-,----~-----------------------=------~-=====~----, c • GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: SCHOOL BRANCH OLD SECRET ARIT AT: DELffi-ll00S4. No:DE.23 (3)/Sch.Br.NoI.O/071 ) 6"1 OF DELHI. Datcd:-;) T' 0').' 15 To The Heads of all Govt.l GO\~. Aided Schools, DelhilNew Delhi. Sub.. Annual School Calendar for the session 2015-16. Sir/Madam, In terms of the provision of Rule 31 and Rule 32 of DSEAR, 1973 and in accordance with the Notification No. F.53/12/20 14/GAD/CN/dsgadiii/23S0-2398 dated 27.08.2014 of the General Administration Department, GNCT of Delhi, specifying the gazetted and restricted holidays during the year 2015, the Annual School Calendar for all Govt./Govt. Aided Schools, Directorate of Education, Delhi for the Academic Year 2015-2016 as approved by Director of Education is given below:The Academic Calendar is being proposed by the School Branch for academic session "2015-16 is as follows: I. ADMISSION: A. Admission to pre primary, primary classes for the session 2015-16: (i). Issuance of public notice Last week of February 2015 (ii). Commencement of issuance of application form' 03-03-15 (Tuesday) (iii). Last date for receipt of filled in application forms 18-03-15 Wednesday) (iv). Draw of lots for selection of candidates 21-03-\5 (Saturday) (v). Declaration of Admission list 25-03·15(Wednesday) (vi). Submission of requisite documents by the parents 26-03-15 (Thursday) to 28·03·15(Saturday) B. Admission to Class VI to IX: 01·04·15 (Wednesday) (i). Commencement of Admissions 10 class Vito IX in Govt. /Govt. Aided schools (Admission shall be continued throughout the summer Vocation in GOY\.Scnools/Govt. Aided Schools). (ii). Last date of Admission for classes VI to IX 31·07·15 (Friday) __ 5'-._ • =.="""",,_3,_"'_=$1 \ '.~, .c. Admission to class Xl: (i). Admission to class XI shall commence after Declaration of class X result (Admission shall be continued throughout the summer vacation (ii). in Govt. schools /Govt. Aided schools). 15-06-15 (Monday) 1-9-06-15 (Friday) 24-06-15(VVednesday) Last date to submit the application Declaration of First List (iv). Last date for Admission for first List (v). Dates of subsequent merit list to be announced later (iii). (vi). Last date of Admission for classes XI (vii).The students of Class X placed 31-07-15 (Friday) in compartment at CBSE Examination will be admitted in the same class but allowed to attend Class XI provisionally till the result is declared. The admission of such students will be regularized within ten days of the declaration of compartment results. The DDE (District) may allow. Admission to any class w.c.f. from I" August 2015 (Saturday) till 26th August 2015 (Wednesday) subject to the availability of the seats in the concerned class/school and on fulfillment of other Admission criteria. This also includes transfer of student from other states. Holidays and Vacations:Summer Break Autumn Break Winter Break (Primary) (Class VI t"XII) S. No. Holiday 1. Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad 11-05-2015 (Monday) to 30-06-2015 (Tuesday) 19-10-20 I 5 (Monday) to 21-10-2015 (Wednesday) 26-12-20 I 5 (Saturday) to 15-01-2016 (Fnday) 31-12-2015 (Thursday) to 15-01-2016 (Friday} Date 04 January 2015 Day Monday Sunday (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) 2. 3. Republic Holi 26 January 2015 06 March 2015 4. 5. 6. Ram Navami 28 March 2015 Saturday Maliavir Jayanti 02 April 2015 Thursday Good Priday 03 April 2015 Friday 7. Buddha Purnima Monday 8. Idu'l Fitr 04 May 2015 18 July 2015 9. Independence 15 August 2015 Saturday 10. 11. Janamashtami Idu'l zona (Bakrid) 05 September Saturday 12. Mahatma 13. Dussehra day Day Gandhi's Birthday Friday Saturday 2015 25 September 20 15 02 October 2015 Friday 22 October 2015 Thursday friday 14. Muharram 15. 