PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014 • 5 Proceedings: Rake Minutes for Rake City Council Meeting December 8, 2014 7:00 PM Rake City Hall The Rake City Council met in regular session at 7:00 PM on Monday, December 8, 2014. Mayor Hagedorn called the regular meeting to order. Mayor Hagedorn presided over the meeting, council members Duve, Joynt, Benn, & Badje present, Johnson absent. Duve made a motion to approve the meeting agenda, seconded by Benn, ayes all. Joynt made a motion to approve the minutes of November 10, 2014 meeting, seconded by Badje, ayes all. Benn made a motion to accept the December bills, motion seconded by Joynt, ayes all. New Business: Duve made a motion for the city to refund $292.50 to the Rake Bar & Grill for their liquor license, motion seconded by Badje, ayes all. Joynt made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Benn, ayes all. Melissa Duve, Deputy Clerk Attest: Louise Hagedorn, Mayor December 11, 2014 November Numbers Revenue Expenses Water, Sewer, Garbage $6,122.43 $3,053.39 Library $2,084.99 Fire Department $229.88 General Government $48,218.22 $13,409.34 Totals $54,340.65 $18,777.60 $35,563.05 December Bills Alliant Energy $1,153.20 City Hall $120.91 Fire $113.67 Library $164.35 Lift Station $102.70 Park Sign $11.09 Pump Station $91.24 Shelter House $17.56 Street Lights $471.88 Main Street Lights $59.80 Bauer Built-Rake Fire Dept $642.00 Craig Bowen 68.5hrs $959.00 Duraclean by Doug-carpet cleaning $272.00 Ehrich Plumbing & Heating -library furnace $2,200.00 Ellen Smith 41.5hrs $596.36 Hatch Repair $600.00 Hawkins $5.00 Jay’s Shop-truck transfer case $585.42 K&H-City Hall-Fuel and LP $ 2,927.85 Library $1,703.25 Ann Beck Wages 39hrs+cleaning $361.00 Virginia Cooper Wages 69hrs+cleaning $786.25 Amazon $207.68 Virginia Cooper Mileage $26.40 Gale $124.25 Mid-America $65.45 VISA $78.79 WCTA $53.43 Mid American $259.44 Murra Hardware $21.46 Murra Hardware-fire dept. $13.99 Next Generation-toner for printer $85.60 North Iowa Environmental $653.00 Northwest Iowa League of Cities -2014-15 Dues $25.00 R & G Electric-Digital pressure gauge on water tower $881.18 Ron’s Plumbing- Partial Billing for Generator Install $4,650.00 Tracy Adams- Flag Pole Repair $125.00 Tracy Adams-globes $717.20 WCTA-Fire $39.01 -City Hall $137.63 Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014 Proceedings: Winnebago County WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS December 2, 2014 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. December 2, 2014 adjourned from November 25, 2014. Present: Supervisors Stensrud, Jensvold and Durby Absent: On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the minutes for the November 25, 2014 Board Meeting and to approve the agenda for December 2, 2014. All voted aye. Motion carried. Riley Lewis, Operation Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home committee member discussed the Welcome Home event for August, 2015. The event has been well received by the surrounding counties and local businesses. The committee is requesting $10 per veteran from Winnebago County. The Board of Supervisors will take action on this next week. Jim Rodberg, Scarville city councilman discussed the need for a stop sign on their main street. Traffic has not been following the speed limit and the city is worried about pedestrians getting injured. Scott Meinders, County Engineer commented on how stop signs are not always the answer. The Board of Supervisors asked Scott to come up with further information and/or suggestions. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the contract with Rognes Bros for DD 18 Lat 1, Lat 30, and Lat 31. All voted aye. Motion carried. The Board of Supervisors discussed reports to be given to the ISAC District II meeting. Kris Wempen, Finance Deputy discussed a mileage claim that did not have enough detail. Wempen explained how the external auditor and Karla Weiss, County Auditor need to have correct information before a claim can be paid. The claim was withdrawn and no further discussion. The following claims were approved and ordered to be paid: 84.80 Austin Office Products-Supplies Bomgaars-Supplies 322.97 Buffalo Seed Center Inc-Supplies 161.85 Chase Card Services-Supplies 35.00 Electronic Engineering Co-Services 45.50 Ernie Williams Ltd-Parts 1,059.35 Fastenal-Supplies 483.50 Hi Yield Products-LP 740.00 IMWCA-Work Comp Premium 1,658.30 Iowa Prison Industries-Supplies 157.30 Reisetter, Douglas-Reimbursement 65.00 Safety Kleen Corp-Services 379.68 Sign Works Ink-Supplies 862.40 Treasurer State of Iowa-Renewal 35.00 Verizon Wireless-Telephone 40.01 Waytek Inc-Supplies 480.38 Weavers Leather Store-Supplies 59.90 Wubben, Les-Services 840.00 Adkins & Son Inc, Henry -Maintenance Contract 8,945.00 AH Hermel Co-Supplies 29.95 Almelien, Jodi-Mileage 86.56 Apco International-Annual Dues 69.00 Austin Office Products-Supplies 81.85 B & W Control Specialists Inc-Services 975.78 Bartleson, Debra-Meeting 50.00 Belica, Jan-Services 75.00 Bomgaars-Supplies 140.30 Carlson MD, Byron -Medical Examiner Fee 150.00 Central Iowa Detention-Services 358.00 Century Link-Telephone 44.37 City of Forest City-Utilities 2,806.72 Digital Ally-Services 1,295.00 District II Supervisors Assn-Meeting 40.00 Dollar General-Supplies 24.00 Duraclean By Doug-Services 160.50 Fed Ex-Shipping Fee 22.14 Fisher, Jane-Mileage 321.88 Forest City Ford-Services 35.45 GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical -Supplies 726.20 Hepperly, Cameron-Services 80.00 I + S Group Inc-Services 295.50 IMWCA-Work Comp Premium 5,551.70 Iowa DNR-Permit Fees 100.00 Iowa Drainage District Assn-Training 50.00 Iwireless-Telephone 58.88 Jackson, Sandra-Mileage 129.48 Jensen, Bobbie-Mileage 221.52 Kaisers Auto Repair-Services 232.26 Kvale, Ron-Mileage 35.36 LaHarv Const Co Inc-Repairs 4,706.60 Lake Mills Graphic Inc-Advertising 527.42 Lakeside Construction Inc-Repairs 720.00 Larson, Luke-Repairs 8,254.38 Mail Services-Services 520.54 Marshall Co Sheriff-Services 62.00 Martie, Kay-Mileage 26.76 McColloch, Suzanne-Reimbursement 75.00 Medline Industries Inc-Supplies 134.98 Mercy Medical Center North IA -Services 560.00 Mittelstadt Funeral Home-Services 470.00 Murra, Dennis-Meeting 73.92 Next Generation Technologies -Services 2,048.93 NG-911-Jail Computer Software 40,628.44 Nicholson, Teresa-Reimbursement 648.76 North Iowa Media Group-Advertising 12.40 Office Depot-Supplies 280.43 Ostercamp, DO, Twyla -Medical Examiner Fee 150.00 Professional Developers Of IA -Annual Dues 315.00 Rognes Brothers Excavating Inc -Repairs 750.00 Sanofi Pasteur Inc-Supplies 2,858.57 Schleuger Tiling-Repairs 343.91 Schriever, Rhonda-Mileage 345.84 Shaffer, Jayne-Mileage 223.56 Soto, Veronica-Mileage 229.22 Stat Technologies Inc-Supplies 1,504.77 Steffenson, Cindy-Mileage 302.88 Stenzel, Karen-Mileage 112.36 Sunde, Sandy-Reimbursement 