Albion Antioch Bannertown Blues Grove Calvary Cedar Lane Central View Christian Community Community Copeland Cornerstone Cross Roads Dobson, First Dover Fairview Faith Fancy Gap Fellowship Flippin Memorial Fuente de Vida Gum Orchard Haymore Memorial Highland Park Hills Grove Holly Springs Indian Grove Ivy Green Jessup Grove Ladonia Little Richmond Mount Carmel Mount Zion Mountain Park Mountain View New Bethel New Hope New Life New Venture Oak Grove Oak Ridge Pauls Creek Pinnacle View Pleasant View Rock Hill Rockford Salem Salem Fork Shoals Siloam Simmons Grove Slate Mountain Sparta, First Sulphur Springs Turkey Ford Union Cross Victory Welcome Westfield Westview Woodland Woodville The Surry Baptist Newsletter “Sixty-one Churches, Partners In Ministry” Surry Baptist Association 364 Welch Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Volume No. 55 336-789-5701 Office 336-789-4342 Fax email: [email protected] web site: Surry Christian Counseling Center 789-7405 MARCH 2015 Billy Blakley, DMin, Dir. of Missions Sylvia M. Chilton, Adm. Asst. No. 3 “The Mission of Surry Baptist Association is to glorify God through Jesus Christ by assisting and encouraging Congregations in a partnership of cooperative ministries of reaching people and developing believers.” The Surry Baptist Newsletter March 2015 Page 2 From Your Director of Missions — Billy Blakley One of the things I really enjoy about winter is snow. I love to watch it fall, watch it cover the grass and bushes and roads with white, beautiful snow, and decorate roof tops with a blanket of thick, fluffy snow. It doesn’t matter if it is a groomed yard or a red dirt barren field, snow transforms everything into a winter wonderland. I remember years ago as I was traveling through eastern North Carolina after a freezing rain storm, all the trees looked like crystal sculptures. But even the beautiful crystal sculptures cannot match the beauty of new, clean, fresh snow. The wonder of a winter event can capture our minds and take us magically back to our childhood, yet the realities of such an event also brings us back to our everyday responsibilities. Somehow we must carry on with our jobs, our lives, our duties. And now the beautiful snow becomes a problem for us to navigate through to reach our destinations. As much as we like to see the snow fall, we like equally well to see the snow plows scrape the roads clean, allowing us to get out of our homes. As the snow lies beside the roads, waiting for the sun to melt the mounds, it seems to get dirtier every day until it’s finally gone, leaving a pile of dirt in its place. Then we can only wait for winter to bless us once again with its beauty. Whenever we have bad winter weather, our office follows the schedule of the Mount Airy City Schools in deciding about closing. It’s not that I can’t get to work safely, but that you can’t get to our office safely on snow or ice. I trust all of you know that even if our office is closed due to inclement weather, I’m still available by phone should you need to reach me. It is never an interruption for you to call me should you need me. As a matter of fact, by Tuesday afternoon, I was walking around our house wishing someone would call. I was bored out of my mind. I had finished the next week’s Seminary Extension class and was ahead in my planning for this summer’s mission trips. And having no legitimate excuse to drive in the snow, I was stuck inside. Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I enjoy spending time at home with Pat. But I don’t like feeling trapped inside. It’s not just me feeling trapped. Pat was excited about getting to go to Walmart on Wednesday! She must have really been suffering from Cabin Fever! Now the snow is gone, for all practical purposes, and we’re back on our regular schedules. We’re back to work, praying for our churches, and waiting to assist them any way we can. I understand the saying, “When you love what you do, you never ‘work’ a day in your life.” I love working with our churches and our pastors. I love praying for all of you and seeing how God is working through you. I love coming alongside a church or a pastor if a problem arises in order to make the burden easier. I love leading teams on mission trips. I love working with our local ministries in order to tell people about Jesus. I love teaching men and women in conferences and in Seminary