Location: University of Bern, Building UniS (Schanzeneckstr. 1), Bern Mon, evening 6 April 2015 Registration (Institute of Geography, Hallerstrasse 12) Tue, morning 7 April 2015 Registration (UniS) 9:00-10:30 Opening Session Welcome addresses by Stefan BRÖNNIMANN, University of Bern and Thierry COURVOISIER, President of the Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences Clive OPPENHEIMER: The 1815 Tambora eruption and its effects on climate and society (keynote) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:00 Opening Session (continued) Stephen SELF: Tambora 1815: Characteristics of the volcano, the great eruption, and the eruption products (invited) Heryadi RACHMAT and Adjat SUDRADJAT: The history and development of Tambora Volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia: The geological back ground and the effect of the 1815 eruption 12:00-12:30 Volcanic plumes and aerosols in the atmosphere (Conveners: Thomas Peter, Stefan Brönnimann) David A. RIDLEY, Susan SOLOMON, and co-authors: Uncertainties in recent volcanic aerosol optical depths and implications for global climate change (invited) 12:30-13:30 Lunch and posters Tue, afternoon 7 April 2015 13:30-15:00 Volcanic plumes and aerosols in the atmosphere (continued) Alan ROBOCK: Volcanic Aerosols, Climate, and Stratospheric Geoengineering (invited) Hans GRAF: Volcanic Plumes (invited) Petra SEIBERT and co-authors: Inverse modelling of time- and height-dependent injection of trace substances into the atmosphere by volcanic eruptions 15:00-15:30 Oral presentations of posters, Part 1 15:30-16:30 Posters and Coffee 16:30-18:00 Volcanic plumes and aerosols in the atmosphere (continued) Riccardo BIONDI and co-authors: GPS radio occultation for detecting and monitoring volcanic clouds Fred PRATA and co-authors: Satellite measurements of stratospheric volcanic emissions Angela MEYER and co-authors: Did the 2011 Nabro eruption affect cirrus optical properties? Tue, evening 7 April 2015 18:00 Icebreaker reception Wed, morning 8 April 2015 8:30-9:00 Volcanic plumes and aerosols in the atmosphere (continued) Marie BOICHU and co-authors: Reconstruction of flux and altitude of volcanic SO2 emissions for a better assessment of the lifecycle of sulphur-rich aerosol 9:00-10:30 Volcanic eruptions recorded in paleo-environmental archives (Conveners: Fortunat Joos, Willy Tinner) Hubertus FISCHER: Potential and limits of volcanic histories from paleodata: Testing the waters for a new PAGES activity (invited) Michael SIGL and co-authors: A detailed history of stratospheric sulfate loading from Tambora-like volcanic eruptions during the Common Era from a new bipolar ice core array 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Volcanic eruptions recorded in paleo-environmental archives (continued) Andrei KURBATOV and co-authors: Tambora 1815 volcanic signal in polar ice cores: a case study for understanding the impact of volcanism on climate Indyo PRATOMO and co-authors: The 1815 Tambora eruption: Relationship between Stratigraphic sequence and artifacts (archeological) characteristics in the Oibura Site (Museum Site), Tambora, Sumbawa – Indonesia Sebastian F. M. BREITENBACH, Franziska LECHLEITNER, and co-authors: 2000 years of Northern Hemisphere volcanic activity recorded in carbon isotopes in a speleothem from Belize, Central America 12:30-13:45 Lunch and Posters Wed, afternoon 8 April 2015 13:45-15:15 Volcanic eruptions recorded in paleo-environmental archives (continued) Marina GURSKAYA and Martin WILMKING: Light-ring evidence of the Tambora eruption in a spatiotemporal tree-ring network of larch in Siberia Markus STOFFEL and co-authors. Reconciling reconstructions and simulations of volcanic cooling Rosanna D’ARRIGO and co-authors: Volcanic Cooling Signal in Tree-Ring and Temperature Records following Tambora 15:15-15:45 Oral presentations of posters, Part 2 15:45-16:45 Posters and Coffee 16:45-18:15 Volcanic eruptions recorded in paleo-environmental archives (continued) Margit SCHWIKOWSKI: The Tambora eruption as seen in Alpine ice cores (invited) Kobashi TAKURO and co-authors: Volcanically active periods induced multidecadal to centennial Greenland cooling episodes during the past 2,100 years Raphael NEUKOM: A Southern Hemisphere perspective on the Tambora eruption based on proxy data from multiple archives Wed, evening 8 April 2015 19:30 Public evening event Thu, morning 9 April 2015 8:30-10:30 Historical climatology and documentary data (Conveners: Stefan Brönnimann, Martin Grosjean) Phil JONES: The Summer of 1816 in Instrumental Records (invited) Jürg LUTERBACHER and PAGES2k Team: The “Year Without a Summer” of 1816 in climate reconstructions (invited) Gabi HEGERL and co-authors: Detection of volcanic influence on past seasonal temperatures, precipitation, and