TRIBUNE - MARCH 2015 Our Mission: We gather to hear the word of life and receive the bread of life, and we go forth to be a source of light in our families, community, and world. FOR BEHOLD, THE WINTER IS PAST. THE RAIN IS OVER AND GONE. THE FLOWERS APPEAR ON THE EARTH, THE TIME OF SINGING HAS COME. SONG OF SOLOMON 2:11-12 Tribune Inside 2 Trinity’s Contact Information 2 Pastor Zac’s World 3 Parents’ Day Out 3 Worship & Music Notes 4 Youth & Family Education News 5 WELCA News 6 Social Ministries, Outreach 7 ChristCare, OWLS 8 Calendar — MARCH 2015 10 What’s Going on at Trinity? 12 Financial Summary – JANUARY 2015 13 Council Minutes — JANUARY 2015 14 Prayers, Prayer Chain Info, 14 Birthdays & Anniversaries — MARCH 2015 15 Worship Servers’ Schedule - Loaves & Fishes Committee MARCH & APRIL 2015 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH P a s t o r Z a c ’s W o r l d 820 Lockett Road Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 office: (314) 822-8244 fax: (314) 822-9290 email: [email protected] Facebook: TrinityKirkwood Pastor Rev. Zac Sturm cell: 314-283-1027 em: [email protected] Administrative Assistant Brenda Chatham tel: 314-822-8244 em: [email protected] Organist & Choir Director Cindy Donnell-Foster tel: 314-822-8244 em: [email protected] Director Parents’ Day Out Debbie Pfyl tel: 314-822-0096 em: [email protected] Nursery Attendant Barbara Perry tel: 314-961-1655 Council Members President: Bob Tuckett Vice President: Dave Mizell Secretary: Lou Malnassy Treasurer: Joe Moro Asst. Treasurer: Jim Heyde Joan Emas Nancy Hahs Peter Holekamp Steve Korris Leslie Schuman Steve Sneeringer Wayne Viers Helga Winkler Sunday Schedule Education Hour: 9:15 am Worship Service: 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship: 11:45 am “February Blues” I’m getting sick of sick days. This has been a strange winter for the Sturm family. Usually I am the one who gets sick the most. Somehow, I have totally escaped doctor visits. I can’t explain why, but I have been drinking a “Sparkling Ice” every day at lunch so I am crediting that. As for my boys, though, a different story. All three have had sick days in the past month. First one gets a fever, then another . . . then we think we are out of the woods . . . only to have another become sick. After a while, the sick days get old. Jana and I have tried to juggle being at home with sick kiddos, but neither one of us likes to break the preferred routine. All this time spent with sick children has made me think about sickness in general. Why are we sick? What does it mean to be sick? How are we healed? On the one hand, we live in a world of germs and temperature change and various micro-organisms. Mix all this with our own complex biological bodies, and it’s no wonder that sometimes runny noses, sore throats, and fever occur. For sickness in our bodies, a good doctor and some good antibiotics can usually do the trick (as well as rest and orange juice, my mother would say). When it comes to spiritual sickness, however, it is not so easy to find a cure. What do I mean by spiritual sickness? I mean Adam and Eve eating the apple from the forbidden tree of knowledge. I mean Noah passing out drunk in front of his children after the flood had disappeared. I mean David committing adultery. I mean Peter denying he knows Jesus in the hour when Jesus needed him the most. I mean Paul spending half of his life persecuting early Christians. In other words, I mean sin. That bent towards selfishness that we are all born with. That voice that tells us we can figure out everything on our own and do whatever we want. That voice that tells us we don’t need other people and we don’t need God. Sin is not a biological sickness that can be cured with antibiotics. It is a spiritual sickness that requires more than just a doctor. The good news is that our Creator sent more than just a medical bill. God sent his own Son, Jesus, to live and breath as one of us, the “Word made flesh” (John 1:14). And as we continue in this season of Lent, we begin to understand why Jesus came. He did not come just to have a good time on earth with his buddies. He came to make the journey to Jerusalem, to make himself vulnerable to betrayal and injustice, and to die on the cross. And in so doing, he took upon himself all of our spiritual disease, all of our sin, for the rest of time. “Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases . . . and by his bruises we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). As we continue in Lent, I hope you join us for worship and fellowship at Trinity. Together we better witness our Savior who takes our sickness to the cross and promises us mercy, forgiveness, and spiritual health. That’s more valuable than any amount of orange juice or Sparking Ice. Office Hours: In Christ’s Service, Pastor Zac