16. 17. * 18. Maharishi valmiki's Birthday 24 October 2015 27 October 2015 Tuesday DiwaJi (Deepavali) 11 November 2015 Wednesday Guru Nanak's Birthday 25 November 2015 Wednesday Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) Christmas Day 24 December 2015 Thursday 25 December 2015 Friday Saturday 2 - Examination S_ No_ I. 2. Examination Date Interview of selected candidates for 07/04/2015 (Tuesday) (tentative) admission in RIMe Dehradun 3. 4. Compartment Examination (Class Xl) and EIOP (Classes IX) Declaration of Compartment Result Test for admission in RIMe Dehradun 5. Workshop 6. Material, Value Based Questions & Problem Solving Assessment for Academic Session 2015-16 Common Re-Appear Secondary 07/07/2015 (Tuesday) School Examination (CRSSE-Class X) tol4/07/2015 (Tuesday) CPSA-I Examination for class IV to 1510912015(Tuesclay) XII 7. 8. for preparation of Support Summative Assessment SA-III Term Examination 9. Announcement of Result of SA-I1Ist 20104/2015(Monday) 05/05/2015(Tuesday) 08/05/2015(Friday) 01106/2015 (Monday) 02/06/2015 (Tuesday) 11I05/2015(Monday) 15/05/2015 (Friday) to 22/0912015 to (Tuesday) 091WI2015 (Friday) 15/1012015(Thur,day) to to Term Examination 10. II. Interview of selected candidates admission in RIMe Dehradun Test for Admission m for RIMC, Dehradun 12. CPSA II Examination t for Class IV to 2211012015 (Thursday) (Tentative) 01/12/2015 (Tuesday) 0211212015 (Wednesday) 0811212015 (Tuesday) to 1011212015 (Thursday) 22112120IS (Tuesday) 18/0112016 (Monday) 0410212016 (Thursday) to VIII 13. 14. Mock Test Common Pre-Board Examination (CPSE) School to 16. Announcement of Result of CPSE SA-III2"' Summative Assessment Term Examination 17. Armouncement of Annual Result 15. Vocational- 09/02/2016 (Tuesday) 19/02/2016 (Fricl8Y) to 24/03/2016 (Thursday) 31103/2016 (Thursday) Nodal Officer-Dy. Director (Vocational): I. On the job training of class XII for Vocational Student 2. On the job training of class XII for Vocational Student 15-05-2015 (Friday) to 30-06-2015 (Saturday) 01-01-2016 (Friday) to 15-01-2016 (Friday) SCIENCE ACTIVITIES- Nodal Officer Dy_ Director (Science): 0110112015 (Thursday) to (I) Submission of proposal of inspire on On-Line only 2015-16 31/12/2015 (Thursday) (ll) District Level Inspire Award Exhibition 2014-15 01107/2015 (Wednesday) to 11107/2015 (Saturday) 10105/2015 (Sunday) (llI)IInd stage NTSE (Conducted by NCERT) (IV)NTSEINMMS & JSTSE (i) Issuance of Application Form for (a) NTS Examination (I" Stage 10'" Std.) (b) NMMS Examination g!1l Std. 20d Week of July 2015 (c) JSTS Examination 9~ Std. 2"' Week of July 2015 (ii) Receipt of filled Application.forms> (a) NTS Examination (2015-16)(1" Stage 10'" Std.) (b) NMMS Examination &'" Std (2015-16) 2nd Week of July 2015 15/0712015 (Wednesday) 31/08/2015 (Monday) 15/0712015 (Wednesday) to to 31103/2015 (Monday) (c) JSTS Examination 9th Std. (2015-16) 15/07/2015 (Wednesday) to 3 I 1OR/20I 5 (Monday) (Yj lnspire Award Exhibition 2015 (State Level) Tentative-Last WeeK or July And 1st Week of Ausust, 2015 (V1)Eco Club:- Tree Plantation Drive:- 03/0&/2015 (Monday) to 14/08/2015 (Friday) (VII)Science Week in Schools 17/0S/20 15 (Monday) to Science based activities (VllI)Science Exhibiuon &. Science based acuvities (a) Zonal Level Exhibition 3110&12015(Monday) 0\/09/2015 (Tuesday) to 22109/2015 (Tuesday) (b) Science Centre Level Exhibition 23/09/20 15 (Wednesday) to (c) State Level Exhibition 30/09/2015 (Wednesday) Last Week of November 2015 (Tentative) (IX)Issuance of Admit Cards for (XI) Regional Level (North) Student Science Seminar 12110/20 15 (Monday) 30110/2015 (Friday) 12110/20 15 (Monday) 30110/2015 (Friday) J4112/2015 (Monday) 15/01/2016 (Friday) Date will be informed Organized by DST (XII) National