streamflow 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:00 Historical climatology and documentary data (continued) Renate AUCHMANN and co-authors: Extreme climate or extreme weather? The summer of 1816 in Geneva, Switzerland (invited) Gilbert P. COMPO and Philip BROHAN: 20CR-1815: Extending reanalysis back to Tambora (invited) 12:00-13:15 Lunch and Posters Thu, afternoon 9 April 2015 13:15-15:15 Volcanic eruptions in climate models Volcanic eruptions in climate models (Convener: Stefan Brönnimann) Sebastian WAGNER and Eduardo ZORITA: Volcanoes and the climate of the past millennium (invited) Thomas FRÖLICHER: Volcanic eruptions and the carbon cycle (invited) Claudia TIMMRECK: The climate impact of very large volcanic eruptions: An Earth System model approach (invited) Florian ARFEUILLE and co-authors: Volcanic forcing for climate modeling: From the Tambora eruption to the present 15:15-15:45 Oral presentations of posters, Part 3 15:45-16:45 Posters and Coffee 16:45-18:15 Volcanic eruptions in climate models (continued) Kirstin KRÜGER and Matthew TOOHEY: Did the Tambora eruption influence the Southern Annular Mode? Martin WEGMANN and co-authors: Volcanic Influence on European Summer Precipitation through Monsoons: Possible Cause for “Years without Summer” (invited) Stefan MUTHERS and Christoph RAIBLE: Northern hemispheric winter warming pattern after tropical volcanic eruptions: Sensitivity to the ozone climatology Thu, evening 9 April 2015 20:00 Conference dinner Fri, morning 10 April 2015 8:30-9:30 Volcanic eruptions in climate models (continued) Matthew TOOHEY and co-authors: Climate impacts of volcanic “double events” Didier SWINGEDOUW and co-authors: Bidecadal North Atlantic ocean circulation variability controlled by timing of volcanic eruptions 9:30-10:30 Impacts and societal response of the “Year Without a Summer” of 1816 (Convener: Christian Rohr) Matthias DÖRRIES: Tambora as a model case in volcanology and climate studies: historical considerations (invited) Rudolf BRAZDIL: Responses to the Tambora 1815 eruption in the Czech Lands in comparison with the Laki 1783 eruption based on documentary and instrumental records (invited) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Impacts and societal response of the “Year Without a Summer” of 1816 (continued) Christian PFISTER: Volcanic eruptions, glacier advances and famines 1580-1917. A eco-historical model (invited) Daniel KRÄMER: Political Responses to the Hunger Crisis in Switzerland after the «Year Without a Summer» 1816 (invited) Gillen D’Arcy WOOD: Tambora’s Impacts in Asia: The 1817 Bengal Cholera (invited) 12:30-13:30 Lunch and posters Fri, afternoon 10 April 2015 13:30-14:30 Impacts and societal response of the “Year Without a Summer” of 1816 (continued) Lucy VEALE and Georgina ENDFIELD: “A summer more unseasonable than any former one in my remembrance”: Accounts of the summer of 1816 from the UK documentary record Andrea KISS: Tambora (or not)? Weather and flood extremes in 1815-1816, and related socio-economic consequences in Hungary 14:30-15:30 Arts and culture (Convener: Christian Rohr) John THORNES: Tambora’s impact on the skies of John Constable in the landscape art of the English painter John Constable (invited) Christos ZEREFOS and co-authors: Chromatic ratios in art paintings and digital pictures as a new tool in estimating aerosol optical depths Fri, afternoon 10 April 2015 15:30 Closure Poster Session - Part 1 (Tue, 7 April 2015, 15:00 – 16:30) Lea SCHNEIDER and co-authors: A millennial-long record of volcanic activity derived from fingerprints in paleo-temperature Helle Astrid KJÆR and co-authors: A novel continuous acidity determination method for ice cores Igan Supriatman SUTAWIDJAJA and H. Rachmat: Characterization of volcanic deposits and geoarchaeological studies from the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano Siwan DAVIES and co-authors: Eruption frequency and ash fallout events: evidence from palaeoarchives in the North Atlantic region Dmitry SONECHKIN: Is there any signal of the Tambora eruption Revital BOOKMAN and co-authors: Possible connection between large volcanic eruptions and level rise episodes in the Dead Sea Basin Helle Astrid Kjær, Marius SIMONSEN and co-authors: Re-evaluating the 1257 AD eruption using annually-resolved ice core chemical analyses Sébastien GUILLET and co-authors: Toward a more realistic assessment of the climatic impacts of the 1257 eruption Olga CHURAKOVA (SIDOROVA) and co-authors: Trees as “eyewitnesses” of large volcanic eruptions Céline Vidal, Jean-Christophe KOMOROWSKI and co-authors: Eruptive dynamics of a major Plinian eruption with evidence of global impact: the recently discovered Samalas 1257 AD eruption (Rinjani volcanic complex, Lombok, Indonesia). Simon CARN and