ANDER,SON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 N. Main Street, Room 214 Clinton, Tennessee 377 16-3687 Telephone (86O 463-6841 tr'lax: (869 457-6252 Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent February 23,2015 ADDENDUM ADDENDUM ADDENDUM Addendum #3 on bid #4580 Internet Wiring (E-Rate) of three Schools, making the following coffections and clarifications. Question: It is specified as an equal product to the Commscope SystiMax Cabling, will an alternate be permitted? Response: Anderson County Schools is always open to any and all bid proposals, however, we are specifically interested in receiving bids for the items specified in our bid package. It is important to us as a school district to use materials and hardware which match our current configuration and future plans. . . while purchasing materials and hardware which will serve the district for numerous vears. Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent ANDERSON COI.]NTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 N. Main Street, Room 214 Clinton, Tbnnessee 377 16-3687 Telephone (E69 463-6841 Fax: (865) 457-6252 Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent February 23,2015 ADDENDUM ADDENDUM ADDENDUM Addendum#2 on bid #4580 Internet Wiring (E-Rate) of three Schools, making the following corrections and cladfications. . Arrangements have been made for the walk-thru to take place tomorrow, February 2412015 at 9:00 a.m. beginning at Norwood Elementary School, gi. However, due to the possibility of more inclement weather, if you have any questions in the morning, please contact me via email at [email protected]. Q> Sincerely, Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent ANDERSON COI.INTY PT]RCHASING DEPARTMENT 100 N. Main Street, Room 214 Clinton, Tennessee 37716-3687 Telephone (865) 463-6841 Fax: (865) 457-6252 Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent February 20,2015 ADDENDUM ADDENDUM ADDENDUM Addendum #l on bid #4580 Internet Wiring (E-Rate), making the following coffections and clarifications. o The Pre-bid Conference walk-thru has been re-scheduled to Tuesday. February 24.2015. aI9:00 a.m.beginning at Norwood Elementary School, then it will immediately proceed to Dutch Valley Elementary, and then on to Andersonville Elementary. If you have any questions, Pamela Cotham Purchasing Agent Department please feel free to give me a call at (865) 457-6218. Anderson CountY Government REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (Formal) Pamela Cotham, Purchasing Agent 100 North Main Street, Courthouse, Rooms 214 and 218 clinton. Tennessee 37716 (865) 457-6251 [email protected] (865) 457-6252 Fax RFP No': 4580 Date lssued: February 5' 2015 RFPS will be received until 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time on March 12' 2015 or other data attached s""l"d propo""l" . ublect lo lhe General Terms and con.ditig}p of this Request for Proposal' and any Agent until the date and time Purchasing county prop;3j;;ilfil;;ived-l;1fr;-6Fi;e the Anderson of ,""rp"i" by reference. spe"ified aboue, and at that time publicly opened and read aloud. WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN OR TO REJECT THE BEST INTEREST OF ANDERSON THE ANDERSON COUNTY PURCHASING AGENT RESERVES THE ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS AND TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL COUNTY, , Anderson County Purchasing Agent PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION ounty Schools, Clinton, TN, 37716 All vendors must submit an original and 5 full copies, including brochures, of their bid. 12 Contact purchasing in writing with any questions. Refer to General Terms and Conditions Section Internet Wiring for (3) Three Schools (E-RATE) RFP # 4580 (3) Schools until March 12' 2015 at 2:30 Anderson county will receive Proposals for Internet wiring for set p.m. Eastern Time Zone. where ihey will be publicly opened in accordance with the procedures forth in this document. A. PurPose/Obiective wiring of 3 schools' The Anderson county school system is issuing this request for the Internet Andersonville Elementary, Dutch Valley Elementary' and Norwood Elementary' B. Inquiries procedures must be Pursuant to T. C. A. S12-4-1 13, questions regarding the specifications or bid less than ninetyr"i"iu"o UV the purciasing Agent and/or des-igneelt purchasrnq@ander-sontn. org no ri* isol noi1o before the uio o-pening date. No addendi within less than forty-eight (48) hours ofthe bid opening date shall be permitted. must All proposals must be plainly marked, "lnternet Wirinq of (3) Schools. RFP # 4580." Proposers Proposals submit an original and five (5) copies of the Proposal. No faxed Proposals will be accepted nor returned' received aftei the appointed date and time will not be opened C. Compliance with the RFP proposals must be in strict compliance with this Request for Proposals. Failure to comply with all prouirions of the RFP may result in disqualification. This proposal is part of the E-Rate program and the timeline must be followed. D. Award Award, if made, will be made to the responsible vendor whose proposal is most advantageous to Anderson County, taking into consideration price and the other factors