S E C T I O N 2 Community S TO R I E S A B O U T P E O P L E A N D E V E N T S I N T H E C O M M U N I T Y Why saving owl’s life was so important to Woodside woman By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer L ee Ann Gilbert is very, very certain that she, with a lot of help from the Peninsula Humane Society’s Wildlife Care Center in Burlingame, has saved the life of Arthur, a Western screech owl who lives in a tree near her home in Woodside. Saved Arthur’s life, in fact, twice. Arthur, Lee Ann says, lives in a tree not too far from her driveway, and her family often hears his nighttime hoots. About two years ago, sometime past 10 p.m., her daughter, Jennifer Gilbert, had just turned up the driveway, when she heard a thump. “She got out and there was a little screech owl lying there,” Lee Ann says. Jennifer Gilbert brought the dazed owl to Lee Ann, who kept him warm overnight and called the Peninsula Humane Society in the morning. Lee Ann sent Arthur off to the Wildlife Care Center with a note and a check “to help out” with the cost of his rehabilitation. “I want you to know his name is Arthur,” the note says, explaining that Lee Ann wanted to be kept up to date on Arthur’s progress. Weeks later, employees of the Wildlife Care Center returned the fully recovered owl and set him free near his home in the tree, with Lee Ann, her husband Bill, and a granddaughter looking on. Before flying off, Arthur, Lee Ann swears, “swiveled his head around, and I think he smiled at me,” she says. “He totally turned around and looked at us, and off he went up to his tree.” Fast forward to last November. Lee Ann knows the date, because it was just a few days after the Gilbert’s granddaughter Fiona, a 17-year-old Woodside High School student, had miraculously survived a nine-story fall while visiting Boston with family. Fiona, Lee Ann says, had broken nearly every bone in her body, but with love and skilled medical attention was recovering. Jennifer Gilbert was once again driving home, late, “getting ready to turn up our driveway, and bang,” Lee Ann says. “There he was again.” Lee Ann firmly believes that her daughter encountered the same owl twice. At the Wildlife Care Center, they say they really can’t tell, since their charges aren’t banded or otherwise marked when they are returned to the wild. “Nobody else is sure, but I’m m sure it’s him,” Lee Ann says. In fact, the experts at the wildlife center er say they aren’t even sure if Arthur really ought ht to be call Annie. Determining the sex of a bird can be invasive, they say, and that’s the last thing they want to do when they are hoping to return an animal to the wild. When Jennifer brought Lee Ann an injured owl, again, Lee Ann says, “I held d him in my hand and looked at him and said, ‘You u again!’” Lee Ann says that this time she knew to call ll the h Wildlife Wildlif Care Center directly without waiting until morning. Once again, Lee Ann sent the little owl off with a note. “Sadly, after a day or so I got a call and they said they were going to have to euthanize him,” Lee Ann says. “They said, ‘He broke his femur, and we’d have to do an operation and we just don’t have the funds.’ I said, ‘Oh yes, you do!’” Lee Ann offered to pay whatever it took to put Arthur together again. “He’s part of our family. He had to come back to his tree,” she says. Lee Ann says even if her granddaughter wasn’t lying in a hospital bed, she would have helped the little owl. “God gave us back our granddaughter from a fall, and so just paying back ... seemed right. Everybody needs a chance to heal,” she says. Arthur had surgery on his femur at the Wildwood Veterinary Hospital in Portola Valley, where a tiny pin, the size of a finishing nail, was inserted into his leg. He returned to the the Wildlife Care Center, which nurses thousands of injured wild animals back to health each year, for rehabilitation. Arthur healed quickly. His caregivers even reported that after just a few weeks, he pulled the pin out of his own leg. The leg healed enough that the experts at the Wildlife Care Center believed he could not only fly and perch, but could hunt for himself. Once again, Arthur was set free near his tree. Fiona, though, has a bit more healing to do. After three weeks in a hospital in Boston, followed by months at Stanford Hospital, and nine operations, Fiona was recently moved to a rehabilitation facility, her grandmother says. Fiona has at least one more operation at Stanford, but someday, one hopes not too far in the future, she, too, should be able to go home, where maybe she’ll be able to hear a small owl hooting in the night. Photo courtesy Peninsula Humane Society Wildlife Care Center Arthur, the Western screech owl, was nursed back to health at the Peninsula Humane Society’s Wildlife Care Center, after Woodside’s Lee Ann Gilbert rescued him for what she believes is the second time. HOW YOU CAN HELP The Peninsula Humane Society’s Wildlife Care Center in Burlingame, which is completely funded by donations, rehabilitates about 1,200 animals a year. The center serves the area from San Francisco through northern Santa Clara County, caring for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. The center also counsels residents on ways to co-exist with wildlife and treats animals impacted by environmental disasters such as oils spills. The center can be reached to report a wild animal in distress by calling (650) 340-7022. PHS-SPCA.org has more information and a link to make donations online. The center also accepts donations of mealworms, raw unsalted peanuts, dove seed, unsalted creamy peanut butter and spray millet to help feed its charges. Summit focuses on promoting student well-being Visit www.gethealthysmc.org/schoolSan Mateo County will host its third Q A R O U N D TOW N wellness for more information. summit to support teachers, administrators and parents in improving young peoples’ health and well-being on Wednesday, Feb. 25, Impact of climate change at the San Mateo County Office of Education, 202 Twin A talk and discussion on the social and economic Dolphin Drive in Redwood City. impact of climate change will be presented by Marshall Sessions will include preventing drug use and how to Burke on Tuesday, March 10, at SRI International, Middleincorporate physical activity and nutrition education field at Ringwood Avenue in Menlo Park. The program, into the classroom. The event is free and open to the organized by Cafe Scientifique, runs from 6 to 7:30 p.m. public. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mr. Burke is an assistant professor of environmental Last year, more than 100 participants joined to learn earth system science at Stanford University. He has worked how to create effective school wellness policies. This as program manager for the program on food security and year’s summit will focus on how best to put the policies the environment and as as a research associate for the Ceninto action. ter on Environmental Science, both at Stanford University. SRI is host to Cafe Scientifique Silicon Valley, an informal gathering that brings topical science to members of the community. All meetings are free and open to the public. Volunteers wanted Friday, March 6, is the deadline for volunteers to apply for the SamTrans Citizens Advisory Committee. The 15-member committee meets monthly and offers feedback on the needs of transit users. The committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month at the San Mateo County Transit District headquarters at 1250 San Carlos Ave. in San Carlos. To apply, call (650) 508-6279. February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ21 SUMMER 2015 Attention Peninsula Parents n n o e C c p t i on m a C Magazine is Coming Soon! G U I D E T O 2 015 S U M M E R C A M P S F O R K I D S Start planning your kids’ summer activities now A special publication produced by the Palo Alto Weekly, he Almanac and Mountain View Voice The Coming Soon inside your Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice and The Almanac Camp Connection features: • Day camps • Resident camps • Tech camps • Sports camps • Music camps • Specialty camps and more Summer 2015 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PORTOLA ROAD CORRIDOR PLAN ELEMENT OF THE TOWN OF PORTOLA VALLEY GENERAL PLAN, RELATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS, AND AN INITIAL STUDY/ NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROJECT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Portola Valley will hold a public hearing on the proposed Portola Road Corridor Plan Element of the Portola Valley General Plan, related General Plan amendments, and the Initial Study/Negative Declaration for the project on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., in the Town Council Chambers (Historic Schoolhouse), 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, California. Copies of the draft Corridor Plan and related materials are available on the Town’s website at www.portolavalley.net and at Portola Valley Town Hall, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, California. Comments may be submitted in writing prior to the Town Council meeting, and all interested persons are invited to appear before the Town Council to be heard at the time and place herein above mentioned. Public hearings provide the general public and interested parties an opportunity to provide testimony on these items. If you challenge a proposed action(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at a Public Hearing(s) described above, or in written correspondence delivered to the Town Council at, or prior to, the public hearing(s). Signed: Karen Kristiansson, Deputy Town Planner Dated: February 19, 2015 22QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015 C O M M U N I T Y Q C A L E N DA R Go to AlmanacNews.com/calendar to see more local calendar listings Art ¶,QD&ODVVLFDO0RRG· Portola Art Gallery presents exhibit called “In a Classical Mood,” collection of oil still-life paintings by Linda Salter. Reception for artist: Saturday, March 7, from 1 to 4 p.m. Gallery hours: Monday-Saturday, March 1-31, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free. Portola Art Gallery, 75 Arbor Road, Menlo Park. Call 321-0220. www.portolaartgallery.com ¶6KLIWLQJ&XUUHQWV Highlights from 20thCentury Chinese Collection” showcases modern pieces from China drawn from museum’s Asian art collection. WednesdayMonday, Feb. 25-July 13, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday til 8 p.m. Free. Cantor Arts Center, 328 Lomita Drive, Stanford. museum. stanford.edu Clubs/Meetings &UD]\·V0DWK&OXE for kids — at 3:30 p.m. for kindergarteners to second-graders, and at 4:30 p.m. for third- to fifth-graders. Thursdays, Feb. 26-April 16, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call 851-0560. /LIHWUHH&DIH¶0DNLQJDQ2UGLQDU\/LIH ([WUDRUGLQDU\· Hour-long conversations where community members share tips. Feb. 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Feb. 26, 9:15-10:15 p.m. Free. Bethany Lutheran Church, 1095 Cloud Ave., Menlo Park. Call 854-5897. www.facebook.com/LifetreeCafeMP Community Events .HSOHU·V%RRN6ZDS Food, wine, book sharing. Author Elizabeth Rosner discusses her book, “Electric City.” March 7, 6:30-9 p.m. $25. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 324-4321. www. keplers.com/event/bookswap-featuringelizabeth-rossner /XQDU1HZ<HDU&HOHEUDWLRQ Redwood City and the San Mateo County History Museum celebrate with performances outside museum on Courthouse Square, and kids’ craft activities inside. Feb. 28, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway St., Redwood City. www.historysmc.org 3RUWROD9DOOH\%URRP3XOO Participants pull out broom plants on Portola Valley roads and stop the spread of an invasive species. Tools and refreshments provided. Attendees should bring gloves and water. March 1, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Historic School House, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call 851-8289. Concerts 6WDQIRUG6\PSKRQ\2UFKHVWUDFRQFHUW Stephen M. Sano conducts Stanford Symphony Orchestra and Stanford Symphonic Chorus in performances of two pieces by Johannes Brahms — “Akademische Festouvert¸re,” Op. 80, and “Ein deutsches Requiem,” Op. 45. Soloists: soprano Nancy Wait-Kromm and baritone Kenneth Goodson. Feb. 27-28, 7:30 p.m. $20 reserved; $15 senior; $10 student; free for Stanford students with ID. Bing Concert Hall, 327 Lasuen St., Stanford. Call 725-2787. live. stanford.edu/calendar/february-2015/stanford-symphony-orchestra-and-stanfordsymphonic-chorus Kids & Families $FWYDWHG6WRU\7KHDWUH National touring theatrical troupe stages show of multicultural folktales for all ages of. Children age 6 and up can stop by 30 minutes before the show for a free workshop, and can take part in the performance. Space is limited. March 9, 4-5 p.m. Free. Atherton Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 328-2422. /en/content/actvated-storytellers 3DP0XQR]5\DQ, talks about her latest book, “Echo.” Feb. 26, 7 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 324-4321. www.keplers.com/event/ youth-pam-mu%C3%B1oz-ryan 0HQOR3DUN6XPPHU&DPS)DLU Menlo Park Community Services Department hosts summer camp fair to provide information about city-run and city-sponsored summer camps. Free activities for kids, pizza and a raffle. March 6, 6-8 p.m. Free. Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma St., Menlo Park. Call 330-2248. www. menlopark.org/calendar.aspx?eid=864 2UJDQUHFLWDOIRUFKLOGUHQ Organist Margaret Kvamme and singer Kathy McKee perform concert for children in elementary and middle schools. March 8, 6-7 p.m. Free (donations accepted). Christ Church Portola Valley, 815 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call 851-0224. ccpvw.org 3DZVIRU7DOHV Children ages 5 and up can sign up to read to a trained service dog. Participants must register in advance. Fourth Saturday of the month, Feb. 28-May 23, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Atherton Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 328-2422. 3XSSHW$UW7KHDWHU&RPSDQ\¶+DQVHO*UHWHO· Family event sponsored by Fatherhood Collaborative and San Mateo County Library. Feb. 28, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call 851-0560. Film ¶0HUFKDQWVRI'RXEW· Local environmental nonprofit Acterra holds a screening of “Merchants of Doubt,” a documentary about “pundits for hire” who spread doubt about scientific findings, including the health effects of tobacco and climate change. March 7, 7 p.m. Free. Trinity Church, 330 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park. www.acterra.org ¶7KH0DVN<RX/LYHLQ·ZLWK-HQQLIHU 6LHEHO1HZVRP As part of the Hillview Middle School Speaker Series, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, documentarian and Second Lady of California, will screen and discuss her newest documentary, “The Mask You Live In,” which examines gender stereotypes and the miseducation of boys today. March 2, 6:30 p.m. Free. Hillview Middle School, Performing Arts Center, 1100 Elder Ave., Menlo Park. hillview. mpcsd.org )DPLO\0RYLH1LJKW¶7KH,QFUHGLEOHV· Animated film about a family of superheroes. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Refreshments provided by Friends of Library. Feb. 27, 7-8:45 p.m. Free. Atherton Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 328-2422. Health %H)LWZRUNVKRS Dr. Jordan Savara and SBM trainer Jeremy Murphy provide info on how chiropractic and weight training can mitigate injuries and improve general health. Feb. 28, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. SBM Fitness Studio, 1019 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 805-559-6081. www. smbfit.com )HOGHQNUDLVFODVVHV Deborah Dutton leads weekly classes to reduce tension and improve body mechanics. Participants should bring a mat or towel. See website for details. Feb. 13-April 29. Series prices vary; $20 drop in. Little House Activity Center, 800 Middle Ave., and Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma St., Menlo Park. Call 679-8113. www.umovebetter. com -D]]HUFLVHFODVVHV Monday-Thursday & Saturday, year-round. See website for times. $16 class; $52/$57 per month; $130 10-class pass. Little House, 800 Middle Ave., and Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma St., Menlo Park. Call 7031263. www.jazzercise.com 3LODWHV&DUGLRFDPS helps participants develop better posture, stronger back. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 9-March 16, 7-8 a.m. Prices vary; free week offered. Woodside Town Hall, 2955 Woodside Road, Woodside. Call 866-339-4438. pilatescardiocamp.com Road, Palo Alto. www.theatreworks.org/ shows/1415-season/thelakeeffect Talks & Authors ¶(QIRUFHPHQWRI-XGJPHQWVLQWKH 'LJLWDO$JH· Lecture by David J. Cook that gives overview and techniques for collecting judgments, filling out forms. March 5, noon-1 p.m. Free. San Mateo County Law Library, 710 Hamilton Ave., Redwood City. Call 363-4913. www.smclawlibrary.org $QQ+DPLOWRQ, screenwriter for TV and film, discusses her comical and uplifting debut novel, “Expecting.” March 3, 7:30 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 324-4321. www. keplers.com/event/ann-hamilton ,UYLQ'<DORP, emeritus professor of psychiatry at Stanford and psychotherapy author, discusses his latest work, “Creatures of a Day: And Other Tales of Psychotherapy.” March 4, 7:30 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 324-4321. www.keplers.com/event/ 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $25. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park. Call 323-8600. www.mppc.org/parentingteens Teen Activities 7HHQ1LJKW&RPLFDQGPDQJDSDUW\ Teens celebrate their love of comics and manga. Submitted comics and manga will be judged, and attendees can dress up as their favorite characters. Crafts, food, prizes. Registration required. Feb. 27, 6:308:30 p.m. Free. Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. Call 330-2530. www. eventbrite.com/e/teen-night-comic-mangaparty-tickets-15593527661 Et Alia /HQWHQ6HUYLFHV Each Wednesday during Lenten Season. Wednesdays, Feb. 25-March 25, noon-12:30 p.m. Free. Bethany Lutheran Church, 1095 Cloud Ave., Menlo Park. bethany-mp.org/lent2015 TOWN OF WOODSIDE 2955 WOODSIDE ROAD WOODSIDE, CA 94062 PLANNING COMMISSION March 4, 2015 6:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING 2. Gregg and Linda Noel 3460 Tripp Road VARI2014-0008 Planner: Sean Mullin, Assistant Planner Review and approval/denial of a proposed Variance to allow for an increase in plate height of a SRUWLRQRIQRQFRQIRUPLQJÁRRUDUHDORFDWHGLQDUHTXLUHGEXLOGLQJVHWEDFNSURSRVHGIRUUHORFDWLRQ on a single-family residence located at 3460 Tripp Road. -DFNLHDQG.HYLQ.LOOHHQ *OHQZRRG$YHQXH 9$5, 3ODQQHU6DJH6FKDDQ6HQLRU3ODQQHU Review and approval/denial of a proposed Variance to permit a new detached two-car garage withLQWKHUHTXLUHGIURQWDQGVLGHEXLOGLQJVHWEDFNV $OODSSOLFDWLRQPDWHULDOVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUSXEOLFUHYLHZDWWKH:RRGVLGH3ODQQLQJDQG%XLOGLQJ &RXQWHU:RRGVLGH7RZQ+DOOZHHNGD\VIURP²$0DQG²30RUE\DSSRLQWPHQW )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH :RRGVLGH 3ODQQLQJ DQG %XLOGLQJ 'HSDUWPHQW DW NOW HIRING CNAs, HHAs & Caregivers for immediate placement! HOURLY & OVERNIGHT SHIFTS On Stage ¶%\H%\H%LUGLH· Menlo-Atherton High School’s drama department production of musical “Bye Bye Birdie.” Buy tickets online and one hour before performances at box office. Feb. 27-28, March 5 & 7, 7:30 p.m.; March 6, 3:30 p.m. $12 general; $8 student, senior. M-A High School, Performing Ars Center, 555 Middlefield Road, Atherton. www.thecenteratma.org/cal_bbb.php ¶6KRZ3HRSOH· a play written by Paul Weitz in which a tech entrepreneur hires two washed-up Broadway stars to play his parents in order to impress his violinist girlfriend. Show includes adult language. Feb. 27-March 22, Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. $35 general; $27 senior, student. Dragon Theatre, 2120 Broadway St., Redwood City. www.dragonproductions.net ¶7KH/DNH(IIHFW· TheatreWorks production of new drama written by Rajiv Joseph and directed by Giovanna Sardelli in which the grown-up children of an Indian restaurant owner consider the legacy of the now-closed family business. See website for times and dates. March 4-29. $25-$53. Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305 Middlefield irvin-d-yalom-0 $XWKRU/DXULH5.LQJ shares her newest detective mystery, “Dreaming Spies,” which finds Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes surrounded by the beauty and danger of a politically unstable Japan. Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 324-4321. www. keplers.com/event/laurie-r-king-1 )LOLQJIRU6RFLDO6HFXULW\)OH[LELOLW\ &KRLFHV Free seminar on Social Security filing options to best meet retirement needs. March 7, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Menlo Park City Council Chambers, 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park. Call 330-2501. menlopark.org/Calendar.aspx?EID=934 3DUHQWLQJ2XU7HHQV&RQIHUHQFH for parents about adolescent mental health and addiction issues, and where to find support. Keynote speakers: Philippe Rey, executive director of Adolescent Counseling Services, and author Amy Simpson. Breakout sessions, lunch and child care are included. Scholarships available. Feb. 28, WINTER CAREER FAIR WHEN: March 6, 2015, Friday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM WHERE: 1150 Chestnut St. , Menlo Park Take your career in the right direction. ȧ1RDSSRLQWPHQWQHFHVVDU\ ȧ6KRZXSDQGEHLQWHUYLHZHGRQWKHVSRW ȧ&RIIHHDQGFRRNLHVIURP3HHWȠV&RIIH & Tea are on us. ȧ6WDUEXFNVJLIWFDUGVDZDLWQHZKLUHV YOUR 24/7 HOME CARE SPECIALIST Call us at (650) 328-1001 IRUTXHVWLRQV ZZZFDUHLQGHHGFRP February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ23 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1:00–4:00PM Contemporary Home with Western Hills Views 203 Miramontes Road, Woodside | 203MiramontesRoad.com Gorgeous luxury awaits in this modern home which combines warm comfort with architectural quality. Quietly situated on a ±24,394 WJ¾EXPSX[MXLQEKRM½GIRXZMI[WSJXLI[IWXIVRLMPPWXLMWWXYRning home is approximately 4,300 sf and features: 5 bedrooms, 4 FEXLVSSQWERHEWITEVEXISJ½GIPMFVEV]5YEPMX]MWJIEXYVIHMRXLI Offered at $4,950,000 Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 4 Home ±4,300 sf | Lot ±24,394 sf details, including granite countertops, Viking appliances, and hard[SSH¾SSVWXLVSYKLSYXXLILSQI8LIFEGO]EVHMRGPYHIWEFIEYXMful swimming pool, manicured landscaping and expansive decking. It is situated on one of the most desirable streets in Central Woodside, close to town and top-rated Woodside schools. Downtown Menlo Park 640 Oak Grove Ave, Menlo Park 650.847.1141 dreyfussir.com )EGL3J½GIMW-RHITIRHIRXP]3[RIH ERH3TIVEXIH Rich Bassin, Broker Associate 650.400.0502 [email protected] richbassin.com License No. 00456815 Local Knowledge • National Exposure • Global Reach 24QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015 15 Susan Gale Court | Menlo Park ent tm poin Price: $3,500,000 Location: Sharon Heights Bedrooms: Two Baths: Two and a half Separate Office Las Lomitas Schools www.15SusanGaleCourt.com p By A Phoenix Rising Rare three year new townhouse in exclusive Sharon Hills. Modern, sophisticated design, washed in natural light, soaring ceilings, views. Two bed/private office/two and a half bath includes huge master suite with spa bath and dressing area. Top-of-the-line finishes and appliances, custom everything. Perfect for art collector, great entertainment flow. Ultimate Silicon Valley location: 5 minutes to downtown Palo Alto, blocks to Sand Hill Road, easy drive to San Francisco. 776 Cambridge Ave. | Menlo Park -4 1:30 n u S t. & a S n Ope Price: $2,688,000 Location: Allied Arts Bedrooms: Four Baths: Three Menlo Park Schools www.SewaldRealEstate.com Three Oaks Carmel feel, walking distance to everything, unique and individual home styles amid leafy tree lined streets are all great reasons why Allied Arts is one of Menlo Park’s most desired neighborhoods! This quintessential Allied Arts home built in 2000 has the modern verve of newer construction including a kitchen/breakfast/family great room overlooking the walk-out back yard with 3 simply magnificent vintage Oak trees. The step down living room is a great place to socialize as is the formal dining room in the back of the home. Of the four bedrooms, one is downstairs for the perfect guest room or office and adjacent full bath. Upstairs, the spacious master includes a large walk-in closet and spa type bath with dual vanities, shower and separate tub. A vaulted ceiling in the right front bedroom adds architectural interest. The third bedroom has privacy through a small hall with the adjacent hall bath. “Three Oaks” is truly an exceptional home! Maya Sewald & Jason Sewald 650.346.1228 | 650.307.8060 Maya @MayaSewald.com | [email protected] Lic #00993290 | #01732384 www.SewaldRealEstate.com Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ25 KINGS MOUNTAIN ROAD NCCCZ\T5:3?;A:@-5:/;9N Just a mile from Woodside Road, but a world away from the hustle and bustle of SiliconValley, 680 Kings Mountain, Woodside, delights. With its rich physical environment, you will never need to go on vacation again! Swimming pool, spa, lush lawns, stable, decks, raised vegetable garden, view to the bay, vineyard, orchard, huge play structure with climbing wall, trampoline, sand box, redwood grove with meandering stream and chicken coop. With its inventive wine cellar hidden behind a secret door plus the downstairs in-law unit, the home’s square footage is 4071± sf. Set on 2.91 acres, according to the title company measurements, and located across the road from Huddart Park, a local treasure with miles of hiking and riding trails, the home takes advantage of a sense of privacy with civilization just a mile away. Impressive estates are nearby. The home is served by Woodside Elementary, a well-loved gem of elementary schools with its API of 963 and a Great Schools rating of 10 out of 10! &4 19- 5 :4 ;9121- @A>1?W.10>;;9? Vƥ.- @4 ? - 2- 95 8E>;;9@4 - @/;A80.1@>- :?2;>910@;- :;@4 1>.10>;;9 - :0- :;ő/1&4 175 @/4 1:- :0 ?1/;:02- 95 8E>;;9?<5 88;A@;:@;@4 101/72;>1- ?E- //1??@;@4 1.1- A@5 2A8.- /7E- >0&4 1?195 ;<1:Ō;;><8- :- 88;C?1- ?E- //1??.1@C11:@4 1 85 B5 :3>;;9- :005 :5 :3- >1- .A@8;/- @106A?@?@1<?0;C: 1- /4 - >1- 2118?85 715 @?;C:05 ?@5 :/@>;;9% @- /710?