257.03 Swenson, Julie-Reimbursement 223.90 Veenstra & Kimm Inc-Services 10,373.84 Verizon Wireless-Telephone 1,475.20 Webspec Design-Services 90.00 Weinberg, Theresa-Services 137.00 Windstream-Telephone 123.84 Winnebago Co Auditor-Plat Book 25.00 Winnebago Co Clerk of Court-Services 50.00 Winnebago Co Treasurer -Drainage Taxes 1,659.52 Winnebago Coop Telecom-Telephone 1,034.81 Winnebago Lutheran Cemetery -Care Of Graves 256.00 WinnTech Central-Supplies 649.97 Worth Co Abstract-Services 51.02 The resolution for the Master Matrix was tabled until next week. During open forum Teresa Nicholson, WinnWorth Betco discussed how surrounding counties are wanting to have a lobbyist for a Natural Gas Replacement Tax. Nicholson is requesting $2,500 to be paid from the Winn-Worth Betco fund. The Supervisors will discuss this at budget time. Scott Meinders, Engineer discussed secondary roads including snow removal. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Jensen the Supervisors moved to approve a contract with Graves Construction for Bridge Replacement Project BROS-CO95(61)—8J-95. All voted aye. Motion carried. The Supervisors discussed the Public Safety Center. Jensvold discussed the jail being in Thompson. After some discussion it was decided to get further information from John Hanson as to the transportation costs. The Supervisors will discuss this again next week. There was no discussion on the purchase of property for the Public Safety Center. The session was adjourned until December 9, 2014. Terry Durby, Chairperson Attest: Kris Wempen, Finance Deputy Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014 Proceedings: North Iowa Community School Board Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014 NORTH IOWA COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD Regular Meeting Monday, December 8, 2014 The North Iowa Community School Board of Education met in regular session on December 8, 2014, in the Commons. Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Pres. Giesking with members Balvance, Duve, Giesking, and Holstad. Absent: Price, Sachs, and Wubben. Also in attendance were Supt. Myer (via telephone as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise), Prin. Bergeson, Sec. Meinders, and one guest. Duve moved, Balvance seconded to approve the agenda. Ayes: 4. Carried. Open Forum: None. Communications: Thank you from the North Iowa Elementary Staff was read. Board members, Jamie Price and Rachel Wubben entered the meeting. The time was 6:31 p.m. Supt. Myer reviewed the following consent agenda items for: • ApprovalofClaims • Personnel • Resignations: Zachary Meinders, High School Assistant Baseball Coach; Sharla Hassebroek, High School Head Volleyball Coach; Graig Eichenberger, High School Assistant Track Coach • ContractsAdjustments:None. • ContractsOffered:None. • OpenEnrollments:None. • Board Policy Review 606 Series, Instructional Arrangements, as presented with changes noted. • Board Policy Review 607 Series, Instructional Services, as presented with changes noted. • NewBoardPolicy607.2R1,StudentHealth Services Regulation. • Minutes of November 10, 2014 Regular Meeting. Board Member, Renae Sachs, entered the meeting. The time was 6:34 p.m. • Approvaltoapplyforthemaximumallowed allowable growth for Dropout Prevention. Holstad moved, Duve seconded to approve allitemsontheconsentagenda.Ayes:7.Carried. Holstad moved, Price seconded to approve