Inside T he CHECK IT OUT! POEM BY ROB INSIDE See Pg. 4 Connection A.R.A.N.A. | Sac F.N.A. February 2015 | Volume 48 | Issue 2 American River Area of Narcotics Anonymous & the Sacramento Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous NEED HELP HOTLINES: American River Area 1-800-600-HOPE Sacramento Fellowship 1-877-NA3-6363 | Sierra Foothills 1-530-645-1635 Inside this Issue 1 . E d i t o r ’s N o t e / Coloring Contest Winner Winner Coloring Contest 1 ST PLACE FEBRUARY 2015 2 . S t e p Tw o , Tr a d i t i o n Tw o , Second Concept 3. American River Service Information 4. A Poem from Rob 5. Area Level Events 6. Group Level Events 7 . J o k e s b y P a t r i c k O . 8-9. NA Birthdays 10. Meetings in Need of Support By Elaine L. Editor's Note Welcome to The Inside Connection! Here you are experiencing recovery from addiction, by the American River and Sacramento Fellowships of NA. These pages are a compilation of up-to-date information on NA meetings, events, and subcommittees that need your involvement to succeed. The Inside Connection also contains inspirational words from addicts sharing their experience, strength and hope, as they find an maintain recovery from addiction through NA. We encourage submissions from our members. Submit your letters, artwork or other recovery related material to [email protected] or INSIDE CONNECTION, P.O. BOX 42, CARMICHAEL, CA 95609 Step Two: paragraphs from “The Basic Text” “We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” "Some of us didn't take this step seriously at first; we passed over it with a minimum of concern, only to find the next steps would not work until we worked Step Two. Even when we admitted that we needed help with our drug problem, many of us would not admit to the need for faith and sanity." "The process of coming to believe is similar for most addicts. Most of us lacked a working relationship with a Higher Power. We begin to develop this relationship by simply admitting to the possibility of a Power greater than ourselves. Most of us have no trouble admitting that addiction had become a destructive force in our lives. Our best efforts resulted in ever greater destruction and despair. At some point, we realized that we needed the help of some Power greater than our addiction. Our understanding of a Higher Power is up to us. No one is going to decide for us. We can call it the group, the program, or we can call it God. The only suggested guidelines are that this Power be loving, caring and greater than ourselves. We don't have to be religious to accept this idea. The point is that we open our minds to believe. We may have difficulty with this, but by keeping an open mind, sooner or later, we find the help we need." Tradition Two: paragraphs from “It Works How and Why” “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” "Personal service arises from the application of principles. Ideally, personal service is founded in a relationship with the same Higher Power that guides our personal recovery. This Higher Power also guides the various elements of our fellowship. Our direction in service comes from a God of our understanding, whether we serve as individuals, as a group, or as a service board or committee. Whenever we come together, we seek the presence and guidance of this loving Higher Power. This direction then guides us through all our actions.” "Everybody has opinions on how to serve more effectively. When we each propose a different plan for any course of action, how do we choose among them? Who has the final say in our discussions? Our answer is that a loving God, the source of our unity, has the final say—the same Higher Power that guides our personal recovery." "If we are to find guidance from an ultimate authority, we need to find means of hearing that guidance together. The mechanism we use is group conscience. The success of the group conscience process depends on our willingness as individuals to seek guidance from a Higher Power on a personal level. We then bring that willingness into the group setting." Second Concept: paragraphs from “A Guide to Local Services” “The final responsibility and authority for NA services rests with the NA groups.” "...The groups have, directly or indirectly, created every one of our service boards and committees. The NA groups have, directly or indirectly, provided the resources used by those service boards and committees. The groups have established the service structure as a medium through which, together, they can better fulfill our fellowship's primary purpose. Therefore, in all the affairs of all its elements, the service structure must carefully consider the needs and desires of the groups. The Second Concept can be seen as the groups' way of saying to the NA service structure, "Be responsible with the spiritual, personal, and financial resources we have provided you. Seek our advice; do not ignore our direction." "The NA groups bear the final authority in all our fellowship's service affairs and should