Commandant’s Department 8th Annual Principled Leadership Symposium and Corps Day 2015 Overview 1 Situation -The Citadel will host the 8th Annual Principled Leadership Symposium and Corps Day Weekend on campus 11-15 March 2015. Mission -Provide an opportunity for cadets, parents, relatives, friends, alumni, and special guests to be reunited on The Citadel campus to honor the 172nd birthday of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. Key Events -Corps of Cadets celebrate the 172nd birthday of The Citadel -The Citadel’s 8th Annual Principled Leadership Symposium 11-13 March Special Guests -Include members of the Gold Corps, Washington Light Infantry, distinguished speakers and guests of the Symposium 2 Leadership Symposium Key Information Who: Invited student delegates from the Academies, Senior Military Colleges and other local colleges, the Corps, select invited alumni and donors What: A student-centered conference focusing on leadership and ethics; open to all students, faculty/staff, and the public Where: Various locations on The Citadel Campus including Mark Clark Hall, selected academic auditoriums, Holliday Alumni Center, and McAlister Fieldhouse When: March 11-13, 2015 How: Facilitators leading round table discussions, distinguished leader panels, and plenary speakers 3 Schedule of Events-Thursday [1 of 3] Point of Contact 0800-0830 Symposium Registration and Continental Breakfast Mark Clark Hall, Buyer Auditorium Foyer Krause Center 0830-0900 Symposium Welcome Mark Clark Hall, Buyer Auditorium Krause Center 0900-1000 Roundtable Discussion Principled Leadership as Honor: The Code, The Medal, The Ethos Mark Clark Hall Krause Center 1000-1045 “The Citadel Experience” Mark Clark Hall, Buyer Auditorium Krause Center President’s Requirements: Symposium Welcome, Buyer Auditorium Brief Remarks 4 Schedule of Events-Thursday [2 of 3] Point of Contact 1100-1150 Symposium/Greater Issues Speaker Gen Peter Pace, 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff McAlister Field House Mandatory for the Corps of Cadets [dismissal from MFH directly to Coward Hall] 1210-1245 Corps Birthday Celebration Alumni Affairs Coward Hall - Symposium speakers by individual invite ONLY -Welcome by Colonel Hutto -Remarks by Lt Gen Rosa -Moment of Silence -Taps – followed by “Rest” -Lunch Meal -Birthday cake presentation – youngest cadet with oldest Alumni [or Gen Rosa] Oldest Alumni: Mr. John A. Zeigler, Class of ’32 [tentative] Youngest Cadet: C/Pvt William Landreth [V Co] -Singing of “Happy Birthday” & the “Alma Mater” -Second Rest President’s Requirements: Symposium/Greater Issues Speaker, McAlister Fieldhouse Brief remarks at Corps Birthday Lunch Krause Center 5 Schedule of Events-Thursday [3 of 3] Point of Contact 1300-1530 Distinguished Leader Panels Various Auditoriums Krause Center 1600-1700 “Ethics in the Profession of Arms” Admiral Margaret Klein Buyer Auditorium, MCH Krause Center MANDATORY FOR ROTC CADETS 1700 - 1800 Service Learning Showcase [Refreshments] Krause Center 1815 Optional supper meal [speedline] Coward Hall Dining Facility Commandant 1815-2230 Open Time Student Delegates visit downtown Charleston Commandant 6 Schedule of Events-Friday [1 of 3] Point of Contact 0800-0845 Symposium Continental Breakfast Mark Clark Hall, Buyer Auditorium Krause Center 0900-1200 Special Topics in Leadership Mark Clark Hall Krause Center 1200-1245 Lunch Mark Clark Hall Reception Room & Patio Krause Center President’s Requirements: Symposium Lunch, MCH 7 Schedule of Events-Friday [2 of 3 ] ** Corps afternoon classes on Friday are cancelled ** Corps of Cadet Symposium Program McAllister Field House Point of Contact 1300-1430 Core Values Speaker Krause Award Presentation Address by Mayor Joe Riley, Citadel