@;:19- >.81ŋ>1<8- /1?A>>;A:0?;: .;@4 ?5 01?;2@4 1@C; C- Eŋ>1<8- /1- >11813- :@2;/- 8<;5 :@?@;.;@4 @4 185 B5 :3>;;9- :0@4 1- 06- /1:@;ő/1&4 19- ?@1>.10>;;921- @A>1?- :1D@1>5 ;> ?<5 >- 8?@- 5 >/- ?181- 05 :3@;@4 1<;;8- >1- .18;C - ?C188- ?- ?@;:1ŋ>1<8- /1 N!Ŋ1>10-@^X VTT TTTN LYNN WILSON ROBERTS (650) 255.6987 (MWXVIWWIH4VSTIVX]'IVXM½IH [email protected] www.LynnWilsonRoberts.com CalBRE# 01814885 26QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015 Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. 145 Deer Meadow Lane, Portola Valley Virtual Tour 4 BED | 3 BATHS | 4 ACRES Exceptional Location Dynamic Architecture Offered at $3,950,000 | VIEWS Main Home: 5,442+/- sq. ft. Workshop: 199+/- sq. ft. Garage: 659+/- sq. ft. Greenhouse 190+/- sq. ft. Total: 145DeerMeadow.com | CONTEMPORARY STYLING 6,490+/- plus sq. ft.* Located in the desirable enclave of Westridge, this stunning home is infused with natural light from walls of windows and strategically placed skylights. The floorplan offers fluid spaces that are both open and intimate–all oriented to take full advantage of the views. To get to the front door you wander past nature’s bounty where a skylit gazebo along the way encourages you to linger and maybe even enjoy the evening sunset as it sets over Windy Hill. cowperthwaiteco.com Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Buyer to verify all information to their satisfaction CONTACT Peter Cowperthwaite Broker | BRE 01012887 650 851 8030 Virtual tour: 145DeerMeadow.com February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ27 #OLDWELL"ANKER #1 IN CALIFORNIA Palo Alto $11,888,000 www.4103OldTraceRoad.com Palo Alto rare Zoned R-E Density Residential. New Price. Jan Strohecker CalBRE #00620365 650.325.61616 Portola Valley $10,800,000 Open Sun 1:30-4:30 Contemporary tech/design upgraded home in spectacular Central PV setting on 4+ acres. 5 BR/5 full BA + 3 half Helen & Brad Miller CalBRE #01142061/00917768 650.851.2666 Portola Valley $6,400,000 Built in 2012, 5BR/4.5BA home + sep. gsthse sits atop 9.3 +/- acs w/ bay, valley & city vws Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961 Woodside $5,950,000 Stunning, whole-home renovation on more than 3 acres. Gated entrance on a private road. 6 BR/6 full BA + 2 half Scott Dancer CalBRE #00868362 650.851.2666 Woodside $4,995,000 Remodeled country home and full equestrian facilities. Just minutes to Sand Hill Rd & 280. 4 BR/4 BA Scott Dancer CalBRE #00868362 650.851.2666 Los Altos Hills $3,499,000 PENDING! Stunning Bay views from this gorgeous 1 AC+ contemporary property w/PA schools. 4 BR/3 BA Hanna Shacham CalBRE #01073658 650.324.4456 Menlo Park $3,100,000 SOLD! Beautifully designed, this home features quality craftsmanship inside & out. MP Schools! 4 BR/4 BA Hossein Jalali CalBRE #01215831 650.323.7751 Burlingame $2,800,000 Remodeled modern inspired Smart Home near downtown. Many features & upgrades throughout! 5 BR/3.5 BA John Nelson CalBRE #01152878 650.323.7751 Emerald Hills $2,395,000 Custom home w/chef ’s kitch, brkfst nook, expansive FR, formal DR & LR & spacious mstr ste. 5 BR/4.5 BA Doug Willbanks CalBRE #01458067 650.324.4456 Portola Valley $2,395,000 Rustic contemporary in private setting with dramatic high ceilings on a mostly flat lot. 3 BR/2.5 BA Karen Fryling/Rebecca Johnson CalBRE #01332193, 01326725 650.324.4456 Palo Alto $1,995,000 Charming bright home featuring flowing floor plan, LR/DR combo w/ fireplace & spacious FR. 3 BR/1 BA Hanna Shacham CalBRE #01073658 650.324.4456 Menlo Park Pending $1,988,000 Exquisite 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome in prime Sharon Heights location in Menlo Park. 3 BR/2.5 BA Fereshteh Khodadad CalBRE #00851932 650.325.6161 Los Altos Pending $1,295,000 One story town house in a beautiful setting. Updated and perfectly ready to move in. 2 BR/2 BA Alexandra von der Groeben CalBRE #00857515 650.325.6161 East Palo Alto $985,000 This unique lot meets the City’s requirements for a detached 2nd dwelling unit. 3 BR/1 BA Jane Jones CalBRE #01847801 650.325.6161 Redwood City $849,000 Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home on a quiet street in desirable Woodside Plaza. 2 BR/1 BA Karen Fryling/Rebecca Johnson CalBRE #01332193, 01326725 650.324.4456 CaliforniaMoves.com | californiahome.me | /cbcalifornia | /cb_california | /cbcalifornia | /coldwellbanker ª$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FBM&TUBUF--$"MM3JHIUT3FTFSWFE$PMEXFMM#BOLFS¥JTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLMJDFOTFEUP$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FBM&TUBUF--$"O&RVBM0QQPSUVOJUZ$PNQBOZ&RVBM)PVTJOH0QQPSUVOJUZ&BDI$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FTJEFOUJBM#SPLFSBHF0GmDFJT0XOFECZB4VCTJEJBSZPG/35--$#3&-JDFOTF 28QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015 LEHUA GREENMAN The Lord gave you two ends One for sitting and one for thinking Your success depends on which you useHeads you win Tails you lose Good for Business. Good for You. Good for the Community. Support Local Business 529-2420 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Realtors: For All Your Real Estate Advertising Needs… Look to the Real Estate Section of DELEON REALTY ATHERTON SPECIALISTS Named the most expensive zip code in America, Atherton enjoys excellent appreciation on top of its illustrious reputation, complete with estates on spacious lots, and a very accommodating building department. Contact our specialists at DeLeon Realty to discover why a home in Atherton will make a handsome investment. Just Call The Almanac at (650) 854-2626 650.600.3872 | [email protected] www.deleonrealty.com | CalBRE #01903224 DELEON REALTY DELEON REALTY PORTOLA VALLEY & WOODSIDE MENLO PARK The twin cities of Portola Valley and Woodside offer residents rural living only minutes from Silicon Valley, abundant outdoor trails, and breathtaking views. Incredible estates add to the stately ambience. Contact our specialists at DeLeon Realty to show you everything these private, beautiful enclaves have to offer. With distinguished neighborhoods, tree-lined streets, and one of the most educated populations in the country, Menlo Park is home to Facebook and many venture capital firms. Contact our specialists at DeLeon Realty to show you why this community is one of the best places to live on the Peninsula. SPECIALISTS ® 650.600.3872 | [email protected] www.deleonrealty.com | CalBRE #01903224 SPECIALISTS ® 650.600.3780 | [email protected] www.deleonrealty.com | CalBRE #01903224 February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ29 Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE fogster.com E-MAIL [email protected] PHONE 650.326.8216 Now you can log on to fogster.com, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. DONATE BOOKS/HELP PA LIBRARIES Bulletin Board WISH LIST FRIENDS PA LIBRARY 150 Volunteers FRIENDS BOOKSTORE MITCHELL PARK FRIENDS OF THE PALO ALTO LIBRARY JOIN OUR ONLINE STOREFRONT TEAM 115 Announcements Research at Stanford Needs You! Pregnant? Thinking of adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/ New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) 152 Research Study Volunteers Pregnant? Considering adoption? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 1-877-879-4709 (CalSCAN) Art Open Studio Estate Sale Filing for Social Security: Flex Hot Flashes? Hot Flashes? Women 40-65 with frequent hot flashes, may qualify for the REPLENISH Trial - a free medical research study for post-menopausal women. Call 855-781-1851. (Cal-SCAN) For Sale 202 Vehicles Wanted HUGE USED BOOK SALE Cash for Cars Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN) Preschool Open House Sunday 2/22 Stanford music tutoring USED BOOKSHOP AT MITCHELL PARK WWII-Related Author Events INDEX Aviation Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) Process Medical Billing Train at home to process medical billing and insurnace claims! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Become a Medical Office Assistant now with our online training program!! HS Diploma/GED and Computer/Internet required to participate. 1-877-649-3155. (Cal-SCAN) Meditation Classes 133 Music Lessons Christina Conti Private Piano Instruction (650) 493-6950 Hope Street Music Studios In downtown Mtn.View. Most Instruments voice. All ages & levels 650-961-2192 www.HopeStreetMusicStudios.com Piano lessons in Menlo Park For children and adults. Convenient location. Easy Parking. Contact Alita (650)838-9772 135 Group Activities Did You Know Newspaper-generated content is so valuable it’s taken and repeated, condensed, broadcast, tweeted, discussed, posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless times throughout the day by others? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) Thanks St Jude 140 Lost & Found LOST tortoiseshell cat 145 Non-Profits Needs DONATE BOOKS/HELP PA LIBRARIES Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered Fun loving Trust line nanny 345 Tutoring/ Lessons Online Writing Tutor 350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Co-op Preschool-Schedule a tour! FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY German Language Classes The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors. Embarcadero Media cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Media has the right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice. Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. 130 Classes & Instruction BOARD 100-199 QFOR SALE 200-299 QKIDS STUFF 330-399 QMIND & BODY 400-499 QJ OBS 500-599 QB USINESS SERVICES 600-699 QH OME SERVICES 700-799 QFOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 800-899 QP UBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE fogster.com is a unique website offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!! QBULLETIN fogster.com 355 Items for Sale 2LearningLaptop/pads age3-7years BackPack for 2-6 year old BOY Toys,LearningGames,Books,$30 Boys Costumes size5-8years FranklinBaseballGlove$8 Honda 2006 Or Newer Accord LX TopGunPilotJacket4T 240 Furnishings/ Household items Queen Simmons mattress - $140.00 Nike ShinpadsAge4-7y$4 PoohDuvetCoverPillowCase SoccerCleatsSize2Diadora$7 Mind & Body Sturdy, wood bookcase - $22.00 403 Acupuncture 245 Miscellaneous Did You Know 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) DISH TV Retailer Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-357-0810. (Cal-SCAN) Kill Roaches! Buy Harris Roach Tablets. No Mess, Odorless, Long Lasting. Available at ACE Hardware, The Home Depot (AAN CAN) Sawmills from only $4397.00. Make and save money with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N (Cal-SCAN) Upgrade 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. New Customers Only IV Support Holdings LLC- An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-385-9017 (CalSCAN) Top Dollar for your Vehicle WWW.DUNCANMOTORS.COM, located at 1655 El Camino Real,San Carlos,CA 650-346-1536 Fred Duncan-dealer 250 Musical Instruments Piano Kohler & Campbell Beaut. Satin black, baby grand 5’2”. Only $4950 (925)461-8642 270 Tickets Did You Know that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) FOGSTER.COM 500 Help Wanted Newspaper Delivery Route Immediate Opening. Route available to deliver the Palo Alto Weekly, an award-winning community newspaper, to homes in Palo Alto on Fridays. Approx. 1,070 papers, 8.25 cents per paper (plus bonus for extra-large editions). Additional bonus following successful 13 week introductory period. Must be at least 18 y/o. Valid CDL, reliable vehicle and current auto insurance req’d. Please email your experience and qualifications to [email protected]. Or (best) call Jon Silver, 650-868-4310 3T KRU RainJacket $5 Mega Bloks 8134 $14 Doll Houses Wanted Jobs 3DVDsLittlePeople,PlanetHeroes,T Donate Your Car, Truck, Boat to Heritage for the Blind. FREE 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care of. 800-731-5042 (Cal-SCAN) 235 Wanted to Buy 636 Insurance 550 Business Opportunities AVON Earn extra income with a new career! Sell from home, work, online. $15 startup. For information, call: 877-830-2916. (CalSCAN) 560 Employment Information $$HELP WANTED$$ Earn Extra income, assembling CD cases. Call our Live Operators NOW! 800-267-3944 Ext 3090. www.easywork-greatpay.com (Not Valid in MD) Drivers: $2K Sign On Bonus! $$ RECENT PAY INCREASE $$ Make $55,000 your first year! Newer KW t660 and t680’s . CDL-A Req (877) 258-8782 www.ad-drivers.com (Cal-SCAN) Humanitarian Career! Start your humanitarian career! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! www.OneWorldCenter.org 269-591-0518 [email protected] Make $1,000 Weekly! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience Required. Start Immediately. www.theworkingcorner.com (AAN CAN) Treatments for Alzheimers Acupuncturist Jay Wang PhD, specialized in chronical illness for seniors. Call 650-485-3293 for a free consultation. 747 Altos Oaks Dr., Los Altos 425 Health Services Safe Step Walk-in Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch StepIn. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN) 455 Personal Training Over 50’s outdoor exercise group 488 Spa Services Did You Know 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) IT’S EASY TO PLACE YOUR AD VIA THE INTERNET. JUST GO TO — www.TheAlmanacOnline.com Obtain Class A CDL in 2-1/2 weeks. Company Sponsored Training. Also Hiring Recent Truck School Graduates, Experienced Drivers. Must be 21 or Older. Call: (866) 275-2349. (Cal-SCAN) Business Services 624 Financial Big Trouble with IRS? Are you in BIG trouble with the IRS? 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Garcia Garden Maintenance Service Free est. 21 years exp. 650/366-4301 or 650/346-6781 LANDA’S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING *Yard Maint. *New Lawns. *Rototil *Clean Ups *Tree Trim *Power Wash *Irrigation timer programming. 19 yrs exp. Ramon, 650/576-6242 [email protected] Landscape Maintenance *Bi-monthly or weekly *Reliable, attentive *Contact Dan, 650/288-8663 *[email protected] *Lic C-27 959138 R.G. Landscape Yard Clean-ups, debris removal, maintenance, installations. Free est. 650/468-8859 751 General Contracting A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. 759 Hauling J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, gar., furn., mattresses, green waste, more. Lic./ins. Free est. 650/743-8852 (see my Yelp reviews) 767 Movers Sunny Express Moving Co. Afforable, Reliable, Refs. CalT #191198. 650/722-6586 or 408/904-9688 771 Painting/ Wallpaper DAVID AND MARTIN PAINTING Quality work Good references Low price Lic. #52643 (650) 575-2022 Glen Hodges Painting Call me first! Senior discount. 45 yrs. #351738. 650/322-8325 GO TO FOGSTER.COM TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS 30QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015 MARKETPLACE the printed version of fogster.com STYLE PAINTING Full service painting. Insured. Lic. 903303. 650/388-8577 Public Notices 805 Homes for Rent Half Moon Bay: 4BR/2BA Ranch house w/room for horses. $3,250 + dep. 650/726-4814 775 Asphalt/ Concrete Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - 4600..month 809 Shared Housing/ Rooms Roe General Engineering Asphalt, concrete, pavers, tiles, sealing, artificial turf. 36 yrs exp. No job too small. Lic #663703. 650/814-5572 All Areas: Roommates.com Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at Roommates.com! (AAN CAN) 779 Organizing Services End the Clutter & Get Organized Residential Organizing by Debra Robinson (650)390-0125 Redwood City, 1 BR/2 BA - $900/month 825 Homes/Condos for Sale Real Estate Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $899000 Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $1099000 Sunnyvale, 3 BR/2 BA - $899000 850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Los Angeles, 2 BR/2 BA Spacious 2 Bed 2 Bath in Quiet Building !Roomy, unique 2 bed 2 bath downstairs unit includes fresh paint, new tile in kitchen, oven/stove, clean carpet, huge vanities and walk-in closets. Owner pays for water and gas. Laundry on site. 1 parking space in rear lot. month to month, monthly rent$750 security deposit$600, Do Email or Text me for more details: (310) 469-9660 . Menlo Park - $2,995/mo BIG DRIVE-UP STORAGE UNITS Large 12’ x 22’ drive-ups. No stairs. Sunnyvale. 408-734-6000 THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE Combining the reach of the Web ^P[OWYPU[HKZYLHJOPUNV]LY YLHKLYZ THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM 995 Fictitious Name Statement CIRPOL CIRPOL CONSULTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 263781 The following Person(s) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Cirpol, 2.) Cirpol Consulting, located at 2081 Camino Al Lago, Menlo Park, CA 94027, San Mateo County, (Unincorporated). Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): PAUL DANIEL 2081 Camino Al Lago Menlo Park, CA 94027 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01/12/2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 27, 2015. (ALM Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015) QED MATH SCHOOL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: M-263807 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: QED Math School, located at 35 Loree Ln., Millbrae, CA 94030, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): XIAOFAN DENG 35 Loree Ln. Millbrae, CA 94030 MIGUEL CONCY 2319 20th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94116 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 28, 2015. (ALM Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015) BEST FRIENDS HEALTH CARE SERVICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 263816 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Best Friends Health Care Services, located at 220 Greenway Drive, Pacifica, CA 94044; Mailing address: 260 Ferndale Ave., South San Francisco, CA 94080, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): PAMELA T. LEE 260 Ferndale Ave. South San Francisco, CA 94080 ELIZABETH SIMMONS 220 Greenway Drive Pacifica, CA 94044 This business is conducted by: Copartners. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 28, 2015. (ALM Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015) ZYRO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: M-263808 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Zyro, located at 3130 Alpine Road, #288, #606, Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): GUMSTIX, INC. 3130 Alpine Road, #288, #606 Portola Valley, CA 94028 Delaware This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 28, 2015. (ALM Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2015) SPANISH TOWN STORAGE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 263950 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Spanish Town Storage, located at 551 San Mateo Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MATTHEW CROUCH 339 Avenue Portolla El Granada, CA 94018 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 6, 2015. (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015.) RAVENSWOOD FAMILY HEALTH CENTER PHARMACY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 264009 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Ravenswood Family Health Center Pharmacy, located at 1885 Bay Road, East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): SOUTH COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. 