Development & Maintenance of Web Based
Portal and MIS for Monitoring & Evaluation of
Vocational Training Improvement Project
[Apprentice Protsahan Yojana]
Submitted By
WIPRO Limited (Infotech Division)
Plot No. 480-481, UdyogVihar, Phase III
Gurgaon – 122016
User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
1. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
1.1 Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
1.2 Scope of the Document ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-2
2. ABOUT THE DOCUMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
2.1 Intended Audience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
2.2 Document Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-2
3. GETTING STARTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-2
3.1 Accessing Portal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
3.2 Home Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
4. APPRENTICESHIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
APY Advertisement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5
Apprentice Registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-6
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User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of
training of apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for imparting onthe-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified industries to engage
apprentices in designated trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on the job in industry to
youth to develop skilled manpower for the industry.
The main Objective of the scheme is Sharing of 50% of prescribed stipend by the Government
of India for first two years of apprenticeship training for 1,00,000 apprentices to be engaged by
31 March 2017 by establishments covered under the Apprentices Act, 1961.
1.2 Scope of the Document
This document details about the various functionalities under Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
scheme in the public module of the MIS portal and the features are as follows:
1. State wise Advertisement information.
2. Apprentice enrollment by Establishment through selected Advertisement or directly.
2. About the Document
2.1 Intended Audience
General public and all users of the DGE&T web based portal will be the intended audience of
this document.
2.2 Document Conventions
This guide uses the following conventions:
Fields which have * sign at the end indicates that it is mandatory.
Success messages are displayed in green boxes.
Instructions are mentioned under “Before Proceeding please ensure” point wise.
3. Getting Started
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User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
3.1 Accessing Portal
Public portal of MIS application has been designed as a comprehensive platform for external as
well as internal users of DGE&T to allow timely and transparent flow of information. This portal
will allow easy retrieval of data, searching and sorting of various information accurately and
To access, type the address in the address bar as: User will be
redirected to the Home page of the Public Portal.
3.2 Home Page
Through provided URL user would directly land on Home page of Apprenticeship Public module.
Here on the top navigation bar is available which contains Menu item as Apprenticeship.
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User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
As in menu bar different options are available. If you move mouse to Apprenticeship, you will be
able to view two options as APY Advertisement, Apprenticeship Registration as per below
4. Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship module will enable general public to view active APY Advertisements State wise
and Establishment to Register for APY/Non APY scheme.
Explanations of these sub modules are given below,
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User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
4.1 APY Advertisement
This link enables general public to search for APY related Advertisements State wise.
1. Go to Apprenticeship  APY Advertisement
Advertisement for Apprentice Protsahan Yojana (APY) page will get displayed, refer the
below screen.
2. Select the State from the drop down to view active APY Advertisement State wise.
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
In the above screen, view order of advertisements will be as per the End Date (Eg:
Advertisement which will expire first will be on top).
When you click on “Establishment can click here to Register for Apprenticeship module” link
which is located at the right hand side of the page just below Attachments grid, the application
will navigate to new tab where Establishment can enter details for preliminary check before
proceeding for Registration. (Refer 4.2 sections for further detail).
4.2 Apprentice Registration
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
The purpose of this module is to enroll Establishment under APY/Non APY scheme.
Establishment can proceed further only after fulfilling the preliminary check.
1. If enrollment is not through any particular Advertisement., then follow the below step,
 Go to Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Registration.
2. If Enrollment is through particular Advertisement, then follow the below step
 You can click on “Establishment can click here to Register for Apprenticeship module”
from the APY Advertisement screen which is described in 4.1 section.
There are 2 scenarios on Preliminary check screen:
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
Scenario 1
1. Select “Are you enrolling for APY scheme” = Yes
2. Enter details in all mandatory fields
3. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
4. Click on Next button.
The below page will get displayed.
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related functionalities
5. Enter the following details ;
 Details for Establishments
Details for Head of Establishment
Click on the Checkbox ( ) “Same as Head of Establishment” if Details for Head of
Establishment are same as Details of Contact Person for Apprenticeship.
Details of Contact Person for Apprenticeship
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
6. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
7. Click on Back button, will get navigated to previous page post confirmation from user.
8. Click on Next button, the below page will get displayed.
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
9. Enter Establishment trade details.
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
10. Click on Add button to add trade details to “Saved Establishment Trade Details” grid. (Please
follow step9 to 10 of page 11 to add multiple trades to the grid).
 Trade will get added successfully with message.
(Message displayed in green box in the below screen mentions that the
trade is added to the grid successfully)
11. Select any record from “Saved Establishment Trade Details” grid and click on (
Fields under Establishment Trade Details section will get filled with selected record
details in editable mode with a message as shown in bottom of the screen shot given
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User Manual – Development & Maintenance of Web Based Portal for
Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
Click on Add button to add the edited details to the “Saved Establishment Trade
Details” grid.
Click on Clear button to clear the fields.
12. Select any record from “Saved Establishment Trade Details” grid and click on (
 The selected record will get deleted from the grid.
13. Click on Clear button to clear the fields
At a time you can add either Designated Trade or Optional Trade.
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related functionalities
14. Click on Back button, will get navigated to previous page post confirmation from user.
15. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
16. Click on Next button,
17. If user is enrolling through Advertisement then in “APY Advertisement Reference” dropdown
by default selected Advertisement will display, else user can select any active Advertisement
from the dropdown.
18. Click on (
) new tab with selected Advertisement details will get displayed.
19. Enter Establishment Bank Details.
20. Click on (
) to download Self Declaration Template.
21. Click on Back button, will get navigated to previous page post confirmation from user.
22. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
23. Click on Next button, the below page will get displayed.
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related functionalities
24. Enter Apprentice Details for Apprentice Protsahan Yojna.
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
25. Enter Apprentice Details.
26. Click on Add button, the Apprentice details will get added up to the “Saved Apprentice Details
for Apprentice Protsahan Yojna” grid with success message as shown in below screen.
Note :
User can add only that number of Apprentices which is selected in the Preliminary Check Page
(maximum up to 2 only)
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related functionalities
27. Click on Clear button to clear the fields.
28. Select any record from “Saved Apprentice Details for Apprentice Protsahan Yojna” grid and
click on (
 Fields under Apprentice Details for Apprentice Protsahan Yojna & Apprentice Bank
Details sections will get filled with selected record details in editable mode with a
message as shown in bottom of the screen shot given below.
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related functionalities
29. Select any record from “Saved Establishment Trade Details” grid and click on (
 The selected record will get deleted from the grid.
30. Click on Back button, will get navigated to previous page post confirmation from user.
31. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
32. Click on Submit button, the page will get submitted.
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related functionalities
33. Click on “Yes” to proceed further else click on “No” from the pop up window.
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
34. An email will be send to the registered mail ID (provided in the form) of Establishment after
successful submission of the application.
Scenario: 2
1. Are you enrolling for APY scheme = No
2. Enter details in all mandatory fields
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Enrollment & Providing information about Apprentice Protsahan Yojana
related functionalities
3. Click on Cancel button, complete form will reset post confirmation from user.
4. Click on Next button.
Refer Scenario 1 for functionality of second page (Details for Establishment).
The next page is as follows,
5. Refer scenario 1 for Establishment Trade Details page functionalities.
6. Click on Submit button, the page will get submitted.
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related functionalities
7. Click on “Yes” to proceed further or click on “No” to remain in the same page.
8. An email will be triggered to the Establishment registered mail ID after successful submission of the
Refer Scenario 1 for email format.
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