A W EEK LY JO U R N A L DEV O TED TO TH E H ISTO R Y . PH EN O M EN A . PH ILO SO PH Y . .AND TEACHINGS OF S P I R I T ^r > 'a e g is t e r e d as a n e w s pa pe r [ 55.—V ol. IT." eo r 1 7 t r a n s m is s io n . Y L I S AI in t h e u n it e d LONDON, MARCH 21, 1873. k in g d o m and ABROAI 'P r i c e On e P e n n y . meth .1 pursued bv Mr. Burns is estimated at a ve: Mr. Bradlaugh, whe . sired to n td e L which the dis in between Mr. B e. d- ••__Teal fashion. i take It might be w .rth while for m _h and Mr. Burns has just been published in book-form. '\.::ain n miters of the M edium containing portions of the Report .lersto xt the right use of reason: or, it a the j^ring gone out of print, and the demand being active, i: w sue power to understand clearly, and to exurre# . extv-.tirn: to collect the matter and presen: it in a perma- .uct'.dy on tne s u r e s t under treatment, wnatever tn.it m ay .e. T-vl -:n: an<l user.u. form. No recent event connected w ith Spiritualism may be further defined as the abilitv to understand the nature an l a create t sc much interest as this discussion, especially am eers: import of tacts: for i: is unreasonable to suppose that man could a ; E.jss — Secularists— who may be supposed to occupy the all exercise reason unless he ha-1 some acpuaintance with facts o -cr-'siie point of opinion. Since that debate took place the the conditions of existence : it follows, then, that the m o: tm :~ Srriruai Institution has received a constant stream of applications le ige a man has the sounder w ill his reasoning be. Mr. Boa mang: for information on the subject. N ow that the debate is put in insulted logic and defied reason by endear. -.'.ring to reas.n :y ~ r : z a ; onven:ent form, its usefulness may be enhanced a hun.irei- ing the facts—as weL try to pay a deb: without money, rreviou fcld- It contains a series of arguments in support of Spiritual to the advent of modem science all subjects were riscussed in m ism embracing the whole phenomena and connection these facts ••logical m ethod” : that is, men set up t h e i r i m p e r f e c t notions a with the more familiar domain o f science. During a course of a basis instead of exact knowledge, and while lectures recently delivered at the Royal Institution, the same " The jargon of the schools ' views were advanced respecting muscular action as are embodied filled the heads o f an ignorant world with admiration h: Mr. Burns's defence of Spiritualism. The series o f speeches M ,,r- h u m a n mental prowess of the word-warriors, the progress delivered by Mr. Boras are not only calculated to establish the fact of spirit-communion, but to enlarge the mind o f the reader in led by ih e acquisition. of knowledge: ----ether departments of knowledge. In addition to these advantages ' and it is only on such q dons as m e soul and mini. there are Mr. Bradlaughs speeches for those w ho can enjoy them. :he employ111611 facts, that : concerning which some n have no The Report is preceded by the follow ing Pretace : .s either iiecessary or possible. of the old style of treatmt I n publishing this report on behalf o f Modem Spiritualism, a few speech. demanded opportunity 7 , Mr. Burns, in his dot words of comment seem necessary in respect to the anomalous further discussion. B v lengther character of m e debate, in which the disputants, instead o f having in geometrical ratio. The basis of Mr. Bradlaugh’s proper fig; a deunite proposition stated, each took his own course in treating did n n require to be stated. They were assumed as being "i-I v lj me very _rener.il subject presented. A s expressed in the words of w ith which intelligent men are already familiar. On Mr. BraUaugh. the debate was •• purposely left open in its wording trary. the facts on which Mr. Burns’s propositions were ts.seq* to afford each disputant the fullest facility for staring his view# on to be fully and minutely stated, and their bearings to --'iU-7'e mrdern Spiritualism : " and yet in the lace o f such a declaration, ledged facts traced, before he could obtain a t.vthc.d to rpHrit. the burden of Mr. Bradlaugh s argument against Mr. Burns was w ith the sweeping generalisations propounded by hts nn— glVj that the latter availed him self of that which was the m ly condi Time did not permit the accomplishment of a’- that was m l tion imp sed in the w hole arrangement. I f Mr. Burns h .il been in this direction. The material i s . h o w e v e r , iurntshea w ukeo'tally fastidious and exacting, he m ight have got up at the con- enable the intelligent reader to determine the bearings c liii.n of Mr. Bradlaugh's opening and protested against that gentle- argument for himself. _ --^.--h’s As an instance o f the treacherous nature of Mr. l'p , ’"p_:o0nan’s nr :", sitions and treatment o f them as not embracing the subAc: allotted for discussion at jail. I: w ould be perhaps ditfieal: to i n i a r-raliel to tills case, in w hich the opener led off w ith a nega tive pr msition ait gether outside of. and entirely ignoring, the very subject matter announced. Mr. Burns, indeed, was a young debater, or he w offd never have accepted such a preposterous p sirim: and the results of the debate under such disadvantageous side m ight contmiM : 1 : s sneak unmistakably o: the urea:— it may be sal.1 if such an able man ;vs Mr. Bradlaugh outwits mm#--- ^ a j impregnable force o f truth embodied in Mr. Burns’s principles. word-game, what are we to expect from ms aucuence r * ,- y Having heard Mr. Bradlaugh’s openinr. there were two courses open age o f opinion is passed, and a m ans inutvidnal views.-eto his opponent— the one, to enter into the word-play contest, and ablv sustained, no longer satisfy the lematms : an •-.'.er ; ' n . t o waste ti.e nreeious tim e w ithout touching the topic at a l l : the n : re than the digestion o: one n a:. # atmur can other, to state propositions em bodying the essentials of Modern Spiro - It is everv man’s birthright to have facts, w ith full ---’jY 'p -g tnaliim. and establish them by facts and such reasoning as time and d- cide their imnort to his own satisfaction. And m Pcircumstances might permit. Mr. Burns, in accordance w ith the only this glorious privilege on the newest ground wu.ch tny _-p .• g g. ‘ -. ' U condition expressed, on the spur o f the moment accepted the latter of man has dared to assail, the S p n t n h s b esti c ur^e. and though in verv ill health, he endeavoured to establish to be at the head of all shades and degrees o: reterm-- , hi.- fire: r-r> position during the first evening. On the last evening, the concluding propo-ition. and that w hich embodies the gist of Spiritualism, was abundantly substantiated by facts and illustrations which may be scientifically tested and verified any number of ventilation of the subject. It has promoted inquiry : - 1 ^ i,time*. ism more than any event in connection with the move men-^ It will be observed that the speakers do not characterise the course adopted by each other in very complimentary terms, due has occurred for a long time. Nor should this pre.ace CiOC h u m a n im m o r t a l it y pr o v e d b y f a c t s l:v t T H E M E D IU M AN D D A Y B R E A K o u t ivlVivin'i' t o tlio (leoidi'il a b i l i t y w ith which Mr. ltnulluujjli ) liis liino tin- mi linin' mul a half nl'tor hi ll l'.-1 .--jnwt-h w i t h o u t hiuiii:: a n y t h i n g p a r t i c u l a r In say. lit Ins « < v l,ly pallor h o hiii n k n ' n o i l t h a t it w a s not, h is Imsiuoss t o explain p syoliolo ^ io a l phonoinoiiii, nr , itnlooil, t o b r i n y f o r w a r d iiistmioos o f a n y h u n l in t h a t d i r e c t i o n . H a d it hoon f o u u d o d o n Knnwlodyo a n d f a c t , i n s t e a d o f a n o t a t i o n of th orn, h o w m u c h m o ro t o l l i n g his p o sitio n w o u l d h a v e h o o n ! 00011 110,1 It should have lioon his duty, however, either to show that psychological phononiotia did not occur, or that there worn no yivnnds for the induction that spirits comm unicated thereby. The reader w ill not require to he told that he failed in this. As a debate the whole question consisted in the admission of the facts and their proper interpretation a task w hich was attem pted onl\ by OHO of tho spoal\Ol>. Hit iv are verbal ami phraseological faults apparent in Mr. l»arnV> remarks, but seeing that they were necessarily im prom ptu, a- suggested b\ tlu* course adopted l>\ tlm opener, a ml also taking into consideration th at tho speaker was v o n uuwoll, especially 011 tho tir>t evening, it says much for Spiritualism that it is capable of such a consistent ami dem onstrable uofonoe. A ft or all, it may ooour to many that there is sometimes more logic in tho lucid statem ent of tho tru th than in tho nnvhanism of abstruse propositions. Indeed, as it lias boon already observed, logic is simply tolling tho tru th so as to bo unm istakably understood. The chief charm of the defence of Spiritualism is. how e\or, tho param ount consideration th a: all the statem ents advanced arc undeniable facts, and may bo verified by all who care to tako tho trouble to do so. This may be done in private bv means instituted by the investigators, ren dering v.miooo>s\n any aid eith er from S piritualists or professional mediums, That the aecotnplishmont of th is may be placed w ith in the reach of all, a series of instructions are given in th e appendix, A t the end are ample rules for the investigator, th u s rendering th e work unique, and useful for the purpose of introducing th e question to the attention of the sceptical. X IL D E SP R K A X D L W n M a r c h 21, 1873, embrace the Christian faith, to which hi* proclivities had long been leaning. This he did, and the singularity of the circumstance of bis lioing christened and married on the same day induced a clerical dignitary, an archdeacon, to perform the ceremony. So much for Mr. Baker. But to tent the accuracy of the statements, I wrote to the parish authorities of Pembroke Dock, to corroborate or otherwise tho lad, and received a reply from Mr. Quarterman, vicar's churchwarden of Pembroke Dock Church, that, on making inquiry of some of the oblent, inhabitants of that locality, he found two aged persons who recollected such a person as Samuel l./ovi, a watchmaker, Ac., who about the time mentioned lived at Pembroke. The letters from Mr. Quarterman certifying the fact, 1 send to you, Sir, to gratify the curiosity of nnv who may inquire. 1 would ask the scientist. To what but spiritual intelligence can l>o assigned the above veracious communication? I could give many credible instances of a like nature, were it not for taxing your long-enduring patience, and occupying the space of your inestimable little M e d iu m , which may be better filled with phenomena of greater interest. 1 will conclude by relating a fact mure simple in it* nature, but equally us forcible, to expose the fallacy of the psyohie-force th- ory. .;s the preceding. A gentleman holding an important ofiieial situation in the electric telegraph department of the General Post Oflico, ills nan.' of whom 1 have not n-ked permission to give, hut. will ed l Mr. L, calling on a member of the family with which I reside, a ter tea. in ui one of our domestic circle formed for elicit ine spiritual manifcs’.ii ions, and was so much interested at what ho witnessed and beard, as to declare that he would lose no opportunity for further investigating tie.* subject. Calling on us about t wo months subsequently, lie told us the last seance lie attended was at Oxford, and at that his late sister unmis takably make herself known to him. To test her identity, and t<> make assurance doubly sure, lie asked if she recollected the name of a Shet land pony their father bought for them to ride on. One rap, “ No." “ Well, then, do you recollect the name of an Esquimaux dog that von were so fond of playing with?" Still the same answer, “ No." “ Surely j you cannot be my sister, I thought. 1 will ask you one more question. l)o you remember tbecauseof the death of a favourite canary you were ' n* to attend ?’’ “ \ os.” On the alphabet being repeated, tin* word " B-u-r-n’ was spelt. Turning to my friend at the table, 1 said, “ Now all doubt .? removed ; the servant cleaning the cage in the morning inadvertently left the door open, the bird flew into the fire, and was so burnt that : died soon after. In the course of the evening we formed a circle, a:. I the same intelligence presenting itself, the same questions s 7 were put as before, the same answers given with one very remarkable excep tion, and that was, instead of “ b u rn ” being spelled, “ E i r— ' , was the word. Mr. L. on this said, “ "When 1 passed the letter *11’ w ithout a response I concluded the conditions were unfavourable, or that ! my question was not explicit enough, little thinking of the word *fir' being substituted.” So much for “ psychic” or “ mind force." i After the above illustration to controvert a theory which has found so favourable an acceptation with the scientific investigations of the day, if not cogent enough to shake or break or make a faith, ii w ill, 1 hope, i make them less ready to exclaim, with one of old, *• O that mine enemy would write a book ! ’ more especially if they hold as a truism that G el frequently makes use of the foolish things of this world to confound the wisdom of the wise. To a Newton the laws of gravitation are revealed by the falling of an app le; to a Franklin, identity of lightning with electricity by the flying of a kite ; and to a W att the motive power ot steam by the boiling of a tea-kettle. Verily, as our immortal bard expresses it, “ There arc more things in heaven and ear: a t an are dream t of in our philosophy." Apologising for thus occupying your valuable time and space,—1 remain, dear 8ir. yours fraternally. J a me s J u d d . j , 310, I c k n ie ld S tr e e t W e st, B i r m i i a L ; ?. Feb. 13th, 1873. P e a r Sir ,— Tho mind of man, like the more material physical organism of the body, requires sustenance and stimulus to sustain its powers, or it languishes, loses tone, becomes inert, unimpressionable, and finally blank. .1 am led to make these remarks in consequence of what ray experience teaches, that though for four years an ardent investigator of the phenomena ‘'M odern Spiritualism" presents to inquirers, the monotony attending the manifestations of spirit-power for the last few months at the circle at which it is my wont to sit. lias insensibly lessened the interest 1 have heretofore taken in the subject ; but, n i l d e sp e ru n ila a i my kind spirit-intelligencies. as if intuitively acquainted with my defec tion, as a reward for my untiring perseverance in the cause, on the afternoon of the last Sth of January opportunely came to my rescue by g .\ mg an additional stimulus to my organ of wonder, as follows :— tailin g on a lady friend possessing strong mediumistie power, and finding her at home, alone, knitting, seated at equal distance between two la des about six feet apart—one a large loo-table, the other a work table—during conversation I placed m y hands on the larger table, and had no: done so more than a few minutes, when my ears were greeted with a > :cc.>>:on of distinct r:\ppings, during which the lady cons d not her employment. After several questions had been put and satisfactorily answered w.tli tho aid of the alphabet in the usual manner, d asked orally if my kind spirit-friend would give an answer to a question or grant a request mentally put? On receiving three distinct raps in the ailiruiative, 1 menially asked the spirit, to show its power by giving “ T H E MAN O F I'lIK FU TU RE;* neither more nor tower than nine distinct raps. Immediately— indeed, before, as if in anticipation—I could mentally put my request in form, To the E ditor.—Sir,—As several of the readers of the current num the nine raps wore sonorously given. 1 immediately exclaimed, “ llow ber of H u iiiu n S a t tire have asked me the question, Is tin* author of w onderful.' Who, after such evidence as this, could doubt the presence “ The Man of the F u tu re ” a Spiritualist ? perhaps you will permit me of an intelligence that carries conviction of the spiritual hypothesis of to reply to them in your journal. I cannot say whether Mr. (Adder the phenomena? Psychic force, says one eminent scientist ; unconscious believes in spirit-communion or not. lie lias been investigating the cerebration, says another ; and other theories so finely spun as to be as physical phenomena of Spiritualism for som etim e. Throughout his unexplainable and mysterious as the hypothesis they ignore. But the new work one sees that he is desirous of proving all things, and of holding wonder oeased not here; for. on the lady turning her chair to reach fast that which is good, lie believes in the existence of spirit, and in a from the work-table the materials of her knitting, tho rappings were conscious life hereafter. Let us hope that in a second edition of •• The immediately transferred from the larger, from which I had taken my j Man of the F u tu re ” the author will be both able and willing to give to hands, to the smaller table, which, from its peculiar make, gave the sounds his readers proofs of these two most im portant subjects. Sceptics ot all more distinctly. denominations agree in this particular, that Spiritualism, if true, proves W ill some one of the many eminent scientists of the present day. more conclusively than any moral o r metaphysical arguments the whoso opinions 1 hold in such profound respect as to consider them . immortality of the soul.—Yours, Ac., David H . Wii.son, 11.A. nearly infallible, tell me to what force psychic or other than spiritual March 17th. 1873. intelligence can be attributed the following satisfactory confirmation of [Mr. (Adder’s handsome volume, “ The Man of the Future." published a fact, asserted to be such both by the living and miscalled dead? ; At a domestic family circle, in the house at which 1 reside, an intelli at 9s., is, through the kindness of the author, olfered with l l u gence manifested itself by repeated rappings on the table, and being , S a t a re for February at o s.; post-free, os. 7d. T hat number, containing asked if it knew anyone present, and on answering by an emphatic one examples of direct spirit-w riting through the mediumship of Mrs. rap for “ No," was asked the reason for its v isit; and we were told it Jencken (Miss Kate Fox), ami “ The Man of the Future," may be came to keep away wicked (undeveloped) spirits that occasionally obtained post-free for Gs. Id. This high-toned work teaches perhaps intruded themselves at our seances. We thanked it ; would it give its the most important branch of Spiritualism, vi/.. how to live a spiritual nam e? It spelled out “ Samuel Levi.” H is occupation or trade? A , life and attain happiness—another name for the “ kingdom of heaven." watchmaker and silversmith. At wlmt town did he live? “ Pembroke —Ed. M. ] H o ck ; ’ and as no more questions were put, exit “ Samuel Levi.” At a subsequent seance held some weeks after, the lady of strong A N EW SOCIETY IN EAST LONDON. lnediumistic power before alluded to being present, this incident was F r i e n d B e r k s , — Having formed our society, which is now in _\ .-d mentioned, and, much to our surprise, she informed usthat “ Levi’ was the ' maiden name of her grandmother by her father’s side, and that she working order under tho name of “ Ea*»t of London Association of Spiri (her grandmother) lived in the days of her flesh with her father, who tualists," to be held every Tuesday and Sunday evenings at the IVtnpcr was a watchmaker and silversmith, living at Pembroke Hock ; but his mice Hall, Tyson Street, Bethnal Green Load, will you favour us Christian name she did not know, but she thought her father did. The j by taking the chair on Tuesday, April Is! ? l ea on table at Lulf-pist five for six. W ill you kindly insert the announcement in the M :m not' next morning 1 called on her father, Mr. Baker, 1>U>. King Edward's our meetings after tho above date? An answer will greatly oblige.Bead, and learnt from him the following particulars, llis grandfather’s Yours truly, U f . o r c k L a m b e r t , Secretary. name was Samuel L evi; ho lived at Pembroke Do c k , a watchmaker and March 19th, 1873. silversmith bv trade, about the year 1795; and when courting the lady [W e suppose “ Friend Burns" must say “ \ os." E d . M ] who was afterwards his wife, she refused his hand unless he would MAmu ‘-’I, 1K7.‘1. T JIK M E D IU M A N D D A Y H U K A K . K H I t T T TICAOirjSK.S. rp Kditor . S ir, I rim Im vr n o o l y r r U o n for u tu r ilr r rr H , 1)1 nil. iitii'krlH, mill oil i r m o f g h o s t tile lo a t t e n d souneos, a n d I lioronl. " g u m ilto natives in U)o Until, il s i t t e r s d e s i r e l l i r i r ooiii|iiiuy nut I kiitiwlotl|;t': Iml I ob ject In l l i r i r utlorunoi'H b r i n g Uecenl.i'il n-i " g.iH|iol," m ttmuil, i n s u p e ri o r , nit I r u r r ' lim n Mioho wboso m o r a l rlmrurh'i'H worn bliltitoloss, wluiHt' m o d ilim istio se n sitiv en es s r n u lilril l l i r m t o r o n v r y f ro m rt h r mil beings hmirllriiil |i h r n o i n rnii an ti s p i r i t u a l Itiuiiv Iedge I.lint, Iiiih ho co m m rm ln l l lm w ork iiml iillern n ee s lo l lm mil imiit, I,hill, r v r n Sroulnriitl. i :\r, I w h o re, “ Tint. y o u r l i g h t h o iihltlo hiifiirn m en t h a t tlioy limy sen y o u r | g o o d w o rk s.” M o d e r n o r r e d s rnvctsii nil i.lii t q u o t e 1.11<• w o r d s imil w orlbii's o f llm New Ti'slnmi'iil., unit glorify nnl. " y o u r Kill l i r r whirl) 'M in hriivi'ii, 1»uI. o u r lirol.lirr, liitt hum. Am hi d a r k itriuinnt, llimo ! I>rr w o r t h y o f iIihimimioii ; lull. Iill.lr good run roino fro m d o i n g no in llm r l y l r a d o p t e d by o u r c o r r n i q i o n d r i i t . VVr noiild not. lake llir I'l’spolisi. 11•D I.y ol p r i n t i n g tb o ilhovr h'M rr wiMiunt l.hritr roiiunrolH, VVr I ill vn 11 rnrn lo r Ih r I u rl l i r r th v r l o |in i r n t ol o u r hrol hrrtt in I h r II, -h mm it',.11 ! as in I Im Hpiril, b o u r n w r nllow I Inn iiilei'eliulige o f express ion r.i,. u . , S|iiril iuiIibI* rnniiol \vril.n un ordinary article o r give n |ilnlliirui speoob tviihoiit |»illt'i'iii|i llm 1-nrMO sentences of wiralom mill knowledge no pro , lilOTl'KIt KIM >M A LADY MISSION A It A M I'll H IM . futtt-ly gemming llm pages of llm Nrw Testam ent, 'I’o the Kililnr. Ileiir Sir, I would say a lew words regarding my \\e urn lolil hy Sroulnriitl. Spiritualists I.Iml wr ought lo Imvr no I visit to Yorkshire (.lie Car lamed, which I think fully deserves, as far us I n v i'il, >*’l w rnrr rrronnnrm lril hi rorrivr ignorant, mi progressed gliosis ; have yeI Hceii, Mint expressioii of wliieli ils people lire se fond “ grand.” nt our oirolwt, “ mill im krurl them ” ! How rim wr, if wo hnvo no ornul ? (.’ertainly the lulls lire on a grand seule, anil Mprend their swelling sides Who nrr lo ho the trarlini'H if wo linvit nothing Id I,mull? Moreover, llm helicalh sun, oloud, rain, or snow with a lavish ii**.