Extension. I love visiting with Surry Baptists who come to our office. I love being one of you. I consider it a real blessing to be called to serve Surry Baptist as your Associational Missionary. There are a lot of things taking place in our Surry Baptist churches. There is one thing I wish to bring to your attention. Ever since I’ve come to the Surry Baptist Association, I’ve had people say they wish we would start a Christian school. This is a vast undertaking, especially since we don’t have the facilities to host a school. One of our churches – Salem – has undertaken such a challenge. Salem Christian Academy began last year with a pre-4 preschool. This coming year, they hope to add a 5-year-old kindergarten, depending on the need expressed by preregistration of students. Please be praying for this endeavor. It is a step of faith to help meet the perceived need for Christian education. If you are interested or desire more information, call Salem or the associational office. We will be happy to put you in contact with the director of the kindergarten. Snow is beautiful but it cannot compare to the beauty of our Lord or His people. I love each of you and desire God’s very best for you. I pray we continue to work closely with one another as we reach our community and our world for our Lord. The Surry Baptist Newsletter Page 3 March 2015 WMU News Medical Ministries Clinic: Bring food anytime to be given out on March 24. Thanks to Flippin Memorial for helping give out food in March; Woodville in April; Fellowship in May; Turkey Ford in June; Dover in July; Hills Grove in August; Salem in September; Salem Fork in October; Pinnacle View in December. Baptist Men Update Our February Baptist Men meeting was well attended with representatives from 11 associational churches. Several suggestions were discussed as we look at ways to expand the Baptist Men’s ministry in the months ahead. What a blessing to meet with men who have a passion for helping others. No doubt someone is being touched each week by one of our Baptist Men. Our Firewood Ministry supply is critically low. If you can provide a load of firewood, please do so. The CD ministry to truckers is in need of more CDs. Thanks to Rev. Russell Parsons for serving as our Baptist Men’s chaplain. He is unable to continue due to health reasons so remember him in your prayers. Our next meeting will include our wives. Plan to attend on March 3, 6:30 pm, at the SBA Resource Center. Fellowship Baptist will be providing our meal. Our guest speaker will be Sheriff Graham Atkinson. We look forward to seeing you there. BIRTHDAYS Mar. 11: Mar. 12: Mar. 17: Mar. 17: Mar. 20: Mar. 23: Mar. 24: Mar. 29: Mar. 30: Mrs. Tammy Clement (Jessup Grove) Mrs. April Summerlin (Antioch) Rev. Joshua Summerlin (Antioch) Mrs. Jewel Faw (Siloam) Mrs. Hope Sechrist (Blues Grove) Mrs. Carlene Lyons (New Hope) Mrs. Renee Martin (Shoals) Mrs. Tanya Benfield (Fellowship) Rev. Jimmy McCraw (New Bethel) Surry Christian Counseling Center Statistics for January 2015 Total Sessions Conducted = 85 Total Clients Served = 48 Client Assistance Fund Sessions = 58 Client Assistance Fund Clients Served = 33 To make an appointment with John Shuler, Counselor, call 789-7405. Volunteer receptionists needed. Call the SBA Office (789-5701) if interested. 2014 Printed Minutes Books Printed Minutes books that the churches ordered are ready. Have someone from your church come by the SBA Office to pick up your church’s copies. 2015 Calendars There are still copies of the 2015 Calendar of Associational events to be picked up at the SBA Office. This year, the calendars are hole-punched for you to place in a notebook. Have someone from your church come by and pick up your church’s copies. The Surry Baptist Newsletter Page 4 March 2015 Upcoming Missions Opportunities in 2015 The following have shared their mission trip opportunities with the SBA Office. If you are interested in participating on one of these trips, contact the SBA Office or church sponsoring the trip. Cornerstone: Chinese Family Camp in Brooklyn, NY (May 23-30) Haymore Memorial: Portugal (July 3-12) Jessup Grove: Hazleton, PA (June 14-20) Copeland: Casper, WY (June 30-July 3) Fairview: Casper, WY (July 4-12) SBA: Trinidad (Aug. 1-8). Next Seminary Extension Class TH-3200 Systematic Theology March 24 - May 26, 2015 Tuesdays 6:30-10:30pm A survey of Christian doctrines, with