10 QUESTIONS: Ricky Grillo on the new Pekkton high-performance polymer February 2015 ® Vol. 40 No. 022 INNOVATIONS ADVANCING PRODUCTIVITY, PROFICIENCY, AND PROFITABILITY dlpmagazine.com YOUR GUIDE TO CHICAGO 2015 3SHAPE Updates to the Implant Studio make Dental System more fexible. More on p.3… What you need to know heading into all the big lab events this month. ZIRCONIA 360˚ A roundup of some of the leading materials on the market. KAHNG ON AN IMPLANT RECONSTRUCTION CASE A better result on this radical case. 5 WAYS LAB SOFTWARE CAN SAVE YOUR LAB TIME AND MONEY only @ dlpmagazine.com THE STATE OF THE LAB BRASSELER USA A new entry in the Feather Lite line of polishers. More on p.3… Don’t miss this video interview with Bennett Napier of the NADL on the challenges and opportunities facing the lab industry. Visit youtu.be/fE3ulS_KJgY to watch! STRATASYS The new Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage 3D printer for increased effciency. More on p.3… SIRONA The new inLab MCX5 milling machine helps labs tackle more cases. More on p.3… magenta cyan yellow black ES565226_dlp0215_cv1.pgs 02.03.2015 01:53 ADV I V O C L A R V I VA D E N T REMOVABLE More than dentures. More options. Quality at every level. The removable portfolio with the right teeth for every indication. s s s s Master Class: Phonares® II and PhysioStar® - The ultimate in function and esthetics Premium: BlueLine® and TCR™ - High performance and esthetics Mid-Line: - Vivodent® S - The perfect blend of value and esthetics Entry Level: Ivostar® Gnathostar® - Simple and efficient All Ivoclar Vivadent and Candulor teeth are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Contact your Ivoclar Vivadent representative to discuss which options are best for you. Interested? Circle Product Card No. 1 For more information, call us at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada. © 2015 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. Ivoclar Vivadent, Blueline, Ivostar, Gnathostar and Phonares are registered trademarks of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. Physiostar and TCR are trademarks of Candulor AG. magenta cyan yellow black ES563670_DLP0215_CV2_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:51 ADV ON THE a SOFTWARE UPDATE a Cover c MILLING MACHINE c 3Shape Implant Studio updates inLab MC X5 3Shape, which specializes in the development and marketing in 3D scanners A fve-axis milling and grinding unit, the inLab MC X5 is equipped to process the and CAD/CAM software solutions, announced dental professionals can now widest variety of material discs and blocks while designed to seamlessly switch access BioHorizons tapered family of implants and the original Straumann® between both wet and dry functions. Te product uses durable carbide cutters Dental Implant System library in connection with 3Shape Implant Studio™. Bio- and diamond grinders for remarkably precise milling and grinding. Te unit is Horizons aids dentists, implantologists and dental technicians to assist in their equipped to handle all standardized discs with a diameter of 98.5 millimeters implant planning, and the Straumann® library includes Straumann®’s bone and and a height of up to 30 millimeters. In addition to milling discs, a specially de- tissue level and ceramic implant systems. Users who wish to beneft from these signed multi-block holder can be loaded with up to six diferent material blocks. opportunities should contact their 3Shape distributor for more information. Sirona 3Shape 718-482-2011 | inlab.com 908-867-0144 | 3shape.com CIRCLE RS #4 CIRCLE RS#2 b d POLISHING SYSTEM b Polishing system Brasseler USA expanded its Feather Lite™ line of polishers with a new, versatile intra-oral composite polisher, the DiaComp™ Feather Lite™. Te DiaComp Feather Lite is a simple two-step diamond-infused polishing system that provides consistent and reliable results for polishing the widest variety of composite materials. It is reportedly extremely versatile and works well on all types of classic restorative composite materials as well as new hybrid composites. 3D PRINTER d Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage Te new Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage 3D printer from Stratasys reportedly enables faster and more cost-efective production of dental parts with delicate features and fne details. Te printer is compatible with all Stratasys dental Brasseler USA materials. Te Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage adds a soluble support mode 800-841-4522 | brasselerusa.com previously unavailable on PolyJet dental solutions. Additional benefts include CIRCLE RS#3 automated support removal, which is said to provide further advantages for dental labs by enabling lower labor cost per part. In addition, users have the ability to switch between soluble and water jet modes to balance low-cost automation with COVER PRODUCTS are chosen because of their innovation or perceived impact on productivity and bench artistry. dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black the occasional need for hands-on support removal. Stratasys 877-489-9449 | stratasys.com CIRCLE RS #5 February 2015 dentallabproducts ES565024_dlp0215_003.pgs 02.03.2015 00:17 3 ADV Editor from the how can we serve When the industry comes together February is always exciting for me—and I would guess for everyRyan Hamm [email protected] what you need to be on the lookout for this year. You’ll see what some of the one in the dental lab world! It seems like leading manufacturers and industry every year, the end of February brings partners are excited to unveil, along together a crowd of dental profession- with what sessions and seminars you als like no other time of the year. In one shouldn’t miss. city, we get to experience four diferent Also this month, we take a quick look shows in one weekend, all with new and at the state of zirconia—the material is exciting product releases, hands-on dem- everywhere in 2015, and the material onstrations and discussions about the science keeps getting more and more latest trends. I’ll be there, soaking it all advanced. We wanted to showcase all managers with unbiased, clear in—if you plan on attending any of the the exciting innovation happening in zir- and concise insights into optimal shows in Chicago later this month, be conia and give you a snapshot of where uses and best applications on the lookout for the DLP crew! We’d the material is at. Mission Statement Dental Lab Products provides dental laboratory owners and of new products. Integrating original research, continuing love to say “hi” and hear how the shows So, as we head into Chicago, enjoy education and international are beneftting you and your laboratory. the shows! We hope you learn all you industry trends, we support As part of our eforts to help you get need to make your lab the best it can laboratory decision-makers in the most you can out of this massive week- their commitment to deliver be in 2015 and beyond! lab Subscriptions Are you moving? Do you have a question about your subscription? U.S. and Canadian subscribers call 888-527-7008 All others call 218-740-6477 Call Renée Schuster at 440-891-2613 or email rschuster@ advanstar.com custom reprints Need reprints of an article? Call 877-652-5295 ext. 121 Ofer a product or service that you would like to have published at no charge in the New Products section? or email Call Danielle Toth at 440-891-2614 or email [email protected] online Looking for product information, technique tips, survey data and classifeds online? Log onto www.dlpmagazine.com Tinking about a direct mail campaign to target advancing their proficiency, dentists or labs based on specifc demographics? new Products List Services end, we’re doing our annual roundup of optimum patient care through you? UBM Advanstar Dental Media offers many services that can help you build your business, find qualified employees, or sell your services. bkolb@wrightsmedia. com communicate with us Would you like to comment on an article that you read, submit a story idea or tell us about topics you’d like to see covered in DLP? Have you written an article you’d like to share with your colleagues? We want to hear from you! Call Kevin Henry at 918-613-1188 or email [email protected] productivity and profitability. Dental Laboratory Promos Snow White Plaster #1 $KLJKJUDGHPRGHOSODVWHUH[FHOOHQWIRUVWXG\PRG HOVRUWKRVWXG\PRGHOVDQGJHQHUDOZRUNEHFDXVHRI LWVGXUDELOLW\VPRRWKVXUIDFHDQGHDV\PL[LQJ$YDLO DEOHLQ:KLWH7\SH,, Snow White Plaster #2 Buy Get Any 2 Kerr Plasters Any 1 FREE $TXLFNVHWWLQJUHOLDEOHLPSUHVVLRQSODVWHU&RPPRQO\ XVHGIRULPSUHVVLRQVVROGHULQJWUDQVIHUVODELDODQG RFFOXVDOLQGH[HV$YDLODEOHLQ:KLWHSODLQRUPLQW ÁDYRUHG7\SH, Laboratory Plaster $KLJKTXDOLW\GHQWDOJUDGHSODVWHU0RVWFRPPRQO\ XVHGIRUDUWLFXODWLRQDQGJHQHUDOPRGHOZRUN$YDLO DEOHLQ:KLWHUHJXODURUIDVWVHW7\SH,, Visit Kerrlab.com or call 800.KERR.123 for more information. 7KHUHTXLUHGSXUFKDVHPXVWEHUHÁHFWHGRQRQHLQYRLFHGDWHGEHWZHHQ-DQXDU\0DUFK,QYRLFHVUHFHLYHGDIWHU$SULOZLOOQRWEHKRQRUHG0XOWLSOHUH GHPSWLRQVRQDVLQJOHLQYRLFHLVYDOLG2IIHUFDQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHU.HUURUGHDOHUVSHFLDO$OORZWRZHHNVIRUGHOLYHU\RIIUHHJRRGV3OHDVHVSHFLÀ\IUHHJRRGV FKRLFHRQLQYRLFH)D[\RXUSURRIRISXUFKDVHZLWKSURPRFRGH3URPR&RGH'/3)(%GLUHFWO\WRRUHPDLODQGDWWDFKD3')RI\RXUSURRIRISXUFKDVHWRNHU USURPR#NHUUGHQWDOFRP Interested? Circle Product Card No. 6 4 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES565238_dlp0215_004.pgs 02.03.2015 02:36 ADV Interested? Circle Product Card No. 7 magenta cyan yellow black ES563664_DLP0215_005_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:51 ADV Contents ® February 2015 Vol. 40 No. 02 18 PRODUCTS IN APPLICATION Bench Mastery 12 What you need to know heading into the big Chicago shows. Complete implant maxillary and mandibular reconstruction Luke Kahng, CDT, demonstrates how to get a better result for comprehensive implant restorations. DLP GUIDE TO Competitive Edge 14 A better way to create lifelike, durable dentures How one lab manager uses SR Phonares II to simplify and improve workfow. 16 Precious metals meet the future PHOTO: (C) SWAPAN JHA / GETTYIMAGES 2015 NEWS, MANAGEMENT, EDUCATION CHICAGO How Argen’s new SLM oferings are pushing traditional methods forward. IN EVERY ISSUE CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY Tech Corner 30 Zirconia 360˚ 09 10 38 Product Watch 16 The List 10 Questions A brief roundup of some of the leading dental zirconia options on the market. 30 MOST PRODUCTS. BEST SEARCH. Find thousands of products and all of the following Web-exclusive content on our website. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/ dentallabproducts PHOTO COURTESY OF STRAUMANN Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dlplive CLICKS AND Straumann’s plan to bring patient-specifc care to every lab 3 most-read articles online 01 Top 5 dental lab trends of 2014 by Ryan Hamm With new solutions from Straumann, labs can make individualized restorations more easily than ever. 02 The top 5 ways to help your clients go digital What lab owners and technicians were searching for and savoring in January @ dlpmagazine.com Top denture tooth options compiled by the DLP Editorial Team 03 Product roundup: Lab software 360˚ compiled by the DLP Editorial Team You’ve made the digital leap, but your clients are lagging. Here’s how to help them make the transition. Vol. 40, No. 02 Dental Lab Products (Print ISSN# 0146-9738, Digital ISSN# 2150-6353), is published monthly except July/August issue combined by UBM Advanstar. 131 W. First St., Duluth, MN 55802-2065. Available on a controlled/complimentary basis to qualified U.S. dental laboratory owners and managers. For other professionals and/or countries, one-year subscription rates are $41 in the U.S. & Possessions; $51 in Canada and Mexico; $120 all other countries, including air-expedited service. Single copies $7 in the U.S.; all other countries $10. Include $6 per copy for U.S. postage and handling. All payment is due in advance in U.S. dollars. Periodicals postage-paid at Duluth, MN 55806 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Dental Lab Products, P.O. Box 6076, Duluth, MN 55806-6076. Canadian G.S.T. number: R-124213133RT001. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40612608, Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: IMEX Global Solutions, P. O. Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, CANADA. Printed in the U.S.A. Subscription inquiries/address changes: toll-free (888) 527-7008, or dial direct (218) 723-9477. ©2015 Advanstar Communications Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal/educational or personal use, or the internal/educational or personal use of specific clients is granted by Advanstar Communications Inc. for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 fax 978-646-8700 or visit http://www.copyright.com online. For uses beyond those listed above, please direct your written request to Permission Dept. fax 440-756-5255 or email: [email protected]. UBM Advanstar provides certain customer contact data (such as customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses) to third parties who wish to promote relevant products, services, and other opportunities that may be of interest to you. If you do not want UBM Advanstar to make your contact information available to third parties for marketing purposes, simply call toll-free 866-529-2922 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST and a customer service representative will assist you in removing your name from UBM Advanstar’s lists. Outside the U.S., please phone 218-740-6477. Dental Lab Products does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance of such content. Dental Lab Products cannot be held responsible for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited articles, manuscripts, photographs, illustrations or other materials. To subscribe, call toll-free 888-527-7008. Outside the U.S. call 218-740-6477. 