THE JACKSON CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT SOCIETY OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE WESTERN RAILWAY LTD. ( Established 1912 ) NaushirBharuchaMarg, Grant Road, MUMBAI – 400 007. [Auto Railway : 43651/54 MTNL FAX : (022)-23823599] e-mail :[email protected] Ref No. : JCCS/HO/ELE/2015-2020 Date :05.02.2015 To, ALL CONCERNED NOTIFICATION 1]I Dr.P.L.Bankar, CPO (Construction) W.Rly and Returning Officer, for the Jackson Cooperative Credit Society of the Employees of the Western Railway Ltd., Grant Road, West, Mumbai – 400 007, hereby notify the election programme for election of Directors (20152020) will be held on 10.03.2015as per the MSCS Act, Rules there under and Bye-laws of the Society. 2] The number of Directors that will be required to represent all the TEN constituencies of the Society, including 2 posts reserved for women, 1 post reserved for SC or ST are as under. Sr. Constituency No.of Directors Open No. Woman SC or Total Category ST 1 HQ Mumbai Office:W.R, CCG.including RPF & S&C of BCT Division and gazetted officers of all constituency. 1 nil nil 1 2 Mumbai Central Division :including all sub-divisional offices on BCT Divn. and workshops (PL/MX-Workshops, 2 nil Nil 2 EMU stores, Printing Press etc.) and all other allied offices falling within the jurisdiction of BCT Divn. 3 Ahmedabad Division :including all sub-divisional offices on ADI Divn. and workshops (SBI-Stores, 2 nil nil 2 WM(Sig.), SAO(W&S),RPF,S&C etc.) and all other allied offices falling within the jurisdiction of ADI Divn. 4 VadodaraDivision :including all sub-divisional offices on BRC Divn. and workshops, RPF,S&C and all other 2 nil nil 2 allied offices falling within the jurisdiction of BRC Divn. 5 Rajkot Division : including all sub-divisional offices on RJT Divn. and workshops , RPF,S&C and all other allied 2 nil nil 2 offices falling within the jurisdiction of RJT Divn. 6 Bhavnagar Division : including all sub-divisional offices on BVP Divn. and workshops, RPF,S&C and all other 1 1 nil 2 allied offices falling within the jurisdiction of BVP Divn. 7 Ratlam Division : including all sub-divisional offices on RTM Divn. and workshops (DHD W/shop, including A/cs. 1 1 nil 2 & Stores, RPF,S&C etc.) and all other allied offices falling within the jurisdiction of RTM Divn. 8 Jaipur Division : including all sub-divisional offices on JP Divn. and workshops, RPF,S&C and all other allied 1 nil 1 2 offices falling within the jurisdiction of JP Divn.& JP HQrs. 9 Ajmer Division : including all sub-divisional offices on AII Divn. and workshops, RPF,S&C and all other allied 2 nil nil 2 offices falling within the jurisdiction of AII Divn. (including FTA Office) 10 Kota Division : Including erstwhile Agra sub-division presently on North-Central Railway and Tugalgabad 2 nil nil 2 elect. Loco shed. Alwar to Mathura,Bandikui to Bichpuri and Agra Meter guage section presently in North Central Railway and all sub-Divn. offices on KOTA Divn. including Divisional HQr’s and KTT Workshop, RPF,S&C. TOTAL :16 2 1 19 1 3]As per Society`s Bye Law No.43 (B)(ii) only those shareholders, who have 5 years or more service left as on Date 10.03.2015 and who have put in not less than 12 months' membership as on Date 31.12.2014and whose names appear in the Electoral Rolls (or Supplementaries / correction slips issued thereto) prepared by the Society and who do not attract the provision of Bye-Law No.26 (reproduced below) are requested to submit their nominations in the Form-III so as to reach the Asstt.Returning Officer on or before Date 19.02.2015 by 17.00 hrs. The Nominations received after that date will not be considered. The contesting candidates can obtain the Nomination in the Form-III, as per the specimen, from the Asstt.Returning Officer-Churchgate, Mumbai Central, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Ratlam, Jaipur, Ajmer & Kota. The detailed jurisdictions with polling stations are enclosed in the sheets attached (Annexure’A’). As per Bye Law No.43(B)(iii) the Nomination paper for contesting elections shall be presented to the Asstt.Returning Officer or any other person authorized by him alongwith Receipt issued by JCCS towards deposit of a sum of Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only).If a contestant receives less than 10% of the total valid votes, he will lose the above deposit. BYE - LAW NO.26 DISQUALIFICATION FOR BEING A MEMBER OFTHE BOARD :1.A member of the Society shall be ineligible for being elected as, or for being a member of the Board, if such member :a) has been adjudged by a Competent Court to be insolvent or of unsound mind; b) is concerned or participates in the profits of any contract with the Society; c) has been convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude; d) holds any office or place of profit under the Society; Provided that the Chief Executive or such full-time employee of the Society as may be notified by the Central Government from time to time or a person elected by the employees of such Society to represent them on the Board of such Society shall be eligible for being chosen as, or for being, a member of such board: e) has been a member of the Society for less than twelve months immediately preceding the date of such election or appointment; f)has interest in any business of the kind carried on by the Society of which he ismember. g) has taken loan or goods on credit from the Society of which he is a member, or is otherwise indebted to such Society and after the receipt of a notice of default issued to him by such Society; has defaulted. i) in repayment of such loan or debt or in payment of the price of the goods taken on credit, as the case may be, within the date of fixed for such repayment or payment or where such date is extended, which in no case shall exceed six months,within the date so extended, or ii) when such loan or debt