set forth in this Request for Proposals. lt is our goal to select only one winning vendor to complete all 3 school projects. Anderson County may, as it deems necessary, conduct discussions with responsible vendors determined to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to the requirements. Anderson County may request additional assurances, in writing, if necessary during this discussion period. Failure to abide by the conditions outlined in this RFP may result in termination of business with winning vendor' lf termination occurs, Anderson County will re-open negotiations with the second place vendor selected during the formal closed bidding process. E, Pre-Proposal Conference A pre-proposal conference will be held at each school, to address any questions about the information contained in this Request for Proposals. There will be one pre-bid walk-through provided at each school pre-bid conference will be held on Februarv 19. 2015. beqinnins at 9:00 a.m. at Norwood Elementary School, then it we will immediately proceed to Dutch Valley Elementary, and then on to Andersonville Elementary. Any interested party may attend the Pre-Proposal Conference to address questions with this Request for Proposals. School Address nnOersonvitte Elementary School 1951 Mountain Road Outctr VatteY Elementary School 1044 Old Dutch ValleY Road Clinton, TN 37716 school allwill be held on Februaiv 19. 2015 beqinning at 9:00 a.m. at Norwood Elementa @er F. 1. Restrictive or Ambiquous Specifications document and to It is the responsibility of the proposer to review the entire Request for Proposals that would manner in a formulated is pir"r,"sing Agent if the Request for Proposals notiry G" requested. being unnecessarily restriCt competition or if it is ambiguous in what is Purchasing Questions regarding the specifications or proposal procedures must be received by the ngent Oy emiil purdhEsinq@andeIgonln qlq or fax (865-457-6252) to the Purchasing. Department. the Questions will be answered via addenda. Information obtained from any office other than Purchasing Office is not to be considered binding. G. Proposal Openinq & Acceptance Of Proposal 1. Only the names of the companies submitting proposals will be read aloud during the proposal opening. Any additional information released will be at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent. prooosals will also be examined for compliance with specification and conditions outlined in the proposal document. ? 4. Consideration will be given to all proposals properly submitted. Proposals will receive appropriate confidentiality before iwarding. Upon award, proposal documents and tabulations will be available for review. Errors discovered after public opening cannot be corrected, and the proposer will be bound to honor proposal as submitted. The contract will be awarded in writing to the most responsive proposer whose proposal conforms best to the RFP and will be most advantageous to Anderson County. The evaluation of criteria, cost, and other factors will be taken into consideration. lt is the intent of Anderson County to involve and utilize the best producvservices at the best prices and provide small and minority firms, women's business enterprises and labor surplus area firms with increased opportunity to do business with the county. There no set asides for small or minority firms. Anderson county reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive_. informalities and minor inegularities in the proposals received. All proposers will be notified in writing of the proposal award 6.Andersoncountyassumesnoresponsibi|ityforthecostbiddersmayincurinbidpreparation. H. Evaluation And Review AndersonCountyreservestherighttousea||pertinent.informationthatmightaffectthecounty's may to the best-evaluated proposer. This information judgment as to the appropriatene"is ot reliable "n "*"id lnformation on a service provider from be appended to the proposar lujfu"tion pio""tt results sources,andnotWithintheserviceprovider'Sproposa|,mava|sobenotedandmadepartofthe a reliable source' iie iesponsiOiiity for determining evaluation file. Anderson c"*i'-tn"trin""" oral discussionsiinterviews after the written-and/oi conduct Anderson County reserves tn" ilgnt io and all proposal opening. rne purposeoiiuch discussions/interviews is to provide clarification be reviewed irobosats meetiig the submission requirements will proposals will be evaluated by the evaluation committee o{ the office of Technology of Anderson examined by other agencies and county Schools and the purcirasing Agent. Documents also may be and ranked (from highest consultants of the covernment. Aliacceptable proposals will be evaluated a into contract with Anderson score to lowest score). The top ranked vendor will be eligible to enter county.Proposa|Se|ectionwi||bebasedupon,butnotlimitedto,thefo||owing: Points Criteria Itemized Product Pricing Discount Pricing Structure E-Rate Experience and ComPliance Corporate Experience and Capacity Required Certification and Trainilg References from other School Districts l. 40 20 10 10 '10 10 ApproPriation year In the event no funds are appropriated by Anderson County for the goods or services in any fiscal or insufficient funds exist to