6 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES566263_dlp0215_006.pgs 02.03.2015 23:44 ADV CS 3500 NO impression material NO trolley NO focusing on the screen NO limitations ALL YOU NEED FOR THE PERFECT RESTORATION, AND NOTHING YOU DON’T WELCOME TO THE NEW REALITY In the new reality, the CS 3500 intraoral scanner creates highly accurate, true color 2D images and 3D models of teeth without conventional impressions. • • Truly handheld, portable with no trolley and plug and play Powder-free* with slim scanner head for comfortable, custom-ft restorations Unique light guidance system for more patient-focused scanning Part of a fexible and open system, allowing you to choose between in-house or lab milling Enter the new reality at carestreamdental.com/cs3500 or call 800.944.6365 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 8 Visit Us at LAB DAY Chicago 2015 SCAN DESIGN MILL © Carestream Health, Inc. 2015. 11947 DE CS 3500 AD 0115 *In some situations where the item to be scanned is uniform in dimension and highly refective (a standard abutment) the use of an anti-refecting liquid or powder may be necessary. The use of a micro abrader (sand blaster) may be used to roughen the highly refective surface to decrease the refection as another option. 0115 magenta cyan yellow black ES563703_DLP0215_007_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:56 ADV Activate the Magazine As the go-to product resource for the dental lab industry, the team at Dental Lab Products wants to make it as easy as possible for you to get the information you need about new products. Right next to this page, you’ll fnd the reader service card with numbers that correspond to advertisements. In this issue of DLP, you’ll fnd numbers with each of the products that appear as editorial. Company Name URL Page No. Product Card Circle No. Amann Girrbach America Inc. amanngirrbach.com 21 19 anaxdent North America anaxdentusa.com 10 14 Argen Corporation argendigital.com Astron Dental Corp. astrondental.com Aurident Inc. aurident.com Carestream Dental carestreamdental.com 8 5 7 CV4 45 13 15 7 19 18 Custom Automated Prosthetics cap-us.com 31 42 DENTSPLY Implants dentsplyimplants.com 26 23 ETI Digital Technology etidigitaltechnology.com 27 24 February 2015 You can: Click Scan Call Result: New product information sent directly to you! Company Name URL Page No. Product Card Circle No. CV3 44 29 25 CV2 1 4 6 Practicon practicon.com 24 21 Rhein83 rhein83usa.com 23 20 Shofu shofu.com 33 43 Whip Mix Corp whipmix.com 25 22 9, 11 9 Exocad exocad.com Glidewell Dental Laboratories glidewelldental.com Ivoclar Vivadent Inc. ivoclarvivadent.com Kerr Corp/Div Of Sybron Dental kerrlab.com 8 Core3dcentres core3dcentres.com dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black You’ll also f nd opportunities to go directly to landing pages that allow you to f ll in your information to receive new product materials, QR tags that get you there directly from your phone and, in some cases, text (or SMS) codes that provide yet another way to get the information you want. We don’t expect you to use every method. We just want to make it easy for you to get what you’re looking for—on your terms. Zirkonzahn USA Inc. zirkonzahn.com dlpmagazine.com ES566496_dlp0215_008.pgs 02.04.2015 03:35 ADV New Products Silicone inserts Brasseler USA updated its standard aluminum bur block with silicone inserts designed for optimum security and organization. Te burs rest within the silicone inserts inside the aluminum block, providing enhanced instrument retention and securing the bur frmly in place to avoid common slip or fall-out incidents. Te new and improved aluminum bur blocks with silicone inserts are available for both clinical and laboratory rotary procedure instruments in a wide variety of colors sizes and slot numbers. Brasseler USA 800-841-4522 | brasselerusa.com CIRCLE RS#10 Anti-snoring device Panthera Dental announced it has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the Panthera anti-snoring device. Tis product is a removable intraoral device used for treating snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. It consists of two custom fabricated splints that ft separately over the upper and lower teeth and engage by means of adjustable rods. Te device functions as a mandibular repositioner, maintaining the lower jaw in a forward position during sleep. Panthera Dental 418-527-0388 | pantheradental.com CIRCLE RS#11 Micro welder Sunstone Engineering, maker of the Orion line of welders, announced the Orion 200i2, reportedly the company’s most advanced micro welder ever. Te welder features advances in design and use that are said to simplify all aspects of micro pulse arc welding. Te Orion 200i2 introduces an all-in-one head unit containing the welder and touch screen user interface, mounted upon a single-point-attached articulating swing-arm. Te Orion 200i2 ofers more user customization through click-and-weld settings to advanced control of every aspect of the welding process. Sunstone Engineering 877-SUN-WELD | sunstonewelders.com CIRCLE RS#12 Screw fxation system Te Zimmer Fixation System is an all-in-one solution for the temporary f xation and stabilization of bone blocks, grafting materials and membranes for the alveolar ridge. Te multifaceted system has several features designed to help dental professionals provide the best possible outcomes for patients, including stable and reliable connections, two color-coded systems for easy identifcation and a compact modular sterilization and storage system. Zimmer 800-854-7019 | zimmerdental.com CIRCLE RS#13 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 9 dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dentallabproducts 9 www.zirkonzahn.com ES565222_dlp0215_009.pgs 02.03.2015 01:52 ADV theLIST quIck bITeS for perSonaL deveLopmenT and overaLL Lab SucceSS nexT monTh: 3 producTS ThaT can gIve beTTer ImpreSSIonS from your denTISTS Top 5 ways lab management software can save your lab time and money>> Photo: Jeffrey Coolidge /getty iMages 01 it keeps cases organized. 02 it makes communication a snap. 03 it makes sure you get paid. 04 it helps manage your clients and your team. 05 it prevents redundancies. With management software, it’s easy to track the entire course of a case. View all of the dentist’s notes, scans and images in one spot, and follow the workflow of the case, to see where it is in production and who is working on it. Easily send messages internally, or externally to your clients. With all your contact information centralized in one system, you can easily send communications to dental practices with updates or questions about specific cases, marketing materials, announcements and more. You can even use some software to communicate with a dentist about a case in real time. Keeping track of invoices and deadlines can be a pain, but management software can keep tabs on all those terms and dates for you. You’ll never have to wonder if an invoice has been paid again. Payroll, billing and tax tracking, all in one place? Lab management software makes it easy to keep your financials and employee information in order. With real-time information about every case at your fingertips, duplications or miscommunications won’t be a problem, saving your lab time and money. Additionally, it will free up your time (and your team’s time) to do the work you actually want to do. Interested? Circle Product Card No. 14 10 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES566592_dlp0215_010.pgs 02.04.2015 21:16 ADV COMPLETE MAXILLARY AND MANDIBULAR REHABILITATION USING PRETTAU® ANTERIOR The patient presented with severely abraded occlusal surfaces throughout the upper and lower jaw. Since the gingiva and the natural tooth structure were otherwise still well preserved, we decided to provide single-crown restorations made of Prettau® Anterior. This material has a flexural strength of 670 MPa and is therefore well suited to withstand the high loads it would be exposed to in this patient. Interested? Circle Product Card No. 9 ZIRKONZAHN USA Inc. – Phone +1 800 989 8931 – Phone +1 678 441 9419 – [email protected] ZIRKONZAHN WORLDWIDE – Phone +39 0474 066 680 – [email protected] – www.zirkonzahn.com magenta cyan yellow black ES563679_DLP0215_011_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:52 ADV benchMastery Kahng on iMplant reConstrUCtion Complete implant maxillary and mandibular reconstruction Luke S. Kahng, CDT A better result for comprehensive implant restorations. by Luke S. Kahng, CDT In this case study, a 70-year-old individual with endeavors he was about to undergo. teeth with a removable partial the patient had advanced periodontally involved teeth having class three mobility presented for comprehensive implant restorations. He had few remaining teeth, necessitating extractions. His desire was prior to any procedures on the maxillary arch. Case stUDy 01 The maxillary arch had suffcient bone volume After a necessary prosthetic workup, and adequate width and vertical height for im- which consisted of diagnostic models plant protocol without grafting. A cone beam and records, according to standard prosthetic CT was taken with a treatment denture with The patient was in good health with no medical protocol, treatment dentures were construct- radio-opaque markers for designing a stereo- contra-indications for the surgical/prosthetic ed. Notice Fig. 1 depicts maxillary remaining lithographical stent for a mucosal-born surgical for fxed restorations, not removable prosthetics. a CoMplete, fixeD solUtion Fig. 1 70-year-old individual with Fig. 2 Radiographic markers for periodontally involved teeth. stereolithographic stent. Fig. 4 Alternate view of patient healing. Fig. 5 Four months later. Fig. 3 Patient healed uneventfully. Fig. 6 Treatment denture set up stabilized with two implants. Fig. 7 Completed maxillary prosthesis. Fig. 8 Four implants with the fnal Fig. 9 Aberrant bone level. right segment completed. 12 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES565211_dlp0215_012.pgs 02.03.2015 01:51 ADV benchMastery Kahng on iMplant reConstrUCtion Fig. 10 Bone reduction guide. Fig. 11 Surgical guide after reduction accomplished. Fig. 12 Stable wide implants 15 mm in length. Fig. 13 Review of necessary surgical stents. Fig. 14 Completed Fig. 15 Completed maxillary restorations. mandibular restoration. Fig. 15 Depicts the entire reconsturction at the two-year recall. which four implants of wide diameter tion record (Fig. 6). After the multiple and 15 mm in length were surgically sequence consisting of framework and placed. It was determined that stability bisque bake try-in using the lab pro- using wide body implants and 15 mm tocol, the maxillary prosthesis was length with 3 mm of circumferential completed as shown in Fig. 7. It was bone around each implant, accom- decided to divide the maxillary arch into plished with a horizontal osteomtomy, two units. was adequate to accommodate a fxed lary implants. Our oral surgeon placed the implants and, after suffcient heal- 05 with the fnal right segment 06 The complete review of all the necessary surgical stents (Fig. 13) required to achieve results dis- This article would not be complete without describing the ing time, the impression of the maxil- protocol and procedures in the recon- lary implants using open tray technique struction of the mandibular arch. There (Fig. 2). are several steps required for under- 02 cussed above. 07 The restorations with pink gingival color porcelain sup- port were completed (Figs. 14 & 15), standing of aberrant bone level. This im- maxillary and mandibular arch, as illus- The healing was uneventful age (Fig. 9) shows few remaining man- trated. The design of the prosthesis was (Figs. 3 & 4). The patient fol- dibular teeth that required extraction. in accordance with the patient’s ability lowed recommended care for plaque Notice the bone level in the mandibular to maintain oral health. All openings removal around the healing abutment anteriors was not in harmony with the for foss were created from the lingual and cleaning of the denture. His hy- mandibular bilateral posterior ridges. for oral hygiene maintenance by the giene was excellent. Four months later, The remaining bone was thin from a la- patient. after ascertaining integration, the tech- bial lingual view. Bone supported sterio- nician proceeded with the sequence lithographical surgical guides (Fig. 10) needed for completion of the maxillary were fabricated for bone reduction and arch (Fig. 5). implant placement. It was necessary to 03 to perform a horizontal osteotomy to centric relation record, it is level the bone in the mandibular ante- necessary to utilize a treatment den- rior to create a harmonious arch. After ture setup that is stabilized on two completion, note (Fig. 11) the surgi- implants. This denture is screwed into cal guide was used after the anterior the two implants for stabilizing of the reduction was accomplished, during magenta cyan yellow black 08 The patient was pleased with the fxed implant prosthesis (Fig. 16). lab CALL NOW AND ASK FOR 800-422-7373 Tis case was completed in cooperation with Dr. Joseph L. Caruso, DDS, MS. February 2015 dentallabproducts Aurident’s Delta Milling Center provides complete & economical services for milling Zirconia copings, bridges, full-contour crowns and custom implant abutments NEW LOWER PRICES use the bone reduction guide seen here In order to establish a stable dlpmagazine.com We use only the highest purity components for Delta Yttria Stabilized Zirconia restoration (Fig. 12). Fig. 8 illustrates four implants completed. guide for the placement of seven maxil- AVAILABLE IN ALL THICKNESSES maxillary rim to establish centric rela- 04 AURIDENT’S DELTA MILLING CENTER GIVES YOU or visit our website at www.aurident.com 13 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 15 ES565212_dlp0215_013.pgs 02.03.2015 01:51 ADV Competitive Edge }}}} Real Time ROI }}}} A better way to create lifelike, durable dentures How one lab manager uses SR Phonares II to simplify and improve workflow. by Danielle Toth Ivoclar vivadent 800-533-6825 | ivoclarvivadent.com CIRCLE RS #16 West Melbourne, Fla., and Greenville, that matches the age and characteris- BonaDent is a full-service lab that has S.C., BonaDent prides itself on offering tics of the particular patient. Available been family-owned and operated for personalized, small-laboratory service in 16 A-D shades and four bleach shades, almost 65 years. Founded by Dental with large laboratory resources. Clini- SR Phonares include 18 upper anterior Lab Technician Angelo Bonafiglia and cians have a direct line to their personal molds and six lower anterior molds. In now in its fourth generation of owner- technical lead contact whenever they addition, there are two posterior tooth ship, BonaDent has made investments have questions or concerns or want lines, each containing three maxillary in technology that allow it to offer a full to discuss the best treatment for any and three mandibular sets. range of services, including removables, patient. Plus, BonaDent has worked to SR Phonares II are made from nano ceramics, implants and hybrid restora- further its technicians’ training and has hybrid composite (NHC) material. The tions. It also recently began providing developed tools for its clinicians to best new technology incorporates inorganic chairside services for clinicians per- utilize their expertise. micro fillers and silica-based nano fillers to provide increased durability. Also, the forming full-arch rehabilitation with immediate temporization. BonaDent THE PRODUCT hybrid makeup of the fillers encourages has become known in the industry as Ivoclar Vivadent’s SR Phonares II are natural light transmission for optimal anterior and complex case specialists. a range of tooth molds designed for a translucency, opalescence and fluores- natural look with high wear resistance cence. With locations in Seneca Falls, N.Y., 14 dentallabproducts February 2015 dlpmagazine.com Photos courtesy of ivoclar vivadent THE LAB Competitive Edge }}}} “ Doctors and patients love SR Phonares II. They’re strong. They look like real teeth. Clinicians who prescribe them are always satisfied. The patients improve their smile, and the doctors improve their bottom line. ” –Christian Campian, Bonadent What a Phonares II denture looks like in a patient’s mouth. THE USER THE RESULTS On top of delivering more accurate, talk to clients and customers about vari- Christian Campian serves as remov- Campian has used SR Phonares II in his precise shade matches, SR Phonares ous removable options. The site, mor- able department manager for Bon- lab for nearly two years and says, overall, II are also much stronger and more ethanadenture.com, has portals for both aDent’s Florida division. In this role, he the product has done a great job simpli- durable, he says. Many denture mate- consumers and professionals and offers learns each of his clients’ preferences fying and improving the lab’s workflow. rials deteriorate or even break after pro- information ranging from dental success and ensures those high-quality stan- The variety of shades and sizes means longed chewing. SR Phonares II molds stories and what to expect as a consumer dards are met on every case that comes there’s always the right fit for the right are made with two outer layers of nano to scientific documentation and display through the door. case, he says. SR Phonares II has been hybrid composite (NHC) and two inner information for clinicians. designed to match the age and character- layers of PMMA material, a feature Bon- “I’d say the campaign has been a use- istics of the individual patient. The tooth aDent’s clinicians (and their patients) ful tool in helping to sell SR Phonares II,” “It started as a punishment but ended molds are available with soft and bold appreciate, Campian says. In addition, Campian says. “It’s always nice to offer a up becoming my career,” Campian says. characteristics and divided into three the product fits BonaDent’s business place for supplemental information for “My father gave me the basic knowledge age groups: youthful (with an unabraded objectives of earning customers for life clinicians—someplace they can go to and encouragement to start me on the incisal edge for pronounced facial curva- and making its doctors successful and when they want to dive a little deeper path to getting where I am today.” ture), universal (with a slightly abraded their patients happy. into what kind of removable services our Campian started in the field when he was just 13 years old. Campian says every job he’s had has incisal edge for reduced facial curvature) “D o c t or s a nd pat ient s lov e SR labs offer. And it’s also a useful reference helped him grow as an individual and and mature (with a heavily abraded inci- Phonares II,” Campian says. “They’re for patients. Doctors can send patients expand his expertise. For example, he sal edge for flat facial curvature). strong. They look like real teeth. Clini- there for support and to ease the anxiet- had the great opportunity to work with a “SR Phonares II are just more accurate cians who prescribe them are always ies they might be feeling about getting periodontist and prosthodontist for a few when shade matching denture teeth to satisfied. The patients improve their dentures. years. The job helped improve his preci- porcelain crowns—hands down,” Cam- smile, and the doctors improve their sion and accuracy, he says, and helped pian says. “The final result just looks bottom line.” him understand the unique needs of the more esthetic and more natural when SR Phonares II also fit well with Ivo- clinicians have the best tool possible patient when treatment planning. using them. They’re an all-around supe- clar Vivadent’s “More than a Denture” to begin prescribing removables from rior product.” campaign, which has helped BonaDent our lab.” lab dlpmagazine.com “And, of course, I always recommend purchasing a smile design kit so our February 2015 dentallabproducts 15 InsIde Look Precious metals meet the future How Argen’s new sLM offerings are pushing traditional methods forward. compiled by Ryan Hamm. Information provided by Argen. When Paul Cascone, senior vice president of research and development at Argen, speaks to a potential dental lab customer, he always leads with the benefts of digital technology. “I tell them it can broaden their oferings, eliminate inventory, cut waste and signifcantly boost their productivity,” he says. Tose advantages can be powerfully persuasive for the laboratories who are listening. For years, the manufacture of dental prostheses has been based on the lost-wax method, which has roots in 5,000-year-old investment casting techniques. In this approach, dentists rely on a molded impression of the damaged tooth (or teeth), a careful sequence of production steps and painstaking hand fnishing— and remake levels tend to be high. But during the last decade, digital tools and technology have been cutting time and cost from workfows, enabling the dental lab business model to evolve towards greater efciency An example of the wide range of options available through SLM technology. and precision. Argen Digital Dentistry practices Te transition to digital begins with the impression. Where a physical mold of a patient’s teeth serves as the 800-255-5524 | argendigital.com circle rs #17 starting point for a lost-wax casting, the digital equiva- 16 lent is an image of the teeth taken in the mouth with ing). Te automated sintering process starts with the “When a lab customer is interested in switching to an intraoral scanner (although scans can also be made system depositing a thin layer of metal powder onto a a digital process, of all the production tools we can ofer from physical impressions). Te resulting CAD (com- build platform. A laser, guided by the CAD model, then them we always recommend that they take advantage of puter aided design) 3D model can be used to create a traces a cross-sectional outline of each patient-specifc our selective laser melting capabilities,” says Cascone. restoration in several ways. dental unit, melting and hardening the material into One path is via a computer-controlled milling a 20-micron-thick layer. Tis cycle repeats, adding on going with the slM flow machine (CAD/CAM dentistry). In this subtractive layers one at a time, until the restoration is fully formed. “We were one of the frst U.S. companies in the dental manufacturing approach, the digital fle of the model Te benefts of AM technology for laboratory cus- industry to use SLM technology,” Cascone says. Tat guides the cutting of either a solid ceramic or compos- tomers are many: Steps in the traditional workfow can was in 2007, and the system Argen purchased, after ite-resin block into a prosthesis matching the shape be skipped; virtually any geometry can be created; waste considering other AM processes, was an EOSINT M 270 of the teeth. Another path is selective laser melting is reduced; the resulting restorations are accurate and from EOS. Up until that time, according to Cascone, (SLM), a technology in which Argen is an industry as durable as those made with lost-wax casting; and, digital STL fles were only being used to mill all-ceramic leader. In this additive manufacturing (AM) process, while fne detail can be captured in both the subtrac- restorations. “We wanted to use the available CAD data which utilizes selective laser melting, the CAD model tive and additive processes up to certain limits, there to meet the need for strong, precise-ftting porcelain- guides production that adds on layers of material, rather is no added cost with AM for sculpting more complex on-metal restorations,” he notes. “Our new SLM system than cutting it of and throwing it away (as with mill- tooth geometries. gave us the fexibility to manufacture the metal base.” dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES565022_dlp0215_016.pgs 02.03.2015 00:17 ADV InsIde Look for easy removal from the build plate once the run is complete and, during fnishing, they are eliminated along with excess material from each restoration. Te unit is then shipped to the lab customer for bonding with ceramic. “Te additive manufacturing operation is straightforward and quite robust,” says Cascone. “Quality is high, tolerances are constant and the process is reproducible. Our lab customers are impressed, not only with the savings in time, but also with the consistency and accuracy of the product.” catching the Digital current Currently, SLM systems are gaining popularity for dental applications, and in some countries this technology has almost completely replaced casting. In the U.S., dentists are increasingly requesting products that force labs to get involved with digital workfows, Cascone explains. But those labs still have a choice about how fast and fully to embrace digitalization. If they are thinking about all-ceramic units, they can either invest in a scanner and milling machine, or they can just purchase the scanner and outsource the rest. “Lab size and work volume may dictate their An example of Argen Digital’s SLM capabilities. In the U.S., several types of metals—nobles, high nobles and base alloys—are used widely by dental labs and dentists. While base materials predominate, Argen wanted to ofer digitally produced precious-metal products to the domestic market. So, they decided to develop their own noble alloy (containing 25 percent palladium) suitable for laser sintering. Of importance in their research eforts were characteristics such as biocompatibility, porcelain compatibility, thermal properties, mechanical strength and corrosion/tarnish resistance. Tousands of possible metal combinations were evaluated, followed by feld testing of the best candidates. Te result: Argen is now a leader in SLM Noble substructures. With a frst success in hand, the company decided to undertake another development project to meet the marketplace’s broad spectrum of needs. This effort involved an even more durable high-noble alloy (made with 40 percent gold and at least 20 percent of another precious metal such as platinum or palladium). “It was challenging, but we were successful,” Cascone notes. “We invest heavily in R&D with a focus on increasing the variety of porcelain-on-metal units for lab custom- decision,” says Cascone, “but we advise them to at least “ purchase a scanner and get started.” If the goal is porcelain-on-metal restorations, there is a diferent set of considerations. “In the past, The additive manufacturing operation is straightforward and quite robust. Quality is high, tolerances are constant, and the process is reproducible. Our lab customers are impressed ... with the consistency and accuracy of the product. —Paul CasCone ers who want to go digital. we provided the alloy for our customers to cast into restorations,” Cascone says. “Now with our selective laser melting services, we supply copings and frameworks to the customer 95 percent fnished. Tey can now concentrate on the important esthetic and functional aspects of applying the ceramic. Tis