Department of Land Resources Subiect: --Terms of Reference for-Mid-Term evaluation of National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) It is proposed to take up a mid- term Evaluation of implementation of NLRMP in the States of Gujarat, Haryana, Kamataka, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Tripura; one from each of West, North, South, Central,, East and North East regions' The NLRMP is being implemented since 2008 after merging and rationalizing two preceding Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), namely Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration & Upgradation of Land Records (SRA&ULR). Although the Programme is under implementation for about six years no study has been taken up to evaluate the programme so far. The guidelines of NLRMP require the Department of Land Resources to take up concurrent and technical evaluation of the programme through reputed organizations such as the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), the National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs) etc.; hence this proposal is for the mid-term evaluation/study ofthe Programme. National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) -Background Land plays an important role in the lives of the people in both rural and urban areas. Therefore, it is important that a landholder should have an authentic and tamper proof record of the land. The Govemment of India initiated two Centrally-sponsored schemes in the mid-1980 - Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue Administration & Upgradation of Land Records (sRA&uLR). These two schemes were administered up-to 2007-08. The National Land Records Modemization Programme (NLRMP) is under implementation in the StatesAjTs since 2008-09 after ,".ging and rationalizing of these two schemes. The main objective of the programme is to rnodirnize the land records system in the country and to build up an integrated land information management system with up-to-date and real time land records. An effort is being made to build up land record system through use of modern technology such as comfuterization of tlie records of rights (RoRs), digitization of maps, integration of textual & spatial data, survey and resurvey of records, computerization of the registration process, ..iting-rp modem record rooms & land records management Centres etc. The major focus oflhe programme is on improvement of citizen services. The ultimate goal of f.ffnfW is ushering in a system of conclusive titles. The system of conclusive titles is based on 4 basic piinciples: (i) a single agency to handle land records (including the maintenance and updating of the textual records, maps, survey and settlement operations, registration of immovabG property mutations, etc.); (ii) the "mirror" principle, which (iii) the sta-tes that, at any given moment, the land records mirror the ground reality; .,curtain" principie, which refers to the fact that the record of title is a true depiction ofthe ownership statui, mutation is automatic following registration, there is no need of probing into past title transactions, and title is a conclusive proof of ownership; and (iv) title insurance, which refers to the fact that the title is guaranteed for its correctness and the party concerned is indemnified against any loss arising because of inaccuracy in this iegard. At the moment, land records in India don't reflect any ofthese principles. -2Following is an outline of the components and activities being taken up under the NLRMP: l. Computerization of land records a) Data entry/re-entry/data conversion of all textual records including mutation records and other land attributes data b) Digitization of cadastral maps c) Integration oftextual and spatial data d) Tehsil, sub-division/district data centers e) State-level data centers Inter-connectivity among revenue offices f) 2' survey/resurvey and updating of the survey & settrement records (including ground control network and ground Truthing) if," following modern technology options: ".ing a) Pure ground method using Llectronic total station (ETS) and globar b) c) 3. positioning system (GpS); or Hybrid methodology using aerial photography and ground Truthing by ETS and GpS; or High Resolution Satellite Imagery @RSI) and ground rruthing by ETS and GpS. ComputerizationofRegistration a) Computerization of the sub_registrar,s offices (SROs) b) Data entry ofvaluation details c) Data entry oflegacy encumbrance data d) Scanning & preservation ofold documents e) Connectivity to SROs With Revenue offices 5. a) b) 6. a) b) Modern record rooms/land records management centers at TehsiUTaluk/Circle/Block level Training & Capacity Building Training, worships, etc. Strengthening ofthe Survey and Revenue training institutes Core GIS Village index base maps from.satellite imagery, for creating the core GIS; Integration of three layers ofdata: (i) Sp"ti"U jutu fro- u".iut photograph or high-resolution satellite imagery; liiil sr.uey or inaiu *a roi".t si*"y oi India maps; and (iii) Cadastrll maps from;.rr;;;;;r. Legal Changes a) Amendments to the Registration Act, l90g; b) Amendments to the State Stamp Acts; c) Other legal changes; and d) Model law for conclusive titling. 