EASTER WEEK EVANGELISTIC EVENT “WHO?” – A Drama Presentation 9th – 11th April, 2015 (Thu – Sat) $5 for 11am & 4pm shows; $10 for 7pm & 9pm shows (Tickets available at Information Counter) “Who?” is a tour on the life of Jesus, through drama and music, lights and sounds that bring us through the story of our Messiah. Invite your family & friends to share this journey. 9/4 (Thu) – 11am, 4pm, 7pm Show times: 10/4 (Fri) – 4pm, 7pm, 9pm 11/4 (Sat) – 11am, 4pm, 7pm, 9pm DIOCESAN WOMEN’S SUNDAY O God our heavenly Father, whose blessed Son grew up at Nazareth in His mother’s care, and in His earthly ministry revealed to us the true honour of womanhood: Grant, we pray you, the blessing of the Holy Spirit, that Christian women may walk worthy of their high calling as your salt and light, and may faithfully serve your Church, and witness in our homes, to our neighbours; and in your world for the honour of the same your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. HYMNS FOR: 8.00 am : 501, 433, 598ii, 202 11.15 am : 501, 433, How Excellent Your Name, 598ii, 202 5.00 pm : HP23, HP91, HP101, HP100 We warmly welcome you to St Andrew’s Cathedral. Please complete and return this portion to the ushers or the Information Desk, or simply drop it into an offering bag. Name : ________________________________________________ Sex :____ Age: _____ Address : ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________(H) ___________________(HP)____________________(O) Email:________________________________________________________________________ I am a visitor. I would like to be contacted. I wish to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Service Attended: _____________ I wish to be a member of St Andrew’s Cathedral. I wish to join a housegroup or a fellowship group. I wish to have a set of tithe/offering envelopes. I wish to register for the CE course. Name of course: __________________________ Others : ___________________________________ St Andrew’s Cathedral T he D iocese O f S ingapore www.livingstreams.org.sg BISHOP OF SINGAPORE: The Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah ASSISTANT BISHOPS: The Rt Revd Low Jee King The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng 1 March 2015 DIOCESAN WOMEN’S SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT DEAN & VICAR: The Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng ASSOCIATE VICAR: The Revd Canon Dr Louis Tay LENT DEVOTION THE WAY OF THE CROSS COLLECT FOR TODAY Almighty God, you show to those who are in error the light of your truth, that they may return to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion, that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. COLLECT FOR ASH WEDNESDAY Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS I) Rom 4:13-25, Church Bible, NT, pg 269. II) Mark 8:31-38, Church Bible, NT, pg 76. PSALM FOR: 5.00 pm Ps 135:1-14, Church Bible, OT, page 1019. see pg 8 for Hymns for today 31/3 & 1/4 7.30pm – 9.30pm @ the Nave Bishop Rennis Ponniah & Revd Edmund Chan Come and spend unhurried time to reflect together on: The EXAMPLE of Jesus in Overcoming a World of Raw Power and Self-Interest. Bishop Rennis Ponniah 31st March (Tues) The EFFICACY of Jesus in a Compulsive World of Efficiencies and Effectiveness Revd Edmund Chan 1st April (Wed) 11 St Andrew’s Road (S. 178959) • Tel: 63376104 / 90022455 (emergency after office hrs) • Fax: 63376107 / 63391197 announcements CATHEDRAL FAMILY CAMP 2015 announcements BE A VOLUNTEER AT THE WELCOME CENTRE The Holy Spirit A fresh Outpouring on God’s People “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Mattew 6:6 Are you keen to meet people from all walks of life? If you are looking for a place to contribute your time, skills and services in the Cathedral, we invite you to join us as volunteers in the Welcome Centre in the areas of Reception, Hospitality or Tour guiding. The scope of our volunteering activities generally involves: Date: 7-10 June 2015 [Sun - Wed] Need a private place to pray? • tour guiding. • attending to the requests and enquiries of visitors and church members. • assisting in general housekeeping of the centre. It’s available! EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Volunteers can choose the area of their preferences and training will be provided. The schedule of volunteering will be work out in consultation with the welcome centre staff. For enquiries on PRAYER CLOSET, Please email Mrs Jowenna Quek [email protected] Early bird discount ends on 15 March. Do contact Welcome Centre at 63376104 ext 141/161 or email