PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 • 5 Ordinance No. 67 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET ESTIMATE Form 631.1 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 - ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 BUFFALO CENTER City of , Iowa The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Budget at 3/11/15 on Buffalo Center City Hall 7 pm at The Budget Estimate Summary of proposed receipts and expenditures is shown below. Copies of the the detailed proposed Budget may be obtained or viewed at the offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, and at the Library. The estimated Total tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on regular property . . 16.96546 The estimated tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on Agricultural land is . . . . 3.00375 At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. 641-562-2505 Debra K Jensvold phone number City Clerk/Finance Officer's NAME Budget FY 2016 (a) Re-est. FY 2015 (b) Actual FY 2014 (c) Revenues & Other Financing Sources Public Notice OFFICIAL NOTICE City of Buffalo Center, Iowa NOTICE IS VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE¼) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE¼) OF SECTION EIGHTEEN (18) TOWNSHIP NINETY-NINE (99) NORTH, RANGE TWENTY-SIX (26) WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDAN, WINNEBAGO COUNTY, IOWA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 90º 00’ 00” WEST (ASSUMED BEARING) 957.85 FEET ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 00º 00’ 00” EAST 140.14 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 9 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00º 00’ 00” EAST 368.56 FEET; THENCE NORTH 90º 00’ 00” EAST 329.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 00º 05’ 00” WEST 361.21 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID STATE HIGHWAY NO. 9; THENCE SOUTH 88º 43’ 00” WEST 328.56 FEET ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING Notice is hereby given that the owner (Dollar General) of a parcel of real property located in the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼) of the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Ninety-nine (99) North, Range Twenty-six (26) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Iowa, has petitioned for Voluntary Annexation to the City of Buffalo Center. A map of the parcel to be annexed is available for inspection and copying at the Office of the Buffalo Center City Clerk at the Buffalo Center City Hall, 201 Second Avenue SW, Buffalo Center, Iowa. The Buffalo Center City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the proposed annexation at its regular Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at seven o’clock p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall. All persons interested in this proposed voluntary annexation are invited to attend this public hearing and to offer comments in support of or in opposition to the proposed annexation. This Notice is published at the direction of the Buffalo Center City Council. Deb Jensvold, Buffalo Center City Clerk Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Public Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSAL TO SELL REAL ESTATE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Public notice is hereby given that there is now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Thompson, Winnebago County, State of Iowa, a proposed resolution for the sale of the following described real estate situated in Winnebago County, State of Iowa, to-wit: Row located in Section Twenty-three (23), Township Ninety-nine (99) North, Range Twenty-five (25) West of the 5th P.M., EXCEPT a tract to Thompson Supermarket, and EXCEPT a tract to Farmer Coop (Parcel ID # 0623351005) To the highest bidder and for the conveyance of said real estate by said City of Thompson by Quit Claim Deed. This conveyance shall be without survey or abstract of title. The City shall consider written bids submitted to the City on or before March 6, 2015. The property shall be sold to the highest bidder. A hearing on the final adoption of said proposal will be held at Council Chambers in the City of Thompson, Winnebago County, State of Iowa, on the 9th day of March, 2015 at 5:30 o’clock P.M., and any and all objections thereto must be made prior to or at such a hearing, and at which time the final approval of said sale will be considered. Dated this 10th day of February, 2015. Diane Price, City Clerk Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 18, and Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 11, 2015 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. February 11, 2015 adjourned from February 10, 2015. Present: Supervisors Jensvold, Stensrud and Durby Absent: On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to set the Public Hearing for the County Budget on March 10, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. All voted aye. Motion carried. The Supervisors discussed the Courthouse tuck-pointing and exterior repair project. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the project and to set a bid letting date of March 17, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to approve the hire of an IT intern Teresa Stroesser for $8.00 per hour. All voted aye. Motion carried. Budget discussions were held and a conference call with Jeff Heil to discuss TIF information. The session was adjourned until 9:00 A.M. February 17, 2015. Terry Durby, Chairperson Attest: Karla Weiss, County Auditor Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 1 2 3 282,474 0 282,474 276,000 0 276,000 304,605 0 304,605 Delinquent Property Taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses & Permits Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental Charges for Services Special Assessments Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 0 96,545 2,400 14,700 130,543 390,000 0 20,000 0 0 936,662 0 0 97,035 1,800 690 126,932 420,000 0 50,000 1,000,000 11,000 1,983,457 0 0 87,284 2,416 14,724 125,029 353,625 0 28,138 40,000 58,747 1,014,568 Public Safety Public Works Health and Social Services Culture and Recreation Community and Economic Development General Government Debt Service Capital Projects Total Government Activities Expenditures Business Type / Enterprises Total ALL Expenditures 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 98,280 179,500 0 114,200 0 105,350 84,951 0 582,281 354,000 936,281 108,480 197,500 0 111,100 0 88,134 111,743 1,000,000 1,616,957 322,500 1,939,457 150,600 140,739 0 227,866 0 145,042 124,354 0 788,601 313,156 1,101,757 Transfers Out Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 28 0 936,281 11,000 1,950,457 58,747 1,160,504 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out 29 381 33,000 -145,936 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 416,180 383,180 529,116 Ending Fund Balance June 30 31 416,561 416,180 383,180 Expenditures & Other Financing Uses Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET ESTIMATE Form 631.1 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 - ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 Thompson City of , Iowa The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Budget at on 3/9/15 at Thompson City Hall The Budget Estimate Summary of proposed receipts and expenditures is shown below. Copies of the the detailed proposed Budget may be obtained or viewed at the offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, and at the Library. The estimated Total tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on regular property . . 11.93266 The estimated tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on Agricultural land is . . . . 3.00375 At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. Diane M Price phone number City Clerk/Finance Officer's NAME Budget FY 2016 (a) Re-est. FY 2015 (b) Actual FY 2014 (c) Revenues & Other Financing Sources Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 1 2 3 129,756 0 129,756 126,562 0 126,562 136,816 0 136,816 Delinquent Property Taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses & Permits Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 56,727 0 0 117,072 2,681 0 54,000 0 0 107,502 0 0 46,816 475 462 257,283 Charges for Services Special Assessments Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources 10 11 12 13 14 15 208,350 0 0 0 200,000 711,905 210,400 0 0 0 0 501,145 168,403 0 18,376 0 18,000 646,631 Public Safety Public Works 16 17 53,407 128,436 53,300 130,114 51,838 108,517 Health and Social Services Culture and Recreation 18 19 0 63,608 0 65,558 0 57,049 Community and Economic Development General Government 20 21 12,000 103,881 13,000 101,571 8,279 81,363 Debt Service Capital Projects Total Government Activities Expenditures Business Type / Enterprises Total ALL Expenditures 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 361,332 120,930 482,262 0 0 363,543 116,168 479,711 0 172,596 479,642 103,103 582,745 Transfers Out Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 28 200,000 682,262 0 479,711 18,000 600,745 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out 29 29,643 21,434 45,886 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 484,123 462,689 416,803 Ending Fund Balance June 30 31 513,766 484,123 462,689 Expenditures & Other Financing Uses Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesay, Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings: Rake Minutes for Rake City Council Meeting February 16, 2015 7:00 PM Rake City Hall The Rake City Council met in regular session at 7:00 PM on Monday, February 16, 2015. Mayor Hagedorn called the regular meeting to