2015 Dr. Ruby Training College Student Guideline www.drrubytraining.com.au 1300 761 873 RTO: 32382 ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 1 Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 3 Client Appeals and Complaints……………………………………………………… 10 Stakeholder Feedback……………………………………………………………….. 10 Legislative Requirements……………………………………………………………. 11 Occupational Health and Safety……………………………………………………… 12 Harassment and Discrimination…………………………………………………….. 13 Privacy………………………………………………………………………………. 15 Online Privacy………………………………………………………………………. 16 Verify Your Identity ……………………………………………………………….. 16 Online Security …………………………………………………………………….. 16 Working with Children………………………………………………………………..16 Fees and Refund…………………………………………………………………….. 17 Participant Training Records………………………………………………….......... 17 Recognition of other Qualifications…………………………………………………. 18 Access and Equity…………………………………………………………………… 18 Client Selection……………………………………………………………………… 18 Enrolment……………………………………………………………………………. 18 Orientation……………………………………………………………………….........19 Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance………………………………. 19 Student Support, Welfare and Guidance…………………………………………. 19 Flexible Delivery and Assessment Procedures……………………………………… 20 Discipline……………………………………………………………………………. 20 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)……………………………………………….. 21 Credit Transfer………………………………………………………………………. 21 Assessment Methods………………………………………………………………… 21 Plagiarism Policy……………………………………………………………………. 22 Acknowledgement Declaration……………………………………………………… 23 ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 2 Introduction Dr. Ruby Training College is Registered Training Organisation, meeting AQF requirements. Our RTO has been registered under ASQA (the Australian Skills Quality Authority) since 2 July 2012 (http://www.asqa.gov.au/). The following units of competency are available to you: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SITHFAB201 Provide responsible service of alcohol SITHGAM201 Provide responsible gambling services SITXFSA101 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety SITHFAB204 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB303 Prepare and Serve Cocktail Food Safety Supervisor We also provide the following qualifications: SIT30713 Certificate III in Hospitality TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Certificate III in Hospitality Certificate III in Hospitality provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in skilled operations with the need to apply discretion and judgement. Work would be undertaken in various hospitality settings, such as restaurant, hotels, motels, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops. Individuals with this qualification are able to perform roles such as: • • • • • • Preparing and serving drinks at a bar Preparing and serving espresso coffee Serving food, wine and other beverages at tables Providing reception or front desk services Providing housekeeping services Providing gaming services Possible job titles include: • • • • • • Bar attendant Barista Waiter Wine waiter Front desk receptionist Housekeeper ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 3 • Gaming attendant To achieve a Certificate III in Hospitality, 15 units must be completed, the candidate must demonstrate competency in the eight core units, plus eight electives (total 15 units).For this qualification, electives may be selected to meet either a specialist or multi-skilled. 7 Core Units are: BSBWOR203B SITHIND201 SITHIND301 SITXCCS303 SITXCOM201 SITXHRM301 SITXWHS101 Work effectively with others Source and use information on the hospitality industry Work effectively in hospitality service Provide service to customers Show social and cultural sensitivity Coach others in job skills Participate in safe work practices 8 Elective Units can be: SITXFSA101 SITHFAB204 SITHFAB201 SITHGAM201 SITHFAB303 SITHFAB305 BSBWOR204A_2010 SITXLAN2215 ABN: 33142765286 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Provide responsible gambling services Prepare and Serve Cocktail Provide Advice on Australian Wine Use business technology Conduct routine oral communication in a language other than English (Mandarin) 02.2015 4 All of the 15 units of competency listed previously must be completed to be awarded the Certificate III and to meet the educational requirements for Multi-skillimg in hospitality workplace. On successful completion of the requirements for the Certificate III in Hospitality, you will receive a qualification from your Registered Training Organisation (RTO: Dr. Ruby Training College). If you have not completed all the required units of competency for the qualification, we may issue you with a Statement of Attainment that lists the units of competency you have successfully completed. Each unit of competency has a Learner Guide specifically designed for hospitality industry and will assist you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the requirements of the unit. Throughout these guides, candidates will find information, examples, activities and questions that will assist you in developing competency that is required in your real estate role. Please take the time to complete as many activities and questions as you can. Training packages are sets of nationally endorsed units of competency and qualifications used to recognise and assess people’s skills. They are developed by national skills councils in consultation with regulators, industry, employers, enterprises and education providers to meet the training needs of specific industries or industry sectors. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 5 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) This qualification reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Achievement of this qualification or an equivalent by trainers and assessors is a requirement of the Australian Quality Training Framework Essential Standards for Registration (Standard 1 as outlined in Appendix 2 of the Users' Guide to the Essential Standards for Registration). This qualification, or the skill sets derived from units of competency within it, is also suitable preparation for those engaged in the delivery of training and assessment of competence in a workplace context, as a component of a structured VET program. Job roles Job roles associated with this qualification relate to the delivery of training and assessment of competence within the VET sector. Possible job titles and roles relevant to this qualification include: • enterprise trainer • enterprise assessor • registered training organisation (RTO) trainer • RTO assessor • training adviser or training needs analyst • vocational education teacher. To achieve TAE40110, 10 units must be completed, the candidate must demonstrate competency in the seven core units, plus three electives. 7 Core Units are: TAEASS401B Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS402B Assess competence TAEASS403B Participate in assessment validation TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs 3 Elective Units are: TAEDEL501A Facilitate e-learning TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 6 BSBCMM401A Make a presentation All of the 10 units of competency listed previously must be completed to be awarded the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. On successful completion of the requirements for this qualification, you will receive a qualification from your Registered Training Organisation (RTO: Dr. Ruby Training College). If you have not completed all the required units of competency for the qualification, we may issue you with a Statement of Attainment that lists the units of competency you have successfully completed. Each unit of competency has a Learner Guide specifically designed for training industry and will assist you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the requirements of the unit. Throughout these guides, candidates will find information, examples, activities and questions that will assist you in developing competency that is required in your trainer role. Please take the time to complete as many activities and questions as you can. Training packages are sets of nationally endorsed units of competency and qualifications used to recognise and assess people’s skills. They are developed by national skills councils in consultation with regulators, industry, employers, ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 7 enterprises and education providers to meet the training needs of specific industries or industry sectors. In our college, the management and trainers have a rich experience working within the Vocational Education and Training sector. This Student Guideline ensures that you are guider through Dr. Ruby Training College policies and procedures, which have been implemented under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to ensure that your learning experience is beneficial and professional. Client Appeals and Complaints Dr. Ruby Training College will deal with any complaints and appeals in an effective and timely manner, aiming to resolve all complaints/appeals within four weeks of receipt. In the first instance, complaints and appeals are to be lodged with the appropriate trainer or other staff member. In the event that resolution is not reached, the complaint/appeal can be referred to an independent person or panel, mutually agreeable to all parties. If you wish to lodge a complaint or appeal, you must complete a Complaint Form or Appeal Form, which are available from our management. Dr. Ruby Training College management must investigate each complaint/appeal fully before reaching a resolution. Throughout the investigation process, you must be given every reasonable opportunity to provide further information about the complaint/appeal. The resolution must be provided to you in writing on the college’s Complaints Outcome Form. . Stakeholder Feedback You are invited to provide feedback to Dr. Ruby Training College on your training and assessment experience and on client support services. The Completion Feedback Form is provided to you upon completion of the program. Feedback forms are provided to you by you trainer. Once these forms are completed, they are to be returned directly your trainer, who will forward them on to our office in a sealed envelope. Feedback may also be gathered in various other forms including emails, telephone calls and verbal discussions. All feedback received will be analysed by Dr. Ruby (the director) and may result in improvements being made to services provided to students. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 8 Legislative Requirements Dr. Ruby Training College is subject to a variety of legislation related to training and assessment as well as general business practice. This legislation is continually being updated and Dr. Ruby Training College management is responsible for ensuring all staff is made aware of any changes to current legislation. Current legislation is available online at www.austlii.edu.au. Current legislation that effects our operations includes, but is not limited to, the Legislation listed below: Commonwealth Legislation: National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 The Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 Disability Standards for Education 2005 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Racial Hatred Act 1995 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Privacy Act and National Privacy Principles (2001) Skilling Australia’s Workforce Bill 2005 Skilling Australia’s Workforce (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005 Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 Organisational procedures for health, safety and security As training and assessment is conducted in your workplace environment, all staff and students will comply with the workplaces’ OHS procedures when onsite. Fire alarm: when