REPUBLEKA NG PELIPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REHIYON VH, GITNANG VISAYAS REGION VH, CENTRAL VISAYAS Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City DciiED DEPARTMENTI OF EDUCATION 1 6 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No- ft 90 ' s- 2015 JOINT MEMORANDUM TO CLARIFY PRINCESS MAHA CHAKRI AWARD SCHOLARSHIP ADVISORY NO. 34, S. 2014 DATED 16 SEPTEMBER 2014 To Schools Division Superintendents/OICs 1. Enclosed is a Memorandum from Usec. Mario A. Deriquito, Undersecretary, Partnerships and External Linkages, and Usec. Rizalino D. Rivera, Undersecretary, Regional Operations dated February 3, 2015 re Joint Memorandum to Clarify Princess Maha Chakri Award Scholarship Advisory No. 34, s. 2014 Dated 16 September 2014. 2. In view of the above, you are hereby directed to submit to this Office a nomination of one (1) teacher or school head noting the criteria for selection of participants (See attached Annex A). 3. Furthermore, Schools Division Superintendents are requested to do their respective selection of nominees using the additional criteria set by the Awards, as follows: a. outstanding achievement which generate benefits to education and human development; b. active in teaching or administration at the primary or secondary levels, and c. has inspired fellow teachers with his/her dedication to students in the country. 4. Nominees are instructed to report to the HRDD Office, 3rd Fir., DepED RO7, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City on February 17, 2015 at 8:00 A.M., for the screening. They are enjoined to bring the required documents. 5. For more details, refer to the attached communication. 6. For your proper guidance and wide dissemination. JULIET A. JERUT& Schools Division Superintendent Officer-ln-Charge Office of the Regional Director JflJ/EBE,J/mgb Regional Director's Office: Tel. nos.: (032) 231-1433; 231-1309; Telefax 414-7399; 414-7325; Asst Regional Director's Office Telefax: (032) 255^542; Field Effectiveness Division: (032) 414-7324; Curriculum Learning Materials Division (032) 414-7323; Quality Assurance and Accountability Division: (032) 231-1071; Resource Mobilization and Special Programs and Projects Division: (032) 254-7062; Training and Development Division: (032) 255-5239 loc. 112; Planning, Policy and Research Division: (032) 233-9030; 414-7065; Administrative Division: (032) 414-7326; 255-1313; 414-7366 414-4367; Budget and Finance Division: (032) 256-2375; 253-8061; 414-7321 Website: " £5CL 2015: ytanapataa ag. £ahat, Pananagutan ng. £oAat" REPUBUKA NG PILIPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION I?KPARTM REGION Vil-< J3UDL-ON. L. DepED Complex, Meraico Ave., Pasig City MEMORANDUM TO : Regional Directors FROM : MAS10A.DERIQUn Undersecretary, Partnerships and External Linkages D.RIVERA Undersecretary, Regional Operations SUBJECT : Joint Memorandum to Clarify Princess Maha Chahri Award Scholarship Advisory No. 34, s. 2014 dated 16 September 2014 DATE . February 3,2015 . This memorandum is issued to clarify that the Scholarship Advisory No. 34, a. 2014 dated 18 S&ptember 2014 (/Wteu/»ed as Anoox A} is not a scholarship but an award. Afi submitted nominate will be returned to the respective regions for further review and compliance to the additional requirements if deemed necessary. The objectives of this Award is to: 1. To pay the highest honor to Her Roya! Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom for her outstanding achievements in the fields of education and the development of people's quality of life, especially fte disadvantage*!; 2. To honor and give recognition to dedicated teachers in Southeast Asia whose outstanding achievements generate benefits to education and human development and deserve international recognition; 3. To support the development of the teaching profession and educational development; and 4. To strengthen international relations in the field of education. It is mandatory for each region to send in a nomination. Potential candidates are those who are still ac&Ve in teaching or administration at the primary and secondary education levels (pre-fertfary), and who have inspired fellow teachers with their dedication to students in the country. The regions will do their respective selection of nominees using the criteria set by the awards: t. Outstanding achievement which generate benefits to education and human development 2. Active in teaching or administration at the primary or secondary levels 3. Has inspired fellow teachers with their dedication to students in the country One teacher from each Southeast Asian Country will be selected as awardees. The Princess Maha Chakri Award will comprise of: (a) a medal; (b) a certificate of honor; and (c) a cheque worth 10,OOOUSD. Previous awardees of various awarding bodies are sffll welcome to apply. The Philippine awardee will be chosen by the Princess Maha Chakri Awards (PMCA) Awards Committee. \f IS The awardee will be invited to a royal award presentation ceremony in Bangkok, Thailand; and present their outstanding achievements and share their knowledge with fellow awardees for the benefit of the profession. The list of awardees and brief descriptions of their work or innovations will be publicized through media and sent to relevant agencies in their countries. 