26-44, Herlihys Road, Lower Templestowe 3107 PO Box 985, Templestowe 3106 Telephone: 9850 5983 E-mail: [email protected] Websitehttp://pol.cam.org.au/templestowe/Home.aspx Facebook: St Kevin’s Parish Parish Office Hours: Tue to Thu; 9am to 4pm Parish Priest: Fr. Gerry McKernan Pastoral Worker: Lisa Woolsey ST KEVIN’S PARISH St. Kevin’s is a welcoming community founded on the Father’s LOVE for us and by giving service to all. St. Kevin’s is a welcoming community founded on the Father’s LOVE for us and by giving service to all. 2ndSundayofLent28thFebruaryand1stMarch2015 CommissioningSundayandBaptismWeekend COMMITMENT EntranceAntiphon Ofyoumyhearthasspoken:Seek hisface. Itisyourface,OLord,thatIseek; hidenotyourfacefromme. ResponsetoFirstReading Iwillwalkinthepresenceofthe Lord inthelandoftheliving. GospelAcclamation(8.30amMass only). Praisetoyou,LordJesusChrist, kingofendlessglory! Fromtheshiningcloud,the Father’svoiceisheard: thisismybelovedSon,hearhim. Praisetoyou,LordJesusChrist, kingofendlessglory!! ResponsetoPrayersoftheFaithful Lord,welistentoyourword CommunionAntiphon (8.30amMassonly) ThisismybelovedSon,with whomIamwellpleased; listentohim. ThisSundaywehavethejoyandprivilege tocommitandthankmembersofour parishfortheirdedicationtobringing aboutthereignofGodatthistimeinour place.Theyhaveheardthecalloftheir Baptismandfollowingthelonghonoured exampleofourancestorshavesaid“Yes”. Thisweekendtooisatimetoreflectonall our“yeses”whichhavebroughtusjoy, frustation,satisfactionandthedelightsof achallengewellmet.Letusjointogether ingivingthanksforallwhohavemadeour Parishgreatandcontinuetomakeita veryspecialhomeofwelcome,support andprayer. Stayandjoinusforacuppaandcakeafter 10amMass.Thisisthewarminvitation thatyourPABoffersyou SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE PARISH Saturday 6pm(Vigil) Sunday 8.30am 9am(HolyCross Monastery)10am(with Children’sLiturgy) Weekdays:Tues‐Fri9.15am StKevin’s Adoration:Tue,ThursdayandFriday 8.30pm Wed7.15pm DropIn: TBC ReconciliationFirstSaturdayofthe month@10am(orbyappointment) Visitation Forcommunionathome, visiting,transportationor mealspleasecontactthe parishhouse. This weekend we welcome in Baptism Charlotte Grace Pezzimenti and Mia Lily Purcell with their parents Anthony & Sarah and Sean & Anna. Pope Paul ll declared his baptism as the most important day of his life. We hope that Charlotte and Mia grow up to declare the same! SUPPORTING MINISTRIES Baptisms: LastSundayoftheMonth Presentationand Welcome;Baptism Tu Meetingonthe4th Wednesdayofthe Month. FirstSundayofthe Month(Sacramentof Baptism) Weddings: Byappointmentonly Funerals: Forbereavement support,pleasecontact theParishHouseon 98505983 Sacraments:2014 enquiriescanbemade totheParishOffice. R.C.I.A: Enquiriesregarding becomingaCatholic pleasecontact PamCohen98521472 LAST WEEK’S GIVING Parish & Diocesan Support Direct Debit/Credit Card Total Pledge Priests’ Living Costs Social Justice Number of Envelopes 35 $ 700.00 $ 790.50 $ 1,490.50 $3,020.65 $ 805.00 $ 0.00 PLANNED GIVING: For envelopes, please contact the Parish House LITURGY ROSTER rd Time 3 Sunday of Lent – 7th & 8th March 2015 First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17, Second Reading: Letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 1:22-25 and Gospel: John 2:13-25 Commentator Lector Communion Children’s Liturgy 6.00 pm Fiona Watson Deanne McAdams Lyn Robinson Tony Robinson 8.30 am Mike Westbrook Suzanne Johnson Betty Natoli Paul Polidano Frank Ozzimo 9.00 am Bernard Charnley Marie Reichert Dianne Flannery Peter Norman Christine Flannery 10.00am Vianney Shiel Tasha V Brigid Jordon Murray Cullinan Raffaela Dinelli We pray for Better Health: Clare Bond, Geraldine Dalla Riva, Kathleen Gleeson, Ray Wigraft, John Shine, Joseph Lynch, Tim Mullin, Joan Haussegger, Julia Fitzsimons, Julie Emery , Maeve Reardon, Peter Gardiner, Rosa Della Chiesa, Jane O’Brien, Rob Tait, John Keys PopeaskshomelesstodistributeLenten book.InasymboliccalltoCatholicstouse theLentenseasontoconverttheirhearts, PopeFrancishasaskedhomelesspeople