Aldersgate United Methodist Church 5767 Sellger Drive Norfolk, Virginia 23502 Phone: 757-466-8999 Fax: 757-466-8999 Parsonage: 757-962-1982 Pastor’s Cell: 757-506-8298 e-mail: [email protected] web page: www.aldersgatenorfolk,org Church Photo Album: Youth: Check us out on Facebook Newsletter Vol. 18 Issue 3 March, 2015 Message from the Pastor New “Visioning” Team formed Ham & Cabbage Dinner Reservations for our Annual Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt Youth Updates I will send down the showers in their season, they shall be showers of blessing….Ezekiel 34:26 St. Patrick's Day trivia Dear Folks, As we face up to some of the realities of this congregation’s situation there may be feelings of dread, fear, even anger. This is all natural, but if we let those feelings get control of us as individuals and as a congregation they will choke the life out of us. The only power strong enough to resist these negative impulses is Jesus and his love. The only power that can cast those off and triumph over them is Jesus’ love. As we work together, pray together and discuss together what we will do to “right the ship”, it is in Jesus Christ that we will find our help, our direction and our motivation. This means we ask Jesus what he would have us do. And Jesus is pretty clear about what his followers are to do….. You may know that St. Patrick used shamrocks to teach about the Trinity, but did you know these other facts about him? • St. Patrick wasn’t Irish. (His parents were Roman citizens living in either Scotland or Wales.) • He was kidnapped and sold as a slave at age 16. After escaping six years later, he joined a monastery in England. • March 17 is the date of St. Patrick’s death, not his birth. He died in 461 A.D. • The color originally associated with St. Patrick is blue, not green. • The harp, not the shamrock, is the national symbol of Ireland. Forgive Have mercy Do unto the least of these Keep no one from Jesus Feed his sheep Preach the “good news” Heal the sick Cast out demons God’s will is not a mystery. We make it hard in order to avoid doing his will. We do these things for love of God and love of our neighbor. This is the motivation. Because Jesus first loved us, so now we love him in return with humble, grateful obedience. Since the love required is more than we can muster on our own we, in faith, cast ourselves upon Jesus. This is simply practicing our faith. A simple trust in the power of Jesus to make what we do add Continued on pg. 3 Pastor...............................Rev. Walton “Tony” Forstall Lay Leader……………...Beverly Cooper Choir Director…………..Peggy Muse Organist………………...Nancy Redburn Youth Director.................Guy Willis Secretary.......................…Joyce Russo Office Hours........9 AM—Noon Sunday School........9:30 AM Worship Service...11 AM Sanctuary Choir - Wednesdays......6:30 PM Youth Meeting....Sundays....12:30 PM ANNUAL BUNNY BREAKFAST AND EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, March 28th 9:00 AM All are invited—-friends, relatives, neighbors Infants—5th Grade Donations of wrapped candies, small toys, and cash appreciated. Pastor’s message Continued from pg. 2 up to more than we could have ever done on our own. Jesus says, “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35) This applies to churches as well as people. If we serve our own interest we shall have our world here and only here. If we lose our life in service to Christ will live forever. As a church we want to leave a legacy of lives transformed by Jesus by sharing his love and invitation to come to him. Pastor Tony Please fill out and return I/We plan to attend the Bunny Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, Deadline for reservations Name __________________________________________ # Adults __________________ # Children _____________ Ages of Children ____________ (children ages infants– 5th grade) Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead on Saturday evening, March 7th before going to bed. New “Visioning” Team Formed A special thank you to the 31 people that took the time Saturday morning (2/21)and braved the elements to come out and listen to Rev. Wayne Snead’s presentation. As a result of that meeting, 16 people signed up to be on the Visionary Group / Committee to look at and propose some solutions to “Leave a Legacy.” Reverend Snead was introduced and the following are some of the highlights of his presentation: Reverend Snead talked about diversity and different ways a church can raise money other than donations from the attendees, such as opening your church to a preschool or after school programs. People do not just show up our your doorstep any more to visit a church, 9 out of 10 people now will look up a church’s website and check it out before visiting a church. Are we going to leave a legacy or are we going to close our doors and give up? We want to leave a legacy for the next generation. When a church starts struggling financially they develop a shrinking mind set of cut backs and eliminating programs. We develop blinders and concentrate on what we can’t do, when we need to focus on what we can do. We need to develop other sources of income: a preschool, after school care, affordable and safe child care is very important, rental income. The number one thing that people are looking for at a church is friendship or mentorship. Take a look at your history. How many visitors have come in the last twelve months, and how many of them came back for a second visit? Reverend Snead showed charts of 10-year statistics for membership / attendance, Sunday School attendance, Expenses, apportionments paid, baptisms, members received by Profession of Faith. He also showed graphs of Community Diversity and the Top 10 Mosaic Segments. It was suggested to have