fire alarms, please keep calm, leave the classroom as early as possible, using the stairs to go downstairs, don’t return to the classroom unless the fire fighter permits you to do. First aid, drinking water, and toilet facilities must be provided Hygiene Procedures • Ensure all equipment is stored at the correct level – enabling easy access • Heavy items stored on lower shelving ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 9 • • • • • • • • • • Equipment should be tagged and tested by certified tradespeople Floors should be clean and free from spills When class is over: please switch off all the espresso machines, clean all cups, saucers, jugs, tables Correct manual handling techniques Clean cloths should be available All utensils should be clean and sanitised Milk should be stored in the fridge at the appropriate temperature Personal hygiene --- hair tied back, hands washed, wear professional cloth (T-shirt with dark colour), trousers, closed shoes Lock the door properly All staff has work cover Hazards: • Manage the Extension cords running across the floor, so students will not trip over them • Clear at all times: boxes and cartons stacked in front of the fire escape • Make sure the chair doesn’t has a wobbly leg • Once the coffee, milk spit on the floor, please use the dry mop to clean it; please let student knows the slippery floor • Have break regularly in case students sit in one position too long time MSDA (Material Safety Data Sheets) and product instructions for cleaning chemicals We will make sure A safety data sheet for each chemicals, products, also SDS must: • be in English, the language is simple, clear and precise • contain unit measures expressed in Australian legal units of measurement under the National Measurement Act 1960 (Commonwealth) • state the date it was last reviewed, or if it has not been reviewed, the date it was prepared • state the name, Australian address and business telephone number of the manufacturer or importer • state an Australian business telephone number from which information about the chemical can be obtained in an emergency (for example: Chemical to wash espresso machine, Bleach , Anti-bacterial cleaner and etc.) • An SDS should include a version number, superseded date or some other indication of what version is replaced. An SDS must be prepared and written to provide accurate information about the hazards of a chemical and how to handle it safely, including its storage and disposal. It must contain information about physicochemical properties, as well as potential ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 10 health and emergency response measures. The SDS should also contain information relevant to environmental effects to meet other laws. The SDS must be reviewed every 1-3 years from the date of original preparation or the last revision of the SDS (Record: 10/10/2011, 27/06/2014). It must be amended whenever any new information about the hazardous chemical is known or received or when the formulation changes. All our staff and trainers are trained to have the knowledge related to MSDA, we make sure our trainees read MSDA before the commence of the training course. Harassment and Discrimination Under Australian law, Dr. Ruby Training College is required to ensure that we provide an environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination (including victimisation and bullying), so that staff that and participants feel valued, respected and are treated fairly. Dr. Ruby Training College management will ensure that all of our staff and contractors understand their roles and responsibilities in creating such an environment, by a process of training, communication, mentoring and by example. We will ensure all of our staff are aware of the processes and procedures for addressing any form of harassment or discrimination. Staff, contractors and students should be aware of the following definitions: ‘Bullying’ – is unwelcome and offensive behaviour that intimidates, humiliates and/or undermines a person or group. Bullying involves a persistent pattern of behaviour over a period time and may include verbal abuse, physical assault, unjustified criticism, sarcasm, insult, spreading false or malicious rumours about someone, isolating or ignoring a person, putting people under unnecessary pressure with overwork or impossible deadlines, and sabotaging someone’s work or their ability to do their job by not providing them with vital information and resources. ‘Confidentiality’ – refers to information kept in trust and divulged only to those who meed to know. ‘Discrimination’ – is treating someone unfairly or unequally simply because they belong to a group or category of people. Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious beliefs, political conviction, gender history, impairment, ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 11 age or sexual orientation. Victimisation is also treated as another ground of discrimination. ‘Harassment’ – is any unwelcome and uninvited comment or action that results in a person being intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. Equal opportunity laws prohibit harassment on the grounds of sex and race. ‘Racial Harassment’ – occurs when a person is threatened, abused, insulted or taunted in relation to their race, descent or nationality, colour, language or ethnic origin, or a racial characteristic. It may include derogatory remarks, innuendo and slur, intolerance, mimicry or mockery, displays of material prejudicial to a particular race, racial jokes, allocating least favourable jobs or singling out for unfair treatment. ‘Sexual Harassment’ – is any verbal or physical sexual conduct that is unwelcome and uninvited. It may include kissing, embracing, patting, pinching, touching, leering or gestures, questions about a person’s private or sexual life, requests for sexual favours, smutty jokes, phone calls, emails, facsimiles or messages, offensive noises or displays of