th Thursday, February 19 , 2015 1. WELCOME! Thank you for attending Open House #2 for the Riverdale West Neighbourhood Plan. This plan will guide the development of Riverdale West over the next 10-15 years. Your input is an important component of the planning process and we value your participation. Please take time to view these boards, draft concept plans and speak to the on-hand representatives. The Purpose Of This Open House Is To: 1. Provide an overview of the Riverdale West Neighbourhood Plan; 2. Share what we heard at Open House #1; 3. Present a draft concept plan and more refined information; and 4. Hear your feedback on the draft concept and answer any questions you may have. How Will Your Input Be Used? Community input is an important component of shaping the overall vision for this project. Collective thoughts and ideas received from the community will help guide the development of this area. How Can I Share My Ideas? The following poster boards provide information on the Plan and summary of what we heard at Open House #1. We also have some refined transportation ideas and a draft concept plan. We value your comments and ideas, please attach them to the poster boards using the provided post-it notes. Please remember to fill out the comment sheet prepared by the Lombard North Group before you leave. 2. WHAT IS THE RIVERDALE WEST DEVELOPMENT? A Brief Background: The Riverdale West area of West St. Paul is located south of the Perimeter Highway and north of the City of Winnipeg Boundary, between Main Street and McPhillips Street. The CPR railway tracks cut through the area at a northeast angle. The “Plan Area,” of Riverdale West encompasses approximately 430 acres of developable land, of which approximately 60 acres are designated for commercial development. In addition to the Plan Area there are approximately 165 existing residences and businesses within Riverdale West which must be carefully considered in all future planning. Riverdale West is identified in the Selkirk and District Development Plan as a future development area and is subject to development policies from the Middlechurch Secondary Plan. This open house marks the midway point of the planning process to create a master plan for the Plan Area which will guide development over the next 10-15 years. This planning process will be based heavily on public consultation to inform the plan and help shape a planning vision that aligns with the goals of the local community. Mc Phi llip s Str eet Pe rim ete r Ex Cit ist yo fW inn ipe gB ou nd ary Plan Area - Residential, mixed use Plan Area - Commercial MAP 1. RIVERDALE WEST PLAN AREA ing Re sid en ce s Hi gh wa y 3. PLANNING FRAMEWORK How does this plan relate to other existing planning documents? The Selkirk and District Development Plan establishes planning goals and land use regulations that cover the entire Red River Planning District. Development Plans operate at macro level and are based on the Provincial Land Use Policies (PLUPS). Due to the general nature of a Development Plan, there is often a need to formulate more focused development policies for specific areas. In these instances a secondary plan is created and adopted as a by-law. The Middlechurch Secondary Plan was therefore created to guide development in the southern section of West St. Paul, known as Middlechurch. The Middlechurch Secondary Plan established “Neighbourhood Development Strategies” for four areas: the CP Rail Corridor Neighbourhood the Red River Corridor Neighbourhood the Riverdale West Neighbourhood the Grassmere Creek Neighbourhood. Riverdale West is a large area encompassing hundreds of acres with a multitude of land owners and existing residences and businesses. The land area designated for future development has several unique traits including: Approximately 160 existing residences and businesses adjacent to development lands. Road network expansion and upgrades are required. Provision of urban sewer and water services are required. Due to these unique circumstances it is necessary to create a master plan for the area using the existing Riverdale West Neighbourhood Strategy policies found within the Middlechurch Secondary Plan. The Master Plan will further refine a development concept, land use plan and transportation network for the Plan Area to ensure development may occur in an orderly manner with limited impacts on existing and neighbouring land uses. 4. EMERGING NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICIES: SINGLE FAMILY Neighbourhoods are where we live and develop a common sense of community. A mix of lot sizes and housing types provide for a community that meets the needs of a wide range of residents. The Riverdale West Master Plan will guide development of new residential areas in a manner sensitive to the needs of existing residences within Riverdale West. Design Objectives: 1. To provide for single family homes as the principal type of housing within the Plan Area. 2. To provide a mix of lot size choices to meet life-cycle and lifestyle housing needs and respond to demographic trends in the community (i.e. young families, singles and seniors). 