meetings and Bible Studies at a local restaurant such as Panera’s. This way you can meet people outside your group and show the grace of God and invite them to your study or church. Reverend Snead has a favorite saying: KISS (Keep It Simple and Spiritual). How is your church making an impact with Missions? People are interested in active, involved churches that are trying to make an impact in the community. Continued on pg. 5 Visioning Team Continued from pg. 4 Aldersgate’s Sanctuary Choir will present their Sunday, March 29th 11 AM Worship Service When you develop a plan you then need to follow through and implement it. No plan is any good if it is not implemented. Be wise in using the resources that we have. Contemporary services (age 35-55) in the district seem to attract the most people. At the rate the church is going from a financial prospective, if we do nothing, we risk closing the doors in as little as 24 months. We need to come up with a plan for the future. The Circle of Friends Class will be selling Easter Lilies to be placed in the sanctuary for Easter. Please check out your Sunday bulletins for more Information. thanks Reverend Snead recommended that a group comprised of some 6 or 7 volunteers meet and start working on some of our problems that could easily be tackled. Take about 4 or 5 things that the church could accomplish in the coming year. Come up with a plan and commitment. Aldersgate needs a clear path to become stabilized but first needs to devise a plan. The following people signed up to be on the group / committee: Vic Supper, Barbara Harrell, Michele Floyd, Cynthia Stanley, Lucinda Williams, Mel Manuel, Ann Manuel, Vernon Williams, Millie Hanson, Barbara Hogwood, Ben Hogwood, Beverly Cooper, Nancy Redburn, Mary Ellen Gillespie, Greg Dziagwa and Kathy Dziagwa. Understand that this is “short fused” however, those people that were at Saturday’s meeting understand the urgency in following through and taking advantage of the momentum from that meeting. This first meeting will be in conjunction with the finance committee and be relatively short. If you can make it – great! If not, there will be plenty of other opportunities. New Church Directory On the table in the Social Hall is the draft for a new church directory. Please…...check your information and make any additions, deletions and/or corrections. Remember not only to check your address-also check your zip code, phone number and email address. Thanks. The Church Office Greg Dziagwa Church Council Chair The Next “Visioning” Team meeting will be Tuesday, March 10th at 7 PM. If you are interested in more information please see Greg Dziagwa. Ushers Birthdays 3/12 3/18 3/20 3/22 3/25 Cynthia Stanley Kevin Floyd James Field Shirley Henley Hazel Williams 3/27 Betty Reid Becky Repass 3/30 Marguerite Windley 3/31 George Wilson If we missed your wedding anniversary for March please let the church office know Remember in Prayer Home: Larkin and Jane Jones; Jim Mahone; Shirley Briggs; Pat Sauer and Earl Henley. Jimmie Powers, John Floyd Counters 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 Lawn Maintenance The Ballentine—Ed Weddle Gardens of VA. Beach—Jackie Wilkinson, Milton Midgette Chesapeake Place—Beulah Eatmon Hermitage Eastern Shore—Bob Bloxom Sentara Village S.—Shirley Henley Sun Stream Health Care—Stella Reynolds Clair Bridge of VA. Beach—Charles Williams Dominion Village of Chesapeake—Jackie Pace If you know of others in the congregation who need to be included on this prayer list, please call the church office. Altar Flowers 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 Communion— No Flowers George and Pat Wilson Jim and Norma Richardson Vernon and Hazel Williams Mel and Ann Manuel Newsletter Deadline will be FRIDAY, MAR. 20th Mel Manuel, Ben Hogwood Debbie Supper, Vernon Williams Millie Hanson, Gary Albertson Neal Windley, Michelle Floyd Kevin Floyd, Randy Thrasher 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 1 Team 2 Scripture Notes for March 3/1 Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 3/8 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22 3/15 Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 3/22 Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 3/29 Cantata Scripture Youth Updates… WINTON CLASS ANNUAL Ten of us left the church Friday afternoon and drove to Blackstone Conference and Retreat Center. The youth participated in Family Group sessions with kids from other churches and enjoyed the great live music of a band called Brightwork. They played a big game of dodge ball and had a dance. This year's speaker was Kori Robins (who went to Deep Creek UMC as a youth). She was great. We went to worship on Sunday morning and stopped at the Va. Diner on the way back. Jimmy Wilkinson HAM AND CABBAGE DINNER Blaze honored Tammy and Randy at the Virginia Diner this afternoon on our way back from the annual Blackstone Youth Retreat. The plaque read: "Presented to Tammy and Randy Thrasher in Grateful Appreciation for Your Years of Devoted and Loving Service to Blaze Youth Ministries 2015. Donations: Adults $9.00 Children 4-12 $4.00 Children under 3—FREE Saturday, March 14th 5:00 - 6:30 PM Dinner includes: Jello Salad, Green Beans, Oven roasted Potatoes; Cornbread, Dinner rolls and Delicious homemade desserts. Tickets are available from any class member Invite your friends, neighbors and come join us to celebrate this St. Patty’s Day meal. Homemade Easter Eggs available from Heritage UMC... Peanut Butter, Butter Cream, Coconut and Chocolate Cream 1/2 lb- 6 assorted ; 15 Assorted …. 1/2 lb eggs can be personalized. Call the church office for more info. Don’t forget to wear something green! See Mel Manuel if you would like to volunteer to help set-up.
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