Children Science Congress Organized by DST (a) NTS Examination (2015-16) (1st Stage 10'" Std) (b) NMMS Examination 8'" Std (2015-16) (e) JSTS Examination 9'" Std. (2015-16) (X) National Level Science Drama to to to later on (XlID Date of Examination for 15/1112015 (Sunday) (Tentative) 22111/2015 (Sunday) (Ternanve) 3110112016 (Sunday) NTS Examination (2015-16) (I" Stage 10'" Std.) NMMS Examination 8'" Std. (2015-16) (e) JSTS Examination 9'" Std. (2015-16) (XIV) National Science Day. (XV) Declaration of Result., (a) NTS Examination (2015-16) (1" Stage 10'" Std.) (b) NMMS Examination 8'" Std. (2015-16) (e) JSTS Examination 9" Std. (2015-16) (a) (b) ]'d week of December 20 15 01/02/2016(Monday) April 2016 31103/2016 (Thursday) POPULATION EDUCATION CELL, S. Activities , Scheduled No 1. Population Education Organizing the activities week III Delhi Govt. folk Dance, Role Schools Play, Story 14/07/2015 (Tuesday) 1810712015 (Saturday) ro 12/0~/20 15 (Wednesday) 14/03/2015 (friday) to writing, Poster with Slogan, Speech, Population Corner 2. Competition or Zonal Level Activities Folk Dance) Role Play, Story Writing, roster with Slogan, Speech, Population Corner 3. Competition of District Level Activities Role Play & Poster with Slogan 4 Competition of State Level Ad;v;t;es Folk Dance, Polk Dance, Role 2910g/20 15 (Satmday) 30/09/2010 (wednesday) Play & roster with Slogan 5. Competition Role Play of Regional Level Activities folk Dance. Date will be informed later on . ~_;_i 6. Sununer Athletic Meet . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ._" Competition of National Level Activities Folk Dance, Role Play & Poster with Slogan SPORTS ACTIVITIES - Nodal S No. Name of the Tournament I. 1st Inter School Open Cross Country Race 2. Pre Subroto Cup Football (Boys) only Tournament 3. _0" . . Omcer - Addl Director (Sports)' . 2015 - 2016' Venue Age Group Date 28·06·2015 (Sunday) Delhi University U·19 Yrs. (B&O) 14·07-2015 (Tuesday Chhatrasal Stadium, Model Town, Delhi U-17 Yrs. U·14 Yrs. Chhatrasal Stadium, Model Town, Delhi U·14,17,19 (B&O) onwards) 21·07-2015 (Tuesday) to 23·07·2015 (Thursday) lind Inter School Open Cross Country Race All India Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup Tournament: A. Wrestling (B&G). B. Basket Ball, (U-19 Yr., Girls). , C. Judo (U-14 & 17B &0). D. Badminton (U.19 B&O). Conferment ofRajiv Gandhi State Sports Awards Open Aquatic Ch~mpionship (Boys 26·07·2015 (Sunday) 21-08-2015 (Friday) to 23-08-2015 (Sunday) & Girls) 29·08-2015 (Sunday) 30-08-2015 (Monday) 29-08-2015 (Sunday) to 31·08-2015 (Tuesday) 3' Inter School Open Cross Country Race Delhi Stutc Women Sports Competitions [or Women (in 12 disciplines) Dale will be informed later on , To be informed later U·19 Yrs. (B&O) on Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Open as well as for Bawana; Thyagraj school students Stadium . 23-08-2015 (Sunday) To be decided later on 25·08-2015 (Tuesday) to Mangol Puri Swimming Pool U·9,JI.J4.J7,J9 yes. And Men & Women To be informed later on Chhatrasal Stadium U·19 yrs. (5&0) Up to 2St I Years Age 10. Conferment of Best Sports Teacher Award I\. 05-09-2015 (Saturday) U-14 (B&O). 2. Gymnastic U-12 & 14 (B&O). 3. Wrestling U-14 & 17 Boys. 4. Judo U-14 (B&O) 5. Athletic U-12,14 & 17 (B&O). 19 6. ChessU-17& For P.E.T Ludlow Castle Sports Complex Thyagraj Stadium Delhi Talent Search Toumarnent:\. Badminton Thyagraj Stadium In the month To be informed later, of Septem ber on & Chhatrasal Stadium Chhatrasal Stadium October Chhatrasal Stadium Chhatrasal Stadium (B&O). 12. 13. . 14. 