or the price of goods taken on credit is to be paid in installments, in payment of any installment, and the amount in default or any partthereof has remained unpaid on the expiry of six months from the date of such default: 2 Provided that a member of the Board who has ceased to hold office as such under this clause shall not be eligible, for a period of one year, from the date on which he ceased to hold office, for re-election as a member of the Board of the Multi-State Cooperative Society of which he was a member or for the election to the Board of any other Multi-State Co-operative Society; h) is a person against whom any amount due under a decree, decision or order is pending recovery under this Act; i) is retained or employed as a legal practitioner on behalf of or against the MultiState Co-operative Society, or on behalf of or against any other Multi-State Cooperative Society which is a member of the former Society. Explanation-for the purposes of this clause, "legal practitioner" has the same meaning as in Clause(i) of Sub-Section(1) of Section 2 of the Advocates Act, 1961 (25 of 1961); j) has been convicted for any offence under this Act; k) is disqualified for being a member under Section 29; l) has been expelled as a member under Section 30; m) absents himself from three consecutive board meetings and such absence has not been condoned by the Board. n) Absents himself from three consecutive general body meetings and such absence has not been condoned by the members in the general body. 2.A person shall not be eligible for being elected as member of Board of the Society for a period of five years, if the Board fails :a) to conduct election of the Board under Section 45 of the Act; or b) to call the general body meeting under Section 39 of the Act; or c) to prepare the financial statement and present the same in the annual general meeting. 4]No person shall be nominated as a candidate for election to fill a seat on the Board. if he/she :a) does not have 5 years and more service left from the date of election i.e.10.03.2015 as the term of Office is 5 per Bye Law No.43(B)(ii) b) does not have less than 12 months continuous membership in the Societyas on Date 31.12.2014. As per Bye Law No.26(e) c) is ineligible to vote. 3 d) is disqualified to be the member or a member of the Board under theprovisions of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 and the MultiState Co-operative Societies Rules, 2002. e) does not possess the necessary qualifications specified in the Bye-laws of the Society for election as a member of the Board. f) has membership in any other Co-operative Credit Society as on date ofthisnotification. (Bye-Law No.7). The proposer and seconder should also not be a member of any other Co-operative Credit Society. 5] Every candidate for nomination as Director shall comply with the following conditions i. Nomination paper shall be presented to the Returning Officer or any other person authorized by him alongwith Receipt issued by JCCS towards deposit of a sum of Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only). If a contestant receives less than 10% of the total valid votes, he will lose the above deposit (Bye-law No.43(B)iii). Two constituencies are reserved for woman one seat each from Ratlam and Bhavnagar & one seat from Jaipur constituency is reserved for SC or ST. The candidates contesting against reserved seat should fill their declaration in from No. ‘A’ for SC or ST and form No. ‘B’ for woman alongwith the form III i.e. nomination form. Candidate contesting for reserved seat of SC or ST should submit their cast certificate duly attested by Gazetted officer. ii. He, alongwith the two other shareholders, who subscribes his nomination form as proposer and seconder, must be stationed in the same constituency he proposed to represent. iii. The candidate, his proposer and seconder shall be shareholders with more than 12 months' membership of the Society as on Date 31.12.2014 and they should not be a member of any other co-operative credit society. iv. He, his proposer and seconder shall subscribe regularly to the CTD scheme of the Society. v. His conduct shall not attract provisions of the Bye-law No.26 of the Society. 4 6] In submitting a nomination for a Director, the candidate should ensure that, in the event of his association with the Society causes as little interference with Railway work as is possible in the circumstances. 7] Any candidate may withdraw his candidature before election. The last date forwithdrawal of nomination is 23.02.2015.Once a candidate withdraws his nomination his withdrawal shall be treated as final. 8] Description of Symbols (Picture Sheet attached) (Annexure’B’): (1)Aeroplane, (2) Badminton Bat, (3)Bag, (4) Banana, (5)Books, (6) Bucket, (7)Bulb, (8)Bugle, (9)Cap, (1O)Candle Stand, (11) Chair, (12) coat, (13) Computer, (14)Comb, (15)Cooker, (16)Cup, (17)Cup &Saucer, (18)Cup Board, (19)Drum, (20)Earth, (21)Fan, (22)Flower Pot, (23)Flute, (24)Hammer,(25)Hand Pump, (26)Helicopter, (27)Home, (28) Iron, (29)Jug, (30)Lock &Key, (31)Microscope, (32)Mobile, (33) Mouse, (34)Motor Cycle, (35)Pen, (36)Pigeon, (37) Rickshaw, (38)Ring, (39)Sewing Machine, (40)Scissor, (41)Signal, (42)Tiffin, (43)Torch, (44) Tractor, (45) Umbrella, 9] The voters and also the contestants are advised to bring anyone of the following identification to avoid impersonation alongwith latest pay-slip. 1)Photo Identity Card issued by Railway 2)Photo Medical Identity Card 3)Bearer Letter with photo from the office (Railway Dept.) with signature attested.4)Photo Residential Card Pass.5)Aadhar Card. 6) PAN Card. 10] Disputes if any shall be dealt as per Society's Bye- law No:66 which is reproduced below:i) All the disputes shall be referred to Arbitration in accordance to Arbitration in accordance with the Provision of Act &rules ii) The limitation period in the dispute shall be as per the provisions of the Act. 11]The code of conduct for election of Directors as per the enclosed (Annexure’C’). 