Monday—Thursday: 8:30—5:00 Friday: 8:30—2:30 2 Parents’ Day Out MUSICAL NOTES Trinity friends: welcome to March! Hooray! Spring is just around the corner. We have been very lucky with a relatively mild winter; however, I am looking forward to those warmer days and beautiful spring flowers. I will be planting the pansies around the mailbox this year in honor of Mark Thorpe. He planted them every spring and knew that they were my favorites. With the coming of spring there is also the coming of re-enrollment for Parents’ Day Out. We will be sending out our re-enrollment forms for next school year this month. Since are classes are full several days this year, it is an important process for planning and preparing for the 2015-2016 school year. We start the month of March off with a BANG. Western style that is with a unit on The Wild West. Does anyone remember John Wayne? My favorite cowboy of all time. This group of children will probably never have the opportunity to see those great movies and that is really sad. Weather and Seasons are on hand for our next unit. This is a good time for us to practice our tornado drills for the season. Spring Break for PDO will be March 16th through March 20th. Everyone is looking forward to some down time to regroup and refresh. We will come back to school on Monday, March 23rd and do our unit on Spring. The end of the month will begin our celebration of Easter. On Monday, March 9th and Tuesday, March 10th, a photographer from Sotiria Productions will be coming to PDO to take pictures of our beautiful children. The parents and teachers here at PDO are extremely excited about the new security system that is finally becoming a reality. Thank you to all the council members and church members who supported this project, which is so important to the safety of our children and church staff. One of my devotional resources ends most days’ readings with: Spend some quiet time with the Lord. My days are better begun when I devote even a few minutes of prayer, Bible reading, and spiritual writings. Everyone has a different pattern, different needs. See what this mom, Heather, says: I’m sure many of you—moms and dads--will relate. J Blessings on your Lenten journey this month. “~WHAT Quiet Time with the Lord?~ If you are a Mother with young subject line rang a bell with you. You woke up early this morning, determined that you will get to have quiet time with Jesus before . . . your morning with your sweet children begins. =) . . . your baby decides to wake up early, then your other children hear the baby, and want to eat NOW. You give a quick glance to the sky and tell the Lord that you WANT to be with Him, and then you go to the kitchen and PRAY while you are scrambling eggs. When you do brave it and read your Bible while holding your baby she sees that you have something in your hand... grabs your delicate Bible page, making it look like it needs to be mended, starched and ironed! . . . God . . . sees your efforts, and will bless your snatches of Scripture reading, and praying over the dirty dishes. May you have a blessed Day in Him...and may you get that longed-for quiet time. ( of these days, we'll have LOTS of quiet time... we'll wish we could hear that sweet little voice saying, "Mommy, I love you" and have that little one crawl up into our laps for a hug. =))” See more: what-quiet-time-with-lord.html Cindy Donnell-Foster Handbell Choir rehearsals: Thursdays, March 5-26 6:45 - 7:30 p.m. 3 4 WELCA NEWS WELCA UPCOMING EVENTS Mary & Martha Circle (10:00 am)…Wed., Mar. 4 Program: Video Devotions: Gaye Mizell Hostesses: Dody Hawkins & Jan Kotas Board Meeting (1:00 pm)……….. Tues., Mar. 31 Mary & Martha Circle (10:00 am)….Wed., Apr. 1 Program: KirkCare and Lunch Devotions: Ilene Denzin Future dates for 2015—Tentative Schedule June Picnic at Church……………...Tues., June 2 Collection of Thankofferings……….Sun., Nov. 18 Christmas Program………………….Sun., Dec. 6 WELCA’s Ash Wednesday Breakfast This meaningful program to lead us into the Lenten season was attended by 36 people. Many thanks to Ilene Denzin and Dody Hawkins for organizing the program led by Pastor Zac, assisted by Gaye Mizell, Carol Buhr, Linda Lockhart-Korris, and Cindy Donnell-Foster. The delicious food was prepared by Ilene Denzin, Dody Hawkins, Jan Kotas, Gaye Mizell, Betty Murphy, Helga Winkler, and Lois Williams. A special thanks to the Youth for setting up our tables. Many thanks to Steve Korris for his helpful brawn. Also thanks to Debbie Pfyl and the PDO staff for offering baby-sitting accommodations, and to Brenda Chatham for producing the programs. 