1S. Pre Nehru, Hockey 01-09-2015 Ashok Nagar Sports (Boys & Oirls) Tournament (Tuesday Complex Inter School Aquatic Mangol Puri Championship (Boys & Girls) 15-09-2015 (Tuesday) to 18-09-2015 (Friday) 4( 1 Inter School Open 27-09-2015 To be informed later Cross Country Race (Sunday) on Block Wise Rural Venues will be Inter Block Rural 13-10-2015 (Tuesday) to 16-10-2015 (Friday) 28-10-2015 Sports (Boys & Girls) (Wednesday) onwards) Sports (In 5 Blocks in 10 disciplines) (Boys & Girls) 16. 17. 1S. Swimming Pool U-19 yrs (B&O) U-16 years communicated IlY concerned . block Cnhatrasal Stac i U In U-16 years To be informed -larer U-19 yrs. (Boys on Girlg) U-14yrs. U-19yrs. (Boys & Girls) Cross Country Race to 30-10-2015 (Friday) 25-10-2015 (Sunday) Zonal Sports other Zonal sports than Athletics should should be Exact date to be decided by respecli ve be completed before completed zones 30th September, 2015 before in 24 disciplines 30-09-2015 (Wednesday) 5tn Inter School Open U-IS & 17 yrs. (Boys) U-1S yrs. (Oirls) U-14yrs. U-17yrs. U-19 yrs. U-17 yrs. & ••• F I i, 19. Inter Zonal Athletic November 2nu Meet week, 2015 Sept. 2015 20. Short Trekking (Boys & Girls) 21. Long Trekking (Boys Chhtrasal Stadium V-14,17& 19yrs. (B&G) Rishikesh to Neelkanth Nov. 2015 Dalhousie To be informed later Country Race 29-11-2015 (Sunday) Participation of school Depends upon students in National the National School Games and School Games Organizing coaching dates & Girls) 22. 23. 24. Inter zonal Cross camps for National School Games Organization of National School 02-01-2016 (Saturday) to 08-01-2016 (Friday) 27-12-2015 (Sunday) Chhatrasal Stadium Last week of April 2015 To be informed Inter Refresher Course for In the month Physical Education of June 2015 To be informed later on In the month To be informed later of June 2015 on July 2015 In each district March 2016 In each district Distribution of sports In the month Thyegrej Stadium scholarship 10 the of March 2016 Games in Delhi 25. 6(HInter School Open Cross Country Race 26. on It is decided by the S.G.F.I Organizing of Officer's & PET's 27. To be informed later on on , 29. Mass PET Programme Yoga Refresher Camp for Teachers 30. Yfoga Training Camp [or students in each district 31. outstanding players 32. Yoga Competi tions for In the month Yoga Teachers and ofJuly 2015 Officers Organization of Games in Delhi Teachers 28. V-14yrs. V-17 )"S. U-19 )"S. National School meet of the Directorate of Education V-19 yrs. (B&G) Chhetrasal Stadium U-19 yrs. (B&O) - ••• 33. . 34. • • • Inter District Cultural Autumn Competitions Break/Last week of October 2015 IS! week of decided later on. Nov. 2015 decided later on. Teachers Inter District Cultural Competitions Students 'Various venues to be Various venues to be Each student will compulsorily participate in at least one sports activity at school level. Zonal Sports other than Athletics should be completed before ao'" September, 2015. Inter Zonal Athletic Meet will start from November 2nd week and zonal entry should be submitted in the ,St week of November, 2015. • Each school will participate in at least 2 sports activities in zonal sports competitions. Participation in more than 2 sports activities is desirable. • Each Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya will participate in at least 5 sports activities in zonal sports competitions. • Each school having swimming pool will make a schedule of swimming training of their school students from class IV onward. Each school, having yoga teacher, will compulsorily participate in zonal yoga competitions. • • Sports branch will organize coaching camps of 21 days from time 10 time for participation of Delhi school students in National School games to be held in different States, • Each school will celebrate their Annual Day and Sports Day. • The above mentioned dates i.n sports & physical activities calendar are tentative and may be changed according to need. For exact details, kindly check