purchase the goods or services, then the Contract shall expire upon the expenditure of previously appropriated funds or the end of the current fiscal year, whichever occurs first, with no further obligations owed to or by either party. J. lnsurance protect The Vendor shall purchase and maintain in force, at his own expense, such will of execution Vendor's the result from of, or the vendor and the County from claims which may arise out by anyone or subcontractorq the work, whether such eiecution be by himself, his employees, agents, for whose acts any of them may be liable. The insurance coverage shall be such as to. fully protect the County and the general public from any and all claims for injury and damage resulting by any actions on the part ofthe vendor or his forces as enumerated below. 1. The Vendor shall furnish a copy of an original Certificate of lnsurance, naming Anderson County as an additional insured. Should any of the policies be cancelled before the expiration date, the issuing company will mail 30 dayi written notice to the certificate holder. The Vendor shall furnish insura-nce in satisfactory limits, and shall require and show evidence of insurance coverage on behalf of any subcontractors (if applicable), before entering into any agreement to sublet any part of the work to be done under thii Contract. The Vendor and his insurance company should carefully reviewtheinsurancerequ|rementsapp|icab|etothisjob.A||requirementsmustbemetbeforethe County will execute the contract' to include endorsed A comprehensive general liability insurance policy' specificallv and Broad Contra-ctors, tiaUitity independent coverage for completed op"r"iiJn., 'SalO per limit $1,000,000 poiicy"ontraAlat of insurance to fiave a minimum F"i, p-r"p"rty Oamage. damage; property iriii ioi OoOity injury (including death) and f """"ri"nJ"-",irnbined-singte Aproduct|iabi|ity|nsurancepo|icy,ifnecessary(inc|udingcontractua||iabi|itycoverage)' with a minimum limit of $1,000'000; policy covering owned, n-on-owned' and hired vehicles' An 's'"iiautomobile liability insurance a minimum timit of 91,000,000 per occurrence combined p"il"v i"iura,ice to trave "t bodily injury (including death) and property damage; single limii for AWorkerscompensationanoemp|o-yers|iabi|ityinsurancepo|icywithaStatutory|imitof *oii"rr compensation and a limii of $t,ooo,ooo per accident or employer liability' provided to the County at Notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change in coverage shall be least 30 days Prior to action. The The county shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies except worker's compensation' proposer s-hall provide evidence of insurability in the Proposal' The Certificate Holder should be listed as: Anderson County Government 100 N. Main Street, Room 214 Clinton, Tennessee 37716 K. Compliance With All Laws Contractor is assumed to be familiar with and agrees to observe and comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulationJ in any manner affecting the provision ol goods and/or services, and all instructions and prohibitive orders issued regarding this work and shall obtain all necessary permits. L. Governinq Law parties This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee, and all obligations of the shall Tennessee, County, of Anderson Courts The are performable in And'erson County, Tennessee. have exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction of any disputes, which arise hereunder. M. Business Licenses proposers are required to have a current Anderson County business license at the time the proposals are submitted. Proposals from vendors without a current business license may be disqualified. lf the proposer is an out of county vendor it is the proposer's responsibility to determine if an Anderson County Business License is required. N. lndemnification/Hold Harmless 1. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless Anderson County, its officers, agents and employees from all suits, claims, actions or damages of any nature brought because of, arising outof,orduetobreachoftheagreementbycontractor,itssubcontractors,supp|iers,agents'or emo|oveesorduetoanyneg|igentactoroccurrenceoranyomissionorcommissionofcontractor, its subcontractors, suppliers, agents or employees |nadditiontothe|iabi|ityimposedonthecontractoronaccountofdamagetopropertyorpersonal this contract, the contractor agrees to injury, inctuding oeatn, arisrng tiio-ug; fp;tionr u"der personal liability or payment damage for property or indemnify the county agarnsr caused or in any manner arising "nv "ip"ni", injury, including death and inluriJs tothe contractor's employees, from operations hereunder, ,n"rro-ing by Anderson County. ih" furnished use by the contractor of equipment or facilities A||co||ectedproductssha||becomethe|iabi|ityofthe.vendorimmediate|yuponthevendor,s handling of collected products and continuing thereafter' 4. harmless from al| |iability contractor must agree to indemnify, defend and hold Anderson County of said collected or disposing arising from the trinsporting, itoring, recyc6ng, reclaiming, refining Comprehensive the pioJuits incfuOing, Uut not timiteA t6 tne iostJot any remedial action under (also known as the Superfund) L-r*iionmentat