emphasis upon revelation, the nature and work of God, Jesus Christ, humankind and sin, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and last things or eschatology. Cost: $169.00 (for students who already have books. Instructor: Dr. Billy Blakley Call the SBA Office (789-5701) NOW to register. VBS Clinic for Workers & Directors, April 13, 7:00pm, Calvary Baptist Church. SBA Mid-Year Meeting, April 27, 7:00pm, Blues Grove Baptist Church. WMU Annual Meeting, April 30, location to be announced. SBA will be collecting paper products & gift cards only. Bring to the SBA Resource Center by May 1. The Surry Baptist Newsletter News From The Churches March 2015 Antioch had Baptist Men’s Day. Sisterhood sponsored Blood Drive. Youth went to WinterJam in Greensboro. Sisterhood sent care packages to college students and military personnel. Sisterhood helped with Surry Medical Ministry food bags. Golden Autumn went shopping and ate lunch in WinstonSalem. Had Baptist Ladies Day. Currently looking for parttime Music Director; if interested contact Cathy Hull (7892609). Bannertown had Blood Drive. Pastor began sermon series on the book of Revelation. Church is seeking a pianist/accompanist for Sunday morning worship as well as accompanying choirs, groups, and soloists. Must possess strong musical background and training with experience and ability to read music and play different styles of music, including contemporary, gospel, and traditional hymns. Send applications to the church: 1834 Westfield Rd., Mount Airy. Blues Grove Youth sponsoring Pancake Breakfast, March 7, 7:00am-10:00am with donations going to youth projects. Plans in progress for new Church Directory. Special offering on March 1 for Counseling Center. Katelyn Houston was Wed. night speaker telling about her mission trip to 11 countries in 11 months in Central & South America. Cedar Lane Baptist Women presented bridal gift to newlywed couple. Members celebrated Valentine’s Day with souper supper, games and fun. Baptismal Service scheduled for March 1. Central View received four new members. Had one young man announce his calling to preach. Had Baptist Men’s Day with all men’s choir. Had Focus on WMU with short program to remember members who passed away last year. Youth prepared Valentine’s meal for church. Community had church-wide fellowship with pizza and bowling. Youth on Mission sent all widowers Valentine cards. Children on Mission continue to meet each Wed. night. Cornerstone received four new members: two by statement, two by baptism. Enjoyed Souper Bowl Sunday with 22 different kinds of soups. Collected canned goods for Foothills Food Pantry. Women on Mission made snack trays to give to various places in appreciation for their work. Recognized Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Casey Flynn received Eagle Scout award. Had two firewood cutting and splitting days. Baptist Men completed handicap ramp in Ararat, NC. Observed Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Received donations of baby items and money for Legacy Center. Had Ordination Service for Youth Pastor Wes McGarry. Had Awana Training with missionary David Roach. Had Youth event with supper and laser tag. Receiving Annie Armstrong Offering and observing Week of Prayer for N. American Missions. Awanas will participate in Awana games at Salem Baptist. Women on Mission serving meal at Pilot Mtn. Library for Pilot Outreach Ministry. Summer mission plans being made including New Jersey with Baptists on Mission, Centri-Kid at Gardner Webb, Mfuge at Louisville, KY, and The Appalachian Coalfields Ministry Backpack Project. Dobson, First welcomed two new members by letter. Brotherhood held “Souper Sunday” luncheon, raising $940 for local family experiencing medical financial hardships. Kid’s Night allowed parents to enjoy Valentine’s date night. WMU sponsoring Women’s Missions Sunday on Mar. 1. Kelly Hemmings, active member, spoke on her numerous mission trips; she is in last stages of becoming a doctor at UNC School of Medicine. Fairview Youth had Lock-In with approximately 30 in attendance. Had Super Bowl Party. Attended WinterJam concert in Greensboro. Fancy Gap had baptismal service. Youth Council met. Had Page 5 Nursing Home Service at Golden Living. Fellowship conducted Card Shower for Mrs. Rose Anna Hayes, wife of church’s first pastor, Rev. Elliott Hayes. Baptist Men had