THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL Thomas Edison Energysmart Charter School School Safety and Security Plan THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL TABLE OF CONTENTS Emergency Contacts – Crisis Response Team – District-Wide Planning Team………………….i Master Schedule for Each School Building……………………………………………………….ii Accidents-Medical Emergencies...……………………………………………………….……… 1 Bomb Threat Procedures.…………………………………………………………………………2 By Phone Call……………………………………………………………………………………..2 By Email…………………………………………………………………………………………..2 Catastrophic Incidents……………………………………………………………………………..3 Pandemic Flu……………………………………………………………………………………...3 Children Left at School……………………………………………………………………………4 Death in School……………………………………………………………………………………4 Death after School Hours………………………………………………………………………….4 Suicidal Threats/Attempts…………………………………………………………………………5 Kidnapping, Missing/Lost Students……………………………………………………………….5 Field Trip Incident………………………………………………………………………………...6 Fire Drill Procedures………………………………………………………………………………7 Gas Leaks/Hazardous Material Accidents………………………………………………………..8 Gas Leaks………………………………………………………………………………................8 Hazardous Material Accidents…………………………………………………………………....8 Lockdown Procedure……………………………………………………………………………..9 Intruder/Active Shooter…………………………………………………………………………..9 Evacuation ……………………………………………………………………………………….10 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Natural Disaster………………………………………………………………………………….11 Earthquakes………………………………………………………………………………………12 Winter Storms/Floods……………………………………………………………………………12 Thunderstorms …………………………………………………………………………………..12 Hurricanes………………………………………………………………………………………..12 High Winds/Tornadoes…………………………………………………………………………..12 School Bus Accident……………………………………………………………………………..14 Shelter-In-Place Procedures……………………………………………………………………...15 Biohazard Procedure……………………………………………………………………………..16 Water Main Break………………………………………………………………………………..17 Boiler…………………………………………………………………………………………….17 Weapons in School or on School Property………………………………………………………18 Workplace Violence……………………………………………………………………………..18 Telephone Threats/Physical Threats……………………………………………………………..18 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL Emergency Contacts – Crisis Response Team – District-Wide Planning Team Oguz Yildiz Lead Person 201-456-1010 Alp Ozdogan Project Coordinator 609-598-1051 Thomas Keeth Security Coordinator 908-752-5193 Rajaasri Govindaraju, Curriculum Supervisor 201-446-9645 Rupal Babaria Registered Nurse 203-927-7957 Pam Moya Secretary 908-227-8778 Cheryl Tommineoli Food Service Manager (Maschios Food Service) 973-598-0005 i THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL Informational Phone Numbers Central Jersey Alarm Co (Fire Alarm) 732-‐254-‐4229 Franklin Twp. Fire Prevention 732-‐873-‐2500 X6309 Franklin Twp. Fire Department (Non-‐Emergency) 732-‐873-‐2399 Somerset County Health Department 908-‐231-‐7155 Franklin Twp. Police Department (Non-‐Emergency) 732-‐873-‐5533 Franklin Twp. Municipal Complex 732-‐873-‐2500 Emergency Number 911 Franklin Twp. Juvenile Officer (Dsgt. Brian Regan) 732-‐873-‐5533 X3141 Facilities Manager (Rory Schmidt) 732-‐297-‐2000 Franklin Twp. Animal Control 732-‐873-‐2500 X6255 Franklin Twp. Board of Education 732-‐873-‐2400 North Brunswick Transportation 732-‐289-‐3026 Franklin Twp. Transportation 732-‐873-‐2400 Somerset County School Superintendent 908-‐541-‐5700 PSE&G 1-‐800-‐436-‐7734 ii THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL Master Drill Schedule (2014-2015) Fire Thomas Edison Energysmart Charter School Security 9-12-2014 09-26-2014 10-07-2014 10-29-2014 11-25-2014 11-24-2014 12-09-2014 12-11-2014 01-06-2015 01-28-2015 02-04-2015 02-17-2015 03-12-2015 03-24-2015 04-15-2015 04-23-2015 05-07-2015 05-08-2015 06-02-2015 06-03-2015 iii THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL ACCIDENTS-MEDICAL EMERGENICES • • • • • • • • • Personnel must remain calm. The teacher or person in charge should call the nurse, administrator or send two students for the nurse/administrator giving the: *Location of the person *Name of the person *Type of injury The nurse and the administrator will both report to the emergency scene. The administrator will secure medical attention when the emergency is so severe that it suggests immediate hospital care. Keep all interested personnel and students uninvolved in the emergency and away from the area. The administrator will stay at the emergency scene to relay instruction to the office. The student/victim should not be moved unless his/her location is potentially dangerous. A Shelter-in-Place may be initiated. The following steps will be taken when calling for an emergency vehicle: * Dial 911 on an outside line * Report location and specific entrance to be used. Also, provide nature of emergency, number of victims, and any other pertinent information. * Notify administration that the 911 call was made. Once the emergency vehicle has been called, security should be designated to report to the specified entrance and escort the emergency personnel to the scene. If security is unavailable, have a designee watch for ambulance. The nurse or administrator will notify the parent/guardian as soon as possible. (The Lead Person or Project Coordinator must always be consulted for advice when notifying parents). Notification should be given tactfully and in such manner as not to create undue panic. Known details of the accident should be given. If injury warrants the first person on the scene should phone 911 without delay. A Shelter-In-Place may be enacted by the administration. 