R6sponse, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 and comparable State law. O. Contract Terms least June 30, The winning bidder must agree that their prices will remain as quoted (or less) until at Commission 2016 and r,iith the option to re-new for up to (4) four additional years, pending County approval. proposal All items in this Request for Proposals must be included with the Proposal. By submitting a will be response in submitted the proposer agrees that this request and the proposer's written material included as part of the Contract. P. Constraints-Contractor The Contractor shall be responsible for all licenses, fees, and permits required for performance of the contract resulting from this Request for Proposal. All work to be performed under this contract shall be orovided at times convenient to Anderson County. Maintenance and installations may only be oerformed at times which do not interfere with daily operations of Anderson County Schools or Government. AGS does not expect to pay overtime wages. Q. Evaluation of ProPosals Anderson County will first examine proposals to eliminate those which are clearly non-responsive to the stated requirements. Therefore, Vendors should exercise particular care in reviewing the Proposal Format required for this RFP. At this point, ACS may request presentations by Vendors, and carry out contract negotiations for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. Anderson County reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time and for any reason and to issue such clarifications, modifications, and/or amendments as it may deem appropriate. Receipt of a proposal by Anderson County or a submission of a County bestows no rights upon the Vendor nor obligates Anderson County in any manner. action irregularities in proposals' provided that such Anderson county reserves the right to waive minor isinthebestinterestofAnderson-County.Anysuchwaiversha||neithermodifyanyremainingRFP reouirementsnorexcusetheVendorfromfu|lcomp|iancewiththeRFPspecificationsandother "ontr"a requirements if the Vendor is awarded the Contract- R. Reiection of ProPosals or in part any or all proposals Anderson County reserves the right to accept or reject in whole any Vendor that is determined to be nonsubmitted. Anderson County shail reject the proposal of responsive.Theunreasonab|efai|ureofaVendortopromptlysupp|yinformatio-ninconnectionwith respecttoresponsibi|itymaybegroundsforadeterminationofnon-responsibi|ity.Andersoncounty reserves the right to reject all proposals' in termination of business with winning Failure to abide by the conditions ouflined in this RFP will result venoor. submitted properly' Acceptance of Proposals Anderson county shall accept all proposals that are to proposals' However, Anderson county reserves the right to request clarifications or corrections Scope of Services S. Minimum (General) Criteria "Responsibility" of each Vendor proposal' It is the vendor's responsibility to supply the following information in their submitted . Does the vendor possess the ability, capacity, skill, and financial resources to provide the service? 2. Can the respondent take upon itself the responsibilities set forth in the RFP (and resulting contract) and produce the required outcomes timely? 3. Does the vendor have the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency required by the contract? 4. Has the Vendor performed satisfactorily in previous contracts of similar size and scope? S. Does the vendor have a SPIN number on file with the SLD? lf so, SPIN # must be clearly indicated in proposal response. 1 T. 1 . Vendor Requirements Must (if company/vendor is selected) furnish a 100% performance bond as a guarantee of performance, and must provide a statement in the proposal of vendor's willingness to furnish in the event the vendor receives the contract. 2. ACS expects the winning vendor to supply a Project Lead that ACS will communicate with throughout the project. 3. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Vendors are to sign and return the conflict of interest form provided in the proposal Packet. 4. AndersoncountyassumeSnoresponsibi|ityforproposa|preparationcost. and that its employees serve as independent contractors c. contractor shall acknowledge that it and incurred liability Anderson County shall *t o" t"sf""tiUe for any payment' insurance or o. national codes and procedures' Contractors are expected to follow all state and 7. periodic inspections' Anderson County reserves the right to make q o for Proposal' Failure to comply with all All proposals must be in strict compliance with this Request orovisions of the RFP may result in disqualification ' and all services rendered shall contractor warrants to Anclerson county that all items delivered conformtothespecifications,drawings,proposa|and/orotherdescriptionsfurnishedandior purpose purchased' of merchantable incorporated by reference, and will be fit for the particular quality, good workmanship, and free from defects' U. Services Requested and Expectations 1. a total for each Each vendor is required to supply pricing for each line item submitted as well as school and a final district price for the 3 schools. new and ACS does not accept