재난 안전통신망 모바일 백홀 구축 방안 - Seamless Network 을 위한 인프라 김승환([email protected]) Technical Solution Team System Engineer AGENDA 재난 안전망을 위한 인프라 요구 사항 IP/MPLS 기반 모바일 백홀망 구축의 필요성 주니퍼 “SOSE” 아키텍처 Virtualized Mobile Network 으로의 진화 Service virtualization & chaining 혁신 방안 미래 지향적 Seamless(무중단) Network 구축 재난 안전망을 위한 인프라 요구 사항 미래 공공안전의 모습 차세대 통신 기술 + 멀티미디어 + 일원화 + 인프라 입체적 재난 통신 스마트 경찰 홍주희 기자 블로그 [email protected] 재난 안전망을 위한 인프라 요구 사항 모바일 백홀 인프라 요구 사항 back·haul (트럭·화물선 등의) 귀로, 역송(逆送); 귀로 화물 the backhaul portion of the network comprises the intermediate links between the core network, or backbone network and the small subnetworks at the "edge" of the entire hierarchical network. 네트워크 정의: "유선 또는 무선에 흐르는 데이터를 한곳에 모아서 백본(코어) 망으로 전달해주는 역할“ 모바일 정의: "음성 또는 데이터를 기지국에서 모아서 해당 통신 사업자의 백본(코어)망에 전달해 주는 역할" 재난 안전망을 위한 인프라 요구 사항 주니퍼 모바일 백홀 디자인 EPC (Evolved Packet Core) IP Network 재난 안전망을 위한 인프라 요구 사항 모바일 백홀망의 중요성 대두: ALL IP 환경으로의 변화 Capacity. Coverage. Seamless. 예측 불가능한 데이터 용량 증가 음성위주의 서비스에서 IP 위주의 서비스로의 패러다임 변화 음성 < 데이터 < 멀티미디어(백홀 크기 = 4G 용량 결정) LTE 기술로 인한 스마트폰 커버러지 이슈 발생 QoE(사용자 체험 만족도)를 높이기 위한 커버러지 증가 핫 스팟 지역을 위한 small cell 사이트 요구 유선 네트워크망 이상의 안정성과 무중단 서비스의 요구 Seamless Network 을 위한 인프라 IP/MPLS 기반 모바일 백홀망 구축의 필요성 모바일 백홀망 아키텍처의 변화 LTE 를 기점으로 ALL IP 로의 아키텍처 요구 RAN BACKHAUL CORE Backhaul T1 / E1 MME Not Scalable Nonhomogeneous and legacy technologies make it difficult to cost-effectively scale the network Ethernet Slow to Adapt MPLS-TP Manual processes to provision and manage make it difficult to adapt to dynamic traffic patterns SGW Rigid Services IP/MPLS Metro Aggregation IP Core EPC IP IP services are location-specific and tied to physical platforms SC Not Secure TDM, Eth, MPLS-TP, 패킷 IP 기반 MPLS, Ethernet 아키텍처 End-to-End IP/MPLS IP Security is an afterthought leading to serious performance and brand impact due to outages IP/MPLS 기술의 필요성 Why not legacy technology? 1. LTE 아키텍처 ALL IP 기반의 다양한 서비스를 위한 아키텍처를 요구 다양한 환경의 전송 기술을 사용 가능 (TDM, ATM, Ethernet 등) 평평한 구조의 IP 인프라를 요구 2. 검증된 기술 다양한 통신 사업자를 통한 업계 검증된 기술 IP/MPLS 기술을 이용한 VPN 서비스 3. 캐리어 그레이드급 역량 Scalability Resiliency Traffic Engineering plus QoS Reliability IP/MPLS 기술의 필요성 VPN 서비스 Lossless Handover 를 위한 효율성 제공 X2 reference point 통한 핸드오버 발생시 최적의 경로 제공으로 latency 최소화 단말 간 직접 통신, 그룹통신, 푸쉬투토크, 단독기지국모드 기능의 효율적인 경로 제공 가능 eNB eNB CSR CSR 백홀망 백홀망 A-RTR A-RTR eNB eNB CSR CSR (E-Line과 같은) 백홀망을 통해, “point-to-point” 서비스를 사용한다면, Aggregation 라우터에서 X2가 헤어핀 현상 발생 (L3VPN과 같은) “multi-point” 서비스를 사용하여, X2에 효율적인 루트제공 IP/MPLS 기술의 필요성 MPLS to the Access 단순하면서 통일성 있는 서비스 정책가능 QoS, OAM 및 Traffic-Engineering 을 Core 에서 Access 까지 단순화하여 운영 가능 Provisioning points EPC ACCESS AGG. MPLS MPLS CORE eNB eNB Provisioning points MPLS IP/MPLS 기술의 필요성 Fast Convergence(Fast Reroute: FRR) 서비스 Seamless 통신을 위한 최적의 서비스 제공 트래픽이 흐르는 모든 구간에서 링크, 시스템 문제 발생시 50 msec 이하의 FRR 서비스 제공 각 계위에 따라 구간별 FRR 동작이 아닌, 전체 백홀망을 기준으로 FRR 서비스 제공은 필수 EPC ACCESS AGG. eNB Traffic FRR < 50msec eNB CORE FRR(Fast Reroute) DEMO 주니퍼 “SOSE” 아키텍처 Virtualized Mobile Network 으로의 진화 Service virtualization & chaining 혁신 방안 미래 지향적 Seamless(무중단) Network 구축 SELF-ORGANIZED, SERVICE-ENABLED BACKHAUL 주니퍼 “SOSE” 아키텍처 Service Virtualization Orchestrator SDN Contr. PCE SON Flexibility to centralize or distribute OSS / BSS Network APIs for monetization PCRF Self Optimization Analytics Enables demand and service agility Indoor Small Cells PE RRU PE Reduces overprovisioning cost SecGW AN Macro Cell 2G / 3G / 4G C-RAN MME Seamless Network 2G / 3G / LTE on common IP / MPLS Scalable for small cells growth S-GW mmWave Centralized or distributed SecGW Superior QoE through timing and SLA management