U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Florida Calendar Events Set For 2/24/2015-2/24/2015 Judge A. Jay Cristol, Presiding 09:00AM 09-25412 13 2/24/2015 bk Ruben Miguel Escamilla AND Solange Marie Escamilla • Motion to Compel Payment fo Awarded Fee [DE 306] Filed by Debtor Ruben Miguel Escamilla (315) Ruben Miguel Escamilla - db ROBERT C MEYER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 09-34852 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Mary M. Valle • Motion to Determine that Mortgage is Not Current Filed by Creditor CitiMortgage, Inc .. (83) Mary M. Valle - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 10-10382 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Felipe Jimenez AND Ana Mary Jimenez PIF under 1MP Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 38 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Felipe Jimenez. (97) Felipe Jimenez - db LAlLA S. GONZALEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr o GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 1- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-12733 13 bk Elizabeth Cummins $1807.04 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Elizabeth Cummins. (Cordero, Patrick) (111)· Elizabeth Cummins - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If reinstated, case to proceed in nom1al course 10-1511413 bk Pedro J Carrillo AND Miriela Casin • Motion to Redirect Payment Miami-Dade County Tax Collector Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Carrington, Amy) (151) Pedro J Carrillo - db ANTONIO S SIRVEN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 10-19438 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Monica Munoz • Ex Parte Motion Terminate Wage Deduction Order [cal] Filed by Debtor Monica Munoz. (Poe, James) (118) Monica Munoz - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 2- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-21005 13 bk Fernando Ortiz AND Yvonne Alejandra Ortiz $26685.63 under 3MP • Motion to Reinstate Case, Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 132 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Fernando Ortiz, Joint Debtor Yvonne Alejandra Ortiz. (Poe, James) (145)Fernando Ortiz - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - Does not provide for 100% to unsecured creditors in full --(.~~~--~'/-~-tl::?__-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-28802 13 bk Edita Mendoza • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Edita Mendoza. (82) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Edita Mendoza. (80) Edita Mendoza - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 10-30146 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Ana Rosa Alonso-Pujol • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Ana Rosa Alonso-Pujol. (139) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Ana Rosa Alonso-Pujol. (141) Ana Rosa Alonso-Pujol- db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ -3- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-30248 13 bk Ramses Bonet AND Yesenia Bonet • Ex Parte Motion for Clarification of the Automatic Stay Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (107) Ramses Bonet - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 10-32026 13 bk Osiris Casas $1558.96 under 2MP • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Osiris Casas. (Cordero, Patrick) (56)' • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 41 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Osiris Casas. (Cordero, Patrick) (58) Osiris Casas - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Case to Proceed in the Normal Course GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN -4- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-32472 13 bk Luis Carlos Rios AND Dora De la Caridad Rios • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (75) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (77) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (79) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (81) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (83) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (73) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (67) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (69) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Joint Debtor Dora Debtor Luis Carlos Rios. (Nowack, Mitchell) (71) Luis Carlos Rios - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 10-36340 13 De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, De la Caridad Rios, Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Julia Chamorro • Motion to Approve Loan Modification for Loan Being Paid Outside of the Chapter 13 Plan Filed by Debtor Julia Chamorro. (NowaCk, Mitchell) (55) Julia Chamorro - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carlos 0 Fernandez AND Mary K Fernandez 10-37448 13 bk 09:00AM • Motion For Entry Of Discharge Filed by Debtor Carlos 0 Fernandez, Joint Debtor Mary K Fernandez. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (79) Carlos 0 Fernandez - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr 10-38068 13 bk Pablo Gaspar Tamayo AND Ileana Rosales • Hearing Re: Debtor's failure to file Local Form 97, Debtor's Certificate of Compliance, Motion for Issuance of Discharge and Notice of Deadline to Object Pablo Gaspar Tamayo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 10-38343 13 bk Raymond Hernandez $3732.16 under 7MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 150 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Raymond Hernandez. (Frank, Michael) (186) Raymond Hernandez - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 7MP not ok - calculation error on attorney fees -6- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-40949 13 bk Aracelis Jeannette Aguilar • Motion to Redirect Payment Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (145) Aracelis Jeannette Aguilar - db SAMIR MASRI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 10-41613 13 bk Abel L Herrera AND Cossette Landin • Motion to Redirect Payment Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (143) Abel L Herrera - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 10-49025 13 bk Loammi Figueredo $666.30 under IMP • Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 53 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Loammi Figueredo. (Bellinson, Andrew) (80)· Loammi Figueredo - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If reinstated, case to proceed in normal course GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN -7- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 10-49362 13 bk Jesus N Fernandez AND Silvia Fernandez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Santander Consumer USA Filed by Debtor Jesus N Fernandez, Joint Debtor Silvia Fernandez. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (89) Jesus N Fernandez - db MARY REYES Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-12421 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Diulaisis Nunez • Motion for a Second Mediation in Loss Mitigation Mediation Program Based on Change in Circumstances (Renewed) Filed by Debtor Diulaisis Nunez. (Rudd, Aubrey) (115) Diulaisis Nunez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-12599 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Ernesto Pedroso ($1179.52) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 67 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Ernesto Pedroso. (CalasJohnson, Desiree) (69) Ernesto Pedroso - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN -8- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 11-17774 13 bk Sandra I Colon ($502.65) under IMP + pymnt due today/ $16888.68 under CP • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Sandra I Colon. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (107)· Sandra I Colon - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If reinstated, case to proceed in normal course 11-20249 13 bk Jhon Andrey Libreros AND Ana Milena Marulanda • Motion to Redirect Payment Miami-Dade County Tax Collector Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Carrington, Amy) (105) Jhon Andrey Libreros - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-20799 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Ricardo Rodriguez AND Mayra Rodriguez • Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Joint Debtor Mayra Rodriguez, Debtor Ricardo Rodriguez. (Sagre, Ariel) (90) Ricardo Rodriguez - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: -9- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-24049 13 bk Mario A Mujica 09:00AM $6489.66 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 182 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Mario A Mujica. (NavarroGarcia, Sandra) (191) Mario A Mujica - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DIWIP 180 days: 3MP not ok - does not fund properly m. 44-49; does not provide for both Patsy Heffner claims when disbursements have been made on both; historical payments are incorrect for this creditor -Jt4~~-;-lJl-:l~L:i-~-~J?~-~-lJ-~~-Jl-~-----------------------------------------__________________________________ ----------------11-24948 13 bk Carlos Alva-Centurion AND Frida Alva-Centurion • Motion for Relieffrom Stay [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor U.S. Bank, National Association, as trustee for CV Mortgage Loan Trust 2013-1. (Silverstein, Ira) (87) Carlos Alva-Centurion - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 11-27075 13 bk Rosa E Vasquez • Objection to Claim of JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA [# 14], Filed by Debtor Rosa E Vasquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (86) Rosa E Vasquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 10- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 11-28163 13 bk Alfredo Castro Andreu AND Sabina Martinez ($1338.25) under 7MP Incl. P.D. $1410.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Renewed Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 157 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alfredo Castro Andreu, Joint Debtor Sabina Martinez. (164)' Alfredo Castro Andreu - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ If reinstated, case to proceed in normal course Re Motion to Modify: 7 Days to file amended Sch I &J to disclose income from Spouse's new job (previously unemployed). Modify play to pay new disposable income --~/?~~--~/J~JL~-_--------------------------------_____ --------------------------____________________________---------------------11-28478 13 bk Antonio Gonzalez AND Marilyn Candelaria Gonzalez • Motion for Recordable Order that Declares the Second Mortgage Lien Held By Bank of America Void, Extinguished and Fully Paid Filed by Debtor Antonio Gonzalez (Schwitalla, James) (64) Antonio Gonzalez - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 11-29241 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Kelly Elizabeth Pozo • Intervenor's Motion Terminate Contract/Release Escrow Filed by Intervenors Bella Katznelson, Simon Katznelson. (Cox, Brenda) (136) Simon Katznelson - inv BRENDA M COX Nancy K Neidich - tr Judge: - 11 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-31812 13 bk Carl H. Casimir AND Gladys Casimir $12606.60 • Motion to Reinstate Case [cal] Filed by Debtor Carl H. Casimir, Joint Debtor Gladys Casimir. (Sixto, Alejandro) (170)' Carl H. Casimir - db ALEJANDRO SIXTO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: If reinstated, case to proceed in normal course 11-37772 13 bk Jose L Ramos AND Raquel Duran Ramos • Motion to Allow Debtor to Enter into a Loan Modification with Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Filed by Debtor Jose L Ramos, Joint Debtor Raquel Duran Ramos. (Cordero, Patrick) (56) Jose L Ramos - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 11-42900 13 bk Bianca V. Pilarte • Order Continuing Status Conference. Status Hearing to be held on 02/24/2015 at 09:00 AM at C. Clyde Atkins U.S. Courthouse, 301 N Miami Ave Courtroom 7 (AJC), Miami, FL 33128. (172) Bianca V. Pilarte - db James A Poe aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 12- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-43918 13 bk Alvin W. Fuzz, Sr. $1235.38 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 79 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Alvin W. Fuzz Sr.. (Nowack, Mitchell) (80) Alvin W. Fuzz - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr DENY: Cont for same issue - nothing done to resolve. Need correct IVL, Need 2012-2013 tax returns --~~~l-l!J,le2~,LL~--------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________-------------------11-45254 13 bk Iskra Reyes $499.04 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 79 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Iskra Reyes. (Suarez, Yoli) (88) Iskra Reyes - db YOLI A SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN --tJ~~-Jl!l:lJJ~-~~~~;--lJ~~~-L~-------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ _ 11-45280 13 bk Francklin A Borjas AND Gina Paola Lesmes • Objection to Claim of State of Florida - Child Support Enforcement [# 11], Filed by Debtor Francklin A Borjas, Joint Debtor Gina Paola Lesmes. (Cordero, Patrick) (92) Francklin A Borjas - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 13 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 12-13496 13 bk Ericka Paola Cardoso $7324.04 under 5MP • Continued Hearing Re: Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 45 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Ericka Paola Cardoso. (Rudd, Aubrey) (125) • Continued Hearing Re: Renewed Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, N.A. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $55,140.00) Filed by Debtor Ericka Paola Cardoso. (Rudd, Aubrey) (121) Ericka Paola Cardoso - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: 5MP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; need creditor consent to be added into plan; does not provide for total payments to unsecured creditors disbursed by Trustee -JbJf)~-~--l~llJJ2JJ-:l-1--~~~~--t~~-~Jl~-----------------------------------_________________________~ _____________-----------12-13834 13 bk Rene Daniel Gamboa • Objection to Claim of State of Florida - Child Support Enforcement [# 9], Filed by Debtor Rene Daniel Gamboa. (Cordero, Patrick) ,( 110) Rene Daniel Gamboa - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-14150 13 Proper Service: y_ bk 11_ Lourdes Basilia Gonzalez • Motion to Redirect Payment Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (177) Lourdes Basilia Gonzalez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 14- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 12-14818 13 bk Luis Perez AND Margoth Perez ($9834.26) under 4MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 115 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Luis Perez, Joint Debtor Margoth Perez. (Reyes, Mary) (117) Luis Perez - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: 4MP not ok - Need 2012-2013 tax returns --~~~-.J-l1~.I.l~-----___________________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------12-15047 13 bk Alcira J. Guzman ($0.12) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 9 Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alcira J. Guzman. (Masri, Samir) (56) Alcira J. Guzman - db SAMIR MASRI Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DIWIP 180 days: 2MP not ok - calculation error on attorney fees _~j[)~~_111-tt,/J~-,;-~~~-~-111,1JL~------------------------------------------_____________________________________--------------12-20618 13 bk Gilbert Gomez AND Luz Stella Gomez • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Bank of Ameica Corp Filed by Debtor Gilbert Gomez (65) Gilbert Gomez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n _ Up to Court: - 15 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM ---------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-20734 13 bk Mercedes Triguero $0.11 under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 60 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Mercedes Triguero. (Cordero, Patrick) (64) Mercedes Triguero - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 3M PLAN --~t'-tl~-~l~JJ-~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-20949 13 bk Carmen Veliz • Motion to Vacate (Re: 51 Order on Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property) Filed by Debtor Carmen Veliz. (Tacoronte, Janet) (114) Carmen Veliz - db JANET C TACORONTE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-21662 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Roberto Regalado • Objection to Claim of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for Harbor View Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-8 [# 4], Filed by Debtor Roberto Regalado. (Miller, Joshua) (48) Roberto Regalado - db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 16 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 12-24333 13 ''70q. '-Iv bk Juan Evenor Aleman AND Christian S Aleman • Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Joint Debtor Christian S Aleman, Debtor Juan Evenor Aleman. (Frank, Michael) (89) • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Joint Debtor Christian S Aleman, Debtor Juan Evenor Aleman. (Rodriguez, Olga) (86t Juan Evenor Aleman - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: If reinstated, case to proceed in nonnal course 12-25121 13 bk Sonia E. Fernandez • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (52) • Motion for Clarification of the Automatic Stay Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (55) Sonia E. Fernandez ,- db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-25401 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Miguel Cepeda AND Michel Garcia Cepeda • Motion to Approve Financing of Vehicle Filed by Debtor Miguel Cepeda, Joint Debtor Michel Garcia Cepeda. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit 8) (Miller, Joshua) (61) Miguel Cepeda - db JOSHUA S MILLER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Attorney asking for fees Where did Debtor get $2,000 for deposit? - 17 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 12-26506 13 bk Lazaro Aisina • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Lazaro Aisina. (Nowack, Mitchell) (76) Lazaro Aisina - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-27515 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Nelly Veramendi ($3.61) under 7MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 152 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Nelly Veramendi. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (159) Nelly Veramendi - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 7M PLAN __ __ __________________________________________________________________________________________ --~()~~-~)-~(2'/l;$ ;_~t:~~ lJ_f(~Jl~ 12-27750 13 bk Howard V Cortez ($330.57) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 107 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Howard V Cortez. (Shoot, Lawrence) (108) Howard V Cortez - db LAWRENCE M SHOOT Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; plan does not conform to Vista Trace Condo Assoc order (ECF #102) - 18 - 2/24/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09:00AM 12-29800 13 bk David Behar • Application for Compensation for Mitchell J. Nowack Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: 8/17/2012 to 12/30/2014, Fee: $13,000.00, Expenses: $275.00. Filed by Attorney Mitchell J. Nowack Esq .. (Nowack, Mitchell) (116) David Behar - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_·_ Up to Court: Safe Harbor: $8,575.00 12-31194 13 bk Karla Maria Mayorga • Continued Hearing Re: Objection to Claim of Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 11 J, Filed by Debtor Karla Maria Mayorga. (Cordero, Patrick) (29) Karla Maria Mayorga - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-31551 13 bk Proper Service: y_ n_ Lucrecia Vargas • Debtor's Emergency Motion to Reconsider (Re: 74 Order on Motion to Reinstate Case, Order on Motion to Vacate Dismissal, Order on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney) Filed by Debtor Lucrecia Vargas. (Valencia, Yamileth) Additional attachment(s) added on 2/4/2015 (Valencia, Yamileth). (76) Lucrecia Vargas - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: On 1127/2015 the Court Granted Laila Gonzalez, Esq.'s motion to withdraw as attorney of record and Denied Debtor's motion to reinstate [ECF No. 74] - 19 - 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-34751 13 bk Mercedes Concepcion 09:00AM • Motion for Clarification of the Automatic Stay Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (40) • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (43) Mercedes Concepcion - db YOLI A SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 12-37044 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Clyde D. Dozier AND Denise Dozier • Motion to Continue Hearing On: [(82 Motion to Modify Plan)] Filed by Debtor Clyde D. Dozier (93) • Renewed Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Old Cutler Square Property Owners' Association, Inc. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $249,000.00) Filed by Debtor (96) Clyde D. Dozier - db JORDAN E. BUBLICK Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court: 1.3-16834 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Martha Denis • Amended Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor The Woodlands Townhouse Condominium Association, Inc.. (Walton II, Kenneth) (90) Martha Denis - db RACHAMIN COHEN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 20- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-18342 13 bk Fabian Fernandez AND Vilma Francisca Fernandez • Motion to Redirect Payment Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (41) Fabian Fernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 13-20752 13 bk Teresita Leal ($767.55) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 144 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) [cal] Filed by Debtor Teresita Leal. (Russo, Rex) (145) • Application for Compensation for Rex E Russo Esq, attorney, Period: 5/8/2013 to 1/16/2015, Fee: $11,431.00, Expenses: $. [cal] Filed by Attorney Rex E Russo Esq. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B) (Russo, Rex) (146) Teresita Leal- db REX E RUSSO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Prpper Service: y_ n_ Up to COUli: 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Court must approve lump sum payment; fee app pending __~f:~l __L)_~JrI'L~-------------------------------------- ________________________________ ~ ____________________________________________ _ 13-20954 13 bk Rejane Marie Oldham • Motion to Dismiss Case or Alternatively to Compel Debtor to Modify Chapter 13 Plan Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC. (Weber, Jason) (60) Rejane Marie Oldham - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 21 - 09:00AM 13-21141 2/24/2015 13 bk Marleny Chahuilco • Amended Motion OBJECTION TO NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLCS NOTICE OF MORTGAGE PAYMENT CHANGE Filed by Debtor Marleny Chahuilco. (Sagre, Ariel) (137) Marleny Chahuilco - db ARIEL SAGRE . Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-22025 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Diego G Cardona • Continued Hearing Re: Renewed Verified Motion for Referral to Loss Mitigation Mediation with Lender Bank of America, N.A. [Negative Notice] Filed by Debtor Diego G Cardona. (Rudd, Aubrey) (117) Diego G Cardona - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Proper Service: y_ n_ COUl1: 13-22042 13 bk Orlando Pacheco ($1453.26) under 3MP • Second Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 108 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Orlando Pacheco. (Marcer, Michael) (112) Orlando Pacheco - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan, removing creditor with no explanation LPR: Q, JJ rrII S - 22- 09:00AM 13-23743 13 2/24/2015 bk Madeleine Civil ($685.99) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 49 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Madeleine Civil. (Bellinson, Andrew) (58) Madeleine Civil - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN --~1:~:L--l-J-~l,ll~ 13-24182 13 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ bk Wilvens Fertil $4383.45 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 75 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Wilvens Fertil. (Abarbanel, Matis) (92) Wilvens Fertil - db MATIS H ABARBANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Typo/improper months on plan payments ___~~!__L/~~/J~---------------------------------------___________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-24808 13 bk Jerry F Jones • Motion to Reconsider (Re: 99 Order on Motion For Relief From Stay) Filed by Creditor US Bank NA as Legal Title Trustee for Truman 2012 SC2 Title Trust. (Diaz, Adam) (100) Jerry F Jones - db CONWADE D. LEWIS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 23 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-25511 13 bk Elias Garcia AND Damaris Lopez ($0.04) under IMP • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender U.S.Bank Filed by Debtor Elias Garcia l Joint Debtor Damaris Lopez. (45) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 32 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Elias Garcia (42) Elias Garcia - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~~-JL)~-:.i-ll~ 13-25759 13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________-____________________ bk Daysi Perez ($0.l1) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 40 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Daysi Perez. (61) • Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage. (Attachments: # 1 Judgment # 2 Appraisal) (Giacinto Christopher) (48) Daysi Perez - db EMMANUEL PEREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr l GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~~~--~J~L)'l-~------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________----------------------13-25789 13 bk Myrtha A. Rodriguez AND Carlos R Rodriguez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C~Qgs • Continued Hearing re: Objection to Claim of Deutsche Bank National Trust CompanYI as Trustee [# 14]1 Filed by Joint Debtor Carlos R Rodriguez Debtor Myrtha A. Rodriguez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Proof of Payment # 2 Exhibit B - Proof of post-petition Payment) (Abrams David) (99) Myrtha A. Rodriguez - db KENNETH ABRAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr l l Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 24- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-26142 13 bk Irving R. Zamora AND Rina Zamora • Motion to Vacate (Re: 122 Order on Miscellaneous Motion) Mortgage Mediation Order [cal] Filed by Creditor Bank of America, N.A .. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order # 2 Certificate of Service) (Beuge, Stefan) (125) Irving R. Zamora - db OMAR J ARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-26656 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Josefina Leticia Gomez Mederos $1140.11 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 31 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Josefina Leticia Gomez Mederos. (Perez, Emmanuel) (39) Josefina Leticia Gomez Mederos - db EMMANUEL PEREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - RAMP must be paid in plan --~~~~-11J-(p-JJ-!i--- 13-27437 13 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ---_____________________ _ bk Claribel Freire • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 32 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Claribel Freire. (Rodriguez, Ricardo) (78) Claribel Freire - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr DENY: no modified plan filed 20 days prior to hearing as required by FRBP 2002 - 25 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-27646 13 bk Miguel Angel Cardona AND Luz Betty Cardona $4.49 under 6MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 61 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Luz Betty Cardona, Debtor Miguel Angel Cardona. (Frank, Michael) (81) Miguel Angel Cardona - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 6M PLAN ___~l?JEl}__~JJ-~)l~------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-28299 13 bk Hady Georgina Balbuena t4 311. q<6 .:::co(! I. f. h. t\t 3 Irr .q t • Continued Hearing Re: Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case [Fee Amount $235], Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Hady Georgina Balbuena. (Cordero, Patrick) (49)" Hady Georgina Balbuena - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Case was dismissed upon Trustee's motion. Debtor's income increased in 2013 from $27,056 to $58,067. The Debtor has not filed amended schedules or plan reflecting the increase in income. __ _~J~~_~_~~t2~ ~~~~~--Ij!