ST. PAUL’S WEEKLY EPISTLE March 1, 2015 Scripture Readings for Next Week: Third Sunday in Lent The Old Testament Reading: Exodus 20: 1-17 The Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 The Gospel Reading: John 2: 13-22 (23-25) WELCOME TO OUR FRIENDS AND MEMBERS Welcome in Christ’s Name. We thank God that you are with us today. Please fill out an attendance card (located in the card racks on the back of each church seat) and pass it to the center aisle when the offering is received later in the service. If you would like to receive further information about St. Paul’s, or if you have a prayer request or other information to communicate to the pastors or church office, please note that on your card. In addition, if you do not have a Bible at home, we have some NIV Bibles in the church entrance hall. We invite you to take one of them as our gift to you. May the Lord bring comfort, hope, and joy in your worship with us this morning. The Sunday Morning Bible Studies: “Looking at the Week’s Lessons” Meets in the Friendship Hall. Join Pastor Schroeder and Pastor Warther as they dig deeper into the readings of the day. Bill Gibson, is leading the Gospel of Luke which is meeting upstairs in the Ed Wing Building. Other Bible Studies : Monday LifeLight Study: We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew (Part 1), and soon we will begin Part 2 on March 23. This is a good time for new students to join our study. We meet in the church sanctuary at 7pm. Books for Part 2 (beginning with Matthew 14) are available in the Church Office or from Pastor John. For more information, please contact Clyde Merritt, Roger Thusius, or Pastor John. Wednesday Women’s Bible Study: The Ladies Bible Study is meeting at 9:30am. Thursday Night Bible Study: Take a walk through the Old Testament, with Pastor John, highlighting the Salvation thread running through it. We meet in the Friendship Hall at 7:00pm. MEN’S MINISTRY Purpose: To support men in their spiritual growth through Biblical study, discussion and application of biblical principles to their daily lives. Mission: To serve the members of the community through various service projects throughout the year. SPECIAL VOTING MEMBERSHIP MEETING TODAY! A special meeting of all voting members of St. Paul’s is scheduled for Sunday March 1st at 12:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to present the financials for the first half of the fiscal year and to recommended and vote on mortgage payment options. A minimum of 50 voting members is required to vote on and adopt any actions. A packet of written information is being emailed to members with hard copies available in the narthex for those without email. COTTAGE MEETINGS SERIES – Pick One each month!! In the Fellowship Hall Staff Configuration Friday Feb 27, 2015 @ 7:00 pm Building Community Sunday Mar 8, 2015 @ 12:00 pm Tuesday Mar 17, 2015 @7:00pm Friday Mar 20, 2015 @ 7:00pm Stewardship Wednesday Apr 8, 2015 @ 7:00 pm Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 12:00pm Thursday Apr 23, 2015 @ 7:00 pm SPY UPDATES Adult Leader Meeting -- March 3 – 6:30 pm Parents or interested adults – help support and improve the youth ministry program. Join us for this Planning meeting.. Middle School Hang Out (grades 6-9) March 6 -- Join us for Friday night hang out in the Youth House with friends, games, fellowship and devotion !! High School Youth Group – (grades 9-12) March 8 - Fellowship, discussion, debate and lots more …. Come and join us ! WEDNESDAY LENT SERVICES (11 AM and 7 PM) Special Lenten Services will be held throughout the weeks leading up to PalmSunday. We hope you will join us each week when we will ponder the Fourth Servant Song of Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12. This week: March 4 – “Wounded to Bring Healing to Our Wounds” (Isaiah 53:4-5) Evening services are preceded by a meal beginning at 6:00 pm. This week the menu includes salad, Beef Chili, Crackers, Hot Dogs, Cookies. WINTER RELIEF St. Paul’s is hosting this year’s Winter Relief from Monday, March 9th through Monday, March 16th. If you are able to volunteer and/or donate food items, please see Larry and Brenda Geidel or contact them via email at [email protected]. Please review today’s insert which includes a list of volunteer opportunities as well as food donations. The insert may be completed and put in the offering plate or dropped