1 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL BOMB THREAT PROCEDURES *In the event of a bomb threat, the school will NOT immediately evacuate! The possibility of a bomb scare or other similar emergency is a reality, which must be prepared to cope with should the problem arise. The following is a review of procedures for dealing with such emergencies: RECIPIENTS OF CALLS • • • • • • Engage the caller in conversation if at all possible, be polite and show interest. Extend the conversation by utilizing the delaying tactics or conversation i.e., “I can’t hear you.” “Where is it located?” or “What time and how will it go off?” Immediately initiate the call trace procedures – prior to making any phone calls, immediately dial star 57 to activate Call Trace, which records the phone number of the last incoming call. Contact the police immediately after this done. Document exact words, type of voice, sex of caller, or other identifying characteristics, background noises. Refer to the Bomb Threat Checklist. Report the call to Security/Lead Person or Project Coordinator. The Lead Person, or Project Coordinator will determine course of action. Do not alert or discuss with any other person or student. Discontinue use of cell phones. RECEIPT OF BOMB THREAT BY EMAIL • • • • • • • Save the email and print a hard copy Contact an administrator and NO ONE ELSE ONLY an administrator will announce an emergency evacuation over the intercom if necessary. When the alert is announced - CALMLY CHECK YOUR ROOM THE ALERT IS NOT A LOCKDOWN THE ALERT IS NOT AN IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY EVACUATION IN THE EVENT THAT A SUSPICIOUS OBJECT IS FOUND WHILE YOU ARE CALMLY CHECKING YOUR AREA, IT SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED OR MOVED – YOU MUST NOTIFY ADMINSTRATION. 2 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL As with all emergencies, use your best professional judgment regarding individual situations that may arise. A collaborative decision will be made between administration and police regarding the evacuation of the building. If police are called – they are in control. If an emergency evacuation is necessary you will be notified via the intercom. You will be instructed to follow the ON CAMPUS or OFF CAMPUS evacuation procedures. Fire alarms should not be used during a bomb threat. CATASTROPHIC INCIDENTS • • • • • An administrator will determine course of action. Students and staff must be kept at safe distance from incident. Students, if outside, should be taken into the school. An administrator will call 911 on outside line. Follow the FIRE DRILL procedure if building is involved and needs to be evacuated. An administrator will direct further action as required. PANDEMIC FLU In the event of a pandemic influenza, staff and students will be informed of: The "Public Health Emergency Activation Levels" which dictate school and district response procedures. Any decisions regarding school closures would be made in consultation with local and state health departments. All staff can help stop the spread of colds and flu by reminding students to do the following: 1. Cover their nose and mouth with a tissue (if available) when they cough or sneeze - have students dispose the tissue in garbage after they use it. Tissues should be available in all classrooms and common areas. 2. Wash their hands often with soap and water. If water is not available, use an alcohol based hand cleaner. 3. Remind students not to touch their eyes, nose or mouth to inhibit the spreading of germs. 4. Stay home if they are sick to prevent spreading illness to others 3 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL CHILDREN LEFT AT SCHOOL • • • • Check the student’s demographic information and/or emergency card/contact info and call the parents. DO NOT transport child in private vehicle unless authorized by an administrator. Call or contact an administrator Call the person listed on emergency card/contact info if the parent cannot be reached Contact the police. DEATH IN SCHOOL 1. Dial 911 and then contact the nurse and administrator. 2. In the case of a death, the administrator or designee will contact the School Director and Lead Person at 201-456-1010. 3. The Crisis Response Team (CRT) will plan and coordinate traumatic loss posttension with appropriate personnel. 4. The CRT will determine the most effective strategy for informing staff and students. Any use of public address system is to be avoided. 