updated scheduled from lime 10 time which will be displayed on the website. www.edu.del.nic.in PHYSICAL EDUCA TT(')N ACTTVITIES- Nodal Officer- Addl.JJil·ootor (Ph, Ed". Spor"l'- S No. Name of the Activity Date Venue t. Participation to be held anniversary Gandhi Participation to be held anni versary 21-05-2015 (Thursday) Vir Bhoomi 27-05-2015 (Wednesday) Shanti Van 10-08-2015 (Monday) to 06-09-2015 (Sunday) At school level 2. Jawaharlal 3. of students in State Punction on the Occasion or death of Late Prime Minister Rajiv of students in State Function on the Occasion of death of Late Prime Minister Nehru Participation of school students in cultural events . ? 4. Participation of students ill National Function of Independence Day Celebration 15-08-2015 (Saturday) Red Fort 5. Participation of students in State Function of Independence Day Celebration Participation of students in State Function to be held on the Occasion of birth 15-08-2015 (Saturday) Chhatrasal 6. anniversary of Late Prime Minister Stadium 20-08-2015 (Thursday) Vir Bhoomi Rajiv Gandhi 7. Organization level zonal of cultural competitions 9. be completed by Inter of Zonal Cultural To be completed To be decided by each zone 30-09-20 I 5 (Wednesday) Organization 8. To by To be decided Competitions 20-10-2015 (Tuesday) by each district Participation of students in State function 31-10-2015 (Saturday) Shakti Sthal 06~11-2015 (Friday) 10-11-2015 (Tuesday) to be held on the Occasion of death anniversary of Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Organization competitions 10. II. district Inter of cultural Participation of students in State Function to be held on aumvcrsary of Jawaharlal Nehru 12. Celebration \3. of Occasion Late Prime the of be held Day) '. the in due course. 14-11-20l5 (Saturday) Shanti Van 14-11-2015 To be informed Minister Bal Diwas (Children's on To be informed birth Participation of students in State Function to to (Saturday) 19-11-2015 (Thursday) later on Shakti Sihal 26-01-2016 (Tuesday) Rajpath 25-01-2016 (Monday) Chhatrsal Occasion of birth anniversary of Lute Prime Minister Indira. Gandhi Participation 14. Function of of Republic In students National Day Celebration Participation of students in State Function 15. of Republic Day Celebrations Stadium Notc:• Zonal cultural competition should be completed by 30-09-2015. • Inter zonal cultural competitions should be completed by 21-1 0-2015. • Cash Prizes will be given to the winners of Inter district cultural competitions. • Each student will participate Group in at least one cultural activity amongst the following: items:- Folk dance, Folk song, Group patriotic songs, One act play, Qawwali, Band group competitions, Orchestra competitions. Individual items:- Vocal Classical music (own choice), lnstrurnental Music (Harmonium, Tabla. Guitar, Sitar, Dholak & Mridung), Light music (Gazal, Bhazan & Geet), Debate competitions, Extempore speech, Declamation, On the spot painting, Poetry, Slogan Writing competitions on current affairs. Essay writing, General Quiz. Each school will participate 111 at least one cultural activity (group item) at zonal Participation in more than. one activity is desirable. I level. E.V.G.C. Activities- Nodal Officer- Incharge (EVee Bureau): I. Study circle meeting ofEVGCs 21sl of the months (a) Group A (W-A,W-B,NW-A,NW-B,N,NE) July,Sept.,Nov.,& Jan (b)Group B (East,SE,South,SW-A,SW-B,C&ND) Aug.,Oct.,Dec.,&Feb., 2. Study habits improvement drive for class XII 06104120 15(Monday) to 13/0412015(Monday) 3. Personality Development Workshop: For classes IX & X 14/04/20 15 (Tuesday) to 08/05/20 IS(Friday) For classes XI & XII 07/07/20 15(Tuesday) to 14/07/2015(Tuesday) 4. Career Mela 01/08/20 I S(Saturday) to 16/09/2015(Wednesday) 5. Stress Management 16111/20 