co-authors: Multi-decadal satellite measurements of volcanic SO2 emissions into the UTLS Christian MAURER and co-authors: Operational source term estimation and ensemble prediction for the Grimsvoetn 2011 event Sabine GRIESSBACH and co-authors: Volcanic aerosol detection capabilities of infrared limb instruments Anja SCHMIDT and co-authors: Climate and health impacts of tropospheric volcanic aerosol Elena MATERS and co-authors: Heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry of volcanic ash Paul AYRIS and co-authors: High temperature SO2 and HCl adsorption on volcanic ash surfaces: relevance for large explosive eruptions José A. CORCHO ALVARADO and co-authors: Use of volcano eruption and nuclear weapon radionuclides for studying air mass transfer Poster Session - Part 2 (Wed, 8 April 2015, 15:15 – 16:45) Stephen MCNUTT and C. Connor: Anticipated seismicity preceding and accompanying VEI 7 and 8 Volcanic Eruptions Samantha STEVENSON and co-authors: Hydroclimate responses to volcanic eruptions and ENSO in the CESM last Millennium ensemble: Diagnosing model/proxy disagreement Matthias BITTNER and co-authors: Sensitivity of the Northern Hemisphere winter stratosphere to the strength of volcanic eruptions Virginie POULAIN and co-authors: Simulating the climate responses induced super volcanic eruptions using a global aerosol model Georgiy STENCHIKOV and M. Dogar: Study of ocean heat uptake caused by sporadic and periodic volcanic forcing Sebastian WAGNER and E. Zorita: The impact of Tambora and Tambora-like eruptions on cloud cover in CMIP5 simulations Jorge SÁNCHEZ-SESMA: Were the volcanic eruptions of Tambora (1815) and Pinatubo (1991) isolated extreme events or parts of a multicentennial oscillation? Francesco S.R. PAUSATA and co-authors: World wide impacts of high-latitude eruptions Jessica KANDLBAUER and co-authors: Climate response of a 1815 Tambora-style eruption in a pre-industrial and future scenario Stefan MUTHERS and co-authors: Dynamical and chemical ozone perturbations after large volcanic eruptions: Role of the climate state and the strength of the eruption Takashi SEKIYA and co-authors: Simulation of stratospheric sulfate aerosol from a large volcanic eruption: Roles of aerosol microphysical processes Matthew TOOHEY and co-authors: The impact of volcanic eruptions on the polar vortex: mechanisms and sensitivity to forcing structure Lucien CHABBEY and co-authors: Volcanic eruptions and their impact on tropical climate: A comparison of model simulations with observational datasets Zhihong ZHUO: Observation and model comparison of precipitation response to volcanic aerosols in the asian monsoon region Poster Session - Part 3 (Thu, 9 April 2015, 15:15 – 16:45) Veli Albert KALLIO and M. M. Binte: “Looking at the Eye of the Volcano": South East Asian Ethnogeography from Toba to Tambora Szabolcs HARANGI and co-authors: Impact of the 1815 Tambora eruption in eastern-central Europe as shown by the dendrochronological and contemporary meteorological and historical data Lakemariam WORKU: Climate change impact on variability of rainfall intensity in upper Blue Nile basin Wyss YIM: Recent volcanic eruptions as a cause of extreme weather events Heryadi RACHMAT: Tambora to the world: Establishing the national park and world geoheritage Alvaro GUEVARA MURUA and co-authors: First eye-witness accounts of the Unknown eruption of 1808 Cristina Di SALVO and G. Sottili: Impact of volcanic eruptions on river flow regimes in Europe over the last two centuries Gertrude HIRSCH HADORN and co-authors: Lessons for science from the „Year without a Summer“ of 1816 Miklós KÁZMÉR and co-authors: The 1202 volcanic veil event – historical, tree-ring and ice core data Adina-Eliza CROITORU and I. A. Irimus: The history of climate change paradigm from the end of the nineteenth century to present in Romania Raymond BRADLEY and co-authors: Unusual sea-ice and iceberg distribution in the North Atlantic following the Tambora eruption Yuri BRUGNARA and co-authors: A new data set of sub-daily surface pressure observations from Europe and North America for the Year without a Summer David GAPP: Central New York State: Impact of the "Year Without a Summer" Zornitsa SPASOVA: Economic costs of the 2010 eruption of Island volcano Eyjafjallajökull – effect on Bulgaria Kresimir KUZIC: The consequences of the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora and the countermeasures in the Kingdom of Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia and the Eyalet of Bosnia Simon FLÜCKIGER and co-authors: Agricultural impacts in Switzerland of a Tambora-like eruption Dirk RIEMANN and co-authors: Climatic and social consequences of the Tambora eruption in Central Europe on the basis of tambora.org data
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