5. The Shelter in Place procedure may be initiated. Death after School Hours In the case of a death of a school-aged youth after school hours, the local Police Department will notify the Lead Person. The Lead Person will then notify the School Director. The School Director will then notify the CRT team. The CRT will identify the team, which will be available to assist the school. The CRT will supply team member’s phone numbers. Planning for crisis intervention and coordination of support services can proceed at this time. Support services provided by CRT may include: 4 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL • A.M. Crisis Meeting • Emergency faculty meeting to prepare for post prevention. If needed, the snow chain will be activated the night before to notify all personnel of the situation. Decision to activate will be made by the Lead Person. • Crisis intervention services to supplement local school’s service. • Briefing and debriefing with faculty and staff on recommended procedures. • Identify students who may be affected. • Advice on working with bereaved families. Suicidal Threats/Attempts 1. Notify your School Director, Administrator immediately so an evaluation can begin. 2. Check that parents/guardians have been contacted regarding the threat or attempt. 3. Identify students who may be affected. 4. Services will be determined by appropriate school personnel. 5. Place the student/affected person in a controlled and safe environment. 6. Do not allow the child to leave or go outside. KIDNAPPING, MISSING/LOST STUDENTS A student should be released from school only to custodial parents or guardians after checking identification. If a student is missing from school or a parent reports that a child has not returned home, follow the following steps: 1. Notify a building administrator. Administrator will attempt to locate student in building. The parent/guardian listed on the student’s emergency card will be called. Determine if student is a “walker” or “bused”. If bused, contact school secretary and/or central office to determine who the bus driver was and ask if he/she transported the student. 2. The local Police Department and the Lead Person’s Office will be contacted. 5 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL 3. When the police arrive at the school, they will take control and work closely with school officials. 4. Do not release any information to the press. Refer all press calls to the administrator in charge FIELD TRIP INCIDENT The trip coordinator and Central Office must have the following: • • • • • • • • List of students (by bus if more than one bus is being used) List of chaperones on each bus being used (including parents and staff) Chaperones must be checked in by Security Destination of trip and the anticipated route Name and phone number of the bus company Times of the trip Signed permission slips should remain with teachers All contact phone numbers for students and chaperones THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONE CELL PHONE ON EACH VEHICLE ON SITE RESPONSIBILITY • • • • Attend to any medical needs if there are any injuries or complaints of pain – Call 911 if appropriate Contact the school administration and keep them apprised of the situation Administration will contact the Lead Person’s office to provide updates Administration will contact parents with updates and actions being taken and any revised pick up times Be sure all accident reports are completed upon returning to the school 6 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL FIRE DRILL PROCEDURES Each room has a designated route to follow - please know the route in each classroom you teach! When the fire alarm sounds: • Close windows • Close classroom door or office door • Turn lights and computers off • KEEP STUDENTS QUIET WHILE EXITING BUILDING IN CASE OTHER INSTRUCTIONS NEED TO BE COMMUNICATED • Take emergency contact packet • Staff on duty in the cafeteria MUST take the speaker/bell/bullhorn from the food service office in the kitchen • Be advised that attendance information may be requested at any time during the drill • Attendance/Guidance Secretary should exit the building WITH daily attendance information • Main Office secretaries should assist visitors in exiting the building and bring the sign in book • Staff should check bathrooms and exit the building • All non-teaching staff and support staff should exit the building as per the exit instructions in their area and assist staff with crowd control • Keep all roadways CLEAR and stay away from parking lots • Keep students under control at all times UNASSIGNED STAFF MUST EXIT THE BUILDING; CLEAR ALL ROADWAYS AND ASSIST WITH CROWD CONTROL. NO ONE RETURNS TO THE BUILDING UNTIL AN ADMINISTRATOR ANNOUNCES THE ALL CLEAR TO RETURN. Please be sure you are familiar with the routes of ALL the classrooms you may be teaching in. BE PREPARED FOR BLOCKED EXITS - PLAN AHEAD OF TIME WHAT TO DO. BE ABLE TO LOCATE ANY STUDENT IN YOUR CLASS AT ANY TIME! 7 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT REPORT TO YOU OUTSIDE OR FAIL TO RE-ENTER THE BUILDING SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE BUILDING