5 We want to thank Jan Kotas for being our wonderful Historian for the past 15 years. She has decided to relinquish this very important position. What will we do without her dedication??? We hope someone will volunteer to take over her job, we are sure that Jan will “train” you well!!! You would attend our events and take photos and enter them into our scrapbook. No meetings to attend!!! Please consider taking on this job!!! Thanks in advance!!! Check out Ge t the W Consig ord Ou nment t T h r ift & Glob al Goo 10050 ds Manch e s t e r Road Glenda le, MO 6 3 phone 122 314.36 8.8184 Ongoing Service Opportunities Quilting, every Friday at 9 am in the quilting room. Trinity Soulard, Saturday, Mar. 28th at 9 am – feeding the Homeless. Project Days Saturday, March 14th, 9:00 am Wednesday, Mar. 18th, 9:30 am WELCA…… Social Ministry Opportunities is looking for donations of small WELCA Feeding the Homeless at Trinity, Soulard Soup Kitchen soaps, shampoos, etc. Date: Time: (from motel rooms, for example) for future health kits. Saturday, March 28 9:00 a.m. Feeding the Poor and Homeless at St. Philip’s Lutheran Church Please put them in the Date: Address: WELCA crate in the Mission Area. THANKS!! Volunteers: CWU Sunday, March 8 St. Philip’s Evangelical Church 2424 Annie Malone Drive St. Louis, MO 63113 Gustafson Heyde Phelps Williams If you are interested in volunteering for any of these social ministry opportunities, please email Brenda at [email protected]. World Day of Prayer Theme: Outreach Commission “Do You Understand What I Have Done for You?” Date: Friday, March 6th Place: Union Ave. Christian Church KirkCare is always happy for your contributions. All food items are appreciated but items high in protein are most helpful such as: 733 Union Blvd. (at Enright) St. Louis, MO 63108 Time: 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Canned Fruit, Rice, Hamburger Helper, Boxed Potatoes, Canned Meat Dishes, Canned Pasta Dishes, Canned Chunky Soups, Spam, Beef Stew, Tuna, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Spaghetti & Sauce, Beans, Macaroni & Cheese, Sugar & Flour. Money is always welcome since we also give food vouchers so that recipients may purchase perishables. Place items on the shelves near the Nursery downstairs. 10:30 a.m. Program For Info: Helga Winkler, CWU Rep ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED! Our Mission Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice. 6 OWLS ChristCare Activities Older Wiser Lutherans Trinity's small group ministry, currently has five groups and 40 people enrolled. We have room for more and invite you to join. Contact Lila Thorpe at 314821-0572 or any of our members for more information. We OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) meet at noon on the third Thursday of the month to a “Share-a-Dish” lunch followed by a program on various subjects beginning at 12:45. We meet upstairs in the Lounge. Next Meeting—March 19th Trinity’s ChristCare Groups: March 19th—Re-scheduled due to unfriendly temps in February, the Jewel Tones Quartet, a ladies acapella group, will serenade us with old-fashioned love songs. Monday evenings, 1st and 3rd Mondays each month, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the church lounge. Group leader: Shala Parisi Host and hostesses are needed. Tuesday afternoons, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month, 1-2:30 p.m. at church. Please always bring a friend. Questions? Call Jim Heyde (314) 821-5182 or email: jnchey- Group leader: Betty Murphy Yarn Donations Tuesday afternoons, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month, 1-2:30 p.m. at home of Pat Price. I am making baby blankets that are being donated to Nurses for Newborns. I would appreciate any donations of yarn, regardless what size or type. The only restriction is that it needs to be washable. All donations will be appreciated! Group Leader: Lila Thorpe/Sue Sullivan Thursday afternoons, 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month, 12:00 p.m. at church. Group Leader: Mary Bullerdick Thursday mornings, weekly, FirstWatch, Webster Groves, 6:30 a.m. Terri Wise Group leader: Marie Plufka 7 What’s Going on at Trinity? Pastor Zac’s Bible Study Classes Like us on Facebook! Please join us…. Share your news with the rest Wednesdays at Noon: “Where’s Luther in the Bible?”. Using scripture to understand and apply Lutheran theological concept. All are welcome, from experts to novices. of the Trinity family, and keep up to the minute with what your friends are saying. Be sure and like us at: Thursday mornings at 9:15 am: Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at Dierbergs Des Peres (in the back by the Deli). Sundays at 9:15 am: In the church lounge. “Mark My Words”; The Gospel of Mark and it’s relationship to the other Gospels. TrinityKirkwood SERMONS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE Everyone is welcome to join at any time for fun and enlightening conversation. If you missed a Sunday worship service and would like to hear Pastor’s sermon, do not despair! The sermons can be found on Worship servers may now see their our website by Tuesday mornings. schedule on Trinity’s website: Our website is full of all kinds of goodies! see Don’t be shy, Check it out! worshiping-with-music/next-sunday/ Altar Care Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to help with the set up and clean up for Sunday Communion. For more Information, please call Carol Buhr, at 636-3865658. 