-irrl.ion of pli'iil.ilulimss wholr hIruol on' o| spirit-help noil Hpiril guidance in l.urnril l.opHy wliirli rem inds one of the hospitality of the ......pie. “ Of Mint which Uirvy hy such IVplan ; wr in llm Until n rr to ho llir schoolmasters, anil we have I here is plenty for lime anil m e; piirtukc Ihoii, w ithout stint,” spii'lls our pupils. VtU'iiy tho organ of self-esteem m ust bo extra largo Mie grand old hills seem to say, as a sort, of chorus l.o the uttoriuicoA ill itoiim situ 1In. of the inhabitants. How many ages have they looked well-nigh tlm " \\ .wriiiKii asks w hat rani]) I room from ; mv umtwor in, from same, anil breathed forth the same spirit into ihe sens and daughters tlm riinip of Immunity. I shako IiuuiIh with .low unci with (tentilo of of Y orkshire, until these have established a reputation for them rvrn nation on earth ; hut I rluini to sclorl. from I.limn those I desire selves over the length and breadth of Kngland, which warms Mm to ha on illtiinntr tornia with, " W nvliii'rr " in a trum p, who prrfrrM hearts el’ all who hear of il. Snell a powerful hold has a warm, (hr roadside, ami llm society of llm rough niul llm roaily ; h o ho it. generous nature upon,us ; so winsome and at,tractive is ils expression, loll ait tho lullmr ol a largo family, give mo also IVruiiom ol rhoioo ; il even if hut roughly given. Il is the »/»■« xrminc lo our hearts, and 1 prol'or int It u>i* society, I am until Ini to it ; Iiooiiuho I pay p o o r-ra te , sets the stream s of affection llowing gladly forth in response. Ar., wliirli pays lo r lim msiml w ard w h rrr “ W ayfarer " oun got his 11 udderslield is a dingy-looking town In me externally, hut its homes fort "min'd hy tlm rough and ready. wear tile peculiar brightness of domestic comfort, from the usually “ Actux," llm rhuroh olorgymau, with liis tiiroo glasses of po rt wino pervading Hpirit- of easy liberality and th a t earnest- care Ihr those at dinner, and now his hrandy-and-w ater enjoym ent to ho carried creature comforts of which unhappily our perishable bodies stand so on till his ghost friend signals him to leave oil', may prefer dark much in need. Tile factories have peculiar all ructions lor me, and seuiiees, A.o. I but I prefer, if 1 can, l.o sulcal my spirit-friends, and, as so have the factory girls, w ithin whoso souls I long to awaken the a rule, I am more likely to gel in the lig h t of day those I long for harm ony of those higher spheres which roach us Spiritualists. W hen before llm hraudy-and-w atrr and cu rlin g stink of tohacoo-fnnms 1 think of th eir lives of endless toil, weaving the inalerial for our daily Ain'Sml. So, at. least, I think ; perhaps, bornnso 1 have for forl.y-ilvo wear, I long to leach litem how to weave soul-garments for themselves. years not lasted spirits, and also have a ll my life avoided tho d irty , Verily n heaven would descend into th eir midst, could this tie dune, disgusting habit, ol spewing out. of my m outh t.obaooo-smoko. and tinge, as with gold, the endless threads of those vast looms, and I named tlm worthies of the Now T estam ent because they wore groat tu rn the deafening din of tho m achinery into music. Instead of mediums, great sullorors, great teaehers ; b u t I object n o t to add any weariness they would have angel strength and refreshm ent; instead of great and noble men and women of past ages who have left tho im press wasting all th eir hard-earned wages in finery and the pleasures of tho of their notions on tho nations. moment., they would th riftily save l.o beautify th eir homes, educato “ Oon is liiau'r.” Onoe again L rep e a t tho sentonco I gave o u t in th e ir children, and provide lor the incapacity of age. I have seen my lost letter: Chase away d ark seances, except for devilry in and Some beautiful faces am ongst them, of th a t pure Saxon type which JCn mo u k J o n e s . out or the llosh. always fixes my lingering gaze, and I cannot Iml. believe iliut behind such faces there live souls which m ight be roused lo higher life. These E titn o r c 7’iii7,', iS'./'.'., M arch, 187.‘f. souls must soonor o r later thro n g into llm spirit-w orld. O that they [To be a professedly good man o u r co rresp o n d en t has a sin g u la r m ight hear upon themselves into those higher regions some beauty delight in llm use of opprobrious language. If he singled o u t any one gained hero below, to help in th eir tu rn the weary and suffering ones person and brought tlm crimo of m u rd e r o r picking pockets homo to left, behind ! him, Mien Im would act as a consistent m em ber o f th e police fratern ity , 1 was particularly impressed w ith these thoughts, when, in following and mete out an eyo for an eye and a to o tli for a to o th to some p u r a certain w orthy m anufacturer of this place over his foundry, pose ; hut to slush out rig h t and loft, an d steal the rep u tatio n of listening attentively to his patient, explanations of the various parts of spirits who decline to swallow his creed, is, ns Shakspoaro says, to the m achinery, his sp irit-lath er accosted me. The good soul shook take that which does him no good, an d leaves his victim s po o r indeed. me persistently by the hand, and would not let, me rest until I As to his idea of tlm source o f tru e gospel, need we lake th e tro u b le prom ised t.0 speak to his son for him . W hen I mentioned this fact to to remind him that 'tho assum ed teacher of th e gospel he recom m ends th e son, he replied, “ A cs, lie is always about here ; ho loves to bo was deemed even a worse ch aracter than Bixrubbus ? T ho m oral wo here." T h e sp irit oonllrim d th a t rem ark w ith evident gratification, deduce from this is th a t a religious teach er w ho is scouted by th e and seemed inexpressibly pleased when a meeting was arranged for “ unco g u id ” is thereby recom m ended to all ho n est tru th -lo v ers. converse in a m ore suitable place. Now is it, not. very evident that, tho W ho are tho chief priests, scribes, an d Pharisees of to-day, that, th e ir consciousness the son is enabled to have through Spiritualism of the opinion should he accepted, w hile th a t of th e ir follows of oighteon constant prosonoe of his guardian father has tho elfect of elevating his hundred years ago is rejected ? m ind, of keeping him ju s t and Immune in his dealings of, in short, A new Tom-fool knot for q u eru lo u s people to unloose is th e enigm a averting from him m uch of tho evil th a t w ithout snob a saving presence of “ Secularist S p iritu alist,” an anim al evolved out, of o u r c o rre he m ig h t p erhaps alm ost insensibly have fallen in to ? IL was a great spondent's very contradictory consciousness. T h is new orealion seinns jo y to th a t risen lath er to tell his son ho was pleased with the way ho to be called “ S ecularist” because ho delig h ts in qu o tin g from tho N ew was going on. Such angel-visits make even a factory beautiful. Testam ent! A nother instance of the good done by Spiritualism , the decried and Krnm the next p arag rap h we oonolude that, we a re in ten d ed to despised “ ism," looked upon hy many as only the jugglery of m ounte suppose that .lesus was a “ S ecu larist S piritualist.,” for h e ta u g h t no banks, b u t which is a lever pow erful to up ro o t the evil grow th of ugrs, “ creed.’ A creed is w hat a m an believes without, any o th er reason an d w ill eause the flowers of heaven lo bloom, w here heretofore tho for so doing than that of a u th o rity . H ence mini of th e ereodal typo earth has been cum bered by the dense thiek elso f ignorance and bigotry. dare not tall; to n s p irit w ho m ay have been a “ piokpocket ” or On tho Urst evening of my arrival here tv young sp irit-g irl came and “ m urderer” in case th ey swallow th e udvioe an d go an d do like knell, by my side as I. lay resting on the sofa, and gazed into my face, I. wise, Sensible men have th e law w ritten in th e ir hearts, an d lean on could not make her out., and shrank ra th e r sensitively, as 1 always do. that rather than on external oroeds an d spirit-teachings, all of w hich Said sin', “ 1 lovo you, and would be glad if you would love me a little; must present th eir credentials a t th e th ro n e of th e kingdom of you could help me.” " 1 w ill w ith pleasure, my c h ild ; 1 love all hettvon within ; sp irits and co rresp o n d en ts had betto r tell us w hat sp irits, and w ill do you all th e good 1 possibly can.’’ " I am glad; you they knew ratlm r th a n vvliat. they believe, an d in doing h o there is have done me good already." S hortly alter th a t my hostess begun relating some of Ihe mischievous pranks of a young Indian spirit, calling nothing so instructive as personal experience. P e rh a p s w hat h a p pened In a richly-deserving sin n er w ould su it tlm case of m odern herself “ Amelia,” who visited th eir seances and laid controlled herself. society holler than tho celestial b eatitu d es of a real saint. Lot. us She laid stolen postage stam ps, and had seriously h u rt the lady herself all touch that w hich wo know to ho, n o t th a t of w hich thorn is the on one occasion. She had been repeatedly urged to try and rise out. of perplexing quoetiou “ l.o bo o r n o t to be,” On th a t basis il. is well h er condition, and become a b etter sp irit, but site had always pul. it. oil’ li111)xvii In he a fuel, th a t sp irits can he m uch benefited by com ing to w ith a laugh ; she could not, take the trouble, or som ething to tliatcITeel. tlm spirit-circle, and men req u irin g good got. m ost by d o in g good. Tho W o lliul some conversation on tho subject, and expressed our pity and lilIniniiit iit of a m ore perfect stale is n o t acquired hy gorm an d isin g on com passion. 1 said I Imped my guides m ight meet, w ith her, and do goodness and wisdom, but by reciprocity and p ractical action. T he h er some good. Im m ediately the young sp irit sp ak e: “ 1 am A m elia; mother in nursing h e r babe bcnolits n o t only h e r charge hut. herself tell h er 1 am sorry now th a t I did h u rt her ; I'll never do so again." I iilsu. At to the su p erio r m oral m axim s to lie found in the New Testa- th o u g h t of " Amelia " many t imes a lter that , and ra th e r wondered I laid lnunl, and tho soul of man universally when he has a ttain ed a certain heard no m ore from h er. A few evenings since 1 was controlled hy grade of developm ent, those arc n o t a p a rt of any creed o r form of “ Amelia," who said she wished to tell us she was try in g to do better; belief, Iml. the norm al possession ol every healthy n atu re, ju s t as she was not. going to do any more mischievous, naughty tricks; Mint the beautiful sp irit-lad y who watched over mo hud p u t her in the way ol niucli us digestion nr secretion. “ W ayfarer ” may consider o u r c o rre sp o n d e n t too “ ready ” at rising. She loved th a t lady ; nobody could help loving her Ihat saw “ rough” m anners to cure to “ se le c t11 him lo r fu rth e r intercourse, h er, and she did everybody good. She h erself was trying to lie loving She especially as Mr. Jo n es 1ms n o t m et th e question raised. As to tho and gentle, ami wished us to know she was quite olianged. worthii-N of tlm New T estam ent, we w ould m uch p refer instead of cant would never tell any more tales, n or do m ischief at, the circles. B ut that iuir neighbours w ould e n g ra ft a m oderate sh are of w orthiness on it, was am using to see how tho old fun and m errim ent would crop out. to limn own personal c o n d u c t; th e n for u sh in in g light, we slum ld not Shu began to hunter a gentlem an present about being loo fond of the have In tw ist o u r heads so liir ro u n d to catch th e glim pse of shadows honey pot., show ing she had watched us while at tea ; and p erp etrated a •o fur rel real ed. II “ (Iml is lig h t," does he not. shim) to -d a y ? and very lair pun upon tlm subject, of “ tense " and " teas. ’ W ith an instance of th e ellect. we on earth have upon o u r spiritif mi, run we use Mint light, In best advantage hy borro w in g the lan tern s which wore ill use eighteen h u n d re d y ears a g o ? Wo have road soiue- friends, I w ill close th is le tte r already, 1 fear, too long. 1 hud a visit. 138 T H E M E D IU M AND DAYJM KAK 8 H 8 K 27 H 24 TH E CIRCULATION OF TH E MEDIUM, AND TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. T h k PiililUlior D in litu tin g th o fiwilifir for circulating thin p aper, an d submit* t h e following Beale of Hub.-rnpMona:— One copy, post free, weekly, 1I jK ; per annum, (Is. fld. Two copies „ „ 2i „ KK ]0d. aid. T h re e „ „ „ 44. „ 17*. 44. Id. Four „ m . 04. F iv e „ „ £J 8». lOd. 6{<t. Six copies and upwards, in one wrapper, post free, Id. im/:1i H 8 . H H per week o r Is. 4d. per year. All such orders, an d co m m u n ira t ions for th e Editor, should l»<*add re e4 t * Ja.me- H r h s s , OjjU'e o f 'I h k M k u i i m , 1/5, South am pton Jtow , iJ loon uhur y WhoU - d e A.:- nt F. Pitm an , 20, P atern o ster How, J/ondon, K. C . ; C u rtice a n d Co., 13, Cath erine Stre et, S tra n d , London, W . C . ; J o h n U evw ood, Manche.-ster; Ja m e s M*Ueachy, 89, Union Htre.et, Glasgow. T h e Ful>li-ho” is de-irous «*f establishing agerudes an d d ep o ts for th e {.ale of otlmr l'r-'gre -iv•• periodical-, tracts, a n d sta n d a rd works, an d will be glad to receive co m m u n icatio n s from such as fee,I disposed to e n t e r th is held of usefulness. I 8 H I 8 12 I 8 CONTENTS OF LAST No. OF “ THE M EDIUM ” Tiie O n f" -n A/>>/ d <■■<!i d and Our-clve From which Camp doe- he < •me ? - < oiiditions, Mor.il and Physical- Spiritualism at the Cry.-.tal ! i . I n nd Christianit; Mr . But: Pro m< i&l '! Porn Hion ol a Psychological Society in Edinburgh—Skinflint arc I >pi; Jt ua)i-1 — I 'n tru tb - at the Circle A Drcsim and its —Spirit Outdo e by Insects Invi ligation am ongst Seculari-t- King-T* -f and Spirit-Light.'