Student Paper/Posters 2015 Capes Foyer, Ocean Grand Foyer & Cape Henry I Preview 12pm – 1pm (all posters set up by 12pm) Poster session 1-2pm (presenters available) Posters 1. Alexis Anderson, Dewey Cornell, Chelsea Goforth, University of Virginia, Bullying in Virginia High Schools: Grade and Gender Differences 2. Julisha Batieste, Vernessa Clark, Shedrick McCall, Virginia State University, The Relationship Between Spirituality and Depression in African American College Students 3. Megan Baxter, Christina Sheerin, Ananda Amstadter, Scott McDonald, Virginia Commonwealth University, Comparing the Relationship Between Types of Social Support and Depression in Two Different Trauma Exposed Cohorts 4. Justine Bean, Ferrum College, Does Sexual Education Affect the Number of Sexual Relationships One Has? 5. Kacie Bornheimer, David Deck, Monet Harris, Jessica Ostrowski-Wright, Christina Park, Janice, Yahner, Hunter Greer, James Madison University, Factors Associated with Minor Delinquency in Adolescent Males 6. Curtis Brown, Evan Nicely, Breana Miller, Molly Coleman, Brittany Kersey, Bridgewater College, Theory-Based Reasoning Differentiates Entity vs. Incremental Beliefs about Athletic Ability 7. Brianne Cork, Virginia Wesleyan College, A Study of the Relationship between Religious Salience, Forgiveness Motivations, and Life Satisfaction 8. Angela Cross, Monica Scott, Brooke Schaab, Old Dominion University, Toys: Are They Gender Specific? 9. Brady Dailey, Mariah Hawes, Allison Isrin, Erin Lee, Kit Ying Chan, James Madison University, Studying Perceptual Adaptation to Foreign Accents in a Classroom Setting: Whether Learning is Generalizable across Speakers, Accents, and Words. Student Paper/Posters 2015 10. Jacquelin Darby, Leah DeGrandis, Anne Heflin, The American School of Professional Psychology, Examining Drug Attitudes and Perceived Stigma in Rural Appalachia 11. Amelia Dodson, Virginia Wesleyan College, Mindfulness: Impacts of Health and Study Habits 12. Brent Elliott, Carissa Dwiwardani, Regent University, Evaluating the Value of Tracking the Therapeutic Alliance in a University Training Clinic 13. Daniel Friesen, Eastern Mennonite University, The Effects of Religiosity on Moral Decision Making in Pressured Dilemmas 14. Jonathan Hall, Kate D'Amica, Claire Gallagher, Ben Swaim, Ashton Trice, James Madison University, Emotional Regulation by Movie Use 15. Ryan Harting, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Emily Oliver, Savannah Moxley, Hunter Kelly, Alan, Yablonski, Chris Dietrick, James Madison University, Strengthening the Injunctive Norm Against Phone-Related Distracted Driving 16. Judith Johnson, Alicia Brown, Julian Heath, Caitlin Million, Aleksandra Wantke, Alicia, Boyd, Tiffany Channing, Regent University, A Single Case Study with Replication of a Health Behavior Change Group 17. Bre'yn Kelly, Morgan Prothero, Tyler Mason, Robin Lewis, Old Dominion University, Relationship Status, Minority Stress, Alcohol Use, and Intimate Partner Violence among Lesbians 18. Anna Lacy, Rebecca McCallister, Allison Piotrowski, Jaime Kurtz, James Madison University, Why Do We Travel? Extraversion and Openness Relate to Specific Travel Motives 19. Ashley Leary, Tranese Morgan, Melissa Hunter, Bethany Gilstrap, Regent University, Elder Identity 20. Ashley Leary, Bethany Gilstrap, Melissa Hunter, Regent University, Behavioral Interventions and Mild Cognitive Impairment 21. Maria Leatherwood, Liberty University, Smart & Stressed: Student Locus of Control and Stress Student Paper/Posters 2015 22. Ashley Linden-Carmichael, Nicole Ricketts, Kacy Amory, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Old Dominion University, Perceived Behavioral Control as a Moderator of Anxiety Symptoms and Alcohol Consumption 23. Shakira Miles, Vernessa Clark, Virginia State University, The Ability of Eating Habits to Predict Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress 24. Caitlin Million, Aryssa Washington, Candyce Burke, Cassandra Page, Regent University, Youth in the Foster Care System: Resilience and Program Impact 25. Tranese Morgan, Olya Zaporozhets, Emma Bucher, Mark Yarhouse, Barrett McRay, Regent University, Youth Minister's Attitudes Toward and Experiences with Sexual Minorities: A Quantitative Analysis 26. Somer Muhs, Natalie Riebel, Chelsea Lamb, Gabby Thomas, Lauren Crandall, Joel, Bates, Liberty University, "But He's So Old": An Investigation into Factors that Influence Ageist Attitudes among College Students 27. Danielle Novak, Lauren Shier, Alexandra Smyth, Joseph Strasshofer, Caleb Suddreth, Liberty University, The Effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification Training on Various Anxiety Disorders 28. Kayte Oard, Samantha Powell, Olivia Shrader, Dylan Kitley, James Madison University, Does Smart Phone Use Affect Memory 29. Angelina Pardini, Eastern Mennonite University, Do You Know What You Know? Predicting and Postdicting Memory Quality 30. Melinda Potts, Leia Thomas, Matt Campbell, Angel Hopkins, Denton Warburton, James Madison University, Correlates of Sustained Attention in Reading 31. Laurin Roberts, James Paulson, Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology, Biphobia in the Heterosexual Community: Examining the Factors Related to Negative Attitudes toward Bisexuality and Bisexual Individuals. 