1. Copy of Passport 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet attached as Annex B is OS Form 212 3. 1 500 word essay stating why you are worthy to receive the Princess Maha Chakri Award 4. Letter of nomination addressed to the Chairman of the Awards Committee of Princess Maha Chakri Awards, Undersecretary Atty, Alberto T. Muyot, signed by the Regional Director or its duly authorized official 5. Matrix to summarize the activities done, awards received and accomplishments relevant to the award accompanied by supporting documents (spell out acronyms of orgacuzerfe and topic/s or subjects of the training; certificates of training need not be submitted). Attached as Annex C is the formal of the matrix 6. Certified true copy of service record 7. Certification that the nominee has no pending administrative and criminal case The name of the candidate together with the requirements stated above must be scanned and submitted online to Ms. Farida Bianca P. Velican'a, SEAMEO and ASEAN focal point of International Cooperation Office (ICO) at [email protected], on or before 20 February 2015 for the selection process by the PMCA Awards Committee, for onward submission to the Ministry of Education of Thailand. Should you have any questions, please call 3376463 or 6376462. Attached as Annex D for your reference is the PMCA Briefer and Timetable forthe process of the PMCA Presentation. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION m% 3 ^ BO OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY •^ FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS SCHOLARSmi' ADVISORY Scholarship No. 34,8.2014 TO : Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools DATE : 16 September 2014 The Ministry of Education, Thailand, announces the search for. the Best Teacher in Asian countries on the auspicious occasion of the 60th hirthay of Her Royal Highness Prim-ess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in 2015. The program aims to honor and give recognition to dedicated teachers in Southeast Asia whose outstanding achievements generate benefits (o education and human development and deserve international recognition. Each region is requested to send one (1) nominee noting the criteria for selection of the participants (see attached Annex A), The regions will do thpir respective selection of nominees using the criteria set by the Awards. The final selection of the nominee who wiji be sent to Thailand wiil be done by the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations. The application forms and other instructions are attached in this advisory and can be accessed through this website: For further inquiries and clarifications, you may call via telephone numbers (02) 6337237/638Hfi3S or email to [email protected]. All applicants roust be endorsed by their respective heads of divisions ond regions. Nominations must h? sent to the Scholarships Secretariat at the Central Office. opiate dissemination and appropriate action for this Scholarship Advisor)' is desired. D. RIVERA Undersecretary Ministry ,<f r.dlKatmi/l'eimrs* Maha. DIPEO COWRCX. MERALCO AVENUE, PASIG ClTTf 1600 | RtZAUNO.RIVf;RA^>UEP):r>.CUV.F|| CT LlNfi 633 72 03 \ f.31 94 % | WWW.nFPf.D.fiOV.PH _ >-- ^ DEPARTMENT OF FDUCATION OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS SCHOLARSHIP ADVISORY Addressee Regional. Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads of Public Elementary and Secondary Srhoofo Sponsoring Group Ministry of Education, Thailand Scholarship Program Princess Maha Chakri. Awards Application Target Participants i i Scholarships Secretariat Staff Development Division, HRDS Department of Education Teodora Alonzo Building 11 DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, PasigCily Elementary and Secondary School Number of Teachers Nominees Date of the Program October 201 5 Deadline of Submission of Nominees Website/Contact Numbers Website: Email: [email protected] (02) 6337237/6388638 Endorsement Donor Country Airfare, airport courtesies, accommodation (twin-sharing), tea breaks, lunch, allowance, per diem, travel insurance, DepEd immigration and visa, processing , Counterpart and other support services, medal, certificate of honor, and check worth 10,000.00 US ••• j : One {"J) per region On or before September 30, 2014 Division and Regional Heads Salary and benefits of nominee ;i duration of the awards j DEW? COMPLIX. MFRALCO AVENUE. PASIG Cnv (6001 W^UNO.RiVEW^i-Of rro.r.oy.PM OIIIKCT UNI 633 73 0.5 ifr'AX<•:<! *M •% | WWW.PFPF.ri.COV.rH IS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS SCHOLARSHIP ADVISORY ANNEX A A. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Philippine Government a. Candidate must have rendered at least three (3) years fjf .service; b. Must hold a permanent appointment; c. Must have a college degree; d. Mu.<;!: have obtained at least a very satisfactory performance rating for two consecutive periods preceding the nomination e. Must not have a pending application for scholarship under another program; and f. Must have rendered the service obligation required under Executive Order 367 for scholarship recently concluded before he/she could again nominated for another course where the field of study is different from the previous training. 8. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1. Depiid will provide the salary of the nominee for the duration of the award 2. Donor Country: FuJ Awards Entitlements C, DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS (DEPE») 1. Supporting documents to he submitted prior to screening and evaluation: a. A letter of nomination addressed to the Chairman of DepEd Scholarship Committee signed by the Regional Director or its duly authorized official b. Updated Personal Data Sheet/Resume with list of in-service training and seminars attended (spell out acronyms of organi?.er/s and Lopic/.s or subject/s of the training: certificates of training NEED NOT he submitted) c. Certified copy of statement of actual duties and responsibilities d. Copy of Passport 2. Other documentary requirements to be submitted if accepted: a. Certified copy of service record b. Photocopy of Diploma (Baccalaureate/graduate) c. Photocopy of Transcript of Records (Baccalaurete/graduate) d. Certification that the nominee has no pending scholarship nomination to other program «. Certification that the nominee has no pending administrative and criminal case f. Certification from the school/division that the nominee has no financial and office accountabilities g. Scholarship Contract h. Country Report Drptn eowi'ux. MERAICO Avewt PASK; cm two i DlKtCI t!Nti 633 72 03 I FAX 6.11 8492) WWW.DU'tUCOVl'H STo 15 » KWHZ1J (HMlml ME) PERSONAL DATA SHEET & PLACE OF BIRTH 6. SEX O Male ?. GNU. STATUS Q Single D Female Q Widowed p Annulled p Otheis. specify, ZIP COS i6.PEBMAMBff«3BRESS a CITIZENSHIP 9, HEIGHT On) WCQPE 11. BU30PTYPE 19. TELEPHONE «>. 20. E-MAIL ADDRESS (if *Jy) 13. PAG-IBISIDNQ. 14. PHUHEALTHNft 22. AGENCY EMPLOYEE NO. 16. SSSNO. 23.TIN W. SPQUSESaURNAME ft. NAlHEOf CHS.D(Wrt»fll»nBm»andB»UB} OATEOF BfiTH (nm/«»») FIRST NAME TOME NAME OCCUPATION EMPLOYER/BUS. NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS TEICFHQNENO. 26. FATHEffSSURNAME FIRST NAME MBOLENAtE 27. 28, SCHOLARSHIP/ ACADEMIC HONORS uva. Tg E1£MENTARY SECONDARY VOCATOWi/ TRACE COURSE COUEGE GRADUATE STUDIES (Continut at ttftatt ««M« tfnrmmA REVIVED - CAREER SERVICE/ RA 1080 (BOARDf BAR) UNDER SPECIAL LAWS CESt CSEE RATING DKTEOF EXAMINATION/ CONFERMENT PLACE OF BWMINATION/CONFERS^NT NUMBER DATE OF REEASE Koninue OP separate sfteei if necessary) 30. INCLUSIVE DATES SWWY GRADE POSITION WUE (Write in WH) Fran DEPARTMENT ( ftGENC* ( OFFICE J GQMPMf* (Write i(UUf!) STKHS8OT SALARY APPDMTMENT GOVT SERVICE To t i i i C8 FORM 212|R«i)saa 200S Pae 2 ot t 3rt WC3.USIVE DATES (mmtti^yy) NAME S ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION {Write in fu») From NUMBER OF HOURS POSITION / NATURE OF WORK NUMBER OF HOURS CONDUCTED/ SPONSORED BY (Witts in fufl) To / 1 I ! 1 1 1 I 1 1 t 1 (Continue on separate sfcee! it necessary) INCLUSIVE DATES OF ftTTENDANCE 32. TITLE OF SEMINAWCOMFERENCEflWORKSHOP/SKORT COURSES (Write in full) Ftctn To ; i t t 1 I i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i t 1 I i 1 1 i i 1 1 I t 1 1 t t 1 I I I 1 / i i I i t i (GQnVnut on separate sfteel if necessary; 33. SPECIAL SKILLS /HOBBIES NOCt-ACADEMlC DISTINCTIONS / RECOGNmONr <WHteinfuH) 3S MEMBERSHIP IN ASSOCIATIOWORGANiaTlOM PtMiemnm (Continue on separate sfieel If necessity) CS FORM 212 (Revised 2005). P a e 3 Qt 4 -^^^MpKaVKaip^aPKMHBMPKwapiKai a®. Are you related by consanguinity « affinity to any of the following '- i ^ggf^^^Bg^^SBI^^^JU^UM^IIIPHBUM^H^^HHW^ a v»inlheftklttegrcfl(forNationalGov9mrrBntErnployees): appointing authwfly, fecommeiKlling authority. diiefoloffKeftjurffluWeparfmerrtorper^naitso has immediate supervision over you in the Office. Bureau or Department where you wift be appointed? DYES DNO If YES, give details: B Whin the fourth degree {for local Government Employees): appointing authority orrecommendingauftoay where you will be appointed? DYES DNO If YES. give details: 3? a. Have you ever been formally charged? DYES CINQ !if YlLSr GJWS dtetefts'. -•t i DYES DNO b. Have you ever been guilty of any administrative offense? KYES.9Medetate: 38. Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violetion of any tew. decree, ordinance or regulation by any court or tribunal? DYES QNO 99. Have you ever been separated from the service in any of me following modes: resignation, retirement, dropped from the rolls, dismissal, termination, end of term, finished contract, AWOL or phased out, in the public or private sector? DYES DNO 40, HENS you ever been a candidate in a national a toeal etectton {except Barangay election)? PYES QNO If YES. gwa details; If YES. giva details: If YES, give details: *>• Pursuant to: (a) IntSgenous People's Act (RA 837 1); (b) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277); and (c) Solo Parents Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972), ptease answer 8» falMig items: a Are you a member of any indigenous group? DYES ONQ K YES. please specify. QVES DNO If YES. please specify: DYES DNO b Are you cSfferenHy aWed? 0 Are you a solo parent? 42. REFERENCES (Pet-son not retell by 'jOrnanQwuiv ot aiWv "o 9B|,*iani / apiwraiie;, ADDRESS NAME T61.HO ID picture taken within the last 6 month? 3.5cm. X 4.5 cm (passport size) ^ 1 declare under oath that this Persona! Data Sheet has been accomplished by me. and is a true, correct and Computer swnerated 3rxern>(copyotplMijra Philippines. 1 also authorise the agency head / authorized representative to verify / validate the contents stated herein. 1 trust that this information shall remain confidential. PHOTO GOMMUHrrYTAXCERTlPICATe NO. ISSUED AT / SIGNATURE (Sign imlae ine box) / ISSUED QN&mfdfi/yyyy) DATE ACCOMPLISHED RIGHT THUMBMARK CSFORM212(Rm5^?OOe). Page Oof 4 ANNEXC Date Awards Received/ Activities/ Accomplishments Relevant to the Award Supporting presented document of .;,'.G205/ I960 Ministry of Education Bangkok 10300 Thailand 22 July B.E. 255? (2014) Subject: Invitation for the Nomination of the Princess Maha Chakri Award Dear Undersecretary Muyot, Please refer to the Discussion Meeting among the SEAMEO member countries or tjir Princess Maha Chakri Award (PMCA) held on 18 February 2014 in Bangkok, i naoand, and the Award Ceremony to be initially presented in Thailand in October 2015 In this connection, the Ministry of Education, Thailand is pleased to invite your country to 'PB^W^HS^^^^^0086 outstanding achievement generate benefits tc education and human developmenTior this International award. The selection and ni'nination process should be based on the potential candidates who are still active in t-sw.VJng or administrating at the primary and secondary education levels (pre-tertiary), and / , - 1 have inspired follow teachers with their dedication to students in the country. i;•/; teachers/school administrators who have ever received other awards are also eligible for t!»j ?,W4fd. Significantly, each country is given the opportunity to specify its own selection criteria. Enclosed herewith please find the nomination form and timeframe for the award presentation for your information and consideration. It would be greatly appreciated if you could kindly send the nomination form to the Bureau of International Cooperation, Office of rne Permanent Secretary by March 23,201,5. With best regards, Yours sincerely, ' *" Churairat Sangboonnum Deputy Permanent Secretary for Permanent Secretary Atty Alberto Muyot Undersecretary for I egal and Legislative Affairs Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meraieo Avenue ?<«sig City, Metro Manila Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 633 7205 ii o IS Nomination Form for the Princess Maha Chakri Award (PMCA) ************************* O.mntry ":'Ule: O Dr. Q Mr. O Mrs. D Ms. O Other: (please specify) Sex: ./JM.?ie d Female Naroe v Surname: ViiTiistry/Agency/Organization: Address: Postcode: lei Ho.: Country: Fax. No.: E-mail: Pleay. return us the nomination form by March 23f 2015 to the following addresses: Bureau of International Cooperation Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education, Thailand Dusit, Bangkok 10300 Tel: +66 2628 5646 ext 110/109 Fax:+66 2281 0953 E-maih [email protected] \l n Timeframe for the Process of Princess Maha Chakri Award (PMCA) Presentation #»**«*»**###******»***#*** te t t incass Maha Chakri £ward He.