12] i) Form NO.III- Nomination Forms are available with the Astt.Returning Officer/ Sr.DPO/DPO of your constituency (Annexure’D’). ii) For any clarification, please contact Officer/Sr.DPO/DPO of your constituency. 5 the Astt.Returning 6 ANNEXURE ‘A’ CONSTITUENCY :[1] HEAD QUARTER, CCG. Sr. No. 1 2 JURISDICTION Polling Station at Old Bldg. Old Building (all Offices stationer in the building) (incl. all RPF staff, S&C staff & Audit Staff) New Building New (all Offices stationed in the building) Bldg. (incl. all RPF staff) 7 Boxes 2 3 CONSTITUENCY : [2] MUMBAI CENTRAL Sr. No. JURISDICTION 1 Paldhi (including) to Betwad (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Nardhana (including) to Nandburbar (including) (including all allied Offices at these are) Dhekwad (including) to Lokkadkot (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Ukaisonghad (including) to Gangadhara (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Bagumra (including) to Surat,Bhestan (including) to Surat(including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Sachin (including) to Vedchha (including) (including all allied Offices at these are) Ancheli (including) to Dungri (including),Waghai (including) to Billimora (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Valsad (including) to Pardi (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Udvada (including) to Umbergaon (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Bordi Road (including) toBoisar (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Umroli (including) toVaitarna (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Virar Carshed, SS-Virar (including all allied Offices at these area) Virar (excluding) to Dahisar (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 Polling Station at AMALNER Boxes 1 Boxes Officers, RPF, S&C 1 NDB 1 1 NWU 1 1 VYARA 1 1 SURAT 2 1 NVS 1 1 BIM 1 1 BL 3 1 VAPI 1 1 DRD 1 1 PLG 1 1 VR 1 1 BYR 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Borivali (including) to Goregaon (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Jogeshwari (including) to Khar (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Bandra& BDTS (including) to Mahim (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Matunga Road (including)to Lower Parel (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) DRM BCT (all allied offices at DRM) (including all allied Offices at these area) PL W/shop (including Accounts Offices) (including all allied Offices at these area) W/shop MX, Printing Press MX, Stores MX (including all allied Offices at these area) Carshed BCT (including all allied Offices at these area) Mahalaxmi (including) to CCG (including) (including all allied Offices at these area) Including ARO & MI offices JRH BCT (including all allied offices at these area) KandivaliCarshed(including all allied offices at these area) 9 BVI 2 1 ADH 1 1 BDTS 2 1 DDR 1 1 DRM officeBCT 5 1 W/Shop Pl 4 1 W/shop MX 3 1 Carshed BCT 1 1 CCG 3 1 JRH BCT 1 1 Carshed KILE 1 0 CONSTITUENCY :[3] AHMEDABAD Sr. No. JURISDICTION 1 DSL-SHED VTA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) C&W-VTA, SS-VTAY, CIOW-VTA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) C&W KKF, SSE(W/S)ADI, SSE-P/KKF SSE-TRD-OHE-ADI,SE-PSI/SS-ADI, CHI/KKF, SR.DMO/KKF, CGSR/KKF, SS/KKF, SE/B/ADI, SSE-L-KKF SS-MAN, CRS-MAN, CBS-MAN (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SSE-RAC(MG)KKF, SSE-TL(MG)KKF,SSERAJ/KKF,DEMUADI,Sr.CDO(MG)ADI,CTCC-Tech-ADI, (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) CTI-SL-ADI, HD TC-ADI, SS-ADI, CBS ADI, CLS-ADI, CGS-ADI,CRS-ADI,CTCCADI, RCT-ADI, SR.DCM/INS-ADI (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SSE/C&W-ADI(BG), SSE-RAC(BG)ADI, SSE-TL (BG)ADI, CTCI-ADI 1&2, SR.DMOADI, CHI-ADI, RRB-ADI, ADEN/NW-ADI, SSE-RS-ADI, TEL-MW-ADI, CASH OFF.ADI. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) CPM-ADI, ALL CONSTRUCTION OFFICES (Including BVP,BRC& RJT Divn.), All RPF staff in these area. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SR.DFM, SR.DPO, SR.DCM, SR.DOM, SR.DME(CO), SR.DEE, SR.DSTE, SR.DEN(CO), SR.DSO, CTNL-ADI, JANITOR (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-ASV,CPWI-ASV, CIOW-ADI, SSE(SIG) – ADI, , SR.DSC OFFICE and All RPF staff. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SM-MG-SBI, SS-BG-SBI, CPWI-MG,/BG, CHI-OC-SBI,SSE(W)-OC/NC-SBI CSISBI, ADEN SBI, DMO-SBI,CIOW-SBI, C&W-SBI, SSE-P-SBI, CHI-SBI SSE(SIG)SBI(including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Polling Station at 10 Boxes DSL-VTA 1 Boxes For Officers 0 SS-VTAYARD 1 0 C&W KKF 1 1 SR,CDO-ADI (MG)-KKF 2 1 SM-ADI(BG) 1 0 SM-ADI(MG) 1 0 CPM-ADI 1 1 DRM OFFICE 2 1 DRM OFFICE 1 0 CPWI-SBI 2 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DSL-SBI, SSE-L-SBI, SSE-DL-SBI, CMSSBI, C&W(MG) SBI, CIOW-NC-SBI, SSEP-NC-SBI, CHI-NC (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SIGNAL & ENGG. WORKSHOP-SBI, WMSIG-SBI, SSE(EL)EW-SBI, CWM(EW)SBI (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) DSL-SHEDSBI 2 1 SIG-ENGGW/S SBI 1 0 DY.CMM-SBI,STORES-SCRAP, ACCOUNTS, ESTT (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-VG, CPWI-VG, CIOW-VG, SSE-P-VG, SSE-SIG-VG, C&W-VG, DMO-VG, CHI-VG SSE(TL/I) VG & NEAREST STATION (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-DHG, CPWI-DHG, CIOW-DHG, SSESIG-DHG,SSE(W)-DHG,SSE(PWAY)-MALB, SSE-P-DHG, DMO-DHG, CHI-DHG & NEAREST STATIONS (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-GIM, SSE C&W-GIM, SSE-L-GIM, SSEEL-GIM, SSE-DL-GIM, DSL GIM, CRS-GIM, SSE-P-GIM, AND NEAREST RAILWAY STATIONS (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) DY.CMM-SBI 1 1 SS-VG 1 0 SS-DHG 1 0 SS-GIM 2 0 ARM-GIM, CPWI-GIM, CIOW-GIM, CMSGIM,ADEN-GIM, CHI-GIM, SSE(PWAY)GIM, SSE(C&W) GIM, SSE(W)GIM, SSE-SIG-GIM AND NEAREST RAILWAY STATIONS (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-RDHP, SSE (PWAY) RDHP, SSE(PWAY)-ADESAR, DMO-RDHP. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS-NBVJ, SSE-C&W-NBVJ, SSE-RAC-P-TLNBVJ, CHI-NBVJ, CIOW-NBVJ, PWI-NBVJ (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS KLL, CPWI-KLL, CIOW-KLL, SSE-P-KLL, CHI-KLL, DMO-KLL, SSE(W)-KLL (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Staff of SS-PTN (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Staff of SS-BHILDI (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) ARM-GIM 1 1 SS-RDHP 1 0 SS-NBVJ 1 0 SS-KL 1 0 SS-PTN 1 0 SS-BHILDI 1 0 11 23 24 25 26 27 28 Staff of SS-KTRD (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) Staff of SS-CSMA (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) CPWI-MSH, CIOW-MSH, CHI-MSH, MSH, SSE-P-MSH, SSE-L-N-MSH, C&W-MSH, DEMU-MSH, CRS-MSH, MSH AND NEAREST AREA (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) SS-PNU (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) SS-HMT (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) SS-PRJ (including RPF &all allied Offices at area) these SS-KTRD 1 0 SS-CSMA 1 0 2 0 SS-PNU 1 0 SS-HMT 1 0 SS-PRJ 1 0 these DMO SS-MSH SSE AROthese these these these 12 CONSTITUENCY:[4] VADODARA Polling Station at Surat (excluding) to Ankaleshwar Kosamba (including),Kribco Siding (including), Kosamba Jn. (excluding) to Umarpada (including), Ankleshwar (excluding) to Rajpipla (including), Jhagadia (excluding) to Netrang (including) Boxes Boxes for Officers 1 0 Ankleshwar (excluding) to Vernama BHARUCH (including), Bharuch (excluding) to Jambusar (including), Kavi, Samni, Dahej, Miyagam, MiyagamKarjan (excluding) to Malasar&Motikal 2 0 Varnama (excluding) to Vishwamitri VISHWA(including), Jambusar (including) to MITRI Vishwamitri (excluding) 1 0 Sr.AFA(W&S)/PRTN, DSL/Shed/PRTN, DRMCTCI(I)/PRTN, CTCI(II)/PRTN, CHI/PRTN PRATAPDRM Off.staff, Control Medical, Accounts. NAGAR 2 1 5 CWM PRTN (Workshop) PRATAP- 1 1 6 Railway Staff College RSC 1 1 7 All Offices at BRC (Proper) BRCP 2 1 8 SS/KRCA for staff of ARO/KRCA i.e. SS/KRCA SS/KRCA, SSE/C & W/KRCA/BJW, SSE/Elect/KRCA, PWI/KRCA, SS-BJW, SSRNO. 1 0 BRCY, Bajwa, All Allied Offices at Baroda MEMU Yard SHED (including RPF &all allied Offices at these (BRCY) 3 0 All Allied Offices of PTD i.e. SS/PTD SSE/P.WAY/PTD, SS/PTD, SS-CBY, BCHN, KTNA, DVRN. Sdg,etc.(including RPF &all 1 0 Sr. No. 1 JURISDICTION (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 3 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 4 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these NAGAR area) Workshop (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 9 area) 10 allied Offices at these area) 13 11 All allied Office at MHD i.e. MEHMSSE/PWAY/MHD, GTE (include) to GER DABAD (include) OHE/HHD, SI/MHD, SS/MHD etc. 1 0 For staff of CYI (include) (include) PWI/Derol/Depot. 1 0 Staff of SNA (include) to VKG (include) SS-SVL SSE/PWAY/SVL. OHE/DAKOR, OHE/SVL, SS/WKB and other allied Offices at SVL. 1 0 All allied offices of MYGL area i.e. LKD MYGL (include) to MPR (include), MYGL to MLSR, CRND to MKRL & MYGL-DB (Excl),SSE/PWAY/MYGL, SS/Works/MYGL, TFC & Elect. Staff at MYGL. 1 0 BRCP (excluding) to ANND (including), ANND ANND (excluding) to Vadtal (including), ANND (excluding) to Khambat (including),Valsad (excluding) to Kathana (including) 1 1 ANND (excluding) to Geratpur NADIAD (including),Nadiad (including) to Bhadran (including),Nadiad (excluding) to Modasa (including) 1 0 BRCP (excluding) to Godhra (including), ANND (excluding) to Godhra (excluding) 1 0 1 0 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 12 to KRSA DRL (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 13 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 14 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 15 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 16 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 17 GODHRA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 18 PRTN (excluding) to Bodeli, ChotaUdepur DABHOI (including),Dabhoi (excluding) to Chandod (including),Chhuchapura (excluding) to Tankala (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 14 CONSTITUENCY :[5] RAJKOT Sr. No. JURISDICTION 1 Okha (including) to Mithapur (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Mithapur (excluding) to Sihol (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Khambaliya (including) to Lakhabwal (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Jamnagar to Padadhari (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) RJT-DRM, DAO, Medical, Control RJT Stn., BhaktinagarStn. Staff, SS staff, LOCO Mechanical, Engg. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Bileshwar to Than (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Lakhamanchi to Viramgam (excluding) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Wakaner (excluding)-Morbi-Navalkhi-Maliya Sec. (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 Polling Station at OKHA Boxes 1 Boxes for Officers 0 DWARKA 1 0 KHANBALIYA 1 0 HAPA 2 0 DRM-RJT 3 1 WAKANER 1 0 SUNR 1 0 MORBI 1 0 CONSTITUENCY : [6] BHAVNAGAR Sr. No. JURISDICTION 1 SS-Bhavnagar Terminus (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS STAFF, ENGG STAFF, CMS/CHIBVP,CONTROL/SIGNAL/TFC /PARCEL/ IOW-STAFF of BVP,RLY SCHOOL BVP (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) DRM BVP (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) CWM BVP (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Vartej (including) to Sihor JN. (including), Palitana (including) to Sihor Jn.(Excluding), (Including Songadh and Sanosara) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Songadh (Excluding Songadh to Sanosara) to Dhola Jn.(including), Alampur (Including) to Dhola Jn. (Excluding),(Including Ningala) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Chuda (Including) to BOTAD (including), Ningala (excluding) to Botad (Excluding), Jalila Road (Including) to Botad (excluding) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Limdi (including) to SurendraNagar Gate (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Bhimnath (including) to HadalaBhal and Dhandhuka (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) LothalBhurkhi (including) to Dholka (Including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Bavla (including) to Gandhigram (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Dhasa (including) to Khijadiya (including), Jaliya (including) to Damnagar(excluding), (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) DamNagar (including) to Vijpadi (Including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Polling Station at Boxes BHAVNAGAR TERMINUS 1 Boxes for Officers 1 BHAVNAGAR PARA 1 1 DRM BVP 1 1 WORKSHOPBHAVNAGAR PARA SIHOR 1 0 1 0 DHOLA JN. 1 0 BOTAD 1 0 WADHWAN CITY 1 0 DHANDHUKA 1 0 DHOLKA 1 0 GANDHIGRAM 1 0 DHASA JN. 1 0 SAVARKUNDLA 1 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Vajpadi (excluding) to Pipapav Port (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Khijadiya JN. (excluding) to Jetpur (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) NAVAGADH (including) to JETALSAR JN (including), Jetpur (excluding) to Jetalsar Jn. &ChokiSorath (including) and Dhoraji (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Gondal (including) to Virpur (including), Bhaktinagar (including) to Gondal (excluding), (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Wasjaliya (including) to Lalpur (including), Wasjaliya (excluding) to Dhoraji (excluding) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Porbandar (including) toWasjaliya (excluding) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Keshod (including) to ChokiSarath (excluding) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) MaliyaHatina (including) to Veraval (including), Veraval (excluding) to Somnath (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Veraval (excluding) to Kansiyanes (including) ,Talala (excluding) to Delwada (including), Talala (excluding) to Prachi Road (including), Prachi Road (excluding) to Kodinar (including) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) Khijadiya(excluding) to Satadhar (including), Satadhar (excluding) to Junagadh (excluding ) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 17 MAHUVA 1 0 KUKAVAV 1 0 JETALSAR 1 0 GONDAL 1 0 WASJALIYA 1 0 PORBANDAR 1 0 JUNAGADH JN. 1 0 VERAVAL 1 0 TALALA 1 0 VISAVADAR 1 0 CONSTITUENCY :[7] RATLAM Sr. No. Boxes Boxes for Officers Sr.AFM& Dahod Work shop 1 1 All staff working under CMS Office, CHI DAHOD & DEE(W/S) CMS Office 1 1 Staff working under SSE(PW) SSE(PW)N North/South DHD SSE(W) 1&2, Bridge, DAHOD SSE(Sig)North & South, Rly. School & Staff of Asstt.Div. Engg. 1 0 4 Kansodi (including) to Piplod (including) SSE(PW) 1 0 5 Staff of LMK, MAM, USR, JKT, RET, DHD Stn. DHMA, ANS, BOI, COMM/DHD, TRD, SSE, MW, CAB, EXCH, MED, C&W ELECT/DHD 1 0 SSE/PW, SE(WORKS), ELECT, SIG,TRD, SSE/PW DTM, 10-11A, Staff of MGN to THDR MEGH(including RPF &all allied Offices at these NAGAR 1 0 Staff working under BOG to BJG, Gang SS no.12-12A & 12B BAMNIA 1 0 SSE, WORKS/I&II, BRIDGE, SSE(CABLE RATLAM & EXCH), SSE/ELECT/POWER, MEDICAL, Higher CHI.RLY.SCH.RTM Sec.sch 1 0 SM,CTCC,ELECT,RAC,TL,DPM,LF, RATLAM SSE(C&W),PASSENGER,TTM,MILLRIGHT, STN. STN.DISP., Stn. Staff of RTI, BILDI, MRN. 2 0 SSE/PW(S&N),SSE/SIG(N&S), SSE/TRD, SSE/PW(S) GHATLA, DISP.RTM RTM 1 0 SSE/DSL,SSE.TRO SHED, DCOS(DSL) DIESEL SSE/MW/RPF/DSL, SSE/ELE/P/DSL RTM SHED RTM 1 1 1 JURISDICTION Staff working Stores under CWM, Polling Station at (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 3 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these PIPLOD area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 6 area) 7 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 8 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 9 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 10 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 11 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 18 12 STAFF OF DRM OFF, AEN,DIV.ENGG, DRM RTM SSE/C&W, SSE/DOWN-YARD, STAFF OF TRF WORK SHOP 2 1 STAFF OF SS BOD TO UNL except Polling NAGDA No.11, STAFF OF PW/SIG/TRD, STAFF STATION OF SSE (W.ELEC.MED, TRF & COMM) 1 0 STAFF OF SSE PW,WORKS,CABLE, SSE PW N EXCHANGE,BRIDGE, TRD & ADEN UJJAIN 1 0 Staff working under TRAFFIC, SS UJJAIN COMMERCIAL, ELECT, DIESEL, C&W, CTCC, MEDICAL,CHI& LIKODA & CHINTAMAN GANESH STN. ASL TO SPBG, TAN TO PLW, STAFF OF VKG STN. 1 0 Traffic staff of Shivpur to Maksi, SS MAKSI SSE/TRD, SIG, TELECOM, AND ENGG 1 0 Traffic staff of PUO to KSH, Staff of SS Engg. Telecom, TRD & Sig. BERCHA 1 0 Traffic staff of BOLAI to SJP, Staff of SS SHUJALPUR Engg. Telecom, Signal & TRD 1 0 Traffic Staff of BIH, EX SJP, Staff of SS Engg, Telecom. Signal & TRD SEHORE 1 0 Traffic Staff of MGG to KDHA & RCJ to SS DEWAS MKC, Staff of Engg. Telecom, TRD & Signal 1 0 Traffic Staff of CAN TO SMP, Staff of SS Engg, Telecom, Signal & TRD CHITTOR(including RPF &all allied Offices at these GARH 1 0 Traffic Staff of NBH TO MLG, Staff of SS Engg. Telecom, Signal & TRD, Staff of NEEMUCH Medical, CHI & ADEN 1 0 1 0 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 13 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 14 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 15 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 16 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 17 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 18 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 19 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 20 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 21 area) 22 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 