— Mr. and Mr-. L voritt a t DarlingtonTii.- Mi--: mary Medium in M anchester--Spirit-Photographs—The Pro*11 tin Dialectical He port—-Another Diecuseion Proposed The i; • :i* Dj firb in c e - at Mr. and Mis. Holme ’- Seance- Mr. Herne' S--.in- ---- Mr. W illiam s* ; nee - Next Sunday in London—N ext Sunday at the Cavt-ndi-h Koonir—Mr. Burns at Heckruondwike—Tho Spirit M Tiger—'l ii»t Inquiry from E gypt—Madame Lou it'*‘3 Seance at the Spiritual In-titution - A Public Seance for Sceptic- a t 01, Lam b’s Conduit S’ ■ —A S- mce w ith Mr. William.-—Well-Te.Med Cases of Levitation. 8 I 8 8 I ■' ' 14 8 1 8 i! 8 8 : 8 1 ! l S P E C IA L NOTICES'. A ll-t o f Jfeet'/'.oi and Seanres at the Spiritual Institution, in London i i i and },, the Provinces, may he found, ou paye 142. A list o f Anenti for the “ M edium ” and Spiritual Literature appears on ! 8 8 paye 143. Information respectiny the movement in their paH i <-ular district I 8 'may he ohtaim-d fro m want o f these Ayent*. ! 10 I 1 i 8 ! F R ID A Y , M A R C H 21, 1873. M O R E S U B S C R IB E R S F O R T H E R E P O R T . W e Lave found th a t some of our subscriber- have desisted from fu rth er effort thinking th a t w e would n o t accept orders for copies a t 2 s. fid. each unless eight copies were ordered a t one tim e. W e d to n be d istin ctly understood t h a t a fte r ordering e ig h t copies, our heiper- may obtain a n y num ber of additional copies a t 2 a. IVI. each. As i t is. we find th a t a few additions come in. as w ell as: new order-. N ow is the tim e to secure a stock of th e w ork, a- th e li-t m ust b o closed •toon. A fte r th e publication o f th e book tlie copie.-, w ill be w orth os. each, so th a t m oney spent in such stock w ill prov e a very profitable investm ent. T)r. 8 , T. Hpeer Mr. .1. limit, I.ougblxjro' W. Trljb, B*q. 8 . Itixoii, K-/i., Houtliuiripton Mr. Blake, NewcaHtb: Mr. .f. filunrl, II,ill Mr. N. Sm ith, Birm ingham Air. .r. IVareon, Lye J . W. (4. M r. M r. Mr. Mr. 8 : 8 ; s 40 K ( 'nrncrori, L' vb'irn Mil)in, Derby W. F enton, Bulimy *1. Ilnpkin -, Bridgwater 8 8 8 8 8 8 H 8 20 21 , :. 187 1 Or. LnekhuH Rub' ,o,,„ Mr. T. Kurd on, j.ju,, atone Mr. J£„,„ T. I*. Barkiut, l>)„ New, -q,. •T. B. Stones, I', <j , Hi;,/; i, , Afr. 'I', Wilson, Ayb-ebory Mr. Itiron, Kent j>l, 'I Mr. .). Webster, for It.,, 1-ufjU Assoeiat ion Af r. it. Io are' for ’ . ,|o A o e ja ' ion Cb r t <rt #1 } •I. 4. Ibrl..', 'I be II V ■ Air. IIroas Io' a1, for ,:oe'v, I’rul(/e , i ... M r. .f. Itavie-o t ■/. ■■, . Mr. C, 4 '/min v. Ifr ol Mr. .J. Ward, Ifortbawintot Mr o Wad.leil. Jo,, t oo . ,o Mr. H .J H igb. i.O • Air. J . Wilde, Hagg I. M r. 'f. filjotnor i V/: Mr. If. A-1,wortb, If: Afr. .1. Ifeo O /v : If: ve. f.e.af, ATi - Itewd o' v, I Air. Lowe Mr. J. M. |; . r , to '. Assoeia'ior: M r . It, H r o ■ Vo-. J . Cu pat I ' Af r. A . BabJ w - B- : r Mr. C. B. < ; rk, tor I, b -I r g ii j ' i y e k e Hoeiet v Mr. All wood, I’i.r'-r: gOAfr. .J. .J. Walker Afr. .1. jr<*t ton W* ro Mr. E. Hal lam, Lir eok Mr. .!. MeMuldrow, K bright L r. H unter, Oebil Ba Af is? L< rby ■ 0 > Captain PI w, Bo Afr. J . Coop Wt Ho ;■ Afr. W. Avery, -ia - 8 t 14 W. Bode,, Mr. E. Stock*, Clmrwcll F. Tcnnyuon, K*q. if. Billfold, i; q. 12 8 Mr. -I. Judd, Birmingham Mr*. UijftcrfjcJd 8 W, Burn*, E N'-Mlcbinit j 8 Mr. A. Dcwbirpt., Bat.loy )U Mr. W. T. Wilaori, Kiric k Cr'/en l<> M r N. Crick, R.irhdr-n 28 J. White, Jv<j., Shad well 11till 8 Rev. J. A. Brinkworth, 8hop8 1 ton Mallett $ Mr. fJ . il mchins, do. Mrs. 1ia r re t t , Loridf.n 21 M a j o r tJweii 8 .Mr. . Sutherland, Burnley 8 Mr. M. Anriitiiee, (iatl'y Mr. T . Ousman, Stoke 9 A. Glendinning, Kwp 8 M r. W. Whitley Afr. J. Aeh man 8 Mr. W . Clarkson, Selby L r. Willing 8 Afr. A. Fountain, Wisbech 8 Afr. J . Rjdgway, II are wood 8 Square. 8 Afr?. Cowper, Bournemouth Major Afenar.-, Bath 8 8 Afr. •/. Hiseoeks, Tiahury W . N. Armfi'dd, ?.w\. 8 8 ! ) r . JJobson, Barrow Air. H . Swire, Bowling 9 Afr. S. Matlu rs, Kilkeel 8 B. K. Ket ee-lv. J-;..,, If: 0 > M r. la. Thornton, Bradford t/ao Court Afr. Patterson, Middle:-borough 8 a . rr. Mr. Skeldon, Crewe 8 A. Ino'i-. Ik j . I. :e Air. Woof-,:. .Mile land Afr. JlarriBoe, Trinity College 8 Mr. K. Jackson, Wl d -v jl: W . 8. God be, las'!., Utah In all 1,020 copies. M r. Squ ar e, H olb or n, Lo ndon, H .( '. M arch A G L P J O U S CTLVi’T L U O F IN C ID E N T .-. l'AItAORAI'JI St.eONto In last, num ber o f th e y a l i o n a i J h f o r m t r evp am gm ph in th e “ To C orrespondent 'co lu m n :- ' ■'■■■ . . to the ed ito r of th e / S p ir itu a l M a y a z i n e and to Mr. Do.;, erro r in to w hich it appear- we have fallen in avronady a ttn n th e editorship of th e H p m l.u a l M n y a i w . W e q-if.e .-. stood - and w ere therefore rni-led. b y —Mr. Du nr- i - u. ■ t he debate'.” T hi a t teact how that lr. Dradlau; m istaken, and arrive a t conclusions the very op;.os:*e -.! T he case in po in t is also so flagrant th a t very little d> need be placed on th e acuteness of M r. D radlaugb': p*u<u I t m u st n o t be fo rg o tten th a t th e “ m istake w a- iepeu ■ JJr. .Sexton had avow ed in a le tte r for publication, avid- r. -r suppressed, th a t he w as n o t the ed ito r of th e S /iin 'l.u a / M a i f / z w . \N e can, w ith th e g reatest confidence, assure Air. Rr.—ikugb " he triv ia l affair ab o v e a llu d e d to ! noi • w hich lie has fallen in hi- talking:-: and w ritings on the il, lirito alu m , A late discovery a» to b of any advantage to him self, it n nr-t impr*-'- b in ' . Il v of carefully . - view ing hi po'-iti re-p< w hole question of S piritualism , to th e end th at no > “ mi al ren in iom ng hi to ea* tl listen to him . . tei should b< a caret statem en ts as Hn b o n e -1 tra d e r i - to th e genuin'-ne of Id ' : at: honourable provision dealer to th e soundnes: and v.-j • b- - ness of hi • wares. W e shall keep th is ch ap ter open fu a/lditiona, know ing as v,-e do th a t if Mr. Dradh ugh dth e y w ill a--uredly be nec'-ssarv. I f no fu rth ‘-r “ mi "•> >-vol:ed. th e n v.u-. -hall c- rtainly be justified in com-! idir.g ■: ■' D radlaugb does, not w a n t to arrive a t the tru th him -' ’ 1 quite h e 'd ie a to w h eth er he leads or mislead hi- h- : L i s t n r 1 'a t u o s Suxtsc nifiKUH:— co^'iE.-; rowiis 8 R. H. 2 AY. Kingdom, Esq. 8 W. H. Bwepstone, Ksq. , l Afrs. Green 8 W. Volekman, Esq. 8 Air. Ralph Foster, Darlington 8 H . I). Jencken, Esq. 24 Afr. J . Lord, Rastricl: 8 M.-=. Makdougall Gregory 16 .John Scott. Esq., Belfa-t 8 T.nomas G rant, Ew). 16 Afr. C. R. Ifinde, Darlington 18 Eninore Jones, Esq. 40 Afr. T. Blyton, for Dalaton 8 Afr. Is. Kichmond Aaaociation 24 Afr. J. Alaynard, for Afaryle- 7b Mr. John Chapman. Liverpool 8 bone Association Afrs. F. A. No-worthy ;>■/ Mr. G. Heppje-’on, Hudders1 Mrs. Kerby 1 Afr. Fusedale 8 Afr. T. Thclwall, H ull [field 8 E . T. B' cnett, Esq. 20 T. Af. Sirnkiss, E»q. 8 8 Li e -it.- C o lo n 1 8 ‘euart S. S. Ling ford, Esq., Bishop 8 Rev. W. R. Tomlinson Auckland 8 Dr. Gully 12 Air. J. R'-edrnan, Stamford 8 Air. .J. L. Julyan, Reterboro’ Sir Charles Tsbarn 8 24 Afr. J. F. Young Air. W, A. l uidley, B .rCem 8 1C Afr Ik Redgate, for N otting 20 >. W . W e a l ici - ■- !. for K'-igi.jey Spiri’-iaji'-'s ham Association 20 M r. It. Ko-t'-r, Freston A. Kyd, K- .. Baden 1 8 C. T. Hook. L?q. 1 Miss Douglas 8 <}. N. Straw-bridge, Iv-t. ib J . B. ib Truth Prom oter ! 8 Mr. E. -re-.-.—'-r, L'-ybur.n 8 8 Afr. .1. Hertwl, N ot’inguam, readers. S. Hocking. K?q. Air. B. B.-ado ,,-y. Aforby 1 8 M r. AY. Vernon, Utt/iveter 10 k C. R -irnerj, Its/:. . V I Afr. H enry AVhi’tington M r. Mouse had two more suec' -tful meeting* on .Sunday hi?' •,*. • • £ X. Ki'.-bardeori, E 'q. i 2 8 Afr. B. He-.-.k'-'-, Bir.-.v- g- am Islington ft'/om e UiverjrooL ! ^ Mr. Councillor Houghton N. K ilb u rr. E?q. A i:i: < m correspondent ha? eiideoronred to aver: tb- d,v'Was on, Evj, Afr. Che mpernowne 10 8 11 ' r,'.':,-.m by d'-rlara';o.-.s and '-xplana1. -,r.s n.-a-b; s 'r : . : ' . 8 Mr. .J. Brow;:. Glasgow Al;?' Pond'-r 8 cannot to band. As w t prefer to receive apologies in the usual wa Mr. .J. Hay Glasgow 8 Bex a . Bw. 1 to lb,a <i!br> further notice. Mr. J. .Swinburne Afr. J . Appleby Alnwick 1 IJ. H. S. - Vonr kind '-omrnuT.i'-ation sent tbroual on; m ‘ . 1 8 Afrs. Af. R. Derbv, E-rp, Nort.bampton ba-; r ‘-:.'u,'-d ns, a id w- ?i,n;l la-Loppy to b1- faro : --i with H AS F. D#w, B q. R. A. w ainw rigbt, %q. 8 ' 'Jo whig - - - we y be able to p if tb< :n ■ : /. ■ -• H Cap*. Co-/’/'-r‘ ■*-, Mal’on :■rqeri' Mr. F. 1 : to:. 3 1 i;e .' -A' r 8 mined till they are r -'-iv'-d, Afr. J. La.-n'/,', Liverpool Afr. b. IIv*art.1., If .d'je.-jfleM M arch 21, 1873. T H E M E D IU M A N D D A Y BK EA K 133 N E X T SU ND AY IN LO N D O N . IN Q U IR Y FROM EGYPT. Sundav Services for Spiritualists, at^Cavendish Rooms, M ortim er To the Editor.— Dear Sir,—I see by the Medium of las', w'-ek that my Street, Wells Street, Oxford Street, a t 7. M r. Prentice M ulford, of j friend “ H am bo” has, through Mrs. Olive, alluded to bis visits to California, on “ W h a t the M ountains tau g h t M e.” Charles Yovsev, a t St. George's H all, L angham Place, R egent Street, Alexandria during my residence there. I know the medium in Alex andria very well, and I can vouch for her absolute sincerity, singleat 11. Sundav Lecture Society, St. George’s H all, at 4. W . H . Stone, Esq., mindedness, and good faith. I witnessed many of the manifestations of M.A.M.B., Oxford, on “ The T heory of S tringed and Musical In stru i which she was the instrum ent. My principal object in writing you now is to give rnr testimony i t ments.” Sundav Evenings for the People, St. George's H all, at 7. A Lecture, ! confirmation of “ Hambo’s ” assertion that tbe medium ..ad been over H er mediumship was discovered and by W. Mac call, Esq., on “ The M artyrdom of G enius,” followed by worked and “ pumped out.” I rapidly developed during rny stay in Alexandria. The circle were Gounod .- “ Mi'Sie Solennelle.” ; r ,m t• An Unfettered P u lp it,” South Place Chapel, F insbury, at 11.15. i surprised and delighted by trie discovery, ai.'l s -i.c 1 times twice or three times a dav, wbils' the evening seances .VPr■ M. D. Conway, on “ T he New Com m andm ent.” New Hall of Science, Old S treet. C. U radlaugh, on “ The True | occasionally prolonged to two, or even three hours’ duration. Or.ce or ‘ twice 1 earnestly rem onstrated with the leader of the circle, pointing Greatness of C hristianity.” i out. to him th at he was overstraining the power of tbe medium, ar.d j would surely exhau-t her strength ; and that, if he wished to avoid a M R . B U R N S'S A P P O IN T M E N T S . breakdown, he should moderate bis enthusiasm. Mrs. Olive, of cc to me that our Sunday, Marco --..—Liverpool, a;. I -o :.e' r A-.- -;nb]v Rooms, after- •' was quite unaware of these cireutns'ances, and it n.on and evening. Subject : The answ ering of questions and objections fine-spirited friend “ H am bo” hit the nail on tbe . : a very good test.— Yours faithfully, J). K’. £. from the audience. Thursday, M arch 27.