LOOKING FORWARD High-yield in high demand As yields hit record lows, more and more European corporates are looking to high-yield bonds as a flexible, cost-effective alternative to traditional bank funding. Scott Boothby explains how Commerzbank has been responding. SCOTT BOOTHBY HEAD OF HIGH-YIELD CAPITAL MARKETS It’s fair to say that European sub-investment grade corporates have taken their time to catch onto the attractions of high-yield bonds. In a market dominated by the US for more than 40 years, Europe accounts for just a fifth of global high-yield bond issuance, having traditionally sourced bank loans for most of its funding needs. 2013 was a record year for European high-yield bond issuance, raising EUR 70 billion from more than 200 issues, double what we saw in 2012 and 60% more than the previous record of EUR 44 billion in 2010. Although spreads are becoming tighter, high-yield remains appealing to investors when compared to other asset classes. Investors will be looking for a higher coupon and potential capital appreciation in a low-default environment, positive industry dynamics and catalysts (increased M&A, IPO). On this basis, we see continued inflows pouring into the asset class (EUR 1 billion for the month of February), while historically high-yield has been less sensitive to interest rate increases. What was striking about 2013 was the diversity of issuance: 43% of volume came from debut rather than repeat issuers, and renewed activity was seen from peripheral markets including Spain and Italy. But perhaps the most significant indication of the high-yield market’s move to maturity was the stronger share of pure high-yield issuance (of issues rated single B or below), accounting for 57% of total volume versus 43% in 2012. Continuing a theme of bank disintermediation that began after the global credit crisis, European corporates are now actively looking to diversify their funding into capital markets. These are all indicators that the European high-yield bond market is coming to maturity. THE HIGH-YIELD ADVANTAGE This appetite to use high-yield is partly being driven by the compression on rates. But there are other clear benefits that high-yield bonds can offer over bank financing. Compared to a typical subinvestment-grade covenanted loan, high-yield bonds are operationally far more flexible. Unlike a bank leveraged loan, high-yield investors aren’t looking for a regular repayment schedule so cash flows are free to be reinvested in the business, making them particularly valuable for fast-growing companies in need of cash flow and for companies active in cyclical industries. If a company has high capital expenditure needs – for example, if it’s looking to move into a new market – high-yield offers a fixed pool of capital and the ability to lock into a favourable rate of interest. In this way, a company can know exactly what its liabilities will be for the whole term of the bond but still decide to refinance its high-yield bonds (although at a premium). 37 PERSPECTIVES In addition, unlike a bank leveraged loan, a high-yield bond won’t have maintenance covenants, thus providing greater operational and financial flexibilities to withstand economical cycles. Most of all, European high-yield markets now offer a reliable and sustainable source of liquidity at a time when it has become much more challenging for banks to lend on the same terms as they did pre-credit crisis (to the extent that corporates are now looking to refinance bank loans using high-yield bonds). But it’s not a question of either/ or: Plenty of companies are choosing to hold both loans and bonds. The difference now is that Europe has a stable high-yield market that can allow companies to diversify their funding sources as and when required. HIGH-YIELD AT COMMERZBANK Commerzbank has longstanding experience in leveraged finance and investment-grade bonds, particularly serving corporate Germany. So it was logical for us to establish a dedicated high-yield bond capability last year. High-yield is a people- and credit-intensive business, requiring substantial investment in teams and infrastructure. So alongside four capital markets specialists, we have introduced a dedicated High-yield Sales Team. This gives us direct access to a highly diversified investor base and ensures we have the secondary trading capability to support fully the names we bring to market. We have also been mindful to leverage the extensive knowledge and skills of our colleagues in leveraged finance, reflecting the overlap in both investors and clients. The market response to our new platform has been extremely positive. Over its first year, our highyield Capital Markets and DCM-Bond team has overseen 24 transactions spanning the ratings curve from 13 pure high-yield transactions up to BB/crossover deals, putting us comfortably within the top 20 high-yield bond arrangers in Europe during our first year. Transactions have come from across Europe, covering a range of sectors. For example, we conducted four high-yield mandates with leading financial sponsor KKR ranging from helicopter leasing, French fashion retail, a Spanish theme 38 “High-yield is a people – and credit-intensive business, requiring substantial investment in teams and infrastructure.” LOOKING FORWARD The traditional investment banks have been the cornerstone of the global high-yield market and will continue to dominate. But relying on a few established players can mean relationships between the buy-side and the sell-side aren’t necessarily as dynamic as they could be. Commercial banks like Commerzbank can offer a new perspective. Alongside giving access to new investors and issuers, our long-term lending relationships give us unparalleled understanding of our corporate clients’ needs, both in the capital markets, but also in the loans and ancillary facilities that help drive their business day to day. Also, the fact that we are still keen to hold sub-investmentgrade paper on our balance sheet means we understand the risk, the remuneration around that risk, and how to structure deals appropriately both for clients and investors. DEMAND FOR SMALLER ISSUES We are also keen to explore how high-yield opportunities might evolve. For example, traditionally, the minimum issue size for a bond has been EUR 250 million because that’s what investors say they need for liquidity purposes. But given that bonds of this size aren’t very actively traded, there’s an argument that issuance size can be reduced – to EUR 175 million for a standalone transaction (e.g. 3.5 times leverage on EUR 50 million EBITDA). We believe we have access to an investor base in certain geographies that would welcome issues of this size, and this could be a very interesting funding development for mid-sized corporates across Europe. MARKET OUTLOOK park, and a German manufacturer of industrial equipment. We also provided a loan to bond bridge financing to finance Bain Capital’s buyout of Maisons du Monde, to whom we had previously provided lending and therefore knew very well. All high-yield issues have been successfully priced within initial guidance. COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE This initial success is partly due to our existing reputation in investment-grade bonds and leveraged finance – but we think it also reflects an appetite in the market for a fresh perspective in high-yield. Given the compression in yield across all markets, high-yield remains extremely attractive to issuers, enabling them to lock into record low rates at the same time that investors remain willing to move lower down the credit curve in search of return. The fact that European high-yield has experienced extremely low default rates is also strengthening its appeal. Some factors could slow down the market’s growth – in particular, increases in interest rates, Emerging Markets volatility and any concerted efforts within the institutional loan market to offer covenant-lite loans. But with other factors at play, such as signs of renewed M&A activity, corporate Europe’s rebalancing from bank lending to highyield bonds now looks firmly underway. SB 39 PERSPECTIVES Disclaimer This document has been created and published by the Corporates & Markets division of Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main or the group companies mentioned in the document (“Commerzbank”). Commerzbank Corporates & Markets is the investment banking division of Commerzbank, integrating research, debt, equities, interest rates and foreign exchange. This is a financial promotion/marketing communication (together “communication”). It is not “investment research” or “financial analysis” as these terms are defined in applicable regulations. Material contributed by research analysts is not issuer specific nor intended to be presented as independent financial analysis. The views in this communication may differ from the published views of Commerzbank Corporates & Markets Research Department and the communication has been prepared separately of such department. Commerzbank to be reliable, but no representations, guarantees or warranties are made by Commerzbank with regard to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the data. The past performance of financial instruments is not indicative of future results. 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