allitemsontheconsentagenda.Ayes:7.Carried. PrinciplesBergeson,Schutjer,andMyerupdated the board on their respective buildings. Supt. Myer updated the board on Thompson building, Top of Iowa conference, pajama and sock-a-thons, senior citizen meal, FFA agriculture appreciation meal, and upcoming winter concerts. Afterreviewingthemonthlyfinancialsreported by Sec. Meinders, Balvance moved, Duve secondedfortheirapproval.Ayes:7.Carried. Old Business: None New Business: • MembersreflectedonBoardGoal:Itisthe goal of the North Iowa Community School District to reflect a student centered atmosphere in every offering of action taken by the school board, administrative team, faculty, and support staff. • BoardPoliciesinseries206,BoardofDirectorsOfficers,werereviewed. • BoardPoliciesinseries207,BoardofDirectors Legal Counsel, were reviewed. • Board Policies in series 208, Ad Hock Committees, were reviewed. • Prin.SchutjerpresenteddatafromtheAnnual Progress Report. • Membersreflectedontherecent68thannual IASB Convention. Agenda suggestion for the January 12, 2015 regular meeting were discussed. Holstad moved, Sachs seconded to adjourn theregularmeeting.Ayes:7.Carried.Thetime was7:32p.m. A collective bargaining strategy session, as providedinSection20.17(3)CodeofIowawas held following the meeting. Rande Giesking, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary EOE/AA North Iowa Community School Vendor Report November 1, 2014 - November 30, 2014 GENERAL FUND A & B Welding, INC-Supplies 1.86 ABekaBook,Inc.-Supplies 790.80 Access Systems Leasing-Service 852.00 AdventurelandInn-Lodging 176.96 AEA267-Service/Copies 4,291.60 AEP Connections-Registration 615.00 Algona Community School-Tuition 1,530.25 AlliantEnergy-Utilities 8,190.97 957.29 BCTire&AutoL.L.C.-Supplies 794.00 Bear Creek Country Club-Supplies 13.08 Bergeson, Steve-Reimbursement 12.12 BMO MasterCard-Supplies 132.11 BugsN’Stuff-Service 197.00 Casey’s-Fuel 38.06 CenexFleetcard-Fuel 5,030.48 Center Creek Orchard-Admission 210.00 City of Thompson-Utilities 66.50 Classroom Direct-Supplies 122.25 Continuum Retail Energy Services -NaturalGas 492.50 Cornwell, Frideres, Maher & -Service 4,020.00 DeVriesLumberCo.-Supplies 819.80 Electronics Specialties-Repairs 185.53 Ernie Williams, Ltd.-Supplies 110.28 Farmers Trust & Savings Bank -H.S.A. Flowthru 500.00 Gopher-Supplies 75.50 H&SAutoparts-Supplies 81.29 HandwritingWithoutTears-Supplies 22.95 Hassebroek, Marlyn -Service 125.00 Hofbauer’s II-Supplies 6.00 HolidayInnUniversityPark-Lodging 99.70 Interstate Motor Trucks-Service 353.02 Iowa ASCD-Membership 545.00 Iowa Council of Teacher of English -Membership 33.00 Iowa Pupil Transportation Assn. -Membership 165.00 ITAG-Supplies 15.00 Johnson’s Food Center-Supplies 135.60 K&HCoopOilCo.-Fuel 192.30 Kabel Business Services -Flex-EmployeePdFlexFee 3,378.10 L & T Construction-Service 545.00 LakeMillsComm.School-Tuition 40,398.60 Lawson, Lawrence-Reimbursement 32.08 Lower, JoAnn -Service 100.00 MartinBrothers-Supplies 239.75 Master, Jennifer -Reimbursement 264.60 Meinders,Sara-Reimbursement 79.37 Menards-Supplies 55.92 MercerHealth&Benefits -HealthInsurance 41,409.98 Mid-America Publishing Corporation -Advertising 211.78 Mid-Iowa School Improvement -Service 300.00 Miller,Cindy-Reimbursement 258.75 MillsFleetFarm-Supplies 197.70 Miracle Recreation Equipment-Supplies 40.32 Murra Hardware-Supplies 436.55 NextGenerationTechnologies-Supplies425.00 North