off at the Church Office. Thank you and God bless! LWML UPDATES ATTENTION Ladies. Our next LWML meeting had to be changed because of the various meetings going on in the church. The March meeting will be held on March 15th immediately following the 10:30 service in the library. Bring a friend.......or a couple of friends. The more the merrier! DR. PAUL MAIER PRESENTATION Historian and best-selling author, Dr. Paul Maier will be presenting a seminar at First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Odenton, MD entitled: “The Week That Changed the World” Saturday, March 28, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall Check-ins from 8:00 to 9:00 AM Dr. Maier’s Presentation will begin at 9:00 AM Admission is free; lunch is available for $5 (or there are plenty of local restaurants in the area) For more information or to register, please contact the church office at 410-672-FELC (3352) Or churchoffice LUTHERAN MISSION SOCIETY -- JOB OPENINGS LMS COUNSELING PROGRAM DIRECTOR -Start Date: 4/1/2015 The Program Director needs to be licensed as an LCSW – C, LCPC, or equivalent, and will oversee the program, provide counseling to clients, manage several part-time therapists, and oversee bi lling and insurance credentialing. Contact: LMS Executive Director Rev. Dr. David Maack via email at [email protected] with letter of intent and resume/CV. NEWS FROM ST. PAUL’S SCHOOL Mark Your Calendars: Please mark your calendars for St. Paul's first ever Basket Bingo on Sunday, April 19th from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. More details to follow. BOOK CLUB The March book will be The Story Jar by Robin Lee Hatcher & Deborah Bedford. Our Meeting will be at Panera Bread, March 24th at 6:30 pm. TEA PARTY - SHOPPING EVENT The Augsburg Village Auxiliary is hosting a Tea Party & TaylorMarie’s Fashions Shopping Event at Augsburg Village on Saturday, March 14, 2015. The Tea & Best Hat Competition will be in the Village Dining Room from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. TaylorMarie’s shopping event will be held in the West Assembly Room from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Tickets cost $18.00 and must be purchased by March 7, 2015. For more information or to purchase tickets please contact Rose Leach (410) 484-3955 or Joan Miller (443) 379-0877. CARTRIDGES FOR KIDS -CFK is still recycling, and not only cartridges! We also accept cell phones, laptops, iPods, tablets, laser & inkjets, toners, MP3s, PDAs, eReaders, notebooks, etc. Please put items in the large yellow bin in the Media Center or the small box in the Narthex. Donations from businesses are welcome. Thanks for recycling! SPIRITED SENIORS EVENTS Open to the Young At Heart! Matinee TO BE RESCHEDULED We pray the FEBRRRRRRRuary relentless cold weather will let up by the time you are reading this. We will announce a new date as soon as one becomes available. Based on a best-selling book by Jim Stovall, Jason, a reckless young man, thought his inheritance was going to be the gift of money, and lots of it. However, his wealthy grandfather devised a plan for Jason to experience a crash course on life and assigned him twelve assignments - odd tasks called "gifts," challenging the playboy to a journey of discoveries. Would he become a better man and receive the ultimate gift from his wise grandfather? Be sure to mark the date on your calendar and come see the movie to find out the answer. Any questions please call the Jurmu's at: 410-987-9075. Saturday, March 7, 2015, 2:00 PM- Friendship Hall. Get ready for women from Bible times coming to St. Paul's to tell their own personal story of God's action in their lives. The women involved in this ministry believe that the women of the Bible were real and their struggles, joys, longings and delights are similar to our own. Experience the circumstances of these women, dressed in period costume, giving glory to God. The one hour presentation will include stories from Mary Magdalene, Deborah, Esther, Miriam, Woman of Samaria and Dorcas. A question and answer period will add an additional 1/2 hour. Make plans now to attend and enjoy dramatic and inspiring stories from the Old and New Testament. These stories are enjoyed by men and women alike. Women of the Bible, Alive! is a not for profit organization. They suggest a free will offer to be taken to cover their expenses. All extra money