represents a change in their business model, but they’re really excited about the change.” For the dental laboratory, taking the digital path can be a game changer, according to Cascone. In a small lab, a scanner can help them expand their product ofering. In a large production lab, the whole scale of the operation can be transformed. “A skilled technician using traditional hand operations can make about 20 units in a day,” he explains. “If you take that same person and train them to use a scanner and software, output accelerates to 80 units a day. Tat’s why labs are switching.” ” After hearing about the digital workfow, how long does it take a laboratory to decide to switch? “If it’s a lab that doesn’t have a scanner, then typically there’s a little more conversation,” Cascone says. “If it’s a lab that already has one, they’re usually ready to send us the digital data immediately.” lab “Now we ofer nobles, high nobles and base alloys which gives the restoration both great esthetics and in the digital workflow, and we can make bridges of high strength. We’re also gearing up to produce partial diferent sizes from all three classes of metals. What’s dentures.” next for R&D is a high palladium noble alloy plus SLM Te SLM system’s software also automatically labels Captek, the unique composite made from a gold-plati- each patient’s unit and generates supports on the models num-palladium alloy combined with almost pure gold, prior to manufacturing. Tese hollow supports allow dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dentallabproducts ES565021_dlp0215_017.pgs 02.03.2015 00:17 17 ADV Trends Forward 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo \\\\ 2015 dLP GUIdE To • ChiCaGo 3d Systems • The ProJet® 1200 all-in-one micro-SLA is said to be ideal for small, precise, detail-rich parts and casting patterns, such as dental wax-ups. Smaller than most coffeemakers and faster than baking a cake, this new printer is designed to be economical to own, safe to operate anywhere and simple to use. The micro-SLA ProJet 1200 reportedly delivers unmatched part accuracy and surface smoothness. With a 43 x 27 x 150mm (1.69 x 1.06 x 5.9 inches) print volume, the Projet 1200 prints 30 micron layers at a 585 dpi resolution, resulting in fne feature details refecting true-to-CAD accuracy. Additionally, the printer integrates 3D Systems’ VisiJet® FTX materials for ideal, easy-to-burn-out casting patterns. Check out the ProJet 1200 at the 3D Systems booth! • 3M eSPe 18 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 Argen Digital’s products are created to help the dental laboratory benefit from all of the advantages digital technologies have to offer. Argen has invested more than $10 million into the Argen Digital Center in an effort to provide its dental laboratory partners with a total digital solution. Argen Digital products include: • Selective laser melted (SLM) substructures in four metal choices: SLM High Noble, Noble 25, Non-Precious and SLM Captek • CAD/Cast DPM in 19 of Argen’s most popular alloys • ArgenZ™ transitionally shaded esthetic milled zirconia • ArgenIS™ custom abutments, compatible with the leading implant systems and available in titanium, gold-shaded titanium, zirconia hybrid and screw-retained SLM Hybrid • Digital Captek • ArgenPMMA™ • ArgenWAX™ • Digital models Additionally, Argen’s lecture series at Lab Day Chicago will be located in Grand Suite 2. Check out the schedule for more info. PHOTO: (C) SWAPAN JHA / GETTY IMAGES At this year’s Chicago events, experience the 3M™ True Defnition Scanner. The 3M True Defnition Scanner is reportedly accurate—and more consistently accurate—than leading systems on the market. Unlike “closed” systems, 3M True Defnition Scanner digital impression fles can be used with any system that accepts STL fles, and the scanner provides seamless integrations to a broad range of workfows. The system’s new wand is the smallest in the industry, making scanning faster, easier and more comfortable for patients and dentists. The new system handles like a traditional dental handpiece and allows an adept user to scan a full diagnostic arch in as little as 60 seconds once the feld is prepared. To start working with the 3M True Defnition Scanner, call 3M Customer Care at 800-634-2249, Option 3, or visit 3M.com/TrueDef. argen digital dlpmagazine.com ES566808_dlp0215_018.pgs 02.05.2015 01:17 ADV //// 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo Trends Forward From events to presentations to product launches: what you need to know to make the windy City’s big events pay off. The New Digital World of Dentistry Digital Solutions compiled by Ryan Hamm Editor’s note: As always, times and events are subject to change (and we couldn’t ft everything!), so please consult each show’s full schedule for fnal details. “Chairside-to-Lab” • anaxdent North america Selection – Precision – Fast Turnaround Three new anaxdent products make their debut in Chicago: 1) The Celara Denture Facilitation System, a product that labs sell to dentists to help them capture all diagnostic information at the frst appointment, and then enables labs to deliver a full setup wax try-in at the second appointment; 2) eFiber, an e-glass fber reinforcement strip that bonds to and trims/polishes like composite and acrylic; and 3) Pekkton, an exceptionally strong and light pressable/millable high performance polymer for copings and frames. Implant dentures are the focus at the anaxdent booth. Also, don’t miss live demos Friday/Saturday by Robert Kreyer (denture characterization with composite), Arian Deutsch (denture conversion & replacement with Celara) and Jaro Urbanski (denture fabrication with anaxform). Visit anaxdentusa.com/chicago for demo schedule. Get a free Celara Training System with any $350 purchase. Customized digital prosthetic solutions for aesthetic and implant dentistry - from scan, design and model production to fabrication of final prosthesis. Extensive experience with multiple Scan and CAD systems (Authorized iTero™ Production Centre in North America for over 5 years, first to launch and support model fabrication with 3Shape TRIOS® in Europe). Validated work flows and best-in-class CAD/CAM technology (Certified BioHorizons® Milling Center; Authorized milling partner for Thommen, Ivoclar Vivadent™, Dentsply CELTRA™ Duo, VITA® and Lava™; and Cadent iTero™ model milling center) Complete one-stop Root-to-Tooth™ solutions (19 implant brands currently supported with 105 different connections - with more in development). Precision manufactured by • Have the full range of digital solutions all available from your Lab! amann Girrbach Come take a look at the Ceramill Mikro, Amann Girrbach’s newest mill. The Mikro is reportedly an extremely robust and compact four-axis machine for dry milling blanks and single blocks. Equipped with high-performance components for lasting stability and precision, yet requiring a minimum fnancial investment, it is designed to provide laboratories with an easy start to in-house CAD/CAM and optimizes efåciency and productivity in everyday lab procedures. Another highlight is the Ceramill TI-Forms, that makes possible the in-house fabrication of customized, one-piece titanium abutments without the use of oversized milling systems. Using the familiar Ceramill Motion 2 5X and the “rotational milling” technology in the wet mode, you reportedly can see extraordinary results. A special blank holder with prefabricated connection geometries is engineered to enable precise and distortion-free processing. Visit www.core3dcentres.com for complete details! Core3dcentres USA 1-888-750-9204 [email protected] Core3dcentres Canada 1-877-308-7717 [email protected] Complete Root-to-Tooth™ Solutions The Aurum Group – All Under One Roof Authorized Milling/Production Centre AUTHORIZED MILLING PARTNER of Ivoclar Vivadent dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dentallabproducts 19 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 18 ES566809_dlp0215_019.pgs 02.05.2015 01:17 ADV Trends Forward • \\\\ 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo • aurident, inc. This year, Aurident is showcasing the AuridentManix milling machines, the MA-4 and the ZX-4W. The MA-4 is a machine dedicated for milling titanium custom abutments and includes a large library of abutment designs. The ZX-4W, a small footprint wet/dry milling machine, is designed to mill zirconia, composites, glass ceramics and other materials. Both machines reportedly provide high accuracy and reliability at highly competitive prices. Both milling machines can easily fabricate restorations designed with the Optimet DS6000 scanner and exocad software. The scanner and software offer precision scans at economical prices with no annual fees. For laboratories without milling machines, Aurident offers purchasers of the Optimet/exocad system low pricing for milling at its Delta Milling Center. Visit Aurident at the Spectrum Dialogue and Lab Day Chicago shows! • • BioMet 3i BIOMET 3i is pleased to announce its Lab Day Clinic, which w i l l t a ke p l a c e F e b . 2 8 , 2 0 15 , during LMT’s Lab Day in Chicago. The clinic will feature a number of speakers, including Dr. Joseph Carpentieri presenting on “The Notion of a Fully Digital Approach to Implant Prosthetics;” Tony Prestipino, the owner of Artifex Dental Lab, speaking about “BellaTek ® Digital Dentistry in Today’s Laboratory;” and Wayne Szara, CDT, from BIOMET 3i, who will also lecture and present an over-the-shoulder DIEM ®2 technique. Continuing education credits are available at the clinic. Custom automated Prosthetics (CaP) • CAP will reportedly have one of the most diverse lineups of equipment, services, materials and solutions on display at Lab Day Chicago this year. In addition to equipment such as the Roland DWX-50 and 3Shape scanners, highlights this year include the Amann Girrbach (AG) Ceramill Mikro, the AG Ceramill Argotherm and Sintron material, a new AG denture solution, Dental Direkt’s new super high translucent cubeX 2 zirconia, GC Initial ceramics and lustre pastes, the imes-icore 350i, the Stratasys Objet Eden260V and Objet OrthoDesk 3D printers and CAPZilla workfow management software. CAP will have the entire Amann Girrbach line of equipment and materials and a signifcant portion of GC materials on display alongside other new and core products. • Core3dcentres will showcase its new partnerships, as it has recently been named as an authorized milling center for Thommen Implant System Abutments and VITA ENAMIC across North America. Additionally, new dates have been announced in the Core3daCADemy’s hands-on courses. More information and registration links can be found at core3dcentres.com/usa/education/hands-on-courses. Stop by the Core3dcentres booth to learn all about the latest in these education offerings. • deLCaM DELCAM’s DentMILL is a CAD/CAM suite for machining copings, crowns, bridges, inlays/onlays, abutments, bars and implant bridges. It offers a totally digital process designed to reduce your costs and improve your quality and productivity. In the latest release, multiple restorations can be prepared and processed concurrently, reportedly providing a highly effcient workfow with maximum fexibility. Test drive DentMILL 2015 and you’ll see why it is up to 50 percent faster than DentMILL 2011. For more information, contact Sheila Cullers at 877-335-2261 or email [email protected]. 20 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 Bredent will be presenting the BioHPP, a PEEK-based, ceramicreinforced high-performance polymer, an alternative to rigid substructure materials. The material reportedly demonstrates excellent long-term stability, low water retention and versatility. Thanks to its physiological elasticity, BioHPP is also said to be particularly good as framework material for small and big high-value implant cases. In short, the material is engineered to offer new possibilities in ftting patients with fxed and removable high value implant prosthetics. Bredent will also show the For 2 Press System, a specially developed vacuumpressing device used to process the BioHPP by means of a pressing procedure. Additionally, Visio.lign, a wide range of customized veneering materials, is available for the veneering of BioHPP, which is bonded to the BioHPP with the help of a special primer having the highest possible shear resistance. Carestream dental Carestream Dental is committed to helping labs become more effcient and proåtable. If you have considered ways to grow your business, offering customers the convenience of submitting digital impressions can reportedly expand your clientele and lead to increased revenue. Carestream Dental’s CS 3500 intraoral scanner is designed to offer labs more control by allowing dental professionals to submit digital impressions electronically—ultimately allowing the lab to save time, reduce the risk of remakes and maximize proåts by eliminating update and license fees. Preferred lab partners receive a listing on the Carestream Dental website, as well as marketing collateral to announce they are able to accept CS 3500 fles. Visit Carestream’s booth to learn more! • Core3dcentres Bredent datRoN dYNaMiCS The D5 Dental Milling Machine features a fully automated eight-blank changer and up to 15 tool-holding positions. It can mill titanium, chrome cobalt, zirconia and other materials for more than 100 consecutive hours unattended. German-engineered for extreme rigidity and precision, the D5 was designed for the sole purpose of milling complex dental parts and implant geometries. The D5 provides your lab with the fexibility it needs to mill anything from bars and custom abutments to full-contour crowns, copings