breakfast meeting at Olympia Restaurant. Had White Bible Service honoring Miss Crystal Lyons, bride-elect of Michael Warren. Gave offering to Cody Hall who is preparing for Missionary Ministry. Contributed to fund for The Shepherd’s House repairs. Flippin Memorial celebrated one profession of faith. Youth collecting yarn for Hospice Home. Had Communion. Youth went to Winterplace. Had benefit for Lily Midkiff, child member who is battling unique type of epilepsy. Haymore Memorial had one profession of faith. Continue to pray for Pastor Robert McCrary who recently had surgery. Youth sponsored Senior Adults Valentine’s Banquet. Baptist Men had breakfast Bible study at Olympia Restaurant. Highland Park received four new members. Pastor Darrell Tate and wife Tina hosted Couples Banquet with sixteen couples attending. Celebrated Baptist Women’s Day with all ladies choir and guest speaker, Siv Ashley. Enjoyed Fellowship meal. Youth went snow-tubing at Winterplace. Sign-ups beginning for Pictorial Directory. Annual Brotherhood Pancake Supper on Mar. 6, 5-8pm; cost is $5 adults, $3 children, with proceeds going to Brotherhood mission projects. Team will participate in Helping Hands 5K Color Walk/Run on Mar. 28 at Veteran’s Park; for info call Brittany Hawks at 336-325-8338. Youth will be selling chocolate cream-filled Easter eggs in flavors peanut butter, mint, butter cream and coconut; cost is $6 each for 8 oz. size or 4 small for $8; call church at 336-786-4275 to order. Team will be participating in Autism Walk on Apr. 25 at Riverside Park; for info call Bridget Soots at 336-789-2982. Hills Grove had Christmas program. Had Christmas card exchange. WMU sponsored Ladies Tea at Mountain View Restaurant. Attended Pastors & Wife Breakfast at SBA. Participated in Souper Bowl of Caring. Collected 301 food items and $597.67 for The Shepherd’s House. Had Valentine’s Party with food and games and crowned Valentine King & Queen with money for votes going to mission projects. Had Fifth Sunday Night Singing featuring “The Journeys.” Indian Grove had breakfast on first Sunday of month. Ladies Circle delivered meals to shut-ins. Had Outreach “Dinner & Movie Night” with spaghetti supper and movie, “God Is Not Dead.” Ivy Green had dinner and movie with donations going to shoebox ministry. Collecting for Food Pantry. Fifth Sunday Singing on Mar. 29. Revival services scheduled for Mar. 29-Apr. 1. Mount Carmel had four attend SBA Senior Adults Luncheon and two attended SBA Quarterly Meeting. WMU collected Christmas cards for St. Jude and collecting snacks for Northern Hospital surgical waiting room. Brotherhood installing ramp for senior member. Mountain View “Kid’s Quest” made Valentine scripture rings for three local nursing facilities. Collected for Yokefellow and Cedar Ridge backpack program. Sweetheart Supper cooked and served by men to all ladies for Family Night Meal. “Kid’s Quest” enjoyed trip to Airbound Trampoline Park. Youth went to WinterJam concert. Had Baptist Women’s Day with guest speaker, Deborah Brintle, sharing Nicaragua missions. New Life congratulated piano/organist Scottie Isaacs and wife Jenny on their 50th wedding anniversary. Prepared and delivered meals to shut-ins. Pauls Creek observed Men’s Day with all men’s choir, scripture reading from men in congregation, and special singing. Hosted Philippine missionary Niczon Edrosolam for Wed. night service. Pastor Justin McCreary will preach in Revival Continued on back The Surry Baptist Newsletter March 2015 Church News continued from inside Surry Baptist Association Financial Contributions January 2015 2015 Budget ReceiptsTo Date Albion Antioch Bannertown Blues Grove Calvary Cedar Lane Central View Christian Community Community Copeland Cornerstone Cross Roads Dobson, First Dover Fairview Faith Fancy Gap Fellowship Flippin Memorial Fuente de Vida Gum Orchard Haymore Memorial Highland Park Hills Grove Holly Springs Indian Grove Ivy Green Jessup Grove Ladonia Little Richmond Mount Carmel Mount Zion Mountain Park Mountain View New Bethel New Hope New Life New Venture Oak Grove Oak Ridge Pauls Creek Pinnacle View Pleasant View Rock Hill Rockford Salem Salem Fork Shoals Siloam Simmons Grove Slate Mountain Sparta, First Sulphur Springs Turkey Ford Union Cross Victory Welcome Westfield Westview Woodland Woodville Other TOTALS Designated & Other Receipts $500.00 $423.08 $595.90 $1,000.00 $166.67 $0.00 $110.22 $137.25 $250.00 $377.26 $188.