(g-~----------------------------- 13-28604 13 bk ___________________________________________________________________ _ Misael Puerto Aty called for prehearinQ $253.39 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 63 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Misael Puerto. (Larriviere, Christian) (80) Misael Puerto - db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 1MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan, removing creditor with no explanation - 26- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-29345 13 bk Laurita Emma Coloma AND Luis F Rivera 09:00AM ($170.44) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 173 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Laurita Emma Coloma, Joint Debtor Luis F Rivera. (Adams, Richard) (174) Laurita Emma Coloma - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Plan does not fund properly m. 19-60; does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee for Miami-Dade ---~~~-~-~J-~)J~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-30001 13 bk Albert Bernal • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 91 Order on Request to Dismiss Case for Non-Compliance) Filed by Debtor Albert Bernal. (Sagre, Ariel) (95) Albert Bernal - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: 13-30035 13 bk Onelio Zuloaga AND Barbara Zuloaga • Objection to Claim of US Bank Trust, NA 1 LSF8 Master Participation Trust 1 Calilber Home Loans, Inc [# 5], Filed by Joint Debtor Barbara Zuloaga, Debtor Onelio Zuloaga. (Cordero, Patrick) (77) Onelio Zuloaga - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n _ Up to Court: - 27- 2/24/2015 09:00AM ----------------------------------------------------~- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13-30050 13 bk Raul Fernando Aquino AND Ines Cano ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE f....05lA. • Motion for Relief from Stay And Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Santander Consumer USA Inc .. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (105) Raul Fernando Aquino - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: -------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-30127 13 bk Juan Manuel Ramirez ($892.83) under 2MP • Hearing Re: Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 64 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Juan Manuel Ramirez. (Mendez, Diego) (65) Juan Manuel Ramirez - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - Does not provide for 100% to unsecured in full --~~~--l)-~~Jl-~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-30331 13 bk Nicolas A Jimenez • Motion to Allow Loan Debtor to Enter into a Loan Modification Agreement with Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Filed by Debtor Nicolas A Jimenez. (Cordero, Patrick) (62) Nicolas A Jimenez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 28- 11_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-30458 13 bk Elizabeth Chavez $573.40 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 50 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Elizabeth Chavez. (Suarez, Jorge) (65) Elizabeth Chavez - db JORGE L SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN --~~~~--L~l~-Jl~ 13-31632 13 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ bk Luisa Ayala $222.24 under 1MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 56 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Luisa Ayala. (Rudd, Aubrey) (67) Luisa Ayala - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan ___~1?~~__ l~,'_~~-)J-~----------------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________ _ 13-31732 13 bk Zolena Brown ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE c.:oz..3 • Motion for Accounting Filed by Creditor US Bank, National Association, as Trustee for OWS I PassThrough Trust. (Silverstein, Ira) (133) Zolena Brown - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Trustee's notice of filing [ECF No. 137] - 29- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09:00AM 13-33177 13 bk Melissa M Fung ($4021.44) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 79 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Melissa M Fung. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Montalvo, Armando) (93) Melissa M Fung - db ARMANDO MONTALVO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 1MP not ok - months overlapping on plan payments; debtor is paid ahead; attorney fee issue (need fee app); does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee for Select Portfolio and Majorca Isles Master & COA ----~~~~-l~~-~-tl~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-33468 13 bk Adela Batista Jardines • Motion to Allow Debtor to Enter Into a Loan Modification with Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Filed by Debtor Adela Batista Jardines. (Cordero, Patrick) (72) Adela Batista Jardines - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 13-33708 13 bk Jorge Omar Smulski $3592.13 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 43 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Jorge Omar Smulski. (Attachments: # 1 First Modified Pain # 2 Modification Documents) (Herran, J.) (54) Jorge Omar Smulski - db J. ULiSES HERRAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN - 30 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-34228 13 bk Esteban Hilario Suarez $2503.19 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 46 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Esteban Suarez. (73) Esteban Hilario Suarez - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DWP 180 days: IMP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns; calculation error on attorney fees --~~~-~-_lJ_~~jJ_~_~_~~~_l__JtJJ_t/~~ 13-34443 13 (f. ::$.;2) bk ________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Cira T. Alvarez under 5MP • Second Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 55 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (70) Cira T. Alvarez - db YOLI A SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DIWIP 180 days: 5MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan --~f)~~-J-~-jl-~-t'J-~--f-~~~-~~J-~~l;$--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-34562 13 bk Susan Franqui $57.60 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 68 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Susan Franqui. (86) • Motion to Direct the Clerk of Courts to Disburse Deposited Funds to the Chapter 13 Trustee for the Benefit of the Debtor Filed by Debtor Susan Franqui. (Schwitalla, James) (89) Susan Franqui - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - need order on claim #7 in order for 100% to unsecured creditors to be paid in full . - 31 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-35007 13 bk Alberto Gregorio Sanchez AND Maribel Dolores Sanchez $0.00 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 60 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alberto Gregorio Sanchez, Joint Debtor Maribel Dolores Sanchez. (Rudd, Aubrey) (88) Alberto Gregorio Sanchez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - plan is less than 36 months; need 100% language --~flJ_~JlL!LJl~__--_----------------------------_________ ---------------------_________________________________-----------------13-35048 13 bk Alberte Duclair-Andre AND Jean R Andre • Motion to Reconsider (Re: 57 Order on Motion to Approve Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Agreement) Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, NA. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B) (Druker, Shaina) (58) Alberte Duclair-Andre - db STAN RISKIN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-35244 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Ria Maharaj • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 56 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) and Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor Ria Maharaj. (Stiberman, Robert) (65) Ria Maharaj - db ROBERT A STIBERMAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr DENY: no modified plan filed 20 days prior to hearing as required by FRBP 2002 - 32- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-35456 13 bk Raquel Cherches 09:00AM • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Raquel Cherches. (75) • Objection to Notice of Mortgage Payment Change Filed by Debtor Raquel Cherches. (77) Raquel Cherches - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 13-35580 13 bk Ramiro Rodriguez AND Catalina Ofelia Roman ($0.02) under 3MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 49 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Ramiro Rodriguez, Joint Debtor Catalina Ofelia Roman. (Gonzalez, Laila) (60) Ramiro Rodriguez - db LAlLA S. GONZALEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 3MP not ok - does not provide for total payments disbursed by Trustee for Wells Fargo arrears __ ~Jt>~~_JJ_li3L)J-~-------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ ----___________________ _ 13-35775 13 bk Belkis L Villalba ($5070.62) under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 111 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Belkis L Villalba. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 2MPLMM) (Cortes, Efrain) (116) Belkis L Villalba - db EFRAIN CORTES Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide and file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - Need 2013 corporate tax returns; does not fund properly m. 17-60; historical payments incorrect; lowered payments to unsecured creditors - 33 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-35938 13 bk Andres R Mesa Egusquiza • Motion to Allow Debtor to enter Into Loan Modification Agreement with Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. Filed by Debtor Andres R Mesa Egusquiza. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Cordero, Patrick) (46) Andres R Mesa Egusquiza - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-36239 13 Proper Service: y_ bk 11_ Ricardo Bermudez AND Raquel Maria Bermudez • Objection to Claim of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC [# 6-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Raquel Maria Bermudez, Debtor Ricardo Bermudez. (Rudd, Aubrey) (39) Ricardo Bermudez - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 13-36564 13 Proper Service: y_ bk 11_ Karen Elaine Caswell • Motion to Compel Ocwen Loan Servicing to Produce the Final Modification Agreement Filed by Debtor Karen Elaine Caswell. (Schwitalla, James) (68) Karen Elaine Caswell - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: - 34- 11_ 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Herold 8ythol AND Guirla 8ythol 13-37736 13 bk 09:00AM $1604.98 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 45 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Herold 8ythol. (64) Herold 8ythol- db MATIS H A8AR8ANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN --~~~~-JlJ-~~t~-------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------13-38102 13 bk Orestes Leandro Garcia AND Julia Garcia ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE,C.'O~2.. • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 1-2], Filed by Debtor Orestes Leandro Garcia. (93) • Motion to Compel Adequate Protection Payments Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo 8ank, NA. (81) Orestes Leandro Garcia - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 13-39267 13 bk Richard Alexander Feria $463.76 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 75 Amended Chapter 13 Plan filed by Debtor Richard Alexander Feria) Filed by Debtor Richard Alexander Feria. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (91) • Motion to Compel PNC Mortgage To Accept And Record Permanent Modification Agreement Filed by Debtor Richard Alexander Feria. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (106) Richard Alexander Feria - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan - 35 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-39561 13 bk Nestor J. Gonzalez AND Maria I. Gonzalez ALSO ON PM! SEE PAGE c' QiL • Application for Compensation and certificate of service of application and notice of hearing for Peter D Spindel, Attorney-Debtor, Period: 12/13/2013 to 113012015, Fee: $5,000.00, Expenses: $0.00. Filed by Attorney Peter D Spindel. (Spindel, Peter) (52) Nestor J. Gonzalez - db PETER 0 SPINDEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Safe Harbor: $3,650.00 13-39892 13 bk Edward Zaldivar $351.87 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 41 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Edward Zaldivar. (Hernandez, Henry) (52) Edward Zaldivar - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok - need to objlconformlsurrender to claim #6 of BOA as LMM denied; lowered payments to unsecured creditors -~~()~~--t~JJ~~~-~~i'~!--i()-Jl~Jl-~---------------------------------------- ______________________________~_____-------~------13-39986 13 bk Ivy Louise Dennis • Objection to Claim of Credit Management, LP clo Charter Communications [# 3-1], Filed by Debtor Ivy Louise Dennis. (Schwitalla, James) (59) Ivy Louise Dennis - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 36- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 13-40074 13 bk Jorge A Fernandez AND Ana Isabel Fernandez $692.90 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 39 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Jorge A Fernandez. (54) Jorge A Fernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to provide or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Need 2013 tax returns ___lci?~~_J_~~~JJL~__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14-10172 13 bk Miriam Liliana Nunez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ..t.-.Q~I • Application for Compensation for Mitchell J. Nowack Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: 5/8/2013 to 2/24/2015, Fee: $10,250.00, Expenses: $275.00. Filed by Attorney Mitchell J. Nowack Esq .. (108) Miriam Liliana Nunez - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ Safe Harbor: $7,800.00 14-10308 13 bk Rene A Cuenca ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE 1..