Ice'....(FINGER LIME - with slightly bitter flavours reminiscent of juicy pink grapefruit - is a great match for a relaxing beverage.) Citrus 'Lemonicious'....(Dwarf Patio Lemon) Citrus 'Meyer Lemon'....(All year round crops of medium sized yellow fruit. Great for Pots !) Fortunella japonica....(Kumquat - Highly ornamental, edible citrus with bright orange fruit.) Mulberry Black Dwarf....(Vigorous grower with early large deep red/black fruit) Olive Manzanillo....(Great olive with high productivity and great quality medium fruit - easy to remove stone.) Mulberry black....(Vigorous grower with early large deep red/black fruit) Mulberry white fruiting....(berries mature late spring & are white and sweet when ripe) 16/02/2015 | Page 7 of 7
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