32. Samuel Robinson, Zechariah Robinson, Grace Herrick, Kelly Harrison, Virginia Tech, Ostracizing the Old: Understanding Negative Attitudes toward the Elderly Student Paper/Posters 2015 33. Zechariah Robinson, Ryan Smith, Samuel Robinson, Brian Doyle, Virginia Tech, Trick or Drink: Understanding “Alcoholidays” and the Perils of Excessive College Drinking 34. Persephone Rogers, Vernessa R. Clark , Shedrick McCall , Virginia State University, The Effects of Gender on Depression and Math Anxiety 35. Nicole Scott, Jennifer Ripley, Tiffany Channing, Amber Perkins, Regent University, Influence of Race/Ethnicity on Relationship Satisfaction in Hope-Focused Couple Therapy (HFCT) 36. Brittany Sehenuk, Eastern Mennonite University, Cuteness Aggression 37. Emily Shank, Eastern Mennonite University, Bodies Reclaimed: Decision-Making Factors in Undergoing Breast Reconstruction 38. Ben Shrewsberry, Brandy Dinklocker, Brandon Poff, Bridgewater College, Multiple Perspectives on Implicit Beliefs about Intellectual Ability and Performance 39. Geena Stallard, Lynchburg College, The Impact of Severity of Crime and Appearance on Desire for Social Distance 40. Amy Stamates, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Tatiana Benton, Old Dominion University, Concurrent Substance Use Patterns and Psychological Functioning among Nonstudent Emerging Adults 41. Jia Steiner, Eastern Mennonite University, Enclothed Cognition 42. Michelle Thirkield, Lynchburg College, The Impact of Perception of Past Self-Harming Behaviors and Sex on Perceived Competence and Stability 43. Cheryl Welch, Erik Simmons, Demitra Bivens, Jamie Erlemeier, Jaime Klingenberg, Alexis, Morse, Jaime Kurtz, James Madison University, A Familiar Roommate Is Related to Enhanced Satisfaction at the Beginning of College 44. Jay Wiles, Erik Lohmann, Nathaniel Rhoad, Regent University, Lapse/Relapse Safety Plan Curriculum for Psychiatric Inpatient Settings Student Paper/Posters 2015 45. Jenny Wilkins, Virginia Wesleyan College, Body Image, Eating Attitudes, and Pressure on Female College Students 46. Montel Williams, Vernessa R. Clark Virginia State University, The Ability of Perceived Stress and Math Anxiety to Predict Cardiovascular Reactivity to a Math Test 47. Alan Yablonski, Hunter Kelly, Ryan Harting, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Christopher Deitrick, Savannah, Moxley, Emily Oliver, James Madison University, Who Texts and Drives? The Relationship Between Phone-Related Distracted Driving and Psychological Traits Session 1 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 Cape Fear Rachael Dearborn, Cierra Everette, M. Sarah Phillips, Siara Rouzer, A rodent aquathlon: A comparison of positivelyreinforced running and negativelyreinforced swimming in the production of behavioral variability, UMW Emma Leheney, Katherine Miller, Brittany Simmons, Alesha Ballman, Laura Wilson, Effects of acknowledgement status on posttrauma functioning in rape survivors, UMW Jensen Hoover, Heather Funk, The Polarization of Politics: Are There Physiological Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives? Randolph Sarah Snyder, Byron Greenberg, Clifton Gibbons, Job Related Stress In Teachers, VSU Cape Lookout Cape Henry II Kelsey Toney, Ryan Smith, Margaret Dassira, The Impact of Repeated Breathalyzer Feedback: A Longitudinal Study, VT Phoebe Hitson, Barbara Winstead, A Romance Narrative with Alternatives: An Approach for Exploring the Impact of Relationship Investment on Unwanted Pursuit, ODU Suzana Pratt, Ryan Smith, Alexandra Bazdar, How Drunk is Your Designated Driver? The Ability of College Students to Estimate Their Driver's Level of Intoxication, VT Elizabeth Carroll, Sara Edwards, Kimberly Flores, Katie Lebling, Claire Merenda, Child Characteristics and Intensive Parenting Attitudes, UMW Lyndsay Greene, Sense of Self in College Aged Women, Lynchburg Forrest Ansell, Grant Barkley, Caroline Conklin, Spiritual Attitudes and Values in Young Children, Liberty Emily Armstrong, Sarina