MARKtime 2015.03.01 - St Mark`s Gillingham

St. Mark’s Church, Gillingham
with St. Mary’s Island Church
To please God. Teach his word. Serve others
and Connect people with Jesus
Lent 2
10.30am: All Age Service
Theme: ‘The Lord’s Prayer 2 – Your Kingdom Come’
1.00pm-2.30pm: A time of prayer and sharing of
the secondary conclusions concerning St. Barnabas
Church and the strategic mission of the North
Gillingham Churches (St Mark’s, St Mary’s Island, St
Mary Magdalene, St Luke’s, St Augustine’s and St
Barnabas) after this morning’s service in St Mark’s
Church Hall. This will be a ‘bring and share’ lunch.
6.30pm: Holy Communion
Theme: ‘Hearing God 2 – in Prayer’
We welcome Kirsty Mauritz who is speaking to us this
Other Services:
11.00am Holy Communion, St. Mary’s Island
Monday–Friday during term time 9.15am–
12.15pm, Playgroup, Vicarage Hall – Children need
to be registered first
Mon 2nd March: 10.00am–12.00noon Coffee Shop,
in Church
7.30pm Landmark, ages 13-18 years, Old Vicarage
Weds 4th March: 9.00am Holy Communion in
9.30am Ladies Group, Old Vicarage
1.15pm-2.45pm Parents & Toddlers Group,
Vicarage Hall
7.00pm-9.00pm Faith & Light, Vicarage Hall
Thurs 5th March: 1.00pm-3.00pm Foodbank, in
7.15pm supper, 8.00pm start Recovery Course, 16
weeks, Old Vicarage.
Fri 6th March: 6.15pm Kidz Klub, ages 7-11, Old
Sat 7th March: 10.00am-12.00noon Foodbank and
Coffee Shop in Church
10.00pm -1.00pm Café, Cake & Craft – come and
support Lynne Martin’s fundraising for the Student &
Internationals ministry, in Church.
Small Groups meet in various locations at different
times throughout the week – please speak to Gary or
Chris Atkins if you would like to be involved.
Next week - Sunday 8th March: - Lent 3
10.30am Holy Communion
6.30pm Service of the Word
Mission Focus for March: Tearfund
St. Mark’s Group for March:
Parents & Toddlers Group
1st March 2015
Other Services:
11.00am St. Mary’s Island – Morning Worship
3.00pm Charing House
5.00pm St. Mark’s House
Lent Sunday Services @ 6.30pm
8th Mar: ‘Hearing God in the Church’
15th Mar: ‘Hearing God in the Bible’
22nd Mar: ‘Hearing God for Guidance’
Tues 10th March: 7.45pm for 8.00pm start Prayer
Market, Old Vicarage. Come and join Terry and
others as we pray for all that’s going on in our
Church Community.
Sat 14th March: 10.00am-12.00noon Faith & Light
Juniors, Vicarage Hall
Mon 16th March: 7.45pm PCC Meeting, Old
Sat 21st March: 4.00pm-5.00pm SPLAT! Small
Groups, Vicarage Hall
7.30pm Quiz night @ St Luke’s Church Hall. £5.00
per head, teams of 3-4 or more, tables are for 8, but
9 could be squeezed in! Ploughman’s supper
included. A team from St Mark’s would be great!
Please contact Paul Merrett, St Luke’s Church
<[email protected]> so they have numbers
for catering purposes.
Sun 22nd March: Tearfund Sunday –
includes cheese and bread lunch after
the service, bring some money to
donate the amount you’d pay for
lunch. It’s not too late to start saving to help
the people of Kigezi!
Friday 27th March 10.00am-12noon Lydia prayer
meeting, Old Vicarage (next meeting Friday 10th
Mon 11th May: 7.45pm ‘What is the World
coming to? Prayer could make the difference’ @
St. John the Baptist, Meopham. All are welcome
to come and hear news of mission initatives around
the world, to get engaged and to pray; you will be
to everyone who gave time and
money to get the Vicarage ready
for the Muthalaly family.
Sat 28th March: 4.00pm Licensing & Installation
of Rev Saju Muthalaly as Priest in Charge.
Family friendly service, followed by refreshments in
Church, everyone welcome.