at welcomecentre@ livingstreams.org.sg for more details. Venue: Thistle Hotel, Johor Bahru Camp Speaker: Bishop Rennis Ponniah An early bird discount of $50 per camper will be applicable to all except for Non-Cathedral members. Registration forms available at Information Desk. ALL ARE WELCOME. REGISTER AT WWW.SCGM.ORG.SG DURING HOLY COMMUNION COLLECTION OF APPRECIATION GIFTS It would be helpful and appropriate, during Holy (8am / 11.15am) Communion, for us to be in communion with All members of Functional Groups / volunteers the Lord. As such, please refrain from carrying from 8am/ 11.15am Congregations, to collect on conversations with one another, and let us your appreciation gifts from the Information worship the Lord together with the Communion counter. songs, or remain in silent prayer while Holy Communion is being administered. CLEANLINESS IN THE PEWS Please do not leave behind your used tissue papers in the pews after the Service. Please remove them and discard into bins which are located at designated areas. Your co-operation is very much appreciated. POSITIONS AVAILABLE The Diocesan Office has a vacancy for: PROPERTY OFFICER & ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Please apply to [email protected] with your updated resume, expected salary and KNEELERS IN THE CATHEDRAL notice period. Only shortlisted applicants will be Members are requested not to rest their shoes notified. Closing date is Mon, 16 March on the kneelers. This will reduce the wear and More details are posted on the Notice Board. tear on the plastic covering of the kneelers. 2 COUNSELLING SERVICE SAC is pleased to announce that Counselling Service (at no cost) is available for members. This is provided by: (1) David Ng who is a staff in St. Andrew’s Cathedral. He has a Master of Arts in Counselling. (2) Ms Heng Siow Ing who has a Master of Social Science (Professional Counselling). Both David and Siow Ing are involved in various church ministries in the last 20 years at St Andrew’s Cathedral, including teaching, discipleship training, cell group leading and Married Couple’s ministry. They are currently serving as Parish Worker at the 8am and 11.15am cluster and as Lay Reader respectively at the 11.15am service. If you wish to make an appointment, please call David Ng at 9833 2786, email [email protected]. sg or Siow Ing at 9733 1951, email siowing.heng@ gmail.com. 7 SUNDAY SERVICES 8 MAR THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT SUNDAY SERVICES 1 MAR DIOCESAN WOMEN’S SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT 7.00 a.m.Holy Communion Dr Avi Mizrachi 7.00 a.m.Holy Communion Bishop Rennis Ponniah Prepare For “Days Of Wonder” 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen To be Holy or To be Worldly 9.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Bishop Rennis Ponniah Prepare For “Days Of Wonder” 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 2.00 p.m. Myanmar Worship Service Cathedral New Sanctuary 2.30 p.m. Bahasa Holy Communion Chapel for All Peoples Revd John Lin 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese Holy Communion Bishop Rennis Ponniah Prepare For “Days Of Wonder” Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Christine Sakakibara EXTENSION CENTRES 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Contemporary Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Revd John Lin Jesus Messiah: The Obedient Servant 9.30 a.m. Service in Mandarin 2.00 p.m. Filipino Service Mr Yoy Alberastine 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. Myanmar Worship Service Cathedral New Sanctuary Bahasa Indonesia Service Chapel for All Peoples Mr Victor Effendie 2.30 p.m. Service in Cantonese 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 4.30 p.m. Hokkien Service Prayer Hall A&B, Basement 1 Revd Freddy Lim 5.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Bishop Kuan Kim Seng To Proclaimed or To Be Silent 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion Revd Peter Chen To be Holy or To be Worldly Filipino Service Miss Joyce Carino Holy Communion Bishop Kuan Kim Seng To Proclaimed or To Be Silent 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 11.15 a.m. Mandarin Congregation Cathedral New Sanctuary 2.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Evensong Ds Bessie Lee 5.00 p.m. Service in Mandarin Cathedral New Sanctuary 7.30 p.m. New Life Service Mr Wilfred Png SUNDAY SCHOOL ministries Acts Centre Sunday Service St. Margaret’s Secondary School Performing Arts Studio Westside Anglican Church (WAC) Canon Louis Tay WAC Service in Mandarin West Coast Recreation Centre 8.