8. a) b) c) d) e) Programme Management &^Monitoring committee in the DoLR; tl:qrXT-T".rTcrioning ore I echnical Advisory Group in the DoLR and the StatesfuTs Programme Management Unit (pMU) in the DoLR and the StatesruTs Information, education and communication (IEC) u.,iriri., Evaluation -3Perceived benelits of NLRMP: - Citizen Services and Benefits i) Real-time records will be available to the citizen. ii) Since the records will be placed on the websites with proper security IDs, property owners will have free access to their records while maintaining confidentiality. iii) Free accessibility to the records will reduce interface between the citizen and the Government functionaries, thereby reducing rent seeking and harassment. iv) Public-private partnership (PPP) mode of service delivery will further reduce citizen interface with Govt. Machinery, while adding to the convenience. v) Abolition of stamp papers and payment of stamp duty and registration fees through banks, etc. will also reduce interface with the Registration machinery. vi) With the use of IT inter-linkages, the time for obtaining RoRs, etc. will be drastically reduced. vii) The single-window service or the web-enabled "anytime-anywhere" access will save the citizen time and effort in obtaining RoRs, etc. viii) Automatic and automated mutations will significantly reduce the scope of fraudulent property deals. ix) Conclusive titling will also significantly reduce litigation' x) These records will be tamper-proof. xi) This method will permit e-linkages to credit facilities. xii) Market value information will be available on the website to the citizen. xiii) Certificates based on land data (e'g., domicile, caste income etc.) will be available to the citizen. xiv) Information on eligibility for Govemment programmes will be available, based on the data. xv) Issuance of land passbooks with relevant information will be facilitated. Objectives of the Proposed StudY The objective of study is a mid-term evaluation implementation of the programme in terms of availability of on-line services in respect of RoRs, Registration, & mutation in the rural areas, and the consequent impact in improved delivery of services due to the activities taken up under NLRMP (and completed under its predecessor schemes) and to identify the constraints in the implementation of the NLRMP programmes. The study will bring out: The progress of project implementation in terms of achievement of physical targets at the field level. The fund flow status, financial progress and impediments if any' implementing An assessment the capacity and efficiency administrative machinery especially to handle the hitech components of other institutional arrangements the programme and availability including vendors for project implementation D iD iiD of of of iv) v) vi) vii) viii) i*) x) xi) xii) xiii) -4An evaluation ofthe coordination among different departments viz. Revenue, Registration and Survey and Settlement and linkages developed between these departments including on-line/ IT linkage A comparative analysis ofthe efficiency, accuracy and economy in technologies used by different States in survey and resurvey. The study will specifically compare and evaluate the survey/resurvey techniques used by Kamataka, Gujarat, and Haryana for their replicability or adoption by other States. An evaluation of the Training & Capacity Building activities at all level by type oftraining, requirements ofthe states and gaps in training. An evaluation of the efficacy of M&E System of the States/ UTs under the Project An evaluation the involvement of community in the project planning, and implementation especially in survey and resurvey components. Evaluation ofthe benefits to the people including landholders, businesses, and other stakeholders with implementation of the programme. Best practices/ innovations adopted by various States in implementing different components of the programme. Constraints in implementation of the programme including availability of infrastructure such as broadband compatibility ofthe software used by registration, land records and survey and settlement departments etc. Recommendations to expedite its implementation of the programme To evaluate the preparedness of States to reach the ultimate goal of ushering in the system of conclusion titles. Methodolory: Sampling design and area coverage: The mid- term evaluation will cover all regions of India Gujarat (WR), Haryana (NR), Karnataka (SR), Madhya Pradesh (CR) , Tripura (NER), and West Bengal (ER). At the next level of selection of 5o/o of the computerized Tehsil, 5% of computerized sRos, at least two modem record rooms in the District under study and at least one tehsil in which Survey work has been initiated/ completed will be selected. To evaluate benefit to the people in terms of improved citizen services about 20 households in 10 villages with at least one female headed household will be selected. Mid- Term Evaluation study will focus on the activities implemented with the support of the DoLR funds under NLRMP such as Computerization of RoR, Digitization of records, computerization of registration, Interlinking of registration and RoR and survey/resurvey to draw lessons for further corrections in the programme. An attempt should be made to analyse activities in comparison to a related baseline values (i.e. where or when such activities had not taken place). -5- Institutional Arrangements for the study:The agency to be deployed for the purpose would take a premier lead role in coordinating the task at the National Level. The agency also would be responsible for the preparation of consolidated report at the over-all level. The responsibility of coordinating the state level reports would also be with this agency. The agency in-turn could sub-contract separate institutes/agencies for carrying out the studies & preparation of report at the state level, as per the need and operational requirement. The lead agency at the national level would be of reputed credentials with established infrastructure facilities to