neartheVaticantodistributeaLentenbook. Remember,thisisinconjunctionwiththe installationofshowersandfreehaircutsfor thehomelessinRome. Mary–Annunciationandsaying“yes”.New YorkTimesbestsellingauthorandartist JudithDupre,speaksonthistopicatSt Ambrose’sBrunswickonThursday5th MarchandImmaculateConception, HawthornonWednesday11thMarchboth at7.30pmandonThursday12thMarchat NewmanCollegefrom5.00pm–6.30pm. PerceptionsofMaryinChristianity,Judaism andIslam. Eachsessionisfreehowevertheorganisers wouldliketoknowyouarecoming. Ph:99265671 Hello God sheets (at the back of the Church) for children to read/colour during Mass or at home Anniversary: Recently Deceased : DON’TFORGET WorldDayofPrayerbythewomenofthe Bahamas, RighthereatStKevin’sonthe 6thofMarchat8.00pm Allarewelcome.Seeyouthere! EASTER RAFFLE Easter lasts for 50 days. You will need each of the fifty and more to consume all the goodies in this Catholic Church Insurance raffle. The good news is that the prizes are multi layered for the proceeds go towards tables/chairs, coffee machine, heating & cooling for our church renovations. True this time “everyone”s a winner”. Tickets $2 each or 3 for $5. (Alright 6 for $10!!!) CONGRATULATIONS andwelcomeAminwhowasjoinedby hundredsofothersattheRiteofElection atStPatrick’sCathedrallastSunday. ForinformationonourParishSchoolsplease contact StKevin’sPrimarySchool 26‐44Herlihy’sRoad, LowerTemplestowe3107 Phone:98504609 Fax:98520384 E‐mail: [email protected] Web:www.sktemplestowelr.catholic.edu.au Principal:MsFrancesMatisi StCharlesBorromeo PrimarySchool 222SerpellsRoad, TemplestoweVic3106Tel:0398427634 Fax:0398415427 E‐mail: [email protected] Web:www.scbtemplestowe.catholic.edu.au Principal:MrGregThomas Bushwalking! Wehadourfirstwalkoftheyearandthe weatherwasperfectandthecompanywas lovelyandweworkedupabitofasweat! Wouldbegreattoseesomenewfacesnext weekandstayforacuppaandachat afterwards.Wewillmeet EveryThursdaymorningat10.15am RuffeyLakePark BoulevardEntrance WewillmeetattheRotundanearthe toilets. LisaWoolsey–PastoralWorker Whatdoyougetwhenyoucatchour FacebookorTwitterfeeds? Don’tknowtherichesavailable?Goto Templestowe Catholic Parish (aka St Kevin's) Find out what is happening in your Parish and keep up to date; follow the Parish on Facebook and Twitter. Notices, Tablet and Eureka Street articles, Mass Times and other general information will be published on a regular basis. What is happening this weekend? Click to find out. “Adultslearnthroughdiscussion”. YouareinvitedtocometotheParish HouseonSundayMarch22todiscuss2 articlesrecently“issued”atStKevin’s. ‘APopeofblurredboundaries’and‘Francis movingchurchfrompalegreentogreener’. CONGRATULATIONS and thanks to Karen Fitzsimons who brilliantly organized last Sunday’s St Kevin’s Reunion. A lovely afternoon was had by all who attended. CONGRATULATIONS (and it’s about time). Charles Balnaves who will be ordained a priest on Saturday 27th June. This ceremony will take place at St Patrick’s Cathedral 10 am. Charles is being ordained with 2 others on the day, John Paul Mount and Francis Denton. This week Project Compassion focuses on Niger, where life is very tough. Many live in extreme poverty, often unable to afford or access food and water. In Niger, more than half the children under five years old have experienced malnutrition. A Nutrition Centre in Niger (supported by Caritas Australia) admits over 500 malnourished children every week. When Fati (2 and a half) became malnourished, her mother Mariama took her to the Centre to receive the food, nutritional supplements and medical care that she needed to recover. Mariama too was able to regain her strength and learn new income producing skills. Please donate to Project Compassion 2015 and help save the lives of people living on the brink of survival in Niger, giving them access to nutritional support and essential food for life. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or phoning 1800 024 413.
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