ADMINISTRATION GAS LEAKS/HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENTS Gas leaks Gas leaks are identified by an odor similar to rotten eggs. If a gas leak is suspected, do the following: 1. Notify an administrator and Security 2. DO NOT OPERATE ANY LIGHT SWITCHES OR ELECTRICAL OUTLETS 3. The police and fire departments will be contacted by the administrator 4. The Facilities Manager will be contacted by the administrator 5. If necessary, the building will be evacuated. Use established evacuation plan. Open windows in immediate area to diffuse gas if need be. 6. Do not reenter the building until officials say it is safe to do so New Jersey PSE&G 1-800-436-7734 Hazardous Material Accidents • • • • Move far away from spilled material Contact Security and School Lead/Project Coordinator Facilities Manager will be notified Police and Fire Departments will be contacted by Security or the Facilities Manager 8 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL LOCKDOWN INSTRUCTIONS OCK DOWN PROCEDURES Intruder/Active Shooter BE ADVISED - LOCKDOWN WILL ONLY BE USED IN THE EVENT OF AN INTRUDER IN THE BUILDING: General Notes: Statistics have proven that an intruder will more than likely be a student of the school under siege. The likelihood of an intruder presents the greatest risk at the high school level, next at the middle school level and then at the elementary school level. An administrator will most likely be the person announcing, "This is a LOCKDOWN". Be advised that whoever initiates the lockdown will be the same person who announces the end of the lockdown. THE COMMAND CENTER WILL BE THE MAIN OFFICE. In the event of a LOCKDOWN: • • • • • Staff should gather as many students as possible from the hallways outside their classroom and usher them into the room. CLOSE/LOCK DOOR. DO NOT OPEN THE CLASSROOM DOOR until you know the lock down has ended. Cover door windows and draw window blinds. Staff on duty in the halls will collect students who are in the halls at the time the announcement is made and accompany them to the closest classroom or shelter. If time permits you may place a red or green placard against your outside window notifying emergency services if there is a problem. The shelters that have been identified at the school are: • • • Classrooms School Director and Project Coordinators offices Nurses room These areas have been chosen because they can be locked. • • • Students who are already outside the building should proceed to the evacuation site. Monitors, Counselors, CST members, and administrators will check the bathrooms, and accompany students to the closest classroom or shelter. In the event of a power loss, bullhorns/megaphones are available in Security. Be advised that an administrator or other teacher may open your room with their key to usher in stray students. BE SURE THE DOOR IS AGAIN LOCKED. • • • Move students to the safest spot in your classroom away from doors and windows. Use students to assist you in moving furniture if necessary. NO ONE LEAVES THE ROOM. Turn off lights and computer monitors/projectors. Disregard ALL bells - THIS INCLUDES FIRE ALARMS. 9 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL • • NO CELL PHONE/COMPUTER USE by students or staff. Tell students to be sure all cell phones are OFF. Staff is instructed NOT to use cell phones or computers/e-mail Add stray students and indicate missing students in class list. UNLESS THERE IS A LIFE THREATENING SITUATION IN YOUR ROOM OR YOU HAVE FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF THE INTRUDER NO ONE LEAVES> Students outside the building (including physical education classes and art classes) should go to a hidden safe area. At the end of the lockdown teachers will notify the office via email of any missing students for attendance verification. Shelters will provide the office with a list of extra students at those sites. Administration and/or Security will go to each classroom and unlock each door. This is the only way for the Lockdown to be completed. Disregard any other communication. EVACUATION • • • • • In the event it is necessary to evacuate the school the following procedures will be followed: During an evacuation, the students will follow the posted fire route unless otherwise stated to the designated safe area. Doors and windows are closed. Lights are turned off. Teachers will take their student contact info as they exit the building. They will use a green card to indicate all students are present – a red card will indicate that students are missing – a white card will indicate extra students. The main office secretary will take the current day's student attendance sheet with her as she exits the building. Evacuation routes will be flexible to adapt appropriately to the threat position. In the event of a power loss – bells/bullhorns are located in: • Security Phones with "all" call capability are located in: • Every phone has “all” call capability POLICE RESPONSIBILITY: • A rapid deployment of uniformed officers will respond immediately to the site of the threat. • A trained tactical team