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.00 a.m. Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Sunday School (Mandarin) 11.15 a.m. Sunday School 5.00 p.m. Sunday School Monday, 2 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer We are called, as disciples of Jesus, to love our neighbours as ourselves. This mission affords you an opportunity to do just that. Be a part of this unique mobile medical mission which serves 2 vulnerable population groups by providing free primary healthcare and health screening – the migrant workers living in residential dormitories and the elderly poor living in 1-room HBD estates. You do not have to be a doctor or a nurse to serve. Nonmedical volunteers are also most welcome. It only requires about 4 hours of your time on a Saturday evening. Tuesday, 3 MAR 7.30 a.m. Clergy & Leaders Holy Communion Wednesday, 4 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 12.45 p.m. Holy Communion @ Prayer Hall A&B Revd Soon Soo Kee 5.15 p.m. Evening Prayer 7.30 p.m. PETALS @ Graham White Library Seeking the help of the Gardener/ Preparing the ground – salvation, repentance If you would like to volunteer, please write to A/Prof. Joseph Thambiah at josephthambiah@ gmail.com or Mr. Philip Lim at philip_lim@ sach.org.sg Thursday, 5 MAR 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion @ Chapel for All Peoples Revd Timothy Chow In 2015, the mission dates are: 710Mar, Jan,18 7 Feb, Apr, 97 May, Mar, 18 Apr, 9 May, 4 Jul, 15 Aug, 5 Sep, 17 Oct, 7 Nov Friday, 6 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 10.30 a.m. Mandarin Senior Citizens’ Meeting @ CNS Please submit your names early as spaces on the mission teams are at a premium. No prior medical mission experience is necessary. This mission survives by the grace of God and through your generous contributions. If you would like to contribute financially to this logistically intensive mission, please make your cheques out to “St. Andrew’s Community Hospital” with “Mobile Medical Service” written on the back and drop the cheques into the offertory bags. All donations are tax-deductible 250%.. Saturday, 7 MAR 9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 2.00 p.m. LYnC Youth Ministry @North Transept Hall Restoring Broken Relationships (Chapter 3) 2.00 p.m. Young Adults’ Ministry @ Prayer Hall A & B LifeGp: Temptation In The Life Of Disciple 15/16 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 4 Mobile Medical Service LENTEN FAST(MOFOW) to the Community WEEKDAY SERVICES/MEETINGS C3 (CITY Children Club) @ Cathedral New Sanctuary (no meetings on 4th & 5th Sat) Shalomkids Ministry (For children with autism) @ Prayer Hall C Saturday Contemporary Service @ Cathedral New Sanctuary “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone..” Galatians 6:10a Revd John Lin Jesus Messiah: The Obedient Servant 5 “Notes for 1st session will be given only to those who have pre-registered. For those who have pre-registered but are unable to come for the course, kindly inform CE administrator to cut down on paper wastage.” prayer highlights Discipleship, Holiness & Revival 20/3 (Fri, 7.30pm-9.30pm); 21/3 (Sat, 9.30am- 1pm @ PHA-C) Bishop Hwa Yung DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE Esther: The Providence of God 7/4- 28/4 (4 Tues, 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ PHA-C) Dr Philip Satterthwaite (Principal, Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Lecturer in Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew & Hermeneutics) Cathedral Lenten Devotions The Way of the Cross 31/3 (Tues) & 1/4 (Wed), 7.30pm – 9.30pm @ the Nave Bishop Rennis Ponniah & Revd Edmund Chan Diocesan Officers: Chancellor: Registrar: Secretary of Synod: Asst Secretary: Treasurer: Becoming a Contagious Christian 11/4 – 25/4 (3 Sat 9:30pm -12:30pm @ PHA-B) Facilitator: Revd Peter Chen Please register online at: https://samis.apphb.com/ membership.mvc/courseregistration If you have difficulties registering online, kindly contact Mr James Tan. Refer to SAC’s website: http://www.livingstreams.org. sg/sac/news.html#cec for more details. You can also call or email the following staff at 63376104 or [email protected] for course information. • Revd Peter Chen (Ext 144), Mr David Ng (Ext 184), Mr Alvin Toh (Ext 174) or CE Administrator, Mr James Tan (Ext 177). Complimentary car-park exit tickets will be made available for those who attend the courses. They can be collected in class at the registration table. Before You Say, “I Do.” (Marriage