used parts or materials. ACS expects all parts and materials to be the vendor package, have been never used or installed. Unless specified otherwise in the proposal must provide new supplies. New, as used in this clause, means previously unused materials. products' Material includes but is not limited to, raw material, parts, items, components, and end proposal' Vendor submission of other than new materials may be cause for the rejection of their Vendors can expect to penetrate poured concrete walls and walls made of concrete block' All fire codes are expected to be honored when penetrating all walls' proposals for 4. vendors must provide the make, model, and other information pertinent to comparing equivalency. Vendors must provide basic labor rates and any special rates - such as fiber termination and testing that are to be included in the project. b. Anderson County Schools will accept only the materials requested on the enclosed spreadsheets when wiring our schools. 7. No older or current cable is to be removed from any of our schools. 8. Vendors must provide as-built drawings at the conclusion of the project' 9. Vendors must test all ports at the end of each project VENDOR INFORMATION (Please fill out comPletelY) Bycomp|etingandSigningthisformyoucertifythatyouareanauthorizedrepresentativeofthecompany forwhichyouareSubmittingabid/proposa|andthatyouhavetheauthoritytolega||ybindyourcompany. the terms and conditions of you certify that you agree to all Further, by completing ancl stgning this form this bid/proPosal. 1. Vendor Name 2. Address Zip Code State City 3. Contact Person (Please Print) 4, Telephone Number 5. Vendor's e-mail address 6. AuthorizingSignature 7. Title of Person Signing Bid 8. I acknowledge the receipt of: (please write "yes" if you received one) Addendum 1 Fax Number Addendum 2 Addendum 3----Addendum + 9. Taxpayer ldentification Number: social security, Employer ldentification Number: Person Authorized to Sign (Please print) Author'zing Signature (Please sign original in blue ink) I this bid aoree to abide bv all Terms and Conditions of this lnvitation to Bid and certify that I am sign i;il;;;;;.;;irui"ioin"iuo""nyinformationmentionedinthebidortocomplywiththesebidinstructionsmav Invitation for Bid document has iesufiin reiection of your entire bid.'Signing the Bid Form affirms that the original not been altered in any way. ANDERSON COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 214 1OO NORTII MAIN STREET, SUITES Request For ProPosal Number: 4580 (3) Schools Request for Proposal Title: Internet Wiring e$'iththebidnumber,Compan1nameandopeningdate clearlymarked. Failur€to*-p'vtlvtJs"]ectionofvou::.1i1*'**1"^3:t'i;""-r1t*i19'1l"1t"1,t' ir; returned. Anierson county will not be responsible ror anv lost or ililiil$;i;;;;;;;;;.i misdirected mail. l.lPRoTEST:AnyvendorwishingtoprotesttheawardshallnotifuinwritingtheAnderson-CountyPulchasing (10) ten calerdar days marked with clearly be protest must of the awaxd. protests must be rn writing and envilopes/package containing in conjunction with Agent' Purchasing The n"qu"ri io, ptopotul number and wordsi'Request foi Proposailtt"y' make a final and rev-iew shall Attomey, ofthe County bo.mission, and with the advice and counsel it. eur"t County ofAnderson Courts ^ing or Chancery Circuit in the decision as to'any proposal protest. Appeals shall be filed within sixty (60) days ofthe final decision. *-ill be accepted, ixcept those protests made in writing and received within afiiioJilGrt purchase may be completed or th€ Vendors please note: Anderson County will not stop the purchase process' The protesting vendor project may be re-bid while the protesiprocedure is still in operation. tf a re-bid is made, the will not end re-bidding the Further, lrrould suu-it u new bid. otherwise, they will be without a bid on the re-bid. appea-' the withdlaws or the complainant the appeals process. It will continue until a final decision is reached |.2PRooFoFF|NANCIALANDBUSINESSCAPAFI|-|TYlRequestforProposa|smust.uponlherequestof accordance with A," Co,,rbt protrde s"ttrf"ctfr eviOe*e ofttreir ability to furnish products determination as to the the terms and conditions ofthese specifications. Andelson County will make the final proposal's ability. 1.3 VENDOR'S ", ,.r"i"", fr"- reserves the right, in case ofvendor default, to procure the articles rces and hold the defaulting vendor responsible for any excess costs occasioned thereby. DEFAULT: Anderson county . CHECKS: Confactors shall comply with Public chapter 587 of 2007,,as codified in records Sectio;49-5-413, which requires all contractors to facilitate a criminal history T"""".