Current Issue - Albert Einstein Academy

Issue #21
101 Garden of Eden Rd
Wilmington, DE 19803
February 27th, 2015
8 Adar, 5775
Candle Lighting 5:34 PM
When Beauty isn’t Vain
At this morning’s breakfast meeting, we spent a little time
on the internet sensation known as #thedress: is it white
and gold or blue and black? A few upper school students
had seen the photo before. What most people did not know
is the science behind the color difference to our eyes (even
the same person at different times of the day). The website
WIRED has a great article outlining the effects of background color on the chromatic axis, here. How’s that for an
in-the-moment lesson in STEAM education?!
That moment is just one demonstration of how we find educational meaning in the course of a day’s experiences.
While that example was serendipitous, our Curriculum Celebration is highly intentional. Wednesday night’s performances, slideshow, and learning fair are each part of showing
Albert Einstein Academy as its best self. Let’s face it, AEA
has much to offer. We are doing amazing things with education for our students and teachers and families. To paraphrase Billy Crystal, “we look maaahrvelous!”
At this time of year, we are reminded that praising beauty is
not a simple matter. In Megillat Ester (the Purim story from
the book of Esther), Queen Vashti refuses to let her beauty
be the only definition of who she is. Queen Esther may win
a beauty contest, but the real contest is how she takes
charge of her identity and saves the Jewish people. Beauty
is not vanity if it is backed up by meaning and values. As
popularized during the Oscars, we should #askhermore.
This important aspect of appreciating the right kind of beauty is something we teach at AEA. In fact, it is reflected in
one of our Core Educational Beliefs: ( ‫הדר כבוד הודך‬hadar
kavod hodekha) [honorable dignity of Your glory]. We want
our students to see themselves with pride and respect. We
want our school to be seen with pride and honors. We want
our place in and beyond the Jewish world to be filled with
dignity and appreciation. We have every reason to do so.
As we plan to dress up for Purim, let us remember that
we do not need costumes to be noticed. We are each of
us gifts in this world; otherwise we would not have been
born. As we celebrate Esther’s beauty, let us remember
the beauty of her actions. As we hold onto our Curriculum Celebration, let us remember that our STEAM theme
does not end. We will continue through the end of the
year, and beyond!
I am looking forward to capitalizing on all that we have
accomplished this year. More than the shiny devices that
run our technology, the individualization it made possible
is the real beauty of our educational successes. More
than any one art project or song from Wednesday night,
the joy, pride, and enthusiasm our students exhibited
was the real beauty on display.
The best is that there is more to come. We are celebrating two members of our community at our Gala Celebration, Saturday, March 7th. Shortly after, our spring play
production of “Willy Wonka” will be performed Wednesday, March 11th at 10:00am, and Thursday, March 12th
at 7:00pm. Please! Invite friends and family to be a part
of our community . . . to be students here, too. Our beauty is earned; it is based on honorable dignity we achieve
in seeking to be a part of God’s glory. Thank you for celebrating it with us.
Shabbat shalom,
R’ Jeremy Winaker
Curriculum Celebration 2015
Curriculum Celebration 2015
Curriculum Celebration 2015
Click here to see the full AEA school calendar
on the AEACADEMY.ORG website:
AEA School Calendar
Volunteers Needed!
… in memory of Leatrice Leapman
Debbie and Jerome Nachlis
… in memory of Lawrence Biener
Robin and Bruce Saran
Debbie and Jerome Nachlis
in memory of Dr. Donal Shetman
Purim is coming and that means our
fantastic AEA Purim Carnival is coming!
We are in need of volunteers to help
run the carnival…time commitment is
from 8 am-noon on March 5th. Please
drop me an email if you can help!
Elaine and Ralph Frienberg
in memory of Barbara Luterman
Debbie and Jerome Nachlis
[email protected]
Thanks! It will be a blast!
-Lauren Gillespie
Tetzaveh(Exodus 27:20-30:10)
Dressing Your Best
Why do people wear clothing? There's more to it than just covering up and keeping warm.
In this week's Torah portion, we learn all about the special clothing worn by the Jewish
priests, the Cohanim, who officiated in the Tabernacle. Their beautiful, and regal uniforms
left no doubt in the eyes of all who saw them that they were involved in important, and spiritual tasks.
Whether we realize it or not, our clothing and our appearance also make a statement to the
world, and give a message about who we are and what we value. It is, in a sense, our own
private uniform. When deciding how to dress, we should consider carefully the image we
present to the world, and do our best to align it with our true inner values.
2nd Grade STEAM
Join us THIS Sunday, March 1st for Hamantashen baking directly following
Hebrew School at 12:30! The hamantashens made will be used for caring
committee baskets, as well as fundraising for BESTY (our teen youth group).
Please RSVP ASAP, and let me know if you plan on attending!
Volunteers NEEDED
We are looking for student volunteers to take a part in this year’s Purim Shpiel
which takes place on Friday, March 6th. Please email Cantor Stanton if interested ([email protected])
 Parent volunteers are also needed to help set up for the Purim Carnival, we
will be setting up on Saturday, March 7th at 12:00 PM
Please let me know if you can help with either!
The Purim Shpiel will be held on Friday, March 6th starting at 7:30 PM.
The Purim Carnival will be taking place Sunday, March 8thduring Sunday school. Megillah reading will be first followed by the carnival!
Attached is a flyer with all the options
Sunday March, 15th the Prime Timers is hosting a magic show! This is for
all ages and cost $5 per adult and free for all children and grandchildren!! For
more information please contact Jeff Ostroff at 484-770-8133
([email protected]) or Harvey Cohen at 484-480-8158 ([email protected]).
Finally Israel Shabbat has been moved to Friday, March 20th at 6 PM! It is
a great time to get a taste of Israel with our local Shlichah Lior Ron!
Please let me know as soon as you can if you plan on attending any of these
Avi S. Remetz
Director of Youth and Family Programming
Congregation Beth Emeth
300 W. Lea Blvd
Wilmington, DE 19809
Office: 302-764-2392
Accredited by the Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools