Newsletter 4 - Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church

Sammamish Hills
Letter from Pastor John
verb turn back, return
“Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful…” Joel 2:13
“The Greek word for “return” is nostos. Algos means “suffering.” So nostalgia is
the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.”
― Milan Kundera, Ignorance
huv” is the Biblical Hebrew which reminds us to “return.” It is the word used at the beginning of the admonition from the prophet Joel to “return to the Lord your God, for He is faithful...” There is a homecoming aspect
to this returning, for we are called to “return home” to One who has made us and continues to give this whole
world life.
All too quickly the season of returning gives way to Holy Week and the call to follow
Christ through the triumphal entry, to be seated at the holy meal, stand at the foot
of the cross, and finally, join the joyous three-fold shouts of, “Christ is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” It is a marvelous time for joining together as a church family
in worship, fellowship, service, and praise. Please join in the Wednesday evening
meals as we return to the cross.
Your servant in Christ,
Pr. John
March 28th
www.shlc.or g
Emer gency : 425-392-7799 x 28
MARCH 2015
The season of Lent is a forty day long time period of a heightened focus on homecoming, returning to the Lord, beginning with the ashy cross of Ash Wednesday.
Weekly we will return to a renewed sense of who we are as a church family gathering for a simple supper in the Fellowship Hall at 6:15p, followed by Holden Evening
Prayer in the Sanctuary at 7:00p.
Letter from Pastor Eric
Hills Lutheran Church!
About 200 years before the
Babylonian captivity of Judah,
God sent word through his
prophet, Joel, “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me
with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not
your garments. Return to the
Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love.” (Joel 2:12-13a)
Judah had fallen away. Its people loved their religion, yet
forgot their God. They performed the actions of faith—the
sacrifices, the prayers, the festivals—yet they neglected
the heart of their faith; service to the orphan, the widow,
the stranger in a strange land. God called his people
back, knowing full well that a nation weakened morally
and spiritually from within was easy pickings for the juggernaut from without.
Lent is upon us, and with Lent comes the call, “Return
to the Lord with all your heart.” Is there some sin eating
away at your heart and mind… giving certain enemies purchase in your life where they had none before? If so, hear
the call of Joel, “Return to the Lord with all your heart.” He
has strength to give. Is there some fear taking up space in
your spirit where there should be faith, hope, and love of
THE Spirit? If so, hear the call of Joel, “Return to the Lord
with all your heart.” As it is written, “Perfect love drives
out all fear.” (1 John 4).
Lent is a time for spiritual weight lifting. A time when we
focus a little less on the Light who comes to our world (we
did that during Advent!) and a little more on the darkness
inside that needs the light (don’t worry, in Easter those
who have seen the darkness will be absolutely bathed in
3)Regular Service Opportunities: To serve another
is to truly enter the heart of God where no darkness can survive. Talk with your pastors and other
ministry leaders about the plethora of service
opportunities we have for the young, old, and
everyone in between.
4)Belong: Join us for our Lenten Soup Supper every
Wednesday evening at 6:15p and be part of a
family constantly turning to the Lord.
And finally, something else: during our Lenten Soup Suppers this year we’re going to model a simple devotion you
can take into your homes with your families, spouses, or
what have you. Many of you have done Faith 5 devotions
every night in your homes. Some have no idea what I’m
talking about. We’ll teach—in 5-10 minutes—how to:
1)Share the highs and lows of your week.
2)Read and imbibe a piece of wisdom from
Scripture together.
3)Talk & incorporate that scripture into your life.
4)Pray together.
5)And Bless each other for yet another week.
Come and learn this devotional tool as a discipline to
bring into your home. Come and simply devote with someone you’ve never met and form a new friendship. Come
and just eat soup! That in itself when done with the Body
of Christ, can be the beginning of many new and fulfilling
relationships. Come!
God bless you all and thanks for your partnership in ministry at Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church,
Pr. Eric
If you want to weight lift with us, we’ve got the tools for
1)Sunday Worship: Come pray, worship, repent, and
be renewed weekly on your journey.
2)Wednesday Holden Evening Prayer: Set aside
one extra night a week to open the dark places up
to God, that He might shine His light.
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Make Fr ie nds - Me e t Go d - Liv e Lif e B e tt e r
Student Ministries Fellowship Lunch:
Do you have someone involved in our church’s Student Ministries? Are you a parent working through those awesome yet slightly insane years of teenage parenting? If so, we’ve got a lunch for you! The Student Ministry Team invites you to have lunch with us on
Sunday, March 8th after the 10:30 worship service. It will be a potluck, so bring a dish to share with 5-7
people. Come and get to know other parents, families, and youth that are part of your Body of Christ!
Bread Team Rises Again!
Saturday, March 28th, we’ll be in the kitchen baking caramel rolls and frosted
cinnamon rolls. Rolls will be out and available the next morning, Palm Sunday, March 28th. Want to learn how
to make rolls? Contact Pr. John and he’ll add you to the baking team list! [email protected]
Congregational Announcements
Women’s Fellowship Group: Ladies of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join us. We will meet on
Tuesday, March 17th, from 6:30 to 8:30p at the home of Gail Peterson to share a meal, fellowship and prayer.
For more information, please contact Gail (425-391-1965).
Service--May 2nd:
Save the date for our annual Day of Service. Check the bulletin weekly to see
what we will be doing this year.
Flower Chart: Flowers are blooming and we have seen lots of sunshine. You may have some flowers in your
yard to brighten our worship services. Sign up today on the flower chart posted on the bulletin board in the
Narthex near the information desk.
MARCH 2015
XYZ Ministry: Join XYZ for their monthly potluck and devotion on March 20th at noon.
Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church Fishers of Fish & Folks
Trip to Montana! Yup, you read it right. From August 13th to Au-
gust 16th our church’s fly-fishers will be staying at Michael Peterson’s
Cabin on Rock Creek near Missoula, MT in order to fish, fellowship,
study scripture, eat, and have a great time together. You DO NOT have
to know anything about fly fishing to join up. Pr. Eric and Michael are
experienced fishers who love to teach. We’ll help you find gear & learn
the ropes. This trip is open to all. Come for some of it, come for all of
it, just come! Please contact Michael Peterson if you wish to attend
([email protected]).
Lenten Soup Suppers: Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent for our Lenten Soup Suppers. These
are informal gatherings for any and all to enjoy each other’s company around a great bowl of soup and a
roll prior to celebrating with a Lenten Midweek Worship in the Sanctuary. Our host for each week: March 4,
Choir; March 11, Children’s Ministry; March 18, Student Ministries; & March 25, Church Council.
Soup Supper: 6:15p
Worship: 7p
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Worship Life
n this season of returning, we are called to join the
midweek rhythm of Lent this month, beginning with a
simple supper in the Fellowship Hall at 6:15p and then
moving to the Sanctuary to worship in the words and music of Holden Evening Prayer. The month of March ends
with the bare beginnings of Holy Week, complete with
palms, passion readings, and the silence of the Good Friday sanctuary.
Come, let us worship…
(NOTE: The readings are included to allow you to prepare for each
Sunday by reading through the assigned biblical texts. The text which
will be the focus of preaching is in italics and bold type.)
March 8
The Third Sunday in Lent
Readings: Exodus 20:1–17; Psalm 19;
1 Corinthians 1:18–25; John 2:13–22
For awhile there, the simple rubberized “WWJD” bracelet
was all the rage. Until enough people said, “its nice to
talk about ‘what would Jesus do,’ but, the true test is
this: ‘what shall I do?’”
March 15
The 4th Sunday in Lent
Guest Preacher: Pastor Kazuhiro Sekino,
Tokyo Lutheran Church, Tokyo, Japan
March 1
The Second Sunday in Lent
Hard Words to Live
Readings: Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16; Psalm 22:23–31;
Romans 4:13–25; Mark 8:31–38
It is one of the greatest paradoxes of faith: deny yourself, suffer unjustly, serve others before serving yourself, and live.
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Readings: Numbers 21:4-9; Ephesians 2:1-10;
John 3:14-21
Today we welcome a guest preacher, Pastor Kazuhiro
“Kaz” Sekino. He was born and raised in the Shinjuku
Ward of Tokyo, Japan, truly one of the most crowded
places on earth. In addition to his pastoral work, Pastor
Sekino has served as the Japanese Evangelical Lutheran
Church’s representative to the Lutheran World Federation
and is currently the lead singer and manager of two Christian rock bands evangelizing throughout greater Tokyo. Pr.
Sekino and Pr. Eric worked hand in hand as ministry partners for five years at Tokyo Lutheran Church and maintain
a strong and very humorous friendship to this day. We welcome him as our Guest Preacher and brother in Christ.
March 22
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Readings: Jeremiah 31:31–34; Psalm 51:1–12;
John 12:20–33
Our guest preacher today is Bishop B. Kirby Unti, the Bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A familiar face at Sammamish Hills, prior to serving as our Bishop, he was the
Senior Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Redmond and the primary visionary leader behind the establishment of Luther’s Table in Renton. Welcome, Bishop
Unti and Kim!
Make Fr ie nds - Me e t Go d - Liv e Lif e B e tt e r
Readings: Matthew 26:14-27:66
Jesus rode into Jerusalem a hero, loved and lauded by
all. Three days later those who acclaimed him shamed
him, calling for His crucifixion… a hero turned goat. His
defeat however is our victory. Death for Him means Life
for us. You know this story. It’s an old one. Enter Holy
Week by hearing it again. For just as the story is old,
so are our habits. In many ways we still shout, “Crucify
Him, Crucify Him.” Yet in every way He still bears death
and sin for us. Come, let’s begin the most holy of weeks.
April 2
Maundy Thursday -- 7:30p
April 3
Good Friday -- 4:00p [spoken] & 7:30p
Reading: Isaiah 52:13—53:12
On Ash Wednesday we were told, “Remember you are
dust, and to dust you shall return.” On Good Friday, we
remember the thing that turns life into dust. We remember the darkness that infiltrates God’s good creation and
makes filthy that which was the pure image of God. We remember our sin. And more… we remember that it was our
sin that placed our Lord on that Cross. For in God’s good
creation, there is only one place for sin: dust and death.
Before we hear those holy words on Easter Sunday, “He
is Risen!” let us recall why they are holy in the first place.
He died with sin that we might rise without it. He died with
death that we might rise to eternal life. He died for those
who are dust, that dust might once again be breathed into
new life. Come, let us remember.
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The Resurrection of Our Lord
Worship Services
5:45a Gather at the High Point Way Parking
Lot for Easter sunrise Hike to Talus
8:00a Liturgical Celebration of Easter with
Organ & Communion
9:00a Liturgical Celebration of Easter with
Choir, Organ, & Communion
10:30a Informal Celebration of Easter with
Band & Communion
MARCH 2015
March 29
The Passion of our Lord/Palm Sunday
April 5
oly Week is soon upon
us! The season of Lent—
the season of turning to our
Lord—ends as always with the
entrance to Holy week, where
we gather together and join
our voices with those who
first shouted, “Hosanna to the
Son of David!” on Palm Sunday. Then, by Holy Week’s end our voices mix with that
same crowd in Jerusalem, crying out, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” on Good Friday. If Holy Week ended there we
truly would be creatures to be pitied. Hear then the final
word from the Cross on Easter Sunday: “Christ is Risen!
He is Risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” Join us for
a week of remembering why we need Christ… THEN, on
Easter Sunday, join us and know you have Him!
Business Administrator: Tom Ryan
[email protected] or 425-392-7799, ext. 27
The current and recent activities around the church
are summarized below.
Quilting Ministry: Progress on the closets at the NE
end of the Fellowship Hall has been good. They
should be completed early this month. These rooms
will hold storage for Student Ministry’s, Grace Chinese and Children’s Ministry items. The Student Ministry’s closet will then be retrofit to accommodate the
quilting ministry.
Sanctuary Projectors: New projectors have been ordered for the Sanctuary, which will mean the back
projector in the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall
projector will both work properly. Timing is still to be
determined, but should be this month.
Robe Room: The black and silver chairs in the “robe
room” have been sold. The room is now undergoing
a re-organization. At least one set of shelves will be
added for additional storage.
If you are interested in helping out the church by using your time and talents for improving the facilities,
please contact Tom Ryan ([email protected]). There are
a number of projects that could use your help.
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Automate Your Giving
Are you interested in automating your giving to the church?
Through the Simply Giving program, your gifts are made through
a pre-authorized withdrawal from
your bank account or credit card.
Forms can be downloaded from
the church website (www.shlc.
org/stewardship), picked up
from the sanctuary pew racks
or the church office. Completed
forms should be returned to the
church office. Questions? Please
contact Alison (acarpenter@shlc.
org) or 425-392-7799 x 23).
Save the Date Day of Service
May 2, 2015
“Stewardship is everything I do
after I say I believe.”
--Clarence Stoughton
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Make Fr ie nds - Me e t Go d - Liv e Lif e B e tt e r
Prayer Ministry Team
God’s Grace is Sufficient!
Romans 5: 3-5: “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance,
character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out
his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”
2 Corinthians 12: 7-9a: To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a
thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I
pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My
grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
have been stuck in the house now for two solid weeks with the flu and have pretty much been confined to my
bed. It’s pouring with rain, the house is a mess and the dogs are going stir crazy. I am feeling very sorry for
myself. So what is one to do? Well, since we have been studying Paul in Bible Study, I decided to see what he
has to say about suffering.
There are many more verses where he talks about suffering and in them all, Paul sees God’s glory made manifest through suffering. Now, Paul endured shipwrecks, floggings, imprisonment and finally was put to death in
Rome. When I put it all in perspective, I think I can manage a little bout with the flu. God’s Grace is sufficient
for me too!
MARCH 2015
From his writings, we know that Paul has some kind of affliction but we are not told what it was. However, it was
uncomfortable enough for him to cry out to God to relieve him of it. God answered him, telling him, ”My Grace
is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.” In Romans 8: 18 Paul says, “I consider that
our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us.”
• Have you had an answer to prayer? Please contact either Barb Higgins (425) 868-4954,
[email protected], or Pam Marsh at (425) 868-2528, [email protected]. so we
can tell others about it through this newsletter column.
• Prayer Chain: Are you receiving the prayer request emails? If not, please check your Spam
folder as they can sometimes end up there. If you have changed your email address, contact
the church office to have the correct address added to the mailing list.
Ministry of the Month
Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle & King County | 206-329-0300
his program provides an emergency response to the nutritional needs of people in crisis hunger situations throughout Seattle and King County. They are dedicated to alleviating hunger while providing
individuals with resource counseling to help move them towards independence. The goal is to provide a
proactive, non-traditional approach to food assistance that will eventually lead to self-reliance for individuals in need of services. Nearly half of all meals go to children.
Food banks have limited service hours and eligibility restrictions. The EFP model
meets the needs of people in immediate crisis with no wait time or restrictions.
We collaborate with social service agencies, food banks, schools, public health
clinics, and faith communities to make food accessible when and where people
need it.
For DONATIONS Mark your pew envelope “Ministry of the Month” and
place it in the offering plate.
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As It Is Written
by Michael Peterson
As it is written, the NRS translates Genesis 2:16-17 as follows:
And the LORD God commanded the man,
“You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you
eat of it you shall die.”
This translation is curious for two reasons: first, God is correctly quoted as
saying that every tree1 in the garden is available for food. Second, this translation
describes God as imposing a condition on an otherwise unconditional premise. Let
me explain.
In this verse, “freely” is key because it is translated from a Hebrew grammatical
construct called an emphatic infinitive – a phrase in which a verb’s infinitive is placed
immediately before the verb itself. For example, look again at verse 16 in which
“freely eat” is translated literally and highlighted in red.
“from every tree of the garden to eat you may eat.”
The text, here, is a classical example of an emphatic infinitive, and in this verse means that each and every tree in the
garden is unconditionally available to Adam for food. In the next verse, however, we are told that the Tree of Knowledge
is off limits. In other words, Adam is given unconditional permission with a condition attached! This is a very curious way
of expressing an exception.
Luckily, there is an alternate translation in which the Tree of Knowledge is not treated as an exception. Moreover, it
more meaningfully reflects the use of the emphatic infinitive and we accomplish this by changing the translation of one
word, ‫( וַצְיַו‬vayətzar) from “commanded” to “warned”. In addition to “commanded”, vayətzar can also mean “instructed”
(e.g., 1 Samuel 17:20, 2 Samuel 21:14, Ruth 2:9), “commissioned” (Numbers 27:18, Deut 31:14), or “warned” (Genesis
26:11). The use of “warned” is particularly appropriate because the consequence of ignoring vayətzar means certain death.
Here, we have another emphatic infinitive (again colored red). Leaving vayətzar untranslated for the moment,
So Abimelech vayətzar all the people, saying, “Whoever touches this man or his wife to death will be put to death.
Likewise, in Genesis 2:16-17 the consequence of ignoring vayətzar is also certain death;
And the LORD God vayətzar the man, “… should you eat of the tree of knowledge to die you will die.
Now, like 26:11, let’s translate vayətzar as “warned”.
And the LORD God warned the man, saying, “…should you eat from the tree of knowledge … to die you will die.”
By translating vayətzar as “warned” instead of “commanded”, the Bible conveys to English readers two important moral
principles. First, Adam’s choice to ignore God’s warning was made of free will because it was devoid of divine coercion
(i.e., Adam was warned, not commanded). Second, we learn that the exercise of free will has consequences. This stands in
contrast to contemporary pagan religions in which a person’s actions are attributable to the capriciousness of the gods. In
these two verses, we learn of the moral virtue of accountability. As such excuses like “God made me do it” is not part of
the Judeo-Christian moral tradition.
Now, go and study.
Also, “each tree” or “any tree”.
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Make Fr ie nds - Me e t Go d - Liv e Lif e B e tt e r
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry Director; Laney Brown
[email protected] or 425-392-7799, ext. 15
First Communion Sunday
ello Sammamish Hills! Can you believe I have already been here for two months? I sure can’t! These
past months have been a whirlwind of new people and
new experiences, but a wonderful whirlwind. Spending
time with your children in Sunday School has been such
a blessing. I have always felt my calling is to work with
children and being here has confirmed that. Thank you
to our staff and families for welcoming me with open
arms. Please feel free to contact me with any questions
or to grab a cup of coffee and chat!
We have eight Sammamish Lutheran youth
signed up for our 2015
First Communion class!
The class is designed to
give the youth an in-depth
look at communion and
what it represents. First
Communion Sunday will be March 15th. Please
congratulate the young people who are taking
part in this exciting event!
Mark your calendars! Vacation Bible School dates are
here: July 6th thru the 10th. If you would like to be part
of the VBS planning team, please contact Laney Brown
at [email protected]. Registration will open May 3rd. Stay
tuned for more info to come!
SHLC Sunday School
We’ve been having tons of fun learning about our ancestors in the Old Testament. Our theme for the year
is Our Faith Story. In March, our offerings will be going
towards Smile Packs for Children of the Nations! Sunday School is offered during both the 9:00 and 10:30
services. Since we have more kids at 10:30, we begin
as a large group for worship and then split into classes
for deeper, more age appropriate discussion. We build
our Sunday School ministry around the Faith 5 model of
sharing highs and lows, reading scripture, talking about
the scripture or retelling it in a new and creative way,
praying for one another and the world, and blessing one
another as we go out to serve God. Below are upcoming
lessons for February. Feel free to join us or get involved!
• March 1st: “Apostles Creed 1 – One God”
1 Kings 18:22-26, 30-39
• March 8th: “Apostles Creed 2 – Jesus Christ”
Luke 24: 13-32
• March 15th: “Apostles Creed 3 – Holy Spirit”
Acts 9:1-22
• March 22nd: Worship with your Family Sunday
• March 29th: “Lord’s Prayer”
Matthew 6:5-13
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House on a Rock
Movie Night: “Big Hero Six”
Families and friends please join us Friday, March
6th at 6:30p for the animated hit of 2014, “Big
Hero Six”. This event will be the true movie theater experience with popcorn and beverages,
but comfier seating! Arrive a few
minutes early to
reserve your spot
at SHLC Theaters,
also known as the
Fellowship Hall!
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MARCH 2015
2015 Vacation Bible School
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Student Ministries
Preschool News
Middle School Ministry
Pr. Eric Hanson
[email protected] or 425-392-7799, ext. 25
Director: Kristine Meyer
[email protected] or 425-698-5777
Lenten Soup Supper
arch reminds us
that spring is on
its way and boy, are we
ready! We can’t complain too much about
this winter, but a bit more
sunshine and a little less
rain will be great! As the skies brighten, the energy levels
begin to soar amongst our preschoolers (and thankfully
our teachers, too)! It is a fun time as the preschoolers
really begin to blossom and make academic and social
strides. It is exciting to see how much growth each child
has made this school year! With bluer skies it is great to
be outside more enjoying God’s beautiful world!
Lenten Midweek Service
We have openings for 2015-2016!
Confirmation Schedule
New Schedule
during Lent
Scheduled evening as listed below
•March 4: “Kingdom Come”
•March 11: “Will Be Done”
•March 18: Guide Group Night… Please talk with
your child’s guide for more information
•March 25: “Daily Bread”
•April 1: No Confirmation: Holy Week
•April 8: No Confirmation: Spring Break
Mommy and Me: Wednesdays
3’s: Tues/Thurs
Sunday Night Youth Group
All high school students are invited to Sunday nights
from 7p-8:30p in the fellowship hall. We meet every
week to get to know others and grow closer to God.