facilitate supervise and coordinate the work. The agency will: (a) Organize a National Workshop for; i) Evolving a standard format for reporting and identifying key indicator for a comprehensive mid-term evaluation study of impact of investment. ii) Developing the financial norms for the study. iii) Planning for overall impact evaluation strategy. (b) Scrutinize and consolidate the study findings and suggestions of policy implication. (c) Coordinate and supervise the state-wise comprehensive studies. (d) Organize National sharing workshop (Sharing of lesson and draw up strategies for better result). (e) Bring out the consolidated report Collaborating Institutions:For the collaborating/ Collaborating institutional arrangement, preference will be given to Govt. institutions having requisite experience in the field to be selected as collaborating institutions. In the absence of the same, leading academic/research instifutions and Non-Government Institution of repute and experience also can be considered. These organizations will perform the following tasks: (a) Assist National Agency in Carrying out the comprehensive study of impact of investment in NLRMP projects as per the design, indicators, tools and instruments developed by leading institute. The subcontacting/collaborating agency would carry- out field surveys and prepare a comprehensive study report based on the common minimum framework developed by the National Institute. (b) Organize regional workshop to share the findings of the study and incorporate the feedback. (c) Collection and documentation ofbest practices. (d) Any other work assigned by National Agency related to the study. -6Qualilications for empanelment of Evaluating Agency:The requisite qualifications for empanelment ofthe Evaluating Agencies as circulated by this Department to sLNAs (in addition to the provisions in ToR) would be as under:a) The names of leading and reputed organizations (including NGos) with required infrastructure, expertise and experience should only be included. b) Implementing Agencies should not be empaneled for the State in which it is working as project implementing agency. The panel is to include only institutions and agencies- not individuals. d) The individual evaluators or officials deputed by the enlisted organizations,D.lGOs, should have academic qualification of post-graduation in any of the discipline namely Geography, Agriculture-economics, Geo-spatial Technology, Urban/Regional Planning (Not below the rank of chief rown planner) and related axeas or have undergone specialized training in any these discipline and have worked for a minimum period of ten years in rerated disciplines in any organization of repute or under the central/state/Govemment in ihe concemed Departments. c) Shortlisting Procedure l. The proposals submitted by the firms/institutesalGos in the prescribed formats from Annexure I to III shall be evaluated. The short-listing criteria for evaluation ofEols shall be: 2. Sr. No. Criteria 1. Past Experience Weightage (%) of the Minimum Eligibility Sub-criteria = Marks 60 firm i. ii. 2. J- J. 4. Number of yearsi experience Past Experience of studies of similar nature. Experience af --nt Personnel 20 5 Years 5 to 10 Years = 10 11-15 Years = 15 16 &above Years= 20 40 5 Projects 5 to l0 Projecls = 25 5 Projecls =30 16-20 Projecls = 35 1 1 -1 21 & above Projects = 40 25 1O KP 10 KP = 12.5 11 to 15 KP= 15 2.O crore 21 & above KP= ?5 2 to 3 crores= 7.5 4 to 5 crores= '10 6 to 9 crores= 12.5 10 & above crores= 15 16to20KP=20 Financial Strengft.h of ttre firm 15 The firms,{Institutes/NGos scoring minimum 50% marks on the basis of the above criteria will be shortlisted for issuing Request for proposal (RFp). The firms,{Institutes,t',{Gos who are not having minimum eligib ity for each criteria,/sub-criteria will not be considered as responsive. a Deliverables of the study (a) State-wise status report on mid-term evaluation of the programme' (b) National consolidated comprehensive study report Time Duration of the Project The project to complete within 9 months from the date of initiatior/contract. BUDGET A detailed budget would be prepared by the Lead National Agency, including the following items:- A. Sl. No. For Lead AgencY Amount Item of Expenditure (Rs) 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. (a) Human Resource / Manpower (b) Travel Sub Total Organizing Workshop Communication Institutional Charges (if any) Misc. Expenditure (not above 5%o of total) Tax (as applicable) Total ( A) B. Detailed Cost Estimation ofper Sub agency (for collaborating sl. Item of Expenditure No, 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (a) Human Resource/ ManPower (b) Travel cost Sub Total Organizing Workshop (lumPsum) Communication Report preparation Institutional Charges (if any) Misc. Expenditure Tax (as applicable) Totat (B) Grand Total of Table (A + B) Amount (Rs) agencies):- Annexu re-I Format for Experience l. Name of the Firm/ Institute / NGO 2. Year of Establishment )- Experience of Similar projects Sr. No. l ll. l1l. lv. vl. vlr. vlll. lx. x. Name of the Projeci Related Organization Cost of Prolec Annexure-II Format for ExDerience of Kev Persons- L 2. 3. - Name of the Finr/ Institute / NGO Total Number ofKey Persons/ Experts- Qualifications & Experience ofKey PersonsSr. No. l. 11. lll. lv. vl. vll. vlll. lx. x. Name of the Key Person/Expert Qualification Years of Experience Annexure-III Format for Experience of Kev personsl. Name of the Firm/ Institute / NGO 2. Tum Over of the Firm- Financial Year 2013-14 Average of Last 3 Years Total Turn Over (Crore) INR
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