The Inside Connection NEED HELP HOTLINES Volume 47 Issue 12 YAY! COLOR ING CONT EST INSID E See Pg .7 AMERICAN RIVER AREA 1-800-600-HOPE PE SACRAMENTO FELLOWSHIP 1-877-NA3-6363 363 SIERRA FOOTHILLS 1-530-645-1635 December De 2014 A.R.A.N.A. / SAC F.N.A. American River Area of Narcotics Anonymous & the Sacramento Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymouse Inside this Issue 1 . E d i t o r ’s N o t e / J F T 2 . S t e p Tw e l v e , Tr a d i t i o n Tw e l v e , Tw e l f t h C o n c e p t 3. American River Service Information 4. Step Work by Robert H. 5 - 6 . A m e r i c a n R i v e r, Sacramento & Sierra Fo o t h i l l s A r e a E v e n t s Editor's Note Welcome to The Inside Connection! Here you are experiencing recovery from addiction, by the American River and Sacramento Fellowships of NA. These pages are a compilation of up-to-date information on NA meetings, events, and subcommittees that need your involvement to succeed. The Inside Connection also contains inspirational words from addicts sharing their experience, strength and hope, as they find an maintain recovery from addiction through NA. We encourage submissions from our members. Submit your letters, artwork or other recovery related material to [email protected] or INSIDE CONNECTION, P.O. BOX 42, CARMICHAEL, CA 95609 Just For Today Meditation 7. Step Work by Jessica A. 8. NA Birthdays “Quieting the mind through meditation brings an inner peace that brings us into contact with the God within us.” Basic Text, p. 45 9. Members Share 10. Meetings in Need of Support As our recovery progresses, we often reflect on what brought us to Narcotics Anonymous in the first place and are able to appreciate how much the quality of our lives has improved. We no longer have to fear our own thoughts. And the more we pray and meditate, the more we experience a calm sense of well-being. The peace and tranquility we experience during our quiet times confirms that our most important needs — our spiritual needs — are being met. We are able to empathize with other addicts and strengthen our conscience in the process. We learn to avoid judging others and experience the freedom to be ourselves. In our spiritual reflection, we intuitively find "the God within us" and see that we are in harmony with a Power greater than ourselves. Just for today: I will reflect upon the gift of recovery and listen quietly for my Higher Power's guidance. Visit and subscribe for the daily Just for Today email! Step Twelve: paragraphs from “The Basic Text” “Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and practice these principles in all our affairs.” ...We came to Narcotics Anonymous as the result of the wreckage of our past. The last thing we expected was an awakening of the spirit. We just wanted to stop hurting... ...Those of us who have worked these steps to the best of our ability received many benefits. We believe that these benefits are a direct result of living this program... ...By this time, most of us realize that the only way that we can keep what was given to us is by sharing this gift of life with the still-suffering addict. This is our best insurance against relapse to the torturous existence of using. We call it carrying the message, and we do it in a number of ways... ...We help new people learn the principles of Narcotics Anonymous. We try to make them feel welcome and help them learn what the program has to offer. We share our experience, strength and hope. Whenever possible, we accompany newcomers to a meeting... ...The selfless service of this work is the very principle of Step Twelve. We received our recovery from the God of our understanding. We now make ourselves available as His tools to share recovery with those who seek it. Tradition Twelve: paragraphs from “It Works How and Why” “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” ...In personal recovery, we seek to replace self-will with the guidance of a Higher Power in our personal affairs. In the same way, the traditions describe a fellowship that takes its collective guidance from spiritual principles rather than individual personalities. That kind of selflessness is what the Twelfth Tradition means by the word "anonymity," and it is the spiritual foundation upon which Narcotics Anonymous is built. Tradition Twelve is all the traditions rolled up in one, summarizing and reinforcing the message of the previous eleven... ...Anonymity is essential in preserving the stability of our fellowship, making personal recovery possible. Recovery is a delicate thing. It grows best in a stable, supportive environment. Each of us and each of our groups plays a part in maintaining that stability. Our unity is so precious that, given a choice between fulfilling our own wishes and preserving our fellowship's common welfare, we put the best interests of NA first. We do this not only out of enlightened self-interest but out of our sense of responsibility to our fellow addicts. The principle of NA unity comes before the fulfillment of our personal wishes... Twelfth Concept: paragraphs from “A Guide to Local Services” “In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our structure should always be one of service, never of government.” ...Selfless service is an essential spiritual endeavor. Our Twelfth Step says, in part, that "having