Join us!
Upcoming Dates 2015
•March 8: Fellowship Lunch
•May 22-24: High School Synod Retreat
in Bellingham
• July 30-August 2: Shoshone Base Camp
9:30-12:00 or 1:00
Check our website for more details and pricing
Special Programs
High School Ministry
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If you are looking for a loving Preschool environment for
your preschooler for Fall 2016, please contact me! I would
love to tell you more about our program and give you a
tour! At the time this was printed there is space available
in a couple of our classes:
As a Christian preschool we focus on teaching about
God’s unconditional love for us and the world He created. Each week students will have a chapel time. Students will learn a bible story, sing Bible songs and learn
how the Bible stories relate to their lives.
Music and Movement
During this class students are exposed to various musical instruments and forms of music. Students will use
their bodies for creative movement and use sign language while singing.
Lunch Bunch
Students in the 3’s, 4’s and Pre-K class are given the
opportunity to extend their day and stay for Lunch
Bunch. Students eat lunch together in their classroom
with their teachers. They also have more time for centers and outside playtime. Students have the option to
stay daily, one time a week, or on a drop in basis.
Make Fr ie nds - Me e t Go d - Liv e Lif e B e tt e r
Contact Information
Office Phone: 425-392-7799 Website:
For prayer: email [email protected]
Lead Pastor
John LaMunyon, [email protected], ext. 13
Eric Hanson, [email protected], ext. 25
Mission Developer
Jimmy Hao, [email protected]
Faith Formation Through the Ages
Sunday School/General Questions
Eric Hanson, [email protected], ext. 25
Children’s Ministry Director
Laney Brown, [email protected], ext. 15
Kristine Meyer, [email protected], 425-698-5777
Temporary Student Ministries Assistant
Jake Harris, [email protected]
Adult Ministries
John LaMunyon, [email protected], ext. 13
Music & Worship Ministries
Sanctuary Choir Director; 9:00a
Brian Olendorf, [email protected]
Contemporary Worship Director; 10:30a
Trev Wilson, [email protected], ext. 14, Contemporary
MARCH 2015
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Pastoral Care
March 1: First Communion Class @ 6p
March 4, 11, 18, 25: Lenten Soup Supper @ 6:15p
Lenten Midweek Worship @ 7p
March 4: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
March 6: House on a Rock
March 8: Winter Bible Study following each service
March 8: Student Ministries Fellowship Lunch
March 10: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
March 11: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
March 13-16: Women’s Winter Retreat at Holden Village
March 15: First Communion Sunday
March 17: Women’s Fellowship@ 6:30p
March 18: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
March 20: XYZ Ministry @ 12p
March 22: Winter Bible Study following each service
March 25: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
March 28: Spring Clean Up Day
March 28: Bread Rises Again
March 29: Palm Sunday & Journey to the Cross
April 1: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
April 2: Maundy Thursday @ 7:30p
April 3: Good Friday @ 4p [spoken] & 7:30p
April 5: Easter Sunday
April 8: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
April 14: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
April 15: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
April 21: Women’s Fellowship@ 6:30p
April 22: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
April 29: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
May 2: Day of Service 2015
May 6: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
May 11: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
May 13: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
May 15 & 16: 2015 Synod Assembly in Lynnwood
May 20: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
May 22-24: High School Synod Retreat in Bellingham
May 27: Adult Study @ 9:30a or 7p
June 8: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
July 6-10: Vacation Bible Study
July 13: Council Meeting @ 6:30p
July 30-August 2: Shoshone Base Camp
Support Team
Business Administrator
Tom Ryan, [email protected], ext. 27
Parish Records Specialist
Alison Carpenter, [email protected], ext. 23
Administrative Assistant
Cheryl DePrez, [email protected], ext. 11
Church Council
Paul Jennerjohn, [email protected]
Ivan Lee, [email protected] 425-392-2606
Abbey Abekah, [email protected]
Cam Barsness
[email protected] 206-330-1982
Vicki Brakke
[email protected] 701-789-1496
Matt Isenhower
[email protected] 206-910-1362
Matt King
[email protected] 425-552-2569
Beth Stamm
[email protected] 954-612-1808
Laura Thomas
[email protected] 512-565-4297
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