order. Mayor Hagedorn presided over the meeting, Badje, Benn, Joynt & Duve present, Johnson absent. Duve made a motion to open the public budget hearing, seconded by Badje, ayes all. No written or oral objections to the 2015-2016 proposed budget. Badje made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Benn, ayes all. Duve made a motion to accept resolution 02162015-01, the 2015-2016 budget and tax certification, seconded by Joynt. A vote was taken, Joynt-y, Badje-y, Duve-y, Benn-y, resolution adopted. Joynt made a motion to approve the meeting agenda, seconded by Benn, ayes all. Benn made a motion to approve the minutes of January 12, 2015 meeting, seconded by Joynt, ayes all. Duve made a motion to accept the February bills, motion seconded by Benn, ayes all. New Business: The Rake Library will get estimates for a handicap access to their building and the council will look in to purchasing signs for the library. Duve made a motion to renew the 3 year contract for water tank cleaning for the water tower, motion seconded by Benn, ayes all. The city will look into sanding streets as needed. Benn made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Duve, ayes all. Melissa Duve, Deputy Clerk Attest: Louise Hagedorn, Mayor February 17, 2015 February Bills Alliant Energy $1,331.07 -City Hall $184.54 -Fire $111.56 -Library $107.70 -Lift Station $200.21 -Park Sign $11.76 -Pump Station $125.57 as a precondition to relocating its Facilities. The City shall consider reasonable alternatives in designing its public works projects so as not arbitrarily to cause the Company unreasonable additional expense in exercising its authority under this section. The City shall also provide a reasonable alternate location for the Company’s Facilities. The City shall give the Company reasonable advance written notice to vacate a public right-of-way. Vacating a public right-ofway shall not deprive the Company of its right to operate and maintain existing Facilities until the reasonable cost of relocating the same are paid to the Company. Section 4. Modern System. The system authorized by this Ordinance shall be modern and up to date and shall be kept in a modern and up-to-date condition. Section 5. Pruning. To promote public safety in proximity to its Facilities and to maintain electric reliability, the Company is authorized and empowered to prune or remove at Company expense any trees or shrubs or parts thereto extending into any street, alley, right-of-way or public grounds. The pruning shall be completed in accordance with the then-current nationally accepted safety and utility industry standards, as revised and updated from time to time. Section 6. Continuous Service. Service to be rendered by the Company under this franchise shall be continuous unless prevented from doing so by fire, Acts of God, unavoidable accidents or casualties, or reasonable interruptions necessary to properly service the Company’s equipment, and in such event service shall be resumed as quickly as is reasonably possible. Section 7. Non-exclusivity. The franchise granted by this Ordinance shall not be exclusive. Section 8. Undergrounding. The City may request estimates for the undergrounding of replacement lines, upgrades or new lines, including lines to be adjusted for road moves or for other specific projects. When requested, the Company will provide to the City two estimates: 1) An estimate for the cost of the project with overhead construction and 2) An estimate for the cost of the project with underground construction. The City will have no more than 60 days from the estimate date to determine if it wants the line built overhead or placed underground. If the City chooses underground construction for the project, the City will be responsible for the incremental cost of undergrounding, defined as the differential between the estimate for underground construction and the estimate for overhead construction. Upon receipt of the City’s payment for the incremental cost of undergrounding, the Company will install the underground facilities. The Company reserves the right to bill City for the amount that the incremental cost associated with installation exceeds its estimate. The City reserves the right to a refund of overpayment if the incremental costs are less than the amount billed in the estimate. If the City wishes to have a line not scheduled for replacement or upgrade placed underground, the City shall contact the Company to make such a request. The City shall cover all costs related to this work. If undergrounding of transmission lines requires entities interconnecting with the Company to make adjustments to their electrical systems, the City bears the responsibility of communica- tion with those entities and, if it chooses, the cost of converting their facilities from overhead to underground. The Company reserves the right to review all