Prep Course) 28/2 – 25/4 (9 Sat, 2pm – 4pm @ ST Hall) Retreat 25/4, (Sat, 9:30am – 1:30pm) Revd Michael Lim & Mrs. Judy Lim and Pastor David Ng & Mrs Ng Siow Ing (Bishop Emeritus of the Methodist Church in Malaysia) See separate insert for info on the following courses: Christian Response to Gambling and Sex 3/3 & 10/3 (2 Tues, 7.30pm – 9.30pm @ PH A-C) Mr. Liew Heng San (Prior to Retirement, Mr. Liew was Former CEO of the CPF Board, Perm Sec (Law), MD EDB and CE of LTA.) DIOCESAN CERTIFICATE OF BIBLICAL STUDIES MODULES 2015 1) New Testament Intro 2: Pauline Letters Participants will study the setting or context of the letters, the person and life of Paul the apostle, and be given an overview of the epistles according to their chronological/theological order. Teacher: Dates : Time : Venue : Cost : Revd Steven Seah March 14, 21, 28 & April 11, 18 9.30 Am – 12.30 Pm St James’ Church, 1 Leedon Road, Se 267828 $20 Do note the dates have been changed from what appears in our brochure due to unforeseen circumstances. For registration and enquiries, you can email [email protected], or call 6288 8944. Payment for the module is to be made by cheque to “Diocese of Singapore” at the first session. 6 • Christian Education (CE) Programme in March 03/3 & 10/3 (2 Tues) Christian Response to Gambling and Sex led by Mr Liew Heng San Bishop of Singapore: Rt Revd Rennis Ponniah Assistant Bishops Rt Revd Low Jee King Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng Archdeacon of Singapore Rt Revd Low Jee King Archdeacon: Ven Wong Tak Meng 20/3 & 21/3 (Fri & Sat) Discipleship, Holiness & Revival led by Bp Hwa Yung 31/3 & 01/4 (Tue & Wed) Lenten Devotions: The Way of the Cross led by Bp Rennis Ponniah & Revd Edmund Chan. Mr Richard R Magnus Mr Charles Leong Mr Lawrence Boo Mr Burton Chen Mr Joseph Liew WORLD • Bangladesh There is encouraging growth among believers both inside and outside conventional church structures. The Church has many needs, the greatest of which is spiritual awakening. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move in these areas: - Nominal Christianity. Early people movements brought thousands from marginalised sections of society into the Church. Poverty, illiteracy and lack of trained, godly leadership led to shallowness and nominalism. - Unity. Imported and indigenous divisions hinder the Church’s witness to other faiths and make it easier to legislate against and intimidate Christians. Pray for the National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh as it encourages evangelical unity and cooperative action in evangelism, teaching and aid programmes. And pray too for Bangladeshis who are working, studying or residing in Singapore to have opportunities to hear the gospel and receive the joy of salvation. (Source: Operation World, 21st Century Edition, pp. 133-4) Director of Missions: Rt Revd Kuan Kim Seng Assoc Director of Missions: Revd Yee Ching Wah Diocesan Secretary for Schools: Mrs Chan Siew Cheng Group CEO SACS/SAMH: Dr Arthur Chern Diocesan Office Staff Executive Officer: Mrs Sasha Michael Synod & Diocesan Boards: Standing Committee; Development Board; Youth Board; Missions Board; Board of Chinese Work; Finance Board; Women’s Board; Education Board; Theological Education Board • Forum on ‘Christian Ethics in a Money Driven World’ This Tuesday (03 Mar) This forum is jointly organised by the Diocese of Singapore and FGB Gatekeepers Singapore and by invitation only. Date & Venue : 03 March 2015 (Tue) @ Cathedral New Sanctuary Keynote Remarks: Bp Rennis Ponniah Forum Chairman: Mr Richard Magnus Speakers : Lord Stephen Green, Mr Lim Siong Guan & Mr Philip Ng SINGAPORE • Our Government We are grateful to God for a good government. With the recent announcement of Budget 2015, we pray for wisdom upon our leaders to be continually led towards welfare, justice and peace for our nation. ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL • Lent Season Our Lord Jesus said: ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ (Mark 8:34) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Patrick Boyd, Chia Hearn Jiang, Terence Choo. Amy Dang, Annie Dang, Khor Seow Hong, Marjorie Lau, Nancy Li, William Ng, Alvin Oh, Madeline Quah and Lily Yeo. Almighty God, Jesus willingly endured the agony and shame of the cross for our redemption. Give us courage to take up our cross daily and follow Christ who lives and reigns with God forever. Amen. (Source: Bible Society of Singapore, Daily Devotions for Lent 2015, pp. 32-3). 3
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