*" C"d. "ted Bureau oflnvestigation and the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation for each employee Tennessee the by check conducted present' pdor to permitting the employee to have contact with students or enter school grounds when students are 1.4 BACKGROUND A 1.5 BID 1.6 CLOCK: The bid/time clock in the Anderson County Purchasing office will be the time ofrecord TAXES: Anderson County is not liable for Federal excise or State sales tax. Tax exemption certificates will be provided upon request. l.l7 the DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: Under the provisions ofTenness€e Code Annotated $50-9-l l3 enacted by @employerswithfive(5)ormoIeemployeeswhocontractwitheitheI.thestate to submit an affidavit stating that they have a or a local government to provide construition services are required of a proposal drug free workplace program that complies with Title 50, chaptel 9, in effect at the time ofsubmission and the confactor on at lJast to the extent ieqriired of govemmental entities. The statute imposes other requirements provision of any other or contlactors should consult private legal counsel if legal questions arise undel this section employer this document. All contraciors shall-provide a written afhdavit signed by the principal officer ofa covered laws ofthe State ot in compliance with the Drug Free Workplace acknowledging that the contracting entity is Tennessee. l'SNocoNTAcTPoLlCY':Afler\endorreceivesacopyofthisbid.anvcontactinitiatedbyanyvendorwith invitation for bid is this than the purchasinglepurt-ent, conceming any Anderson coun,y ,"pr.."n,u,ru., oGr Any such County Anderson on i-t prohibited and agre"."n , .uo" tnJiti" "t"'ioered'binding transaction procurement this from of ttre bidder unauthorized conta",lnuy .uur" ,n" d-is-quatification *iii""t addendum' reserv€s the-right to.amend this solicitation by 1.9 ADDENDUM: Anderson.County Government [email protected]/ourchasine.htr'nlyplo4s,lou','inad.yanceof ttre weusite for addendum lf in the to time]lilrffibid;;;;.p"ntibility the bid./proposals due aate ano "trecl solicitation may be extended in an for this county,s opinion revisions are ot such a magnitude, the deadline rp..ihcations, reply sheets, and times and dates for pre-bid meetings addition, addendu. .un .rr-i" addendum. In as well as due dates/deadlines for questions and bids/proposals' I.I0WAIVINGoFINFORMALITIES:AndersonCounryleservestherighttowaiveminorinformalitiesor it is in the best interest ofAndenon County' t".l"ri."lii* *h* by Anderson county for the goods or servtces n 1.11 APPROPRIATION: lnthe event no funds are appropriated expire upon the funds existto purchase thi goods or services, then the Contract shall fi$t' with no occurs year' whichever fiscal expenditure ofprevlously approprlated funds or the end o1fie current funher obligations ou ed to or by either parq ;y fffiFffi;ff-ent its obligations or rights hereunder 1.12 ASSIGNMENT: Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract this agreement, written specific consent of Anderson prior the without person or incorporation ."-p"tty, partnership, t";"fi*ty, County. 1.13 COOpERATTVE pURCHASING AGREEMENT: Vendors are to indicate if it is permissible for other etheseitemsoIseryicesatthesameprice.FIeight iharges may be adjusted to reflect differences in delivery costs to other locations' Please indicate approval Purchasing ofthe Cooperative Agreement. Yes Anderson County Business License (Yes or No) Business License in State ofTennessee (Yes or No) If so, Which Tennessee County - 10 Request For ProPosal Number: 4580 (3) Schools Request for Proposal Title: Internet Wiring , NSU RAN CE REQU I REM ENT CH ECKLIST ffiif.expenseadeqlate,insufan::;"s',lt;1"":l"l:'l*'*i'i3"',liiln:flJ:ilh:11fl,j|i: b".p."*,i"" Act, any and all claims for_bodily injury andpropertv,llT:c":,j:r".,-" and must vii,r..ri, .""." [i'l'j;?S'ili:Tl*ii;Tl#iil"i5.i:,"ffi';,,[1ffi;.";;i]r"lii.?"ii'*"e bepanmenr mainta;ned until work completed d;i;;h;?;t ;;rketl with an "X" are applicable to this bid and or conract' mav besin hefore berore work may be is f. X z. I Workers ComPensation EmPloYers Liability Commercial General Liability a X X X tr Business Auto tr X f] 3. tr $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Occurrence Form OnlY Include Premises LiabilitY Include Include Include Include Include Include Include a Statutory limits I 00,000/l 00,000/500,000 Contractual XCU Products and Completed Operations Personal Injury Independent Contractors Vendors Liability Professional or E & O Liability Include Garage Liability lnclude Garage Keepers Liability Copy of Valid Drivers License $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Copy ofCunent Motor Vehicle Record Copy ofCurrent Auto Liability Declarations Page 4. -l 5. tr 6. Crime Coverages ! tr Employee Dishonesty Employee DishonestY Bond Property Coverages I tr tr Builders Risk Inland Martne Transportation peformance Bond Required - A One Hundred Percent ( 1007o) performance ot an irrevocable letter of credit before in favor ofAnderson Cowrty Government -t a federally insured financial institrtion. I4qtIbe submitted X contract and purchase order issued and title. certificate Holder shall Be: Anderson County Govcrnment, Clinton, Tennessee, and shall show the bid number and auto Anderson County Government shall be named as an additional insured on all policies exaept worker's compensatlon clause on certificate should Insurance carrier ratings shallhave a Best's rating of A-VII or better, or its equivalent. Cancellation from the above strike out.,endeavor to'and include a 3o-day notice ofcancellation where applicable. Any d€viations or exclLlsions must also be deductibles Any liability Agent. Purchasing County Andeison to the be disclosed requirements @E disclosed. Exceptions can be granted