will arrive shortly to assist with medical help and evacuation. • The following will be collected by an administrator at the school, and delivered to the first responding officer: Ø Updated drawings of internal and external campus Ø Daily faculty and students attendance sheets Ø Parking permit information Ø Emergency phone #’s for students and staff 10 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL • A Command Post will be established. The head custodian, resource office, security officer, Project Coordinator and School Director will meet the police team with updated information. • The Lead Person will be the media spokesperson for the school. BEYOND FOLLOWING THESE PROCEDURES USE PROFESSIONAL AND COMMON SENSE TO HANDLE UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. NATURAL DISASTERS EARTHQUAKES During the quake: If indoors, stay there. • • • Attempt to take cover. Get under a desk and hold on to leg of desk. Stay away from windows and beware of falling objects. If outdoors, move away from building, if possible. • • Avoid utility poles and overheads wires. If in a bus, driver should stop as quickly and safely as possible in open area away from overpasses, etc. Stay in bus. After the quake: • An on campus evacuation may be deemed necessary. • Do not reenter the building until authorities have checked for possible structural damage, leaking gas lines, and other utility disruptions. • Take attendance to account for all students. Report to the building administrator. • Do not use any open flames (candles, matches, etc.) while in the building. • Listen to a radio, if available, for latest bulletins. • Early or late dismissal policy may be implemented depending on communications from central office administrator, availability of transportation, damage to school buildings, residential areas, and transportation routes. 11 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL WINTER STORMS/ FLOODS Listen to local area radio stations for cancellations, delayed openings or early dismissal relative to snow/ ice or flooding conditions. Contact district website for information. In the event a student’s residence is compromised, administration will make every attempt to contact emergency numbers and/or locate alternate arrangements for that student. THUNDERSTORMS • • If outside and lightening or thunder is seen or heard, move inside at once. During a thunderstorm or thunderstorm warning, consider the following for assessing safety of students and staff: • Glassed areas • Classes being conducted outside and recess • Availability of alternative lighting HURRICANE Emergency Procedures or school cancellations will be coordinated as per snow day through Central Office Personnel. • Follow hurricane evacuation procedures (See section on High Winds/Tornadoes). HIGH WINDS/TORNADOES • • • • • • Tune to the local radio station or television station for updated weather information; Move away from windows quickly and in an orderly fashion; Unassigned staff and hall duty teachers should check restrooms and vacant rooms for students and get them back to class; If necessary, classes will be directed to the auditorium or gym areas - listen for intercom announcements BEFORE LEAVING YOUR ROOM; If moved to a different location, be sure to bring attendance records and keep your class together; If necessary, you will be asked to crouch on knees, head down with hands locked at the back of neck. 12 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL Off Campus Evacuation Procedures Circumstances may dictate an OFF CAMPUS evacuation. This decision will either be made at the same time as the building evacuation at which time you would be notified of an OFF CAMPUS evacuation immediately. It is also possible that the decision will be made after the building has been evacuated. In that case you would be notified by administration with bullhorns. If an off campus evacuation is announced, follow the procedures below: ALWAYS TAKE YOUR ATTENDANCE AND GRADE BOOKS AND KEEP YOUR STUDENTS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE AND STAY WITH THEM. • • • • • • • • • Exit the Building as you would in a fire drill. Administrators using bullhorns will direct students to the [insert location here] Once inside, be sure to account for your students once again. THIS IS IMPERATIVE! When attendance information is asked, you must be prepared to give it immediately! Instructional Staff will follow fire drill procedures for checking bathrooms and report to the designated safe area. Custodial staff (not involved with helping building administrators) should report to the Front Entrance [insert place here if different]. Secretarial Staff should gather volunteers and report to the Front Entrance [insert place here if different]. Attendance/Guidance Secretary should gather the daily attendance information and report to the Front Entrance [insert place here if different]. The Nurse should report to the Front Entrance [insert place here if different]. Unassigned staff at the time of the evacuation announcement should make themselves available for assistance where needed. If the administration deems it necessary to send students home, transportation arrangements will then be communicated to you. YOU MUST REMAIN AT THE EVACUATION LOCATION UNTIL DISMISSED BY THE ADMINISTRATION. YOU MUST MAINTAIN CALM AND ORDERLY. YOUR BEHAVIOR WILL GREATLY IMPACT THE BEHAVIOR OF THE STUDENTS. 