3. To ensure housing has convenient active transportation connections to neighbourhood amenities. 4. To ensure new residential development is compatible with existing residential areas. 5. To allocate costs of infrastructure services within new development areas. Single Family Single Family Starter Home Duplex Questions to Consider: 1. What types of housing are required in West St. Paul? 2. What types of amenities make neighbourhoods active, safe, and enduring? 3. If you currently live on a large lot, would you consider subdividing to create an infill lot if services were available? Place comments on a post-it note here: 5. EMERGING NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICIES: COMMERCIAL Development within the Riverdale West Plan Area will increase the population of West St. Paul and will, in turn, create demand for a range of commercial services and housing options. Commercial areas can provide retail, office and institutional uses that are vital components of a complete community. The Middlechurch Secondary Plan identifies a “Commercial Centre Policy Area” in the northeast sector of the Plan Area, with access from Main Street. Providing a mixture of uses is an important component of building a complete community, and providing a full range of commercial services with convenient access to major roadways helps serve the needs of the residents of West St. Paul and surrounding areas. The neighbourhood plan for Riverdale West will guide the development of the commercial area and ensure future commercial developments are developed to a high standard. Design Objectives: 1. To direct commercial development to the designated area west of the CPR tracks, adjacent to Main Street. 2. To use site-plan approvals and conditional uses as tools to ensure quality development of the Main Street commercial node. 3. To ensure commercial development provides safe, convenient connectivity with regional roadways and adjacent areas of West St. Paul. Commercial Center Questions to Consider: 1. Where do you travel for commercial amenities? 2. What commercial amenities would you like to see in West St. Paul? 3. What are the qualities that create an attractive, functional commercial node? Place comments on a post-it note here: EMERGING NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICIES: MULTI-FAMILY AND MIXED USE 6. Multifamily residential provides opportunities for seniors, singles and young families to live in West St. Paul. Presently, West St. Paul has very few multifamily units available to offer choice to prospective residents and existing residents who may be looking to downsize their housing. The majority of residential land within the Plan Area will be devoted to single-family housing, however, multifamily and mixed use developments may be accommodated in appropriate locations to diversify options for present and future residents of the Municipality. The neighbourhood plan for Riverdale West will guide the development of multifamily and mixed use areas and ensure future developments are developed to a high standard minimal impact on adjacent land uses. Design Objectives: 1. To provide multi-family housing that meets the lifestyle and life-cycle needs of seniors, singles and young families. 2. To locate multi-family adjacent to proposed collector streets. 3. To include multi-family housing that is well-connected, developed to a high standard and compatible with single family housing. 4. To provide townhouses and low rise condo apartment units with convenient access to new collector streets and buffered from existing single family areas. Townhouse Townhouse Apartment-Style Questions to Consider: 1. What locations do you think would be best-suited for multi-family development? Why? Place comments on a post-it note here: 7. PARKS, RECREATION & SCHOOL FACILITIES Parks, recreation and community facilities are important components of complete and liveable communities. They enhance the social, cultural, and environmental wellness of West St. Paul, and contribute to shared sense of place. Riverdale West also possess some natural assets, including an existing forested area, that can be incorporated into future community designs. Design Objectives: 1. To integrate parks and open spaces into the neighbourhood design as important components of complete and liveable communities. 2. To expand upon active and passive park spaces to enhance social, cultural, and environmental wellness of West St. Paul, and contribute to shared sense of place. 3. To focus upon protecting/ promoting open space including wood lots and natural features. 4. To develop stormwater retention lakes as sustainable natural wetlands. 5. To link the community through use of trails connecting people with open spaces. 