sexually graphic or suggestive material. ‘Victimisation’ – includes any unfavourable treatment of a person as a result of their involvement in an equal opportunity complaint. Unfavourable treatment could include: adverse changes to the work environment; denial of access to resources or work. Specific Principles All staff and students have a right to work in an environment free of any form of harassment and discrimination All reports of harassment and discrimination will be treated seriously, impartially and sensitively. Harassment and discrimination, including victimisation and bullying, is unwelcome, uninvited and unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated When management is informed of any harassment or discrimination it has the responsibility to take immediate and appropriate action to address it In dealing with all complaints, the rights of all individuals should be respected and confidentiality maintained Whenever possible, all complaints should be resolved by a process of discussion, cooperation and conciliation. The aim is to achieve an acceptable outcome while minimising any potential damage to our organization ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 12 Both the person making the complaint, and the person against whom the complaint has been made, will receive information, support and assistance in resolving the issue Victimisation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. No person making a complaint, or assisting in the investigation of a complaint, should be victimized Harassment or discrimination should not be confused with legitimate comment and advice (including feedback) given appropriately by management or trainers Staff and participants should not make any frivolous or malicious complaints. All staff and participants are expected to participate in the complaint resolution process in good faith Privacy Policy Dr. Ruby Training College takes your privacy very seriously and will comply with all legislative requirements, including the Privacy Act and National Privacy Principles (2001). In some cases, as required by law and as required by the AQF, Dr. Ruby Training College will need to make your information available to others. In all other cases, the college ensures that your written permission is gained before providing information to a third party. Throughout your training package, the college may be required to provide information on your progress to Australian Skill Quality Authority (ASQA) or other state government body, for example, OLGR NSW (RSA, RCG), OLGR QLD (RSA, RSG) and etc. Online Privacy Policy Personal information is collected only when create a new account for Online course. The student name, phone number, email address, date of birth, passport, drive license or student ID is collected to make it happen. A credit card number is only collected if a student selects the pay for PayPal. We do not store or keep credit card information. Your personally identifiable information is kept secure and confidential. The information is not divulged or sold to anyone. The credit card information is transferred to Secure Pay payment gateway to allow online payments. No other information is transferred to third parties. Students can login and change or delete their bookings and information. There are no future communications offered. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 13 Verify Your Identity To verify your identify, the college policy requires all students to provide your identification (passport/drive license) on the enrolment day. You understand that to graduate from Dr Ruby Training College, you must the personal identification required to verity my enrolment details. You understand that if you are suspected of misrepresenting your identify; you will be rejected to conduct the programs delivered from Dr Ruby Training College. You understand that it is your responsibility to enter your details correctly. Online Security We value the privacy or your records and do not collect data about you that is not a necessary government requirement. Your records are held in a secure environment and are not shared with third parties. Working with Children Dr. Ruby Training College does not accept people under the age of 18 into our training programs. As such, the college has ensured that all appropriate background checks have been completed on the college personnel, including Trainer/Assessors. Further information is available from Dr. Ruby Training College management. Fees and Refund All college training programs charge fees. These fees are invoiced directly to the enrolled students. The price is usually listed on our website. For further fee details regarding each qualification, please contact Dr Ruby Zhu on 0402452517; or email: [email protected]. If the student pays the fee in advance, and could not commit on the day he/she enrols, he/she should inform the college 24 hours before the course starts (via email, text message, or phone call) and re-schedule the time with our administrator. We do not take fee in advance above A$1500.0 ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 14 If student attends the class, but leaves early, fee will not be refunded (medical issue exempted). We will refund the student tuition fees if students have literally book the class on the date; however, due to some circumstance, the college cancel the course and reschedule to another day. Refund will not be given due to your changed mind. Other refund issued will be assessed case by case. Re-print of a Certificate will be charged a fee of $20 (GST included): such as Statement of Attainment, RSA certificate, or Qualification certificate. Any questions regarding fees or refunds should be directed to the CEO. Participant Training Records Dr. Ruby Training College is committed to maintaining and safeguarding the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and currency of our company records. All hard copy records including individual participant