of the City’s communications with the affected entities. Section 9. Severability. If any section, provision, or part of this Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision, or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 10. Term of Agreement. The term of the franchise granted by this Ordinance and the rights granted thereunder shall continue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from and after its acceptance by the Company, as herein provided. The anniversary date shall be the date this franchise is filed with the City Clerk or otherwise becomes effective by operation of law. Section 11. Publication Expenses. The expense of the publication of this Ordinance shall be paid by the Company. Section 12. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are in direct conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 13. Acceptance. The franchise granted by this Ordinance shall be conditioned upon acceptance by the Company in writing. The acceptance shall be filed with the City Clerk within ninety (90) days from the passage of this Ordinance. Section 14. Future Developments. The City agrees it will not permit any real estate developments or land uses in the City that would cause the Company’s Facilities to violate the setback or safety requirements of the National Electric Safety Code or any law, regulation or ordinance of the State of Iowa, WINNEBAGO County or the City. Section 15. Closing. This Ordinance sets forth and constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the City of BUFFALO CENTER with respect to the rights contained herein, and may not be superseded, modified or otherwise amended without the approval and acceptance of the Company. Upon acceptance by the Company, this Ordinance shall supersede, abrogate and repeal any prior electric system ordinance between the Company and the City as of the date this Ordinance is accepted by the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the City enact any ordinance or place any limitations, either operationally or through the assessment of fees, that create additional burdens upon the Company, or that delay utility operations. This ordinance shall be in effect from the after its final passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the Council the 11th day of February, 2015, and approve this 11th day of February, 2015 Troy Armstrong Mayor City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa Attest: Deb Jensvold, City Clerk I certify that the foregoing was published as Ordinance No. 67 on the 25th day of February , 2015. Deb Jensvold, City Clerk Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings Proceedings: Buffalo Center 5.35 PM 641-584-2785 ORDINANCE NO. 67 An Ordinance granting to ITC MIDWEST LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of ITC HOLDINGS CORP. , its succes¬sors and assigns (the “Company”), the right and franchise to acquire, construct, erect, maintain and operate in the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa, a transmission system for electric power and the right to erect and maintain the necessary poles, lines, wires, conduits and other appliances for the transmission of electric current along, under and upon the streets, avenues, alleys and public places in the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa; granting the right to erect and maintain upon the streets, avenues, alleys and public places, transmission lines through the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa, for the period of twenty-five (25) years; and granting the right of eminent domain. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE City Council of the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa: Section 1. Grant. There is hereby granted to the Company the right and franchise to acquire, construct, erect, maintain and operate in the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa, a transmission system for electric power and the right to erect and maintain the necessary poles, lines, wires, conduits and other appliances or equipment and substations for the transmission of electric current (collectively, the “Facilities”) along, under and upon the streets, avenues, alleys and public places in the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa; also the right to erect and maintain upon the streets, avenues, alleys and public places, transmission lines through the City of BUFFALO CENTER, WINNEBAGO County, Iowa, for the period of twenty--ive (25) years; also the right of eminent domain as provided in Section 364.2 of the Code of Iowa. Section2.Indemnification. The Facilities shall be placed and maintained so as not to unnecessarily inter¬fere with the travel on the streets, alleys, and public places in the City nor unnecessarily interfere with the proper use of the same, including ordinary drainage, or with the