1798 A Bay Road East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: a Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 12, 2015. (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015) FAMILY WELLNESS PARTNERS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: M-263873 The following Person(s) is (are) doing business as: Family Wellness Partners, located at 617 Veterans Blvd., Suite 107, Redwood City, CA 9403, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): Cary M. Watson, PhD 1292 Nilda Avenue Mountain View, CA 94040 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01/23/2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 2, 2015. (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015) GENARO’S LANDSCAPING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 264025 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Genaro’s Landscaping, located at 1166 Garden St., E. Palo Alto, CA, 94303, San Mateo County; Mailing address: P.O. Box 51559, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Registered owner(s): GENARO LOMBERA-MENDOZA 1166 Garden St. E. Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name (s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 13, 2015. (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015) GIFTLIT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 263911 The following Person(s) is (are) doing business as: Giftlit, located at C/O Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real #100, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): KEPLER’S 2020, FPC 1010 El Camino Real #100 Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on January 30, 2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 4, 2015. (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015) 997 All Other Legals AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: CIV531836 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CARLO A. SEMILLA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: CARLO ARRIOLA SEMILLA to CARL SEMILLA ARRIOLA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: March 13, 2015, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: February 2, 2015 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Feb. 11, 18, 25, Mar. 4, 2015) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: CIV532451 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MORGAN ANAISE WEILAND filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MORGAN ANAISE WEILAND to MORGAN NORDHOLM WEILAND. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Fri. March 27, 2015, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC. Date: February 11, 2015 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Feb. 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 2015) FILING YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT? We Offer Professional Help. ALMANAC • 2236578. To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or at fogster.com No phone number in the ad? GO TO FOGSTER.COM We handle all your L E G A L publishing needs 796;,*;@6<9 3,.(390./;: 7\ISPJ/LHYPUN5V[PJLZ 9LZVS\[PVUZ )PK5V[PJLZ 5V[PJLZVM7L[P[PVU[V(KTPUPZ[LY,Z[H[L 3PLU:HSL ;Y\Z[LL»Z:HSL 0MP[OHZILLU`LHYZZPUJL`V\MPSLK`V\Y -PJ[P[PV\Z)\ZPULZZ5HTL:[H[LTLU[`V\Y +)(`V\T\Z[MPSLHNHPU[VWYV[LJ[`V\Y legal rights. Check your records now [VZLLPM`V\Y+)(L_WPYLZ[OPZ`LHY Then call the Almanac for assistance in YLMPSPUN0[»ZPUL_WLUZP]LHUKLHZ` the Almanac (650) 223-6578 February 25, 2015QTheAlmanacOnline.comQThe AlmanacQ31 Coldwell Banker ATHERTON | FRENCH MASTERPIECE! CHRIS MCDONNELL/ KELLY GRIGGS 650.207.2500 / 650.464.1965 CalBRE #00870468/01812313 35 RALSTON RD $14,900,000 5BR/7BA+3 half BA. New, custom-built French masterpiece in quiet W Atherton location. Built with incredible quality & unsurpassed attention to detail. PORTOLA VALLEY | OPEN SUNDAY HELEN & BRAD MILLER 650.400.3426 [email protected] CalBRE #01142061/00917768 BURLINGAME JOHN NELSON 650.888.4408 [email protected] CalBRE #01152878 www.duo-homes.com CalBRE #01332193, 01326725 1148 BERNAL AVE $2,800,000 Remodeled Smart Home near downXS[R1ELSKER]¾SSVWGYWXSQGEFMRIXW Thermador appliances, vaulted ceilings, ½VITPEGIWMR06 QWXV NIXXIHXYFW GINNY KAVANAUGH 650.400.8076 KavanaughGroup.com CalBRE #00884747 www.duo-homes.com CalBRE #01332193, 01326725 HOSSEIN JALALI 650.740.2233 [email protected] CalBRE #01215831 812 LA MESA $2,690,000 Spacious, mid-century modern Ladera LSQI[MXLSJ½GIQIHMEVSSQERHVIG room. Spectacular views and excellent schools. 812LaMesa.com 1320 AMERICAN WAY $3,100,000 Beautifully designed, this home features quality craftsmanship inside & out. Lrg entry, bright LR w/ FP & formal DR & Chef ’s kitchen.MP Schools! EMERALD HILLS DOUG WILLBANKS 650.218.6887 [email protected] CalBRE #01458067 645 SYLVAN WAY $2,395,000 Custom home built in 2005! Beautiful chef ’s kitch, breakfast nook, expansive FR, formal DR & LR & spacious master suite. Gorgeous backyard/patio! PALO ALTO 31 ALISO WAY $2,395,000 Rustic contemporary in private setting with dramatic high ceilings on a mostly ¾EXPSX ALAN & NICKI LOVELESS 650.400.4208 [email protected] CalBRE #00444835 & 00924021 672 MELVILLE $2,200,000 2BD/1.5BA home w/eat in kit, freshly TEMRXIHMRXIVMSVLEVH[SSH¾SSVWXLVYSYX living area, mature landscaping, laundry room, 2 car garage PALO ALTO HANNA SHACHAM 650.767.0767 [email protected] CalBRE #01073658 947 EMBARCADERO RD $1,995,000 Charming home located in Green Gables neighborhood. This light home features E¾S[MRK¾SSVTPER06(6GSQFS[ ½VITPEGI WTEGMSYW*6SJJOMXGLIR PALO ALTO | SOLD REDWOOD CITY KAREN FRYLING/ REBECCA JOHNSON 650.281.8752/650.438.2331 120 GOLDEN HILLS DR $10,800,000 Contemporary 5BR/5+BA tech/design upgraded home in spectacular Central PV setting on 4+ acres. Close to Town Center, hiking and Ormandale School. MENLO PARK | SOLD PORTOLA VALLEY PORTOLA VALLEY KAREN FRYLING/ REBECCA JOHNSON 650.281.8752/650.438.2331 #1 IN CALIFORNIA 2083 OREGON AVE $849,000 Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home on a quiet street in desirable Woodside Plaza. HOSSEIN JALALI 650.740.2233 [email protected] CalBRE #01215831 CaliforniaMoves.com | 765 SAN ANTONIO RD #56 $830,000 8ST¾SSVMRPSZIP]+VIIRLSYWIGSQTPI\ w/ Treetop view from balcony. Updates throughout! Convenient access to 101, 280 & 85. Top Palo Alto schools! californiahome.me | /cbcalifornia | WOODSIDE MARGOT LOCKWOOD 650.400.2528 [email protected] CalBRE #01017519 /cb_california | 17600 SKYLINE BLVD $199,000 Unique property! 4+ acres in Woodside. )RNS]XLIVIH[SSHWSRP]QMRYXIWXS Hwy 280. PV Schools. Challenge for builders to get septic system in. /cbcalifornia | /coldwellbanker ª$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FBM&TUBUF--$"MM3JHIUT3FTFSWFE$PMEXFMM#BOLFS¥JTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLMJDFOTFEUP$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FBM&TUBUF--$"O&RVBM0QQPSUVOJUZ$PNQBOZ&RVBM)PVTJOH0QQPSUVOJUZ&BDI$PMEXFMM#BOLFS3FTJEFOUJBM#SPLFSBHF0GmDFJT0XOFECZB4VCTJEJBSZPG/35--$#3&-JDFOTF 32QThe AlmanacQTheAlmanacOnline.comQFebruary 25, 2015
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