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $662.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $83.34 $0.00 $300.00 $229.17 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $80.00 $146.71 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105.59 $100.00 $0.00 $65.18 $0.00 $0.00 $944.34 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $4,125.00 $1,163.54 $696.25 $1,006.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 $120.00 $0.00 $200.00 $225.00 $0.00 $806.80 $50.00 $100.00 $0.00 $27,133.33 Page 6 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 $500.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $425.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,585.97 $8,960.97 *Designated & Other Receipts are additional monies given for specific SBA ministries (such as Surry Christian Counseling Center, Handyman Ministry, etc.) as well as General Funds. SBA Office Hours Monday-Thursday.....................8:30am-4:30pm Friday.........................................8:30am-1:00pm services at Lambsburg Baptist on Mar. 15 and choir will sing. Church Picnic set for July 19 at Foster Falls. Pinnacle View had Communion. WMU and Men’s Group prepared and served meal at Pilot Mtn. Library for Pilot Mtn. Outreach Center. Children’s choir and Adult Sunday School Class made Valentines for WBFJ Christian radio missions project going to Meals on Wheels in Surry County. Three attended SBA Youth Workers Appreciation Dinner. Three attended SBA WMU Breakfast. Youth went to WinterJam in Greensboro. Rock Hill WMU and church members collected supplies for Woltz Hospice Home. Had all men’s choir on Baptist Men’s Day. Salem welcomed 10 new members, four by baptism since Oct. Called Rev. Jim Gore as Interim Pastor. Salem Christian Academy exceeded goals and expectations and is currently accepting applications for Preschool and Kindergarten classes; see their website: for more info. Brotherhood Chili Cook-Off raised over $3,000 for local mission projects. Hosting SBA Youth event, “Silver Ring Thing,” on Mar. 1. Four members went on dental mission trip to the Amazon. Seven members went on mission trip to Ireland. Upward Sports has 16 basketball teams and two cheerleading teams participating and reaching 1,000 people per week. Hosting area-wide AWANA Games Mar. 14, 9am-1pm. WMU sponsoring Blood Drive in honor of TJ Lievsay on Mar. 21, 10am-2:30pm. Drama Committee and Worship Choir offering three performances of Easter Drama, “More Than Just A Man,” Mar. 27-29, 7pm nightly. WMU will host Port-A-Pit Chicken fundraiser on May 1 for local mission projects. Shoals exceeded $5,000 Lottie Moon Offering goal. Had January food and fellowship after church. Sparta, First Youth sponsored Sweetheart Dinner after Sunday worship service. Movie night scheduled for Mar. 1 featuring, “Flywheel.” Revival services scheduled for April 19-22 with guest speaker, Austin Caviness. Sulphur Springs had one profession of faith. Youth held Praise & Worship Service. Had Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for youth mission trip. Turkey Ford had one profession of faith. Collected 132 lbs. of soup for Foothills Food Pantry on Super Bowl Sunday. Had Focus on WMU with a “Souper” Sunday Luncheon sponsored by Women on Mission and a “sweet treat” for congregation by youth and children. Revival services scheduled for April 1215, 7pm, with guest speaker, Rev. Tommy Nichols and special singing nightly. Union Cross had Baptist Men’s Day with guest speaker, Rev. Joshua Sechrist. Youth planning Youth Sunday. Two members attended SBA Senior Adults Luncheon where Austin Caviness was guest speaker. Victory received two new members by letter and statement. Brotherhood had breakfast meeting. Had catered Valentine’s Supper and entertainment and prizes. Woodville received one new member by statement. Had Gospel Singing with Jeff & Sheri Easter. Collecting Christmas shoebox items monthly. Ordained Dean Hunter as Deacon. Elected Joe Smith as Deacon. Licensed Pete King as preacher. Easter Sunrise Service planned for 7am followed by breakfast and worship service at 10am. Note: Include Easter events with your next church news. Surry Baptist Association 364 Welch Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mount Airy, NC 27030 Permit #229
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