8 Our Sunday School mission is Kirkcare. For the month of February we are collecting Sandwich Fixings: Wednesday Evening Lenten Services Peanut butter, jelly, tuna, canned chicken, salmon Please join us and Get The WORD Out to fund school needs and bring water to Prince of Peace school in Turkwel, Kenya by donating new and gently used shoes this month! All are invited to join us for an informal service following the Lenten Soup Suppers. Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. February 25—March 25 We are collecting all types and styles of gently used and new, wearable shoes that will be sold to build a well and provide school essentials for the students at the school. It takes 40,000 pairs of shoes to meet our goal and your donations will have a big impact! Place your shoes in the collection bins in the church marked with GTWO throughout the month! For more information on GTWO and our mission, please visit Thank you for your support! 9 SCHNUCK’S eSCRIP CARDS! An easy way to support Trinity’s Youth! Just present your registered Schnucks eScrip Card (available in the church office) when making your purchase. Here’s how it works: The percentage of your purchase that goes to Trinity Youth… 1% on monthly purchases between $0—$300 2% on monthly purchases between $301—$600 3% on month purchase4s between $601—$999 No contribution or purchases over $1000 a month. JAN. 2015 = $ 94.23 SCHNUCK’S eSCRIP All you need to do is get an eSCRIP card from Brenda in the church office. You will receive a card to carry in your wallet, and a tiny card to carry on your keychain to help you remember at check-out. You may choose to call or email to activate your card. It’s that simple! And what a terrific and easy way to support our Youth! 10 CARDS! An easy way to support Trinity’s Youth Ministry! Pastor advised Council that Trinity needs to formerly describe its financial support for seminary candidate Ben Ward. Pastor recommended combining the seminary education, seminary intern and pastor's PRESENT: Joan Emas, Steve Korris, Lou Malnassy, education funds for a total of $15,235.80. The CounDave Mizell, Leslie Schuman, Steve Sneeringer, cil approved recommending this at the CongregaBob Tuckett, Wayne Viers, Helga Winkler, Pastor tional Meeting. Zac Sturm ABSENT: Nancy Hahs, Peter Holekamp PROPERTY REPORT: Bob Tuckett reported one TRINITY CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - Jan. 13, 2015 small repair to the heating system, and that the lecPresident Bob Tuckett opened the meeting at 6:34 tern handrail has been reinstalled in the sanctuary. p.m. Minutes from the December 9, 2014 meeting He is seeking bids for lawn and property cleanup. were approved by the Council. Pastor Sturm read from The Jesus Christs by A. J. Langoeste. OUTREACH: Wayne Viers delivered Christmas family gift program donations to St. Phillips. $450 was PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Pastor Sturm reported collected for Lutheran Family and Children's Serthe committee recommended that Trinity hire a choir vices. Individual members supported six families in director to work with the music director beginning addition to the original four the church had pledged with the liturgical cycle in September, and that there to support. was sufficient money in the 2015 for this purpose. TREASURER’S REPORT: Joe Moro reported Trinity ended 2014 with a $5,484 surplus and PDO had a surplus of $3,920. The operating surplus would be allocated with a $2,500 bonus to the administrative assistant, and $2,983.65 to the property reserve fund. The PDO surplus will be divided with 50% going to the church loan, and 12.5% each going to the staff, building improvements, seminary education fund, and a local charity. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. WORSHIP: Pastor noted sharing the peace will be moved back to the pre-offering position during worship. YOUTH MINISTRY: Four confirmands will attend Youthquake January 17-18. PARENTS DAY OUT: The PDO Committee will meet December 10. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. DISCUSSION OF 2015 BUDGET: Dave Mizell not- Submitted by ed changes to the proposed 2015 budget which had Lou Malnassy, Council Secretary been prepared in December. They included a slight increase in revenue and adjustments to synod benevolence, administration, synod assembly, and music. The revised budget of $249,500 will be submitted to the Congregation on January 18, 2015. The PDO budget projects a smaller surplus than in 2014, proposed by the church Finance Committee, which met on December 2, 2014. PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Sturm reported that 2014 brought four baptisms, five new members, and six deaths. Average worship attendance was 113, compared to 114 in 2013. He will attend the Crossings Conference January 25-27. Steven Heinze, formerly a member, has asked to marry at Trinity. 11 MARCH BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY 2015 average attendance = 117 PLEASE PRAY FOR: Health Concerns: Don Brase Arline Patterson TRINITY’S PRAYER CHAIN Parisi Adelene Alexander: grandmother of Shari Telaar Joe Donnell: Cindy Donnell-Foster’s brother Jake Diaroghi: Sue Sullivan Living with Cancer: Mary Bullerdick Nick Emas 1 Helga Winkler 3 Karli Skeans 9 Jean Tyler 10 Janet Williams NEED A PRAYER? Jim Woolf Sande Zimmerman: mother of Shala 1 11 Terri Wise 14 Jack Landgraf Call Jan Kotas (314) 965-0160 or Connie Mahn (314) 822-8646 17 Matt Stephens 19 Zach Dillard 16 Brian Kukla Our active prayer chain will pray for two weeks and then will continue if notified. 21 Ralph Kelly If you want to participate on the prayer chain as a member, please call us. 22 Kevin Moore 22 Nancy Hahs 26 Danielle Parisi Rev. Gary Schimmer 27 Steve Sneeringer Linda: aunt of Mike Saeger 28 Jim Woolf Charlotte Blasberg: grandmother of Anna & Paige Blasberg For Those Serving in the Military: Matthew Berry: son of Rick & Colleen Berry Matt Brenner: nephew of Bob & Barb Hello, I invite you to have a look at my Caring bridge site and follow if you desire. Thanks, Mary To keep you updated on my health journey, I created a CaringBridge Site. It's a caring social network to help people stay connected with family and friends. Please visit my site to follow my journey and leave messages in my Guestbook. Tuckett MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 14 Eric & Cathy Landgraf…28th 15 Rick & Joan Emas..…….35th Ian Patrick: nephew of Rita Patrick Visit online Steven Finn: grandson of a friend of Site Link: visit/marybullerdick Site Name: marybullerdick Rita Patrick 29 Teresa Stephens Sincerely, Mary Bullerdick 12 19 Tom & Sandy Cox...……27th 28 Steve Korris & Linda Lockhart …….33rd MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 Lay Minister Lay Minister March 1 Matt Stephens April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Maria Kukla April 5 Dave Plufka March 15 Curtis Ballenger April 12 Susan Patterson March 22 Ben Ward April 19 Cameron Beckner March 29 Gaye Mizell April 26 Joe Moro Lector Lector March 1 Rick Berry April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Matt Stephens April 5 Chris Eagon March 15 Erin Kelly April 12 Audrey Kelly March 22 Don Kukla April 19 Lou Malnassy March 29 Kris Miller April 26 Jane Eagon Acolyte Acolyte March 1 Caleb Munger April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Nick Parisi April 5 Benjamin Phelps March 15 Dawn Quello April 12 Julia Beckner March 22 Alec Miller April 19 Eric Eagon March 29 Danielle Parisi April 26 Dana Quello Ushers Ushers March 1 Rick Berry & Dave Mizell April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Therese & Caleb Munger April 5 Matt & Eric Eagon March 15 Dave & Marie Plufka April 12 Rick Berry & Dave Mizell March 22 Bruce Williams & Kelly Faust April 19 Therese & Caleb Munger March 29 Greeters Jim Savage & Mel Hahs April 26 Dave & Marie Plufka March 1 Dave & Marie Plufka April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Chris & Jane Eagon April 5 Matthew & Eric Eagon March 15 Peter & Linda Holekamp April 12 Jim & Carol Heyde March 22 Tom & Sandy Cox April 19 Dave & Marie Plufka March 29 Harry Scott & Gordon Grundmann April 26 Chris & Jane Eagon Greeters Counters Counters March 1 Peter & Linda Holekamp April 2 (Maundy Thursday) Tbd March 8 Don & Maria Kukla April 5 Ralph & Marie Kelly March 15 Chris & Jane Eagon April 12 Don & Maria Kukla March 22 Jim & Carol Heyde March 29 Tom & Kim Nemec April 19 April 26 Chris & Jane Eagon Peter & Linda Holekamp 13 LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS Our Wednesday Evening Soup Suppers are back! Gather up your favorite recipe for either soup, salad, bread or a dessert to share. There is a sign-up sheet in the lounge... or just come and enjoy a meal amongst friends. When? Wednesday evenings February 25—March 25 Time: 6:00 p.m. Supper & Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Lenten Evening Worship Offerings collected for these Wednesday Evening Soup Suppers will be split between Lutheran Campus Ministry and St. Philips’ Breakfasts. Tribune cover: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Trinity Lutheran Church 820 Lockett Rd. Kirkwood, MO 63122 Postage 14
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