be routinely consulted in all matters directly affecting them. For example, proposals to change NA's Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, name, nature, or purpose should be approved directly by the groups. Conversely, if something goes wrong in the service structure, NA groups are responsible to take constructive steps to help correct the problem." American River Area Service Committee Information AREA SERVICE : 1st Friday each month 7:30pm Robertson Community Center 3525 Norwood Ave. (New GSR orientation 7:00pm) ASC ADMIN : Meets the 2nd Sunday of each month Jan , April, July ,Oct 4:00pm at Heritage Oaks Chair : Renee R. 916-7090291 [email protected] Vice: Jody B. 916-730-4635 [email protected] rg Secretary : Jennifer W. 916-288-5483 ascsecretary Asst. Secretary: Amber W 916-202-0634 [email protected] ASC Treasurer : Shannon M. 530-400-7750 [email protected] ASC Alt. Treasurer : Danika M. 916-224-2561 alttreasurer ASC Events Treasurer : VACANT [email protected] ASC Alt. Events Treasurer : Don H. 916-470-0307 alteventstreasurer CAMPOUT : Meets 2nd and 4th Thurs of month 7:00pm at 6201 Spruce Ave Chair : Stephen G 916-8267755 campoutchair Vice: Barbara W 916-5321757 [email protected] RCM 1 : 3324 [email protected] RCM 2 : UNITY DAY : Meets the Art W. 916-308-2789 [email protected] Dennis M. 916-261-7078 [email protected] DANCE & NEW YEARS DANCE : Meets the 2nd Mon 6:30pm at Heritage Oaks Chair : Pamela D. 916-706-9422 [email protected] Vice: Mimi M. 916-821-1271 [email protected] 2nd & 4th Wed 7:00pm at Heritage Oaks Unity Day Liason : VACANT [email protected] Vice: Jeff T. [email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS : Meets the 3rd Thurs of the month 7:00pm at Heritage Oaks Room 108B Chair : Jason F. 916-9694674 H&I : Meets the 3rd Monday 7:00pm at Heritage [email protected] Vice: Sean V. 916-529-2916 Oaks prvicechair Chair : Robert H. 916-821-8167 Schedule Coordinator : [email protected] Chris C 916-333-8703 Vice: Anastasia I. [email protected] 3220 Helpline Coordinator : hivicechair Amber W. 916-202-0634 [email protected] LITERATURE : Meets 12 Website: Jon R. 916-6714380 webservant -2pm on the Sunday after ASC (the 1st Fri) Outreach Coordinator : 4040 American River Dr. Debra U. 916-215-0635 Chair :Alicia [email protected] 9908 literaNewsletter Coordinator : [email protected] Aaron W. 530-574Vice: Bob C. 916-459-6178 newsletliteraturevicechair [email protected] Schools Pro ect Coordina tor: SOFTBALL : Meets the Linda G. 916-812-0467 2nd Monday of the month hareda [email protected] 6:30pm at Heritage Oaks Presentation Coordinator : Chair : Dan W. 916-402Vacant [email protected] [email protected] Presentations Training : Vice: Dennis P 916-402- ARMOR By Rob 03 I WEAR MY ARMOR PROUDLY. I keep it cleaned and polished. I take my praise as I walk along life with my armor on. All the people I meet say, “That's nice armor you're wearing.” My chest swells up and I say. “It’s bullet proof and knife proof and nothing can touch it or me.” “Where can I get armor like that?” they say. I reply “You can’t get this kind of armor. It was crafted by me for me. I’ve worn this armor so long it fits like a second skin. I’ve work it so long it’s made itself one with me.” I long to remove my armor and let the cleansing light shine through, and cleanse my soul of the darkness I’m in. Without my armor I’m vulnerable to the cleansing light and that scares me more than the darkness I live in with my armor on. SACRAMENTO FELLOWSHIP OF NA H&I Working Group Presents the 7th annual BOOKS FOR CROOKS Free Continental Breakfast and a Buffet of Speakers Saturday, March 14th from 11:00am–3:00pm Your chance to purchase and donate soft cover NA books of your choice for addicts in lock down facilities in Sacramento and Yolo Counties. If you are unable to attend you can still be a part of by using the order form below and mailing it in with payment (please make checks out to SACFNA.) Order Form for Books for Crooks (Please fill in what facility you want the books to go to, or if left blank the book(s) will be sent to a facility in need.) Quantity: Facility Basic Text: ($13.00) It Works How & Why: ($10.00) Just for Today: ($10.00) TOTAL: $ Please send to SACFNA: PO Box 160343 Sacramento, CA 95816 SAC.F.N.A. Presents LAUGH YOUR RECOVERY OFF Laughs Unlimited Comedy Club & Lounge 1207 Front Street, Old Sac. From 3pm - 6pm, February 15, 2015 Doors open at 2pm, Speaker at 3pm Comedians from 4pm - 6pm Tickets are $20.00 - Must be 17 or over Contact Steve R (916) 470-9371 or Marcie T. (916) 704-5742 Location: 2620 Capitol Ave. Sacramento, CA 95816 Contact: Sean (9 16) 470-6152 or Christine (916 ) 604-1710 New Way of Life Group of Narcotics Anonymous has multiple events each month 7595 Center Parkway, Sacramento CA 95823 COME OUT AND JOIN US FOR: • 1st Friday Night — Candle Light Meeting with Pizza and Awesome Speaker 10:00pm - 11:30pm • Last Saturday of Every Month — Continental Breakfast | 12:00pm - 1:00pm • 2nd Sunday of Every Month — Potluck Meeting - Bring a Dish | 8:00pm - 9:30pm Sacramento Survivors’ Group Join Us Every Tuesday 6-7:30pm Open Participation / Discussion Meeting with a Speaker on the First Tuesday of the month. Monthly Birthday Cake Celebration following the Speaker!!! 