and bridges—all while being controlled by the simplicity of an Apple iPad! Compatible with leading CAD/CAM software, it also reportedly allows for the integration of yetto-be-developed technology. dlpmagazine.com ES566811_dlp0215_020.pgs 02.05.2015 01:17 ADV LMT LAB DAY Chicago 2015 February 27th - 28th 2015 Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL Visit us at the Grand Ballroom CD South Featuring high-class lectures by Luke Kahng, Peter Pizzi, Alex Wunsche, Perry Carroll, Steve Nash, and Joachim Maier distributed by The right one for everyone. N EW SALES, TRAINING, CUSTOMER SUPPORT: 85 Maple Street | Stoneham, MA 02180 Phone: 877-977-7889 or 781-279-2771 [email protected] | www.cap-us.com 4X 4-axes simultaneous Dry milling 4-axes simultaneous Dry milling Wet milling / grinding 5X 5-axes simultaneous Dry milling Wet milling / grinding MARKETING: Amann Girrbach America, Inc. [email protected] www.amanngirrbach.com Interested? Circle Product Card No. 19 magenta cyan yellow black ES563665_DLP0215_021_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:51 ADV Trends Forward • //// 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo deNtSPLY implants DENTSPLY Implants will have three alternating presentations at its clinic at Lab Day Chicago. The frst, led by Simon Ghosh, “Let´s get connected for your implant treatment workfow with intraoral scanning,” will discuss the latest capability in intraoral scanning for patient-specifc abutments. This presentation will also discuss how intraoral scanning helps improve the treatment workfow and offers process effciency for the dental laboratory. The second presentation, led by Dr. Arnie Rosen, “Managing Technology for Best Outcomes and Productivity,” will discuss how digital technology provides tools to improve planning, clinical execution, prosthetic design, manufacturing, maintenance and cost of care. Finally, the third presentation, led by Bridget Marron, “Using Digital Solutions to Achieve Exceptional Esthetic Results,” is intended to inform participants of recent advances in digital technology and implant therapy. This presentation will review the use of planning software and surgical guides to provide patient-specifc abutments and milled provisionals and fnal restorations for all major implant systems. All presentations are in Michigan C, Bronze Level. • • daL dt technologies DT will host six presentations each day of Lab Day (all in the Randolph Room). Four of these presentations will cover the new cubeX 2 cubic zirconia, which is said to be a material breakthrough for technicians searching for esthetics combined with material excellence. The cubeX 2 combines the strength of zirconia (720 MPas) with the translucency of lithium disilicates into a state-of-the-art material indicated for single tooth and three-unit bridgework for any position in the arch. Additionally, each day one presentation will be led by Christoph Stark (imesicore), Gerhard de Boer (Dental Direkt) and Tillman Steinbrecher (exocad), where they will introduce their new mill, zirconia and CAD products. In the Randolph room, DT will also display multiple CAD/ CAM products and materials. For more information, please contact DT at 888894-2148. • evident Evident dental lab software is constantly updating its system to accommodate the requirements for dental lab owners and employees. Some of the recent features that have been added include a new user interface with quick search capability and easier, quick reporting; new access process; and a new tech login/scan interface for fast production updating. Evident recently won the JDT WOW! Readers’ Choice award for 2014. In an increasingly consolidating industry, Evident is trying to help its customers keep on track and on-time. Evident is exhibiting at the LMT Lab Day and the Cal-Lab Group meeting. Additionally, Sales and Marketing Manager Rayne Verity is presenting for the CNC group on Friday. • Glidewell Laboratories Glidewell Laboratories is set to unveil CloudPoint™ during LMT Lab Day Chicago 2015, and you can see this new development in digital dental technology up close by visiting the Wrigley Landmark Suite. Demonstrations are ongoing from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both days. For your laboratory’s outsourcing needs, the Glidewell Milling Center is a ready partner, offering services for BruxZir® solid zirconia restorations, Inclusive ® custom implant abutments, Inclusive milled implant bars and much more. Plus, the comprehensive Inclusive product line of prosthetic components is now compatible with up to 12 of the most popular dental implant platforms. Another exciting newcomer is BruxZir™ Anterior, a highly esthetic restorative material exhibiting an average fexural strength of 650 MPa with translucency and color similar to natural dentition. 22 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 • • eti digital technology E TI Digit al Technolog y will showcase and demonstrate Dental Wings’ new scanners with re-engineered designs and the complete suite of the Dental Wings Open Software (with the latest 4.0 Version) including: Crown and bridge, partial frameworks, model builder, ortho archiving, abutments and screw-retained bar & bridge and full dentures. ETI Digital Technology will also showcase its complete CAD/CAM product line, including a variety of CAD/CAM materials that have been tested, validated and approved by its CAD/CAM technical team. As a distributor for Stratasys 3D Printers, like the Objet Eden260VS, Dental Wings scanners, Roland dental milling machines, UNIQUE CAM software and KDF zircom sintering furnace, ETI Digital Technology can help your lab, whether you are a small-, medium- or large-sized laboratory. The ETI booth will also have ETI Digital’s giveaways and two raffe drawings on an Apple iPod and DIACut Kit (total valued up to $400) at the end of the day on both Friday and Saturday. Visit www. etidigitaltechnology.com or call ETI Digital Technology at 800-451-7778 for more details! GC america GC America’s Initial IQ Lustre Paste NF technology is now available for gum shades. GC Initial IQ Lustre Paste NF Gum Shades are three-dimensional ceramic stains developed to enable technicians to create a lifelike transition from the crown margin to the gingival, just by painting the gum shades. GC America also presents Initial LiSi, a new member of the popular ceramic line of Initial. This new ceramic is a specialized veneering ceramic designed for lithium disilicate frameworks. With these types of frameworks gaining popularity, GC now offers a material for highly esthetic and durable restorations for long-term patient satisfaction. Stop by the GC America booth to check out these products and more! harvest dental • Harvest Dental will showc ase t he Cerafirm Ceramic Build-up System, a glycol- and glycerinfree ceramic buildup solution that reportedly offers excellent stability and frmness and eliminates slumping. For use with high- or low-fusing ceramics, it enables pinpoint control by allowing ceramic to stay exactly where it’s put. Harvest Dental will also host a live demo experience at both Lab Day Chicago at the Hyatt (Feb. 27-28) and Spectrum Techno Clinical Day at the Fairmont (Fri., Feb. 27) where professionals learn from the likes of Peter Pizzi, Joshua Polansky, Thomas Sing, Nondas Vlachapolous, Javier Vasquez, Thomas Zaleske, Victor Castro, Alessandro Arnone, Frank Acosta, Keyon Jack, Jay Black and Francesco Arnone. ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclar Vivadent has multiple events throughout the weekend in Chicago. At Lab Day Chicago, it will feature the Ivoclar Vivadent Lab Day Lecture Series on Saturday, Feb. 28, in Grand Ballrooms A & B. Speakers include Dr. Robert Winter; Matt Roberts, CDT; Jürgen Seger, MDT; Oliver Brix, MDT; and Lee Culp, CDT, speaking on a variety of topics, including digital design and new developments in IPS e.max. Ivoclar Vivadent will also host the “More than a Denture” symposium on Friday, Feb. 27, in Grand Ballrooms A & B. This symposium features live demonstrations with industry experts and speakers dedicated to pushing removable science forward. dlpmagazine.com ES566817_dlp0215_022.pgs 02.05.2015 01:18 ADV CAD CAM THREADED ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE IN YOUR DENTAL LIBRARY Imported and Distributed By American Recovery 877-778-8383 www.rhein83usa.com [email protected] Interested? Circle Product Card No. 20 magenta cyan yellow black ES566887_DLP0215_023_FP.pgs 02.05.2015 02:31 ADV Gleco Trap® HV Plaster Trap Trends Forward \\\\ 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo • Kerr Labs • Kerr offers an extensive portfolio of precision casting products used daily by most laboratories globally. Kerr’s offerings include market-leading brands and products in such categories as electronic waxing, stone and plaster, sculpturing, dipping and esthetic waxes, carving instruments, casting machine and accessories, articulators, solutions, die spacers and restorative products. Visit kerrlab.com for more information about their products. 1 • Available in 3.5-gallon and 5-gallon models Release air to pre-drain. 2 • Remove full container. 3 • Available through these and other fine dental dealers. Interested? Circle Product Card No. 21 magenta cyan yellow black LabStar Magic touch Software Magic Touch Software will present the frst look at Version 10 of its Dental Lab Customer & Production Management (DLCPM) software suite, showcasing new features including Smart Rx, the all new Campaign Manager, DAMAS Procedures with Equipment Maintenance and redesigned Laboratory Dashboards, just to name a few. Attendees can also test drive DLPCM Net, the only lab management system that is accessible from any tablet or laptop while providing the fexibility to store your data in house or in the cloud. Connect new container. Instead of leak-prone flexible hoses found on other traps, the Gleco Trap HV uses standard 1½" threaded inlet and outlet ports to ensure a positively leak-proof assembly. Adapts easily to existing plumbing. Each kit includes a heavy-duty container and all 1½" PVC plumbing components. Kuraray Noritake LabStar’s most recent upgrade in 2015 simplifes task and technician management. The upgrade includes oneclick “try-in” and “outsource” management—reportedly a unique feature among dental lab software. LabStar will also host a seminar on Saturday morning to discuss how cloud-based software helps labs achieve both greater effciency and higher proft. LabStar not only focuses on internal lab management but also on client management to help build long-term customer relationships. Fully customizable for both large and small labs, LabStar manages digital workfows but just as easily helps users manage hand-built restorations. Visit the LabStar booth at Lab Day! Threaded connections eliminate leaks! The Gleco Trap HV features a newlyengineered, air-tight lid with threaded inlet and outlet extensions that reserve an air pocket inside. When the trap is full, simply remove the air-release plug to drain inlet and outlet plumbing into the bucket before disconnecting. Patented design prevents the mess and contamination that occurs with removal of traditional plaster traps. Komet USA will present an array of laboratory instruments and services at the Chicago Midwinter Dental Meeting (Booth 4807) and LMT Lab Day (Booth 1402). In addition to Komet® diamonds, burs, discs, abrasives and polishers, the company will showcase its ceramic cutters, featuring white, high-performance ceramic heads designed for gentle, precise application for shaping, trimming and cutting acrylic. Visitors can learn more about instrument kits optimized for use with high-strength ceramic materials (LD0707), a new web store and and a conversion service. For more information, call 888-566-3887 or visit kometusa.com. Kuraray Noritake will present at Lab Day Chicago with clinics on Feb. 27 featuring well-known speakers, including Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, on “The Ceramic Updates in Esthetic Dentistry” from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.; Jean Chiha, CDT, on “The Power of Using KATANA Zirconia ML” from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Nondas Vlachopoulos, CDT, on “Esthetics on Full Ceramic Restorations” from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. On Feb. 28, Edward A. McLaren, DDS, MDC, will present “Initial Test Results of Noritake Value Shades” with table demonstrations by Chiha and Vlachopoulos. No preregistration required. The newly released KATANA ML shades will be featured at the exhibit hall. Vlachopoulos will also present during Techno-Clinical Day Program at Spectrum Dialogue on Feb. 27, and Kuraray is exhibiting at the Cal-Lab 89th annual meeting. Air-release plug allows pre-drainage of excess water into container before disconnection! New leak-proof construction! Komet uSa • MiSt iNC. MIST, a provider of advanced CAD/CAM implant prosthetic technology, is introducing the Dyamach DT2 “Titanium Powerhouse” 5-Axis Mill as well as new MIST IC titanium and zirconia implant components at Chicago Lab Day 2015. MIST will also sponsor Saturday clinics where attendees will learn about implant bar design, in-house milling of titanium implant prosthetics and the efåcient use of digital scanners. All MIST clinic attendees will receive CE credits and will also have a chance to win the new DOF Swing™ Scanner. For more information about MIST Clinics and new products, visit MISTdental.com or call 571-313-1269. • Nobel Biocare At Lab Day Chicago, be the frst to experience the next step of pioneering product development—in just the right setting—using virtual reality technology. Join the journey at the NobelProcera Innovation Forum on Friday, Feb. 27, 2015, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Those in attendance will witness how Nobel Biocare is “bringing innovation back” with a sneak peek into the company’s future innovations. Dr. Scott MacLean will guide the audience through new predictable posterior restorations on wide-diameter implants, the Integrated Treatment Workýow powered by SmartFusion™ and cement-free esthetics. Conrad Rensburg, CDT, will then discuss implant innovations and the All on 4® treatment concept. The presentation is two CE credits and has no fee to attend. To register, please contact Nobel Biocare Training and Education at 800-579-6515. Nobel Biocare will also offer training sessions throughout Lab Day Chicago. 