Second Sunday of Lent / Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma March 1, 2015 Office: 1515 ~ 8th Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651 Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686 Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203 Email: [email protected] St. Paul’s WebPage: Saint Paul’s Catholic Community GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION GENERAL SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL Confessions / Confesiones Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM Baptisms / Bautismos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM in English or at the Sunday English Masses with Fr. Jairo. 1er y 3er sábado del mes 10:30 AM en español. Marriages / Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda. MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00 PM Español, Melba Sunday / Domingo: 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM English, Englsih, English, Español, Español, Nampa Melba Nampa Nampa Nampa Monday / Lunes: 8:00 AM English Tuesday / Martes: 8:00 AM English Wednesday / Miercoles: 8:00 AM English, Hospital 6:00 PM Español, Iglesia Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 AM English Friday / Viernes: 8:15 AM English, Old Church Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia Quinceañeras Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM. Christian Initiation for None Catholics (RCIA) Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 PARISH TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Administrator: Parochial Vicar: Retire Priest: Deacon: Deacon: Children Religious Ed.: Youth Minister: School Principal: Business Manager: Bookkeeper: Administ. Secretary: Receptionist: Maintenance: Father Jairo Restrepo, JCL Father Javier Corral Father William Taylor Michael Collins Jose Luis Granados Marisela Linan Mari De Leon Randy McCormick Gina Urquidi Carol Amador Patricia Hernandez José Rodriguez PARISH COUNCILS AND GROUPS / CONSEJOS PARROQUIALES Y GRUPOS Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Roger Welsh Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey St. Paul’s School Board:…………….Rusty Bengoa Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush Comite Latino:………………………...XXXXXXX Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :… Chris Johnson Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough Knights of Columbus:………………..Keven Stadther Catholic Daughters of America:…….Barbara Marrone Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake Catholic Women’s League:…………Paulette Blaseg Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Jim Daniels Sunday Mar.1 8:00 AM Nampa: Elizabeth Bilbao 9:30 AM Melba: Frank BeƩencourt † 10:00 AM Nampa: Pro-Populo 12:00 PM Nampa: Jose E. Olvera † 7:00 PM Nampa: Karla Cruz Monday Mar. 2 8:00 AM Nampa: Edith Irigoyen † Tuesday Mar. 3 8:00 AM Nampa: David Urrea † Wednesday Mar. 4 8:00 AM Nampa: Isabel Urrea † 6:00 PM Nampa: Cresencio y Eloisa Mateo † Thursday Mar. 5 8:00 AM Nampa: CWL Friday Mar. 6 8:00 AM Nampa: Noella HowleƩ † Saturday Mar. 7 5:00 PM Nampa: Colleen Bayles † 7:00 PM Melba: LAST WEEK COLLECTION COLECTA DE LA SEMANA ANTERIOR * Saint Paul’s / San Pablo Envelopes & Loose Collection………Actual $ 12,720.74 Sobres y dinero efectivo Projected $ 11,765.00 Dif. $ 955.74 Children’s Collection……………………… Colecta de los Niños $ 621.00 * Saint Joseph’s / San Jose Envelopes & Loose Collection…………… Sobres y dinero efectivo $ 627.13 St. Joseph’s Corn beef & Cabbage Dinner At St. Joseph’s Church (504 Randolph St. in Melba) Saturday, March 14,2015 Serving time: 5:30p.m.– 8:00p.m. Bingo starts at 7:30pm Live Auction Menu: All You Can Eat !!! Corn Beef Potatoes w/ Carrots Coffee/Tea Green Cool - Aid Cabbage Horseradish Mustard Green Beer Waffle Cookie Price: Adults ...........$12.00 Seniors(65+)...$8.00 5-12 years......$8.00 4 & under free Al We l are lco me !! St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 4 PARISH NEWS GLUTEN FREE HOST AVAILABLE ADORATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT OPEN HOURS If you are allergic to Glutten now you can receive the Precious Body of Our Lord at the Eucharist. We have Hosts that contain 0.01 % gluten. If you are interested please contact Fr. Jairo. Come in for a visit or sign up for an hour. We can always use substitutes. .Open Hours: Monday at 1:00 a.m., Thursday at 3:00 a.m. and Saturday at 3:00 a.m. Call Chris Johnson at 467-0332.. BIBLE STUDY WITH FR. BILL TAYLOR NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING strengthens marriages! Fr. Bill Taylor wants to add a Bible study to the menu of excellent studies already going on at St. Paul’s. The study involves a search into the text and its message for our lives. Each lesson ends with prayer. The class will be at the parish office at 10am and 12pm noon (bring a sack lunch) . Please bring a Bible and notebook. Please contact the parish office to sign up, 466-7031. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPES Since we no longer have a second collection at Mass, we invite you to deposit the envelopes with your gift on the regular collection at Mass. Even though we do not have the second collections, the needs are still there and your help is appreciated! Live class starting Feb. 15! Natural Family Planning courses teach married and engaged couples the scientific sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness. Couples regularly report a rediscovery of God's plan for married love and a strengthening of their faith. The 3 course series will be held in Boise, Sundays from 1:003:30, Mar. 15, & April 19. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Jeff and Erika Cowman ASAP at [email protected] for registration and location details. CURSILLO “A short course in Christianity” Cursillo is for those who want to go deeper in their faith no matter where they are. PRE– BAPTISMAL CLASS Women—June 11-14, 2015 @ Our Lady of the Rosary in Boise Contact: Barb Dauner 859-5971 or [email protected] FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN Men—June 25-28, 2015 @ Our Lady of the Rosary in Boise Contact: Mark McCormack 863-3966 or [email protected] All parents and godparents are invited to participate in the pre– baptismal classes on March 17 at 7:00pm in the Church. BK is now accepting applications for a full-time Custodian. Please visit our website at under About BK- Employment for a complete job description and how to apply. Pay starting at $12/ HR. Full health and tuition benefits. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS The St. Paul's Educational Foundation is sponsoring scholarships for the Bishop Kelly High School and Continuing Education students. The deadline for the application is APRIL 1st, 2015. If you would like to apply please submit and application which will be located in the rectory, at the school and in the Narthex of the church. If you have any questions please call Mary Ann Vande Brake at 880-5223. PARISH POSITION AVAIABLE The position of parish administrative manager is open. Please contact the parish office or the Diocesan website: for more information. CWL NEXT RUMMAGE SALE There will a rummage sale on Saturday ; March 7 from 8am—2pm in Dempsey. All are invited to come and bring your friends. We have something for everyone and the best prices in town. See you there! CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOR ADULTS There will be a retreat for those wishing to celebrate the sacrament of confirmation on April 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. . These classes are for adults over the age of 18 . Please contact the parish office to register. PILGRIMAGE WITH BISHOP PETER You are cordially invited to join other pilgrims from Idaho to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Pope Francis will be there, Bishop Peter will be there and I hope you can join us in reigniting the fire in marriage and families. There are flyers in the gathering area with more information. MASS AT A CARE FACILITY There will be a Care Center Holy Mass at Karcher Estates on Friday, February 27th at 10 a.m. All are invited. Those who are ill may receive the Sacrament of the Sick at this Mass. MOVIE DAY!!! Presenting, "The 40 Film" The film is sponsored by your local "40 Days for Life" ministry. This movie is appropriate for youth and examines the effect abortion has had on our nations over the 40 years since Roe v Wade. Showing: Sun, March 15th @2:15pm AND Wed, March 18th @6pm- Overland Park Cinema 7051 W Overland Rd, Boise, ID Suggested Donation: $5 Adults/ $2.50 all Students over 12yo/ Free under 12 Tickets will be sold after masses March 7th & 8th or can be bought by contacting [email protected] or call Jennifer 208-249-9303 Check out for more movie details. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 MINISTRIES NEWS St. Paul’s Catholic School News Wow, what a night! St. Paul’s Catholic Parish Gala was an incredible celebration of Catholic education in Canyon County. Gala chairs, John Shumate and Nicole Collins and their gala team, put in countless hours for this fundraiser. As with each gala, the objective is to raise enough money to decrease every child’s tuition to St. Paul’s Catholic School by $1,000. The parish book keepers Gina Urquidi and Mickie Berrichoa, are working diligently to compile final figures on this fundraiser. As soon as the “books are closed” on this year’s gala, we will publish the net amount to be applied this year’s school budget and “Building on Faith.” St. Paul’s Catholic School will begin registering kindergarten through eighth grade students for the 2015-16 school year on March 2. Children’s Ministry News Youth Ministry News Children First Reconciliation/Primera Confección de los Niños St. Paul's First Reconciliation: Saturday, March 14th at 10am St. Joe’s: Sunday, March 15th right after English Mass La Primera Confección de los niños en San Pablo serán el sábado, 14 de marzo a las 10am We have registered 102 youth and adults for the Idaho Catholic Youth Conference. We are very excited to continue to have such a large number of youth, young adults and adults attend. Please keep our youth in your prayers. Please note dates for Sundays during the month of March & April March 1st Religious Ed & Youth Group in secƟon March 8th Religious Ed & Youth Group in secƟon March 14th First ReconciliaƟon March 15th Religious Ed & Youth Group in secƟon March 22nd Religious Ed & Youth Group in secƟon March 29th Palm Sunday No Religious Ed or Youth Group April 4 Easter Vigil April 5 Happy Easter No Religious Ed & Youth Group Our second Quinceanera retreat will be March 14th at the Old St. Paul's from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. it is important to pre-register the cost of this retreat is $50.00. Keep an eye out for Summer Camp registrations our annual Summer Camp is available to all students entering 7th-9th grades fall of 2015. Summer Camp is held at Camp Cascade in beautiful Donnelly, Idaho. We offer two different weeks to choose from June 22-26 or June 29-July 3rd. Look for materials to be posted in the next few weeks. Praise and Worship Jam sessions with Mike Schaller will be starting soon keep an eye out for info in the bulletin everyone will be invited! Details coming soon. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 6 PARISH GROUPS NEWS EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 249-5511. We will be happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available. MEALS ON WHEELS– St. AL’S We are looking for folks who would be interested in donating between 2-4 hour once a week. For more information, interested parties should contact me at: 208-463-5720 or at [email protected] MOUNT CALVARY Mount Calvary Cemetery Board is currently accepting bids for the lawn maintenance contract. Bid specifics can be picked up at the Parish Office or can be emailed upon request. Please contact the Parish office during regular business hours with questions. Bids will be accepted through February 27, 2015 and the contract will be awarded on March 12, 2015. IDAHO CATHOLIC APPEAL The Idaho Catholic Appeal is the one diocese an-wide appeal that provides support for over 20 ministries including seminarian formation, education and lay ministry training and formation, evangelization and worship programs, and outreach to youth, college students and to those in need. Once a year, each of us is called to make a commitment to support the work of our diocesan family, work beyond the boundary of any one parish. St. Paul’s goal is 100% participation and $71,027.00. Please take some time to prayerfully discern your gift to the 2015 Idaho Catholic Appeal . PARENT ENRICHMENT St. Mark's School is hosting a parent enrichment speaker, "Preparing and Protecting Young People in a Digital World." BSU professor, Dr. Chris Haskell, will share data, insights, practical strategies, and answer your questions about the tools and communities of our digital world. The event is Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Mark's School auditorium. It is free of charge and open to all parents. REDISCOVER YOUR MARRIAGE A Lifeline for Marriage – Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential info about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend in Boise on March 13-15, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website at PIANIST NEEDED A highly skilled pianist is needed to assist with our music ministry at St. Paul's. Qualified