13 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL STAFF MUST REMAIN AT EVACUATION LOCATION UNTIL EITHER THE BUILDING HAS BEEN CLEARED FOR RE-ENTRY OR UNTIL ALL LSTUDENTS HAVE BEEN TRANSPORTED HOME. ADMINISTRATION ASSIGNMENTS FOR AN OFF CAMPUS EVACUATION [Insert comments here] SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT Administrator: • Call police and first aid if that has not already been done • If students are injured have an administrator report to the hospital • Notify Lead Person at 201-456-1010 • Contact all parents of involved students School Nurse: • Responsible for injured students on school grounds - otherwise EMS and other onsite medical personnel are in charge. • Keep a record of all students on the bus at the time of the accident • Follow-up on all students involved in the accident including those who may be absent on the day following the accident. Project Coordinators: • Remain at the school • Handle all phone calls • Inform parents of all the students on the bus individually of the situation • Tell all other callers that all information will be relayed once it has been received • Obtain copies of all reports to be kept as a matter of record. 14 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL SHELTER-IN-PLACE PROCEDURES An administrator will most likely be the person announcing "This is a Shelter-In-Place. Be advised that whoever initiates a lockdown will be the same person who announces the end of the lockdown. A Shelter-In-Place will be used in the event of a situation requiring everyone to remain in their locations (such as a medical emergency) WHEN A SHELTER-IN-PLACE IS ANNOUNCED: • Staff should gather as many students as possible from the hallways outside their classroom and usher them into the room. Hall duty teachers and monitors will assist • All staff with classrooms closest to bathrooms should also check those bathrooms and usher stray students into their classroom. Hall duty teachers and monitors will assist • Monitors, Guidance and CST personnel will assist with checking and clearing all bathrooms • The classroom door should be closed and locked by the classroom teacher • No one leaves the room - NO BATHROOM, NURSE ETC. • The lights and computers may remain on • Normal classroom activities should continue. DO NOT allow students to congregate by the doors or windows • DISREGARD ALL BELLS - dismissal will be by administrator announcement • Students AND STAFF in the cafeteria should remain in-place • Students in the media center should remain in the media center • Indoor physical education classes should proceed to the locker rooms • Outdoor physical education classes should remain outdoors unless otherwise directed. • Unassigned staff should find a classroom or office to remain in until the shelter-in-place is over. • Security personnel should be available to direct emergency vehicles to the proper location if necessary • All other staff should remain at their duty assignments • Food service personnel should remain in the kitchen area • Custodial staff (if not needed elsewhere) should remain in the loading dock area • Guidance personnel should remain in the guidance office • Secretaries may remain in their locations with the office doors closed if possible • Personnel in the Nurse's office should remain there and keep students there until the shelter-in-place is over • An intercom announcement will end the shelter-in-place. NO ONE ENTERS OR EXITS THE BUILDING WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF ADMINISTRATION OR LAW ENFORCEMENT ALL OUTSIDE DOORS WILL BE LOCKED EXCEPT FOR THOSE NECESSARY FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS. 15 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL BIOHAZARD PROCEDURES In most cases an administrator will be the person announcing "This is a Biohazard.” Be advised that whoever initiates the Biohazard procedure will be the same person that ends the Biohazard procedure. A Biohazard procedure will be initiated in the event of a biological hazard around the school campus that may potentially be harmful to our school population. If a Biohazard procedure is announced: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • All staff should gather as many students as possible from the hallways and usher them into their classroom and lock their classroom doors. Hall Duty Staff and monitors will assist All staff with classrooms closest to bathrooms should also check those bathrooms and usher stray students into their classroom. Hall duty teachers and monitors will assist Monitors CST and Guidance staff will assist with checking bathrooms Indoor and outdoor physical education classes should report to the locker rooms unless directed otherwise Students and staff in the cafeteria