EUROPEAN EXPERTISE Called to account Requirements for CCPs in Europe to offer a choice of asset segregation options represents one of the biggest changes to capital markets infrastructure in the last 20 years. Clients need to make important choices now, says Nicholas Chaudhry. NICHOLAS CHAUDHRY HEAD OF OTC CLIENT CLEARING In the transition to centralised clearing for OTC and exchange-traded derivatives, differences are being picked up on in the respective regimes being rolled out in Europe – European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) – and in the US, the Dodd-Frank Act. One of the biggest differences is the client segregation models required by each. While the US has chosen to focus on a Legally Separated, Operationally Co-Mingled (LSOC) approach, the European regulator (ESMA) has stipulated that a Central Counterparty (CCP) can only be reauthorised under EMIR if it can offer a choice of both omnibus and individual asset segregation structures. This condition represents a major difference in the two regimes, and is raising issues for global CCPs. Closer to home, it’s also creating additional workload for clients who must choose and confirm in writing, to their clearing member, which type of asset segregation they wish to use – ideally in time for a CCP’s reauthorisation deadline under EMIR. The good news for clients is that clearing members themselves are required to be transparent 27 PERSPECTIVES regarding the costs and levels of protection associated with each CCP’s offering. So what exactly is being offered and how can clients determine which approach is likely to most be appropriate? member, still has to spend time and resources analysing what the differences between the two accounts might be. THE MODELS ON OFFER CHOOSING AN ASSET SEGREGATION MODEL EMIR decrees that CCPs – and therefore, in turn, their clearing members – must offer both omnibus and segregated client accounts. However, ESMA has offered little guidance beyond this. As a result, CCPs are interpreting the rules in different ways and multiple client account options are now proliferating as a source of competitive differentiation. The ideal scenario would be for CCPs to align and decide collectively what each different client account model should entail operationally. This would make it easier for regulators to understand what CCPs are really trying to achieve and would allow build-and-implementation costs for brokerdealers to be vastly reduced. The resultant lack of standardisation is set to present challenges. For example, two CCPs may each offer a ‘gross omnibus’ solution that ultimately gives the end-client the same level of protection but operationally are very different (for example, in terms of whether collateral needs be posted to and from the clearing broker on a gross or net basis, the timings at which collateral monies need to be paid, and the ability to use collateral in cash or non-cash). Therefore the client, together with the clearing But in the absence of standardisation, what are the key considerations for clients? In our view, three factors will determine which model is most appropriate: 1. RISK A key consideration is the level of protection one segregation model gives compared to another. At a very high-level, the minimum levels of segregation are as follows: “The ideal scenario would be for CCPs to align and decide collectively what each different client account model should entail operationally.” Figure 1: Overview of EMIR segregation models EMIR 39.2 (Omni Seg – OSA) EMIR 39.3 (Individual Seg – ISA) Omnibus-Net Omnibus-Gross Position and Value Attribution IM Calculation Net Gross Gross Gross VM Calculation Net Net Net Net Net Positions Co-mingled with no reporting by client Accounted for by client on GCM reporting Accounted for by client based on GCM reporting Accounted for by client based on GCM reporting Individual client account at CCP Collateral Co-mingled Co-mingled Accounted for by client by value Accounted for by client by value and asset Individual client account at CCP Client Mutualisation Yes Yes Yes No No Excess (held at CCP) No No Yes Yes Yes Portability (positions) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Unlikely Limited Yes (proportionate value) Yes (actual asset if possible) Yes (actual asset) Portability (assets) 28 Position and Asset Attribution Full Physical Segregation Gross EUROPEAN EXPERTISE segregation accounts (OSAs): Under •Omnibus this model, all client positions and assets are recorded to the same omnibus account and have loss mutualisation risk to satisfy losses in the event of a shortfall of assets in the account. There are three main types of Omnibus account models; Net, Gross and Value Attribution. The first two options have limited chance of porting, whereas Value Attribution supports porting and is similar to the US model under DFA. segregation accounts (ISAs): In most •Individual cases these identify client ownership of positions and assets, thereby reducing loss mutualisation. This model also facilitates portability of assets in the event of a clearing member default, or a return of assets to a client when a position is closed. But beyond these two broad categories, further variations are likely to emerge. As Figure 1 shows, each presents different implications in terms of margin calculation, position reporting, and treatment of collateral. 2. CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS Under CRDIV, the EU rules on capital requirements for credit institutions and investment firms, a bank’s exposure to central counterparties will have a significant bearing on its capital requirements. Any client that is prudentially regulated will need to consider the capital implications of its choice of segregation model, bearing in mind that individual client segregation is likely to drive capital savings. 3. COST Cost is an issue that will need to be overlaid across all other considerations. While not all CCPs have yet gone public on price, it’s inevitable that the higher level of asset protection offered, the higher the cost. Firms will be challenged to replicate and validate CCP margin calculations in advance of trades to manage costs and determine where to direct trades in order to optimise collateral. Portfolios with different CCPs, in addition to CCPs utilising a range of calculation methodologies to determine margin, will have an impact on the initial margin requirement of a new trade, further complicating the cost conundrum. It’s also the case that pricing, or the bid-offer of spread offered by an executing broker, may vary 29 PERSPECTIVES depending on where it looks to conduct most of its clearing. As the market starts to mature, the bid-offer spread associated with where a trade will be cleared may actually drive a client’s need to have multiple CCPs in place to ensure that they get the best pricing they can. MARKET TRENDS So far, there doesn’t seem to be a strong indication as to which segregation model clients prefer, rather it is likely to depend on the type of client. For example, pension funds are by nature much more cautious with regards to protection of assets and will very likely want to go for individual segregated accounts. Banks are also likely to choose the most secure environment they can to optimise capital relief. Conversely, hedge funds may put more priority on cost and the need to optimise return on investment. As a result they may well consider a balance of omnibus and segregated solutions. Ultimately, as the market matures, it’s likely that just a couple of models will begin to dominate. As the European CCP market matures over the next 18 months, consolidation is likely and smaller CCPs are likely to withdraw from the market. But multiple CCP use, and therefore the use of multiple segregation solutions, is likely to be the norm. While CCPs may promote themselves as one-stop shops, the truth is that they vary in terms of their strengths, particularly in terms of market liquidity, with some being stronger in rates and others in credit, and so on. In addition, few market participants want to be reliant on the services of just one clearing broker. As a result, very few clients trading multiple asset classes are able to get away with using just one CCP, so a range of account propositions need to be assessed. 30 SUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS At Commerzbank, we are looking to take a partnership approach with our clients to understand their requirements and deliver clearing solutions that fit precisely with their trading habits. Wherever possible, we want to deliver turnkey solutions that reduce clients’ operational risk. Commerzbank OTC Clearing solutions are designed to facilitate our clients’ obligations under regulatory clearing requirements in the most efficient way. We work with our clients’ internal departments – Operations, Risk Management, IT, Finance, Risk, for example – supporting our clients and managing the onboarding process, every step of the way. As a direct member of LCH, Eurex and, most recently, ICE, we are developing materials to allow clients to easily compare the different segregation models available from these leading CCPs, and weigh their respective benefits against the potential cost. Clients also have access to our market-leading portal, enabling them to aggregate across multiple CCPs, conduct analysis and ‘what if’ scenarios, as well as assess the capital and cost impact of placing trades with different CCPs. A MAJOR CHANGE It’s vital to stress that the asset segregation requirements of EMIR are shaping up to be one of the biggest changes to capital market infrastructure in the last 20 years. Every client needs to be actively engaged right now in determining which segregation model from which CCP best suits their business in terms of risk, cost and capital, and then working with their chosen clearing member to implement this. We hope that with the right partnership approach, this major change to the way that positions and collateral are handled needn’t mean major upheaval for our clients. NC PERSPECTIVES Disclaimer This document has been created and published by the Corporates & Markets division of Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main or the group companies mentioned in the document (“Commerzbank”). Commerzbank Corporates & Markets is the investment banking division of Commerzbank, integrating research, debt, equities, interest rates and foreign exchange. This is a financial promotion/marketing communication (together “communication”). It is not “investment research” or “financial analysis” as these terms are defined in applicable regulations. Material contributed by research analysts is not issuer specific nor intended to be presented as independent financial analysis. 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