Class of ‘64 “Ethical Issues Facing Communities” Mandatory for the Corps of Cadets Krause Center 1430 Closing Remarks to 2014 Symposium Lt Gen Rosa Krause Center President’s Requirements: Corps of Cadets Symposium Program - MFH 9 Schedule of Events-Friday [3 of 3] 1545 Washington Light Infantry Review of the Corps of Cadets to commemorate the 172nd anniversary of the Corps Summerall Field Rain Plan: Cancelled 1630-1800 Reception IHO of Mayor Joe Riley, ’64 Holliday Alumni Center, Invitation Only Various Times Muslim and Jewish religious services off-campus. Times vary depending on mosque or synagogue schedule President’s Requirements: WLI Review – Summerall Field Point of Contact Commandant Krause Center Chaplain 9 Schedule of Events-Saturday Events [1 of 2] Point of Contact 0800-0900 Breakfast for past and present BOV members Greater Issues Room Executive Events 0800-1300 Sale of cadet/company photographs Reception Room, Mark Clark Hall Cadet Activities 0830-0850 The Citadel Rifle Legion Performance Summerall Field Rain Plan: Cancelled Commandant/ SFC Greene 0830-1000 Open barracks - Pipe Band performs in each barracks Commandant 0900 Summerall Guards perform, Summerall Field, Bond Volunteer, exchange of rifles, presentation of Anthony Griffin Sword and Club Award Inclement Weather: Deas Hall Commandant/ LTC Brace President’s Requirements: Summerall Guards Performance Attend scheduled events as desired 10 Schedule of Events-Saturday Events [2 of 2] Point of Contact 0945 “The Citadel Story” musical narration Summerall Field Rain Plan: Cancelled Director, Band 1100 Corps Day Jeep Review Palmetto Medals Presentation Summerall Field Rain Plan: Buyer Auditorium [Award Presentation] Commandant 1230 3rd Annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest Johnson Hagood Stadium Athletics, Mike Groshon 1300 Blue - White Spring Football Game Johnson Hagood Stadium Director of Athletics 1800 The Citadel Brigadier Foundation Auction TCBF President’s Requirements: Review – Summerall Field 11 Schedule of Events-Sunday Events [1 of 1] Point of Contact 0900 Protestant Worship Summerall Chapel – No Shuttle Service Color Guard Change of Command Religious Activities 1115 Roman Catholic Mass Sacred Heart Church – No Shuttle Service Catholic Color Guard Change of Command Religious Activities 1100 Anglican-Episcopal Services in Charleston Area Churches [Contact Anglican-Episcopal Chaplain’s office at 843-953-5049 for more information] Religious Activities 12 Gold Corps Schedule [1 of 3] Friday, March 13, 2015 1300 Hospitality Suite opens at the Holliday Alumni Center Hotel Check-In at 3:00 p.m. Springhill Suites Golf Cart Shuttles from HAC to parade & return 1545 Parade (Special reserved seating for Gold Corps participants) 1630 Krause Center for Leadership Reception Holliday Alumni Center 13 Gold Corps Schedule [2 of 3] Saturday, March 14, 2015 0800 Gold Corps Breakfast Holliday Alumni Center Shuttles from 0730-0830 1100 Review Parade (Reserved seating for Gold Corps participants) 1200 Special Luncheon following the Review Regimental Commander’s Riverview Room Guest Speaker: Lt General John Rosa Gold Corps Photo following lunch 1300 Blue and White Spring Football Game & Gold Corps Reception Johnson Hagood Stadium Club Level Transportation from campus provided 1500 Shuttle buses to hotel from Holliday Alumni Center 1800 Brigadier Foundation Auction, McAlister Field House [Optional] 14 Gold Corps Schedule [3 of 3] Sunday, March 15, 2015 0900 Protestant Worship Summerall Chapel – No Shuttle 1115 Roman Catholic Mass Sacred Heart Church – No Shuttle 1100 Episcopal Service [Charleston Area Churches-contact Chaplain’s office at 843-953-5049 for more information] 15
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