23 MANDSUAR Traffic Staff of PIP to DLD (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 19 24 Traffic staff of KCNR to DHWS 25 Traffic Staff of NGW to FTD 26 SS JAORA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) SS (including RPF &all allied Offices at these BADNAGAR area) Staff of AJN to LMNR & Safi Nagar to SS INDORE RJQ 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 27 28 SSE C&W (including RPF &all allied Offices at these INDORE area) Traff staff of HKH,RAU,PTP,KKD,MHOW SS MHOW SSE (C&W)IND/LMNR/Elect/CDO TRAFFIC Electrical, Signal, PWI (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 29 30 Staff of SSE (C&W), DIESEL, CTCC, DIESEL SHED School, Med. CHI, ADEN (including RPF &all allied Offices at these MHOW area) Traffic Staff of CRL to ANI, Staff of SSE/ SS PW, KNW, SSE/Electrical land all allied BADAWA offices (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 20 CONSTITUENCY :[8] JAIPUR Sr. No. 1 JURISDICTION Polling Station at Boxes DRM OFFICE BLDG.INCLUDING SS-JP, DRM-JP SSE(RAC)JP, SSE(SIG),JP, SSE(PW/N), SSE(PW/S),SSE(W/S-1), SSE(C&W) MG PRS, SSE-TL/(MG)JP, DCTI-JP, CTNL& ALL RPF STAFF 2 Boxes for Officer 1 GM OFF(HQr) -NWR-JP, CAO-C-JP, SE GM OFFICE AFA S&C JP (HQ-JP) 2 1 RLY. INST. JP, CMS-JP, RLY. SCHOOL- RLY. INST. JP, SSE(W/S-II), SSE(C&W), BG-JP, JP SSE(LOCO)JP, CHI-JP, HOSP-JP, SSE(TL/BG), SSE(P)JP , DMS (DEPO)JP, CPM RE, DYCE/C JP 1 1 SS-RE, SSE(PW), SSE(ELECT) SS-RE SSE(C&W)MS-RE, HI-RE, REWARI to KUND, REWARI to KHANPUR AHIR 1 0 SS-AWR, SSE(PW), SSE(W), RPF-AWR, SS-AWR GTI-AWR, MS-AWR, SSE(ELECT) ALWAR to HARSOLI, ALWAR to DHIGWARA 1 0 REENGUS-SS STAFF, SSE(PW), SE(W), SSMS(RGS), SE(ELECT) REENGUS REENGUS to NIM KA THANA, REENGUS to PALSANA, REENGUS to RENWAL, REENGUS to LOHARWARA 1 0 BKI STAFF, SSE(PW), SSE(W), RPF-JP, SS-BKI RLY SCHOOL-BKI, SSE(C&W)-BKI, MSBKI, SSE(ELECT), CMI-BKI, SSE(Sig) BR-I BKI, SSE/PW-II-BKI, SSE (C&W -I) ATS-BKI, CTI-BKI, AEN-BKI BKI to RAJGARH, BKI to KOLWAGRAM 1 1 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 3 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 4 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 5 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 6 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 7 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 21 8 DAUSA ALL DEPARTMENT DAUSA to BHANKRI, KHATIPURA SS-DO 1 1 1 0 KISHANGADH ALL DEPARTMENT SS-KSG KISHANGADH to LADPURA, KISHANGADH to SALI, CONST. DEPT. at AII, DNRP, UDZ, BAS, SOH. 1 0 11 BNLW ALL DEPARTMENT SS-BNLW 1 0 12 NNL ALL DEPARTMENT NNL to KHATHWAS, NNL to MAUNDA SS-NNL 1 0 1 0 JJN ALL DEPARTMENT SS-JJN JJN to DUNDLOD MUKANDGARH, JJN to LUHARU 1 0 FPS ALL DEPARTMENT FPS to LACHMANGARH, FPS to BISSAU 1 0 DAUSA to (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 9 PHULERA SS, SE(ELECT), SE(C&W), PHULERA SE(LOCO), SSE(DIES), MS-FL, RPF RLY. STAFF, SE(SIG), SSE(PW)FL, SSE INSTITUTE (ELECT)-FL PHULERA to MINDHA, PHULERA to BOBAS, PHULERA to SHAKUN (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 10 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) BNLW to SWM, BNLW to CHAKSU (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 13 SIKAR ALL DEPARTMENT SIKAR to LCH, SIKAR to BALWANTPURA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 14 SS-SIKAR (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 15 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 22 SS-FPS CONSTITUENCY :[9] AJMER Sr. No. 1 JURISDICTION Polling Station at Boxes CHI, ADEN, STNS(TRAFF& ABU RD STN. COMM.), ELECT Medical, School (Bhimana to Karjoda), CSI, CPWI (Abu Rd. to PNU outer and Bhimana, Kiverly, Morthala) CIOW, CWS 1 Boxes for Officers 0 Diesel Shed ABR 1 0 CPWI, CSI, ELCT, AEN, TFC & SOH COMM. Station SOH, (Excluding STATIONS Bhimana). 1 0 CPWI, ELECT, CSI, JWB STN. JWB STATION (Excluding SOH), SRPJ TO KZQ, KHIMEL, TFC & COMM 1 0 FA STN. (TFC & COMM), CPWI, FALNA ELECT, SIG STATION 1 0 Rani Stn., TFC & COMM, CPWI, RANI STATION ELECT, SIG, IOW, FALNA TO SOMESAR (Excluding FALNA) 1 0 MJ STN., TFC, COMM, LOCO, MARWAR STN. SCHOOL, ELECT, CWS, IOW, CPWI, MEDICAL, SOD to RANI (excluding SOD, excluding RANI) 1 0 AEN, TFC, COMM, SCHOOL, CHI, SOD STATION PWI, IOW , SOD STN., (Excluding BER, Excluding MJ) 1 0 BER STN., TFC, COMM, IOW, BEAWAR ELECT, SCHOOL, PWI, HI, SDH to SOD (Excluding SDH, Excluding SOD), MAKRERA TO BAGRI-SAJJANPUR 1 0 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 2 D/Shed-ABR (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 3 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 4 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 5 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 6 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 7 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 8 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 9 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 23 10 ALL STN, SDH (including) TO AJMER STN MD, TFC, COMM, IOW/S, ELECT, CASH OFF, (LF), CWS, MD DEPT., Div. Stores, CHI, CPWI(N&S), BRI, Medical 2 0 DRM OFF., Compilation, DRM AJMER Dy.CAO(TA), DAO, RRB, AEN,ATS, GLO Canteen, GLO, ELECT, IOW(N), IOW (W/S)AII, TFC Workshop, TP-PRESS, CTCI, STS-AII 2 1 12 Staff of CWM AJMER 1 1 13 Loco Off. (CWM)canteen, CWM(HO) Rly.School, JONESGUNJ, LOCO W/S AII HazariBagh School, W/Shop A/cs(including all RPF offices and 1 1 DY.COS, DEE(PRO), DEE(W/S), DY.COS AWM(Sig). AJMER 1 1 DY.CME(Carriage W/shop) HO(Carriage (including all RPF offices and all workshop) AII 1 1 16 Dy.CME(Carriage W/shop) 2 0 17 KBK Station(TFC) to MVJ KBK STATION (Excluding MVJ), CPWI, CHI, LOCO, TXR, (including all RPF 1 0 NSD Stn., Ajmer(Excluding), NSD STATION BJNR(including), TFC & CPWI, ELECT, SIG., IOW 1 0 BHL STN, BJNR(Excluding), BHILWARA DET(including), TFC & COMM, STN CPWI,IOW,ELECT, AEN, MEDICAL, CHI(including all RPF 1 0 1 0 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 11 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) CWM BTCLOCO (including all RPF offices and all W/S AII allied Offices at these area) all allied Offices at these area) 14 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 15 allied Offices at these area) DY.CME BTC (including all RPF offices and all (Carriage allied Offices at these area) workshop) AII offices and all allied Offices at these area) 18 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 19 offices and all allied Offices at these area) 20 MVJ STN., GHOSUNDA TO MALVI KHEMLI, TFC, COMM CPWI, IOW STATION ELECT, CHI (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 24 21 RPZ STN., Debari (including), RPZ STATION TFC, COMM, PWI MEDL., RLY. SCHOOL, AEN, ELECT, TCI, CSI. 1 0 UPZ STN., Zawar (including), UDAIPUR CITY TFC, COMM, PWI, IOW, MEDICAL, ELECT. 