pianists are invited to contact Mike Schaller for more information, and to schedule an audition. Call/text 697-8236 or email [email protected] SERVANTS SCHOOL The upcoming Servant School classes offered March 6-8 and March 13-15. Auditors are welcome to join us for English and Spanish classes offered at The Riverside Hotel in Boise. Please share this flyer with leaders and the faithful interested in learning about their faith. CDA BAKE SALE The CDA will have their baked goods and crafts available for sale March 7 and March 8 in the Gathering Space of the Church. Please stop by and purchase great homemade baked items and handmade crafts. Proceeds go to support parish activities and Building on Faith. THE ANNUNCIATION The Annunciation: Listening With the Artists, March 20-22, 2015, Friday 7:30 pm to Sunday 1:30 pm. You are invited to celebrate the upcoming Solemnity of the Annunciation with an artistic journey with Mary and her extraordinary surrender to God's plan. The Annunciation has fascinated artists through the centuries. Join us as we examine the theology and spirituality of this sacred event through artists' depictions and explore Mary's invitation from God, as well as our own. Suggested donation: $190 single / $140 each shared. Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, 465 Keuterville Road, Cottonwood, Idaho. 208-962-2000. THANK YOU Thank you, Thank you for your support! St. Paul's Girl Scouts with your help collected 356 pairs of socks. All together (20 Girl Scout Troops & ICON Credit Union) we were able to provide 6921 pairs of socks to the homeless and needy of our community. Mount Calvary Cemetery Mount Calvary Cemetery is a Catholic Cemetery located at the corner of Powerline and Greenhurst. To purchase a plot at Mount Calvary Cemetery please contact: Danny Jacobson (208) 442- 8171 AdverƟser of the Week Vic’s Family Pharmacy “Full Service Pharmacy” 465-7000 442-1000 Please support these vendors who make our bulleƟn possible. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 7 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL CLASES PRE– BAUTISMALES Padres y padrinos que desean bautizar próximamente están invitados a participar en las clases pre bautismales el día 10 de Marzo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. HOSTIAS ESPECIALES GLUTEN FREE Si usted es alérgico al gluten ahora podrá recibir el cuerpo de nuestro Señor en la sagrada Eucaristía, que continúe menos de 0.01% gluten. Favor de comunicarse con el Padre Jairo para mas información. NO SEGUNDAS COLECTAS EN LA MISA Ya no estamos haciendo segundas colectas en las misas; pero les pedimos que continúen el uso de todos los sobres, como los sobres para Caridad, Escuela o Edificar en la Fe. Sus contribuciones pueden ser puestas en la canasta de la colecta dominical. Si usted aun no esta recibiendo sobres y le gustaría favor de comunicarse con la oficia parroquial. HORAS DISPONIBLES DE ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Ven a visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas vacantes: Lunes a las 1:00 am, Jueves a las 3:00am y el Sábado a las 3:00am. Por favor, considere una hora a la semana o si no, tal vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar Chris Johnson 467-0332. RETIRO PARA QUINCEANERA Habrá un retiro para jovencitas que desean celebrar sus quince anos próximamente. El retiro será de medio día y se ofrecerá el retiro las siguientes fechas; 14 de Marzo y 6 de Junio. Favor de comunicarse con Mari en la oficina parroquial para mas información. GRUPO DE ORACION Y APOYO PARA MUJERES Mateo 11,28 Vengan a mi todos ustedes que están cansados de sus trabajos y cargas y yo los hare descansar. Les invitamos a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad, a ser parte de una maravillosa experiencia de oración por nuestros esposos, hijos y comunidad. todos los miércoles 10 am en la oficina 1515 8th Street South, Nampa Idaho 83651. mayor información Linda Wright 760-7918082. El Señor tiene un nuevo Camino en tu vida y tu Matrimonio. GRUPO LA BUENA SEMILLA Te invitamos todos los Miercoles a un rato de alabanza y oración después de la Misa de 6 PM y seguido del Estudio Biblico con el Padre Jairo. Nos reunimos en la Iglesia. AMIGOS DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Por favor únase a los amigos de la Divina Misericordia cada primer sábado del mes después de la misa de 5pm, en la Capilla de Adoración. Leyéremos una escritura del diario de Santa Faustina, rezar la oración de la Divina Misericordia. Para mas información favor de comunicarse con Ian O’Connell at 2505714. LEGION DE LAS MUJERES CATOLICAS La Legión de las Mujeres Católicas les da sus mas sinceras gracias por su apoyo en las ventas de remate. La siguiente vente será el día 7 de Marzo. CLASES DE BIBLIA Las clases de Biblia que ofrece el Padre Jairo darán inicio el día 25 de Febrero después de la misa de las 6:00pm en la Iglesia. Todos están invitados. POSICIÓN PARROQUIAL DISPONIBLE La posición de manejador de administración parroquial esta disponible. Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial o al sitio de internet Diocesana: para mas información. CLASES DE CONFIRMACION PARA ADULTOS Habrá un retiro el día 11 de Abril de las 9am hasta la 1pm para las personas que desean recibir la primera comunión. Las clases son solamente para personas mayores de 18 anos. Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse. PEREGRINACION CON OBISPO PETER Están cordialmente invitados a que acompañen a otros peregrinos de Idaho al Congreso Mundial de las Familias en Filadelfia. El Papa Francisco estará ahí, nuestro Obispo Peter estará ahí y esperamos que ustedes también nos acompañen renovando el fuego de las familias y matrimonios. Puede encontrar hojas con mas información en la entrada principal de la Iglesia. ESCUELA DE SIERVOS Los cursos de formación ofrecido por la Escuela de Siervos el 6 al 8 de marzo y el 13 al 15 de marzo. Las clases son ofrecidas en inglés y español en The Riverside Hotel, Boise. Pueden asistir los dos fines de semana o solamente un fin de semana. Las clases ofrecidas son: Introducción al Antiguo Testamento, Derecho Canónico y Enseñanzas Sociales Católicas. Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Vic’s Family Pharmacy Locally owned & operated “Full Service Pharmacy” Custom Compounding Now in 2 locations in Nampa A1R COURT OUR LADY OF VICTORY 467-5259 454-3377 Now Doing House Cleaning Pork or Beef 922-4837 • 761-5645 (Habla Español) 919-9275 Yraguen Chapel 442-8171 415 12th Ave S St. Paul’s parishioners Owner: John Yraguen Sec: Debi Timmons - Asst: Rod Timmons 466-1101 NO. 1348 “YOUR LOCAL GROCER” CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Open Til 11 PM, 7 Days a Week MEETINGS 1ST Tuesday of Month - 7:00 PM 467-3991 407 12th Ave. Road 466-8511 Catholic Owned and Operated Plumbing service and remodels: leaks, water heaters, fixtures, drain stoppages, etc. Restoration: Flood, Fires, Smoke, Mold Boise 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 404 10th Avenue South Nampa, Idaho 83651 (208) 466 - 3545 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 2014 Carniceria-Taqueria - Abbarrotes Butcher Shop-Deli-Grocery Items Open 7 Days a week Brian Flowers 135 Lonestar Rd Nampa MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Wednesday 4th Degree 4th Monday All at 7:00 P.M. FREE Medical equipment to loan to anyone needing it; walkers, canes, wheel chairs, beds, lifts, etc. etc. Call to see what we have. H.E.L.P CENTER Thurs 1-4 and Sat. 10-2 (208) 461-9248 24/7 Red Carpet Service Drain & Sewer | Repairs & Service Water Heaters & Softeners Gas Piping | Excavation A1 PLUMBING Debbie Aguirre Shank Funeral Assistant Parishioner - St Paul’s Jim Schmerer Managing Partner Funeral Director Kuna Event Center 321 W. 4th St. Kuna, ID 83634 922-2868 Quinceañera’s, Weddings, Banquets and Meetings [email protected] NAMPA BINGO GO B I N07 12 05 16 29 56 69 95 20 75 2 80 83 5 12 45 9 08 77 9 15 20 376.7473 Bob Ross Funeral Director Parishioner –Holy Apostles Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved ~ 1.800.795.2070 / IS YOUR REFUND IMPACTED BY THE Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call Sheila TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, SUN Call 465-7522 Idaho Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device at the Columbian Center 2900 E. Railroad St, Nampa Afternoons & Evenings CatholicMatch 1-800-616-4138 AFFORDABLE CARE ACT? FIND OUT. 800-HRBLOCK 059 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138 Dr. Patrick Niland Caldwell Appliances • Electrical • Plumbing Concrete Work • Auto Mechanic Carpentry • Yard cleaning & hauling Nampa Funeral Home ©CPI 376.7473 24/7 Red Carpet Service 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Nampa Handyman HEATING A/C 12th Ave Road- 465-7000 Dallan Woods- 442-1000 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Pedro Garcia & Hijos PERFECT
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