sewers, underground pipe and other property of the City, and the Company shall hold the City free and harmless from all damages arising from the negligent acts or omissions of the Company in the erection or maintenance of the transmission system. Section 3. Relocation. Except as provided herein below, the Company shall, at its cost and expense, locate and relocate its Facilities in, on, over or under any public street or alley in the City of BUFFALO CENTER in such a manner as the City may at any time reasonably require for the purposes of facilitating the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or repair of the street or alley or any public improvement of, in or about any such street or alley or reasonably promoting the efficient operation of any such improvement. If the City orders or requests the Company to relocate its Facilities for the primary benefit of a commercial or private project, or as the result of the initial request of a commercial or private developer or other non-public entity, and such relocation is necessary to prevent interference and not merely for the convenience of the City or other non-public entity, the Company shall receive payment for the cost of such relocation -Shelter House $17.56 -Street Lights $506.44 -Main Street Lights $65.73 Craig Bowen 62.5hrs $875.00 Hatch Repair $450.00 Hawkins $10.00 H&S $48.73 Iowa One Call $10.80 IPERS $380.49 Joynt Plumbing-Faucet repair $225.07 K&H-Fire $471.15 City Hall $1,792.91 Library $1,506.43 -Ann Beck Wages 46.5hrs+cleaning $418.50 -Virginia Cooper Wages 74hrs+cleaning $832.50 -Amazon $128.79 -Gale $25.49 -VISA $49.56 -WCTA $51.59 Mangold Environmental $52.00 Mid America $42.90 Murra Hardware $129.47 Next Generation $20.66 North Iowa Environmental $529.00 Ellen Smith 30hrs $431.10 Walmart- Cleaning Supplies $60.50 Waste Management $1,083.89 WCTA- Fire $39.18 -City Hall $137.96 Winnebago County Auditor-Law Enforcement Contract 2rd Qtr $1,518.75 Winnebago County Auditor -Comm Infrastructure Fund $75.00 Winnebago County Auditor-dispatch $2,634.31 January Receipts and Disbursements Revenue Expenses Water, Sewer, Garbage $6,700.56 $5,729.21 Library $2,472.87 Fire Department $960.33 General Government $150.78 $6,461.14 Totals $6,851.34 $15,623.55 $(8,772.21) Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 10, 2015 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. February 10, 2015 adjourned from February 3, 2015. Present: Supervisors Jensvold and Durby Absent: Supervisor Stensrud On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to approve the minutes for the February 3, 2015 Board Meeting and approve the agenda for February 10, 2015. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Durby and seconded Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the contract with Tyler Technologies for Version X. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to table the discussion on LOST. All voted aye. Motion carried. Scott Meinders, Engineer discussed secondary road matters including the bridge project, putting salt on roads and quotes for a box culvert. Meinders also discussed the pavement marking project. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to table the Employment Contract with the County Engineer. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to table the County Engineering department salaries. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to approve the Contract with Holland Contracting for DD 5 MT and DD 5 Lat 42. All voted aye. Motion carried. Budget discussions were held. The session was adjourned until 9:00 A.M. February 11, 2015. Terry Durby, Chairperson Attest:Karla Weiss, County Auditor Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 Proceedings NORTH IOWA COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2015 The North Iowa Community School Board of Education met in special session on February 19, 2015, in the Middle School Principals Office. Meeting was called to order at 7:34 a.m. by Pres. Giesking with members Duve, Giesking, Holstad, Price, Sachs, and Wubben answering roll call. Absent: Balvance. Duve, Holstad, and Sachs attended via telephone conference as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise. Also in attendance were Supt. Myer, Sec. Meinders, and Jon Potter representing the North Iowa Education Association. Price moved, Wubben seconded to approve the agenda. Ayes: 6. Carried. Holstad moved, Duve seconded to approve the resignation of board member Julie Balvance. Ayes: 6. Carried. Superintendent Myer presented the Board’s initial collective bargaining proposal to the North Iowa Education Association. The district proposed a 3.85% total package increase in salaries and benefits for the 2015-16 Master Contract. Wording changes were also discussed. Holstad left the meeting (via phone) at 7:48 a.m. Mr. Myer updated members on the continued interest