Wills, Abigail Long, Kyle Kennedy, Brittane Dodwell, Testing a Model of Mindful Parenting: Implications for Parent-level Outcomes, Liberty Lisa Whitfield, Carissa Dwiwardani, Do Narcissistic or Humble People Use Facebook Differently? Exploring the Relationship Between Facebook Intensity, Narcissism, and Dispositional Humility, Regent Student Paper/Posters 2015 Session 2 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 Cape Fear Cape Lookout Rachel Scott, Angie Dahl, Trials and Triumph: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Young Adults Growing Up in a Rural Community, Ferrum College Alexandra Bazdar, Suzana Pratt, Ryan Smith, Alcohol Intoxication and Its Influence on Perceptions of Sexual Assault, VT Nicole Capriola, Kelsey Toney, E. Scott Geller, Associations Between Social Anxiety and Alcohol Consumption Within Drinking Groups: An Investigative Field Study, VT Emily Richards, Jordan Clinkenbeard, Ashlie Hughes, The Influence of Pro Social Behavior on Children's Deception, Randolph Jordan Stellmacher, Effects of Parental Divorce on Children as Young Adults, VWC Jordan Bailey, Celestin Kabamba, Personality and Exercise Intensity in Team and Individual Sport Athletes, Randolph Courtney Jones, The Influence of Source Credibility and Contextual Support on Interpretation of Misinformation, VWC Maggie Baxter, Janine Crossman, Sara Hickey, Kathryn Tsagronis, Christine McBride, Curbing the Stress Eater's Appetite: Can Mindfulness Prevent Eating Under Stress?, UMW Julia Smith, Celeste Kelly, Katlyn Baines, Kathleen Adragna, What Are You Lookin’ At? The Relationship Between Sexualized Appearance and Perceptions of Electability and Competence, UMW Briana Walls, Factors that Influence Perception of Others, Lynchburg Grace-Anna Chaney, Harley Brown, LeeQuan McLaurin, Jonathan Reynolds, Monica Elder, Emily Armstrong, The Prevalence of Sugar Addiction and Family History of Substance Abuse, Liberty Cape Henry II Lavender Williams, Is That Feminism I Hear? Lynchburg Student Paper/Posters 2015 Session 3 2:00 2:20 2:40 3:00 Session 4 Cape Fear Cape Lookout Cape Henry II Neomelani Gangi, Britta Grim, Katelyn Hedrick, Gabriela Lopez, Steve Hampton, The Effect of Attractiveness on Race Classification of Very Briefly Presented Faces, UMW Brittany Simmons, Alesha Ballman, Emma Leheney, Katherine Miller, Laura Wilson, Effects of gender on outsider perceptions of sexual assault, UMW Margaret Dassira, Nicole Capriola, Ryan Smith, What Would You Do?: How Alcohol Intoxication Impacts Bystander Intervention, VT Andrew Collmus, Richard Landers, Game Narrative in Personality Assessment: Development of a Scale, ODU Anna Vandevender, Lara Barbir, Tracy Cohn, Social Contact, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions Toward Transgender Individuals: Is There an Additive Effect?, Radford Ralitsa Maduro, James Paulson, Understanding the Determinants of Parental Decision-Making and Harsh Parenting Behavior, ODU Tiandre Forde, Brandi Pennix, Gender Differences in College Mate Preference: A Comparison Study Across Generations, Randolph Kristen Capps, Celeste Showers Sulc, William Sisco, Self-Reflection Through a Developmental Lens, Adelphi Diep "Penny" Trieu, Modes of Social Network Sites: Usage and Narcissism, Randolph Stephen Casazza, Emily Ludwig, Tracy Cohn, Heterosexual Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Toward Bisexual Individuals: Does Rurality/Urbanicity Make a Difference?, Radford Savannah Moxley, Emily Oliver, Alan Yablonski, Hunter Kelly, Ryan Harting, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Christopher Deitrick, Harnessing the Power of Normative Social Influence: Reducing Phone-Related Distracted Driving on a College Campus, JMU Hunter Kelly, Christopher Deitrick, Savannah Moxley, Emily Oliver, Alan Yablonski, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Ryan Harting, Using the Induced Hypocrisy Paradigm to Reduce Phone-Related Distracted Driving in the Field, JMU Cape Fear 3:40 Tamika Satterwhite, Should Capital Punishment be Abolished for Juveniles? Capella 4:00 Brynn Sheehan, Cathy Lau-Barraco, A Review of a Conceptual Model of Alcoholrelated Aggression and Ego Depletion, ODU Cape Lookout Cape Henry II Veronica Boyd, Jocelyn Edwards, Charlotte Owens, Turner Sheehan, Debra Steckler, To Tat or Not To Tat: Perceptions of Tattooed and Non-Tattooed Faces, UMW Kathleen Adragna, Katlyn Baines, Celeste Kelly, Julia Smith, Erotic Capital? The Relationship Between Sexualization and Leadership, UMW Christopher Hollingsworth, The Effects of Chronotype and Time of Day on Ethical Decision Making, Randolph
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