25th February 2015 Dear Parents and Carers Visit to Coombes Farm, Lancing – Thursday 12th March 2015 As part of our new topic, Our Wonderful World, we are pleased to notify you that we have booked an exciting trip to Coombes Farm. This is a real working farm, where children will have the opportunity to see lambs being born and see lots of farm machinery in action! Your child will need to bring warm and waterproof clothing and wellies or other appropriate footwear, plus inhalers if your child requires one. It is likely to be very muddy and we hope to go whatever the weather! If your child usually has hot dinners, a packed lunch will be provided for them by Zebedees but you are welcome to give your child an extra snack and drink if you wish. In order for the trip to go ahead, we will need four parent helpers per class. If you have a valid DBS certificate (formerly CRB) and would like to help, please indicate this on the slip below and speak to your child’s class teacher. We are asking parents to pay a voluntary contribution of £11.20 to cover the cost of the trip including coach travel. This can be paid either online via School Gateway or by cash/cheque to the school office (please make cheques payable to River Beach Primary School). We must inform you that if insufficient monies are received, the trip may have to be cancelled. Please fill in the permission slip below and indicate your preferred method of payment. Please also complete the attached parental consent form and medical questionnaire. Please return all forms and money to school by Thursday 5th March, thank you. We will need to leave promptly at 9:00am and will be back by the normal end of school day time, 2:50pm. If you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Yours sincerely The Reception Team th Please return this form to your child’s class teacher or the school office by Thursday 5 March, thank you. Visit to Coombes Farm, Lancing – Thursday 12th March 2015 I give permission for (name of child) ......................................................................................... in class …................................ to visit Coombes Farm. I will make payment of £11.20 via School Gateway or I enclose £11.20 cash/cheque. I have enclosed and completed the attached Parental Consent and Medical Questionnaire. I am able to help on the trip and have a current DBS certificate. Please contact me on the no. below: Contact name .................................................................. Contact no ……………………………………………… Signed............................................................................... Date ......................................... APPENDIX A PARENT’S CONSENT FORM RIVER BEACH PRIMARY SCHOOL ________________________________________________________________________________________ Coombes Farm, Lancing A journey to ________________________________________________________________________ (place) th th 12 March 2015 12 March 2015 from ___________________________________ (date) to __________________________________ (date) I wish my son/daughter ______________________________________________________ (Full name of child in capitals please) to be allowed to take part in the above-mentioned school (or youth centre) journey and, having read the information sheet, agree to his/her taking part in any or all of the activities described. I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed. I understand that, while the school staff and helpers in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of the young people, unless they are negligent they cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my son, daughter arising during or out of the journey. (Note: A School Journey Insurance Policy of Zurich Municipal Insurance Limited is available through West Sussex County Council, though claims arising from a pre-existing condition are exempt.) Date of Birth: Please delete and complete the following as is appropriate. My child has no illness, allergy or physical disability the following illness, allergy or physical disability / / Name of own Doctor: * * Doctor’s Address: Doctor’s telephone number: * Cross out which does not apply ___________________________________________________ necessitates the following medical treatment ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the visit. Signed ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Address HOME WORK Telephone No. HOME WORK Date _____________________ Mobile No. If not available at the above, please state an alternative contact. Name: ____________________________________________________ Telephone No: ______________________________ Mobile No: ______________________________ (Three copies of this form are desirable, one for the parent to keep, one for the head of establishment/EVC/ Emergency Contact and one for the group leader to take with him/her on the visit/activity/journey. NOTE: Photographs may be taken that include your son/daughter. If you do not wish such pictures to be used for normal publicity purposes including publication on the establishment’s website please tick box: All personal information will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 APPENDIX B Guidance on information you may wish to acquire in confidence:- MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE PUPIL’S NAME ____________________________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME AND INITIALS ____________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO. ___________ ____________________________________________________________ NAME AND ADDRESS OF ____________________________________________________________ FAMILY DOCTOR ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.___________ ____________________________________________________________ DIETARY REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________________________ Has your child had any of the following:Asthma or Bronchitis Heart condition Fits, fainting or blackouts Severe headaches Diabetes Allergies to any known drugs or medication Any other allergies e.g. material, food, insect bites etc. Other illness or disability Any recent contact with contagious diseases and infections YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the answer to any of these questions is YES please give details on a separate sheet which should be firmly attached: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Immunisation Status Has your child received vaccination against Tetanus in the last ten years? YES NO ________________________________________________________________________________________ Is your child receiving medical treatment of any kind from either your Family Doctor or Hospital? YES NO Has your child been given specific medical advice to follow in emergencies? YES NO If the answer to either of these questions is YES please give the details here:- (including dosage of any medicines/tablets) ________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNED ______________________________________________________Parent/Guardian
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