records will be stored in a locked secure office area. Our electronic records are stored in our computer system with our training records stored in our computer database. The computer system is password protected and security is maintained by appropriate software programs. Our software system will retain your records, including results, for a period of no less than 30 years. You can access your own training records by contacting college management. You can also authorise for your training records to be provided to others by completion of a Participant Records Access Form, which is available from our management. Student will be provided with their certificate via email. Should a student lose their certificate, they can either reprint the certificate from the email, or alternatively, they can contact Dr. Ruby Training College office who will resend the participant their certificate via email at no cost. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 15 Recognition of other Qualifications All AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training organisations will be fully recognised by Dr. Ruby Training College. These qualifications could used to reduce any training program offered by us. Access and Equity Dr. Ruby Training College is committed to ensuring that training opportunities are available to all people on an equal and fair basis. All students have equal access to training programs irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background, disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or career’s responsibilities. Any issues or questions regarding access and equity can be directed to Dr. Ruby Training College management. Client Selection There may be pre-requisites to enrolling in some of our training programs. Please refer to the Course Information Sheets for further information on specific courses. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to discuss the course with your trainer or our management staff. Enrolment & Student Record To enrol in one of Dr. Ruby Training College’s training programs, you will need to fill the enrolment form and sign the signature. One of our administrator may request you to show your identify, please co-operate with him/her. If your employer or your agent pays your tuition fees, before you enrol in one of Dr. Ruby Training College’s training programs, you will need to obtain the permission of your employer/agent. Enrolment will consist of you or your employer /agent contacting a trainer or Dr. Ruby Training management. You and your employer/agent will be provided with course information on the program so that an informed decision can be made on what training program is right for your needs. All student records will be kept 30 years. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 16 Orientation During the enrolment process for a traineeship, you will provide with an induction into the training program. This induction will cover: Introduction to Dr. Ruby Training College training staff Confirmation of the course and units of competency to be delivered The training and assessment procedures, including method, format and purpose of assessment Learning and assessment resources to be provided What is expected of you during the program? Qualifications to be issued Confirmation that all the above information was provided is required to be acknowledged by you. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance Dr. Ruby Training College recognises that not all participants are able to read, write and perform calculation to the same standards. Dr. Ruby Training College will endeavour to help participants where we can, to accommodate anyone with difficulties with language, literacy or numeracy. If you have a concern with language, literacy or numeracy, please inform your trainer at the time of enrolment into the program. In the event that your needs exceed Dr. Ruby Training College skills and capabilities, we will refer you to an external support provider. Student Support, Welfare and Guidance Dr. Ruby Training College will assist all students in their efforts to complete our training programs. In the event that you are experiencing any difficulties with your studies, you should discuss these difficulties with your trainer or a member of Dr. Ruby Training College management. Dr. Ruby Training College’s trainer or manager will ensure that the full resources of Dr. Ruby Training College are made available to you to ensure that you have every opportunity to achieve the required level of competency. Should you be experiencing a personal difficulty, Dr. Ruby Training College will make every attempt to accommodate your needs within our limited capacity. Dr. Ruby Training College has a compassionate and understanding approach to the difficulties of our participants. If your needs exceed our capacity, Dr. Ruby Training College will refer you onto an appropriate external agency. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 17 You can seek support immediately by contacting: Police/Fire/Ambulance Ring 000 Telephone Interpreting Services 13 14 50 Alcohol and Drug Information Service 1 800 177 833 (24 hour counselling and information) Lifeline: 131 114 Literacy and Numeracy Support National: Australian Council of Adult Literacy phone 03 9469 2950 email [email protected] Web: www.literacyline.edu.au Quit line 24 hour smoking cessation information and counselling 13 18 48 Flexible Delivery and Assessment Procedures Dr. Ruby Training College recognises that not everyone learns in the same way. We can adjust our training and assessment program to ensure all participants have an equal and fair opportunity to complete the required training and assessment activities independent of their preferred learning style. For example, a written assessment can be adjusted so that it is conducted as a verbal assessment. Where Dr. Ruby Training College cannot appropriately assist a participant, a referral will be provided to an external agency that can provide the right help. Any further questions can be referred to your trainer or Dr. Ruby Training College management. Discipline If a trainer is unhappy or dissatisfied with your behaviour, they have the authority to : Warn you that your behaviour is unsuitable Ask you to leave the class, or Immediately cancel the class If you wish to express a complaint in relation to the disciplinary action taken, you have the opportunity to follow our complaints procedure. We expect that all trainers and staff from Dr. Ruby Training College will maintain a professional and ethical working relationship with all other staff, management and participants. Any breach of the college disciplinary standards will be discussed with ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 18 the trainer and The CEO from Dr. Ruby Training College and the appropriate action will be taken. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Dr. Ruby Training College recognises that you may have previously gained skills and knowledge from a variety of different sources. If you believe you already have skills and knowledge that would be covered in the training programs offered by Dr. Ruby Training College, you should initially apply at time of enrolment for Recognition of Prior Learning and, where appropriate, has the training program reduced. Applications for RPL can also be made at any time during the program. An RPL application kit will be provided to you by their trainer/assessor. This kit is also available from Dr. Ruby Training College. For non-traineeship enrolment, RPL applications will be assessed at $120 per hour, which a maximum charge of $240 per unit of competency. Credit Transfer Credit transfer is granted when you can demonstrate that your previous course of study (within or outside of the AQF framework) is equivalent to the required outcomes or standards within a unit of competency or qualification. Assessment Criteria All assessments will you the guideline with the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment process. This will include information regarding assessment methods and alternative assessment methods if required to accommodate special needs or circumstances. Information will also be included at the start of each unit or course as to assessment processes, number of assessments and types of assessment. Only competent or non-competent can be assessed, which means: if you want to pass the test, you have to get 100% mark to become competent. Assessment Methods Assessment will ensure that they focus on the application of the skill and knowledge as required, including: Structured activates (Skill practice) Assessment (Written) Observation assessment Questionnaire ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 19 Dr. Ruby Training College ensures that you are assessed in sufficient detail to ensure that assessors can make a fully informed judgment of competence. Our management is available to discuss and provide professional advice regarding outcomes of the assessment process and guidance on future options for you. All assessment task must consider any language and literacy issues, cultural issues or any other individual needs related to the assessment. Re-assessment is available on appeal, as per the appeal process. Plagiarism Policy SCOPE This policy applies to Dr Ruby Training College (The college) students and all the college staff who deal with all matters concerning VET. POLICY The policy is intended to promote honesty in learning and assessment and respect for the work of others. Contravention of this policy will result in students being penalised as per our student code of conduct. Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it as one’s own. You are expected to acknowledge the intellectual property of others used in the preparation of projects and assessment tasks. Plagiarism is the copying of another person’s ideas or expressions without appropriate acknowledgement and presenting these ideas or forms of expression as your own. It includes not only written works such as books or journals, but data or images that may be presented in tables, diagrams, designs, plans, photographs, film, music, formulae, web sites and computer programs. PROCEDURES 1. A Trainer or Assessor who suspects plagiarism should report this to the CEO of Dr Ruby Training College. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 20 2. The CEO of the college must decide whether the plagiarism amounts to cheating. The CEO should do investigation and make sure there is enough evidence that the student intended to obtain an unfair advantage, CEO must give the student an opportunity to respond before making a final determination. . Penalties of Plagiarism and Collusion 1. Students who are found cheating or guilty of plagiarism on any form of assessment will be deemed Not Yet Competent for the relevant Unit of Competence. The student will then need to re-submit, resit assessment. See Assessment Policy and Procedures. 2. Students who are found cheating or guilty of plagiarism for a second time will need to re-enrol and repeat the entire Unit of Competence and pay applicable fees. 3. Students who are found cheating or guilty of plagiarism for a third or subsequent time, the matter will be referred to the CEO. 4. Students will also be issued an official written warning which will be placed in the students file. 5. Continued behaviour of this kind may result in students being expelled from the College. See Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure. ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 21 Acknowledgement Declaration I acknowledge that I …………………………….have read and fully understand the contents of this Participant Handbook, which outlines the conditions my right and responsibilities as a student of Dr. Ruby Training College. Signature Date Name of Witness Signature of Witness Date ABN: 33142765286 02.2015 22
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