had a spiritual awakening," we individually "tried to carry this message to addicts." Our collective service efforts arise from that same spiritual foundation. Having experienced the results of this program in our own lives, we join together to carry the recovery message farther than we could individually. NA service is not about forcing our will or our ideas on others; rather, it is about humbly serving them, without expectation of reward... ...This principle underlies all we do in our groups, service boards, and committees. The Twelfth Concept reminds us that we ourselves have experienced recovery only because others put this selfless principle into action before us, taking the time and the care to carry the NA message to us when we were still suffering from active addiction. In service, we express our gratitude for the recovery others have shared with us by carrying ours to others. Nothing could be further from the drive to rule or direct than this spirit of selfless service... American River Area Service Committee Information STEP WORK By Robert H. Dear Inside Connection, Greetings, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and health. Your newsletter is my meeting in a cell when I am on lockdown and it has kept me on the right track in my recovery. I have over 7 years clean and could not of done it without the fellowship of NA. Sincerely, Robert H. Step #12 "Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." This step came automatically for me once I had worked all the other steps. When I found peace and contentment in my life and let go of all the hurts and resentments I had, wanting to share what I found came naturally. My thoughts were, if I can work these steps and change my life, then anybody could do it. By telling my story to another addict, maybe something I shared would stick for that person and they could change their life too. When I filled the void in my life with a higher power and not myself, started to share my story at NA meetings and began helping others, I had found the final piece of the puzzle that I needed to completely fulfill my recovery. I knew if I got complacent in my recover I could slip back into old habits. As long as I live for today, the past can’t creep back in. By sharing my message of hope I can cement it into myself and make sure it never slips away. SACRAMENTO FELLOWSHIP Carry the Message On Stage PLAY COMMITTEE FORMING - PLEASE SIGN UP It’s time to form our own actors committee. You don’t need past experience - Just willingness to participate. GUARANTEED FUN! 3RD TUESDAYS AT 6PM 1429 BROADWAY CONTACT STAN H. (209) 481-9239 A.R.A.N.A. Presents Unmasking your Dreams New Year's Eve 7pm Speaker Meeting (free) 9pm-1am Dance Tickets $10 in advance / $15 at door (children 12 and under are free!) Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95819 Boulevard Court Recovery's Christmas POT LUCK / SPEAKER MEETING! Monday, December 22, 2014 6pm - 9pm | Meeting starts at 7:30pm 5321 Stockton Blvd. (Community Room) Mercy Housing Please bring a side dish that can feed 5-6 people. New Way of Life Group of Narcotics Anonymous has multiple events each month 7595 Center Parkway, Sacramento CA 95823 COME OUT AND JOIN US FOR: • 1st Friday Night — Candle Light Meeting with Pizza and Awesome Speaker 10:00pm - 11:30pm • Last Saturday of Every Month — Continental Breakfast | 12:00pm - 1:00pm • 2nd Sunday of Every Month — Potluck Meeting - Bring a Dish | 8:00pm - 9:30pm Sacramento Survivors’ Group Join Us Every Tuesday 6-7:30pm Open Participation / Discussion Meeting with a Speaker on the First Tuesday of the month. Monthly Birthday Cake Celebration following the Speaker!!! 2700 L Street in Mid-town (directly across from Sutter’s Fort) Childcare Available! Wheelchair Accessible!! WOMEN’S POTLUCK Every 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30-8:30pm SPEAKER MEETING Every 3rd Friday of the Month 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Broderick Group 2124 Michigan Avenue, West Sacramento Grupo Vivir en ti NA Si crees tener problemas con las drogas y las quieres dejar y cambiar tu manera de vivir... te invitamos todos los Martes alas 8pm al programa de Narcoticos Anonimos. "SI SE PUEDE" 5419 Leader Ave. Sacramento CA Nuestra direcion 3500 Mobile wy., Sacramento CA 95833 All women are welcome and we do allow children (916) 912-7575 (916) 370-4306 Childcare is now available at... Recovery in Rio Linda ...And I bet you know why! (Parents who have children need to have meeting time too. We have made arrangements with the Church here to have the adjoining room made available to children of parents in our meetings.) 