ifapplicable Bidders Statement and Certification (twontY-one) calend4r davs I understand the insurance requirements ofthese specifications and will comply in full within 2l the entire term of the bid and or awarded this bid and or contrict. I agree to fumisi thg county with proof of insurance for contracl. Authorized Signature vendor Name Bid ReDresentative Name (Pleese Print) l1 if BAc KG Ro u l,t o -=--c n ec x co l'l P L I AN G E F o RM PURCHASING DEPARTMENT MAIN STREET, ROOM 214 or 218 100 N. CLINTON, TN 37716 (86s) 4s7-625r CONTRACT NUMBER in Tennessee code public chapter 58T of2007, as codifred BAcKGRouND cHEcKs contractors shall compty with i""*it*. ,o facilitare a criminal history records check Annotared Secrion 4s-s-q r .r. *nrcn ieqi'J". "ii conducted by the TennesseeBureauoflnvestigationarldtheFederalBureauoflnvestigationforeachemployeepriortopermittingthe present' ;p;;;;; il" wiih students or enter school grounds when students are "ontact person' corporation or entit'v who enters into Any p€rson, corporation or other entity who enters or any.employee ofany care program on or after September l, 2007, must: or renews a contract with a local board ofeducation or child (1) (2) Provide a fingerprint sample by the Tennessee Bureau oflnvestigations and the Submit to a criminal historjrecords check to be conducted Federal Bureau of Investigations. (865) 463-2800 ext. 281I for fingerprint contact the Anderson county school's Human Resources Departrnent at Company or Individuals (Name) Contractor License Number (If Applicable) ode Annotated Section 49-5-4 | 3' and certif, is accepted, to firmish any and all ofthe contract bid or ifthis thai I am authorized to sign. Tire undersigned ftuther agrees at the request ofAnderson b)'law, required as employees nackgfound Check Infori.ration on himself and all ofhis to Anderson county Courity Government. I hereby agree to release all criminal history and other required information in accordance with Governrnent, the Tennessee Bureau oflnvestigation and the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation is true. and accurate l agree inquiry this regarding by me supplied all information that further certiry I Tennessee law and related to the information ofthis to release and hold harmless the above-mentioned governmental entities for the use information on history criminal accePtable purposes mardated under Tennessee law. I furtheriertify that I have obtained ofthe work performance with the associated and will obtain said information on future employees iU iurr.nt of employee nor any I " that neither and 49-5-413 Annotated clefined in this bid or contract, pursuant to Tennessee Code annotated Code in Tennessee enumerated reasons the for children mine is prohibited fiom direct contact with school Section $$ 49-5-401 et seq. ANDERSON COUNTY GOVERNMENT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFDIAVIT/STATEMENT YOUR BID PACKET' NOTE: PTEASE SIGN AND RETURN PAGE TWO lN T, C. A. 5-14-114' Conflicts of interest - lllegal payments' purchasing commission' nor (a) Neither the county purchasing agent, nor members of the- county the county, shall be fina ncially interested' members of the county legistativ; b-ody, nor other officials of orhaveanypersonaIbeneficiaIinterest,eitherdirect|yorindirect|y,inanycontractorpurchaseorder or furnished to any department for any supplies, materials, equlpment or contractual services used by or agency of the county government. person' firm or (b) Nor shall any such persons accept or receive, directly or indirectly, from any gift or otherwise, any ioiporation to which any contract or purchase order may be awarded, by rebate, for future reward or money or anything of value whatsoever, or any promise, obligation or contract compensatlon. (c) A violation of this section is a Class D felony. T, C, A. 12-4-101 Personal interest of officers prohibited. (a) (1) lt is unlawful for any officer, committee member, director, or other person whose duty it is to vote for, let out, overlook, or in any manner to superintend any work or any contract in which any or municipal corporation, county, state, development district, utility district, human resource agency, in any interested other political subdivision created by statute shall or may be interested, to be directly business such contract. "Directly interested" means any contract with the official personally or with any interest' person controlling having the in which the official is the sole proprietor, a partner, or the "Controlling interest" includes the individual with the ownership or control of the largest number of not be outstanding shares owned by any single individual or corporation. This subdivision (a)(1) shall of a a member person, than other or any construed to prohibit any officer, committeeperson, director, localgoverning body of a county or municipality, from voting on the budget, appropriation resolution, or tax rate resolution, or amendments thereto, unless the vote is on a specific amendment to the budget or a specific appropriation or resolution in which such person is directly interested. (2) (A) Subdivision (a)(1) shall also apply to a member of the board of directors of any not-for-profit (1) or corporation authorized by the