2700 L Street in Mid-town (directly across from Sutter’s Fort) Childcare Available! Wheelchair Accessible!! WOMEN’S POTLUCK Every 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30-8:30pm 5419 Leader Ave. Sacramento CA All women are welcome and we do allow children SPEAKER MEETING Every 3rd Friday of the Month 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Broderick Group 2124 Michigan Avenue, West Sacramento Grupo Vivir en ti NA Si crees tener problemas con las drogas y las quieres dejar y cambiar tu manera de vivir... te invitamos todos los Martes alas 8pm al programa de Narcoticos Anonimos. "SI SE PUEDE" Nuestra direcion 3500 Mobile wy., Sacramento CA 95833 (916) 912-7575 (916) 370-4306 Childcare is now available at... Recovery in Rio Linda ...And I bet you know why! (Parents who have children need to have meeting time too. We have made arrangements with the Church here to have the adjoining room made available to children of parents in our meetings.) 5th and L Street, Rio Linda Meetings held, Monday & Thursday: 7-8:30pm and Saturday: 12-1:30pm NA Birthdays Download blank birthday sheets at, on the Documents page. OCTOBER-14 Davis Group of NA NOVEMBER-14-Continued 12 Steps to Freedom Multiple Years Patrick O..................................................16 Years 30 Days Maria, Kica, Aichien NOVEMBER-14 Recovery in Rio Linda 60 Days Chester J. Humpday Hope 90 Days Melinda R. 30 Days James M. 6 Months April 90 Days Hadassah M. 9 Months Healther L., Brittney G. 9 Months Monika L. Lost Without Recovery Multiple Years Adam V..................................................... 8 Years Jackie A.................................................. 37 Years 6 Months Bob Multiple Years Bubba R.....................................................6 Years DECEMBER-14 Far From Using 6 Months Russell M. Multiple Years Steve H..................................................... 3 Years Sheree....................................................... 9 Years Cleo Z......................................................12 Years More Birthdays on page 9. Birthdays continued DECEMBER-14-Continued Recovery Inclined JANUARY-15-Continued 12 Steps to Freedom 90 Days Angie C. 1 Year Angelite D. 1 Year Nicole F. New Way of Life Multiple Years Chris C...................................................... 7 Jamie S....................................................17 Rob C.......................................................17 Howard H................................................ 32 Years Years Years Years JANUARY-15 Recovery in Rio Linda Multiple Years Donny D...................................................10 Years Humpday Hope 30 Days Sharon A., Sweeney H., Derek L. 90 Days Erica C. Broderick Group 60 Days Sharon A. Multiple Years Vaughn B................................................. 23 Years Group 52 60 Days Michelle M. 90 Days Dennis H., Don C. 1 Year Jason FEBRUARY-15 Broderick Group Multiple Years Dennis T....................................................4 Years Elk Grove Home Group Multiple Years Nina P.................................................... 27 Years Recovery Inclined NEWSLETTER NEEDS YOUR INPUT! Needs short stories, step work, artwork or anything that has to do with recovery.* Please submit your work to: [email protected] or Inside Connection, P.O. Box 42, Carmichael, CA 95609 *Material may be edited to ensure the clarity of the NA message. For example, clean will replace sober. 6 Months Marci IN NEED OF SUPPORT? Common reasons a meeting struggles: Narcotics Anonymous history shows the most common reason a meeting struggles is that the Group has moved away from the principles held in our Traditions. When this happens, addicts, meetings, Groups and NA as a whole can suffer. That is not to say that all meetings that struggle have done so. Other reasons include, a new meeting that hasn’t found it’s footing yet, difficult to find location, doors that aren’t opened during the times listed in the schedule, disruptive members, several meetings of the same type on the same night, or at the same time or in the same area. Conversely, there are virtually no NA meetings in the area rural meetings can bring their own unique problems. Based on the shared experience of many Groups, here are some things to know and explore that may be helpful in determining what can be done for the struggling meeting. The best source of solutions for the Group’s problems, in most cases, is the Group itself. Group Inventory One of the most useful tools we have is the Group Inventory. (Outreach/PR will be glad to assist with an Inventory for any Group that asks.) What is a Group Inventory: A process which the Group uses to identify what changes may be helpful in making the meeting more attractive. Below is some information that can be incorporated into the Inventory process or may be helpful on it’s own. It is important to look at the assets as well as the defects. The Inventory can be done during the Group’s Business Meeting or can be specially scheduled. It is probably a good idea to get feedback from newcomers and those new to the meeting. Some Questions and Answers to Consider During a Group Inventory What is an NA Group: When two or more addicts come together to help each other stay clean, they may form a Narcotics Anonymous Group. 