1 1 Zonal Training School, ELECT, PZTC-UDZ IOW, MEDICAL 1 0 DNRP STN., Zawar (excluding) DNRP to RDD, TFC, COMM, PWI, IOW, STATION ELECT, CSI, AEN 1 0 DKZ –DELHI 1 1 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 22 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 23 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 24 (including all RPF offices and all allied Offices at these area) 25 DKZ-DELHI (including all RPF offices and all (KISHANGUNJ) allied Offices at these area) 25 CONSTITUENCY :[10] KOTA Sr. No. 1 JURISDICTION Polling Station at Boxes Boxes for Officers ALL DPO OFF, RPF, DPC, CONST, DRM CTNL TFC W/S, TPC, TRD ESTB, OFFICE CANTEEN, CPM RE 2 1 CTCC/R, SSE(P), CTCI(M), LOBBY DY.FA&CAO, DSTE(W), MW 1 0 DCTI-KTT,TL/RAC,IOW(N), EDUCATION, PWI DEPOT, SSE/TMC SS/KOTA 1 0 PWISSE/C/N/ N2,TL/RAC.IOW(N),EDUCATION, PWI KTT DEPOT, SSE/TMC 1 0 CES KTT, LOCO KTT, ROH,TRS,SSE- SSE/C&W/ TRD PSI W&S, SSE EL NEW COLONY KTT 1 0 CMS STAFF, CHI, WRS SCHOOL, CMS KTT SSE/ ELM/WRS/COL/KTT, IOW-II 1 0 CWM STAFF, DY.CMM SR.AFM W&S SSE/ELEC/WRS/KRR SECTION 2 1 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 2 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 3 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 4 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 5 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 6 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 7 W KTT, CWM KTT KTT, NAGDA (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 8 SSE-MEP, PWI-MEP SS/MEP 1 0 9 SS VMA, PWI, SSE/TRD, CSI SS/VMA 1 0 1 1 0 0 SS RMA, PWI, SSE/TRD/, CSI KOTA SS/RMA COR SECTION 1 0 ALL ALLIED OFFICES BUNDI 1 0 10 11 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) ALL OFFICES SGZ (including RPF) SS/SGZ SS BWM,PWI,SSE ELECT,SSE TRD, SS/BWM IOW (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 12 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 13 SS/BUNDI (including RPF) 26 14 ALL ALLIED OFFICES MLGH KOTA SS/MLGH RTA SECTION (including RPF) ALL ALLIED OFFICES BARAN SS/BAZ 1 0 1 0 1 0 17 ALL ALLIED OFFICES CAG KOTA TO SS/CAG MTJ SECTION(including RPF) ALL ALLIED OFFICES LKE SS/LKE 1 0 18 ALL ALLIED OFFICES IDG SS/IDG 1 0 19 ALL ALLIED OFFICES SWM SS/SWM 1 1 20 SSE/TRO, AEE/TRO, SS,CWS, LOCO, SS/GGC TRD, CSI,SSI/TELE, CTI, IPF 1 0 PWI/N,PWI/S,IOW,AEN,EDUCATION, MEDICAL,CHI,SSE/TRS,SSE/ELECT SSE/PW/ N/GGC 1 0 22 ALL ALLIED OFFICE OF HAN SS/HAN 1 0 23 ALL ALLIED OFFICE OF BXN SS/BXN 1 0 24 ALL ALLIED OFFICES OF BTE SS/BTE 1 0 25 ALL ALLIED OFFICES OF TKD 1 0 1 0 15 16 (including RPF) (including RPF) (including RPF) (including RPF) (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 21 (including RPF &all allied Offices at these area) 26 (including RPF) (including RPF) (including RPF) SRE/TRS/ (including RPF) TKD SS-AF, SS-JAB, RPF, SSE/P/CSI, SS/AF BRI, SS-IDH, SSE/PW, IOW, CHI, Medical, CTCI, SSE/TRD/CSI (Including all allied office at these area) 27 28 29 30 ANNEXURE “C” CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CONTESTENTS FOR ELECTION TO THE POST OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOCIETY. I or my representative ensure that we 1. Will not disrupt the working and movement of trains due to any disagreement what so ever in the process of conduct of election. 2. Will not canvass in any form during the working hours i.e. distribution of hand bills, posters pasting and banner fixing in person or by my other representatives. 3. Not indulge in violent means or demonstrations gate meeting during office working hours. 4. Will not indulge in using the public address/sound system in the office premises during office hours. 5. Shall not indulge in any activity which may cause tension within different categories, cadres, communities, religions. 6. Will ensure not to use stickers for canvassing and also ensure that the canvassing materials such as posters pasted / banners fixed are removed before the date of declaration of results. 7. Failing to remove the canvassing materials with in the stipulated dates will attract penalty i.e. withhold of deposit amount of elections for defacing the Railway property i.e. office, station buildings etc. 8. Shall not canvass within 100 meters of polling stations, nor hold public meetings during 48 hours prior to the start of the Election process. 