Problem Set 1

Problem Set 1
18.434: Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science
Spring 2015, Problem Set 1
This problem set has a total of 7 problems. You can do any 4 of them. Solutions can be either
presented to the instructor or handed in.
Converting Walks to Paths
Given a graph G with n vertices, m edges, and a walk of length k from vertex s to vertex t. Give
an O(k) time algorithm that produces a path from s to t.
(recall that a walk is a sequence of vertices v0 = s, v1 . . . vk = t such that vi vi+1 is an edge, and a
path is a walk with no repeating vertices.)
Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree on a Plane
Consider the minimum diameter spanning tree problem on the plane: all edges are present, and
distance between two vertices equals to the Euclidean distance between them. Prove that there is a
minimum diameter spanning tree whose underlying combinatorial tree has (unweighted) diameter
at most 3.
Minimum Spanning Trees and Minimum Cost Arborescences
In class we saw that the minimum cost arborescence can be different than the minimum spanning
tree. Prove or disprove: given an undirected graph G, we can always oriented the edges and pick
a root suitably so the minimum spanning tree is a minimum cost arborescence.
Low Stretch Spanning Trees
What is a good low-stretch spanning tree for:
1. A complete graph on n vertices?
2. A 3-D cube with side lengths n1/3 ?
3. A cycle on n vertices?
Alternate Definition of LSST
An alternate definition of low-stretch spanning tree is to measure the maximum stretch instead
of the average stretch. Give a class of unweighted graphs where any spanning tree must have an
edge with stretch Ω(n).
Broadcast Domination Revisited
Consider the following variant of broadcast domination: the cost of broadcasting a distance i from
node u is given by a function c(u, i). Also, the broadcast doesn’t need to be efficient: a node can
Problem Set 1
be covered by multiple other nodes’ broadcasts. Given a polynomial time algorithm for computing
a plan of minimum total cost.
A formal definition of ultra-metric is a function d(u, v) that satisfies
d(x, y) ≤ max{d(x, z), d(y, z)}.
Let c(u, v) denote the size of the minimum cut separating u and v, aka:
S⊂V,u∈S,v ∈S
where ∂(S) denotes the set of edges leaving S. Prove c(u, v) is an ultra-metric.