laws of Tennessee to act for the benefit or on behalf of a ny one more counties, cities, towns and localgovernments pursuant to title 7, chapter 54 or 58. (B) Subdivision (a)(2)(A) does not apply to any county with a metropolitan form of government and having a population of four hundred thousand (400,000) or more, according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census. (b) lt is unlawful for any officer, committee member, director, or other person whose duty it is to vote for, let Out, overlook, or in any manner to superintend any work or any contract in which any municipal 12 or other district' utility-district' human resource agency' corporation, county, state, development po|itica|subdivisioncreatedbystatutesha||ormaybeinterested,tobeindirect|yinterestedinanysuch *.h officer's interest. "lndirectly interested" means contract unless the officer puoticli Jir.*uur"ag"r the not directly so' but includes contracts where any contract in which the officer is interested but officer is directly interested out islie or county sote supplier of goods or services in a municipality of county or a municipality who is also an employee (c) (1) Any member of a local governing body of a or predates the member's initial election iu.i-.oun,y or.rnicipality and whosJempioyment on matters in which the or municipality may vote appointment to the governing body of the county the governing body immediately prior to the member has a conflict of interest ii ttre member informs ,'Because I am an employee of (name of governmental unit), I have a conflict of interest vote as follows: my argument and my vote answer only to my in the proposal about to be voted. However, I declare that conscienceandtomyobligationtomyconstituentsandthecitizensthisbodyrepresents.',TheVoteof governing body of such not so inform the any such member having a conflict of interest who does in this subdivision (c)(1), "timely manner" conflict shall be void if challenged in a timely manner. As used meansduringthesamemeetingatwhichtheVotewascastandpriortothetransactionofanyfurther business by the bodY. (2}Anymemberofa|oca|governinSbodyofacountyoramunicipa|itywhoisa|soanemp|oyeeofsuch on which the member was county or municipality and whose employment began on or after the date or municipality shall not vote initiallv elected or appointed to serve on the governing body ofthe county on matters in which the member has a conflict of interest' a conflict of (3) (Al In the event a memoer of a local governing body of a county or a municipality has cause by announcing interest in a matter to be voted upon by the body, such member may abstain for such to the presiding officer. cause on (B) (i) Any member of a local governing body of a municipality who abstains from voting for a purpose determining of for the any issue coming to a vote before the body shall not be counted majority vote. (ii)Thissubdivision(cX3XB)sha||innowaybeconstruedtoapp|ytoanycountyhavingametropolitan to foim of government and having a population in excess of five hundred thousand (500,000), according the 1990 federal census or any subsequent federal census' corporation (d) This section shall apply to a member of the board of directors or officer of any nonprofit meetings. iequired under S 8-44-102(bX111E) to conduct all meetings of its governing body as open lhavereadandunderstand!q11!T.c.A.5-14.11.4andT.c.A.Lz-4-Lor,andwi||comp|y. NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN PAGE TWO IN YOUR BID PACKET. Date Contractor or Company Owner (signature) Contractor or Company Name (print) l-) -{ { 'o z c i zo a 9 g € € a a = o z g u) z z 4. I i = = 4 m lo t= l6 tz ls I o -l o tr t u o o o o ltz 2 .t F = = = = o o o m c I o z c i o z l6 tz o o o o o m m m I I ) 3 m m m -.t m o = o o o o o d = = o o ii o o N) o) = 3 = a F - ; q o It lo l> te tG, s 3 o o z c 3 o !t = t c ll { (D 5 c d 6 3 g : a I s { I d Ia ll t o o 6 6' rn a- o a o o a. s d q o -E e a. 6 I L € a E ll 3 3 d g t o_ o x U, o o g g zgl 6 o o o I .E 3 .D I 3 5' E o 8 9. c o q 'o 8. o= s 3' q. o.E o-' e. !P. t 1 n e 6q l,Q c F: 6ii 66' 6V E -". 1 o s6 oR 96 5{ t'6 Andersonville Elementary School Wnter 2015 Andergonville Elementary School Winter 2015 Andersonville Elementary School wnter 2015 Room fl Cat 6A Cable Femal€ Distance Jacks 151 151 151 7 8 1 1 8 1 .L I 0 1 1 1 0 ! 1 1 0 1 -L 0 T 7 t 0 L 7 1 0 1 1 1 I 15b 100 Lib Hall 100 Lib Hall 100 Nurse sid( Entrance Old office 1 )44 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Cafe 60 50 50 1 L 0 I L Lare 720 1 0 1 1 caf6 side Cafe back L20 1 0 .I 1 I40 T 0 1 1 149 Hall 130 1 0 L 1 149 Hall 130 1 0 7 L 151side 270 1 0 I 1 Gym 190 T 0 1 I Gym 150 1 0 1 1 131 side 273 1 0 1 r 129 side 235 1 0 T 1 134 hall I 0 1 r 134 hall 1 0 L 1 120 hall 150 7 0 1 1 L20 hall 150 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 ! 0 1 1 40 L 0 1 t MDF 42U 0 95 0 0 0 IDF 42U 0 123 side 128 side 118 side Totals C 20495 262 7' Patch 3' Patch flber Cable Cable Distance ft 0 24tJ 25\) Lib Hall Molding I I 205 150 3 pr Wire 0 0 95 95 36 36 131 131 0 0 0 150 150 s68 131 131 150 150 And*son';llc {, * .x -.rIi I * r, '. :! i ,ll i . ! :ii{ I, i "i.- *' * !1x :* i!, I xa*i -,,;i i i x. i, -! * j. 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