— 7, C orporation Row, Clerkenwell. Questions 1 iS’’tilth Wimbledon, M arch 18th, 1*73. and objections answered. , [This case has been a very interesting one in various v, Mr. Mr. Burns is open to receive invitations to visit country towns from : M orse’s guide on general grounds indicat'd the eu .s'l.e Saturday till M onday, and hold two public m eetings on the Sunday. I o f the phenom ena; “ Hambo,” through Mrs. Olive, illustrated . This arrangem ent has been found m ore successful than meetings on 1 phase o f spirit-usefulness by stating that he had visited the circle and week-day evenings. A pplications should be made at once, as Ids ap p o in t i could give the real facts. This assertion oi .. ; spirit 1- x>rrol at d ments are being Used in advance. in the above letter. From th iscasea ll may derive im portant instruction 1 as to the care which should be exercised in the u-» of med. ..xs. especially when under development or in an acute -‘ate v -u-'---v SEANCES D IS C O N T IN U E D — N E W A R R A N G E M E N T S . —E d . M.J As Madame Louise has to leave L ondon for some days to fill an . important engagem ent, she desires us to announce th a t she will give T H E TRA N SLA TIO N OF AN OLD G R E E K E P IT A P H no seances in London till fu rth e r notice. F u rth e r arrangem ents may J ON A L IT T L E G IR L A GED E IG H T . be announced next week. Mrs. Olive desires us to in tim ate th a t h e r T hursday evening seances Thou a rt not dead, dear firstling of our flock, but gone to rest . at the S piritual In s titu tio n w ill be discontinued for a sh o rt time. Living still a b right existence in the islands of the’blest.: Mr. H ern e w ill give two seances a-week a t th e S p iritu a l In s titu W alking through fields elysian in an atm osphere of joy. tion while M rs. Olive does n o t require the T hursday evenings. W h ere the flowers never w ither, and where bliss know’s no allov . M r. H erne w ill give a dark seance on T hursday evening, adm ission T here no w inter ever chills thee; sum mer's sun can never b u rr.: 2s. Gd., and a face-seance on S aturday evening, adm ission os. Sickness, th irst, and hunger vex not. Thou dost covet r.o return To this o ur weary w o rld ; for thou a rt living in a land F u ll in tile constant splendour o f a heaver, close at hand. A S P E C IA L N U M B E R O F T H E “ M E D IU M ” W R IT T E N B Y C h a r l e s M a u r ic e D a v i e -. D .D . S E C U L A R IS T S . W e receive from tim e to tim e so m any item s of experience w ritten by o u r readers w ho have form erly been Secularists, th a t it has occurred D O E SN ’T R E Q U IR E P R O P P IN G U P. to us th a t it w ould be useful if “ a special num ber of th e Medium for S e cu larists” w ere com piled from such sources. O n hand we have i To the E d ito r.— Sir.— Since the Tim es. has thundered forth its moun already contributions from M r. S m ith (A ston R oad, B irm ingham ) and tainous groan th a t the phenomena of the Spiritualists should receive o th ers ; but if these friends th in k p ro p er to re-w rite th eir views and scientific attention, w hat ado is being made by the bc-lievers who desire experiences fo r th is special purpose, we in v ite th em to do so. H u n d re d s to compass heaven and earth for learned proselytes 1 How anxious are who w ill read th is notice have been Secularists, and th e ir reasons for : S piritualists to coax the scientific into th eir circles and supply them with the change w hich has taken place in th e ir views m ig h t prove of in- j the best phenom ena i calculable benefit to such as are yet in ignorance o f m an’s sp iritu a l ! Now, at th e peril of differing with m y brethren, I would ask, W hat nature. is th is tr u th to gain by th eir patronage? W ill th eir admission of its facts and deductions gain for us a desirable class of believers ? Is $p:ri W e r e g r e t th a t it has n o t been in o u r pow er to afford rep o rts of , tualism in any degree dependent on the learned for its facts or theories ? the two m ost recen t addresses a t th e Cavendish R oom s. T he discourse H ave they done anything so im p o rtan t as to induce us to hope much in on “ H e a lth ,” by th e R ev. G uy B ryan, is in o u r hands, and we hope to 1 them ? W ith o u t taking one iota from the m erit Professors Hare, Tarley. find the m eans o f giving it publicity. M r. S h o rte r’s “ Lessons from j and others deserve for th e ir aid, I think we are most indebted to those the W ars of th e N in eteen th C e n tu ry ” u n fo rtu n a te ly was delivered on a ; faithful few who for tw enty years have patiently toiled on under toe Tery wet evening, w hich m ilitated ag ain st th e attendance. T hose w ho I sneers and scoffs of all. S piritualism is a subject addressed to every plain-thinking m an: :were present speak h ig h ly of M r. S h o rte r’s tre a tm e n t of th e subject. “ WnxT t h e M o u n t a in s t a u g h t M e ; being in p a rt the biography cf [ does not require ability or learning to receive its evidence, understand a Californian w ho succeeded in nothing, y e t gained m uch ; whose m ain its phenom ena, o r utilise its teachings : it is a gospel for the poor, ar.d object in life has been th e re fo rm a tio n of him self, an d w ho endeavours, stands far aloof from everything pertaining to what this world esteems I cannot bu t repudiate tbe assistence of men of science, as far as possible, to liv e u p to his own p reach in g .” Thi3 is th e full j as great. This tru th is advancing, unaided, title of M r. P re n tic e M u lfo rd ’s discourse fo r S u n d ay next at th e Caven- j sim ply because we need them not. dish Booms. I t w ill be rem em bered th a t M r. M u lfo rd opened th e I w ith a ra p id ity unparalleled by any tru th or error in history. In a present series of m eetings by a discourse both am using a n d instructive. q u a rte r of a century the number, say at the least 10,000.0' ‘J. is wonder M r. M ulford is a n o rig in a l th in k e r a n d accom plished w riter, a n d his ! ful, p articu larly when we consider, if not opposed, certainly it has not efforts are not o n ly o f g re a t use to th e S p iritu alist, b u t a d elig h t to all j been supp o rted by the clergy or the learned. Spiritualism is intrinsi cally good, and well suited to the wants of the world, as fully attested who have intellectual tastes to gratify . by its acceptance by tbe superior order of m inds everywhere. I do no; Agents f o r t i i e “ M e d iu m ” in t h e W e s t B id in g .— D u rin g o u r re q u ire any divine or college to expound the L ord’s P rayer to m e ; recent visit to Y o rk sh ire we w ere successful in m aking th e follow ing n eith er is it necessary to verify by the d i x i t of authority what I can arrangements fo r th e su p p ly o f th e M edium a n d o th e r publications on easily prove for m yself; and the only class these learned professors car. Spiritualism :— H eekm ondw ike— M r. E llis, bookseller an d s ta tio n e r; b ring to o u r ranks are those noodles who require leaders to guide their Dewsbury— M r. A bbs, B ra d fo rd R o ad ; G ild e rso m e — M r. B rooke, weak m inds— believing this or th at because the Reverend M r. Amiable newsagent. W e also find th a t M r. B arm by, B riggate, Leeds, has a ! believes it, or because Professor P o p u lar propounds it. F o r my part, I regular wholesale su p p ly fro m L o n d o n every F rid a y evening. In rely on tbe common sense of my neighbours more than the patronage of addition to these agents, th e re is M r. A rm itag e, B a tle v , a n d M r. W il- ; professors. I . M ac D o n n ell. kinson, M orley, w ho have been su p p ly in g th e p a p e r fo r some tim e. W e hope o u r friends in these d istric ts w ill do a ll th a t lies in th e ir 1 O u r f r ie n d s in the eastern districts of London will no doubt rally power to bring subscribers to these agents. I n a spirit-m essage, sen t us by M r. P itt, B ra d fo rd , th e “ enem ies o f j ro u n d the D aiston Association on T hursday evening, and render Dr. Sexton’s lecture at the Luxem bourg H a ll a decided success. See adver S piritualism ” a re discussed. W e p re s e n t a few extracts : “ Some strive to assimilate S p iritu a lism to th e p o p u la r d o c trin e s o f the day, forgetting tisem ent elsewhere. that its chief m e rit a n d beauty a n d stre n g th a re in being as unlike them “ T h e C h u rc h M ilita n t." — In reply to a correspondent, we have to as possible. T h en take S p iritu a lism fo r w h a t it i s ; n o t as brin g in g say th a t we do not ask for space in tbe C h r is t i.:n S p i r i ' u a l W wherein perfection dow n to m an, b u t as raisin g m an upw ard to perfectio n ; n o t to reb u t th e ed ito r's th reat, nor do we adm it his claim to our columns. as a tyrant over th e m inds a n d h e a rts o f m en, b u t as a teac h er an d a W e have said w hat we think is necessary as to the m oral or spiritual helper to th e ir u n d erstan d in g s ; n o t a d iv in ity to be w orshipped , but an aspect of th e incident, and w ith o th er views we have no business what instructor to b rin g th em to a know ledge of D eity . So acute is the ever. W e cannot undertake the responsibility of giving to the public prophetic vision o f som e, th a t th e y a re p re p a re d w ith o u t an inw ard ; th a t w hich we consider to be im m oral. W e would much rather subject doubt to assert th a t S p iritu a lism w ill n o t accom plish th e task it has ourselves to a fu rth e r infliction of the “ C h ristia n ” element. W e do undertaken an d prove a blessing to th e w o rld ; th a t it w ill n o t p rep are n o t desire it to be understood th a t we would avoid such an issue, or the way for th e ov erth ro w o f despotism , fo r th e d e stru ctio n o f fanatical g ra n t any concession which would recom mend us to the consideration and priestly intolerance, fo r th e g ra d u a l extinction o f ignorance and of the horsew hip theologians. W e w ould much rather deserve th eir bigotry, for th e diffusion o f know ledge a n d freed o m am ong m en, and, in w hip th an win th e ir smile. E ven if Jesus did use a whip, the record peace and love, by th e h an d o f science, raise m an to a know ledge o f th e tells us th a t lie lived to am end bis conduct. Let the light of moral tru th , and not the example of fallible man, be our guide. beauties and blessings of tr u th .” 140 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. S P IR IT -F A C E SE A N C ES, Tliid new form of m anifestation is to bo seen to g re a t advantage I Urouuli I lit’ mediuuusliip of M adam e Louise. W e give notes of sorno Beatioe. w hich have lately been bold at the S piritu al In stitu tio n . On M onday evening of lust week, at. a private seance, the •p in t-lo rm s were the best we have ever seen. T h e llrst nmnifngtntion " a s that of “ T he O ld Man. lie rem ained in view for a long Iim e, to enable Mr. Itnrns and b is b ro th e r, who was on a i e it. from ( i laegow, to have a good look at him . H u has n o t yet given bis bidh„ *v, Inn lie is' iinilergtood' Io. .be an ancesto r ol the B u rn s.a who lived some centuries ago, as staled in J I n .i t u .t A,; . |t,r Ja n u a ry , in w hich there is also a lac-sim ile of direct sp irit-w ritin g done by this sp irit. Ho lias a lino venerable countenance, a large brain, and very decided expression of countenance. T h is vp;rit w.is followed by a sister of M rs. H um s, who lias appeared ., vtedly. I'm a cam e M r. Noll, late husband o f Mrs. Hunts's hint or. lid s spirit was I'u 11v recognised by the widow and th e w hole family. I ne next spirit w.is a sister of M rs. iliim s’s g ran d fath er, w ho is in the u-dni of appearing in the m aterialised form. Mrs. Bowman, of (ilasgow, u;is also present, and h er m o th er’s form ap p eared at th e a p ertu re. .1His face was so d istin ct an d beautifully developed, that th e fam ily lik'-n- ?s to M rs. Bowm an was clearly perceptible to all observers. T h is spirit re tu rn e d several times, an d was identified in t lie most, satisfactory m anner, j be seance concluded by “ T he O ld M u n ” ap p earin g again as a special m anifestation to bis m edium , Mrs. Burns. Bel ore the laee-seunco a dark sittin g was h eld, a t which one m an i The sitters held hands derstri « di oi festation or m a semi ■ -e.e ::t a short distune'- from the table ; Mr. Stocton, Madame 1i.Vuisi 's sot;, .-.it close to tho table, his hands being llrmly held by Mr. Burn-. T h e light was extinguished, and in a short time tho medium, B u rn M r. -tooton, was violently convulsed, but bo evinced no desire to M auo ;|' 21. by th e constant ap p licatio n of th e m o rp h in e tlireu or f b u t no ime could look on his low ering brow and threats,,iiri n,|. feeling sure th a t th e cruel d iso rd er pit' b rain lurkml, slc.,.p wiU,i,f: dead. It was in one of these intervals of tem porary IraiuJIIa? '"‘h, was taken to Mrs. D ickinson, w ho hud th en ju s t arriv ed , I ,'| '* foreigner, in E ngland, W ith o u t having been told’ a ,'r'“lg':r :,,‘j history, she perfectly diagnosed a n d described bin whol,.1, A'ir'* M [,* dition, and gave a full d escrip tio n of th e course of big conn iVl.<'u*' 1 a tte n d a n t p ainful details. A fter-g iv in g in the tr a w 'V iof A •medicine i / 1lit i ) it. Il.o Iwt 'ilrnli Viirllw. . I' bo Itaken byl.be .pil.ji,,,, ised bis brain, appearing to lift off invisible weights from bin .»