5th and L Street, Rio Linda Meetings held, Monday & Thursday: 7-8:30pm and Saturday: 12-1:30pm How is my decision to work step 4 a demonstration of Courage? Trust? Faith? Honesty? Willingness? a question derived from The Step Working Guide Simply because these are all the traits that we need to be fearlessly working the program and not being afraid opens us to certain benefits. Benefits like being courageous with confronting the unknown and getting to know it. We are trusting that this program that we follow will guide us the way that will work best for us and help us get that spiritual awakening we are searching for. We are being honest about everything that we spill onto these pages of the Step Working Guide and we are not leaving anything out that may create a reservation later. We are willing to do whatever it takes to have and get to that spiritual awakening we crave and need and desire. JESSICA A. Coloring Contest! SEE YOUR COLORING ON THE COVER OF THE FEBRUARY INSIDE CONNECTION! Directions: Use markers, colored pencils, crayons, glitter pens, or cut and paste collage elements to fill in the above artwork. Submit your work to the Inside Connection by email or mail postmarked Dec. 20th. [email protected] or Inside Connection, P.O. Box 42, Carmichael, CA 95609 JUST HAVE FUN NOT USING! N NA A Birthdays Download blank birthday sheets at, on the Documents page. AUGUST-14 12 Steps to Freedom OCTOBER-14-Continued Building Yourself for Change Multiple Years Deborah H ................................................6 Years 30 Days Rita S. SEPTEMBER-14 12 Steps to Freedom 90 Days Beverly H. 18 Months John C. Multiple Years Heidi V .....................................................6 Years OCTOBER-14 12 Steps to Freedom 60 Days Becky 6 Months Bob B., Theresa S. Multiple Years Dorothy.....................................................6 Years Recovery Inclined 60 Days Jordan M. 1 Year Beth C. Multiple Years Heather P .................................................5 Bob D ....................................................... 7 Eileen M ..................................................14 Glenn S ...................................................16 Terry B ...................................................21 Years Years Years Years Years Humpday Hope NEWSLETTER NEEDS YOUR INPUT! Needs short stories, step work, artwork or anything that has to do with recovery.* Please submit your work to: [email protected] or Inside Connection, P.O. Box 42, Carmichael, CA 95609 *Material may be edited to ensure the clarity of the NA message. For example, clean will replace sober. 30 Days Brian B., Lennie S., Marcus G. Multiple Years Marcie T .................................................. 3 Years NOVEMBER-14 12 Steps to Freedom 90 Days Beverly H. Humpday Hope 30 Days John Y. ????? MEMBERS SHARE on the question of the month What are some attributes of your ish Higher Power? n u p s Doe His spark of not divinity is y rn to M u t n a c g that I n i w o n k Always wer. po higher Makes G N I IM T T C E F nally PER Eter g! ilin Lov i n g , c a r i n g & all knowing Guidance of us Catches me when I fall. l fee lf I hen myse w me do it s e i 't r Car t I can tha LOVES EVERYONE Forgiving, patient, loving, gracious and wise He is everything I could imagine being! e m s e Lov nally no o i t n i i d s n n unco hat happe w r e t t ma my life. of each one HE'S KIND, LOVING & NOT JUDGEMENTAL sm all th life wo e things tha t happ rk tog en ether for go in my od. Loves me whatever I do. at the core I trust my higher power with my life, I would be dead without him. Part of his will for me is H&I. LOVE LOVE LOVE IN NEED OF SUPPORT American River Area Meetings Wednesday Meetings • 6:30pm Carmichael, Here, Try This, 5809 Gibbons Dr., (Need Clean-time Support) Sunday Meetings • 11am Arden Arcade, Together in Recovery, 2829 Watt Ave., Rm #1, Young People's Meeting (Need Treasurer) • 4pm Carmichael, Have Mercy, 5907 Cypress Ave., (at church Rm C4) (Need GSR & Alt GSR) Sacramento Fellowship of NA Monday Meetings • 7pm Sacramento, Life After Dope, 450 W El Camino, Nor Sac (near Northgate Blvd.) No Child Care, SD (Need Support & Positions Filled) Tuesday Meetings • 6:30pm Sacramento, Keep it Clean, 6201 Spruce Ave., Women's Meeting (Need Clean Time Support) • 7pm Sacramento, No Frills, 10497 Coloma Rd., RC, No Child Care (Need Support) Wednesday Meetings • 8pm Sacramento, South Side Group, 4445 Fruitridge Rd., (Need Support & Positions Filled) Thursday Meetings • 7pm Sacramento, Made a Decision, 2201 Benita Dr., RC, Speaker Meeting (Need Support & Positions Filled) • 7:30pm Sacramento, Ounce of Hope, 2450 Meadowview Rd., (Need Support) • 7:30pm Sacramento, Happy Hour, 1820 28th St., (Need Attendance Support) Saturday Meetings • 12pm Sacramento, TU Women, 3900 Martin Luther King, Women's Meeting (Need Alt GSR) Inside Connection P. O. BOX 42 Carmichael, CA 95609 American River Area Question of the Month What would like to have as aclean? future How have youyou made it through holidays Question of the month??? Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Inside Connection WA N T S Y O U R G R O U P ' S B I R T H D AY S ! WANTS YOUR GROUP’S BIRTHDAY Please fill out your group's Birthdays from within the past 60 days or upcoming 30 days. Remember to turn this form in by the 15th of the month so that Newsletter can include it in the upcoming edition of The Inside Connection. Late forms will be added to the following newsletter. Group Name: Below: Write first names (may include last initial). Specify what month each birthday takes place. Do not write original clean dates as it is not necessary. 30 DAYS………………. 6 MONTHS…………………. 18 MONTHS…………….. 60 DAYS…………………. 9 MONTHS…………………... 2 YEARS………………………... 90 DAYS………………... 1 YEAR………………….. MORE THAN 2 YEARS ( STATE HOW MANY????? ) EXAMPLE: Aaron W. in June Mail form to: The Inside Connection, P.O. Box 42, Carmichael, CA 95609 or email to [email protected]
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