New contact numbers for Gillingham Youth for
Christ! (GYFC) Office/admin 07754957313 & Youth
Worker on 07570871967,
‘If one part suffers, every part suffers with
it; if one part is honoured, every part
rejoices with it.’ 1 Corinthians 12:26
Lord, thank you for making Your Church a
community where everyone matters to you and
therefore should matter to us. Help us to show
Your loving compassion on all those who are
suffering and rejoice with all those amongst us
who are being blessed. Amen.
Continue to pray for Saju and Katy Muthalaly,
Richard and Kathryn and their families in this period
of change.
Pray for the next SPLAT! Small Groups meeting on
Sat 21st March and the future SPLAT! events…
Continue to ask the Lord to help the leaders plan,
resource and grow into ‘Jesus’ centred communities
overflowing in love, kindness and compassion for
each other and the wider community.
Margaret Weston gives praise for, “the wonderful
work of tearfund and for the privilege of being
involved with this fantastic organisation.” Please
remember in prayer her speaking engagements in
the UK on the 8th, 13th and here at St. Mark’s on the
22nd March and “that the work of Tearfund will go
from strength to strength and continue to glorify
Pray for the new Recovery Course starting on Thurs
5th March… Ask for protection, encouragement and
wisdom for the leaders plus a God given picture for
how He wants the group to grow and develop.
Praise for Parents & Toddlers Group (This
month’s St. Mark’s Group) and all the future
activities lined up to meet the needs of the children,
parents/carers in the lead up to Easter… Pray for
protection, encouragement and blessings for all
Pray for Katy Barnwell, one of our Mission
Partners, who will be in Nairobi between March 8th &
the 12th participating in a conference of leaders of
several national Bible translation organisations on
how they develop “best practices” for Bible
translation programs… Praise that the dedication
service for the three newly published full bibles in the
Izii, Ezaa & Ikwo languages did take place on 31st
Jan. Katy writes, “It was a great occasion and the
Bibles are now being distributed and enthusiastically
received in each of these three areas.”
Continue to pray for GYFC to have a proper office
to work from, so that YFCOnes volunteers can help
the group next year to expand and meet the needs
of our community. Please pray for God’s provision
and encouragement!
Praise God that a church building in Bangladesh,
erected with help from Barnabas Fund, has given the
poor and needy rural congregation a precious place
of worship and improved many relationships. Before,
the village’s 85 Christians would meet for worship in
front of each other’s houses, while in the rainy
season they could not meet at all. The congregation
feel that the building has brought them greater
unity. It has also improved relations with other
villagers, because the church premises are used for
community activities such as pre-school classes and
vaccination programmes.
Pray for Paul & Robyn Harris and family on the
sad news that Robyn’s mother, Marguerite,
passed away on Weds 18th Feb… for Pauline
Jackson & family, following her Mum’s funeral
last Friday… for John Saunders & his family… for
Philip Roberts & family following Margaret’s
funeral last Tuesday… for Ian Graves… for Cathy
Hall… for Tina Piper… for Denise Ellmore … for
Sam Harrison… for Vince Allen… and for others
we know that are either grieving or need God’s grace
and healing at this time.
Pray for our Mission Partner for the month of March:
Tearfund…The Missionary Home and Away Board is
available for up-to-date information on our Mission
Partners, who we support in prayer and financially…
Please pray for our St. Mark’s Group for March: The
Parents & Toddlers Group too, thank you.
Mon 2nd
Tues 3rd
Weds 4th
Thurs 5th
Fri 6th
Sat 7th
Bible readings for March 2015
1st Reading
Jeremiah 7.21-end
Jeremiah 8.1-15
Jeremiah 8.18-9.11
Jeremiah 9.12-24
Jeremiah 10.1-16
Jeremiah 10.17-24
2nd Reading
John 6.41-51
John 6.52-59
John 6.60-end
John 7.1-13
John 7.14-24
John 7.25-36
Except for the first Sunday of the month during term time, groups for children and young teenagers meet at the Old
Vicarage each Sunday morning. All our youth & children’s workers are DBS checked for your child’s protection and safety. If
you have young children please feel free to take your children to the Creche area at the back of church, near the sound
desk (ask if you can’t see it). Children are important to us at St. Mark’s and we want them to be happy please feel free to let
them play quietly in the Creche. We just ask that you stay with them and leave the area tidy!