6. To include active play in the form of playgrounds and sport fields. 7. To allow for the provision of community amenities such as recreation facilities and a future school site. 8. Seven Oaks School Division anticipates the need for a K-8 school site within the Plan Area fronting on proposed east-west collector street. Connected trail system Naturalized stormwater retention lake with integrated trail system Children’s Playground Questions to Consider: 1. What additional recreation amenities and community facilities are required? 2. How can naturalized retention lakes best be used as recreational amenities? 3. Would you use a trail network for fitness and recreation? Place comments on a post-it note here: 8. WHAT WE HEARD On January 20th, 2015 the Lombard North Group held Open House #1 for the Riverdale West Neighbourhood Plan. Over 100 people attended the event and provided input through interactive display boards and maps, discussions with our planning staff, and a question and answer period. We have summarized below the many comments and questions received. Brief responses are provided in italics. “We need more diverse housing options, including smaller single-family homes and multifamily options for young people and seniors.” The Middlechurch Secondary Plan calls for increased housing options. This planning process will recommend updates to the Zoning By-law to provide more flexibility and a wider variety of lot sizes and housing forms to meet the lifecycle demands of West St. Paul. “Intersections at Main Street and McPhillips street should be redeveloped to ensure safety for road users and efficient movement of traffic.” Intersection improvements will be based upon the findings of traffic engineering studies and will be carried out in consultation with Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT). “Will Rossmore and Addis serve as major traffic routes for the new development?” The neighbourhood concept plan will endevour to limit the impact of traffic infiltration through existing residential areas. The new east-west collector will serve as the primary through-traffic route offering direct access between the improved and signalized McPhillips/Emes and Main/Riverglen intersections. “Commercial development should be buffered from residential areas and include measures to limit negative impacts, such as traffic infiltration and light pollution.” The Middlechurch Secondary Plan ensures buffering will be provided between uses. Furthermore, architectural design standards will be imposed on commercial areas. Site plan approval is required under the Secondary Plan and provided for under the Planned Unit Development provisions of the Zoning By-Law. “West St. Paul could use more trail connections and opportunities for recreation.” The draft concept plan proposes a network of community trails linking new and existing neighbourhoods to encourage an active lifestyle including walking and cycling. “A pedestrian overpass crossing the Perimeter Highway would provide increased opportunities for active transportation and ensure strong links between communities. “ The Draft Concept Plan accommodates the future construction of a pedestrian bridge similar to what is being constructed in East St. Paul for the Northeast Pioneers Greenway. Funding, approval and timing of such a structure will ultimately be up to the Provincial Government. 9. WHAT WE HEARD “Natural features, such as forested areas, should be protected and incorporated into the community.” The Draft Concept Plan incorporates the existing tree stand at the northwest of the Plan Area, as much as possible, and naturalized storm retention areas will be incorporated into the development. “Please provide more information on the extension of water and sewer services to West St. Paul.” Sewer service is currently being extended to West St. Paul and will serve the Plan Area. Water is anticipated to be provided via the Cartier Regional Water Co-Op from CentrePort. The development group has committed to front-end its share of costs to assist the Municipality in funding the extension of water to West St. Paul. More detail is provided on Board 10. “As an existing resident will I be obligated to connect to new sewer and water services?” West St. Paul is already in the midst of providing wastewater sewers to residents. Local Improvement Districts will be used to provide residents the opportunity to vote on having services provided to their respective streets. Provincial regulations mandate that homes must connect to wastewater sewer systems within 5 years of the service being provided. When the Municipality commits to a new source of drinking water detailed planning can occur to determine local improvement districts, local policies and connection fees. “What can be done to ensure new development does not negatively impact existing residential areas?” The Middlechurch Secondary Plan and Draft Neighbourhood