We Believe That God’s Plan For Our Church Is That We Become . . . Excellence Experiencing Expounding Extending A Church of God and His family, February 26, 2015 His Word, the and Beacon Dr. David W. Spencer Shining the Light of Christ for Over 150 Years First Baptist Church 6797 Caroline Street Milton, FL 32570 Office/Prayer Line FAX On the Web 850-623-3122 www.fbcmilton.org 850-626-0582 The Morning Worship service is recorded and broadcast on WEGS-91.7 FM at 12:00 p.m. every Sunday. SUNDAY - Mar 1, 2015 DICIPLE NOW 8:00a First Family Breakfast (FLC) 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 4:00p Deacons Meeting (Bldg. E) 4:45p Bible Drills 4th & 5th Grade (The Way) 5:00p First Cup Opens NEXT Young Adult Bible Study (Upstairs, Bldg. B) 5:30p AWANA (FLC) 6:00p Evening Worship (Sanctuary) MONDAY – Mar 2, 2015 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 6:00p Bridging Your Community Conference (Friendship Baptist Church) WEDNESDAY – Mar 4, 2015 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 5:00p Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club 5:15p First Cup Opens 5:30p Church Nursery Open/Worship Quest (The Way, Preschool bldg) 5:45p Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary) Youth Activities (FLC)/Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E) 6:30p Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room) 7:00p Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C) 7:05p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY – Mar 5, 2015 9:30a Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup) FRIDAY – Mar 6, 2015 10:30a Senior Aerobics (FLC) SATURDAY – Mar 7, 2015 Eagle Scout Presentation (Sanctuary/FLC) SUNDAY – Mar 8, 2015 Daylight Savings 8:30a First Cup Opens 9:15a Sunday School 10:30a Morning Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30a First Cup Opens 4:30p Intercessory Prayer Committee Meeting (Bldg. E) 4:45p Bible Drills 4th & 5th Grade (The Way) Sunday School Teachers Meeting (FLC) 5:00p First Cup Opens NEXT Young Adult Bible Study (Upstairs, Bldg. B) 5:30p AWANA (FLC) 6:00p Evening Worship (Sanctuary) MONDAY – Mar 9, 2015 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) WEDNESDAY – Mar 11, 2015 9:30a WMU Meeting (Bamberg Chapel) 10:30a Senior Aerobics (Gym) 4:45p Wednesday Night Supper with Super Supper Club 5:15p First Cup Opens 5:30p Church Nursery Open/Worship Quest (The Way, Preschool Bldg) 5:45p Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary) Youth Activities (FLC)/Adult Bible Studies (Bldg. E) 6:30p Celebrate Recovery (Prayer Room) 7:00p Childcare for Celebration Choir (Bldg. C) Stewardship Meeting (Bldg. E) 7:05p Celebration Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal THURSDAY – Mar 12, 2015 9:30a Ladies’ Bible Study (First Cup) FRIDAY – Mar 13, 2015 10:30a Senior Adult Aerobics (Gym) SATURDAY – Mar 14, 2015 Special Olympics Volleyball Event in His Kingdom. [email protected] THE MISSION FIELD IS HERE! When most of us think of missions, our minds turn to foreign lands, distant continents, and other cultures. There is a continent with 352 million people, and it's estimated that 265 million of those people have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That's about 75% of the population. Don't you think it's time we sent some missionaries to evangelize those people? Couldn't we spare some money to start churches and establish ministries in that place? That place that needs Jesus is North America--specifically the United States and Canada! Would you have guessed it? For the past 100 years evangelical churches like ours have lost ground in the church-to-population ratio. In other words, the population of North America is growing faster than we are planting churches. We Southern Baptists have only 2,500 missionary families living in North America. We start 25% of the churches here ourselves. No other denomination comes close to us in church starts. Don't the majority of evangelical churches and denominations care about this land where we live? We cannot afford not to start churches here. We are losing ground every day. So, what can we do about it? First of all we must pray for the Lord to send out workers into the harvest. We need to go to some of these places that need churches ourselves. Have you ever considered that God might call YOU to be a home missionary? We can give generously this year to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. Annie Armstrong certainly cared about this land where we live. Each week as we give our tithes and offerings at First Baptist Church, some of that money goes to support home missions or, as we call it these days, North American missions. The North American Mission Board gets 38% of its mission money from these weekly offerings from churches like ours. Once a year we take an Easter Offering for the NAMB. This one offering provides 49% of the mission money, so you can see how important this offering is in reaching North America. If you give your tithes and offerings through the envelope system in our church, you will find an extra envelope this week just for North American missions. I hope you will give generously. Let's not lose this land where we live! DWS Ordination of Nicholas Gandy, February 22, 2015 Sympathy The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian sympathy to Virgie Densmore and family in the death of her sister, Ann, in Louisiana. The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian sympathy to Gerald Barnes and family in the death of Gerald's brother, James Earl Barnes. The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian sympathy to Earl Lunsford and