1. All members of a Group are drug addicts, and all drug addicts are eligible for membership. 2. As a Group, they are self-supporting. 3. As a Group, their single goal is to help drug addicts recover through application of the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous. 4. As a Group, they have no affiliation outside Narcotics Anonymous. 5. As a Group, they express no opinion on outside issues. 6. As a Group, their public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion. In stating the six points that differentiate an NA Group from other kinds of groups, we place greater emphasis on drug addiction than almost anywhere else in our service literature. This is because Narcotics Anonymous Groups cannot be all things to all people and still provide the initial identification drug addicts need to find their way to recovery. By clarifying our Groups’ sole membership requirement and primary purpose in this way, once and for all, we free ourselves to focus on freedom from the disease of addiction. Why do we have meetings: The Group is the most effective way we have to carry the message and further our primary purpose. What is our primary purpose: To carry the message to the addict who still suffers. How well is the Group fulfilling Our primary purpose? What is our message: The message of Narcotics Anonymous is “An addict, any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live. Our message is hope and our promise is freedom from active addiction.” Is this the message we are carrying? Has our message become confused by outside influences, other fellowships or outside enterprises? What is self-supporting: We pay our own way, most commonly rent, literature & refreshments via a passing of the basket. Also via our service to the Group (Trusted Servant). Can we pay our rent? Are one or two addicts ‘supporting’ the meeting? Are there enough qualified members to meet the Groups service needs? Are we ‘pushing’ the unqualified into service? Suffering from the ‘warm body’ syndrome? Who is a trusted servant: Qualified members of the Group who are willing and able to serve the Group, including participation in the Group Conscience. While service commitments often benefit those who accept them, that should not be the primary reason for selecting one individual or another to serve as an officer of your Group. As the First Tradition says, in part, ‘Our common welfare should come first.’” Are our trusted servants participating in making the meeting successful? Do they share an attitude of gratitude? Do they make service look attractive? FOR MORE INFORMATION AND QUESTIONS/ANSWERS CONSULT THE GROUP BOOKLET OR CONTACT YOUR AREA OUTREACH/PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Inside Connection P. O. BOX 42 Carmichael, CA 95609 American River Area Question of the Question of the months for Month February 2014 What would you like have future What should an addict do to if they feelas likeausing? Question of the month??? Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return to Aaron of The Inside Connection. The Inside Connection INSIDE CONNECTION WA N T S Y O U R G R O U P ' S B I R T H D AY S ! WANTS YOUR GROUP’S BIRTHDAY Please fill out your group's Birthdays from within the past 60 days or upcoming 30 days. Remember to turn this form in by the 15th of the month so that Newsletter can include it in the upcoming of The Inside Connection. forms will be added the following The Insideedition Connection would like you to sendLate in your Birthdays for theto Birthday page. newsletter. GROUP NAME _______________________________________ This form needs to be in by the 15th of the month. So the Newsletter can be done in a timely manContact Phone: ner. REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR GROUP’S NAME ON THE FORM. Group Name: Below: firstare names (may include last initial). Specify what month each birthday What Write month birthdays __________________________ takes place. writeCONNECTION original clean as CARMICHAEL, it is not necessary. Mail form to Do thenot INSIDE P Odates BOX 42 CA. 95609 30 DAYS………………. 6 MONTHS…………………. 18 MONTHS…………….. 60 DAYS…………………. 9 MONTHS…………………... 2 YEARS………………………... 90 DAYS………………... 1 YEAR………………….. MORE THAN 2 YEARS ( STATE HOW MANY????? ) EXAMPLE: Aaron W. in June Mail form to: The Inside Connection, P.O. Box 42, Carmichael, CA 95609 or email to [email protected]
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