Theme Prayer for 5th Sunday of Easter Risen Christ, your wounds declare your love for the world and the wonder of your risen life: give us compassion and courage to risk ourselves for those we serve, to the glory of God the Father. Amen Parish of Grovehill& Woodhall Farm Anglican / Freechurch A partner within the Hemel Hempstead Team A Shared Church Welcome to All Easter 5 - 3rd May 11am 3.30pm Holy Communion Causeway Church Mon 4th *** Bank Holiday - no services Tue 5th 9am Morning Prayer Wed 6th 9am 7pm Morning Prayer Prayer & Meditation—arrive by 6.55pm Suggestions for Prayer and Thanksgiving World Pray for all who have been affected in any way by the earthquake in Nepal We pray for all seeking safety in other countries and their perilous journeys We pray for all political leaders preparing for the elections and for responsible voting by the people Church This Week Thurs 7th 2.15 4.15pm Deanery Prayers for St Mary’s, Apsley End Please pray for: The new PCC The plans to rewire and decorate the church and Refectory Those following the PILGRIM course and preparing for Confirmation The fundraising group’s forthcoming events Messy Church and those who attend. Nascent House reopened as Oxygen Recovery Service to rehabilitate those affected by drug, alcohol and substance misuse. The development of our outreach to the local community. Those currently undergoing training to be pastoral assistants. The Day of Prayer at Nash Mills C of E Primary School. Community We pray for the Grovhill Futures committee as they continue to shape their plans for what Grovehill might look like in the the future. We pray for the Cedar Tree Centre in Woodhall Farm as they go through times of change in provision. We pray for the preparations to open the Elms hostel and for all volunteers, employees and service users Fellowship Group at Barbara’s Good News Club DON’T FORGET TO VOTE Fri 8th 9am Morning Prayer Sat 9th 1pm CATHLEP DENS Lunch Next Sunday - 10th May 11am 12.15 3pm All Age Service Quiet Communion CATHLEP DENS meeting If you want to help plan the support for DENS do come to the church hall Please note…. To continue our mission to make our Church all inclusive we now provide Gluten free wafers for those with Gluten intolerance. Please let us know if you need them. Team Vicar: The Revd Austin Janes (t) 01442 270585 (e) [email protected] Wardens: Derek Baulch: tel: 01442 266651, Helen Denmead: tel: 01442 249148 Sally Anderson: [email protected] Web: Sat 9th MaySat 20th June- Social Meal in aid of DENS 1pm in Community Centre Hall (see below) Alban Pilgrimage Day 11.00am Parade 12.00 Service details tbc 1.30pm Picnic after the service in the orchard. THANKS GIVING SERVICE for the opening of The Elms. Revd Austin will be leading a short multi- faith service on Tuesday 12th May starting at 7pm followed by refreshments and a tour of the facilities. Because of limited space, please let Austin know TODAY if you would like to attend. Special Collection today and next Sunday for Nepal. We have all heard about the devastation of the earthquake in Nepal. All of the loose offerings in the collection for these two weeks will be send directly through the Baptist Union. Take your bucket and spade. Folks, it’s the time of year when we think about summer holidays again, and if you book your holidays online, why not login via the Easyfundraising website? W hen you do , your fa- vourite travel agent will make a donation to this church. Please ask Bob for details how to do this if you’re interested. Don’t forget your bucket and spade! CATHLEP DENS Fundraising Dinner - Saturday 9th May 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tickets: £8 per person Menu - Starter: Melon Main Course: Lasagne, Cottage Pie or Chilli con Carne & vegetarian option Dessert: Trifle, Apple Crumble or Chocolate Cake Places must be booked by WEDNESDAY 6th May Wednesday Craft Group - This group will not be meeting over these summer months. It would be good to start it again in September, but we need people who can help to drive it and open up each week. Please speak to Emma or Sally if you wish to help. Please sign the booking sheet in Church Prayer and Meditation at Grovehill Church. We will continue our exploration of contemplative prayer this W ednesday at 7pm (ARRIVE 6.50), we will be learning to be quiet in the presence of God. See the leaflets for more information or speak to Austin. This week’s theme will be ‘Observation of the breath’ The next MESSY CHURCH is 1.30 on Wednesday 27th May. Messy Church is for children and adults all together with food and crafts and worship. Its great fun! Nearly 100 people last time cant be wrong! The Alban Pilgrimage On Saturday 20th June 2015 we welcome two significant church leaders at the Alban Pilgrimage: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby will attend and preach at theEucharist, and the Archbishop of Rouen, Mgr Jean-Charles Descubes, will preach at Evensong. We will be gathering items for carboot sales for this summer. Please speak to Gloria about this. We need raffle prizes for future events. Please speak to Rita about this. If you have anything you would like included on next week’s notice sheet, please contact Emma by email on [email protected] or phone 01442 270585, by Wednesday lunch time, please! This week’s Rota 3td May Communion Assistants: Teresa & John Stewards: Rita & Fabian Welcome: Helen & Joyce Tea: Sue & Linda Projector set-up: Elizabeth Sound: Derek Mouse: Helen Read: John Prayers: Sally Creche: Gloria Junior Church: Lorna Next week’s Rota 10th May - All Age Service Stewards: John & Derek Welcome: Jenny & Bob Tea: Norma B & Barbara Projector set-up: Jenny Sound: Michelle Mouse: Rita Read: CYP Prayers: Austin Creche: Gloria If you would like to receive this notice sheet by email…. Please contact Rita on [email protected] For advance notice of the weekends events, and extra highlights!
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