24 dentallabproducts February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES566813_dlp0215_024.pgs 02.05.2015 01:17 ADV With So Many Options, How Will You Choose? “There are so many milling disc manufacturers out there producing good quality products, how do I make my choice? Easy… I buy Vericore discs from Whip Mix because for 95 years they have stood behind their products. Period.” Al Fillastre, Owner Ceram-O-Arts Dental Lab Lakeland, FL • Great quality discs • Great prices • Great support Whip Mix Corporation 800 626-5651 www.whipmix.com Connect With Us! Interested? Circle Product Card No. 22 magenta cyan yellow black ES563681_DLP0215_025_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:52 ADV For all major implant systems NEW A removable prosthesis with the comfort of a fixed restoration Available for all major implant systems, the ATLANTIS Conus concept allows for friction-fit, non-resilient prosthetic solutions for fully edentulous patients. • Individually designed using the patented ATLANTIS VAD (Virtual Abutment Design) software for parallel abutments and margin levels as close to the soft tissue as possible. • Designed to fit SynCone caps, ensuring a tightly-seated final restoration and minimizing gaps and micro-movement. • Stable and comfortable implant-supported, palate-free DENTSPLY Implants does not waive any right to its trademarks by not using the symbols ® or ™. 32670750-US-1410 © 2014 DENTSPLY Implants. All rights reserved. ATLANTIS™ Conus concept prosthesis designed for optimal chewing function, sense of taste and oral hygiene. www.dentsplyimplants.com Interested? Circle Product Card No. 23 magenta cyan yellow black ES563682_DLP0215_026_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:52 ADV //// 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo optimet • • The Optimet New DSi 6000 ultra-high precision dental chairside scanner is designed to offer patients the highest standards for complex dental prosthetics. With the push of a button, the DSi 6000’s scanning technology can capture the dental contours of impression materials with extraordinary precision, including narrow and deep holes, steep angles and other features that are diffcult to scan. The DSi 6000 is also designed to help streamline the dental prosthetic restoration process to save time and money. The scanner is reportedly easy to use, with operators only needing an hour of training to be set up. Dentists continue using dental impressions while dental technicians can create prosthetics without using gypsum to fll the impression materials. There is no need to manually create molds meaning time and material costs are further saved. Visit the Optimet booth at Lab Day Chicago to learn more. PREAT Corporation continues to support dental laboratory partners with a wide selection of attachments, implant prosthetics and restorative solutions as well as educational courses and technical support. At the PREAT booth at Lab Day Chicago, pick up your copy of PREAT’s 2015 restorative manual, which provides technical support and information on more than 40 different implant systems as well as PREAT’s full line of attachments. Additionally, the PRISM design center works closely with restorative dental laboratories to provide patient-specifc structures on more than 200 restorative platforms. The printed titanium and CoCr implant suprastructures with Pearl retentive surface may also include PREAT’s dynamic angled access channels to move the screw access holes 24° into more esthetic and functional positions. Renfert uSa • At this year’s Lab Day Chicago, Renfert will celebrate its 90th anniversary, complete with a cake ceremony at 5:00 p.m .on the Friday of Lab Day, and drawings for free prizes! The Renfert booth will also feature live demos on both Friday and Saturday, along with showcasing products like the Top spin drill along with the all-new Basic eco microblaster and the die:master Ivory die preparation. Panthera dental This year at Lab Day Chicago, Panthera Dental will launch its custom abutments service. Additionally, it will start accepting 3Shape fles. Panthera recently also received FDA clearance for its anti-snoring device to sell in the United States. Stay tuned for news about Panthera Dental’s new offce in the United States. Finally, Panthera Dental will sponsor eight presentations at Lab Day featuring well known speakers and also will host Corey Wootton of the Minnesota Vikings at its Lab Day booth. • Primotec uSa Stop by the Primotec USA booth and learn about their new products. Primotec will show a variety of new CAD/CAM materials. The very popular PREMIOtemp multilayer will now be available in all VITA shades. This ultra-esthetic PMMA temporary material combines many layers of colors into one disc, giving the restoration the most natural look possible. Primotec also has a new line of wax discs along will mono-shaded PMMA in all VITA shades. Stop by the booth to see live demonstrations by Mark Stueck, CDT, and Joe Santos at Cal-Lab, Spectrum Dialogue Techno-Clinical Day and LMT Lab Day Chicago. Visit primotecusa.com, call 866-643-3129 or email [email protected] for more information. PReat • Trends Forward • Rhein83 uSa Rhein83 USA will exhibit its complete line of attachments and implant overdenture abutments in two locations, starting with the Cal-Lab meeting Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Westin Hotel, located on Michigan Avenue, and again at LMT Lab Day Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Featured products include the low-profle Equator 4 in 1 System and the classic Sphero Block and Flex implant abutment systems. Rhein83’s technical team will be there answering your most diffcult case questions and demonstrating how to approach severe divergent implant overdenture treatment plans. In addition, Dennis Urban, CDT, will lecture at Spectrum Dialogue highlighting Rhein83 attachment systems. Join Our Family of SUCCESSFUL & PRODUCTIVE Laboratories NEW DESIGNS for 2015 Dental Wings 3Series Scanner Dental Wings 7Series Scanner SMARTMill4ª (Roland DWX-4 & Unique CAM) SMARTMill50ª (Roland DWX-50 & Unique CAM) Objet Eden 260VS 3D Printer ETI is Your Complete Source for CAD/CAM Materials We Can Help You Bring the Future to Your Lab for Less Than $40K (800) 451-7778 etidigitaltechnology.com • [email protected] • Anaheim, CA Interested? Circle Product Card No. 24 dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dentallabproducts 27 ES566819_dlp0215_027.pgs 02.05.2015 01:18 ADV Trends Forward • \\\\ 2015 Guide to ChiCaGo • Roland dGa • • Sagemax’s NexxZr™ T is designed to be the industry’s most translucent zirconia. NexxZr™ T has the highest translucent properties of all materials tested, recently receiving a 5-star rating from THE DENTAL ADVISOR in a long-term clinical study. The NexxZr™ T Shaded 19 is a high translucent pre-shaded zirconia that easily matches all VITA A1 to D4 shades plus three bleach shades. Used for full contour and layering, NexxZr™ T Shaded 19 offers extremely high consistency and effciency and minimum cutback. Check out the material at the Sagemax booth at Lab Day Chicago. Smile Line uSa Smile Line USA will introduce an advanced instrument line developed for the creative dental artist. Each set is composed of the highest quality Swiss-manufactured components. The Smile Lite/Smile Capture gained recognition in 2014 as one of the top products for communication and photography with the iPhone, and users will soon have the ability to use any smartphone with this system. Smile Line USA is also exhibiting at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting with many products for the clinical market. You are invited Friday evening to the annual wine reception at the Smile Line booth at 5 p.m. Additionally, for the second year, Smile Line is co-sponsoring with GC America DTG members with demonstrations at the Smile Line booth at LMT Lab Day. Demonstrations will occur all weekend with presenters including Dr. Chad Perry, Lucas Lammott, Luz Angela Ramirez, James Choi and many more. • Straumann Straumann is launching a new solution for fxed edentulous solutions at Lab Day. Join Straumann in Ballroom G Friday from 9 to 10 a.m, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1 to 2 p.m. and 3 to 4 p.m. to hear from Dr. William Ralstin and Darrel Clark, CDT, on how to treat these cases. Clark will give a separate presentation outlining where denture conversions ft into your lab’s business model. Saturday in Ballroom G, Mark W. Schaefer, social media marketing expert and author, will speak from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. with tips for bringing social media to your laboratory. Learn more at straumannlabday.com. 28 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 Sterngold Sterngold is introducing a brand new product: the SternSnap, a new overdenture implant abutment system. This new concept reportedly will solve the problems associated with other popular attachments. Sterngold is also now offering the most widely used implant overdenture abutment system of all time, the ball-and-o-ring. Sterngold has reintroduced this abutment as the ORA. Its continued popularity is due to the number of situations in which it works very well to retain overdentures in a simple and inexpensive procedure. These abutments ft all of today’s popular implants. Other product offerings include bars, such as the SFI Bar, a modular bar system that is truly stress-free, and the Hader Bar, which has been the most widely used bar in the world for decades. Additionally, with 18 styles, the ERA is said to be the most comprehensive removable prosthetic system in history. • • Sirona dental inc. Visit Sirona Dental Inc.’s booth to experience the new system that truly and seamlessly switches between both wet and dry milling functions. A fve-axis milling and grinding unit, the inLab® MC X5 processes a wide variety of material discs and blocks. The unit is equipped to handle all standardized discs and has disc management and extensive nesting functions that ensure efåcient utilization of materials. In addition to milling discs, a specially designed multi-block holder can be loaded with up to six different material blocks. The inLab MC X5 accommodates a number of indications for processing zirconium oxide, polymers, composites, wax, glass ceramics, hybrid ceramics and metals. The inLab MC X5 is an open production unit and is compatible with a wide variety of existing CAD/CAM equipment. Sagemax • SafeLink Consulting Attend SafeLink’s Infection Control course at Lab Day and learn how to assess your lab’s protocol, understand OSHA’s new record keeping rules and comply with the changes in state regulations affecting dental laboratories. When considering new vendors and subcontractors at Lab Day, ensure they meet your Quality System requirements. Section 820.50 of the FDA’s Quality System regulation requires establishments to evaluate and select suppliers and subcontractors to meet quality requirements. Contact SafeLink to learn more and how to establish an effective Quality System. SafeLink specializes in supporting dental facilities across the United States and worldwide with regulatory compliance, including OSHA’s federal and state regulations, to ensure a healthy and safe workplace and compliance with the FDA’s requirements for quality management. SafeLink is an authorized DAMAS certiåcation auditor. For more information, call 800-330-6003 or visit safelinkconsulting.com. Roland will showcase its advanced dental technologies at LMT Lab Day 2015, including the DWX-50 fve-axis milling machine and DWX-4 compact milling machine, plus a new and exciting addition to the Roland dental lineup being shown for the frst time worldwide at Lab Day Chicago. Roland’s DWX mills have reportedly ushered in a new era of digital dentistry, enabling labs to dramatically expand their capabilities while keeping operating costs low. The DWX-50 features fve-axis simultaneous machining, a fve-station automatic tool changer and integrated air blower and dust collection systems, while the DWX-4 offers a small footprint for milling a wide variety of restoration materials. Attendees can stop by booth I-20 for a closer look at these devices plus a sneak peek at the latest addition to the DWX series. talladium Multi-layered PMMA discs offer dental technicians an innovative, pre-shaded acrylic resin material, which can be used for temporary crowns and bridges. Talladium’s multi-layered PMMA discs incorporate three shades, perfectly blended together, giving the restoration a truly natural look. Excellent color stability adds to high bending resistance, making the multi-layered PMMA discs an excellent option for your CAD/CAM lab. Call Talladium at 800-221-6449 and stop by its booth at Lab Day Chicago to learn more. dlpmagazine.com ES566815_dlp0215_028.pgs 02.05.2015 01:18 ADV Trends Forward • • Why Become a Certified Laboratory? Excellent value, consistent precision