Outdoor Small Cells Reduced TCO with rapid deployment NLOS IP / MPLS Builds a foundation for service agility START WITH SEAMLESS NETWORK Preparing for SDN to Manage Future Network Demands Piecemeal Solution Limited Scale, Slow Provisioning, High Total Cost Scalable BTS/eNB Service end-point Access Aggregation Ethernet IP / MPLS DOMAIN #1 DOMAIN #2 Core BSC / RNC IP / MPLS DOMAIN #3 Stitching point VRF <-> VRF Stitching point VLAN <-> VRF SGSN / S-GW Service end-point Agile Seamless Network SINGLE CONTROL PLANE Service Rich BTS / eNB Access Aggregation IP / MPLS IP / MPLS DOMAIN #1 DOMAIN #2 Core BSC / RNC IP / MPLS SGSN / S-GW DOMAIN #3 SEAMLESS MPLS Service end-point Simplified Service Provisioning (single provisioning point per connection) Service end-point SEAMLESS NETWORK Scaling Through Programmability, Operational, and Security Innovations Decoupled Services and Transport Operational Efficiency – RD Service-1 EMS Service-2 VPN Config. Server OAM Service Node Service Provider Core DNS ISP NTE CSR Provides scale at low operational cost due to service transparency Enables “plug-n-play” within mobile backhaul to reduce TCO ADD SELF OPTIMIZATION Leveraging SDN Principles to Manage Future Network Demands Different NMS domains Scalable Manual update process Error prone, slow X X Z A Z1 Present Mode Agile [subs, end-pts., SLA] Autonomously updated Self Optimization Fully optimized Service Rich Accurate and agile OSS / BSS SON RAN [SLA (sub, svc)] Analytics Engine SDN Complex Seamless Network EPC SELF OPTIMIZATION THROUGH PCE Minimize Overprovisioning Cost While Maintaining the QoE NETWORK PRIMITIVES 1. Understand real-time topology 2. Establish a path through the network(s) 3. Select what traffic may (not) use this path Topology Discovery ANALYZE Path Computation OPTIMIZE Path Installation VIRTUALIZE Self-Optimization Engine Routing Configuration Path Computation Element 1: IGP / BGP-TE 3: Netconf / YANG 2: PCE-P One-way, one session per network Two-way, session with each head-end node Two-way, session with each head-end node RAN EPC ANALYTICS ENGINE MONETIZE THROUGH VIRTUALIZATION Leverage SDN / NFV Principles to Manage Future Network Demands Services Complex Caching Security DPI Scalable NFV SDN Complex Agile Service Chaining Self Optimization Analytics Engine SON Service Rich RAN Seamless Network EPC SERVICE VIRTUALIZATION AND CHAINING Centralize or Distribute Services for Maximum Architectural Flexibility Orchestrator Distributed Services Svc1 Centralized Services SDN Contr. Svc2 Svc3 PCRF Mobile Core Services Complex P-GW MME SGi CSR RAN Agg.-Router S-GW Virtualized Pre-Provisioned Dynamically Adjusted Horizontally Scaled JUNIPER’S POINT OF VIEW Service-enabled backhaul provides monetization opportunities Leveraging services agility through NFV-based innovations $ To maximize ARPU, enhance QoE and reduce churn 주니퍼 솔루션을 통한 백홀망 구성 예시 재난 안전망 모바일 백홀망 구성 예시 센터노드 MX960 EPC 동면리 광역시도/기관 시군구 ACX1100 MX240 MX104 ACCESS CORE AGG. ACCESS HSS MME PCRF SGW/PGW ACCESS Seamless MPLS 주니퍼 솔루션 포트 폴리오 하나의 제품군으로, 20 Gbps 에서 80 Tbps까지 80Tbps MBH Family One JUNOS One TRIO CHIPSET One UNIVERSAL EDGE Extending Performance, Services, and Access 40Tbps 10.56Tbps Midrange Family 5.76Tbps 1.92Tbps 20 ~ 80Gbps ACX MX104 MX 5 MX 10 MX 40 MX 80 MX 240 MX 480 MX 960 MX 2010 MX 2020 EPC CORE router MX960 • 14 Slot Chassis • Physical size • Height: 16RU (about 1/3 rack), Depth: <800mm deep • System capacity • 14 slots - 2 for Fabric Cards / REs with the option of 1 additional Fabric Card (SCB) for redundancy • Up to 10Tbps from 11 line cards • System reuses existing SCBs, REs, DPCs and MPCs – common across all MX platforms • Dependable hardware • Passive Mid-Plane • Redundant Routing Engines • Redundant Switching Fabric (2+1) • Distributed Packet Forwarding Architecture • Redundant Fan & Power • Power and cooling • Front-to-back cooling with separate push-pull fan assemblies • Holds up to 2 fan trays (1+1 redundancy) • Holds up to 4 power supplies (2+2 DC, 2+2 AC) • Rear-side power cabling CORE router MX240 • 4 Slot Chassis • Physical size • Height: 5RU, Depth: <800mm deep • System capacity • 4 slots – 2 available for Fabric Cards / REs • Up to 1.92Tbps from 3 line cards • System reuses existing SCBs, REs, DPCs and MPCs – common across all MX platforms • Dependable hardware • Passive Mid-Plane • Redundant Routing Engines (1+1) • Redundant Switching Fabric (1+1) • Distributed Packet Forwarding Architecture • Redundant Power • Power and cooling • Side to Side cooling • Holds up to 4 power supplies (1+1 DC, 1+1 AC 200-240VAC, 2+2 AC 100-110VAC) • Rear-side power cabling Aggregation CORE router MX104 Compact, Redundant & Future proof Trio based PFE – 80G 7.5 inches (W) x 3.5RU (H) x 9.5 inches (D) ETSI-300 compliant Dual redundant hot-pluggable REs for Control Plane redundancy Dual redundant 1RU 600 Watt PSUs; AC and DC inputs variants Wide operating temp range -40C to +65C Forced cooling with side-to-side airflow; FRU’able fan tray Alarm extension ports • Modular Design: 4x10GE SFP+ LAN/WAN uplink ports (built-in) 4 MIC Slots -~20G BW per slot ACCESS CORE router ACX1100 Universal access for mobile, business and residential Enhances the Universal Edge thru consistent end-end experience Open system for innovation and flexibility Provides lower footprint (smaller form factor) Platforms delivers 3x capacity of nearest competitor Seamless MPLS provides most flexible service architecture1 Integrated precision timing for highest QoE (IEEE1588-2008, SyncE) Extensive end-to-end network monitoring: Latency, jitter, OAM Hardened fan-less design for reliable outdoor operation with improved power efficiency Probe and SLA measurement eliminates the need for a separate NID 1G router, Ethernet-only 12xGE (8xRJ45, 4xRJ45/SFP) CUSTOMER CAST STUDIES MOBILE BACKHAUL CUSTOMERS With a strong pipeline built on IP/LTE migration PROFILE FOR SUCCESS DQE Challenges Sprint has been back-charging DQE deeply on SLAs for the T-1 backhaul This has noticeably impacted revenue As they push into IP backhaul, there is serious concern that their customer will have better KPI data and use this to invoke the penalty clauses in the SLA Winning Strategy Juniper given a compliance matrix of Sprint’s Ethernet requirements for MBH document (TS-0189) For the North American market, SLA enforcement is THE key for success with mobile service providers and AAVs Y1731 and RFC2544 data collection by the Junos Space with 180 days of data available…was important WHOLESALE BACKHAUL NETWORKS MAIN CUSTOMERS – SPRINT AND T-MOBILE PROFILE FOR SUCCESS Telecom Italia Challenges Universal Access: Support for wide range of OPM services: residential access, business access, mobile backhaul, IPTV, wholesale GBE, … Mandatory requirements: Scalability, resiliency, trouble shooting, manageability, multi-vendor interoperability Scalable and future proof Integration into a multi-vendor network Winning Strategy Standard: Seamless 100% IP/MLPS transport migration Total teamwork between Juniper & NSN GLOBAL MOBILE OPERATOR: 12TH LARGEST BY REVENUE 19TH LARGEST BY CONNECTIONS
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