in selling the Thompson building and upcoming roof renovations on parts of the Buffalo Center building. Price moved, Wubben seconded to adjourn. Ayes: 5. Carried. The time was 8:02 a.m. Rande Giesking, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary EOE/AA Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 CITY OF BUFFALO CENTER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 The Buffalo Center City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at City Hall with a public hearing at 7 pm. Council present: Paulson, West, Jensvold, Wubben, Schaefer. Absent: Mayor Armstrong. Citizens present: Andrew Shaw, Janet Jutting. Employees: Paul Jutting, Public Works, Matthew Holmquist and Pat Conroy, Police. Mayor Pro-tem Paulson called the hearing to order. He asked for public comment on the ITC electric transmission franchise ordinance. There were no comments. Schaefer moved, seconded by West, to closed the hearing. Four ayes, hearing closed. Mayor Pro-tem Paulson called the regular session to order. West moved, seconded by Schaefer, to approve the agenda. Four ayes, motion carried. Jensvold moved, seconded by Wubben, to approve the minutes from the January 14th and 28th meetings. Four ayes, motion carried. Schaefer moved, seconded by Jensvold, to approve the payment of bills listed at the end of the Council notes. Four ayes, motion carried. West moved, seconded by Wubben, to approve the alcoholic beverage permit for North Iowa Betterment on March 14, 2015 pending their dram shop insurance. Four ayes, motion carried. The Council reviewed the bid from B.C. Repair for the Toro riding lawn mower with tradein for the amount of $4300. Schaefer moved, seconded by Jensvold, to proceed with this purchase. Four ayes, motion carried. West moved, seconded by Schaefer, to approve the first reading of Ordinance 67 adopting the ITC electric transmission franchise. Roll call vote: four ayes. Motion carried. Schaefer moved, seconded by Wubben, to waive the second and third readings of Ordinance 67 regarding the ITC electric transmission franchise. Roll call vote: four ayes. Motion carried. Schaefer moved, seconded by Wubben, to approve Resolution 1-2015 setting the public hearing date of March 11, 2015 at City Hall at 7 pm for the 2015-2016 proposed budget. Roll call vote: four ayes. Resolution carried. Schaefer moved, seconded by Wubben, to approve Resolution 2-2015 setting the public hearing on the annexation on the land owned by Overland Properties (known as Dollar General) for March 11, 2015 at City Hall at 7 pm. Roll call vote: four ayes. Resolution carried. West moved, seconded by Jensvold, approve the 2014 annual urban renewal report. Four ayes, motion carried. The Council discussed rental agreement terms regarding use of the small meeting room. Schaefer moved, seconded by Wubben, to lock the big doors going into the banquet room, change out the exit sign, post an occupancy sign, and re-key the banquet room exterior doors. Four ayes, motion carried. The City will advertise for park and pool summer employment. West moved, seconded by Jensvold, to adjourn the meeting. Four ayes, meeting adjourned. Revenues for January 2015: General Fund, $11,738.57; Library Fund, $568.87; Road Use Tax, $8,130.06; Local Option Sales Tax, $7,673.42; Debt Service, $5,091.83; Water Fund, $15,712.07; Sewer Fund, $5,962.38; Garbage Fund, $6,419.97; Employee Benefit, $1,172.82; Interest, $3.90 Disbursements for January 2015: General Fund, $43,182.12; Road Use Tax, $8,053.74; Library Fund, $1,345.23; Employee Benefit, $1,148.27; Water Fund, $19,957.21; Sewer Fund, $4,599.89; Garbage Fund, $10,967.06; Gross Payroll, $23,054.18; city contribution, $3,635.12 Pete Paulson, Mayor Pro-tem ATTEST: Deb Jensvold, City Clerk FEBRUARY 2015 BILLS AgSource-Service $77.50 Alliant Energy-Service $5,575.12 Anderson Sanitation-Service $1,002.50 ARAMARK-Service $103.76 Troy Armstrong-Mileage $28.50 Austin Office Products-Supplies $422.47 BC Parcel-Service $48.40 B.C. Repair-Service $162.50 Boeckholt Repair-Service $60.00 Brown Supply-Supplies $545.00 Buffalo Center Post Office-Supplies $333.20 Casey’s General Store-Service $308.15 Don’s Truck Sales-Service $136.83 Forest City Ford-Supplies $177.07 H & S Autoparts-Service $154.23 Heartland Paper-Supplies $96.15 Hemphill Law Office-Service $345.18 Jim Hofbauer-Service $225.00 Hofbauer’s II-Supplies $32.00 Iowa Dept Public Safety-Service $1,200.00 Iowa DNR-Service $1,580.00 Iowa Fluid Power-Service $50.43 Johnson Food Center-Supplies $96.42 K & H Coop Oil-Supplies $1,585.01 Kossuth County Auditor-Service $2,829.50 Library ALA-Service $135.00 Oprah Magazine-Service $19.08 Demco-Service $64.14 McNaughton-Service $236.25 David Low-Service $450.00 Marco-Service $63.26 Mercy Clinic-Service $22.00 Michael Todd-Supplies $159.00 Mid-America Publishing-Service $148.52 Murphy Tractor-Service $43.41 