and complete control of your own digital designs Valplast Valplast International Corporation is exploring unique and innovative avenues of education. Valplast will be streaming live and interactive webinars for those looking for an exclusive look into its methods and techniques. These webinars will cover topics from denture design to specific Valplast finishing and polishing techniques. At Lab Day Chicago, Valplast will sponsor several sessions: “New Techniques for Valplast ® Flexible Partials: CAD/CAM Technology Overview, Design Essentials and Easy Finishing and Polishing” from Justin Marks, CDT, which will explore the latest techniques to achieve optimal results with Valplast® Flexible Partials; and hands-on workshops: CAD for Valplast® (one hour) and Finishing and Polishing Valplast ® Flexible Partials (one hour), both conducted by Justin Marks, CDT. Includes a FREE implant analog with every abutment ® ® Titanium Custom Abutments Zirconia Custom Abutments $ 99* $ 129* per abutment per abutment from your from your digital scan or model design file $129* $139 * per abutment per abutment from your from your digital scan or model design file ® CAD/CAM Bars & Frameworks $ 799* per bar from your model, digital scan or digital design file, with no limit on number of implants Nationwide marketing of your laboratory Vita North america VITA North America will introduce new vPad furnace control units. The vPads feature new LED displays, a new energy-effciency mode, seamless transition from pre-drying to sintering (when using the VITA MS sintering furnace) and a sleek new frame. The VITA VACUMAT 6000 M furnace will be released in six bold new colors for 2015. Additionally, VITA Enamic hybrid ceramic material will be shown, and there will also be a preview of the new ENAMIC IS milling block for implants. • ® Monthly Trade Journal Ads Quarterly Email Blasts XPdent Booth XPdent will be presenting Visio.lign, a light curing system that includes PMMA high impact veneers and denture teeth, a nano-flled, shaded, fowable composite and a bonding system with matched shades, reportedly the perfect combination of individual and effcient implant veneering techniques. Visio.lign helps technicians solve complex implant cases, including immediate loaded implant cases, hybrids, veneering zirconia, immediate temporaries and other applications. Quarterly Direct Mail Campaigns Certified Laboratory Website Validated precision machining with robotic handling and inspection • Zirkonzahn At Zirkonzahn’s booth, attendees will be able to check out the five-axis Milling Unit M1 Wet Heavy Metal, which makes it possible to process zirconia, titanium, chrome cobalt, PMMA, wax and prefabricated titanium abutments, as well as glass ceramics. Thus, besides crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and telescopic crowns, full-zirconia abutments, screw connections, attachments, bars and full prostheses can be created. Visitors can also check out the Face Hunter and the TitaniumSpectral Colouring Anodizer. Additionally, Enrico Steger, MDT, and founder of Zirkonzahn, is speaking at the APS annual scientifc meeting on Thursday from 2:152:35 p.m. and at LMT Lab Day on Saturday from 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Alessandro Cucchiaro, MDT, is giving a speech at the Spectrum Dialogue Techno-Clinical Day on Friday from 8:30-9:20 a.m. All Inclusive Custom Abutments, Bars and Frameworks are manufactured using CAD/CAM technology, under strict quality control processes created by a team of dental technicians, engineers, machinists and dentists with decades of combined industry experience. * Price does not include shipping or applicable taxes. With a digital scan or design file, there is only a $7 return shipping fee. Offer is only ER TIFIE D C valid in the U.S. Custom abutment prices vary for Keystone Dental PrimaConnex¨ and Neoss¨. CAD/CAM bar and framework prices may vary based on cost of ancillary components of chosen implant system. Call for more information on becoming a Certified Inclusive Laboratory 877-708-7902 www.glidewelldental.com February 2015 magenta cyan yellow black dentallabproducts 29 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 25 ES566824_dlp0215_029.pgs 02.05.2015 01:18 ADV 360º Zirconia Zirconia 360˚ a roundup of some of the leading zirconia options in the dental lab market. compiled by the DLP editorial team At this point, zirconia is a known quantity. Labs love obvious is how quickly zirconia is advancing. Material Whether you’re a small lab, a large lab or somewhere it, dentists love it, patients love it—sometimes each for science is pushing the material forward quickly, with no in-between, here are some materials you need to know. diferent reasons, but everyone has tested the material sign of stopping. We wanted to bring lab technicians a and found something to praise. But what might not be as quick roundup of some of the leading options out there. Amann Girrbach Argen Ceramill Zolid is a highly translucent, multi-indicative zirconium oxide ArgenZTM Transitionally Shaded Esthetic Milled Zirconia ofers labs accurate, life-like used for fully anatomical and anatomically reduced frameworks. Its high restorations through the digital workfow in full contour crowns, full contour bridges, translucency with long-term stability is said to set Ceramill Zolid apart from frameworks and copings. other dental ceramics. Ceramill Zolid is not a single product but is engineered • Available in 16 classic Vita shades and three bleach shades from single unit to full to be much more of a complete system, comprising material and methods for roundhouse. guaranteed, interference-free and esthetic restorations. Te integrated range • ArgenZ Esthetic Full Contour is transitionally shaded, blending the gingival body color of zirconium oxide blanks, staining and coloring solutions was designed to into a translucent incisal. be compact and clear to ensure process reliability, without restricting the • All shades are 100% inêltrated throughout the units giving consistent shading and no diversity of customization options. Ceramill Zolid is available in classic white whites spots after grinding, polishing, or adjustments. and in four pre-shaded tones. Labs upload .STL design êles from any open architecture scanner to argendigital.com by CerAmILL ZoLId 800-851-3719 | amanngirrbach.com CIrCLe rS #26 ArgenZ 3:00pm PST and receive 1-8 unit cases in two business days, 9-14 units in three business days. 800-255-5524 | argendigital.com CIrCLe rS #27 Custom Automated Prosthetics Aurident deLtA ZIrConIA Aurident ofers Delta Zirconia, an economical yttria stabilized zirconia designed for CAD/CAM processing of full contour crowns, copings, implants, veneers and bridges. Delta Zirconia uses nano-particles in a proprietary process to reportedly produce a uniform and consistent microstructure. Discs and blocks are available in CubeX2 Dental Direkt’s cubeX 2 super-high translucent zirconia is described as a material breakthrough for technicians who love esthetics and excellence. OŁcially being introduced at Lab Day Chicago, this biocompatible material combines the strength of zirconia (720 MPa) and the translucency of lithium disilicate and is said to be perfect for both anterior and posterior restorations. ǔis mixture of strength and translucency is a 1200 MPa highly translucent form or a 1400 MPa high strength form in the most engineered to allow for the patient’s natural dentin color to come through, allowing for popular sizes. Sintered restorations are compatible with all zirconia porcelains. a restoration that blends with the adjacent teeth appearing more as a natural tooth and not a restoration. Clearance is anticipated from the FDA in early March, 2015. 800-422-7373 | aurident.com 877-977-7889 | cap-us.com CIrCLe rS #28 30 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black CIrCLe rS #29 February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES565025_dlp0215_030.pgs 02.03.2015 00:18 ADV W E H A V E Y O U R M TERI LS CONTACT A CAP MATERIALS SPECIALIST TODAY S C A N N E R S | M I L L S | M A T E R I A L S | E D U C A T I O N | R E S U L T S SHOP.CAP-US.COM 877-977-7889 85 MAPLE ST., STONEHAM, MA 02180 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 42 magenta cyan yellow black ES563671_DLP0215_031_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:51 ADV 360º Zirconia Digital Age Dental Laboratories DAL DT Technologies Esprit Dental CryStAL ZIrConIA CubeX CubIC ZIrConIA FuSIon-one™ 600 Digital Age Dental Laboratories, Ltd. is an ISO- DAL DT Technologies will soon ofer the cubeX 2 Fusion-One™ 600 is made of a monolithic zirconia certiêed and FDA-registered facility fully equipped Cubic Zirconia. Manufactured by Dental Direkt material, using state of the art CAD/CAM with CAD/CAM printers and milling machines. of Germany, cubeX Cubic Zirconia is reportedly systems. Te crown made with the material is an DADL oŀers Full/Solid Zirconia crown & bridge a material breakthrough for technicians who are all-ceramic crown. ǔe Fusion-One 600 crown restorations fabricated with Crystal Zirconia, searching for esthetics combined with material reportedly has a life-like shape and translucent which are reportedly virtually fracture-free and excellence. ǔis highly biocompatible cubic color that provides an exact color match with the are engineered to deliver an optimal strength zirconia combines the strength of zirconia (720 patient’s own natural teeth. It has no metal alloy of 850MPa with a precision êt. By choosing to MPa) and the translucency of lithium disilicate base, so does not afect the esthetics around the outsource zirconia CAD/CAM restorations to into a material that is indicated for single tooth and gum line. Te crown is designed to be long-lasting, DADL, labs are able to ofer an alternative to full three-unit bridgework for any position in the arch. strong and less prone to fractures when compared cast, semi-precious and porcelain-fused -to-metal ǔe discs will be available in 98.5 mm diameter to other traditional crown types. Fusion-One 600 is (PFMs) products at the most competitive price. size. FDA clearance is pending and is anticipated said to be an excellent choice for dental crowns. All case impressions shipped to Digital Age are in early March, 2015. fabricated within seven days turnaround time. 877-530-3235 | dadlinc.com 2 2 888-894-2148 | daltechsystems.com 877-832-0217 | espritdental.com CIrCLe rS #32 CIrCLe rS #31 CIrCLe rS #30 32 Glidewell Laboratories Ivoclar Vivadent Kuraray America bruXZIr ZenoStAr BruxZir™ Shaded and Shaded 16 Milling Blanks Zenostar is designed to be an ideal choice for full are pre-shaded milling blanks for the production contour zirconia restorations. Te pre-shaded, new KAtAnA ZIrConIA mL ShAdeS of authentic BruxZir® Solid Zirconia restorations. high translucency zirconia is engineered to be Dental laboratories can now produce BruxZir KATANA ML: C-Light (for C1.5–C2), ML: D-Light a strong and versatile solution that meets the crowns and bridges with increased eŁciency (for D1.5–D2), and ML: A-White (NW0–NW0.5 high demands of the most challenging cases. A / B0-A0). ǔese new shades add to the current and lowered costs because they no longer Zenostar restoration is reportedly a perfect option line, which includes the popular and currently have to invest in coloring liquids or the labor for high strength posterior crowns and bridges, required for the coloring process. Compared to available ML: A-Light (for A1.5-A2), ML: A-Dark (for especially when occlusal space is limited. Te material is available in six basic shades, which can A2.5–A3.5), ML: B-Light (B1.5–B2) and monolithic zirconia restorations that have undergone the dipping technique, BruxZir® Shaded restorations be characterized to accommodate each patient’s reportedly exhibit greater shade consistency, all shades utilizing stains), HT12 (for A1, NP1.5, B1 individual esthetic needs. Te zirconia reportedly translucency and esthetics. BruxZir Milling Blanks has outstanding machinability and ëexural and B2) and HT13 (for A2, A3 and NP2.5). KATANA can be used in many popular milling systems. Te strength. While the Zenostar material can be used crowns and veneers, single unit copings, long-span latest entry in the BruxZir product line, BruxZir™ to create cost-efective monolithic restorations, it bridges, plus inlays and onlays. ML and HT are Anterior, is coming soon and is a highly esthetic can also be used as an esthetic framework material engineered to be esthetic, durable, innovative, restorative material for the anterior region. for individual ceramic veneering as well. inherently cost-efective and time-saving. 