should remain in place Gym staff and students should remain there All personnel should close ALL windows and doors in their areas and remain there (Food Service, Secretaries, Etc.) Maintain normal classroom activities Unassigned staff assist with hall checks Maintenance staff will shut down the outside ventilation system CHECK OUTSIDE DOORS, CLOSE YOUR CLASSROOM AND BE SURE THEY ARE CLOSED NO ONE LEAVES THEIR DESIGNATED AREA UNTIL THE HAZARD IS OVER NO ONE ENTERS OR EXITS THE BUILDING DURING THE HAZARD AWAIT ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCEMENT to end the lockdown There will be frequent communication and directions given from the main office via the intercom. Therefore, room to office communication should be restricted unless there is an immediate emergency. It is important that students are quiet so that important announcements can be heard. In a "Biohazard Procedure" situation, parents will not be permitted to enter the building or to pick up their children. The campus will be closed. A police officer will be assigned to the entrance of each of the school buildings for this purpose. It may be necessary to remain in the building for an extended period of time and in some cases prepare for an overnight stay. The cafeteria will have limited food supplies available. If necessary, directions will be given via the intercom to coordinate scheduled meal times or food distribution. Staff members and students who require daily medications should make provisions with the nurse to be adequately prepared in the event of an overnight stay. BUILDING EVACUATION - If it becomes necessary to evacuate the building; the fire alarm will be sounded. (Exit the building using the evacuation routes designated for a fire drill) Once outside the building, students should report to the Safe Area. 16 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL BE ADVISED THAT IF THE HAZARD IS INSIDE THE BUILDING AND AREAS ARE COMPROMISED – THOSE AREAS WILL BE EVACUATED BY ADMINISTRATION, SECURITY AND EMERGENCY PERSONNEL UTILITY FAILURE / SUDDEN LOSS OF POWER / BLACKOUT • • • • • • • Teachers with classes are to remain in their class with the students until further instructions are given. Students are NOT to be released to use the phone. Cell phone use should also be restricted until the reason for the difficulty is ascertained. NO student movement should occur without instructions from the administrative team. ALL teachers and other personnel without classes should await instructions from administration Administrators and other personnel will be sure exits are covered If a power failure occurs during lunch, all teachers in the cafeteria should assist in supervision To report a power failure contact the PSE&G at [1-800-436-7734] Administration will contact police if deemed necessary WATER MAIN BREAK • • • • Facilities Manager will shut off valve at primary control point and notify administration Facilities Manager will contact necessary maintenance personnel Administrator will contact Lead Person at 973-405-1920 Areas damaged by water will be secured - listen for instructions from administration BOILER • • • Facilities Manager or Security will contact necessary maintenance or emergency personnel If necessary, instructions will be given by Lead Person to evacuate the building Listen for either an ON CAMPUS or OFF CAMPUS evacuation WEAPONS IN SCHOOL OR ON SCHOOL PROPERTY 17 THOMAS EDISON ENERGYSMART CHARTER SCHOOL • • • • • • • Obtain as much information as possible about potential weapons on school property. Find out who has the weapon, what kind of weapon, location of the weapon (i.e. backpack, locker etc.) DO NOT announce that a weapon is in the classroom. Notify the school administrators and Security IMMEDIATELY. This may be accomplished by sending a trusted student with a sealed envelope to the office. Administrators will notify the police Make every effort to keep your eyes on the person suspected of having a weapon until help arrives so that you may point him/her out to the police It is best to have the police officer confront the person and conduct the search of the person suspected of possessing a weapon. This should be done with the administrator at a safe distance away from the threat. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded. If a firearm is found, do not pick it up, but call the police. Make every effort to secure the area and move students to safety. To reduce the risk of injury and promote personal safely, AVOID HANDLING ANY WEAPON. Remember, some weapons can be disguised in such things as pens, belt buckles, or even jewelry. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE TELEPHONE THREATS / PHYSICAL THREATS If a threat is made over the phone: • Notify school administrator and Security • In cases of imminent danger or threat, call police • Follow directions of administration and law enforcement • Parents/guardians will be notified by administration if necessary If the threat results in injury, follow the medical emergency procedures 18
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