Concepts aim to limit impacts on existing residences while allowing for future subdivision and infill opportunities should landowners choose to purse them. More detail is provided on Board 14. SERVICING INFRASTRUCTURE 10. Section 3.1 of the Middlechurch Secondary Plan presents policies to guide the provision of municipal services to new development areas. These policies provide a framework within which the developers of Riverdale West can equitably provide municipal services to the Plan Area. These tools include development agreements between the Municipality and developers and arrangements in which a developer may front-end its costs of infrastructure services rather than pay these costs incrementally as it develops each phase. Sewer Sewer Service is presently being extended into West St. Paul from the City of Winnipeg. In order to service future residences and businesses, the Developers will be required to fund the “oversizing” and extension of sewer pipes into the Plan Area. Extension of wastewater sewer services to Plan Area can help reduce the per-household costs for existing residences in Riverdale West. Trunk sewer costs are based upon assessed value. Increasing the overall Municipal Assessment value will decrease the proportion paid for trunk services. Developer to front-end extension of pipes to Plan Area. Existing residences fronting onto streets bounding the Plan Area will see cost of services reduced as the Plan Area develops and new development pays its ½ of the cost of extending services. Water Due to concerns over decreasing groundwater quality in West St. Paul drilling additional wells to provide drinking water for new development is not advisable. West St. Paul Council passed resolution 2014-117 in March of 2014 to explore securing a potable water supply from the Cartier Regional Water Supply System. Developers of Plan Area have agreed to front-end their share of the substantial cost, facilitating the extension municipal water services to West St. Paul. 11. LAND DRAINAGE The Municipality of West St. Paul engaged Stantec Consulting to undertake an extensive land drainage review and master plan. This exercise identifies needs and deficiencies in the current drainage system and provide recommendations and preferred scenarios for future land drainage provisions, based on future development scenarios. Em es Mc Ro llip i h P Pe ad s e e r t S rim et er Hi gh wa y t W P l ai n St C i a R ES TS T. TY PA OF UL W IN NI PE G re et CI M 500 m MAP 2. LAND DRAINAGE municipal boundary land drainage / pond Riverdale West Plan Area trails + pedestrian connections collector street pedestrian bridge (proposed) Riverdale West Neighbourhood Plan Presently, a system of open drains, ditches and channels send overland drainage towards the Red River, which is the primary outfall for West St. Paul. The Municipality is primarily agricultural, with over 75% of the land mass undeveloped. As land use changes from agricultural to urban development, drainage needs increase and retention and increased outflow capacity are required presenting opportunities to solve existing problems and plan for the future drainage needs. The Plan Area will require a pond system, which will integrate and serve the lands south of the Perimeter Highway and outfall to the Red River. Exact sizing and capacity will be determined through detailed engineering review of plans, and will ultimately be reflected in final subdivision design. Estimated pond network requirements based on engineering best-practices for the Plan Area are reflected in the Draft Concept Plan. 12. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Development of the Plan Area will establish a new east-west collector roadway linking McPhillips Street in the west to Main Street in the east. This will provide access for new development and limit traffic on existing streets. Both McPhillips Street and Main Street will require intersection improvements to increase safety and level of service as part of the development process. These transportation needs are identified in Section 2.8.1 of the Middlechurch Secondary Plan. Traffic engineering studies and consultation with Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) have identified required intersection improvements. The costs of intersection improvements will be proportionately borne by the developers. Fifty percent (50%) funding may also be provided through MIT due to the regional nature of these improvements. McPhillips Street The existing intersection of McPhillips Street and Emes Road will require upgrading and signalization. Improvements are estimated to cost $1 million. Proposed improvements include traffic lights and turning lanes. Improved intersection must service existing and new development in West St. Paul and provide access for future development in City of Winnipeg. Main Street The existing intersection of Main Street and Riverglen Crescent will require significant upgrades