800-854-7256 | glidewelldental.com 800-533-6825 | ivoclarvivadent.com 800-879-1676 | kuraraydental.com CIrCLe rS #33 CIrCLe rS #34 CIrCLe rS #35 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 Kuraray Noritake presents new additions of shades HT10 (Esthetic White / Bleach Shades, or Zirconia ML and HT are suitable for full contour dlpmagazine.com ES565023_dlp0215_032.pgs 02.03.2015 00:17 ADV EyeSpecial C-II Built in dental grid lines and spot focusing capabilities. SMART DIGITAL CAMERA, DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY FOR DENTISTRY SNESCIIL -0115 8 shooting modes Isolate shade for shade matching 3.5 LCD screen and 12 megapixels Water and chemical resistant Lightweight – anti-shake mode built in Shofu Dental Corporation • San Marcos, CA Visit www.shofu.com or call 800.827.4638 Interested? Circle Product Card No. 43 360º Zirconia Sirona Dental, Inc. Straumann Talladium InCorIS tZI™ StrAumAnn ZerIon tALLAdIum ZIrConIA Sirona Dental, Inc.’s inCoris™ TZI full-contour Straumann® zerion® is a high-performance ceramic Talladium’s Zirconia ofers multiple sizes and translucent zirconia blocks are engineered to be suitable for a broad spectrum of applications, shapes in High Strength and High Translucency extremely durable and are indicated for full- from frameworks to full anatomical restorations, for technicians’ milling needs. Talladium’s yttria- contour crowns, bridges and screw-retained for high ëexibility. Available in nine LT (low stabilized zirconia (available in blocks and disks) implant crowns. Made of solid zirconia with translucency) and four HT (high translucency) is isostatically cold pressed and partially sintered, no porcelain overlay, the blocks are reportedly colors, technicians can choose the option that producing a quality êt available for single units virtually chip-proof and ideal for patients when mimics the patient’s existing natural dentition. and up to 14-unit frameworks with no distortion. PFM with metal occlusal or full-cast restorations zerion HT is available for Straumann’s CARES® When machined, the copings and frameworks are are not an option. With a ëexural strength of X-Stream™, a one-step, single-tooth implant based smoothly cut away, reportedly leaving exceptional 950 MPa (+/- 50), the monolithic composition prosthetic restoration that delivers in one scan accuracy. Talladium is also introducing a new line makes the blocks extremely strong and durable. and design session the customized abutment and of Shaded Luminesse (SZ) zirconia. ǔe SZ zirconia Restorations require minimum shoulder crown together for the laboratory. Labs reportedly is engineered to provide consistent shades. Te preparation and provide a perfect marginal êt. enjoy consistent quality through a validated SZ Luminesse zirconia is also made of yttria- In addition, inCoris TZI can be used when cases interface from scan to design to milling within the stabilized zirconia and manufactured using the require under-reducing for any number of reasons. Straumann validated workfow. highest quality of blended ingredients to provide 800-659-5977 | sironausa.com 800-448-8168 | straumann.us CIrCLe rS #36 CIrCLe rS #37 ® ® excellent translucency. SZ Luminesse is available in 16 Vita shades and 100/98mm discs. 800-221-6449 | talladium.com CIrCLe rS #38 Whip Mix Zirkonzahn 3M ESPE VerICore ZIrConIA dISCS PrettAu AnterIor LAVA™ PLuS hIgh trAnSLuCenCy ZIrConIA Zirkonzahn’s Prettau® Anterior is a new and highly Whip Mix oŀers a wide variety of zirconia in high biocompatible zirconia material. Said to be ideally strength natural white and pre-shaded discs (in suited for the use in the anterior tooth region, it Vita Classic shades A1, A2 & A3) with a natural has a ëexural strength of 670 MPa. ǔe material translucency. Lab technicians can use Vericore Zr is indicated for single and partial crowns, inlays, for substructures and Vericore HT for monolithic, onlays, veneers and a maximum of a three-unit Lava Plus High Translucency Zirconia from 3M ESPE is a zirconia system designed to deliver the esthetics of layered restorations in a monolithic all-zirconia. Compared to other shaded zirconia materials, the Lava Plus zirconia system reportedly high-translucency, full-contour needs. All Vericore bridge (fully anatomic or reduced). Prettau discs oŀer a diameter of 98mm and are available Anterior is also appropriate for the posterior area. compromising strength. Featuring a wide range with and without collars in a variety of sizes from Due to the optimized microstructure of zirconium of Dying Liquids and Efect Shades, this system 10mm to 25mm. oxide, Prettau Anterior has highly transparent includes 18 natural, warm colors, seven Eŀect and esthetic properties. In combination with Shades and a fuorescent Efect Shade for unlimited the Colour Liquids Prettau Anterior Aquarell individualization before sintering. Lava™ Plus Dying 800-626-5651 | whipmix.com CIrCLe rS #39 especially developed for this purpose, the ICE Zirkon Prettau® Stains and ICE Zirkon 3D by Enrico Steger Stains, fully anatomic restorations are now provides higher translucency and beauty, without Liquids is designed to oŀer excellent matches to the VITA® classical shade guide and a conversion for common VITA SYSTEM 3D-Master® Shades. also possible in the anterior tooth region. 800-634-2249 | 3MESPE.com 678-441-9419 | zirkonzahn.com CIrCLe rS #40 34 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 CIrCLe rS #41 dlpmagazine.com ES565210_dlp0215_034.pgs 02.03.2015 01:51 ADV Go to: dlpmagazine.com/Products LAB PRODUCTS SHOWCASE PRODUCTS & SERVICE LAB SUPPLIES AESTHETIC_PRESS Fast, Accurate, Simple. “Methods evolve.” Search The Monotrac V2 Supermodel with full-featured capability provides efficient, accurate, simple solutions for all your model, die and articulation needs. 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Even Temp™ Muffles are available for the following porcelain furnace manufacturers: Jelenko Jelrus Ney Whip Mix IntraTech Dentsply Ceramco Unitek Ivoclar Degussa Jeneric Pentron CMP We guarantee that you will not be able to beat our price, service or quality. Call us at 1 (800) 645-7237 • [email protected] • www.dentaladp.com MARKETPLACE ADVERTISING To Advertise in Dental Lab Products Marketplace Contact: Linda Barrier at 1-800-225-4569 ext. 2701 [email protected] dlpmagazine.com ES566455_dlp0215_036_CL.pgs 02.04.2015 02:46 ADV For more products & services information, go to http://marketplace.dentalproductsreport.com MARKETPLACE PRODUCTS & SERVICES SUPPLIES New Flexite T-VAL Polyolefin Partial Content Licensing for Every Marketing Strategy Marketing solutions ft for: • Outdoor • Direct Mail • Print Advertising • Tradeshow/POP Displays • Social Media • Radio & Television Logo Licensing | Reprints *Thin andand Comfortable. *Thin Comfortable. *Translucent—blends nicely withwith gums. *Translucent—blends nicely gums. *Available with or without natural veins. *Available with or without natural veins. *Stays clean andand stain freefree longer than *Stays clean stain longer than *other brand partials. *other brand partials. *Won’t absorb moisture *Won’t absorb moisture *Odor Resistant *Odor Resistant *Easy to adjust, addadd to and polish. *Easy to adjust, to and polish. 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Contact Wright’s Media to fnd out more about how we can customize your acknowledgements and recognitions to enhance your marketing strategies. For more information, call Wright’s Media at 877.652.5295 or visit our website at www.wrightsmedia.com dlpmagazine.com magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dentallabproducts ES566457_dlp0215_037_CL.pgs 02.04.2015 02:47 37 ADV Questions TEN 02. A n a xd e n t N o r t h A m e r i c a recently began distribution of Pekkton (Cendres + Métaux), a new high-performance polymer, in the U.S. You’ve been working with it—what kinds of cases do you primarily use Pekkton for? Do you use the millable or the pressable version? The case selection is really infinite. You can use it almost anywhere you would use alloys or zirconia. It combines for me the best of both worlds with very little negatives. I’m working with both methods, and both are good. The pressable version requires more skill and handson and is the more effcient route for me. Q+A Ricky Grillo MDT, CO-OWNER OF HYBRIDGE IMPLANTS 01. What is your background in the lab world? What is your lab’s specialty? My background is a German mastership in dental technology and science. I spent the first 15 years of my career in Germany and graduated in Cologne. Shortly after, I came to the USA, where I worked for two different laboratories before I founded our laboratory eight years ago. I act as a part owner and facilitate all operations in the laboratory. We have 25 specialized hybrid dental technicians and manufacture all cases on a high-end level with a streamlined process. The process involves the best possible materials, CAD/CAM technology, like printing and milling, and a good mix of new and traditional techniques. We are a full-service lab, and our specialty is full-arch cases, primarily screw-retained full-arch Hybrid bridges. On average, we complete 150 of them a month in different material varieties, including zirconia. I’m personally leading our research and development team, and I’m very involved in fnding new and better ways of streamlining the process. 03. How long have you worked with Pekkton? For about six month now. I went to Europe and trained with Cendres Méteaux and the boys from Beever dental laboratory in England. They came up with a variety of really great processes that are applicable in our laboratory or anywhere else for that matter. The biggest advantage I see is as a bar material for our hybrid bridges. They came out fantastic. 04. What was your experience working with Pekkton? It has been great. It is super light and very strong and is the perfect material for a hybrid screwretained bridge. It’s very easy to work with, and it can be very cost-effective. Again, it combines the best of alloys and zirconia in the framework world. If this material would be translucent and would come in tooth colors, you could make anything out of it. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and, therefore, it has to be laminated with either composite or acrylics. 05. Why is Pekkton particularly suited to the work you do? The environment for implant bridges is brutal. With missing proprioception, patients tend to display excessive bite forces. That can cause chipping and breaking on traditional designs. Pekkton has favorable compressive strength that works as a shock absorber without being fexible. It can be much more cost-effective and offers a wide range of design options. 06. What are some of the other advantages to working with a high-performance polymer versus another type of material like metal or zirconia? You can bond pretty much anything to it: it works as a shock absorber without being fexible, is very strong, can be sterilized and is radiolucent, non-allergenic and lightweight. It is impossible for us to make it non-passive. It always fts passive, which is key for us in the laboratory.. 07. What makes Pekkton different from other types of HPP? Pekkton is the only HPP that has the right rigidity and composition to make bars with. The extra ketone molecule gets us the right composition for the indications we need. The support from Anaxdent and Cendre Méteaux and the whole integrity of the system and its high-end application was key. I found this is the only material that will do what I need for my approach. They are also going to come out with tooth-colored Pekkton. The option of a costeffective pressing solution was also extremely attractive and should be for any smaller highend laboratory or any other that doesn’t have a CAD/CAM system. 08. What kind of support were you offered? Anaxdent has been really great about getting us materials and sending us lecturers. I very often call Germany and the team at Anaxdent and get tips and hints. The team in North America has been very knowledgeable, and if they don’t know the answer to my question, they fnd out. The materials are supreme—they’re expensive, but you get what you pay for. 09. What makes Pekkton a good solution for labs of all sizes? The pressing version; bigger labs will probably be using the CAD/CAM solution. Smaller labs or labs without CAD/CAM could get the inexpensive press and be as attractive to customers as the big labs. You can make some great high-end cases with this little investment. 10. What feedback have you gotten from dentists/patients? Everybody was amazed. They were very surprised by how light it was and the real highend look of it. Especially the version with e.max crowns bonded to them and the Anaxgum gingiva. Everyone pointed out how much more elegant and natural they look. We also create gingiva on the palatal side to integrate these bridges also from a “look-and-feel“ perspective. They loved the ease of use and handling it, and it is easy to change or add anything in case of tissue resorption for example. Not to repeat myself, but it has the best of both worlds in terms of framework of zirconia and alloys. PHOTO COURTESY OF RICKY GRILLO 38 dentallabproducts magenta cyan yellow black February 2015 dlpmagazine.com ES566591_dlp0215_038.pgs 02.04.2015 21:16 ADV The next sofware generation has arrived! Completely reworked user interface New tools for free forming Optimized user guidance Advanced 3D-PDF export Native multi-touch support Webcam integration Optimized 3D-Engine and much more! See it at LMT Lab Day Chicago 2015 The show is at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, From the 27th to the 28th of February, 2015. We will feature the release of new modules, as well as our "new user interface for improved communication to clinicians". Our events will be a beginner and advanced end-user training, as well as a reseller event. Please sign up at [email protected]. exocad.com Interested? Circle Product Card No. 44 magenta cyan yellow black ES563678_DLP0215_CV3_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:52 ADV ® From the makers of ® CLEARsplint www.duraclean2.com ® • • • • • • Composite formulation, a mixture of powder & liquid, can be press-packed or poured Self-adjusting when placed in warm water before inserting in the mouth Material is stronger with greater stability, ideal for bruxism patients Optical clarity is nearly invisible while wearing MMA-free*/BPA-free Wearability and patient comfort are rated excellent *MMA - Methyl Methacrylate ® • 800.323.4144 • astrondental.com Interested? Circle Product Card No. 45 magenta cyan yellow black ES563705_DLP0215_CV4_FP.pgs 01.31.2015 01:56 ADV
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