Iowa Comm. School -Reimbursement 595.00 Prairie Meadows Hotel-Lodging 206.08 Quill-Supplies 99.95 Scholastic-Supplies 2,525.91 SchoolBusSales-Supplies 59.50 School Specialty-Supplies 35.14 Schumacher Elevator Co. -Service Contract 365.60 ScreenflexPortablePartitions-Supplies 428.00 Seams to Me-Supplies 55.81 Staples-Supplies 359.57 Stoney Creek Inn-Lodging 105.28 Sundberg,James-Reimbursement 72.73 Thorson Tree Service-Service 150.00 Twin City Filters-Supplies 333.32 U.S. Cellular-Service 51.56 Voss Lighting-Supplies 450.34 Walter,Amy-Service 537.29 WEXBank-Fuel 1,068.17 Winn.CoopTelephone-Telephone 763.97 128,636.52 ACTIVITY Anderson, Scott -Service 15.00 Anderson,Steve-Official 825.00 Arnevik, Brad -Service 15.00 Bartolo,John-Official 190.00 Bell Repair Service-Service 240.00 BisonGraphicsandAwards-Supplies 1,017.00 Blodgett, Christina -Reimbursement 25.65 Brackey,Jim-Official 190.00 BSN Sports-Supplies 222.26 Casey’s-Supplies 156.96 CHEERLEADING.COMPANY-Supplies 198.58 Dahl,Tony-Official 95.00 DeckerSportingGoods-Supplies 648.90 DeVries Lumber Co.-Supplies 30.00 Dingman,Dan-Official 95.00 Dunn,Tom-Official 75.00 eBay-Supplies 54.15 Elder, Jessica -Reimbursement 50.00 Goodwill-Supplies 298.17 GraphicEdgeInc-Supplies 807.84 Halsted,Tony-Official 95.00 Hanson,Adam-Official 95.00 Hanson,Craig-Official 95.00 Hauge,Ben-Official 95.00 Hemiller, Jenna -Service 15.00 Hofbauer’s II-Supplies 12.00 Homsey, Jerry -Resale 10,362.60 Iowa Choral Director’s Assoc. 70.00 -Registration J.W.Pepper&Son,Inc.-Supplies 69.25 202.46 Johnson’s Food Center-Supplies Josten’s-Supplies 5,853.60 KBEW-Advertising 19.00 KorneyBoardAids-Supplies 1,087.16 Light This Production-Supplies 634.00 Meinders,DavidWayne-Official 95.00 Mid-America Publishing Corporation 77.30 -Advertising Nee,Dave-Official 95.00 North Central Iowa Bandmasters-Service 20.00 North Iowa High School 123.02 -Reimbursement Oriental Trading Co., Inc.-Supplies 24.11 Parks,Greg-Official 95.00 Party City-Supplies 30.88 PayPal-Supplies (0.99) Pepsi-Cola-Supplies 309.55 Potter, Jonathan -Reimbursement 22.16 PSAT/NMSQT-Testing 210.00 RiemanMusic-Service 299.84 Robbins,KennethL.-Official 190.00 340.51 Sam’s Club-Supplies Spalding-Supplies 199.95 Suntken,Chris-Official 95.00 Thacker,Robert-Official 95.00 Venteicher, Bruce -Service 50.00 WalMart-Supplies 175.60 Walderbach,Kurt-Official 190.00 26,691.51 MANAGEMENT CentralStatesAgency,LLC-Insurance 771.00 PHYSICAL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT BMOMasterCard-Supplies 1,639.68 NextGenerationTechnologies 4,800.00 -Service Quill-Supplies 1,370.90 7,810.58 SAVE 1,022.00 Access Systems Leasing-Service Little Bison Childcare Center-Rent 1,850.00 2,872.00 DEBT BANKERSTRUST-BondPayment 33,972.50 NUTRITIAN AndersonEricksonDairyCo.-Supplies 3,374.11 EarthgrainsCompany-Supplies 837.99 6.35 ENGESETH, PENNY -Reimbursement Hassebroek, Marlyn -Service 50.00 Keck,Inc.-Supplies 2,394.48 MartinBrothers-Supplies 6,971.87 MercerHealth&Benefits-Insurance 55.97 235.50 Mills Fleet Farm-Supplies Reinhart FoodService-Supplies 2,132.45 16,058.72 PRESCHOOL MercerHealth&Benefits-Insurance 77.80 63.99 MurraHardware-Supplies 141.79 FFA Bison Graphics and Awards-Supplies 828.00 Martin Brothers-Supplies 28.00 Pepsi-Cola-Supplies 450.03 Sam’sClub-Supplies 1,062.27 2,368.30 AGENCY 122.00 Hofbauer’s II-Supplies Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2014
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