I S(Monday) \0 07112/2015(Monday) 27/01 12016(Wednesday) to 1010212016 (Wednesday) 6. Vocational Sensitization For classes VIII & X J i 7. Collection & Compilation of Informatiou related with EVGC Services 12/1 0/20 15(Monday) to 2411 0120 I S(Saturday) oee., 2015 & Jan., 2016 I' I WKLFARE BRANCH, Slate Award for Teachers Issue of' guidelines l st 'Week of July Submission of files by District DDBs to I-lQ Lust week. of July. Indira Award for incentive to the Best students, schools & teachers nd Issue of guidelines: 2 week of Sept. Submission of files by District DDEs to HQ 2nd week of October. 1-. •• . .., National Award to Teachers Issue of guidelines: month of October. Submission of files by District ODEs to HQ.Last week of November. General Quiz- Nodal Officer-Dy. Director CDistrictl:I. School Level 2. Zonal Level August 2015. 3. District Level November 2015 October 2015 Library Activities Nod111Officer-Dv. Director (District):~ 1. School Level 2. Zonal Level 3. District Level August 2015. October 2015 November 20 15 Mental Maths Quiz Competition- Nodal Officer- Regional Dil'ector (South)~.• Practice to Students from question bank. 01/04/20 15(Wednesday) to 17111/20IS(Tue,day) • School level Quiz Competition I Bill /2015(Wednesday) to 201l1/20IS(Friday) • Cluster level Quiz Competition 26/11120 15(Thursday) to 28/1 1/20 I5(Saturday) '" Zonal level Quiz Competition 09/12/20 15(Wednesday) to " I1/12120I5(Friday) '" District level Quiz Competition 20101/2016(Wednesday) lO 22/01/2016(F,;day) • Regional level Quiz Competition 27!O 1/20 16(Wednesday to 29/0 I/20 t G(Friday) >I< State level Quiz competition First week of February 2016 YOUTH PAR.LIAMENT , Youth Parliament Competition in Sr. Secondary Schools (Govt. I Aided! Private. Recognized) organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. July to December 2015 ..;;;.- ~ I • Branch Planning IS. Activity Time LinclLast Date No. t. Allocation 2. Distribution of budgets by Planning 20-04-2015 (Monday) Branch of funds to students a) Who are upgraded by schools in April in respect of 1). Subsidy for school uniform to the students 2). Lal Bahadur Shastri Scholarship to meritorious 10-07-2015 (Friday) 10-07-2015 (Friday) students of Economically 3). Welfare Backward Minorities 10-07-2015 (Friday) students Annual Function Within 30 days of Admission 31-12-2015 (Thursday) 31-12-2015 (Thursday) Publication 31-12-2015 (Thursday) b) Who are admitted 3. 4. 5. Out Station Tours of school Magazine Training Programme S. later on (SCERT). Subject District Month POT Physics PGT Sanskrit All All April No. r. 2. 4. PGT Political Science (All Teachers in East. NE. North, the Mentioned District) NW-A&B, wesr-» All PGT Chemistry 5. POT Geography All 6. POT Punjabi 7. 8. PGT Llrdu+Persian POT Biology All All All 9. POT Political Science (All Teachers in South. 3. the Mentioned District) 10. I!. 12. POT English (All SWSE. Wesl-B\ 2015 April 2015 April 2015 May 2015 May 2015 May 2015 May 2015 May2015 May 2015 A&B, Central.& ND Teachers in the East. NE. NW-A&B. Mentioned District) Wt;5t-A POT Economics (All Teachers tn the Mentioned District) PGT History (All Teachers in the Mentioned District) Past, NE, North, May2015 May 2015 NW-A East, Ncrth.NW -A&B1 West-A NE. May2015 , r ---- , 13. PGT Hindi Mentioned (All . Teachers III the District) East, NE, North,NW-A&B, May 2015 West-A 14. PGT Commerce (All Teachers Mentioned 15. 