...IIah \ .. In l i n n written iprcaoription to tile astonishm ent of bis relatives, the eye and countiinaiii.,. l,;"assumed a t once a b rightness and appearance of sanity it, bad i„, ' lor many months. Tho joy occasioned by this bl**ha<*<1 f cumily ijo t.old, and as long as Mrs. j)ickinson rctrminc'd in j'j iri:-,,’ tbo boy, getting bettor ouch day, was conducted to her hdtll^. magnetised. 1 need not say tliat he was at once removed f„ *,■■■ asylum, for the proprietor, liuving lieard that his friends wr-.rutakin,V ' to a Spiritualist, refused, for reasons best known to himself, l.oa’] , , ' pat lent again to leave his care for such a visit,. 11 is mother, t|,,.r,’ 1■ seeing Ibo power of Mrs. Dickinson, and having fait h in ln-e, r,.,,,/' ■ tho boy at once, though with some opposition to encounter from 77 guardians, and faking him homo, she risked the presence of the frenzied and dangerous youth amongst her youngest children. ! As soon as Mrs. Dickinson had departed for London, the patient., ] s6nt to reside with a suitable guardian on the coast of Wales, wh . j •'»» been systematically taking the medicine prescribed by Mrs. jJicki, I and lie now enjoys tho perfect use of his senses. Not once has he!,,^ [symptom of any return of the brain-disorder. He sends clover sensible letters home, and is beloved by the persons with whom he rE,,. r, :...... hi- I -.mis from the grasp of Mr. Burns. Soon tho perspiration \ 119 a gentle and affectionate boy. He will soon resume his duties ir, burst lortli from Mr. Stocton, and 11id bead fell down on tlie table as if business for which he was destined; aand, as you may imagine, in rjrE in a trance. At that instant a lady in the circle called out that some to guard him as far as possible from ever encountering a memory of ,i monev was put into her hand, and another said that she hud received past, and for other obvious reasons, his friends withhold in this p-vj an article of clothing. The light was struck immediately. Mr. Stocton, statement his and their names. Mrs. Dickinson is, however, *a. stiil held bv Air. Burns, was in a state of insensibility, from which lie powered by your correspondent to furnish the name and a<ldr>-=3o! *U sooa recov red. revealing tho fact that his waistcoat had been removed writer to any person desiring information witli a view to benefitinj a vvuile his coat was on and his bands held. The garment thrown into similar sufferer. It is for the sole purpose of making known the power tlii circle was his waistcoat, the money had been taken from the pocket of that lady to cure persons afflicted with insanity that this sE':-.. and b a n d e d to one of the sitters. The manifestation seemed to lias been written by Mrs. Dickinson’s most grateful well-wisherj Tuna, occ.ision considerable exhaustion to tho medium, and we would not your obedient servant, L i v e r p o o l , March 16th, 1873. recommend him to allow the spirit to indulge in it too often. [In a private note our correspondent states that she is not &Spii-knl. On the following evening the usual public seance was held at the Spiritual Institution. The room was crowded by a very attentive ist, but during the whole of h e r intercourse with Mrs. Dickinsony.i audience, who paid erery respect to the proceedings. A deputation continually looking for tests to allay her doubts. We are glad to !:y,» thoroughly searched the room in which the faces are formed, and in that Mrs. Dickinson is equally successful in many other painful disorde;-. which toe medium, Madame Louise, sits alone. After she went in, the —Ed. M.] door was shut and locked, then sealed with wax, rendering it impossible for her to receive assistance from confederates. The conditions were MR. AND MRS. HOLMES’S MEDIUMSIIIP. good and harmonious,and the following series of faces were seen:— T o th e E d ito r o f th e M e d iu m a n d D a y b re a k . i. A female face, very much resembling Mrs. Perrin, and recognised by her as a deceased relative. 2. A fine intellectual female face, which Mr. D e a r S i r , —During recent visits to London I have h ad the pleaSmith, of Bermondsey, did not at the moment recognise fully as his sure of attending repeatedly Mr. and Mrs. Holmes’s public satt--. mother, but; after the seance, by a movement of the table, ho ascertained The manifestations have been so convincing, and the arrangem ent; si that it was her. 3. Mrs. Bowman’s mother again appeared, but not so ^fair and satisfactory, that I have felt it to be my duty to induce as umj distinctly as on the previous evening. 4. The “ old man ” showed him of my friends as possible to accompany mo to these seances. He self for an instant. 5. 31rs. Burns’s sister. G. Mr. Nelson, who died more I have seen of the phenomena and tho conduct of tbc-se worthy in .India, fully recognised by Mrs. Perrin. The face exhibited an j mediums, the more have I been impressed with the benefits accruing te animated expression when addressed by Mrs. Perrin. 7. A little boy, | the cause of Spiritualism from the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes in recognised by Mrs. Lodei* as her son “ Dicky.” Miss Loder also London. The admirable test-conditions, tho certainty of the manifesta identified the form as that of her deceased brotiier. 8. Mr. Nott, who tions, and tho great variety and convincing nature of the phenomeci responded by lively movements to Mr. Burns’s salutation. 9. Mrs. elicited, have not only impressed iny friends in the most favourabk Perrin’s aunt, fully identified. The last manifestation at these sea»ce3 manner, but have done much to modify public opinion in respect to is always the waving of hands at the aperture. This was the mo3t, Spiritualism. You may imagine, therefore, tho pain and regret Iksuccessful stance of the whole series. perienced in finding that a long-continued series of interruptions anil On Tuesday evening last only about half the number of people violent conduct on the part of certain visitors, whose object seemed w attended, and though the company seemed to be agreeable, yet a heavy, be to injure the usefulness of these mediums, had to a certain extent dull inlluence pervaded the room. After the usual precautions theseanco prevented tho attendance of better disposed and more peaceful investi be;jan. Nine lace= were shown in all, but only one was fully recognised, gators, and had thus inflicted serious damage, not only on the enu-e, namely, the “ old man.” A spirit came repeatedly, and was thought to but also on valuable servants of the movement, worthy, I feel sure, of o the late Emperor, but the features were so large and distorted that tho protection and confidence of all Spiritualists. L - could not be fully identified. There was a great difference visible In the face of this state of things, I would suggest that Spiritual !)■’. ween the faces on that evening and on the Tuesday previous. On ists make it their special business for a time to attend Mr. anil ilrs. the latter occasion only tho face, and not flic whole of tho head, was Holmes’s seances in numbers, and so, by their continuance and support, formed, and the features were of a rigid and coarse appearance. Con render the occurrence of such further unseemly conduct impossible. ditions have evidently very much to do with the success of this wonder They may also with great, propriety take their sceptical and investigating ful manifestation. friends with them, and turn to good account valuable agencies, which On the same evening a seance was held at Mr. Slater’s ; Mr. Williams, are indeed, I regret, too seldom to be met with. medium. “ John K ing” talked and showed himself’ in a most satis The manifestations at these seances aro more important at present factory manner. lie knelt down and lifted up the curtain forming the than I have ever seen them. Oil Monday evening last the usual physical iroiit ol the cabinet, showing himself from the knees upwards. He was phenomena, so often described, woro of the most satisfactory and pleat clothed in a profusion of drapery. He shook hands with several of tho ing character ; but tho crowning event of the evening was the manifessitters, and conversed in a familiar manner lor a long time. j tation or formation of the spirit-faces. On this occasion tho company was more than usually select, and the conditions were particularly good. ! A series of five or six luces appeared, two of which were immediately CURE OF INSANITY BY MRS. JULIA 13. DICKINSON. j recognised—one by a gentleman present, and tho other was a truly lifeT o th e E d i t o r o f th e M e d i u m a n d D a y b r e a k . 1 like image of a relative of my own, who departed this life about a year D e a r S i r , —I feel it to be my duty to testify to the cure which I ago. I had on a former occasion seen this spirit in a materialised form believe has been effected in the case of a young relative of mine through so plainly as to bo capable of certain recognition ; but on Monday even tbeagericv of Mrs. Dickinson. In July last this youth, aged then eighteen ing the details were so dislinct, the colour of tho face, lips, ©yes,&c.,so years, was attacked by insanity of the most painful description ; he was vivid and lifelike, that if my relative had been present alive, and in good violent and highly dangerous ; four medical men were consulted in the health, he could hardly have been more himself. hope of curing him without placing him in an asylum, but all they could It is almost impossible to imagine that the persecutions above alluded do was in vain; his afflicted friends were forced in the course of a to, for so I have hoard, should be tho work of these professing an month t o confine him in a well-known institution. There he was con interest in Spiritualism; for to thoso who iiavo inado themselves sidered one of the most violent and obstinate patients ever admitted acquainted with the inediumship of tho Holmeses, the rumours circu ■within its walls during the thirty years’ experience of the present pro- , lated by some as to the genuineness of tho manifestations aro simply prietor. Morphine was used in the form of injections under the skin, j absurd ; and to those who may doubt the b o n d f i d e character of their to alky the fearful irritation under which the sufferer passed his days j seances, I would say, with all possiblo confidence, judge for yourselves, and nights, and only by its help cotild lie obtain an instant of sleep ; if j Do not trust to idle rumours which may liavo their origin in feeling3 not under its influence, it was lound necessary to guard him during the :scarcely to be imagined or deemed worthy of those enlightened principle night by three or four strong men. Three months passed in the i which wo are so accustomed to associate with Spiritualism.—I affli asylum, and the intervals between tho Ircn/.y became longer, and at times j dear ftir, yours truly, T, 11. ho was for a period in a state of outward calmness, produced, I believe, | L o n d o n , March 18, 1873. I)L II % i m v :». " Il! M V .U W a n I, M lifl..| , I " ' in ' |Ol«t (*<»•• H u , ,, C M 1■"/•■ -W §i1t h UhIIhu, , * "" . . . . '* OMfMIMjgj'O JOf r i, , . | - , „ ......... ,.r ........................ 11... ........ < , r"........................... ...................» i inn »' yilM ’ ' , , i ............... .. ... ................................... ......... ............................... .. .................. .... * „„ tf „.,'l I h w " • I...... r . M’ " n f. w IMl'I.I. I..-*.... I...I . ..-.',1 of w, ,v ’ ..... AH, . .o, o r ....................... A f t e ri It w J l,r I I I, III ol l'ui r p»l»i *I I •!(»:; ii| u j , I MU . ' ", f. *.*l ' M I* • **0fl jit I*1 9M It f , ............... ” 7 '" V " * '1 11*I" i11'1 "» Mm Uhl * ii Jarj/i »h»* i f hi/ 4 ** 1 . *m mm »im r o oom* m . »*•#'■ , ............ ,, |, ‘.I., *in. .............; • ....... ............. ., , » * * * •in. f , ' • >'if i,7 V • »'**•' / N«| N* It * ' 9’ I' A* La.. } / , i ill *■ , i .........H I, fy,, ........... « <' ,.M ..................... M il |, r'<" , mi’l 1 n ‘l ih ft ,t f*I m»n. i* »•*! r . • / / • 11 mm I i n 11 <| MI | " " rtllfitlH* • of' l C 'I I. I I1,11 li , IIIn , 1 , * t vt |H « 1 L">l I , , * ^ "r • fsdU*Hj f. »t y Ji" HIT ifll'll f ,| I • 1 1' “ '' * *A f o r t '•!». I I " , , , , I III Ii, . | l | l ' | i / » , I \ r « l III'" *I»• r; H u y Mr"m» ' «I, i i ,.. i , r “ *<i11K III I■* 'I I’ '|ll| ’/ „ „ f|I * 'I *" I " 1' 11 • " " I " " " '*••' Mill. . • Ilf liriAi. I ■ ■ I , ' ” 1 11 I ' I 1111 I ,,n'1 , 11,■ | In n m i n ' 'I w • 1111111111• ,, ,, -I 11111 m " » I O " * i*' (l" ' *| >l r i l , In . . <1 II i | i , i I ' , II W " Ih' -r, ni ‘»nii(,i ,| *‘.,1 «»,• 1-i'ttliK M. 1,-1. I< i r »iiirii 1■ ,,,, . l i n e III' V I *• 11 lll|r HU I ■, I, *M'irn Hurl , ,,, i,l< I 'I <«l'l-'» I iii|(lii tillii'U »* | , r n v l i | " i | ^ r1. t ‘1111II, 111 •It,.ill, A llltiil nil I l l " l nli| i t i n MMM'*I, 111,i| I •1-• v ■-I ill r!111 111" 11• II 1 9 „ a » „ „ K a • • • .• ........ li I *i f | '!*> v , t h it,* 1 . ' , , j, WTM'/ A 't« , I> . M l . t " ' 'Mm. . , , v* . V 1^' / v ' ' H '/M . " ' 11" l|I I,, '''* Hi, i fii.l, i,./ r '/ ; i » '■ //» » '*/, , (' III iff i t* iiii.'i11 h i ' 1* / "• I • ■" , i *r h . ■> n ■Ii i% . U V '■ . ^/ '# -•»*'/ W 'I I. < M ) • III* ’i> I>1 Hi *,' r> I Willi h o A, •V» f , i a i r , 11 | # vy ; I n | | ,,ij | , O l * f * ) .ir h j it w a « fi,, ' / i f i '/ w j ) ,*,/ 4‘9, Of • '! • o ' u . O • •s 4*. : Hf 11■ ' , ., | ' " s ot - .-Hi >i‘U Ii,,,, i r o u n d 11, ' r*#'y . 11 I. 'I l«J »J|ir ’ / ' *</ , , , r o. . . . Of,* r "*r II . . 1*I*I f II• f ; f 1 • ' / r o ' J m I* A »t }j ■' ' '• i • i >" r i i - i i , , . -I I , ' !< j ’ r u"l j i ,,.. • 1 hij' * ft1 f t t 1 . h ' ‘ * • flH" ■i 1.1 . |,,j u 1 1in v...; ,. . | ' M' t;f 11 S , , y . L*II i lnft t V > Hill. t b ' i ,, . ♦f" ' l ot W * ’»>** r " ' I t l Oll r I), . ill" lIMS' ril'iH'1,11', I ■,11■■I,. nil , , R ,, ! S' l b-. r, J. J i ,i If/ ft I f fl"f*l| Hr ltl,(J . I I" . . n ] jn»|i“ r 1"J' ' I' i , / M/f 1 i ffi i.= it,«i r „ r( w ,IMr i h o rI ' " ' Ut I •I. I ll*tl, ,1* I Wlll, w , , r„l I4»M I M r K.i 1 mi |J,- rib* it ? /'!,♦ r# w , » f-'f 11.1 ., w h "ill. w i , ,|. If . I 1 ' ' * r », i* I *ri ■ ' ■• : i ... . • 11 »•/ t ♦ i.r ' V« . •Villi ■■• I ill I Ml,,,,,. I I, 1 •,! .... ^ f • i a \j ....... 1 1V i « ' W o , VV H ° t f " ' " I ■' ■• l t4NWUa............ 4 t roU ' w 4 | . ; y . . 1-1* 1 1 ■I , f Mil I ' /! .r , r, 1( f 1 i/i ' i* ; 1 ■ I • li. nth", . : ■. M r * fr • V»| !I 1■ ■I ■ • r, , - lly ‘o * ' ' Mr ....... v A"" ............. w i n ................... ........I,..,! , L .... , ..." Ijr-I I)-' I1' *,"'»* If t il. . t A.. I : „ . | W/1 ,,, 0 ... ' ■•"' ' win. 1.1 1.1 „ | 3 ) , | . . , 1 ' 1 . t r t i I , H r .;V J ' .1. I ) "»f o , ri>r,fi( 11 I: W . H. r «, | . w...- ,r.v •"< ' ' ' ' ’ I*'' n ,1 , t ...., 1., 11 O ' 1" ' * , ! , , ' »'* *e'. ‘ ’ ' : ,:> M>;. A M ) M IlH. B V K I t l T T A T H K l l < y • /•.d Vi a n o " ' , T n i ; , &l i r « r . I l m r H, r . , | , !lfl , „ W , r , ' ' : : u ' • • ' ' ' '' _ . ,j., ; / ' '" I , | - ' 7 -I.. tr a Ii f t l« ,„ : | „ , r ,,.| ' *l*On.;'i\ J/O t o W " • ' l l ’.' (| W i n , : , I . f • h«e If J* that Mr. M d M 11 B r « t t , o l F ^ m U r m , Y, «i t A ■„ I" ' "• <o J.r 1,, , I ., , , , . . , . J**» ]| fk . ova- o- a) »'■ ■ • .. ., ' " ! ---------w i t h I I , . . . Mi l . v II, t b m i URiml H ‘ t il ' l l, I. ,|( **.:. I l | . , w. i J n ' l y *"r< ' y. rt i , ; ■■ ' • ■■ ,J ;4 v* M ' f*' f nt J.7 f t f u r . K M A ! W „ „ . | ; , „, i , , r . ...................... f , „ I ll« 1|‘ t l I ||!l,;r t r,, ,, , , , , 1 • ff .7 *' • ild ' 1'' Jr/ • ■ |H ‘ • ,,1 "K J,K,,, ° f , tb ,e ,i r ' , r " " ‘ >■' ' ' of f v .• ' I r M o r r i * ' / " ■ n r ' i u r i ' i 1),. fftbl» M 1 ■ M r y, ( \ „ n " * r. niMi Ai r * r (J h i r k , J , , . | , , | |j < 5* •r ' 1,1 ,,| 1/ 1 |v , . » 7 ' | " | . A . " . | : ) ; . , . . t / , u r .1 W . I M r . K. I b u r ; - : '^ u rr.' I " t k. - v M r s M l a r U o n , w i l l ff,r #r.|r. «.•]■•'•<. i n r n f r o m f ' " ) ' * y ii..., ' 'f ' ' rintf' i'K n f f| i<l In III. W l l our fn""« i ni l rf *'l II i j r . li I n fc [I I *< ^trill Iii" 'III n i l li W*H-n •I i"t Cl f | n r i ). V ft; M-, 4 k • o' , ■ ■ ■■■ 1 . ;\ n r |» r .t / U»J 1O • • i o' ' r/ '| V"' I.r -I r , , 1.1 I " iif J y I «J1 l b , ,{u | y ,, ... , Mr: '' •' *' i'llll 1 r 1h* ' • nr 1 m b , , wny. D un,,,' l i „ „ tb n rooit, fi| | ,. ,i , . , u , . U , t b i f r v H r .=v, • ' ' . / •»•* / f / V * wJ / i Lf a, w b . c l , ( y m U i i u i l at. m U - r v a U !.| , ro.. g),' , „*. ' / I n . I*-,,,, 1 d/<j f f l ' Ml / i j r vt'UI Il'il'J I " ' f,‘ 1W/I^ of W * f; .. . . . 1, J • 1 •' ,‘/ M , • w ' r ‘I » r w j u « , « l y « • « . , a n d a t U t n < * w c r a r a r y d i . t i n o t , j ' . wrj, 1»» t b * ...................................................................................... p t r t . o f I■ foon, but, ',1 . ..... ... h<*r# o IW f :. Ih. » r •.r.r, r , | „ f ' , 'ii,'* wb' i Mi o r d i n a r y v i . i o r , „ o f f.l,'v,< w , )„ h r , f ’ „ L J • ,i fy. 1 t o M e m n * * 1 . m i n e r u f t h e * , a j i i r i U i g h t . , vr).,J- t./,-y ' J1H 1 ■'.-*, v a , •• a w w . t i m o r r o r l ~ » r| , r u v , b y a , ) I),., r - M . H o v .......................... Or Ibr »t . Wli» >r > . V " . . . " t f" r , i ; , o t . ' - . J l i i r b r m , . , W n v ' i Jy / / ' , ’ • j wj « t JM Mr. ( ^ <W»»« ■ ■ " !' ...... a ,""t' ,/l'"i" 1' ; i; " 1 ........... ’:- - V 1" - - w; ' inariif*-«t«at.i»/»» o f t h a Rjiirit I' .r,,, r‘ " ' ii r ' f ' ‘nHJ . r •, *itb " J o h n (" • " /• " 'V ' f" r *>"• .......... ' 1 1 .1 i I r! " II ■■or •, M- , ------ ■' . . . . . . , i n e n U o f Cahitijrini. a n i l i b ' . . M a - ' i , . - t o l ------- »;,../ flib e W M ! or, *,. I **'| *itb w r m i ' W a b l a f o r c n b y t b " M n r i f " N f n n v " u n o r . tl.< Ki ' hI. »U trM'fil, a n d oa<i*-d n o s m a l l f rriirbt v ’> o n you I *» it »i/nW I/'; f o r t h e m o s t *J/imro| before ifl y o u r coli i rrirm »•,;> i w , | , | j sjii-nt, a n d a l l w »itn«t*d. i t r u s t . tJmi. a IMtn m u *' »)|'I wer< p r ' f ' f i t a n d wi t n< I S " J l / i e n - m a n i f i A t a l i o n * f o r U n lir>" t;»i», !», f t on in *ii'-ir i n vf-i 1 ijriil i o r i s a o ' l n o r r<»f *-it •i-fi«e| u n l i j I h ' - y « r ‘ :*r».t,jnj tb< r ' - n l i f y »,f e j / j r ; t i n t ' . r n o u r i «•, a n d f i n d , n= t|i«- w / i * ' r i . r ' i ' . r . i , 11;.1 if. is a s ' / ' i r ' ' '.I / ' r ' r i i < ' . nr o l r i t i o o m t i n h o u r ',1 o h ')*' :#»• •! • I r i i i II m> ill,:- o f ' u l l t i r i ot t b " t i i j ' b ' »f Or«l< | r ol f rr,f »• r i ,n o u r | ou»n«-y t h r o u g h l i f e , a n d t h a t i ; i » o m- a »ur« n o d ,,vvl‘i' tiO ‘i i^ible r ' , 1,,1 i t i ' h ' " <i| t ||i i m m o r t a l i t y ' i f t b " s o u ) , '{■ i n I r aW . C l a n MAO _______ M fHHOI' A IT K L A N O . F a w rr.n J .• f/'li*/ir. f ) ' n r Hi r , f a m a w a r e , tlin* wbn* I a m i ibou* */, /*vW " a t t a i n s / ,' / t f i i n| ' i !/»ol' i*eJy ;i< w i n t / i " a n n a ) . - '</ / u o ' l ' i n j,i r , fiaj.iii; in,') *. f r o m *),< fi,, |. t h a t , t l i " s*/ ■ / ' ( ' • * * ' ■ 1 e*»i . di t i on* •' 1 t h * '*•' !, , **1 o' ' : H* . ,. a hi ‘ t . y of fi ' ' / / ' J . *A'i .< *• ' jir* •* !■' ' n . . . i ( , j , y " o n t ' o t i o n ' j u s ' s •/•'• j i r o b i t y o f I it* M ‘>0 ;* .r. |,i.f/b" *' i "J; um», it < sj,< e . a J J y b> b o v n . a l l ' n ' " - t o i l* tslvvi b» JOI '* > ' r',1. by a i . r e f n ] i i' lji' r b l i ,J I " t ‘ »*•-< OU'I it .o. i ’IHIM t'fi‘ on fins ouMision was M a s Annie Fawiwtt, and l/i‘ » < •hf" >i >1 f o u r j " n t h m< n <b< r o n ' l i t ions »« .< . 11/ V* I MUHt'/i-Ui'k*. ' J b . first i n a m f e s U i f / o n r ' / i i n ' * ' 'I '<! **•' " i " ' 1 m h ‘ Ir '* I. ur kml . 1...... .......... n . , , l,t............... '■ : ' ; ........... ' 1 «rri »li« m o t i o n of A. M r - v n i v i n , i l. A . u. ■' •<■ :i l i ' i n l y v o t e ',1 i l m o l -- /■:..■ [ . , . i r , t o M r < ! •' l o r •• » ' •!' ni r o o i i •.< j >» | »• r. A H ' r * In j| ..l,).' *, • ’ ' • : ' ‘ ' • " ' " ■ 1' ' ' >' ■ r ' j i o i i i r l i n . , ' i l 'I t« • n u i , ■n,i , , . . . r o . ' b »,-r jio-.-.'rl n . i'.r : iii ; ■ < r ;,! ot 1b ‘ « n b . I o n . Ill 11*' ' ' ■" 'J in o f b " ‘ l< ■ >' ' 'I **" I ' n y r h o l ' l l ' ; " ’t y '</ K/I.ii'i, n " h , «* , ' i " ( , i | f, ,/• t b ' | , rovii-i' , i.i,l 0 : r m o f f l . r ' 1 irou, y, ,, (. .f ., I!. arfi. .JIannn u.III *' I . -*( ,l *-. *'i ^i • . ,■ Ji r ' * i'" Ji •i, I ... a rIyV,, aii rI«'■ a fto,’l o l l ow) ows .. j •i Jf I. .j .\A, u b „i, f , H : < ,'nr.rl J t i l ‘V r . r . n , |5. A .. v m • »*rr*• s^ m|. ,| | > M t » <n M A IoL' raw _ W . .1. I f.-M V / * f:*n< * # \ V. , , i W. M.»J f<- ti •/. 1). M o | . . r i . ' i ft r ' / i n t m l l ' *. " f lit; V '/T i Hr.a • » r, /•/ Mn. 1'J, :'*r» * nrj i;i*t-| f ,r ii i n / f r o m Bl n i: • I IM n *’ M Ih |M(h! I, <| f r o m Jill Vi t t / WOllra Oil ; |« r'> 1M • Jjl* I" HI 'll lit ' Jj f>r.. r «s r l ^r i 11 ’I I " I i l l ) . ' !■ i hj t f <m " 1».* li . VO . os J> , fc'tVl | .i r i11.1-*.f • 'I t» -.vim ,,, u y t . » "ii ‘ h v t h«*it i, 1 f I r* i»*f J11;t •r -. •• I w n : J‘ ‘I l-'f fi* n)l v j*1it •iti'l"' the* <jo/«iHjt j r 1 n i*'U oj t h« n i a h i I i ‘Ir , ■I*’ a * , »/ i , '*< h<*‘ 1"* I III r Oilttrl I/, , , fltlf 1**0*. I *» *)'H ' ' l ’' " 1 " . n O i i . l t J I ' ' I ‘ ‘ ’*/■ n i w l i i l i - . i i n *' lo.' j* ' ‘ *’ 'J . . • 1 . ' ol l l r In II' I" t " ' I ’*riV. 11 f , . , , ............... f»hov* / * *’o i *J* *1 *' • • 'I L- j. Inij In l.'-nr 11 " " I « li-w I „ ; t r r . i o / / « o *•. •• * 1 'llll„<,l!l lllj l l i ' i " ' 1 I ' , 1 'll | .1,1 7 | . ,1 | . r )f» Iff J'J a 11J* ;a »• ■ * 'j;{K MKDJf. '-f AN'J> JM Y l ' J i K A •v > ' r,<> /• a a- ■ / ;r / ?; ‘T uj A / Ma r c h 21, 1873. TH E M E D IU M UlALSTON ASSOCIATION OF IN Q U IR ER S INTO SPIR I- JL' TUALISM.—Established Septem ber 15th, 1870.—The Council have much pleasure in announcing to th e public th a t th ey have secured the services of DR. GEORGE SEXTON, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.G.S., F.B.S., &c.. to deliver the th ird annual public LECTURE, on THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 27th, 1873, a t th e LUXEMBOURG HALL (opposite Ralston Junction Station), su b je c t: “ S piritualism ; its Phenomenal, Philosophical, Scientific, and Religious Aspects.” The chair will be taken by HENRY D. JENCKEN, Esq., F.R.G.S. Q uestions will be allowed at the close of the Lecture. Doors open a t Half-past Seven o'clock, the lecture to commence a t E ight precisely. A dm ission: Re served Seats, One S h illin g ; Body of Hall and Balcony, Sixpence; Members of the Association, F re e . T ickets can be obtained of Mr. Thomas W ilks, C irculating L ibrary, Dalston L ane; Mr. J. S p ark y , 13, Middleton Road, D alston; Mr. G e o rg e B ly to n . 12, Forest Road, 1>a!-ton; SrEPurxs an d W e b s te r, a t the Ball's Pond Association ol Spiritualists. 1"2. Ball's P o c d K o a d * D l?ngton;° a t" th e " R oom - o f " the A- .- iati 'a , 74. N a v arin o R oad, D alston, w h e re copies of th e P r spectus and Rules, w ith o th e r in fo rm a tio n , can also be o b ta in e d ; a n d a t th e Ta x e s of the H all on th e e v en in g of th e L ectu re. T H E H IG H E R P H E N O M E N A O F SP IR IT U A L ISM . T A L R E C T ^ S P I R I T - W R I T I N G , o b t a i n e d a t M r. a n d M rs. I H o l m s s C ircle, c are fu lly re p ro d u c e d b y L ith o g ra p h y , apjiears as >n Illu stratio n in H u m a n S m a r t fo r J a n u a ry , p rice fid. T h is w ritin g was obtained b y h a n d in g a -la te a n d j/encil u p to th e a p e rtu re of th e cab in et; a s p irit-h a n d w as -een t o tak e th em in, a n d th e so u n d of w riting w as h e a rd . I n a few m in u te s th a sla te w as h a n d e d ou t, covered w ith w ritin g o n b o th sid e s. I n th e lith o g ra p h e d copies th e s-m t-ic ce to th e s la te is a c c u ra te !v c a rrie d o u t, as th e w ritin g is ; tinted .n w h ite le tte rs on a g re y g ro u n d . D I R E C T S P I R I T - W R I T I N G , T h rr—h th e M s i t u m i l i p of M rs. .Tw.-t .- w M iss K a te F o x , is giv en as an H lustrat: : t o Hwmtam J fa tn r t f o r F e b ru a ry , p rice fid. T h re e speciw n tir.g a re g iven. ail b y th e sam e sp irit a n d in th e sam e h a n d , cut the d iffere n t -- vies a re v e r r significant a s d e m o n s tra tin g th e g reat -— Urnee of c o n d iti. n s o v e r tn e ph en o m en a. These b e a u tu u ] sp e c im e n s of t h e h ig h e r p h e n o m e n a sh o u ld be :r. the f-tnus of e v ery S p iritu a lis t, as w e ll-e sta b lish e d fa cts to lay before tuvestiga-.