9. I will abide by the principle of moral and social justice and will ensure a free and fair elections, in the event of my proof of involvement in any unfair means in election process my candidature is likely to be cancelled. I declare and take the oath under my signature. Place : Signature : ______________ Date : Name : _________________ 31 ANNEXURE “D” FORM-III NOMINATION FORM 1) Name of the Multi-State Co-operative : _______________________________ Society and Address : _______________________________ : _______________________________ 2) Name of the candidate in case of : _______________________________ an Individual Member : _______________________________ 3) a) Date of Birth : _______________________________ b) Designation in the Railway Dept. : _______________________________ in which he is working : _______________________________ 4) Serial Number in the Register of : _______________________________ Members and : _______________________________ a) Registration No. : _______________________________ b) PF A/c No. / Pension A/c (NPS) No. : _______________________________ 5) Father’s or Husband’s Name : _______________________________ 6) Address both Office and Residence (O) : _______________________________ With Telephone/Mobile No.if any : _______________________________ (R) : _______________________________ : _______________________________ 7) Name of the Proposer & : _______________________________ Designation in the Railway Department : _______________________________ in which he is working : _______________________________ 8) Serial No.of the Proposer in : _______________________________ the Register of Members : _______________________________ a) Registration No. : _______________________________ b) PF A/c No. / Pension A/c (NPS) No. : _______________________________ 9) Signature of the Proposer : _______________________________ 10) Name of the Seconder & : _______________________________ Designation in the Railway Department : _______________________________ in which he is working : _______________________________ 11) Serial No. of the Seconder in : _______________________________ the Register of Members : _______________________________ a) Registration No. : _______________________________ b) PF A/c No. / Pension A/c (NPS) No. : _______________________________ 12) Signature of the Seconder : _______________________________ 32 CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION I declare that I am willing to stand for election and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I have not incurred any disqualification for membership for the Board of the Jackson Co-operative Credit Society of the Employees of the Western Railway Ltd. in terms of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002, Multi-State Co-operative Societies Rule. 2002 and Bye-laws of the Jackson Co-operative Credit Society of the Employees of the Western Railway Ltd. and I am not a member of any other Co-operative Credit Society. Signature of the candidate ___________________ Name: ___________________________________ Registration No. in the Society ________________ P.F.A/c No / Pension A/c (NPS) No.____________ _______________________________________________________________ Endorsement by the Returning Officer The nomination was presented to me in person by ________ / received by Regd. Post on _____________ at _______________ hrs. Place. Date: Signature of Returning Officer or Person authorized by him 33 FORM – IV I, _____________________________________ name of the father/ spouse____________________________ member of the Jackson Co-operative Credit Society of the Employees of the Western Railway Ltd. contesting for Election of Members of the Board of Directors do hereby nominate the following person as my election agent / counting agent in the election of the Jackson Cooperative Credit Society of the Employees of the Western Railway Ltd. to be held on ____________________ Signature of the candidate : _________________ Name : __________________________________ Registration No. of the Society : ______________ P.F. A/c.No / Pension A/c. (NPS) No.: __________ I, _________________________________ name of the father / spouse ______________________________ address ______________________ __________________________________________________________ am willing to be the election agent / counting agent. Name andSignature of the Agent 34 FORM –A CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION FOR RESERVED CATEGORY i.e SC OR ST CATEGORY. I declare that I am willing to stand for election in __________ Constituency against “Reserved Category i.e SC or ST Category” __________. I also declare that, I belong to ____________ Reserved Category and in support of that the necessary caste certificate is attached duly attested by Gazetted Officer. Signature of the candidate ___________________ Name: ___________________________________ Registration No. in the Society ________________ P.F.A/c No / Pension A/c (NPS) No.____________ _______________________________________________________________ FORM –A CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION FOR RESERVED CATEGORY i.e SC OR ST CATEGORY. I declare that I am willing to stand for election in __________ Constituency against “Reserved Category i.e SC or ST Category” __________. I also declare that, I belong to ____________ Reserved Category and in support of that the necessary caste certificate is attached duly attested by Gazetted Officer. Signature of the candidate ___________________ Name: ___________________________________ Registration No. in the Society ________________ P.F.A/c No / Pension A/c (NPS) No.____________ 35 FORM –B CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION FOR RESERVED CATEGORY i.e WOMAN CATEGORY I declare that I am willing to stand for election in __________ Constituency against “Reserved Category i.e Woman Category” __________. Signature of the candidate ___________________ Name: ___________________________________ Registration No. in the Society ________________ P.F.A/c No / Pension A/c (NPS) No.____________ _______________________________________________________________ FORM –B CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION FOR RESERVED CATEGORY i.e WOMAN CATEGORY I declare that I am willing to stand for election in __________ Constituency against “Reserved Category i.e Woman Category” __________. Signature of the candidate ___________________ Name: ___________________________________ Registration No. in the Society ________________ P.F.A/c No / Pension A/c (NPS) No.____________ 36
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