16. III the (All English Mentioned NE, May 2015 SW- May 2015 June 2015 North,NW-A&B, District) PGT Math's PGT East, Teachers in the West-A All South, SE, wesr-s, A&B, District) Central & ND 17. PGT Economics Mentioned 18. III the NW-B, SW-B West-A&B, June 2015 (All Teachers III the South, A&B, SE, SWWesl-A&B, June 2015 District) PGT Commerce Mentioned (All Teachers District) Central & ND 19. Mentioned 20. (All Teachers PGT Economics PGT III the District) History (All Teachers In the Mentioned District) South, SW-A, SE, Central & ND South, SE, SWA&B, West-B, June2015 June 2015 Central & ND 21. (All PGT Hindi Mentioned District) 22. TGT Sanskrit 23. TGT Sanskrit Teachers m the South, st, SW- June2015 West-B, A&B, Central & ND July 20[5 .NW-B , Wcst-A&B, SW-B South, BW-A, BE, July 2015 . Central & ND 24. fast, TGT Sanskrit NE, North, July 2015 NW-A 25. TGT Home Science All Augu" 20[5 26. Drawing Teacher All August 2015 27. Eco Club Teachers East, 28. Librarians 29. Yoga Teachers 30. 31. Lab Assistants Five Days Financial Management Service Rules for Vice Principals and NE. North, August 2015 NW-A&B, South, SE, SW-A&B, Central &ND All AI[ August 2015 August 20[5 AB All August 2015 September 2015 V '4 32. and Five Days Financial Management Service Rules for Principals Workshop for DOE/SCERT Officers in Management Leadership, and Administration (Out Side Delhi) 33. All September 2015 September 2015 (IEDSS-IESSA): I. Braille Day-4 January 2016(Monday): (a) Talks I discussion by experts (b) Role play (C) Skit (d) Slogan writing & poster competition (e) Speech on the life of Louise Braille (f) Case studies of famous Blind Persons (g) Talk on early detection and prevention of visual impairment and importance of balanced diet. 2. Inter national Day of dcaf-26 September 201S(Saturday). i. Screening of' Black' film to create awareness about problems and needs of deaf & dumb. 11. Talk by experts on early detection and prevention of hearing impairment (role of Iodine deficiency). Ill. t Slogan writing. tv. Case studies of famous deaf and dumb person. t 3. World White Cane Safety Day-15 October 2015(Thursdal'1 a. b. c. d. Discussion on success stories of blind persons Talk by experts on early detection and identification of ViS1l31 impairment. Poster compctili~n Essay writing. 4. Intcl'Duliun.-1 Day of r-crsons with Disauilities-3 December 2UlS(ThllrsdilY)~ • Prabhat Phel·ies ! I I I • Display of banners at school premises • • • foster competition Slosan writing Talks discussion by experts on early detection and prevention disabilities • Garnes and sports [or disabled children (to be extended • Interaction with parents to make them aware about various constitutional provisions available for disabled children • Screening of "Taare Zamin Par" 9S sports of various kinds of week) and legal " All DDEs (District) are requested to ensure proper implementation of the instructions mentioned in the Annual School Calendar 20 15-2016 by the schools functioning under their jurisdiction. kf-I" (Dr. (Mrs.) Sunita Kaushik) Addl. Director of Education (School) No.DE.23 (3)/Sch.Br.12006Nol.lI/ Copy forwarded for information 2. ~ 9 & necessary action to:- I. Secretary to Hon'ble L.G.Delhi. 2. PS to Hcn'ble Minister of Education, Delhi Govt. 3. PS to Hon'ble Speaker, Delhi Vidhan Sabha. 4. PS to Chief Secretary, Delhi. 5. PS to Secretary (Education) 6. Director (Education). 7. All Regional Directors. S. Addl.D.E.(Admn.lSchooIlC&TlEstate/Act.-lIAct-II). 9. JOE( Admn.lActJExamiFin.lUEE). 10. D.C.A., Directorate of Education. II. DOEs (All Branches), Directorate .ofEducation. 12. All DDEs.(Disll.) IJ. All ADE'IEO'ID!;'O,. 14. All Branch Officers, Directorate of Education .. 15. Secretary, UPSC/DSSSBICBSE. 16. Director, NCERT/SCERT. J 7. Director (Education), North Delhi M.e.D. 18. Director (Education), South Delhi MC.D. \9. Director (Education), East Delhi M.C.O. 20. Diredor( Education), N.D.M.C 21. Director (Education), Delhi cantonmenl Board. t 22. President, GSTA 23. In-charge Computer Cell to paste on website. 24. Guard file. ~s\ (Usha Rani) ADE (School)
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