-0 W • Second Application for Compensation for Ariel Sagre, Attorney-Debtor, Period: 8/1/2014 to 117/2015, Fee: $4,143.18, Expenses: $0.00. Filed by Attorney Ariel Sagre. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B-Timesheet) (Sagre, Ariel) (121) • Motion for Relieffrom Stay to Enforce Final Judgement of Foreclosure Obtained (re: 517 EAST 23 STREET, HIALEAH, FL 33013) [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C) (Alonso, Antonio) (88) • Second Objection to Claim of JP Morgan Chase [# 12], Filed by Debtor Rene A Cuenca (129) Rene A Cuenca - db ARIEL SAGRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 37 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-10337 13 bk Sharon Cecilia Hinds-Santiago ALSO ON PM, see PAGE C~ QJ;.O • Motion for Relief from Stay and Order Directing Miami Dade Clerk of Courts to Issue Certificate of Sale and Certificate of Title Re: 3200 NW 214th Street Opa Locka, FL 33056. [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor MidFirst Bank. (Attachments: # 1 Final Judgment # 2 Appraisal) (Holtsinger, Matthew) (55) Sharon Cecilia Hinds-Santiago - db JACQUELINE C LEDON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-10965 13 bk Robert Frost Riley $2288.07 under IMP • Renewed Motion for Relief from Stay, to Waive 14-Day Notice Requirement, and Request for Expedited Hearing [Fee Amount $176] [cal] Filed by Creditor South Florida Investments and Consulting, . Inc.. (Borbon, Jerry) (139) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 135 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Robert Frost Riley. (136) Robert Frost Riley - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - plan does not fund properly m. 60 ---~1.?~~-l~J~~,1~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-11102 13 bk Francisco Jose Campa • Motion to Approve IAliow Debtor to Participate for a Second Time in the Mortgage Modification Mediation Filed by Debtor Francisco Jose Campa. (Popo, Verna) (67) • Motion to Compel Filed by Creditor Green Tree Servicing LLC. (Singer, Evan) (71) Francisco Jose Campa - db VERNA PO PO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 38 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-11384 13 bk Jennifer Nogues • Motion to Approve Loan Modification for Loan Being Paid Outide of the Chapter 13 Plan and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Jennifer Nogues. (Nowack, Mitchell) (62) Jennifer Nogues - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-12828 13 bk Maribel E Perez $3491.44 under 2MP • Continued Hearing Re: Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 33 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Maribel E Perez. (Gonzalez, Laila) (63) Maribel E Perez - db LAlLA S. GONZALEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 2M PLAN --~tJJD~~-J-~lJ-~lJ-~-~~~j--~-jl-~,1.L~-------____________ --------------------__________________________________--------------14-13506 13 bk Maria A Alegria • Objection to Claim of Citibank, N.A.I Fay Servicing [# 9-1], Filed by Debtor Maria A Alegria. (Corona, Ricardo) (40) Maria A Alegria - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 39 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-15193 13 bk Maria Eulogia Ceballos $0.00 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 14 Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Maria Eulogia Ceballos. (34) Maria Eulogia Ceballos - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~JEl~_~JJJ:t)l~ 14-15281 13 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ bk Suyin Reta • Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Note # 2 Mortgage # 3 AOM # 4 Affidavit # 5 Indebtedness Worksheet # 6 Appraisal) (63) Suyin Reta - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-16188 . 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Victor M Bendezu $2763.50 under IMP • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Seterus, Inc. [Negative Notice] Filed by Debtor Victor M Bendezu. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Reyes, Mary) (85) • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 87 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Victor M Bendezu. (89) Victor M Bendezu - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 40- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-17204 13 bk Suniel Casalvilla AND Ayrin Casalvilla • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 6], Filed by Joint Debtor Ayrin Casalvilla, Debtor Suniel Casalvilla. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Suniel Casalvilla - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-17936 13 bk Carlos Alberto Morales $104.88 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 28 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Morales. (Cordero, Patrick) (46) Carlos Alberto Morales - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~~-~~llJJ-~----------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________---------------------14-18029 13 bk Marie R. Pierre ($4904.30) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 33 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Marie R. Pierre. (Funcia, Jose) (45) Marie R. Pierre - db JOSE P FUNCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 41 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-18616 13 bk Humberto Jesus Diaz Cordero • Objection to Claim of Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 2], Filed by Debtor Humberto Jesus Diaz Cordero. (Cordero, Patrick) (73) Humberto Jesus Diaz Cordero - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-18856 13 bk Proper Service: y_ n_ Christian F. Hernandez ALSO ON PM, see PAGE C-Q2.S • Motion to Continue Hearing On: [(80 Order Continuing Hearing)] Filed by Debtor Christian F. Hernandez. (Bublick, Jordan) (93) . Christian F. Hernandez - db JORDAN E. BUBUCK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Order granting fee application [ECF No. 100] 14-19135 13 bk Milagros Reyes • Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Debtor Milagros Reyes. (Marcer, Michael) (57) Milagros Reyes - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Dismissal without prejudice - 42- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -------------------~---------------------------------- -.--------------------------------.------------------------------------------------- 14-19195 13 bk Celso Calle AND Zenaida Calle • Motion Approve Loan Modification Filed by Debtor Celso Calle, Joint Debtor Zenaida Calle. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Modification Proposal Terms) (Sanchez, Robert) (36) Celso Calle - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-19244 13' bk Proper Service: y _ Maria Margarita Santana ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE..c..:~ • Objection to Claim of Atlas Acquisitons, LLC [# 3], Filed by Debtor Maria Margarita Santana. (Navarro-Garcia, Sandra) (55) • Objection to Claim of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC [# 2], Filed by Debtor Maria Margarita Santana. (Navarro-Garcia, Sandra) (58) • Objection to Claim of Premier BankcardCharter [# 6], Filed by Debtor Maria Margarita Santana. (Navarro-Garcia, Sandra) (52) Maria Margarita Santana - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-19554 13 Proper Service: y_ bk ll_ Carmen J Velez • Objection to Claim of Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC / International Collection Services [# 1], Filed by Debtor Carmen J Velez. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) Carmen J Velez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 43- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-19645 13 bk Regis Torrecilla AND Daimy Gonzalez AL.SO ON PM, SEE PAGE J~,:-Qrz~" • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Bank of America (First Mortgage) Filed by Joint Debtor Daimy Gonzalez, Debtor Regis Torrecilla. (Cordero, Patrick) (64) Regis Torrecilla - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-19838 13 Proper Service: y_ bk Daisy Mayor ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE~, • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee on Behalf of IndyMac by Green Tree Servicing, LLC on Real Property and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing (Value of Collateral: $73,065.00) Filed by Debtor Daisy Mayor. (Nowack, Mitchell) (11) Daisy Mayor- db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: 14-20720 13 bk Carlos Alberto Centeno ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE 1.::fl'l3~ • Objection to Claim of Seterus, Inc. [# 7], Filed by Debtor Carlos Alberto Centeno. (57) Carlos Alberto Centeno - db RICHARD R ROBLES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 44- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-20889 13 bk Medardo Arias • Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Debtor Medardo Arias. (Marcer, Michael) (41) Medardo Arias - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Dismissal without prejudice 14-20969 13 bk Bladimir Reyes $118.09 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 54 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Bladimir Reyes. (56) Bladimir Reyes - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - calculation error on attorney fees ---~~~~-1-1-~-~,ll;'?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-21035 13 bk Eduardo J Cardero • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 43 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Eduardo J Cardero. (Rodriguez, Raysa) (50) • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case [NO FEE DUE] Filed by Debtor Eduardo J Cardero. (48) Eduardo J Cardero - db RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 45 - 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-21085 13 bk Sheila Blount Upson 09:00AM $785.03 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Sheila Blount Upson. (Spindel, Peter) (39t Sheila Blount Upson - db PETER D SPINDEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 14-21100 13 bk Alejandro J Lujan Gil $1427.26 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 29 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alejandro J Lujan Gil. (38) Alejandro J Lujan Gil- db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~~__ t)J~ll~--------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ ----___________________ _ 14-21294 13 bk Jose Antonio Gonzalez· • Motion for Relieffrom Stay Re: 10770 NW 66th Street, Apt 501, Doral, FL 33178 [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Nationstar Mortgage, LLC .. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit in Support of Motion # 2 Indebtedness Worksheet # 3 Exhibit A - Mortgage # 4 Exhibit B - Assignment # 5 Exhibit C - Note # 6 Certificate of Service) (Cifelli, Thomas) (48) • Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case for Failure to Appear at the Meeting of Creditors Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (52) • Response to ([52] Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case for Failure to Appear at the Meeting of Creditors filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich) Filed by Debtor Jose Antonio Gonzalez (53) Jose Antonio Gonzalez - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 46- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-22664 13 bk Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo AND Maria A Franco • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 10], Filed by Joint Debtor Maria A Franco, Debtor Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo. (Cordero, Patrick) (40) Haubingths Miguel Izquierdo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-22696 13 bk Jaison C Cherian AND Daliya Jaichan CheA.t~o ON PM, SEe PAGE _C ~O '1l • Continued Hearing Re: Motion to Strike Secured Creditor Venetian Isles Master Association Inc.'s 65 Response and Objection to Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property Filed by Joint Debtor Daliya Jaichan Cherian, Debtor Jaison C Cherian. (Mittelberg, Barry) (72) Jaison C Cherian - db BARRY S. MITTELBERG Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-22881 13 bk Jessica Del Carmen Romero $5651.10 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Jessica Del Carmen Romero. (Skinner-Grant, Sheila) (45) q Jessica Del Carmen Romero - db TOMAS A PILA Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, CH reset to 3/17 at 1:35 Trustee recommended Dismissal for failure to a) Provide bank statement for Chase (4112-612), b) FMV/payoff of09/Ford (CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), c) Provide proofofSch J line #15c & #17a, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL, 1) LF90 with attorney signature, g) Amend plan to provide correct IVL, h) Amend plan to fund properly, i) File LMM motion, j) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Summit Financial), k) Amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment (LMM in plan) - 47- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23063 13 bk Jacqueline Quintero $0.45 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 39 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) and Approve Lender Modification Filed by Debtor Jacqueline Quintero. (Marcer, Michael) (57) Jacqueline Quintero - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 1MP not ok - LMM must be paid in plan --lc~~~-~JJ-tJl-~---------------~---------------------- ______________________________________________________-----------------------14-23138 13 bk Naidelys Montoya AND Raul Estrada $3107.97 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 55 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Raul Estrada, Debtor Naidelys Montoya. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (73) Naidelys Montoya - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~fi~--~,t~-)l~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23152 13 bk Jose A Caba • Emergency Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 51 Order Dismissing Case) [cal] Filed by Debtor Jose A Caba. (Albareda, Adelaida) (53) Jose A Caba - db ADELAIDA A ALBAREDA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 48- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23278 13 bk Celio R. Nataren AND Sonia M. Nataren ($0.03) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 54 Modified Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Celio R. Nataren, Joint Debtor Sonia M. Nataren. (Adams, Richard) (55) Celio R. Nataren - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN --~J2~-~-~t!1-~L:s--------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________-_____________________ _ 14-23581 13 bk Alicia Modesto $1611.16 under 2MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 12 Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Alicia Modesto. (Cordero, Patrick) (37) Alicia Modesto - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: 2MP not ok -lowered payments to unsecured creditors ---~~~-l-J~-!JJl~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23721 13 bk Juan Machado ALSO ON PM l SEE PAGE.c:12.t(;!.1. • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 3-3], and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Juan Machado. (Nowack, Mitchell) (86) Juan Machado - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 49- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-23947 13 bk Gladis P Aguilar ALSO ON PM, see PAGE 0... 0(0(1 09:00AM • Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Debtor Gladis P Aguilar. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (52) Gladis P Aguilar - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Dismissal without prejudice 14-24042 13 bk Jorge Alberto Cornejo Martinez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE J:::.QkC£ • Motion TO ALLOW LOAN MODIFICATION 3143 SW 11th St, Miami, FL 33135. Filed by Creditor Bank of America, N.A.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Lewis, Scott) (60) Jorge Alberto Cornejo Martinez - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-24058 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Natalie Boxer $5004.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case and Certificate of Amount Deposited Filed by Debtor Natalie Boxer. (Hernandez, Aramis) (39)' Natalie Boxer - db ARAMIS HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: Clerk is to reset confirmation to 3117/2015 at 1:35 p.m. - 50- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-24197 13 bk Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian AND Juana Acevedo Lorenzo $949.97 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 43 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Joint Debtor Juana Acevedo Lorenzo, Debtor Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian. (Cordero, Patrick) (62) Jose Felix Lorenzo Melian - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ---~~~j-JllS2!1,lL~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-24234 13 bk Otto Von Labarrera ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE C.-Dta$,. • Objection to Claim of State of Florida, Department of Revenue [# 1], Filed by Debtor Otto Von Labarrera. (Larriviere, Christian) (50) Otto Von Labarrera - db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-24381 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Evelio Pedro Ancheta Brito ($5.00) + pymnt due today • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Evelio Pedro Ancheta Brito. (Marcer, Michael) (41)'" Evelio Pedro Ancheta Brito - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Clerk is to reset confirmation to 3117/2015 at 1:35 p.m. - 51 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-24701 13 bk Daniel Austin Robey • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case (to file a Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period) [NO FEE DUE] Filed by Debtor Daniel Austin Robey. (Hennessey, Joann) (46) • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 41 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor (48) Daniel Austin Robey - db JOANN M HENNESSEY Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-24849 13 bk Proper Service: y _ n_ Nelly Gomez • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Christiana Trust clo Selene Finance Filed by Debtor Nelly Gomez. (Larriviere, Christian) (52) Nelly Gomez - db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-25291 13 bk Proper Service: y _ n_ Rene Vazquez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~C~O(£.U • Motion for Relief from Stay [Fee Amount $176], in addition to Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing Filed by Creditor Cab East LLC. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (69) Rene Vazquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 52- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-25388 13 bk Danny Deverearux AND Jenny Caroline Devereaux ALSO ON PM! SEe PAGE C.. Ol.a.LL • Motion Motion To Deem Current And Turn Over Proceeds Of Rent To The Estate Filed by Debtor Danny Deverearux, Joint Debtor Jenny Caroline Devereaux. (Mendez, Diego) (68) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Suntrust Mortgage on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $345,021.00) Filed by Debtor Danny Deverearux, Joint Debtor Jenny Caroline Devereaux. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit "1" Miami Dade Property Appraiser) (Mendez, Diego) (63) Danny Deverearux - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26018 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Valiencia M. Allen ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~.D.t.a.5., • Objection to Claim of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC - CLAIM #16 Filed by Debtor Valiencia M. Allen. (Poe, James) (51) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of MONTEREY CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION #2, INC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $85,000.00) Filed by Debtor Valiencia M. Allen. (Poe, James) (57) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of MONTEREY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $85000.00) Filed by Debtor Valiencia M. Allen. (Poe, James) (54) Valiencia M. Allen - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 53 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-26061 13 bk Patricia Elias ALSO ON PM~ SEe PAGE .C:OLa.5 • Objection to Claim of IRS Filed by Debtor Patricia Elias. (Amadi, Lynda) (49) Patricia Elias - db LYNDA C AMADI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26150 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Wilmer Valdez Garcia AND Vivian Garcia • Objection to Claim of Space Coast Credit Union [# 4], Filed by Joint Debtor Vivian Garcia, Debtor Wilmer Valdez Garcia. (Gonzalez, Laila) (48) • Objection to Claim of Space Coast Credit Union [# 5], Filed by Joint Debtor Vivian Garcia, Debtor Wilmer Valdez Garcia. (Gonzalez, Laila) (50) Wilmer Valdez Garcia - db EDWARD FREIRE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26175 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ViJly Choute ALSO ON PM, SEE !PAGE .ceDi ll_ e:L • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Villy Choute. (Amadi, Lynda) (59) Villy Choute - db LYNDA C AMADI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 54- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-26335 13 bk Maryorie M Navarro ALSO ON PM, see PAGE ~Q1.a.~. • Objection to Claim of Mayors Jewelers [# 8-1], Filed by Debtor Maryorie M Navarro. (Corona, Ricardo) (49) Maryorie M Navarro - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-26430 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Juan A Rodriguez ALSO ON PM 7 SEE PAGE ,C-OlQ~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Flamingo gardens estates Homeowners Association on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $275,000.00) Filed by Debtor Juan A Rodriguez. (Shoot, Lawrence) (63) Juan A Rodriguez - db LAWRENCE M SHOOT Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-26476 13 bk Dennis Olazabal • Objection to Claim of Florida Department of Education [# 2], Filed by Debtor Dennis Olazabal. (Rodriguez, Ricardo) (38) Dennis Olazabal - db RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ 100% plan - 55 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-26815 13 bk Jessie Lee Coney AND Barbara Ann Coney ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE <LQlL,.:t.. • Objection to Claim of Santander Consumer USA [# 4], Filed by Joint Debtor Barbara Ann Coney, Debtor Jessie Lee Coney. (Abarbanel, Matis) (44) Jessie Lee Coney - db MATIS H ABARBANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: . Proper Service: y_ n_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-26893 13 bk Mayra Nunez ALSO ON PM, see PAGE ~.u..;).. • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) Filed by Creditor Bayview Loan Servicing LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Note # 2 Exhibit Mortgage # 3 Exhibit Proof of Claim) (Guertin, Brian) (55) • Motion to Vacate (Re: 35 Order on Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Real Property) and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Mayra Nunez. (Nowack, Mitchell) (61) Mayra Nunez - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Trustee opposes any unsecured portion that may result from allowance of the claim (39) 14-26935 13 bk Esmerida Rodena $2426.06 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 41 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Esmerida Rodena. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (47) Esmerida Rodena - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 56- 2/24/2015 09:00AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- 14-26941 13 bk Omayda Valenzuela ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C,.Q,R,%, • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Citimortgage, Inc, Filed by Debtor Omayda Valenzuela. (Cordero, Patrick) (40) Omayda Valenzuela - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-26975 13 bk Angel Cesario Marine AND Teresa Marine $0.00 under 1MP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 11 Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Angel Cesario Marine (36) Angel Cesario Marine - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - Need to objlconfoffil/surrender to claim #5 from Wells Fargo as LMM denied ---~~~-~--Ll-LtJl~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-27048 13 bk Theresa Blanco • Application for Compensation for Michael A. Frank Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: to, Fee: $0.00, Expenses: $150.00. Filed by Attorney Michael A. Frank Esq., Debtor Theresa Blanco. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Retainer Agreement # 2 Exhibit Itemization of Services) (Frank, Michael) (56) Theresa Blanco - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: Safe Harbor: $3,650.00 - 57- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-27082 13 bk Adalberto Gonzalez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~-.Q101 • Objection to Claim of BELIZE AT THE OASIS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, INC [# 1-1], Filed by Debtor Adalberto Gonzalez. (Marcer, Michael) (52) Adalberto Gonzalez - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-27398 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Guillermo R Troya AND Aniuris Rodriguez ALSO ON PM! SEE PAGE .t-QlI2Q • Objection to Claim of JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. [# 8-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Aniuris Rodriguez, Debtor Guillermo R Troya. (Corona, Ricardo) (54) Guillermo R Troya - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-27864 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Maria Delosangeles Lopez ALSO ON PM, ll_ see PAGE .~-Q.s~ • Objection to Claim of Sterus, Inc [# 1], Filed by Debtor Maria Delosangeles Lopez. (Reyes, Monica) (36) Maria Delosangeles Lopez - db MONICA REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to COUli: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 58 - 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-27877 13 bk Toni Ingraham Junious 09:00AM ($53.09) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 39 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor (49) Toni Ingraham Junious - db SAMIR MASRI Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN ----~~~~-~JJ-t>-Jl~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-27920 13 bk Edgar Manzano • Motion to Vacate (Re: 28 Order on Verified Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification) Filed by Creditor Wells Fargo Bank, NA. (Blanco, Alice) (31) Edgar Manzano - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-28075 13 bk Ramon Rodriguez AND Estela Maria Rodrigu~so ON PM, SEE PAGE ~a • Motion to Allow Late Filed Claim(s) Filed by Creditor OneWest Bank N.A .. (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Claim # 2 Proposed Order) (Hinton, Maurice) (39) • Objection to Claim of OneWest Bank N.A. [# 17], Filed by Debtor Ramon Rodriguez. (45) • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury- Internal Revenue Service [# 6] Filed by Joint Debtor Estela Maria Rodriguez, Debtor Ramon Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (24) Ramon Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: Trustee opposes any unsecured portion that may result from allowance of the claim (39) - 59- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-28179 13 bk Carlos Ivan Morales $2867.50 • Motion to Reinstate Case [cal] Filed by Debtor Carlos Ivan Morales. (Hannan, Martin) (42)", Carlos Ivan Morales - db MARTIN L HANNAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ Clerk is to reset confirmation to 3/17/2015 at I :35 p.m. 14-28353 13 bk Juan C Ceballos • Motion for Relief from Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (60) Juan C Ceballos - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28445 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Diane Nelson-Glenn $1983.83 under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 19 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Diane Nelson-Glenn. (Schwitalla, James) (36) Diane Nelson-Glenn - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr 7 days to file a new MP or DENY MTM: IMP not ok - calculation error on attorney fees - 60- 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-28589 13 bk Alain Hernandez ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .~:t • Objection to Claim of Bosco Credit II Trust Series 2010-1 [# 2], Filed by Debtor Alain Hernandez. (Mendez, Diego) (49) Alain Hernandez - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28667 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Adriana M Blanco AND Armamdo F Perez ll_ ALSO ON PM, see PAGE ,C -06.'1 • Motion for Relief from Stay and Certificate of Service of Notice of Hearing [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. (Kouri Jr., Gerard) (75) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Ford Motor Credit Company, LLC Filed by Debtor Adriana M Blanco (Torrens, Luis) (86) • Motion to Vacate (Re: 34 Objection to Claim, 64 Order on Objection to Claims) Filed by Debtor Adriana M Blanco, Joint Debtor Armamdo F Perez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Torrens, Luis) (89) Adriana M Blanco - db LUIS A TORRENS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28828 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Daniel Cartas AND Irasema Cartas ll_ ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE~C-Os.v • Renewed Objection to Claim of Bank of America N.A [# 5], Bank Of America N.A [# 6], Filed by Debtor Daniel Cartas, Joint Debtor Irasema Cartas. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (61) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of BANK OF AMERICA, N,A on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $133730) Filed by Debtor Daniel Cartas, Joint Debtor Irasema Cartas. (51) Daniel Cartas - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 61 - ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-28872 13 bk Arnoldo Labarcena • Motion For Amended Order Of Dismissal Prohibiting Stay Relief Regarding Debtor's Duplex Filed by Creditor South Florida Realty & Mortgage, LLC. (Shoot, Lawrence) (50) Arnoldo Labarcena - db ALBERTO CARRERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-28962 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk YaHle M. Diaz • Response to ([37] Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case Upon Denial of Confirmation of Plan filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich) Filed by Debtor Yalile M. Diaz (Keil, Daniel) (42) • Trustee's Request for Entry of Order Dismissing Case Upon Denial of Confirmation of Plan Filed by Trustee Nancy K. Neidich. (Neidich, Nancy) (37) Yalile M. Diaz - db DANIEL M KEIL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Tmstee recommended Dismissal for failure of the Debtor to provide copies of checks, amend plan to fund, file LMM motion (LMM has been in plan since 8/25/2014 but motion was filed 2/9/2015). Debtor attorney agreed to comply with recommendation by 2/3/2015 or dismiss with prejudice, on 2/6/2015 the Trustee recommended dismissal for failure to comply and Debtor's attorney __ ~91!1JR!!~~~!l_;?j~[~~!~_~ 14-29105 13 bk ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Jermaine L Burgess AND Tashara S. Burgli~o ON PM~ SeE PAGE,tl:Q,~ • Attorney Represented Debtor Verified Out of Time Motion for Referral to Mortgage Modification Mediation with Lender Caliber Home Loans [cal] Filed by Debtor Jermaine L. Burgess (37) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Jermaine L. Burgess (34) Jermaine L. Burgess - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 62- 2/24/2015 09:00AM ------------------------------------------------------ ---~-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 14-29106 13 bk Noraida Caridad Urra • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case In Order To Shorten Prejudice Period [NO FEE DUE] Filed by Debtor Noraida Caridad Urra. (Mendez, Diego) (19) • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 14 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Noraida Caridad Urra. (Mendez, Diego) (22) Noraida Caridad Urra - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Comi: 14-29432 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Ibette Gonzalez $67.88 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Ibette Gonzalez. (Marcer, Michael) (45)" Ibette Gonzalez - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, CH reset to 3/17 at 1:35 The case was dismissed for and Debtor has not yet complied: a) Payoff of real estate, b) BDQ (1099 employee), c) Amend plan to pay disposable income, d) DL, e) Amend plan to include IVL, 1) Amend plan to provide months to unsecured creditors, g) Amend plan to reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor (Chase), h) Amend plan to pay CH7 of $81 0, i) Amend Sch I to correct employer information 14-29574 13 bk Angel Enrique Ortiz ($233.76) under IMP • Motion to Modify Plan (Re: 23 Amended Chapter 13 Plan) Filed by Debtor Angel Enrique Ortiz. (SchwitalJa, James) (45) Angel Enrique Ortiz - db JAMES SCHWITALLA Nancy K. Neidich - tr GRANT & APPROVE 1M PLAN - 63 - 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roxana 0 Rodriguez 14-29582 13 bk A.lSO ON PM, SEE PAGE Jl:..D.!d" 09:00AM • Objection to Claim of Admin Recovery 1 TD RCS 1 Mayor's Jewelers [# 1], Filed by Debtor Roxana D Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) Roxana D Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-29671 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Rafael Silvio Pena AND Yolanda Maria MartineJ.ti,.:sCQle,N PM SEe PAGE 9 c.-o.s.d • Objection to Claim of US Bank, N.A. [# 17-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Yolanda Maria Martinez Pena, Debtor Rafael Silvio Pena. (Cordero, Patrick) (44) Rafael Silvio Pena - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------- 14-29824 13 bk Benoit Theodore AND Roselene Theodore ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE e:OS~, • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Nationstar Mortgage, LLC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $160,000.00) Filed by Debtor Benoit Theodore, Joint Debtor Roselene Theodore. (Attachments: # 1 Property Value) (Abarbanel, Matis) (47) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, N.A. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $128,495.00) Filed by Debtor Benoit Theodore, Joint Debtor Roselene Theodore. (Attachments: # 1 Property Value) (Abarbanel, Matis) (50) Benoit Theodore - db MATIS H ABARBANEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 64- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-29986 13 bk Enrique Rodriguez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .C .-Q5~ • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Enrique Rodriguez. (Reyes, Mary) (36) Enrique Rodriguez - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-30082 13 bk Omar Abadia AND Martha Abadia ll_ ALSO ON PM~ SEe PAGE l.:~ • Objection to Claim of Bank Of America [# 4-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Martha Abadia, Debtor Omar Abadia. (Marcer, Michael) (46) Omar Abadia - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30158 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Marcia Jimenez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE ~O S2- • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of World Savings Bank, FSB which may have been assigned to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $98,864.00) Filed by Debtor Marcia Jimenez. (Hernandez, Henry) (32) Marcia Jimenez - db HENRY HERNANDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 65- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM ___________________ w_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 14-30283 13 bk Jorge A Carrillo AND Teresa Carrillo $2728.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case and Certificate of Service of Motion and Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Jorge A Carrillo, Joint Debtor Teresa Carrillo. (Spindel, Peter) (27)· Jorge A Carrillo - db PETER 0 SPINDEL Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-30477 13 bk Lazaro Guillermo Guerra AND Maria Del Carmen Guerra ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE &Qts..L • Objection to Claim of Suntrust Bank [# 4-1], Filed by Debtor Lazaro Guillermo Guerra, Joint Debtor Maria Del Carmen Guerra. (Mendez, Diego) (39) Lazaro Guillermo Guerra - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ _~J_~:.:_~~~Jt~___ ~~__~~-~-Ge-~--------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________ 14-30601 13 bk Andres Rojas ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE t-oS..L • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of America's ServiCing Co. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $162,741.00) Filed by Debtor Andres Rojas. (Corona, Ricardo) (51) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Santander Consumer, USA Filed by Debtor Andres Rojas. (Corona, Ricardo) (33) Andres Rojas - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 66- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -------------------~---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14-30651 13 bk Jorge Ignacio Lopez Garces AND Anay Alvarez ALSO ON PM, SEe PAGE C:;.O :? Q • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Bank of America, NA on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $43,610.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Anay Alvarez, Debtor Jorge Ignacio Lopez Garces. (Cordero, Patrick) (29) Jorge Ignacio Lopez Garces - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30833 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Barbara Isabel Cuevas ll_ ALSO ON PM, see PAGE l:..,...0t2.1 • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Barbara Isabel Cuevas. (Nowack, Mitchell) (38) Barbara Isabel Cuevas - db ,MITCHELL J.{ NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-30869 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Orlando Velasquez • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 37 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Orlando Velasquez. (Mendez, Diego) (39) Orlando Velasquez - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 67- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM ---------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------.----------------------------14-311 00 13 bk Carlos Manuel Apaestegui $86.36 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Carlos Manuel Apaestegui. (Marcer, Michael) (42)· Carlos Manuel Apaestegui - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ Clerk is to reset confirmation to 3117/2015 at 1:35 p.m. 14-31511 13 bk Gladys Perera • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, N.A. [# 3-1], Filed by Debtor Gladys Perera. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Gladys Perera - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-31663 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk YanetBoada ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~~ • Objection to Claim of Lincoln Automotive Financial Service [# 3], Filed by Debtor Yanet Boada. (Funcia, Jose) (36) Yanet Boada - db JOSE P FUNCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 68- 2/24/2015 ---------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-31727 13 bk Jesus Salvador Ortiz ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .c..-o.~c( 09:00AM • Continued Hearing Re: Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 5] Filed by Debtor Jesus Salvador Ortiz. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Jesus Salvador Ortiz - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-32009 13 bk Frederick Washington AND Cherylise LoRay Washington ALSO ON PlVl~ SEE PAGE .(!.-;Q '::11. ' • Objection to Claim of Onewest Bank NA [# 5], Filed by Joint Debtor Cherylise LoRay Washington, Debtor Frederick Washington. (Larriviere, Christian) (36) Frederick Washington - db CHRISTIAN P. LARRIVIERE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: 14-32015 13 bk Rafael Antonio Jimenez AND April Daune Jimenez 1\ rI,tr1 ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .~w • Objection to Claim of OneWest Bank, N.A. formerly known as OneWest Bank, FSB [# 5-1], Filed by Debtor Rafael Antonio Jimenez. (Attachments: # 1 Payment History) (Herran, J.) (30) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of OneWest Bank, N.A. formerly known as OneWest Bank, FSB on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $586,469.00) Filed Debtor (25) Rafael Antonio Jimenez - db J. ULiSES HERRAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 69- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-32019 13 bk Otis Spann AND Sonya Spann ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE&O~ 09:00AM • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Otis Spann, Joint Debtor Sonya Spann. (Nowack, Mitchell) (41) Otis Spann - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-32244 13 bk Nicholas Anthony Tudisco 4 months due • Motion to Vacate Dismissal (Re: 23 Order Dismissing Case) , Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Nicholas Anthony Tudisco. (Rios, Amber) (26)' Nicholas Anthony Tudisco - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 14-32261 13 bk Teresa De Jesus Jauregui ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C.-Q!::I.U • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Springleaf Home Equity, Inc fka American General Home Equity, Inc on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $112383) Filed by Debtor Teresa De Jesus Jauregui. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (35) Teresa De Jesus Jauregui - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 70- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-32352 13 bk David Brooks • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of REAL TIME RESOLUTIONS on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $130,000) Filed by Debtor David Brooks. (Poe, James) (34) David Brooks - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ Up to Court: 14-32454 13 bk Idalia Rosa ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .~~, • Objection to Claim of Internal Revenue Service [# 1-1], Filed by Debtor Idalia Rosa. (Cordero, Patrick) (28) Idalia Rosa - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to COUli: 14-32462 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Cesar Cabrera. ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE L::Q!:1S • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Cesar Cabrera. (Marcer, Michael) (27) Cesar Cabrera - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 71 - ll_ 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-32657 13 bk Michelet Mery ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE _C.:Ql~L, 09:00AM • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Michelet Mery. (Rodriguez, Raysa) (30) Michelet Mery - db RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-32672 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Shirley Phillip Samuel • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Shirley Phillip Samuel. (Poe, James) (37) Shirley Phillip Samuel - db JAMES A POE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-32727 13 Proper Service: y_ bk Maria C. Alvarez ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .t=.Q.~..~L. • Motion for Relief from Stay 7601 Sw 18 Street, Miami, FL [Fee Amount $176J Filed by Creditor PennyMac Holding, LLC. (Blanco, Alice) (24) Maria C. Alvarez - db RICHARD SIEGMEISTER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 72- ll_ 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-32769 13 bk John Koch ALSO ON PM~ SeE PAGE C.... O~L3 09:00AM • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor John Koch. (Contessa, Paul) (40) John Koch - db PAUL N CONTESSA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-32902 13 bk Evelyn Zarranz-Perez iJ~5Cu.3. ~l • Emergency Motion to Reinstate Case, in addition to Motion to Impose Automatic Stay, or in the alternative Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 37 Order Dismissing Case) [cal] Filed by Debtor Evelyn Zarranz-Perez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit fax confirmation) (Alvarez, Teresa) (39)Evelyn Zarranz-Perez - db TERESA M ALVAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 14-32976 13 bk Angela 0 Wilson ALSO ON PM s SEE PAGE ~ ~' q tp • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 5], Filed by Debtor Angela 0 Wilson. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) Angela 0 Wilson - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: - 73 - __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~;t~t>-L~ _()_~_~~~J)1 14-33277 13 bk juana Virgen Alarcon ALSO ON PM, seE PAGE ~ • Objection to Claim of U.S. Bank Trust, N.A. [# 4], Filed by Debtor Juana Virgen Alarcon. (Sanchez, Robert) (36) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Juana Virgen Alarcon. (Sanchez, Robert) (26) Juana Virgen Alarcon - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-33443 13 bk Kirk Mckellar • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case [NO FEE DUE] Filed by Debtor Kirk Mckellar. (Rivero, Mary) (14) • Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 8 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Kirk Mckellar. (Rivero, Mary) (16) Kirk Mckellar - db MARY JO RIVERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-33571 13 bk Angela Nunez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE J~;:Q~<6. • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Angela Nunez. (Sanchez, Robert) (29) Angela Nunez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: -74 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-33719 13 bk Tomas Gonzalez AND Martha Gonzalez ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE C:O.3g • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Tomas Gonzalez. (Sanchez, Robert) (36) • Motion for Relief from Stay 4970 East Palm Court, Hialeah, Florida 33013 [Fee Amount $176] Filed by Creditor OneWest Bank N.A. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Noel, Austin) (42) Tomas Gonzalez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33751 13' Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Richard Ryan Schuchts AND Helane Kathi Schuch~SO ON PM, SEE PAGE t:.D.Si • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $419,770.00) Filed by Debtor Richard Ryan Schuchts. (Frank, Michael) (26) • Application for Compensation for Michael A. Frank Esq., Attorney-Debtor, Period: to, Fee: $5,000.00, Expenses: $150.00. Filed by Attorney Michael A. Frank Esq., Joint Debtor Helane Kathi Schuchts, Debtor Richard Ryan Schuchts. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Retainer Agreement # 2 Exhibit Itemization of Services) (Frank, Michael) (32) Richard Ryan Schuchts - db MICHAEL A. FRANK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ ll_ Safe Harbor: $4,425.00 14-33753 13 bk Ana M Delgado ..c.: 03..1 ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE . • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order, Motion to Vacate (Re: 32 Wage Deduction Order) Filed by Debtor Ana M Delgado. (Cordero, Patrick) (35) Ana M Delgado - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 75- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-33779 13 bk Maria Gema Milian • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Maria Gema Milian. (Reyes, Mary) (31) Maria Gema Milian - db MARY REYES Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33943 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Reinaldo Gonzalez ll_ Al.SO ON PM, see PAGE J.::Q.8l,Q • Objection to Claim of The Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 1], Filed by Debtor Reinaldo Gonzalez. (Cordero, Patrick) (25) Reinaldo Gonzalez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-33960 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Abdurrahman Siddiqkara ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE t.::D3U. • Objection to Claim of World Omni Financial Corp. [# 3-1], Filed by Debtor Abdurrahman Siddiqkara. (Cordero, Patrick) (28) • Objection to Claim of World Omni Financial Corp. [# 4-1], Filed by Debtor Abdurrahman Siddiqkara. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) Abdurrahman Siddiqkara - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 76- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-34081 13 bk Ruben A. Caceres • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Ruben A. Caceres. (Nowack, Mitchell) (35) Ruben A. Caceres - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-34211 13 Proper Service: y_ bk ll_. Carlos I Perdomo AND Kenia C Gomez Lagos ALSO ON PM 3 SeE PAGE ..t~~ • Objection to Claim of PNC Bank, N.A [# 4-2], Filed by Joint Debtor Kenia C Gomez Lagos, Debtor Carlos I Perdomo. (Cordero, Patrick) (29) Carlos I Perdomo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ ll_ -------------~---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14-34256 13 bk Edgardo Taylor AND Edna Taylor • Objection to Claim of Quantum3Group, LLC [# 6], Filed by Debtor Edgardo Taylor, Joint Debtor Edna Taylor. (Sanchez, Robert) (28) Edgardo Taylor - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ - 77- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-34413 13 bk Angel L Morales A.lSO ON PM, SEe PAGE 1:£l81. • Objection to Claim of Quantum# Group, LLC [# 3], Filed by Debtor Angel L Morales. (Cordero, Patrick) (24) Angel L Morales - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-34421 13 Proper Service: y _ bk ll_ Armando Manuel Justo-Pupo AND Maria Elena Justo ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~1". • Objection to Claim of Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service [# 3], Filed by Joint Debtor Maria Elena Justo, Debtor Armando Manuel Justo-Pupo. (Cordero, Patrick) (25) Armando Manuel Justo-Pupo - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: 14-34449 13 bk ll_ Vader Garcell • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Toyota Motor Credit Corporation Filed by Debtor Vader Garcell. (Rudd, Aubrey) (32) Vader Garcell- db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 78- ll_ 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armando G Cruz 14-34505 13 bk A1.S0 ON PM, SEE PAGE .....--"·.,.......,.'....--....... (>083 ·10'. 09:00AM • Objection to Claim of Bank of America, N.A. [# 61, Filed by Debtor Armando G Cruz. (EscotoCastiello, Maria) (25) Armando G Cruz - db MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-34569 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Bridgette Whitehead ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Motion to Compel Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC to Endorce Hazard Insurance Proceeds and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notiice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Bridgette Whitehead. (Nowack, Mitchell) (37) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order and Certificate of Service of Court Generated Notice of Hearing Filed by Debtor Bridgette Whitehead. (Nowack, Mitchell) (34) Bridgette Whitehead - db MITCHELL J. NOWACK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-34659 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Francisco Hernandez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~~OcO~ • Objection to Claim of PNC Bank, NA [# 11, Filed by Debtor Francisco Hernandez. (23) Francisco Hernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 79- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-34708 13 bk Aida E Medina ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE C:..QQ/,." • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Aida E Medina. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (31) Aida E Medina - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y _ n_ Up to Court: 14-34747 13 bk Jorge I Pulido AND Carmen R Pulido $0.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Joint Debtor Carmen R Pulido, Debtor Jorge I Pulido. (Sanchez, Robert) (38)· Jorge I Pulido - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 14-34882 13 bk Marcos Rodas Woo ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~ • Objection to Claim of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. [# 3], Filed by Debtor Marcos Rodas Woo. (Escoto-Castiello, Maria) (35) Marcos Rodas Woo - db MARIA I. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ - 80 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM ---------------------------~-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14-34883 13 bk Nestor J Fonseca AND Maria Fabiola Fonseca ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ,!:"':-Q8..0 • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Joint Debtor Maria Fabiola Fonseca, Debtor Nestor J Fonseca. (Calas-Johnson, Desiree) (23) Nestor J Fonseca - db DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-34928 13 Proper Service: y _ n_ bk Sonia E Small ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE L- Oa, • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Sonia E Small. (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Corona, Ricardo) (38) Sonia E Small - db RICARDO CORONA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-35128 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Jose Lopez AND Silvia Lopez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE =C:::QfJ2. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of JP Morgan Chase Bank on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $65,660.00) Filed by Debtor Jose Lopez, Joint Debtor Silvia Lopez. (23) • Motion to Vacate Wage Deduction Order and Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Jose Lopez, Joint Debtor Silvia Lopez. (Sanchez, Robert) (38) • Objection to Claim of Bank of America [# 1] Filed by Debtor Jose Lopez (35) Jose Lopez - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ n_ Up to Court: - 81 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-35129 13 bk Ines S Valdivia ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .c.~O~L • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Tropical Park Villas Condominium Association, Inc. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $145,000) Filed by Debtor Ines S Valdivia. (Sanchez, Robert) (30) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Chase on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $145,000) Filed by Debtor Ines S Valdivia. (Sanchez, Robert) (27) Ines S Valdivia - db ROBERT SANCHEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-35146 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Assad I. Ahmad ll_ ALSO ON PM, SeE PAGE .~.:..Q.l~.L. • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Country Lane Condominium No.1 Asso. Inc. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $74280.00) Filed by Debtor Assad I. Ahmad. (37) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of OneWest Bank N.A. on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $74280.00) Filed by Debtor Assad I. Ahmad. (Casas, Clare) (40) Assad I. Ahmad - db CLARE A. CASAS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-35252 13 Proper Service: y _ bk Juan Carlos Nazario ll_ ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ..i.;:Q..o.J • Motion for Determination That Claims Filed Have No Interest in Property Held by Tenants By The Entireties Filed by Debtor Juan Carlos Nazario. (Navarro-Garcia, Sandra) (30) Juan Carlos Nazario - db SANDRA NAVARRO-GARCIA Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Service: y_ Up to Court: - 82- ll_ 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-35299 13 bk Cornelius Deon Jordan $3770.04 • Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case, Vacate Dismissal of Case and Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Cornelius Deon Jordan. (Skinner-Grant, Sheila) (20) fI Cornelius Deon Jordan - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates Foreclosure Case Number (LOCAL): 2009-7078-CA-Ol The Debtor has stopped three foreclosure sales by filing bankruptcies The instant case stopped a sale that was set for 1111812014 13-22372-LMI filed by Delores Hammond stopped a foreclosure sale set for 6/4/13 And 12-38288-AJC stopped a sale set for 11128/2012 14-35485 13 bk Javier Garcia AND Rossana Donato • Objection to Claim of Lilimar Malave [# 10], Filed by Debtor Javier Garcia. (Cordero, Patrick) (34) • Objection to Claim of Lilimar Malave [# 9], Filed by Debtor Javier Garcia. (Cordero, Patrick) (31) Javier Garcia - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-35738 13 Proper Service: y_ n_ bk Nelson 0 Bueno ALSO ON PM. SEE PAGE ,~.QJ.1,~., • Objection to Claim of Wells Fargo Bank, NA [# 6], Filed by Debtor Nelson 0 Bueno. (25) • Objection to Claim of JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA [# 4], Filed by Debtor Nelson 0 Bueno. (21) Nelson 0 Bueno - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y_ n_ - 83 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-35810 13 bk Irma O'Bourke $0.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case, or in the alternative Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 23 Order Dismissing Case) Filed by Debtor Irma O'Bourke. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Torrens, Luis) (24)g Irma O'Bourke - db LUIS A TORRENS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Service: y _ n_ If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates -------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-35811 13 bk Marie Yolaine Samuel $1749.99 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Marie Yolaine Samuel. (Popo, Verna) (22)' Marie Yolaine Samuel- db VERNA POPO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Notice: y _ n If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates - 84 - 2/24/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09:00AM 14-35918 13 bk Rose Claire Hyppolite 2 months due + pymnt due today • Motion for Relieffrom Stay [Fee Amount $176], in addition to Motion for Relief from Co-Debtor Stay, in addition to Motion to Annul Stay and Ratify Post-Petition Sale and Certificate or Service of Motion and Notice of Hearing Filed by Interested Party Joz Brothers Corp .. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E # 6 Exhibit F # 7 Exhibit G # 8 Exhibit H # 9 Exhibit I # 10 Exhibit J # 11 Exhibit K # 12 Exhibit L # 13 Exhibit M # 14 Exhibit N # 15 USPS mailing matrix) (20) • Motion to Reinstate Case [Review for Unpaid Fees] Filed by Debtor Rose Claire Hyppolite. (17)' • Motion to Reinstate Case for Sole Purpose of Hearing Motion to Annul Stay and Ratify Post-petition Sale [ECF No. 20] and Certificate of Service of Motion and Notice of Hearing Filed by Interested Party Joz Brothers Corp .. (Attachments: # 1 USPS mailing service matrix) (Spindel, Peter) (22) Rose Claire Hyppolite - db LAURENCE J EDSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Notice: y _ n Dismissed for failure to file schedules. Schedules have yet to be filed. If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates 14-35995 13 bk Carmen B. Munoz • Motion to Dismiss Case Filed by Debtor Carmen B. Munoz. (Marcer, Michael) (10) Carmen 8. Munoz - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Requesting without prejudice - 85 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 14-36063 13 bk Luis Castro AND Sara Amelia Castro ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .t.::.QJ $., • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Luis Castro, Joint Debtor Sara Amelia Castro. (Perez, Emmanuel) (27) Luis Castro - db EMMANUEL PEREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: 14-36114 13 bk Elaine A Turner • Motion to Waive Req of Income Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Elaine A Turner. (Houston, Kathy) (30) Elaine A Turner - db KATHY L HOUSTON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: 14-36234 13 bk Ivan Benito Castro AND Ana Mederos Castro AlS 0 OIl.U . M SEE PAGE C.~Q I'IlP, • Objection to Claim of Pentagon Federal Credit Union [# 4-1], Filed by Joint Debtor Ana Mederos Castro, Debtor Ivan Benito Castro. (Adams, Richard) (22) Ivan Benito Castro - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Notice: y _ n - 86- d I .. 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-36235 13 bk Merida Perea ALSO ON PM. SeE PAGE .c.::Q.lfJ., 09:00AM • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Merida Perea. (Adams, Richard) (27) Merida Perea - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-36253 13 Proper Notice: y _ n bk Lazara De La Caridad Garcia ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE ~3 • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Lazara De La Caridad Garcia. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) Lazara De La Caridad Garcia - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-36263 13 Proper Notice: y _ n bk Orlando G Hernandez AND Sandra De Los Angeles Hernandez Al.SO ON PM, see PAGE J~.:Ql ~ • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien on Personal Property Held by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank Filed by Debtor Orlando G Hernandez, Joint Debtor Sandra De Los Angeles Hernandez. (Cordero, Patrick) (23) Orlando G Hernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: - 87 - 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-36264 13 bk Maria Rosa Aguirre 09:00AM • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Maria Rosa Aguirre. (Cordero, Patrick) (18) Maria Rosa Aguirre - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: 14.:.36269 13 bk Barbara Gamez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE ~-O I~. • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Barbara Gamez. (Cordero, Patrick) (25) Barbara Gamez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: 14-36275 13 bk Pastor 0 Rodriguez AND Luz I Garcell ALSO ON PM, see PAGE ~QlL • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Joint Debtor Luz I Garcell, Debtor Pastor 0 Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (30) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of City National Bank I Ocwen Loan Service I Argent Mortgage Company, LLC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $213,000.00) Filed by Joint Debtor Luz I Garcell, Debtor Pastor 0 Rodriguez. (Cordero, Patrick) (21) Pastor 0 Rodriguez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: - 88 - 09:00AM 14-36542 13 2/24/2015 bk Charles E. Davis AND Angela V. Davis ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE .. ~... 0 \ Q • Renewed Objection to Claim of Summit Financial Corporation [# 2-1], [cal] Filed by Joint Debtor Angela V. Davis, Debtor Charles E. Davis. (Bellinson, Andrew) (28) • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Streamline Lending Corporation on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $110,039) Filed by Joint Debtor Angela V. Davis, Debtor Charles E. Davis. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Tax Appraiser) (Bellinson, Andrew) (23) Charles E. Davis - db ANDREW M. BELLINSON Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-36583 13 Proper Notice: y _ n bk Dolores Rivera $2437.04 • Motion to Vacate Dismissal (Re: 20 Order Dismissing Case) [cal] Filed by Debtor Dolores Rivera. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Vacating Dismissal and Reinstating Case) (Siegmeister, Richard) (23)Dolores Rivera - db RICHARD SIEGMEISTER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Notice: y_ n If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 14-36650 13 bk Victoria M. Medina • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Victoria M. Medina. (26) Victoria M. Medina - db MERCEDES SALADRIGAS Nancy K. Neidich - tr . Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: - 89- 2/24/2015 09:00AM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-36667 13 bk Orlando B. Thompson AND Carolyn E. Thompson • Motion to Extend Time to File Schedules and Plan,Required Information Pursuant to 11 USC Section 521 a, Filed by Joint Debtor Carolyn E. Thompson, Debtor Orlando B. Thompson. (Bublick, Jordan) (28) • Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record Filed by Joint Debtor Carolyn E. Thompson, Debtor Orlando B. Thompson. (Bublick, Jordan) (30) Orlando B. Thompson - db JORDAN E. BUBLICK Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-36897 13 Proper Notice: y _ n bk Jose Ramon Velazquez AND Zucel MartinezALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE =C -QQ7 • Objection to Claim of BMW Bank of North America [# 10], Filed by Joint Debtor Zucel Martinez, Debtor Jose Ramon Velazquez. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Jose Ramon Velazquez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. NeidiGh - tr Up to Court: 14-37282 13 Proper Notice: y_ n bk Xenia Rosa Davila • Objection to Claim of TO Retail Card Service 1 Ashley Furniture [# 1], Filed by Debtor Xenia Rosa Davila. (Cordero, Patrick) (22) Xenia Rosa Davila - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: - 90- 2/24/2015 09:00AM ---------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-37619 13 bk Hugo M Aguilar ALSO ON PM~ SEE PAGE .c...:QQ3 • Motion For Contempt for Violation of the Automatic Stay by Kensignton Condo Assoc. of Hialeah and. for Attorney Fees and Damages Filed by Debtor Hugo M Aguilar. (Adams, Richard) (18) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Hugo M Aguilar. (Adams,Richard) (29) Hugo M Aguilar - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-37675 13 Proper Notice: y_ n bk Leonardo Hernandez • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $55,000.00) Filed by Debtor Leonardo Hernandez. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Leonardo Hernandez. (Cordero, Patrick) (26) Leonardo Hernandez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 14-37710 13 Proper Notice: y_ n bk Dario Rosendo, Jr. ALSO ON PM~ SEe PAGE ~~-co~ • Objection to Claim of Miami Dade County Tax Collector [# 02], Filed by Debtor Dario Rosendo Jr.. (Masri, Samir) (21) Dario Rosendo - db SAMIR MASRI Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y__ n Up to Court: - 91 - 2/24/2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09:00AM 14-37796 13· bk Silvia Perez Guevara • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $132,000.00) Filed by Debtor Silvia Perez Guevara. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) Silvia Perez Guevara - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: 14-37865 13 bk Luis Orlando Perez AND Marta Isabel Perez ALSO ON PM, SEE PAGE i..:OQJ.. • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Luis Orlando Perez, Joint Debtor Marta Isabel Perez. (Cordero, Patrick) (19) Luis Orlando Perez - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: 14-37882 13 bk Isidro Rodriguez AND Olga Prada-Rodriguez $0.00 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Joint Debtor Olga Prada-Rodriguez, Debtor Isidro Rodriguez. (Suarez, Yoli) (17)· Isidro Rodriguez - db JORGE L SUAREZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to COUlt: If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates - 92- 2/24/2015 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-10143 13 bk Francisco Almeida AND Maria Fatima Almeida 09:00AM • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of The Kennedy Condo Association on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $235,000.00) Filed by Debtor Francisco Almeida, Joint Debtor Maria Fatima Almeida. (Adams, Richard) (15) Francisco Almeida - db RICHARD J. ADAMS Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: 15-1 0224 13 Proper Notice: y_ n bk Maria Lourdes Montenegro $1163.85 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Maria Lourdes Montenegro. (Rudd, Aubrey) (18)Maria Lourdes Montenegro - db AUBREY RUDD Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_. n Up to Court: If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates 15-10242 13 bk Diosdado A Palomino Hernandez $162.53 • Motion to Reinstate Case Filed by Debtor Diosdado A Palomino Hernandez. (Marcer, Michael) (14)" Diosdado A Palomino Hernandez - db MICHAEL MARCER Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: If reinstated, Clerk to reset all dates - 93 - 2/24/2015 09:00AM 15-10397 13 bk Sandor D Guillen • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Chase Mortgage on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $239,900.00) Filed by Debtor Sandor D Guillen. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit "1" Miami Dade Property Appraiser) (Mendez, Diego) (16) Sandor D Guillen - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y _ n Up to Court: 15-11228 13 bk Jose Ben 1 month due • Motion to Reinstate Case [Review for Unpaid Fees], Motion to Extend Time to File Schedules and Plan,Required Information Pursuant to 11 USC Section 521 a, Filed by Debtor Jose Ben. (Snipes, Jeanne) (15t Jose Ben - db Nancy K. Neidich - tr If Granted, Clerk to Reset All Dates Up to Court: Proper Notice: y_ n Case dismissed for failure to file credit matrix Foreclosure case Case Number (LOCAL): 2009-42949-CA-Ol Between the Debtor and Spouse, 9 Bankruptcies have been filed, lO-18027-AJC Jacqueline Ben; 10-41166-LMI Jose Ben; 11-27279-AJC Jacqueline & Jose Ben; 12-26268-RAM Jacqueline Ben; 13-12664-LMI Jose Ben; 13-29451-LMI Jacqueline Ben; 14-16301-RAM Jose Ben; 14-28066-AJC Jacqueline Ben; 15-11228- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ~~~_J9_~~_~JY_Q_=_Jrl1~_LQ~t~n!_~~§§ 15-11333 13 bk Jeannie Lucero Allain • Motion to Value and Determine Secured Status of Lien Of Homeward Residential on Real Property (Value of Collateral: $244,249.00) Filed by Debtor Jeannie Lucero Allain. (Mendez, Diego) (6) Jeannie Lucero Allain - db DIEGO MENDEZ Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: - 94- 2/24/2015 09:00AM ------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-11522 13 bk Karen H. Scott • Ex Parte Motion to Dismiss Case and Refund Filing Fee Filed by Debtor Karen H. Scott. (Beatrice, Mark). Modified on 1/28/2015 to edit text. (Reynolds, Marva). (3) Karen H. Scott - db MARK A BEATRICE Nancy K. Neidich - tr Judge: Debtor is requesting the filing fee be reimbursed 15-12182 13 bk Maria E Carrero Cepeda • Motion to Extend the Automatic Stay [cal] Filed by Debtor Maria E Carrero Cepeda. (Cordero, Patrick) (11 ) Maria E Carrero Cepeda - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: 15-12580 13 bk Robert W. Judd • Motion to Continue the Automatic Stay Filed by Debtor Robert W. Judd. (Stiberman, Robert) (10) Robert W. Judd - db ROBERT A STIBERMAN Nancy K. Neidich - tr Proper Notice: y_ n Up to Court: - 95 - **Add-On's** 09:00AM 13-28303 13 bk 2/24/2015 Irma Carballo Casco • Motion to Allow Debtor to Enter Into a Loan Modification with Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Filed by Debtor Irma Carballo Casco. (59) Irma Carballo Casco - db Patrick L Cordero aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court 14-30483 13 bk Emmaniuel Papageorgiou • Emergency Motion to Reopen Chapter 13 Case [NO FEE DUE) [cal) Filed by Debtor Emmaniuel Papageorgiou. (14) • Emergency Motion to Shorten Prejudice Period (Re: 8 Order Dismissing Case) [cal) Filed by Debtor Emmaniuel Papageorgiou. (15) Emmaniuel Papageorgiou - db Alberto M. Cardet aty Nancy K Neidich - tr Up to Court - 96- 10:00 AM 14-32976 13 bk Angela 0 Wilson ALSO ON PM, see PAGE Q-9 ~ 5= ~ 13 • Motion to Waive Wage Deduction Order Filed by Debtor Angela 0 Wilson. (Cordero, Patrick) (37) Angela 0 Wilson - db PATRICK L CORDERO Nancy K. Neidich - tr Up to Court: Proper Notice: y _ n
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