family in the death of Earl’s aunt, Ruby Lunsford Posey. The Pastor, the Staff and the Church Family extend Christian sympathy to the family of our-Sister-in-Christ, Betty Jean Nave. 1st Student Ministry Administrator’s Article Minister of Education Children’s Ministry Student Ministry Administrator Minister of Education and Outreach [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Director of Children’s Ministry DiscipleNow STAFF ANNIVERSARIES & BIRTHDAYS MARCH EVENTS Rev. Bo Mills DiscipleNow is this weekend (February 27-March 1)! Pray that DiscipleNow will be a life changing experience for our youth. Also, lift up the leaders and those who will be hosting youth in their homes. Rev. Bob Lowe Congratulations to Rev. Kenneth Martin for 10 years of service as our Minister of Music & Worship on Feb. 25. Thanks Kenneth for all you do! Happy Birthday (Feb. 27) to Toni Perry, our Front Office Secretary. Happy Birthday Toni! Building B Stairs Update Feb 27 – March 1 $35.00 Ask Bo how you can help! A DiscipleNow Mission Project We had engineers inspect the stairs and they told us the stairs were safe. However, they recommended we not use them until they have been repaired. We have a concrete man ready to make the repairs once the weather cooperates. Thanks for your patience. Wednesday Night Supper Menu Mar 4 FBC Buffet Night A Grand Variety Dental Bus Items Needed By Friday, February 27th Toothbrushes/Toothpaste Dental Floss Mouthwash Washcloths Bars of Soap Gallon Size Zip-Lock Bags Mar 11 Early St. Patrick’s Menu Roast Pork Boiled Red Potatoes Tossed with Butter & Parsley Steamed Cabbage Honey Roasted Carrots Salad Bar Rye Bread/Rolls with Butter Mint Chocolate Cake/Blarney Stones (cookies) Mar 18 SPRING BREAK NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER Mar 25 The Mediterranean Roasted Lemon and Rosemary Chicken Oven Roasted Potatoes Green Peas Mediterranean Greek Salad Pita Bread with Hummus/Rolls Baklava & Rainbow Sherbert Dr. Gary Nichols Sundays @ 5:00p NEXT Young Adult Bible Study Crazy Love Building B, Second Floor We believe that Jesus Christ, the Head of this Church, wants us to be . . . a diverse Body of sold-out believers who . . . change the world where we live through the Gospel. These conferences, sponsored by the Santa Rosa Baptist Association and the Florida Baptist Convention, will help us accomplish this component of our Mission Statement. Call the church office to reserve your place at supper. Also, see our website, www.fbcmilton.org, for details. March 8 Adult SS Leadership Curriculum Meeting at 4:45p, FLC March 26-28 The Herald Society hosted by First Milton Children’s Calendar of Events ***Mark these special dates on your calendars now; Vacation Bible School June 22-26, 2015 King’s Kids July 27-31, 2015 MARCH Sunday 8 Daylight Savings Time Begins Wednesday Saturday 18 Spring Break No Activities 28 R.A. Racer Meet @ Pine Terrace Sunday 29 Easter Celebration/Koinonia @ 3:30-6:00 Three days of challenging, evangelistic preaching. Music led by our own Stephen Williams. Go to www.fbcmilton.org for details. Click on the link. SENIOR ADULT EVENTS February 28 Monthly Senior Adult Fellowship Breakfast Ryan’s, 9:00a, NOTE THE TIME CHANGE March 26 XYZ Luncheon, 11:00 - 1:00, FLC NOTE DATE CHANGE (due to Spring Break) March 28 Monthly Senior Adult Fellowship Breakfast Ryan’s, 9:00 March 31 XYZ Day Trip to Mobile Exploreum Jerusalem IMAX movie and exhibits, $13.25 Depart church 10:30, lunch enroute, return 6:00. Joining you to change the world where we live through the Gospel, 2015 Men’s Cake Bake Off Winner Marty Foshee [email protected] March 2 Bridging Your Community, Friendship Baptist Church Supper at 6:00p Conferences 6:30p - 8:00p Computer basics, presented by Bo and Gary (mostly Bo). Bring your notebook computer, if you have one, a limited number of computers will be available. Submit your questions in advance to Bo or Gary. Ordination Service Elaine Gillis Gary March 2 At Friendship Baptist Church Sponsored by Santa Rosa Baptist Association Leadership Provided by Florida Baptist Convention Conferences include: “Love Loud” service ministry Understanding “being on mission” Compassion for the Hurting Building Bridges in Your Community Disaster Preparedness Supper - 6:00pm Conferences - 6:30-8:00pm. For supper reservation, call the church office (623-3122) or email, [email protected], by February 23. Coming Soon! Adult Bible Study Led by Chuck Bassett Tuesdays @ 10am in Bamberg Chapel See link at www.fbcmilton.org. 2015 Week of Prayer for SEND NORTH AMERICA and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Goal: $60 Million Our Church Goal: $17,220.15 Pray for our North American Missionaries Travis & Staci Kerns/Send City Coordinator Salt Lake City Gabriel Revilla/GenSend (Generation Send) Student Missionary/Chicago Annie Armstrong Jonathan & Shelby Land/Connection Church Sioux Falls, South Dakota Daniel & Linda Yang/Trinity Life Church Toronto, Canada Annie Armstrong was a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of missions efforts throughout the world. She led women to unite in missions endeavors that ultimately fostered a missions support movement that continues today. Her passionate advocacy led Southern Baptists to name the annual offering for North American missions after her as a celebration of her legacy. Mark & Tammy Lashley/Life House Church Townsend, Delaware Sarah Reese Hunt/GenSend (Generation Send) Student Missionary Portland Austin Coleman/GenSend (Generation Send) Student Missionary/New York City Memorials Thank you 01-18-15 Food Pantry Trantham Scholarship In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: John & Alice Guidy In MEMORY of: Janet McCombs Given by: John & Alice Guidy In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: D.C. & Helen McCombs In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Geneva Layne Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Faye Cooley Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Charles “Chuck” Hollingsworth Given by: Fischer, Brown, Fisher SS Class In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Fisher, Brown, Fischer SS Class 02-01-15 Mission Construction In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Bill & Jo Ann Timlin In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Bubba & Paula Drinkard In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: John & Alice Guidy Romania Mission In HONOR of: Lamar & Sissy Faulkner Given by: Fran Sutton Bamberg Chapel In HONOR of: Betty Bamberg Given by: Fran Sutton Lottie Moon In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: John & Annette Foresman In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Herb & Gynelle Lundy In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Lottie Moon Given by: Joye Peacher In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: Clyde Gracey 01-25-15 Food Pantry In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Bill & Jo Ann Timlin In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Betty Wolfe In MEMORY of: Charles “Chuck” Hollingsworth Given by: Betty Wolfe In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Bill & Robyn Baker In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Clyde Gracey In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Wayland & Hilda Foster In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Doug & Peggy Gillis In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Michael & Phyllis Gazaway In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Alice Marie Smith In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Men’s Ministry In MEMORY of: Geneva Layne Given by: Betty Wolfe In MEMORY of: Faye Cooley Given by: Betty Wolfe In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Betty Wolfe Given by: Donald & Donna Fowler Food Pantry March Greeters Pat Walters Wanda Bullard Bob Connatser David Kell Clayton Perry Bonnie Black Linda Northrop Erwin Huerkamp Sandra McFall Dear FBC Family, The family of Janet McCombs would like to express their sincere gratitude to the FBC family for their thoughts, prayers, calls, cards and support during the holidays. We know that Jan is now with our Mom in Heaven, with no more pain and no more suffering. We are grateful for the church family and the love you have shown our family at this difficult time. Bill McCombs and Family Dear FBC Family, Just a note to say I sincerely appreciate my church family for all the many prayers and “get well” wishes during and after my recent knee surgery. Thank you all and especially our choir. My God bless you all, In Christ’s Love, Iris Burt Dear First Baptist Church, Mrs. Annie Louise Walther and her family want to thank you for allowing us the use of your Family Life Center to honor her and celebrate her 102nd birthday. The facility is the perfect place - so clean and well-kept and just the right size. The employees are so kind and helpful - especially Philip, he’s a real treasure! Thank you so much! Bless you! In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: John & Alice Guidy In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: John & Alice Guidy In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: Earl & Pat Lunsford In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Earl & Pat Lunsford In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Earl & Pat Lunsford March Cart Drivers Sight & Sound In MEMORY of: David Choma Given by: Alice Choma Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 In MEMORY of: Denise Gean Given by: Tolbert SS Class In MEMORY of: Ed Peacher Given by: Carolyn Jones In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: Carolyn Jones In MEMORY of: Adrian Wingate Given by: Carolyn Jones In HONOR of: Jimmy Stephens Given by: Carolyn Jones In HONOR of: David Squires Given by: Carolyn Jones Lottie Moon In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Bill & Jo Ann Timlin In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Ted & Hilda Waters In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Dean & Brandy Ward In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Bill & Robyn Baker Family Promise In MEMORY of: Jack Plowman Given by: Alvin & Linda Henderson Sight & Sound In MEMORY of: Morris Steeley Given by: Bill & Robyn Baker 02-08-15 Mission Construction Jason Summers Patrick Watson Ray Callaway Keith Crutchfield Harold Arrant In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Mike & Agnes Long In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Joye Peacher In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Donna & Debra Long Food Pantry In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Debra & Donna Long In MEMORY of: Virginia Smith Given by: Mike & Agnes Long In MEMORY of: George Prine Given by: Mark Padgett & Angie Jones In MEMORY of: Ted Childers Given by: Mark Padgett & Angie Jones In MEMORY of: Rhoten & Jimmie Willhoit Given by: Ray & Jan Bagley In HONOR of: Food Pantry Workers Given by: Fran Sutton Welcome to Church Family our Profession of faith Trent Abercrombie Kinley Abercrombie Matthew Ellrick Brittany Ellrick Kaden Ellrick Kayla Willis Emma Cox By Letter Jeremy Abercrombie April Abercrombie Morgan Abercrombie rEDEDICATION Kellcy Bramel
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