- Roya«. Highness Princess Maha Chakrt Sirindhorn is widely known for her (jjj- dedication to educational development Her Royal Highness's continuous efforts to preside opportunities for dtsadvarstaged children and youth in remote areas, and to improve their occupations and quality of life, have been made over many years, generating benefits at national and international levels. On the auspicious occasion of the 60 birthday anniversary of Her -Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom in 2015, the Teachers' Council of Thailand, Ministry of Education, deems it appropriate to request Her Royal Highness's permission to present an international award in honour of her talents. The name "Princess Maha Chakri Award" has been granted to this award by Her Royal Highness. Objectives 1. To pay the highest honour to Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom for her outstanding achievements in the fields of education and the development of people's quailcy of life, especially the disadvantage-^ 2. To honour and give recognition to dedicated ' teachers whose outstanding achievements generate benefits to education and human j^evetopment and deserve international recognition; \• i.u;-p'rr: the develop ."ant <.. the teaching ;•«:••&!•> ton <.• - .^rat'onal develcon -?nt; 4. To sli'HAgthen i-rtornational relationi in the field of education; Endowment Fund Art endowment fund is established and the Teachers' Council of Thailand has made an initial donation of 10 million baht to this fund. The Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburf, as co-host to the 2 International Conference for the World Teachers' Day in 2006, has also donated I million baht to the fund. Administration of the Award The "Princess Maha Chakri Award" will be administered by the following 2 committees: • Under the honorary chairmanship of Ker Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom, the Princess Maha Chakrt Award Foundation Committee comprises of 24 - 29 members. This Committee will be responsible for formulating and implementing plans, appointing the Academic Committee and approving the nomination and selection of awardees; and * TT-a Academic Committee, appointed by the Pnncess Maha Chakn" Award Foundation Committee, will be responsible for setting the award nomination oteria and procedure for scleclfng suitable awardees. Description of tha /,• rard Chakr /-ward" .s an snternstlonal i>msrd for teachers whose outstanding r.chievementi <•• perate benefits to education and human dewkpment. One teacher from each Southeast Asia Country, including Thailand, will be selected as awardees. The Princess Maha Chakri Award will •$ comprise: 1. A medal; 2. A certificate of honour; and 3. A cheque for 10,000 US$ for each awardee. Nomination Criteria Initially, teachers from Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia will be granted opportunities to nominate for the Princess Maha Chakri Award. The nomination process will be conducted fay the Ministry of Education in each country. Dedicated teachers, whose outstanding achievements have generated benefits to education and human development, wltt be entitled to nominate. =p C**i«2ct«on of Awardte* • The fiw»i3£ry of £J-_ "•fio>': :-~« countries o.: Southeast Asia wiil be responsible for selectin;; awardees fn accordance wfth fhe criteria for award nomination. Each countty may nominate only one person. • Particulars of qualified persons, nomination and selection criteria, time frames and nomination processes will be determined by the Princess Maha Chakri Award Foundation Committee. Avw'-.' Adnvnfstratton Vt. m Location: The Sec- Ttariat C-o.•? of a iy Teachers' Council of"(Thailand, 128/1 Nakhon Ratchasima Ruad Dusit, Bangkok 10300 THAILAND Tel/Fax: +66-2-280-2736 Website: htt;p;//www.Jj:sp.Qr.tb/ • The final decision .regarding selection of awardees of the Princess Maha Chakri Award wr'll be made by the Princess Maha Chakri Award Foundatfon Committee. The "Princess Mafia Chakri Award" is a royal award to be given by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sfrindhom to support and develop the teaching profession. Award Presentation As the award admfnistration agency, the Secretariat Office of the Teachers' Council of Thsfland would like to invite individuals in the fields of education and the public to contribute to the endowment fund. Donations can be rr-ade to the Endowment Fund for the Princess Maha Chakif Award in honour of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Siondhom to develop the teaching profession and support dedicated and outstanding indrviduats in the field of teaching. L Awardees of the Princess Maha Chakri Award will be invited to a royal award presentation ceremony in Bangkok, Thailand; 2. The name list of awardees and brief descriptions of their work or innovations will be notified to their respective governments, the Royal Thai Government, private agerides and other relevant bodies in their respective countries. This information will also be publicized through all meda channels; 3. Awardee« rrom countries to Southeast Asia will be invited to present their outstanding achievements and share their knowledge with fel!o\ awardees for the benefit of the profession. «********»« tHHH*************
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