-rs. T h ese sv-r in te rs th em se lv es a re w o rth m ore th a n the t-ft-re oi th e n u m b e rs in w h ich th e y a p p ea r. L o n d o n : J . B u r n t , 15, S o u th a m p to n R ow , W .C. BEAD THE ROBERT A U T O B IO G R A PH Y DALE 143 AND DAYBREAK. OF OWE N , N ow a p p e a rin g in “ H U M A N N A T U R E , ” M o n th ly , p ric e fid., p o st-free 7d- — T h e sam e N u m b e rs c o n ta in N M DARL0W S NEWLY-IMPROVED PATENT s k e u a s m a a p p l i a n c e s , ! For Sj/inal and Liver Complaints, Nervous, Bronchial, and Rheumatic Affections, and the Prevention of Sea-Sickness, Small-pox, Cholera, and Fever. DARLOW AND CO., INVENTORS AND PATENTEES, 435, W E S T S T I t A XJ>, L O .\l> O X , W .C . (Nearly oppo.-ite Charing Cross Railway Station). Manufactory—N o rth W oolwich Hoad, Loudon, E. Illustrated Pamphlets post-free. A I I I C H A R L E S E . W IL L IA M S , M ed iu m , is a t hom e daily, - I 'A to give P rivate Seances, from 12 to 5 p.m. I'riva'.e 8ea.v.e.-. atten d ed at the houses . ii tigai Pu . ' Seance* a t fil. Lamb’s C-ifidi.it n M: adrn. ion 2-. oi.; V evening;, 5.-.; and Sa’Uid.iy evening-, for Spirituali-AA only, 5e.; at 6 o’clock each evening. Addre-s as above. A f R . A N D M I ts . H O L M E S w ill hold public -euices on -.'1 M r.-:-y, . T:. -• Joigi.t c'clcck. fee, 5c. Private seances can be had on the above days at Four o'clock, at their rooms, by pre\ 1 ,us arratigem :. t. 1C. Old Quebec Street. Mo. a .-c .. tv On Saturday evenings a Special Seance for Spiritualists only, for the evolution of extraordinary phenomena. R S . J . B. D IC K IN S O N , M k ijic a l C i.A nt. o y a x tf . an t, M agnetic H ealeb , from the United States (CUBES all Curable Disea-es, furnishes her own Medicine-,-, will remain b u t a -V.~ time longer in England. Terms, One Guinea.—Address, 23. Duke Street M anchester Square, W. Office hours, from One to .Six o'clock. M 1 r i s iS H U D S O N , N o r m a l , C l a i r v o y a n t , a non P r o p h e t i c AL M e d iu m , RECEIVES Vidtc-r? r i i . r Sunuivc ezeented . from Twelve till Six o’clock, at her residence, 17, Oa-.t.- Street. Weil-, .vreet. Oxford Street. Terms, Five Shilling: each V ictor. Que-tio:;-a:.-.v.e:ed by L etter; terms, One Guinea. T T R S . O L R D , T r a n c e M e d i u m for T est CotEmuniuatioL: jJL from Spirit Relatives and Friends; also for the Cure of a rit-j Diseases by Spirit-Magnetism and Prescriptions.—49, Belmont Street Chalk Farm Road, London, N.W. ■ \ f I S S G O D F R E Y , C u r a t i v e M e s m e e is t a n d R u i i r e r . A L Clairvoyant Examination ar.d complete D:agr.;-is, 2D .; 'A - ~ merising and Rubbing, One Guinea per Week ar.d l.Eveiiir.g Expeitiet. —Miss O oDEREY may le ;:.t 'ey a .tir.tmer.t tn.y. -: i ll, li.imyste-Rd Road. N.W. )SYCHOPATHIC INSTITUTION, for the Cure or Disease:, A n d o th e r m a tte rs of g re a t in te re s t. L o n d o n : J . B c b x s , 15, S o u th a m p to n R ow , W .C. 254, 5Ia b t l ebone Hoad. JOSEPH ASHMAN, Principal AYRES. Q M . H M R-S.NRTISING MEDrUK, lb, MOUNT STREET, New Road, E. u a l if ie d T H E “ M E D I U M ,” A N D S P IR IT U A L IS M ALL W O R K S ON AND PRO G RESS, A5HTON-UNDKB-LYXE—M iss E. TxrLOE, 43, Mill Lane. - >”7 - r —Mil e s Ab x it a g z , Bookseller. FTAMINGHJl M —J. G uest, Bookseller, Bail Street. ,, J . F o le y , Nev saasnt, Icknie’d Street West. ,. N . Sm i t h , 2, M arket Place, Aston Bead. xSADFOBD—H . 5 x : t n , 12, G arnett Street, Leeds Hoad. 3L7: TOL—Gh o e g e T o io rr, 7, U nity Street. CABDIPT—J tSETH E . Coa.'N, Bookseller, I t , St. M art-Street. r.-igT.TVGTON—J o h n - Htn-oz, Eclectic Physician, 7, Prospect Place. ,, Joseph D : i t , New M arket Place (od Saturday Evening*). LEWsBURT—AES.s Bc-:kb:n.diiigOf5:-e, Bradford Road. BOWLAlS—JOist-H H. Ct.-.nv, BV.kse’ler, - , Church Street. EDINBURGH—P k t z b La c e t h . Stationer, Clerk Street. GILL ESSO ME—E . B a t .RE, N r -are:.:. GLASGOW—J . M c G e ac h t, H , Union Street. HALIFAX—As e t w o b t h , 6, N orth Street. 77r t : o '. tyTVy.—E nnte, Hot un- By','.-: M aker, Stationer, i t . E . m a g n e t i c H P E C IH T .yS OF Jj IR E C T S P IR IT -W R IT IN G , AGENTS FO R N I E T> j d w if e e a l in g and hL. W ORTLEY One well-known M e i : . UNDERTAKER. X li provides Special Funerals for Spiritualists in any p-.rt t: London, a t m oderate terms. Telegram* allowed for. 27, Victoria Dock Road, E. SEMEP/S ASmiA REMEDY XEYER RAILS. C O L D w holesale by N ew b erv and Sons. 37, Newg-ate Street. O London ; ar.d Rainses, Bianslards, and Co., Leith Walk. Edinburgh. General Agent for Great Britain, M. J. Sutherland, Burnley, Lan-:-a*:.ire, who on receipt of 2s. Sd. will send a box prepaid. Sole proprietor. Alfred Senior, Pharm acist, Mazomanie, Wis., United States. TECTURER ON S P IR IT U A L IS M .AND KINDRED J-i SUBJECTS. Terms moderate. A. D. W il s o n , au -lo : -v: the “ Harm onA ; Age.” 13, Baker Street, Pelloa Lane, Haiifax. EULLLRSFILLL—Co w g h j l , Printer a n t Stationer, Jf4, K irigate. „ G. H r c p r u s t o x , General Dealer, K ing Street. HULL—Jc-BX I . B u -v p , 42, New K ing Street. aEIG H LET—7. T xixorsox, M ary Street. Greer.rate. y rv G STON-ON-TFTAMES—B rycon, Bookseller, A pplem arket. LEEDS—Great N orthern Pal.-.- ay EookstalL ,, 0. W. Bo o t h , N orth Street. I .. - .I-.ILR —Mr. E t N R t t , G ranby Street. ,, M e . B e s t , Carta Lar.e, H igh Street. I t • EBPOOL—M r s . L e ig h t o n , 31, W ee-D erby Eoad. „ M ia. Thomas, ICvo, Brownlow H ill. „ P n i E J , 71, Brunswick Rood, and So Castle Street. Mr. M. S a n s o n , la, Hayworth Street, Bverton. „ LONDON—E.tRurt .’[r —Mr s . P a ic e , B t,i=e, er, Jam aica Road. V hichlow , Bookseller, 201, Jam aica Bead. D a l s io x —Th o m a s W i l k s , Circulating Library, Dab-on Lane. E :_sv.t.' —5 ■-UXiiEBS, Chichester Bead, K ilburn Park. Mi.tR R yu Ro a d , 212—J F. H a i n e s , Bookseller and Printer. p A tttx o T tv —T. W h i T n y Gh a x , 60, Church Street, Edgware Road, rrt „ pRKLtco—TV. RttHf.RRS, Newsagent, 7, Tueb brook Street. Wg;t-v ;2APEn Road a. V—M r. E a le a , New;.;gent. LGUGHBOROUGH—J . B i n t , SI, Pinfold Gate. Ma NCHESIEB—J o h n Ht-.o-woon, 143, Deansgate. „ J .1 . I-:. S tret:o ri Ttvid, 17 l.-.-.e. HAETLEBGNE—T. W h i t t i n g h a x , 27, W arren Street, Fitzrov Square. IfILLLLSRGRO'—B l a c x e l r :-', Bookseller, Ac., 1, Cannon Street. ’ MOBLEY—T. W i l e ix s o x , Bookseller and Newsagent. ~ y 1 77.n-GN-TY1 • £ —L . J . B r a h e , G rainger Street. J 0Rl'H...ilRION —J o B ates, Newsagent, Ac., 16, Drapery. ■ „ J . W are, 9 , St. E dm und s Terrace. 50TIINGHAM —J. H itchcock, d-4, M arr-e Street. J . S w e e t , Bookseller, Stoney Street, ry- ' -oA 7 - 7 . T o o J * ; - .r- r Victoria M a r ke t. SYCHOLOGY fCurative and Recreative) Taught in a few magnetise* patient* for healing, or sitters for I P to speakers Spiritualistic development. Instruction also ) Icaaons. Advertiser given ar.d Students in Diatopics, for improvement of memory, and Pi-men's Shorthand (the iatter gratuitously, by post;. Address T. A , Mr. N orton’s, Bookseller, Darling: n Street, Wolverhampton. -THE VOICE OF DESTINY. Those great men, Napoleon L B onaparte, Louis Philippe, and Napoleon III-, .at - rulers :: One French, after years of prosperity, experienced much trouble, disappoint m ent. ar.d .GSs-es during -lie latter part of their lives, and each u.e ._:n exile. To know the reason why, read “ The Voice of De-tir.y, a rem arkable document, which should be perused by alL Post-free 6£<L, from J . G raham , Esc-omb, Bishop Auckland, Durham. Just Published. r a R T H -L I F E. A Journal and Record of all such Facts, i i . Prir.-.-i.-ie-., ;-i-2 D:-.:•••ve.oe: ts re.ate tne Imt.-tvem-r.t Preservation of E arthly Existence. Sent post-free tor two -Gamps Addre;S, “ P a r a l l a x ,” 24, Leighton Road, Kentish i L ton. A C A R D . TTTSS ANNA BLACKWELL tegs : .::Si- a copy A L tualism and S piritism " t-o inquirers who wth call ter S piritual In stitu te, o r sen t a :— :pe:.:.y :t-m .. for j .-t.ge. -z y s i- me Street. p E N E R A J . SERVANT W a NTKD.—Aged 17 to 32. 7N-7 Ot'iitAsr, Bra.--;:'.under. South Smeet, Mount Pleasant. ; - J<* e e * H. Co e ix , Bookaeller, 7, Car..e B Street. *>-LeALL~T, BLIXEHGA.V, Medical Botanist, l-l, George Street. " L '7 R 'A B T L L P G O D --. H u l l , A-.wloneer, 17, Adelaide Street. ryebVEBHAifP. ON — N c.ctc-, Ro-.»v-. Dar.iniftoa street. ,N .v geo- 7. t- .. •-• it. fitRc -.t. , * - — Ch a r ma x , n / , t e . . e r , M k a a g a te - U Sp-i .t ... : , shire. A i • S., t, A - .-:.............. .. - •' ___________ PA D D IN G TO N HALL OF P R O G R E S S , 00, O ld C h u r c h X S i n h t , B m w a h h Kvad, W.—N ext Scnday, Dr. A. \ . Jf. BIKKERS ; w ill LECTURE. acU 31. M ib ject: “ C uriosities of Language.” Adm ission, Id . Open a; C.3.. T il K MKDin. M AND DA VUltKAK. 1 Vol., 350 pages, large 8vo. TO BE PU BLISHED M a h - H 2 1 , I8 7 ;i. Handnomely Bound. BY S U B S C R I F T IO N', I M M E D I A T E L Y . CHEAP EDITION OK THU BY TIIK CO.M.MITTKH OF Till-: LONDON DIALECTICAL SOCIETY. Subscription for EIGHT COPIES, Twenty Shillings (BEING ONLY HALF-A-CROWN A COPY); SINGLE COPIES, 5s. EACH (Originally Published at Fifteen Shillings). This Edition (printed from the Original Plates, by special arrangement with the Publishing Com mittee,) will be of limited number, and will contain the following items W I T H O U T A B R I D G M E N T . I. The names in full of the Clergymen, Barristers, Solicitors, Physicians, Surgeons, Editors, Litterati, Scientists, Merc; v and others forming the Investigating Committee. II. The Report in full, as presented by this body to the Society, after an investigation extending over many in or.:ms, tririx? which oral and written testimony was obtained from NEARLY ONE HUNDRED PERSONS. HI. The whole of the test-experiments made by the investigators in six sub-committees, WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL MEDI UMS . IV . The minutes and reports of the six sub-committees in full. V. The names of the witnesses; and the whole of the evidence given under cross-examination by persons of known credibility, in every grade of society, being a record of extraordinary spiritual phenomena, directly attested— Apparitions— Levitations of heavy bodies, animate and inanimate—Spirit-voices and Music—Spirit-telegraphy. Messages, "Writing, Drawing and Painting— Spirit-healings— Visions in Crystals—Trance-speaking—Prophrcri— Speaking in Unknown Tongues—The Handling of red-hot Coals, <tc., &c. VL The whole of the correspondence as originally printed, being the letters, opinions, and experiences of many pufcEe V t i professional men of high repute; to which is added ORIGINAL PAPERS AND NOTES OF SEANCES. YH. A list of ancient and modern works on Spiritualism and kindred subjects:—and a copious Index. To the above will be added a resume of the Press critiques— An original paper, analysing the arguments of t:e reviewers—Rules for the guidance of investigators—and a Digest of useful modern works on the subject of iipiritua and its phenomena, for the information of inquirers. This handsome volume w ill thus be the most complete, useful, aiul the cheapest uorl: ever published on the subject of Spiri tualism . I t should be obtained by every inquirer, in* c-r" I ~. arv.l S piritu alit h ' iced in every library in the A':-. f o r which purpose it is offered by subscription at half-price, v iz .— EIGHT COPIES FOR TWENTY SHILLINGS. S u b s c r ip tio n s s h o u ld b e se n t im m e d ia te ly to J. BURNS, 15, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, HOLBORN, LONDON, W .C . POST-OFFICE ORDERS TO BE MADS PATABLE AT H IGH HOLBOK>‘, W.C. ♦** As a heavy outlay will be incurred in printing this Edition, friends viU gTeatly assist by promptly obtaining Subscribers for tkis3 celebrated Report-—Printed Collecting Forms will be supplied on applicates to the Publisher. LO.NDQX : P rinted acd P uU iibed by JAMES I) CRN?,' 15, Sw fchaaptan B^w, Hoi bom, W.C.
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