Believe Build Grow Congregation Schara Tzedeck Shabbat Bulletin Partner With Us Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt Torah Reader: Joseph Marciano Dvar Torah - Rabbi David Silberberg, Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash We read in Parashat Teruma of the aron – the ark in the Mishkanwhich contained the two stone tablets which Moshe brought from Mount Sinai. The ark was made of wood and plated with gold inside and out (25:10-11). The Da’at Zekeinimm mi-Ba’alei Ha-Tosefot cites a theory claiming that it would have been appropriate for the aron, the most sacred article in the Mishkan, to have been made of pure gold. The reason it was made of wood and only plated with gold, according to this view, is because the ark was transported through the wilderness by the Leviyim on their shoulders, and if it would have been made entirely from gold, it would have been too heavy for the Leviyim to carry. In order to enable the Leviyim to carry thearon, God commanded that it be made of wood, instead of gold. As the Da’at Zekeinim then notes, this theory must account for the Gemara’s famous comment in Masekhet Sota (35a) that “aron nosei et nos’av” – the aron did not need to be carried. The aron miraculously floated through the air, and in fact it even carried those who outwardly appeared to carry it. Why, then, would the ark’s weight matter? If theLeviyim did not actually carry the aron, it might as well have been made of pure gold. The answer given, as the Da’at Zekeinim cites, is “lefi sha’a haya” – meaning, the miracle of “aron nosei et nos’av” was not permanent. The Gemara mentions this event in discussing Benei Yisrael’s crossing the Jordan River, when the river miraculously dried up when the kohanim who were carrying the aron stepped into the water. As soon as the last member of Benei Yisrael reached the other side, the Gemara relates, the waters returned, and the ark then miraculously “carried its carriers” over the water across the river. According to the view cited by Da’at Zekeinim, the Gemara refers to a one-time phenomenon, where the people February 21, 5775 Terumah Torah Reading pg.444 Haftorah pg.1157 Mincha 5:10 pm Havdalah 6:28 pm Shabbat Classes will resume when Day Light Savings time begins again March 7, 2015 Shabbat Youth Programming 10:30 am Story: Auerhahn Youth Lounge 2nd Floor 10:45 am Groups: 4-5 yrs - Balcony room, 6-8 yrs - Library (upstairs) 8 yrs. and older Auerhahn Youth Lounge 11:15 am Kiddush: Auerhahn Youth Lounge Weekly Services Feb. 22 - Feb. 26 M 5:35 pm Friday, Feb. 27 M 5:15 pm Cl 5:34 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm Dvar Torah carrying the ark miraculously floated through the air above the water. At all other times, the ark needed to be carried, and thus it may be said that the ark was not made of pure gold so that it could be carried without too much difficulty. But the Da’at Zekeinim then questions this claim, based on the Gemara’s ensuing discussion concerning the tragedy of Uza. As we read in Sefer Shemuel II (6), David had the aron brought to Jerusalem in a festive procession, until the aron, which was being transported in a wagon, was jostled and appeared to start falling. Uza, who was riding alongside the ark, put out his hand to support it, and was immediately killed. The Gemara explains that Uza should have known that if the ark “carried its carriers,” then certainly it was capable of supporting itself, and he thus should not have held the ark to prevent it from falling. The implication of the Gemara’s comments, the Da’at Zekeinim observes, is that the ark always “carried” those who were ostensibly carrying it, and this did not only occur at the time Benei Yisrael crossed the Jordan River. The Da’at Zekeinim leaves this question unresolved. An answer to this question emerges from the comments of the Maharal, in his Chiddushei Aggadot (Sota). The Maharal explains the concept of “aron nosei et nos’av” to mean that at times when the spiritual power of the ark was manifest, it carried those who were assigned to carry it. And thus when the ark caused the waters of the Jordan River to retreat, it also carried the kohanim over the river. The Maharal claims that this was true also during the time of King David, and thus Uza should have anticipated that the ark was capable of supporting itself. According to the Maharal, then, the ark did not always carry itself, and thus it may be theorized that it was not made of gold because it would then have been too heavy to transport. Member Announcements A warm welcome to everyone who is visiting us this Shabbat. Mazel Tov to Dr. Hymie and Rome Fox on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Aylee Fox to Dr. Sol Azouz. Mazel Tov as well to Sol’s parents, Dr. David and Angie Azouz, of Dallas,Texas. Mazel Tov to Dr. Barend Zack and Judy Boxer Zack on the occasion of the birth a new baby daughter. Mazel Tov to grandparents Dr. Jack & Tannis Boxer and Dr. Philip and Judy Zack. Scotch Sponsorship Two is better than one! In order to accommodate the increase in popularity and requests for our Scotch Sponsorships, the shul is now offering TWO opportunities for sponsorship: Friday night (NEW!) or Shabbat morning. In addition, we are also happy to accommodate co-sponsorships for either occasion. Please contact Dan Shmilovitch for more information. Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 Pre-Purim Celebration for Tots 4:30 - 6 pm Contact Gila Ross by Feb 23 Light Dinner served Todah Rabah Our thanks to Dr. & Mrs. David Azouz and Dr. & Mrs. Hymie Fox who are sponsoring the Congregational Kiddush in honour of the forthcoming marriage of their children, Aylee Fox and Sol Azouz. Our thanks to Rodney and Lynne Massel for sponsoring the Premier Scotch in honour of the birth of their new grandson, Toby Hertzl Oppenheim - a new brother for Sadie. Mazel Tov to parents, Robyn and Joe Oppenheim, to Rodney and Lynne and to Claude Oppenheim. Our thanks to David and Fleur Sussman for sponsoring Premier Scotch at the Oneg Friday Kabbalat Shabbat. Our thanks to Lionel Raber for sponsoring Premier Scotch in honour of Josh Raber reading from the Torah this Shabbat. Our thanks to Tanya & Amir Marciano for sponsoring the Sunday AM breakfast in honour of the 1st yahrzeit of Tanya’s father, Dr. Jack Rosenblatt z’l. Unveilings Weekly Classes Mondays, 7 - 9 pm TORAH TALKS! Rabbi Rosenblatt’s class will not be held February 23 and March 2 Dr. Rothstein’s class will be held at 7pm , on Feb. 23 and March 2 Rabbi Hillel Brody - 8 pm Men’s Talmud Class Beit Midrash (Small Chapel) Wednesdays WOMEN’S TALMUD CLASS Rabbi Rosenblatt 9:30 - 10:30 am Beit Midrash (Small Chapel) LUNCH & LEARN Wednesdays, 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Offices of Kornfeld, LLP 505 Burrard Thursdays The Book of Jeremiah (In Hebrew) Rabbi Rosenblatt 4:00 – 5:00 pm Offices of Raber, Mattuck North Mall, Oakridge Centre The unveiling for Marvin Nider z’l will take place on Sunday, Feb 22 at 1:30 pm at Beth Tikvah Cemetery in White Rock. Shabbat 20:20 with Rabbi Berger Twenty minutes after Kiddush The unveiling for Dr. Jack Rosenblatt z’l will take place on Sunday February 22nd at 1:00 pm at the Beth Israel Cemetery in Burnaby. Sunday AM Parsha of the Week Rabbi Don Pacht - 9:15 am Beit Midrash
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