they receive is donated to charities for women and children. Women of the Bible, Alive is a not for profit organization. A free will offer will be taken to cover expenses. All extra money they receive is donated to charities for women and children. More information can be found on the Spirited Seniors table in the narthex. You may also contact their web site Upcoming Features: The next meeting of the Older Adult Ministry will be held on Thursday, March 12th at 1:00 pm in the church library. APRIL - LUNCH BUNCH On Tuesday, April 14, we head out to Annapolis to enjoy lunch at Reynolds Tavern. Mark the date and look for more information in the next Newsletter. Any questions, please call Dolores Baumann: 410-439-9756. JUNE - Infinity Theatre, Annapolis, MD. Re: Johnny Cash Music Tickets have been requested for opening night, June 6th. We are waiting for a reply to verify our request. The money must be paid in full in advance and there are no refunds. The cost and time will be posted in the Narthex. More details to follow in the Epistle, or call Barbara Richardson:410-442-5781. 1st COMMUNION CLASSES 1st Communion classes have already begun, for 6th grade and older. If you have not received information, and wish to join the class, please contact Pastor John Warther, [email protected]. THANK YOU FROM THE BRINTONS Dear St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Many thanks to all of you for helping me to cope with my Earl’s two years with Hospice in our home which he loved. All the memorials to celebrate Earl’s life, the cards from the outreach ministry, seniors, and school children as well as flowers and visits brightened our days and meant so much to me and my family. Pastor John’s visits to Earl were a blessing and we looked forward to them. My family also was there for us and we could not have managed without them. Thank you and God bless dear friends in Christ at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Lovingly, Mary Brinton and family WEEKLY HAPPENINGS Sunday, March 1 8:00am Traditional worship Service 9:20am Sunday School Classes 9:20am 1st Holy Communion Class 9:20am Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes 10:30am Contemporary Service 12:00pm Special Voters Meeting 6:30pm Middle School Hang Out 7:00pm The Well Crosswalk Lutheran Church Monday, March 2 6:30pm 2nd year Confirmation Class 6:30pm LifeLight Bible Study Tuesday, March 3 9:00am Crochet 101 9:30am Stephen Ministry Training 6:30pm SPY Adult Leader Meeting 6:30pm Discipleship Meeting Wednesday, March 4 9:30am Ladies Bible Study 11:00am Wednesday Lent Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Lent Dinner 7:00pm Wednesday Lent Service Thursday, March 5 7:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm Thursday Evening Bible Study Friday, March 6 5:45pm Skate Night at Wheels of Odenton 7:00pm SPY Middle School hang Out Saturday, March 7 8:00am Men’s Bible Study 8:00am Altar Guild Cleaning 5:00pm Saturday Blended Church Service Sunday, March 8 8:00am Traditional worship Service 9:20am Sunday School Classes 9:20am 1st Holy Communion Class 9:20am Adult Bible Classes 10:30am Contemporary Service 6:30pm SPY High School Youth Group Last Week’s Attendance: (February 21 / 22, 2015) Saturday 5 pm service: cancelled Sunday 8 am service: cancelled Sunday 10:30 service: 141 Total 141 Luke 10:7 And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. Total Collected : $24,104.90 1st QTR 2013/14 Church Income 68,918 Oct-13 69,909 Nov-13 75,195 Dec-13 Total-Dec 133,926 Budget 347,948 1,097,035 819,093 2,334,483 83 School Income 357,157 - 131,085 152,509 178,342 Total Income 426,164 - 201,045 227,755 312,351 1,167,314 3,431,518 Total Expense 300,289 261,333 304,466 265,006 1,131,095 3,431,418 Net 125,875 (60,288) (76,712) Oct-14 Nov-14 1st QTR 2014/15 Church Income 47,345 Dec-14 36,220 100 Total-Dec 77,970 66,362 74,973 119,889 66 School Income 888,187 - 147,610 129,706 206,986 1,372,489 2,326,585 Total Income 529,225 - 214,028 204,728 326,940 1,274,921 3,569,998 Total Expense 276,670 289,684 271,067 270,867 1,108,288 3,569,898 Net 252,555 (75,656) (66,338) 56,073 339,194 166,633 1,243,413 100 St. Paul’s Mission Statement— We are: A Community of believers holding onto Christ Courageously witnessing with our lives Reaching out to Others with the Good News of God’s Love in Jesus Christ
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