Murra Hardware-Supplies $124.93 Next Generation Tech-Service $29.99 Gary Peterson-Service $252.00 Petty Cash-Supplies $57.00 Unity Point Clinic-Dues $67.00 Verizon Wireless-Service $145.32 Winnebago Coop Telephone-Service $424.37 Winnebago County Auditor-Service $10,837.26 CITY OF BUFFALO CENTER 2014 SALARIES Tyler Anderson $515.84 Scott Armstrong $22,297.76 Spencer Armstrong $437.11 Troy Armstrong $2,500.00 Melissa Aukes $2,808.39 Larry Blomster $174.46 Cynthia Bolie $176.80 Pat Conroy $6,156.15 Kim Davids $117.26 Betty Delgado $446.16 Michael Droessler $961.76 Victor Garza $5,107.96 Donald Graft $125.84 Morgan Hassebroek $38.50 Paige Hassebroek $1,098.97 Bev Heitland $364.00 Duane Hinz $47,329.96 Sharon Hippen $9,845.55 James Hofbauer $11,969.10 Matthew Holmquist $41,413.58 Debra Jensvold $44,039.30 William Jensvold $1,250.00 Paul Jutting $45,784.15 DeWayne Maass $9,831.51 Carly Main $2,844.28 Kendall Melz $62.21 Elaine Michaelson $2,719.86 Michael Miller $28.08 Kim Ostermann $225.75 Glen Ostrander $798.76 Austin Paden $54.68 McKhayla Paul $328.00 Alex Paulson $75.40 Noah Paulson $616.41 Pete Paulson $1,250.00 Sarah Paulson $5,584.67 Cassidy Sachs $318.57 Natalie Sachs $552.31 Amy Schaefer $14,552.95 Marty Schaefer $1,250.00 Tom Smith $975.26 Cynthia Steffensen $3,290.43 Madison Stenerson $365.70 Lyubov Thompson $1,040.00 Emily Ullman $329.88 Don West $1,250.00 Jessica Wubben $3,744.00 Leslie Wubben $1,250.00 Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 14 • Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 LOCAL NEWS Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Public Notice NOTICE OF HEARING AND LETTING NOTICE TO BIDDERS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THEN: 10:00 AM, Friday, March 06, 2015 BY THE: North Iowa School District Cory Myer, Superintendent 111 3rd Ave, NW Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at 10:15 AM, Friday, March 06, 2015 at North Iowa School District, Media Center. A public hearing will be held at 6:30 PM, Monday, March 9, 2015 at North Iowa School District, Media Center. For the following project: North Iowa School District – Re-Roof 2015, 111 3rd Ave. NW, Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 In accordance with proposed Contract Documents as prepared by: Jeremy Yoder CSI, CDT Senior Field Advisor West Central Division Tremco Inc. 515-208-4241 cell 515-864-0010 fax [email protected] The Re-Roof 2015 Project will consist of a 18,706 square foot and will provide a new 1-90 wind up-lift rated roof covering which will provide 20+ years of service life. Contractor is to provide North Iowa School District with a completed bid form as provided. Contractor’s Qualification Statement Form. The Contractor must not be debarred from participating in federally funded projects. A completed AIA A305: Contractor’s Qualification Statement Form is required in order for the submitted bid to be considered by the Owner. In accordance with 44 CFR 13.36, a bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to ten percent of the bid price will be required. The bid guarantee shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder will, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. A performance bond on the part of the awarded contractor for 100 percent of the contract price will be required. A payment bond on the part of the awarded contractor for 100 percent of the contract price will be required. All bids shall be made on the provided bid form. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in and the bid form must be fully complete when submitted. Bidders may submit requests for consideration of a proposed Substitution for a specified product, equipment, or service to the owner no later than 10 days prior to the bid opening. Additional products, equipment, and services may be accepted as approved Substitutions only by written Addendum. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 calendar days after the date of opening. A firm fixed-price contract award will made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Any or all bids may be rejected if there is a sound documented reason. Roofing Contractor may obtain permits, secure subcontractors, and complete preliminary paperwork upon final approval and acceptance of the contract between North Iowa Community School District and the Roofing Contractor. Roofing Contractor shall be responsible for the obtaining and for the cost of the building permit and all other project required permits as deemed necessary by all authorities having jurisdiction. State Fire Marshal review fees shall be paid for by the Owner in advance of construction beginning. Project drawings and specifications for bid are available to view at the pre-bid meeting only. Publshed in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015
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