and re-engineering. Improvements are estimated to cost $2 million. Proposed improvements include acceleration and deceleration lanes and turning lanes. Improved intersection must provide safe, efficient access for existing development on both sides of Main Street as well as service the new proposed east-west collector through the Plan Area. MAIN STREET ENTRANCE INTERSECTION UPGRADE STR EET MA IN STR EET EMES ROAD AT McPHILLIPS ROAD INTERSECTION UPGRADE ILLI PH RO AD Mc ES PS EM SOURCE: MMM Group Ltd. Main Street (PTH 9) and Perimeter Highway Development Traffic Impact Study for the R.M. of West St. Paul (2014). SOURCE: Stantec PTH 8 at Emes Road/Rossmore Avenue Trafic Impact Assessment FIRST DRAFT (2014) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 13. West St. Paul’s Zoning By-Law (ZBL) is 16 years old and does not reflect the current needs of the Municipality. Changes in demographics and market preferences, current population growth in the Capital Region and the availability of municipal water and wastewater sewer services are factors that should be accommodated. Sound planning policy and the realities of land development in the 21st century require a wider variety of lot sizes and housing options, including multifamily units. This allows for economical provision of urban services and responds to the changing lifestyle and lifecycle needs of current and future residents. Neither the existing Residential General (RG) or the Residential Comprehensive (RC) zoning districts allow for the development of building lots within these conditions. Section 2.5 of the Middlechurch Secondary Plan calls for a comprehensive approach to commercial land development to ensure compatibility with surrounding land use and a high level of development quality. The ZBL can be used as a tool to meet the goals of the Secondary Plan as they pertain to commercial development in Riverdale West. As part of the Riverdale West Neighbourhood Plan changes to the existing West St. Paul ZBL are required. Proposed changes and adjustments include: Creating a new zoning district (or amending the RG district) to provide for greater diversity in single-family lot sizes. The current multi-family zone (R3) is restricted to age 55+. Multi-family should address the housing needs of all current and future residents, regardless of age. In order to ensure a high quality of commercial development site planning architectural design standards should be established for the commercial development area of the Plan Area. Section 7.4 of the ZBL should be amended to include site plan approval through the Planned Unit Development conditional use process. EXISTING RESIDENCES 14. There are approximately 165 existing residences within and adjacent to the Plan Area. Sections 2.3.2 and 4.3.2 of the Middlechurch Secondary Plan call for a gradual increase in density through infill subdivisions and the eventual replacement of private wastewater systems on Rossmore and Addis. These policies will allow for more efficient service provision in these areas but also stress the need to respect the character of existing areas. The general layout of the existing residential area was respected as much as possible in the Draft Concept Plan, as reflected through the extension of Cowley Street to the north and south. Convenient access to new parks and trails will also be provided for existing residences. In crafting the Draft Concept Plan and translating the concept into final neighbourhood designs care will be taken to ensure new development does not hinder the infill potential of the existing residential areas. The ability of landowners to subdivide their properties will largely depend on site-specific conditions such as how the existing home is sited on the property and the ability of neighbouring property owners to cooperate, as required, to create new lots between adjoining properties. EXAMPLES OF INFILL POTENTIAL IN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREA EXAMPLES OF POTENTIAL INFILL OPPORTUNITIES ALONG ROSSMORE AVENUE & ADDIS AVENUE 75 ft 84 .95 LO TS (PR OP OS ED ) 18 .30 RO x2 SS MO 60 ft RE AV EN UE EN UE ft CA LS 50 RO ft x1 00 ft TR LO EE TS T( PR (PR OP OP LO OS OS TS OS ED 15 ) .24 ED ) ) MO AV OP ED SS RE (PR 30 .48 LO 18 .00 00 15 2 T x1 ST RE E ft 30 .48 50 15. THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! NEXT STEPS... Open House #3 - March 10th, 2015: 7-9 pm @ West St. Paul School Provide feedback from Open House #2 Present a revised Draft Concept Plan for Riverdale West to be utilized for Secondary Plan amendment, Zoning By-law amendment, and subsequent Phase 1 subdivision application An overview of each open house will be provided to Council and posted on the Municipality’s website found at FOR MORE INFORMATION: David Palubeski, FCIP 287 Taché Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A1 (204) 943-3896 [email protected]
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